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  • Hey Cwalk did you assign Macabre to SD because I got a promo from him.
    anything in particular you want from mvp? ps who did the 2nd mvp bit? I loved it
    dude eor, sbs, and I need you to get a skype bud cause we need to have group staff convos.
    You don't need a webcam to skype. Its just the only messenger service i can use. And just some stuff about upkeep, tag titles, etc. etc. lol
    I've decided you need to get Skype so we can talk. There are a million and ten things we must discuss that is impossible to do via PM. lol
    just out of curiosity, is there a rule on who can pick up second guys, or can anyone? Cause I'd like to pick up James Storm on SmackDown if that's cool
    Sorry for that post in our match thread. My friend posted some shit when I was away.
    I know idk why everyone plays a heel I always loved playing the face. I always play face when I have the choice.
    I did man, enjoyed it a lot. Looks like a last minute decision is gonna translate to a new UWF Champion ;)
    Hopefully no longer than 2 weeks. We're gonna get the computer looked at. I'm on a temporary one right now. But I only have it until like mid July.
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