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  • I'm not no-selling broski ♥ I just left my FB on and went outside to play some soccer with my friends.
    I'll try to TT as much as I can. Got a pretty busy week though. Also trying a new Ryder against you. I'm gonna try to tweak his character to give him an edge.
    Yo. Just got home. Been gone the last two and a half days. I'm good to go now. Expect one today.
    Thank you for the promo sir.

    You'll love our match, zero rest holds... 6/7 pages of Batista & Joe kicking each other's asses.
    Still got time to put one in now Andrew tbh.

    Even a Small Backstage interview will be better than nothing.
    Basically yeah. Just find any picture that you'd like and edit it graphically (colors/gradients/lighting/cd4/etc).
    I live on the west coast. I get to see TNA three hours after everyone else. So I can't post for any discussions.
    Added you to the opener. I can't edit the title of the battle thread so it still appears as a singles, but you're in the match!
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