
You call this match of the year? Did you see the ammount of chinlocks. I LMAO at Cena's STFU it was soo fake Orton was shaking his head lol. The ending was the biggest load of crap I had ever seen. Your telling me that Orton hits the RKO. Right he pinned a few seconds later but after all that punishment Cena still kicks out. Then After that Orton turns into the F-U and that is a hoist on the shoulders and a drop on your back for the 3 count. So this implies that the F-U is stronger than the RKO. Now this is why fans are getting sick of Cena. The RKO is meant to be the next pedigree or tombstone something big not the F-U
I'd hate to break it to you but the FU has been built up to be better than any of those finishers.