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  • Hmm, I am trying to be as active as possible but there aren't many responses. I'm surprised because it's usually fun to discuss TV shows.
    Hey, can you get a gif of Daniels dancing around 13:08 of this video: KushTube.info - An associate of Telly-Tv!! Best quality I can find right now, so just gif it when you download and watch Impact yourself.
    Hey dude. I set up an Instagram account for our page. If you know how to use Twitter good, you could set up an account there to help bring more viewers by sharing our photos and a link to the fb page in the profile or just write it as a comment or something. I don't know if twitter works the same way as instagram with hashtagging, but I've been tagging the fuck out of these photos and it's getting pretty good results so far. Only been at it for like 20 minutes so far and I brought in 10 more likes on the fb page
    Those work thanks but if u think u can make better ones then go for it. Gave you credits even if they don't have a whole lot of use.
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