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  1. 05/10 RAW Discussion

    Two weeks in a row now that Edge and Orton have had the main event spot. Glad they're changing things up a bit and putting equal or more emphasis on that feud than Cena/Batista. I like it.
  2. Your Kidding Me!?!?

    Damn everyone is so quick to start bitching and complaining..
  3. DX on Commentary

    DX on commentary I though was great! I don't think they were over the line for breaking kayfabe or whatever bc frankly that's all DX has left, given the PG restrictions. The "Oh vintage Big Show into the corner ohhh myyyy!!!" was hilarious!!! Good stuff!!!
  4. Montreal Screwjob II

    I loved it! I was a little upset when Taker made Punk tap out, simply bc the match seemed like it ended way to early, but Teddy Long coming out and basically screwing Taker was a great cliffhanger. I don't know where they're going with this but I'm on my toes so that's a good thing.

    Wooowww they must have been REALLY pissed with that interview he did
  6. TNA sent GANG to invade Summerslam

    That brawd in the middle looks like shes trying out for a black metal band more than trying to look like the Stinger
  7. How should WWE handle Edge's return?

    E&C vs. Jerishow would be great. It may be wishful thinking though, but who knows maybe it'll happen.
  8. How should WWE handle Edge's return?

    This may be the obvious of directions but who cares.. Start off with the HHH-like return promos and have them air for about a month or so.. This in turn will give Jericho more than enough time to refresh everyone's memories and cut several promos, citing Edge as a loser, a hypocrite, a...
  9. TNA sent GANG to invade Summerslam

    The TNAtion: 5 members strong!!! Take that Vinny Mac!!!
  10. Tekken, Jackie Chan and Batista fans unite

    Jackie Chan... Future Guest Host of Raw??? Oh god think of the possibilities!

    Is anyone else surprised at the way the CM Punk/Jeff Hardy storyline is panning out so far with Jeff Hardys past drug suspensions and refusal to enter rehab playing a significant role in the feud? Everybody is quick to complain about the WWE being rated PG and it being targeted towards kids...
  12. Zack Ryder

    I hated Zack Ryder at first but with time ive come around to liking this guy. Hes over the top annoying, which is the point not to mention the dude plays the egocentric Long Island D-bag perfectly. C'mon his finisher is called the "Zack Attack!" For gods sakes how obnoxious is that!?! The guys...
  13. Swagger/MVP

    Yeah that VIP segment on RAW made both Swagger and MVP look like a million bucks. Swagger came off as the smug pretentious heel he is and MVP's promo playing up his past finally gave the fans a real reason to get behind him as opposed to just coming out and saying "Ballin" every single week. I...
  14. TNA attempts shot at WWE (shakes head)

    So rather than get a full refund of $50-$100, fans can get a $10 discount by bringing in their unused WWE tickets to see Cute Kip take on Shark boy in a 6 sides of steel, shark fin on a pole, pin your opponent, then escape from the cage match. Damn its so tempting...
  15. The Legacy Pledge...

    During a scuffle "always" leave Cody Rhodes alone in the ring to get the brunt of the beating from the maineventer I love this thread
  16. Hart trilogy

    That was a great way to introduce the Next Generation Hart Foundation or whatever they decide to call them. The Hart Attack was a nice touch and they drew alot of heat from the crowd. No complaints here. i cant wait to see where this goes.
  17. Okay, enough.

    I dont know I think Legacy is great. I dont really see it as repetitive because thats how a heel stable should work. A guy like Batista "should" have to work his way to the Champion prior to the ppv so that way when they actually meet up it doesnt seem like they've faced each other a million...
  18. Santino, and Santina?

    I still think its funny but Id rather have Santino every week instead of Santina. i think its weird that Santino is now a face though as hes been ripping on the heels quite a bit lately getting some cheap pops in the process. I wonder if he'll actually get to wrestle when he drops this Santina...
  19. MIZ:3 CENA:0

    yeah that "Because Im Awesome" line made me crack up so hard too but in a good way because it was so great and he came off like such a douchebag. Miz drew some good heat tonight but I think hes done with Cena for now. I could be wrong but i think hes going to start fueding with someone else now...
  20. Zack Ryder

    Ha yeah I guess it is working. I watched the match and im not cutting him down because I do think hed make a good midcarder and he seems to be on to something but damn very seldom am I annoyed by a wrestler or somebody in the company... I dont even find Vicky Guerrero all that annoying.. just...