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  • I know you need a break and I know you must hate looking at e-fed stuff sometimes (did I ever tell you how great you were? <3 ) anyway is there any chance, for a future 2nd char when I get mine, I can put someone on a reserve type thing? Just in case haha I'll PM if you if that's poss. Cheers.
    Kk, excellent work... Raw is looking much stronger now and also, me and SBS are working out more guys from Smackdown who we feel should be looked at Second Char privileges, we owe you a few :D
    Sent me the Raw Card I'll post it for you. I don't want you doing anything today bro you hear me. You need a day off.
    hey brah tested something out with our Roster, tell me what you think, kept the original thing in a spoiler below jic to put it back to normal.
    I haven't received it yet, so nayyy.

    Once I've finished RVD/Bats... I'll start putting the show together... Have you got the main event smackdown match fully coded?
    If you want to get the PPV up like in a few hours... I can get it done tonight, half way done kinda.

    It's gonna be a good exciting opener.

    Only thing missing is a final promo.
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