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Ricky Smarks
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  • it's very possible. would take a good amount of voting, maybe even a vote script for a week to prop us up a thousand or so posts :lol:

    really though, It won't happen immediately but i would wager we very well could if we signed up on the one they're on..
    the forum world is capitalistic. there is no beating anyone else, only winning and losing. If one wins, we all win. I do however strongly believe we can make the internet forum world better as a whole with our involvement.
    it gives them a more personalized look.. rather than just a rectangle >,> it roks soks and you know it! And the borders makin it's lose it's cool :'( WAAAAAAAAA lol

    posts are building up... I'm gonna look around today at topsites.. there are a lot of them, and i want to take my time.. some will send us more spammer bs than others. I'll get back to you with a list of those i deem suitable for Pulse. ;)
    Said this in the sbox, don't know if you saw it or not.

    There's a stroke 1px around the avatars.. it should really be gotten rid of or made the same color as the miniprofile behind it. It doesn't seem to fit the avatars right, especially if you do something like the rounded corner on mine, which is probably what i would do with stock avis.. that and i just don't think it looks good from a designers standpoint.

    What do you think of that? I can change the pulse line on each of them to match their color too.. Just admin happened to be black and black looked like too much black. Lol.

    One reason they don't look as "cool" as at the other place is that theres nothing underneath them. The little pannel to tie all of the mini profile together really helps make Ranks look better.. Lemme know what you think of it though.
    do you know how to make those links? I'm guessing it uses html... If you do you should link them to their respective pages, so that people can click on them and BOOM they're there.
    one thing i did think i should say is i would only put either recent posts or recent threads.. both is nice, but a little redundant, when a lot of new threads are made.
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