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Chris Dresdon
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  • Yeah I'm half tempted to do the last two PPV matches myself and put it up. I don't want to see this bad boy die. And any preference on what backstage photos?
    Sorry bro had an emergency to deal with on the homefront. Was going to post the preview for you and then saw you did it.
    I wrote both matches according to yours and Sams requirements. Hope you enjoy them man.
    Heh I've been there dude and believe me I know it isn't fun. Give you credit man. I've got the next two weeks off for spring break so you need help now is the time to ask :p, but yeah if you could keep me in your prayers i would appreciate it greatly. I'll take all the support I can get hahah.
    It's very rewarding yet challenging. Mixed in with a wonderful woman by my side who I hope to marry someday and things in my life are looking up. I'll keep u and your families in my prayers bro. And on a side note u ever need help with writing let me know.
    The life of a wannabe pastor is always full of interesting things. School work, churches, trying to find a job, all that grown up stuff. But I wouldn't change it for anything in the world. Glad to hear all is well with you. I hope it just gets better for you from here.
    not at the moment, after recovering from my surgery I just got back into work for the first time in months so I've been trying to readjust back which is why I haven't even gotten another tt up yet. Did you need a match or something?
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