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Chris Dresdon
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  • Great! Looking forward to it. And sorry about no promo this week. I completley forgot about it because of the two TT's I did and I've been working on another DDL episode.
    no problemo, was about to get to making the Umaga/Jericho roster pics when I noticed the preview so thought I'd fix it up there and then.
    nah it's fine dude, it'll be up soonish, just been absolutely swamped with shit to do irl
    Just to let you know I'm writing up a preview right now, made us a new banner too
    Yeah sure, no problem, you handling the World title match I take it?
    I've had a tough run since Survivor Series...but I don't think he's done...
    thank you...just came to me naturally..not sure it will get me anywhere with Smackdown, but we will see. Until that TT, I was convinced Jarrett was done. I was going to injure him and suggest Mankind go to Smackdown...lol. Not sure now.
    I remember that! I was in it and came 3rd with Big Daddy V. Just double checked my records and we're both right.
    It's my 2nd Rumble. My first was with Jack Swagger in UCW in 2011. EoR won it with Raven, Banks came 2nd with JBL, then I was 3rd.
    I better not come 3rd again haha.
    Yeah that's fair enough. Either way, I just hope the best person wins. I've seen a few in the past where somebody who didn't put in anywhere near the amount of effort got the win and everyone was just like "What the fuck?"
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