"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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what indy promotions do you like bessides ROH?

Well i just recently got into ROH, so i wouldnt say im huge in any others. I try to follow FIP, PWG, and Dragon Gate a bit. Noah a bit. Its tough to follow all of them.

I dont follow CZW, or any of the NWA's. Or Mid south.

I was more into indy's in the 90's. Back when there was Smokey Mountain Wrestling, USWA (memphis) ECW before it was big. And a few other smaller promotions.


do you know of 3PW i'm asking because i brought 2 dvds

I've heard of it, never seen a whole show or anything like that. It's more of a hardcore organization right? Some of the indy's go overboard with hardcore, and it turns me off a bit.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
What is your favorite year of Wrestling since you've been watching?

Will the WWE ever have an era more successful then the Attitude Era?

The Rock to TNA...could it happen?


Who would you preffer out of these three as ECW Champion. In order and explain why.

Elijah Burke
CM Punk
Con Vor

Each three are completely different despite all being at the same stage in their career. Each just needs to take the next step. CM Punk is over no matter if he has the belt on his shoulder or not, so lets keep that in mind. For the best entertainment value, i think the wwe should utilize Marcus Corvon better. He's got the size, mic skills, in ring ability, and really just his lack of experience is holding him back. He would be my pick right now, because i feel they should have a solid heel champ.

Elijah Burke is a good candidate, but does not size that corvon has. Corvon would matchup better against SD and Raw guys. I perfer Corvon's attitude opoosed to Burkes swagger on the mic. In ring ability, i'd probably give the nod to corvon as well. He's a hard hitting big man, that can pull off some impressive moves, and his good in chemistry.

At last, CM Punk. The most deserving out of the 3, but as i mentioned earlier, he doesnt need the belt to be over. I think eventually he will be crowded champ, but thye should hold it off a little bit. Mainly because they have a experienced Beniot who can really put hte younger guys over just like he did MVP. Who i consider a top 3 guy on SD now.

But if i had to pick one, i'd go corvon because he has the biggest upside, and it fits the best.

What is your favorite year of Wrestling since you've been watching?

Thats really tough to say. I really got into wrestling when i first started watching mid 92 to mid 93 was pretty awesome to me. Even though looking back it was average. 97 and 98 were pretty hot years bc of the 3 brand wars. after 98 WCW was fading and the wwe was pickign up steam. I really enjoyed 2006 too. I thought they did a pretty good job that year, especially after lackluster 2003-2005. Several things i liked about 06 was WM 22, ECW's revival, TNA stepping up, ROH doing the damn thing, Edge emerging, and everything coming together.

My fav 92-93
The Best 97-98
Honorable Mention 2006

Will the WWE ever have an era more successful then the Attitude Era?

They said before the attitude era the wwe would never be greater than the golden era. So never say never. I thnk with a new set of fans, it makes things completely different. It may take some time before the wwe ever reaches those stages again.

I think the wwe will change a few years from now, it will grow farther and farther from a wrestling program. Allowing a actual wrestling company like ROH to garner attention of all casual fans. So wrestling fans will be treated to the two different styles, with the wwe being more commercialized and popular, but with ROH putting on what the IWC wants to see.

If i was a betting man, Ill say they will be close, and it will be argue'd. But there will never be a clear cut winner. Some still say the golden era was better.

The Rock to TNA...could it happen?

No way. What are they gonig to pay the Rock with? ROck will be back with the wwe before that ever happens.


Feb 8, 2007
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The 'Nati
What do you think the Main Event fued will be in 2007, and will it be a legendery fued?

And if im allowed, ill ask another:

Do you think CM Punk is a future WWE Champion, and if so when?


Do You Think Benoit Moving To Ecw Was A Bad Move

No, I think it was a good move. Beniot isnt going to get a major push on Raw or SD, despite being one of the best in ring workers. Now he's helping out the younger guys, getting them over and putting on some good matches.

Personally i tend to enjoy ECW, more than raw or SD. I cant really put my finger on it, although it seems like theres the most room for growth, and like anyone can be pushed at anytime. A lot of fresh faces too in ECW. At Beniot's stage in his career, im sure he is enjoying his new role.

Do you think Edge-HHH at Summerslam is likely to happen?

No. Not really. Edge went to SD, so he wouldnt have to deal with HHH's bs politics. Edge has gotten screwed over his past 2 title reigns, and hopefully now is the time he recieves a nice long reign. I think he deserves it. I would like to see the HHH - Edge matchup, although not really at this summerslam. I wouldnt mind Edge vs HHH at Wrestlemania. To me, that would be a blockbuster main event. I think we will see at SummerSlam HHH vs Orton for the wwe championship, Cena vs Snitsky, Booker vs Lashley, Edge vs Matt Hardy. Beniot vs Burke Also a Rey Mysterio return match. Although, it might just be Orton vs Cena for the wwe championship at SS.

What do you think the Main Event fued will be in 2007, and will it be a legendery fued?

Hmmm I think Cena vs HBK we be remember as one of the top fueds. I think the Vince angle will be the biggest storyline, and probably building up to the biggest fued of the year. Could be something like HHH vs Orton with Cena in the mix. I think both of these fueds will be considered legendary. Im sure the 3rd and final match between Cena and HBK will be another classic. So i'd consider both of these legendary.

And if im allowed, ill ask another:
Yes sir.

Do you think CM Punk is a future WWE Champion, and if so when?

Ahhh wwe champ, thats the tricky part. I think he will get a ECW title reign this year or early next year at the latest. As far as the WWE championship i think it will probably be in 2009-2010 if he sticks around the wwe long enough. Im a big fan of CM Punk, and he is really trying to fit in (and he does) but the wwe has the realize his potential. I think they do, but they need to take his ability and run with it.

I really hope what happened to Carlito does not happen to Punk. Because Carlito was ripe for greatness, but he was too inexperineced. So they let him sit at Mid card, and was stuck there, and he got F'd over. I dotn think it will happen to punk, but there is a chance he could be screwed over.


what do you think finlay should get as in a push rise on SD... like what title would you prefer this "push"?


what do you think finlay should get as in a push rise on SD... like what title would you prefer this "push"?

Hmm. That would assume i think finlay should go for a title. When finlay first came back to wrestling, i was completely against it, and i really thought he would flop much like tatanka, animal, goldust, and other names that returned. But Finaly has really impressed me. Finlays biggest problem is really his age. If he was younger, he would def. be competting for the world championship, but i believe hes pushing 50 which really limits his options.

With that being said, i dont think he should be given the world title. I wouldnt mind a mini Finlay vs Edge fued. But nothing to go over a month. The US title and the Tag Team championship should be right up finlays alley. I think he would be best suited for the tag team gold, the only problem is that he needs a younger guy to work with. Nigel Mcguiness would be a perfect fit, but thats not going to happen anytime soon. A angle with Harry Smith debuting and those two fueding and becoming partners would be cool.

Finlay is really what i consider a Utility wrestler. He can be used for any and everything. He's a vetern, and one of the most respected wrestlers today. He can really fued with anyone on hte SD roster. If MVP wasnt champ, i think Finlay would be a good choice as champ. Guys like Mysterio, Hardy,Flair and Kane would challenge. Hornswoggle has also been very entertaining. Im glad the boogie/finlay fued is over and hopefully finlay can get into a real fued.

To restate, I think it would be best to team with a younger guy. They would have to check out OVW and see whats coming up. Even a team of Finlay and Hardcore Holly would be impressive. SD only really has 2 tag teams, so they need a solid tag team i think Finlay should fufill that role.

If not as a tag team, The US title scene would be a good spot for him too.


Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
The 'Nati
Who do you think the next big name to sign with TNA is? Do you think he will make an impact (no pun intented) with the show? or will he be another Sting, Christian, Kurt, who were big names but havent made the impact (no pun again) expected?

And, again a second, if u consider that^^^ whole thing one question:

When do you think the next big WWE era of greatness (ex: attitude era) will happen, if ever. Who are the big stars of the era going to be?

Great One

-How long do you think it will be until RoH becomes a serious competitor (for WWE/TNA) in the business and marketing world.

-Could Vengeance be the start of the long, overdue era of Randy Orton?

-How does your Summerslam card look (this question can wait until after Vengeance is over if you'd like)?