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  1. RVD_86

    WWE reporting Rollins, Orton and Cena returning June!

    Ok I'll take my spanking like a man :finger:
  2. RVD_86

    WWE reporting Rollins, Orton and Cena returning June!

    Awfully distrusting on here lol
  3. RVD_86

    WWE reporting Rollins, Orton and Cena returning June!

    I did in the subject header.....WWE!
  4. RVD_86

    WWE reporting Rollins, Orton and Cena returning June!

    I can feel the excitement levels already. Not so much Cena, but certainly Orton and in particular Seth Rollins coming back will be huge. I can see Orton feuding with AJ Styles and Seth going straight for Reigns and being his own guy without "The Authority". They will leave HHH and Rollins for...
  5. RVD_86

    WWE reporting Rollins, Orton and Cena returning June!

    How good is this gonna be?!?!?!?
  6. RVD_86

    Rate Raw 05/09/16

    Decent show. The matches were good and worth watching. The promos were much better quality than what we've been used to in recent years. Was nice to see them experimenting with Big Cass who looks a decent talent on his own without Enzo. In terms of what it was lacking was the big storyline...
  7. RVD_86

    Adam Rose arrested

    He's as good as gone now. No loss to WWE though, he hadn't developed in the way they hoped. Maybe he would have at some stage in the future but we'll never know now...:damn:
  8. RVD_86

    WWE Cleans house. Release week 2016

    ahhhhh, Barrett. Another victim of bad booking
  9. RVD_86

    WWE Cleans house. Release week 2016

    Nice to agree on something :cesaro:
  10. RVD_86

    WWE Cleans house. Release week 2016

    That's true, but I still don't believe he was destined for greatness or any kind of decent run in the main roster. I think regardless of that he would've ended up in the same place he's found himself in now. There was nothing unique or interesting about him and average in ring ability.
  11. RVD_86

    WWE Cleans house. Release week 2016

    Exactly! his behaviour got him into trouble. ...but I don't agree that the fans were behind him. I believe they did cool on him and lost all interest after The Miz. Just my opinion.
  12. RVD_86

    European Title

    That's a stupid point you raise. I am obviously aware it isn't that way....I was talking about your WWE insight and on convincing people to se it your way which wouldn't happen. But you can say that with virtually any topic in wrestling
  13. RVD_86

    WWE Cleans house. Release week 2016

    Oh it happened alright, but it was a one hit wonder. Once that feud ended it lost any kind of interest from the fans and he was found out. He didn't have any kind of gimmick or interesting personality behind him. He was a bore imo and was rightly knocked out of the lime light. Not to mention...
  14. RVD_86

    European Title

    Like I said, I respect your opinion and accept not everybody agrees with it, but I think your last message just shows you have absolutely no understanding of what I am saying. When I say more titles the better, I mean a select few more with meaning like the Euro title, the cruiserweight title...
  15. RVD_86

    WWE Cleans house. Release week 2016

    I thought Hornswoggle was released a long time ago. Haven't seen or heard from him in a long time! None surprise me really. I think Alex Riley was lucky he held on for as long as he did. He was never going to make it in the WWE. He needs to go and re-invent himself on the independent circuit...
  16. RVD_86

    European Title

    Why would they not care? How does anyone know unless they experiment?!? Plus I don't think a lot of fans would agree with your perception of the IC and US titles with one being superior to the other. It's all a matter of opinion and I respect that. There are also wrestlers who aren't suited to...
  17. RVD_86

    European Title

    It would be another title for talent that is entry level main roster perhaps making the step up from NXT. I don't see it being a mid card title. I personally saw it before as lower than both IC and US titles. Those two titles aren't enough to give a lot of the crowded mid card roster and below a...
  18. RVD_86

    European Title

    No, it would be open for any wrestler the same way the U.S title is. Just a title to acknowledge European involvement and fan base would make sense imo. I think if they improved booking of titles they should bring back European and Cruiserweight titles. I would love that. I would prefer to see...
  19. RVD_86

    European Title

    I personally would love to see the return of this Title. It would make a lot more sense to have it back now as the WWE has much more of a standing and popularity in Europe ever since they started bringing more main stream shows to Europe in the last decade. In addition to this, the rise in...
  20. RVD_86

    The Roman Empire starting to break through?

    I just thought that minus the cheering which is obviously tampered with by the sounds of it that Reigns was getting some support when I was looking into the crowd and reading body language. There seemed to be quite a number supporting him but a lot dissing him at the same time. I don't know, I'm...