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  • If you're finally calming down on the kid, I can't fly off the handle. I'm fine. Scott Hall is a touchy subject with Jake and I.
    probably lead to some matches...then have MCMG and Morgan help him out and parlay Morgan into the title matches while still making lethal look good....oh yeah DIG IT
    could be epic

    Pope v Rock is my next program...still not sure if I am gonna have pope retain but I am leaning towards it

    also Jay Lethal makes his debut soon...I wonder how Macho is gonna feel about Black Machismo?
    i dont mean my top guys I mean by baddest...your fed is a bruiser I cant have MCMG going against Hanson and Brody...haha

    and he never learns I so wanna ban him...but if he keeps ripping on Scott Hall Brandon might do it for me
    thing is I have two full rosters myself now...haha....only my biggest and baddest will make it to our crossover show

    ps I am banning Viper tonite
    mr catfish does....and yeah I am adding Orndorff as soon as Viper is done with him in a month so it will be an amazing stable
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