OOC The Out Of Character Thread

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First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
Either way... See y'all after I escape from my prison of a job tomorrow!
Bodyguard... stripper... prison guard... there is only one that combines them all.....

Welsh is a pornstar confirmed :p


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score

*Jack Rogue's music hits again and the arena explodes with boos and jeers louder than before, as the audience had hoped to hear from Rogue's newly reconciled rival and former employer, Andersen Vega. Once more, Jack emerges microphone and championship in hands*

Jack: Cut... the fucking MUSIC! When will you fucking learn, numbskull?!

*Rogue makes as if to walk back through the curtain but as his music cuts abruptly, he shakes his head, turns around and storms down to the ring*

Jack: You lot can shut your fat mouths again, I'm almost as annoyed to have to be called out here twice, as you are to see me... don't see me getting the treatment of the guy I made irrelevant at WrestleDynasty, huh?

*Jack rolls into the ring under the bottom rope and drapes his championship over his shoulder before continuing*

Jack: Except, this time, I have some semblance of a reason to be proud of this accolade. Andersen Vega and I went to war twice. He beat me and won my contract because I was chained up like a dog by my scruples and hesitation to do what I had to, he put me through the emotional torture that helped me see what I had to do... and then two weeks ago, after shrugging off the chains and setting this beast free, I destroyed him and regained the freedom I had already got from within myself. And yet... I stand before you the Intercontinental Champion, but he is somehow the Undisputed Champion! Except he's not, because I dispute his reign. Oh sure, he won two matches at WrestleDynasty and beat a total of six other men to claim that title, but none of them, not even all of them combined have a damn thing on me! I'm your Intercontinental Champion and I will be for as long as I damn well please, because no-one in Precision knows what they're dealing with in me, the measures I will use to maintain my sovereignty.

Jack: If I feel like it, I'll beat Andersen Vega again for the Undisputed Title, and the reason he's not out here to collect that trophy is because he knows I could beat him again any time I liked. So much for your Monarchy, Blake, because I rule this shit now. You can send me the money from that trophy too, because I still don't want it. But my rivalry with Andersen Vega was symbolic of my rise to championship glory and dominance of this company... Rivalry of the Year is goddamn right. Blake, if I win anything else, just give me a lovely big clap like it's the primary school assembly awards this sham is, and then send me the extra trophy money. I'll see you all next year - when I will exercise my dominance and become the greatest Intercontinental Champion... of all time.

*Rogue throws down his microphone and exits the ring. He stops to shout at a fan a few rows back from the barricade, before walking up the ramp*
Badabang. Keep it moving along, @TheFrostyBlur. And the thing about not calling me out again is legit, I'm gonna run out of things to say.


The Game
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score

*Buster Gates music hits. He walks out onto the stage wearing a full white suit to a surprising applaud. He looks back at the curtain and none other than Reginald hobbles out behind him, walking with crutches. Reginald receives an even louder reaction from the audience. Buster walks up to the podium and looks at his awards and picks them up, waving them around.*
Buster Gates: Wow... Promo of the year and Superstar of the year... And all it took was Reginald almost dying. Reg, you should have done that months ago!
*Buster chuckles.*
Buster Gates: Well, as you all know... I came up short at Wrestle Dynasty. Once again I was pinned by the only person who has been able to beat me this entire year, Robert Blake...
*Buster coldly looks over to Ryan, who smirks.*
Buster Gates: I was the Undisputed Champion for the first half of this year basically, up until Robert beat me... It took me some time to recover from that, I was depressed, I had nothing to fight for. I was finished. Then the crash happened... Reginald's life was almost taken away, and that gave me something to fight for.
*The audience begin to cheer.*
Buster Gates: You people began to spur me on, hype me up. I wanted that title back and you guys helped me get into that chamber...
*A "Reginald!" chant begins.*
Buster Gates: But where the FUCK did that get me!?
*The audience goes quiet.*
Buster Gates: I was good. I was soooo GOOD! I played my part PERFECTLY! You actually believed I had some emotions! Surely you should know by now that I don't give the smallest of shits about anything or anyone. For WEEKS I had you eating out the palm of my hand with this crash story. And that's exactly what it was, just a story... Reginald isn't really hurt!
*Reginald throws his crutches to the side and bows.*
Buster Gates: It was a set! There was makeup, it was acting! You didn't see me splashing water into my eyes before the camera started rolling! You didn't see me practising lines or picking out my wardrobe. Damn it, do you know how expensive that was?! Super expensive! I wanted another shot at that title and the only way I could do it was to have some fan support. I fought my ass off and played you all like a fiddle. Hell, Reginald isn't even my dad! Come on now, really?! This guy? He looks nothing like me! I'm one sexy beast. He isn't even close, no offence.
*Reginald nods understandably.*
Buster Gates: I wanted that title shot and I got it. Robert "small dick" Blake beat me again and I got fucked over! I don't need these shitty trophies! They don't replace MY Undisputed Championship. They mean nothing! So fuck you Robert Blake, and you too Ryan you prissy bitch! I'm going to get my title back soon enough. Come on Reg, we're leaving...
*Boos fill the arena as Buster walks away from the podium. He barges past Ryan as he heads backstage with Reginald following as usual close behind.*

That's the Buster Gates I know and love


First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score

*Buster Gates music hits. He walks out onto the stage wearing a full white suit to a surprising applaud. He looks back at the curtain and none other than Reginald hobbles out behind him, walking with crutches. Reginald receives an even louder reaction from the audience. Buster walks up to the podium and looks at his awards and picks them up, waving them around.*
Buster Gates: Wow... Promo of the year and Superstar of the year... And all it took was Reginald almost dying. Reg, you should have done that months ago!
*Buster chuckles.*
Buster Gates: Well, as you all know... I came up short at Wrestle Dynasty. Once again I was pinned by the only person who has been able to beat me this entire year, Robert Blake...
*Buster coldly looks over to Ryan, who smirks.*
Buster Gates: I was the Undisputed Champion for the first half of this year basically, up until Robert beat me... It took me some time to recover from that, I was depressed, I had nothing to fight for. I was finished. Then the crash happened... Reginald's life was almost taken away, and that gave me something to fight for.
*The audience begin to cheer.*
Buster Gates: You people began to spur me on, hype me up. I wanted that title back and you guys helped me get into that chamber...
*A "Reginald!" chant begins.*
Buster Gates: But where the FUCK did that get me!?
*The audience goes quiet.*
Buster Gates: I was good. I was soooo GOOD! I played my part PERFECTLY! You actually believed I had some emotions! Surely you should know by now that I don't give the smallest of shits about anything or anyone. For WEEKS I had you eating out the palm of my hand with this crash story. And that's exactly what it was, just a story... Reginald isn't really hurt!
*Reginald throws his crutches to the side and bows.*
Buster Gates: It was a set! There was makeup, it was acting! You didn't see me splashing water into my eyes before the camera started rolling! You didn't see me practising lines or picking out my wardrobe. Damn it, do you know how expensive that was?! Super expensive! I wanted another shot at that title and the only way I could do it was to have some fan support. I fought my ass off and played you all like a fiddle. Hell, Reginald isn't even my dad! Come on now, really?! This guy? He looks nothing like me! I'm one sexy beast. He isn't even close, no offence.
*Reginald nods understandably.*
Buster Gates: I wanted that title shot and I got it. Robert "small dick" Blake beat me again and I got fucked over! I don't need these shitty trophies! They don't replace MY Undisputed Championship. They mean nothing! So fuck you Robert Blake, and you too Ryan you prissy bitch! I'm going to get my title back soon enough. Come on Reg, we're leaving...
*Boos fill the arena as Buster walks away from the podium. He barges past Ryan as he heads backstage with Reginald following as usual close behind.*

BASTARD! Had us all on strings. Well played.

Although js, we kinda desperately need babyfaces and face buster would've been something new... But i suppose that's a story for another time.