... Fine, just fuck the rules. People can spam as much as they want. They can taunt a million times in a row. They can pin off of anything they want. They can use subs anytime they want. They can run out of the ring and hide for 5 minutes, but you already do that anyway so never mind,

. All rules out of the window, and I guarentee you that withing a month the only people that will partake in this league are spammers, stallers, noobs and just cheap ass players because anyone who actually makes a habit of playing the game fairly will just end up leaving. If you want competitive, a league with no rules is as competitive as it gets.
Now that I've gotten that stupid comment about the competitiveness of the league out of the way, if the submission system in 2k17 is revamped to a system like that of UFC 2 then I'd be perfectly fine with it since IMO, that's a pretty damn good system but if it's the same shit as this year or from any other WWE game then I don't think it should be a thing.