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  • If I get some time later on today, then I'll do them. If not, I'll get them to you by Thursday for sure.
    Stolen from SOMETHING to SOMETHING! thats what I meant. I know you do I knoooooow. You never know though! You neveeeer know
    Hahah yeah it does seem that way! But honestly, I wanna see how BFG and KOTR turn out and then maybe I could be stolen away. Its hard to say though!
    Oh it is very tempting, VERY tempting.. but for now I think I'll stay with my answer :3 Nothing against you, I just want to see how things play out on that side before I do anything else, you know?
    Going to catch a train now man. Back on Thursday if you need anything from me. Good luck with the show
    The whole discrimination/fight from the top of the show in impact? Yup yup.
    Well that's a reason for me NOT to hurt you, and it's a good one, so you're in the clear.
    Defo, I think battle for 4th and a cup would be an excellent return on our spending and start to the season.

    And cool man, hopefully I'll be able to get some stuff down before I go. I'm back Thursday anyway, afternoon our time, so worst comes to worst I'll hit you up then as well to get this thing doneee
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