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  • heh... third character will not be Rock. he has more movies to do... but who knows when he may show up via satellite :p
    I'll get that up tonight.

    Also going to join up soon as I have some free time.
    Is it another show like the 3 you have or is it a new one?

    Also get some GFX wise to make a fancy Icon like we have for the other brands and I'll set it up when I get home later.
    I don't know that much about tv stations in the US butI do know that in the early days TNA were on Fox Sports Net. Fox have recently revamped their cable channels in the US and brought in UFC to help build them. Why not move TNA to Fox Sports 1 or Fox Sports 2 in the US? They would almost be going full circle, not sure how large those channels are compared to Spike though.

    I haven't read any BTB stuff for a few days and it looks like there are a few shows up for me to read. Looking forward to reading them tonight.
    Just watched an interview from Remender, Steve McNiven will be taking over art for Uncanny Avengers around issue 14 or 15, and that shortly after he will be racking up the body count. Asides from that he really didn't have much to say too much, but I wouldn't be surprised if he got the reigns for the "death of Wolverine" story Marvel has been talking about at the last 2 retreats.
    i see there be New 52 talk on your wall my friend. Don't even get me started... LOL
    You just know that they are going to come up with something really weird.

    With your BTB, I don't think you really need to follow what happens in real life take it whatever direction you feel is best for your shows.
    Shit dude, I read that you finished X-Force, didn't mean to do that.

    Remender pays attention to the details almost as much as Morrison, his Circle of Four storyline in Venom(with Red Hulk, X-23, and the new female Ghost Rider) was a play on the New Fantastic Four(Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk, & Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider), Dark Angel Saga ties in with nearly every Apocalypse story, mainly AoA. He also tends to go for the throat and kill characters off to end stories, to end his Venom run he killed Flash Thompson's father, Secret Avengers killed off an entire race, and he even killed Frank Castle to do a Fankencastle storyline. Its just he tries to tie in with more current, or more popular references that are picked up easier than having to be an uber geek and know every little aspect of a characters 50+ year history.

    Sadly most girls who cosplay Harley or Ivy shouldn't be wearing clothing that skimpy, nor skin tight. Now the Asians who cosplay Psylocke on the other hand.
    For a guy who gets called "morrison-esque" Remender really knows how to tell a great story, and finish it off at some high points. Sure he killed Daken, but what are the chances that one of the healing factor characters stays dead. It also helped set up the 4 Horsemen of Death as Sentry(killed by Thor), Grim Reaper(killed by Rogue), Banshee(killed by Havoc's brother Vulcan), and Daken(killed by Wolverine) all have a close relation with the Uncanny Avengers team. Even the split in Fantomex is being used in the new Uncanny X-Force run.

    Outside of the 5 Batman titles, I have only been grabbing Suicide Squad recently from DC. Its not a great well written book, but it is a fun read, and I am interested to see what happens following Villains Month, as both Deadshot & Harley are lined up for Forever Evil.
    Honestly, with all the death since the New52 reboot, I am left with a bad taste in my mouth that they ended it all by killing Talia. I think Morrison should have done the right thing and produce a solid finale that other writers could easily work with.
    Need to bowl England out today for a chance to win the game. At least we are putting up a fight this time, can't make it too easy for England ;)
    Just added my thoughts then to the thread, forgot to post them last night.

    Ashes are going along okay, wish Australia could get another couple of wickets though.
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