"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Who do you look to lead the company for years to come, like 3 people that'll become household names excluding Cena.

Im assuming all champs are out, so no edge or Orton. But here's my picks:

Mr. Kenndy If he can stay injury free for a large period of time, he will be great in the wwe.

CM Punk I think he's over enough with causual and smarks to become a huge player. Perhaps if booked right, he could lead the new wave into a updated attitude era

Lashley Son of a bitch. He cant act, so i dont see him going hollywood, he doesnt play football, and he's a pretty young guy. This is my safe bet pick.

Close calls: Colt Cabana (yes) Nitro, Carlito, MVP....the doghouse has killed the wwe as of late, so these guys have what it takes. Dont forget about the hardys too. Wasnt sure because they aint exactly young anymore.

We are still going to see HHH, Cena, Edge, mixed in with these guys.

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri
Who do think are the three best wrestlers on each show for WWE? (3 for each brand, so 9 total) excluding Flair, HHH, and HBK


Who do think are the three best wrestlers on each show for WWE? (3 for each brand, so 9 total) excluding Flair, HHH, and HBK

NOt sure what you mean by best wrestlers. You mean highest status? or best mat wrestling. Either way heres my top 3 for each brand, as if i was going to make a triple threat match.


Cena, Kennedy, Orton


Edge MVP Mysterio ( m. hardy was a real close call)


Punk, Beniot, Corvon (no brianer)

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri
1. Who do you think will win the ECW World Title first Benoit, Cor Von, Burke, or Punk?
2. Who do you think is more likely to win the WHC at this point in time Kane, Matt Hardy, Masters, or Mysterio? (I know Rey has already won it, but still)
3. Who do you want to win the WHC?
4. Who do you think is more likely to win the WWE Title first Orton, Kennedy, Lashley, or Booker?
5. Who do you think should next win the WWE Title?
6. Who do you think will next win the TNA World Title?


1. Who do you think will win the ECW World Title first Benoit, Cor Von, Burke, or Punk?

Probably Beniot, although i wouldnt be surprised if any of them win it. Id say each of them have at least 20% chance of winning. I'd like to see them did it to corvon, as a heel champ.

2. Who do you think is more likely to win the WHC at this point in time Kane, Matt Hardy, Masters, or Mysterio? (I know Rey has already won it, but still)

I think mysterio. Kane and masters are longgg shots. Matt Hardy certainly could get it, but i think he's a year or two out. Assuming he maintaines his momentum. I think the Hardys boys in a year or so, will be considered "those guys who never got the world belts, But deserve them" and eventually win them.

3. Who do you want to win the WHC?

I like edge. I guess if he had to drop it, i also like MVP on SD.

4. Who do you think is more likely to win the WWE Title first Orton, Kennedy, Lashley, or Booker?

This is a tough one. Ill say Mr. Kennedy, even though ill probably be wrong. Its almost a lock if he says healthy he will win the belt by or at 24.

5. Who do you think should next win the WWE Title?

Kinda the same, i think Cena should hold til 24, and drop it to Kennedy.

6. Who do you think will next win the TNA World Title?

Dont really care, but ill say Joe. I guess thats who's everyones rooting for right? I guess theres talk of Jarrett being the 5th man and winning. Personally im rooting for AJ. TNA has screwed him, and i think they are setting up for a big face turn against christian. (cage and angle = yawn)

Who's better at submissions?Benoit?Punk?Angle?

Out of those 3 its Beniot i think, although Angle is really close, but he's fallen off since goin to tna. To me the real best submission wrestler is bryan danielson from ROH. He does ALL the submission, and new ones we havent seen the in the states yet.



Do u think Teddy Long is a bad GM?

Ehhh, i wouldnt say he is bad, but the wwe definetly needs a change. He's basically a old school gm or commissioner/president or whatever you want to call it. So Teddy was fine for the first year, and everything since then has been stale. Certainly there are better candidates now too. (Vickie not being one of them)

on a side note, about 9 months back, i thought SD should go with a storyline where Teddy lOng would screw over the other SD guys in order to help Bobby Lashley, thus turning Lashley and Long as heels. Long would be his mouthpeice. I thought they could have really run with that.


Did the draft help ECW?

They got the better wrestler, and someone that isnt a superman, BUT i dont think it will improve the TV Show. Ill explain as easily as i can. With Lashley you had a super star who had his own fueds. At that time there was also the New Breed vs Originals with CM Punk in the middle. I dont think ECW will continue with storylines like that, over the next 6 months, with Beniot and Punk as top faces. NOW, the in ring product with greatly be improved, but over all i dont see it being better. THey basically traded RVD + Lashley + Snitsky for Beniot. Boogieman doesnt matter. SO really they got the short end of the stick.

I think ECW did improve on its title matches. I think now ECW title match will be a match of the night almost every time.

I also tihnk ECW needs to pick up something they can use in the supplemental draft today.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
We all saw that the final opponent in the KOTM was Chris Harris, if you could choose anybody, any wrestler in the world, contracted or not who would you have to fill that final spot?
Feb 9, 2007
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What do you think the wwe should do with Masters on Smackdown ever since the Masterlock was broken he has just been on a losing role, what should the wwe do with Chris Masters on Smackdown?


We all saw that the final opponent in the KOTM was Chris Harris, if you could choose anybody, any wrestler in the world, contracted or not who would you have to fill that final spot?

Oh man, so many possibilities. After thinking about this, i think the one man who would make the best impact ever would be The wwe champ John Cena. The Internet would explode if he showed up in TNA.

I think RVD, Jericho, Brock, Danielson, Nigel, Hero and strong would have been good choices too.

What do you think the wwe should do with Masters on Smackdown ever since the Masterlock was broken he has just been on a losing role, what should the wwe do with Chris Masters on Smackdown?

Yea, i was already thinking about this because Masters losing to marella like 3 times was just plain bad booking. From my understanding Dusty Rhodes and Ecw have been outraged as to how he is being booked and begged for him to go to ECW, to be one of their top heels.

First week on SD i would have Masters beat the hell out of Dave Taylor (so he can be released) Next week, he would take out Shannon Moore (he would still come back though) Lastly he would take out Eugene. Then i'd probably put him in a angle with Finlay to where Finlay says he hits like a girl, ILL show you how its done. The two battle, and fued but remain oddly together despite bashing their brains in. And perhaps Masters and Finlay even win the tag belts. Also finlay may not be the best pick, but then again their roster is pretty weak.

Its not the best idea, but i think it would slowly get him his credibility back. I would hate if they rushed him back into the US title picture, after his stint with raw. (not to mention, they already have a heel champ)

Edge also stated he wanted to form a faction, I think Chris Masters would be an Obvisious choice for this group. Im guessing they would add a tag team as well (take your pick, there is only 2) Masters in a faction would certainly help.