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Professor Booty
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  • Damn, that sucks. Don't worry about the Bockhomo, its not going to last, he's only using Brunzell by pretending to be into him, kind of like Eve and Zack Ryder.
    Thanks sir, glad you liked the show. I thought someone would point out the insanity of the Bockwinkle homo stuff! :lol:
    That's for sure, you're STABLE CRAZY! Once I get through the pool and crown a champ I think I'll be able to break down a lot of guys into stables as well.
    Rock's big enough imo, I think putting Pope over is the way to go. I can't wait to see the Lethal/Macho confrontation. :lol:
    You guys don't know how hard is is for me to keep my composure in there. He's getting close to hitting my boiling point.
    That's what I was thinking too, kind of creating an evil hardcore league where our most badass people (like your BAMF guys) take on mine. And I think I may have just calmed him down with my country club comment but you're right, Brandon might let loose if he keeps up the Scott Hall hate.
    I only want your top guys going against mine, that's the way it should be. No banning, he's a dink, but he's our dink. I admit I ripped into him a little more harshly than normal this weekend but its more because I just found out a good friend of mine is terminal and I was in a shitty mood.
    Whenever you're ready I'm game. The idea of cross-promotional stuff would definitely put us over the top, not that we aren't already. The potential matchups from our two rosters are insane.
    At this point I'd part with almost anyone but him, he's who I want to build my whole fed around. I still think it would be cool to try and do a joint show at some point, especially given the talent we both have.
    Yeah, I am priming him for an eventual heel turn to help put Bigelow over, so Hart being in his ear makes a lot of sense. I couldn't see him aligning with Fuji since the two would never be able to understand each other! :lol:
    No better than the Midnight's to start with, and now I'm starting to think of some other clients he could use as well. This is going to be awesome.
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