John McHenry
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  • Yeah I'd be interested, gonna bring in my old character this time though.
    Pete may go, but I have no intentions of quitting unless the consensus is I
    BDCLIVES@GMAIL.COM I AM ON! LOL...not sure what the prob is...I've lost your MSN.
    We'll see what happens, gonna shut it down if any of the guys on creative quit. Just run with UWF.
    Ok, in cleaning my inbox...I lost your MSN tag. I know I added you. Didn't you get a notice? Send me the tag again and I will figure this out this weekend
    Ok, will try and get connected with you today...not sure what's going on with MSN...I talk to Pete all day on it
    Each of us write the play-by-play in our own segments. So I write the commentary for my segments, BDC for his, so forth.
    Damn, Chet never got back to me about merging the database into WS. Hopefully a few of the guys come back and post here. Seak used to post here and was really good and it would be great if we can get BVD.
    Wheh you close out Vbookies instead of deleting the threads just move them to the settled events section.
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