One last piece of advice you seem to be so weirdly bothered that @Jake Awesome is the member of the year...
I don`t care about him, why should I. Stop making up stories which I cannot reply on, because you threadbanned and sectionbanned me in advance.

You guys talked about this yourself, do defend his lame offtopic liners. I made a joke about it, that is all. Since then you bring that up again and again. Yes know, lack of humor is your main problem. You take everything I say 100% serious and overthink it. Seriously, what is wrong with you? From what I read so far, you are kinda paranoid here and there and being pissed over nothing.

I hope for more kisses for you in the future. All the best!
Please stop embarrassing yourself.
Move on and post somewhere on the forum that has nothing to do with this.