CWF - Staff Trash #10 (Merging Issue)

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Jun 3, 2010
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Match victories need to be decided by a third party. Seeing as I probably won't even stay as Hardy (because I ain't got the time atm) I will do it.

Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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"Cult of Personality" blasts out from the PA System as CM Punk comes out from behind the curtain.



The crowd immediately starts boo-ing at the sound of Matt Hardy's theme music. As it hits, he emerges from the back and starts walking down the ramp.


Tonight's Matt Fact states “Matt's Favorite Band is Pearl Jam”. Matt is all full of energy tonight as he climbs into the ring. He throws up a big V1 hand sign much to the crowd's disdain.



Matt goes after Punk and bring him to the mat, raining down on him with punches. He gets up and begins delivering kicks to his side and back as well as stomps to his body. The fans in attendance boo as the "Voice of the Voiceless" is pummeled. Punk climbed to his knees as he absorbed the punishment and managed to get to a vertical base. He grabbed Matt around the waist and delivered a belly-to-belly suplex, ending the attack as he exited the ring. Punk flipped up the ring apron and grabbed a kendo stick, to cheers from the crowd as he re-entered by sliding in under the bottom rope. Punk grasps it with both hands like it's a baseball bat and hits the mat a few times, waiting anxiously as Matt climbs to his feet. He swings and connects hard with his stomach, then swings downward catching him in the back of the head, neck, as well as upper spine.

Shannon Moore suddenly entered the ring as Punk swatted him across one side of the face with the kendo stick, then across the other side of the face before swinging downward and bringing him down in the same fashion as Matt. Matt sat up and Punk swung at him but the "Sensei of Mattitude" caught it as he got to his feet, staring down Punk. Punk pulled the stick from Matt's grasp and swung it downward at him but Hardy punched right through it, hooking his arm around him and planting him with a Side Effect!

Michael Cole: Matt Hardy proving to be too cunning for Raven's assault with that weapon!

Booker T: Cunning? That's downright brute strength, dog!

Matt climbs to his feet, looking at CM Punk with evil intentions as he slides out of the ring and flips up the ring apron, looking for a weapon of his own. He finds a barbwire bat and grabs it, looking at it with sinister delight as he enters the ring. Punk is getting up as Matt charged across the ring and hit him right in the face with the bat, taking him to the mat. Punk is lying there bloodied as Matt covers him.




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Jun 3, 2010
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Woah, Woah, Woah....

I do not tolerate things going out public with outbursts. I told Hoov to take cover of the match, I didn't give him the result but I was hoping he'd make Emperor of Royalty win seeing I've dropped Air Boom. It was clear if I'm dropping a tag team then the opponent wins automatically, if I had of kept Air Boom. Ellis's tag would have still won.

This will be fixed all in staff, I apologize to those who felt hurt by the decisions made. I'll be discussing with staff members about this matter.


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Monday 5th September
'The War Is On' - Episode 2

Live From,
Mohegan Casino, Montville, CT.

'This week on WAR, we bring you the WAR Roulette!'



A brand new theme song is played 'Nonpoint - There's Going To Be A War' is playing throughout the PA System. The crowd is red hot as we go to ringside as we see Booker T with Michael Cole and Josh Mathews.


Booker T: Dawg, I cannot wait for tonight. We gots ourselves a roulette goin'!

Michael Cole: It's going to be an exciting night that's for sure, we don't know the stips and the Steel Cage is hanging just in case.

Booker T: Tensions are risin' boy as we get ready for Invasion, let's get on wit' the show!

The Crowd POPS as the music hits and and Kurt Angle appears, rising from below the stage draped in the American Flag


Angle looks all business as he makes his way down to the ring. He poses on the ring posts before calling a mic to address the crowd.


Well that's a hell of welcome!!! For those of you that have been living under a rock for the past decade, I'm Kurt Angle....the best damn wrestler in the business today and I'm ready to make my mark here in the CWF

Crowd POPS big, and chants of Angle break out across the arena

I appreciate the love, it's obvious the fans of the CWF know when there in the presence of greatness. But let's get one thing straight, I'm not here to be the people's champ, or a fan favorite...I'm here to win titles and show every single person on this roster why there nowhere near my level. So basically what I'm saying is I don't need your applause, cause I could care less what the guys in the back think of me, and I certainly don't give two s***s what a bunch of out of shape out of work fans think about me.

Crowd quickly turns on Angle and the cheers he got earlier are near doubled with boos and heckles.

That's more like it. Didn't want you guys to start warming up to me on the first night. Anyways enough about you and more about me. I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone on the CWF roster. You want to get in the ring with a Olympic here, a wrestling champion, let's make it happen I'm here to make my prescience known, and the Angle era starts tonight.

Angle drops the mic, leaves the ring, and makes his way up the ramp to the back

Booker T: Man, this be interestin' Kurt Angle has arrived in CWF!

The scene opens on Eddie standing in a pitch black room.


Eddie Guerrero: Well whaddya know, Jeff, kharma has knocked your skinny ass down again it seems. You see, I told you before that your fate was out of your hands, which would by default place it in mine. That was before the Roulette Wheel was spun ese', now it's a certainty. Now I have complete control of the situation, and I can mold the battlefield in any way that I please. Well, my decision is this, Jeff. The fate I have chosen for you will be an ironic one, because it is a scenario that you've been known to shine. Our match will be a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match holmes.

The crowd cheers for this as Eddie wears an evil smirk on his face.

Eddie Guerrero: That's the exact reaction I expected from your creatures of the night, Jeff, and you're probably cheering in your dressing room along with them. Why? Because you think there's no way you can be beaten in your own element, vato, and that's what will make this all the sweeter for me. Tonight, there indeed will be no more words Jeff, because your droves of followers will be too choked on their tears to speak, and you'll be too broken. You marquee yourself as the Charismatic Enigma, well this evening I humble you, and make you the Charismatic Catalyst.

Eddie walks offscreen as WAR heads elsewhere.
Booker T: Now we got mah homie Tazz comin' out!


Tazz comes out as he makes his way up the steel steps as he enters the ring, he has a microphone in his hand.

Tazz: Now Ladies & Gentlemen, I managed to catch Honor on Thursday and I gotta admit CWF is rising better than ever. Things are about to change around 'ere and that's a DAMN guarantee. Ya see Morrison and Sheamus just before the commercial break got into a bit of a brawl and it made me think, with Morrison's new attitude and Sheamus becoming a fan favorite so quickly... I'm scrapping the Primetime Championship.

The crowd delivers a massive WHAT? Chant.

Tazz: Instead, I'm replacin' it to something better. Something that gives WAR a true meaning... The days of Extreme Championship Wrestling will be brought back right here on CWF Monday Night WAR. I'm talkin' about a Hardcore Championship!

The crowd pops huge for this, knowing War is finally becoming a Warzone.

Tazz: This right here, we're not calling it 'the ring'... We're calling it 'The Warzone' because it's where WAR takes place. You people wanted violence, we're goin' to give you exactly what you wanted!

Tazz then leaves the ring.

Booker T: Dawg, someone's gon' get hurt bad 'ere!

Michael Cole: I'm lookin' forward to this Hardcore Championship, it will be interesting that's for sure. Already no matches yet a big announcement!



The crowd immediately starts boo-ing as Eddie Guerrero, member of R.E.M.E.D.Y. makes his way down to the ring. He is taunting the crowd the entire way down the ramp.

Booker T: Yo, dogg, I got mad respect for Eddie Guerrero, but I don't see why he's aligned himself with R-Truth and Jesse Ventura.

Cole: Isn't it obvious? I mean, together they are a forced to be reckoned with in the CWF.

Mathews: Yes, but can Eddie get it done in this match alone?



The crowd comes alive as “The Charismatic Enigma” Jeff Hardy emerges from the back. Jeff has a ladder in his possession as he makes his way down the ramp.

Mathews: Making his CWF debut in fantastic styles. As per the wishes of Eddie Guerrero, this match is a TLC match.

Cole: Eddie has to have something up his sleeve. He just has to.

Booker T: Well, he does Lie, Cheat, and Steal so who knows, man.

As Jeff reaches the ring, he tosses the ladder inside. He climbs onto the apron just to have Eddie dropkick his knees out from under him. Jeff hits his head on the apron and falls to the mat.

Mathews: What a cheap shot by Guerrero!

Eddie climbs out of the ring and grabs a nearby chair. He rears back to nail Hardy with it but Hardy kicks Eddie in the midsection. Eddie drops the chair and bends over. Jeff grabs the chair and hits Eddie across the back. Eddie falls to the mat in pain. Jeff finds a table nearby and sets it up. He grabs Eddie and puts him on the table. Jeff then sets up a ladder inside of the ring and scales it.

Booker T: Oh my God, man! He must be about 20-25 feet up.

Mathews: Good lord!

Jeff goes to hit a Swanton Bomb onto Eddie but Eddie rolls off before Jeff can hit it. Jeff climbs down and hits a somersault plancha to Eddie but Eddie dodges it and Jeff hits the mat. Eddie grabs Jeff and hits a big suplex to him on the outside. Eddie has enough and signals for something. All of a sudden, R-Truth and Jesse Ventura make their way down to ringside.

Booker T: Now, what the hell are they doing out here?!

Cole: Obviously to cheer on their comrade, Booker.

Eddie picks Jeff up and throws him onto the table. Truth and Ventura hold Jeff down so he can't move. Then, Eddie scales the ladder in the ring and hits a big frog splash to Jeff through the table.

Mathews: GOOD GOD!


Eddie then collapses onto Jeff as the referee makes the count.






Truth and Ventura peel Eddie off the carnage and help him to the back as we fade into our next segment.


WAR is creating a buzz for the fans here as usual, as we cut to the titantron coming to life with the theme song of a familiar man.


"Break the Walls Down" blasts through the PA as another image reaches the eyes of the fans in Chris Jericho strolling his way from the back, with a scowl across his face, clearly feeling the effects of an FU onto the steel steps. He walks up those very same steps and into the ring, the set of the "Highlight Reel" behind him as he sits on one of the stools, and picks up the microphone from him.


Jericho: It may not be something you hypocrites are used to, but...welcome. Welcome to the Highlight Reel. A show where I demonstrate exactly what has happened within the last week, no smoke and mirrors, no lies, I'm an honest man who last week, was FU'd onto steel steps so John Cena could steal a countout victory from me, and then to make matters a worse, a certain drunkard of a man, one man who happens to be my guest tonight, one Stone Cold Steve Austin, decided to take matters into his own hands, and assault me after my match, it was unprovoked and unnecessary and he's lucky I don't sue. Frankly, I thi-


The crowd comes alive as “The Texas Rattlesnake” Stone Cold Steve Austin emerges from the back. He walks down the ramp with a scowl of his own on his face. He reaches the ring, stomps up the ringsteps, and enters the ring. He scales each turnbuckle and greets his fans.


He grabs a microphone from one of the chairs and addresses Chris Jericho.

Stone Cold: Listen here, ya' silly bastard, next word out of your damn mouth better be somethin' philosophical because I'm gonna brand that on your ass with my boot. But, I suppose I'll answer the question everybody's been askin': Why the hell did Stone Cold Steve Austin whip your sorry ass after your match with John Cena? Well, to get straight to the point, ya' piss me off. What? I said ya' piss me off. Ya' come out here and run ya' little mouth off about how all these people are hypocirtes and parasites and how you're “The Best In The World At What You Do”. If by “Best In The World At What You Do” you mean get your ass whipped in the middle of this ring I'd say you're pretty spot on, son, but the fact that you say you can beat just about anybody in this ring.....that includes me and there ain't no way in hell you're gonna beat my ass!

The crowd cheers loudly and starts chanting “AUSTIN! AUSTIN! AUSTIN! AUSTIN!” Jericho does not seem amused as he starts in.


Chris Jericho: Frankly, Austin, I'm not surprised I'd make you angry. You're upset that finally, someone's revealing the truth. That finally, someone's showing that you're not all you seem to be. You're no role model, you're no example. You're far from the man that should be facing the world champion. I beat The Rock, and then I beat you, in the same night. If there's one man who knows about getting beaten, Austin, it's you. You only proved my point last week, you claim to be a straight talking, beer drinking, bionic redneck, but all I see is a man who's too scared to actually say something to my face. If I'M the one who's so good at getting defeated, Austin, why don't you prove it?

A smile creeps on Austin's face as he pulls out a clipboard from his back pocket. He looks over at Jericho, lifts his microphone back up, and speaks again.


Stone Cold: The only truth you're revealin' right now is just how big of a jackass you really are!

The crowd pops loud at Austin's rebuttal. Jericho still has a scowl over his face.

Stone Cold: Ya' sit there and bring up the past so how 'bout I give the devil his due. Ya' pinned The Rock and then ya' pinned me in the same night, I'll give ya' that, but there's a big ass difference between pinnin' and beatin' and Jericho, your sorry ass ain't never beat me. But, hey, I'll give you an opportunity to prove me wrong. Hell, I ain't even gonna ask ya', you're gettin' it because I just came from Tazz's office and he made a match official for me at CWF Invasion. Ya' see, I'm sick of ya' flappin' ya' damn gums off around here. At Invasion, one-on-one, it's gonna be Chris Jericho versus Stone Cold Steve Austin! AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE 'CAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!

Jericho wipes his chin and lifts his microphone back up. A smirk comes across his face.


Chris Jericho: Well, Steve, that sounds-

All of a sudden, Jericho cracks Austin over the head with the microphone. Austin falls to the mat. Jericho then keeps hammering away with the microphone until blood trickles from his forehead. Jericho then starts delivering right hand after right hand until tiring himself. He stands up and looks down at what he has caused. A close-up of Austin bleeding and shirt ripped off of him is shown.


Jericho smiles as he walks up the ramp. The crowd is boo-ing him right out of the arena. We then go to commercial.






Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship and lets out a sly grin..


They hop down, Finlay stops and looks around at the big crowd, before walking over and grabbing the mic.

FINLAY: I’m going to keep this short and sharp for two reasons. Reason number one, I don’t have a match tonight and I don’t really want to be here. Did you know they actually refuse to pay you if you don’t do something every week. What a bad rule. Anyway, reason number two, I actually don’t have a whole heap to say. I know big shocker there, tell me about it. You see, last week I came out and had a match just after retaining my title at Starrcade in a brutal match for the ages. Just like a month ago, I had a brutal match against the Rock where I won the title, and then was expected to compete the very next night again. Both matches, I lost cleanly through nobody’s fault but my own. No excuses out of me at all, I was defeated by men who were better on there respective nights.

Mixed reaction from the crowd due to Finlay’s sincerity.

Yes they were indeed better on the night, but now that I think of it, why were they better on the night? Am I maybe losing my touch? Am I becoming over confident, and expecting to win every match without putting in an effort? Perhaps, the pressure of being the champion is getting to me? I could be losing my nerve? Or maybe, just maybe, there is a conspiracy amongst managers here on War? I think I am going to stick with the last one. and the reason, for that is because I have proof. One month ago after beating the Rock I was forced to compete with Christian the night after winning the title. Christian on the other was coming fresh off a match with Randy Orton that was over within minutes. CONSPIRACY!!! Last week, one night after retaining my title I was forced to compete with Stone Cold Steve Austin who was coming fresh off no match at Starrcade at all. CONSPIRACY!!! Managers, and those are higher up in this business are pitting me in matches the night after brutal clashes against 100 per cent fresh men in order to create a complex. That complex is that of a perception that I am beatable. They are making others think that hey, if this guy can do it, then maybe they can as well. Why else would you make your champion compete week after week, and against blokes who are clearly fresher, with no battle scars whatsoever. Now I don’t mind competing every week, really I don’t, but really, the night after a pay per view, you cannot expect me to give a performance anything like the night before. It is impossible. I am a 57 year old man, and despite being fit for my age, I need days between matches where I am able to regain composure, and recover. It is simply unfair, and a conspiracy that needs to stop because I am sick of people thinking they are better than me because they beat me the night after I have put my body through hell. What big heroes you both are, picking on a man when he’s down. No wonder you are never going to amount to anything successful in this business, you’re both as weak as water.

Crowd boos its disapproval, and Finlay simply ignores them and continues.

Now I said I was going to keep this short, and that’s what I plan on doing. At Starrcade, a man earned the right to face me at Invasion. That man being the self proclaimed, Rated R Superstar, Edge. This I have no problem with, he is a man that had an opportunity, and by defeating Batista, he has earned his spot, just like I did a few months ago. The only thing that pains me about the whole thing is that he needed a woman by his side to help him get the job done. Now I know a woman is essential to get certain jobs done for a man, but really, in a match where the winner gets a shot at the biggest prize in this business, surely they simply do not have a place. CWF doesn’t have a women’s division for a reason, and that’s because this isn’t about entertaining the crowds, it’s about professional wrestling at its best, and women have no place. Now some of you might say, “but Finlay, you have Hornswoggle by your side each and every match, why shouldn’t Edge have someone with him.” To that I simply say, look at the size of Hornswoggle. Anybody who thinks Hornswoggle is threat needs to take a long hard look at themselves and re-evaluate whether they are a man or not. He barely comes up to my waist and weighs less than a child and yet people blame him for losing matches to me? Yeah right, get a life people. Lita is a former women’s champion has proven in the past that she can compete with men, and thus that makes her a threat to me if she is at ringside. I think Tazz needs to do the right thing and fire her immediately if he wishes for this company to remain a pure wrestling business and not a laughing stock entertainment company.

More boo from the crowd and Finlay sucks chants are beginning.

And speaking of entertaining, I think I have done enough to earn my pay cheque for one day, I’ll see the rest of you fools next week.

Finlay drops his mic and leaves the ring to the boos of the crowd and Hornswoggle follows him out of the arena.


The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.


Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off looking at Morrison.

The bell sounds as Edge and Morrison lock up in the middle of the ring. Morrison instantly kicks Edge in the guts before doing an arm-drag. Morrison goes for an arm-bar but Edge quickly gets up and clotheslines Morrison. Edge grabs Morrison as Edge Irish-Whips Morrison to the ropes as Morrison springs back as Edge ducks, Morrison jumps over him as Morrison turns around and hits a Pele kick. Morrison slides out of the ring as he looks for a chair, Morrison slides back into the ring as the referee stops Morrison from using the chair. Edge is waiting for the right moment as Morrison turns around as he is speared. Edge quickly rolls Morrison over and locks in the sharpshooter. Morrison taps out

Winner by Submission, Edge!

The referee rings the bell as Edge slides out of the ring looking around Morrison as Morrison looks extremely pissed off. Morrison slides out of the ring and looks at Lita, Morrison goes to punch Lita but Lita blocks the punch and slaps Morrison before Edge aids Lita as they escape. Morrison grabs a chair as he looks extremely angry, he slides into the ring as he looks at the referee. Morrison chair-shots the referee as he motions he's after the belt.

Booker T: What the hell man? John used to be chill, now he's just an idiot!

Morrison leaves the ring after it... Once he's left the titantron comes alive.

All of a sudden, the screen cuts to nothing but static.


Then, after a brief period of static, this logo pops onto the screen.


It then fades into a close-up of Matt Hardy Version 1's eyes.


Matt Hardy: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to the first ever edition of Mattitude Television, or MTV if you will. My name is Matt Hardy Version 1. And right now, I'd like to address a few things. First things first, I heard through the grapevine that my brother Jeff has officially signed a contract to compete here in CWF. Oh, what's that? Oh my. It's come to my attention that he's already been suspended for 30 days due to a drug test failure. Well, who didn't see that coming? I mean, after all, it is Jeff we're talking about here. But, enough about my no good brother. How about we discuss more important issues, as in when Matt Hardy Version 1 and my MF'er Shannon Moore will receive an opportunity at the CWF Tag Team Championships. One day it will come, I assure you. Management cannot ignore us forever, especially if we continue to raise awareness around here about the importance of embracing your Mattributes and accepting Mattitude into your life.

The camera pans back a bit as we get an entire shot of Matt's face. He seems to have a real intense look on his face.


Matt Hardy: And will all realize what an opportunity at significant life change you have all been given just by being graced with my presence. Shannon has realized it. It all starts with him but let me reiterate something: More will follow.........and then more.......and soon not only the entire CWF locker room, not only the CWF viewing audience, not only the United States, but the entire world will eat, sleep, and breath Mattitude. Take care, be well, and until then......

The camera again cuts to static.




The crowd boos as Wade Barrett and William Regal start making their way down to the ring. Cole stands up and starts clapping.

Booker T: Man, Cole, what the hell are you doing?

Cole: Showing my respects!

As Barrett and Regal reach the ring...



The crowd comes alive as Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne make their way to the ring. They slap hands with the fans at ringside as Barrett and Regal look on absolutely disgusted.

Mathews: This team is a fan favorite, that's for sure!

Then, as both teams line up across the ring from each other, the special guest referee makes his way out to ringside.


The crowd is ecstatic to hear this theme as “Rowdy” Roddy Piper emerges from the back as a fireball of energy as always.


Booker T: My main man “Rowdy” Roddy Piper in the house tonight, dogg!

Mathews: A true legend of our sport, no doubt.

Piper comes down to the ring and enters it and immediately rings the bell. Barrett and Kofi start it out as both men lock up. Barrett knees Kofi in the midsection and throws him into the corner. Barrett starts hammering away on Kofi and Piper counts to 4 and then pushes him off of Kofi. Barrett doesn't like it and starts arguing with Piper. As he does, it gives Kofi time to recuperate and hit Barrett with a big dropkick. Kofi goes for the cover.




Cole: That was a close one!

Mathews: Barrett kicking out at 2.

Kofi lifts Barrett back up and starts pounding him into the corner near Regal. As Kofi hammers away on Barrett, Regal blind tags and enters the ring. He chop block's Kofi's knees and Kofi falls to the mat. Regal and Barrett start double-stomping Kofi until Piper steps in and pushes Barrett away. Barrett pushes Piper back but this time Piper levels Barrett with a right hand. Regal takes exception and ries to intervene but Bourne runs in and connects with a high knee to Regal's face. Barrett gets up and grabs Piper in a Wasteland position and hits it. Piper's down and out. Kofi turns around and hits a Trouble In Paradise on Barrett


Then, Bourne scales the top rope and connects an Air Bourne to both Regal and Barrett simultaneously. Kofi then covers Regal.



There's no referee!

The referee rushes down the ring as Kofi goes for a pinfall once again on Barrett.



Kick Out!

Regal slowly gets to his feet as Regal punches Bourne as Bourne falls off the apron. Regal distracts the referee as Barrett low-blows Kofi before lifting him up and hitting the Wasteland and making the pin.





Cole: That's what I'm talking about!

Booker T: That was disgraceful!

Mathews: What a shock...

Air Boom heads up the entrance ramp as Emperors of Royalty look at each other nodding their head as they charge up the ramp. Regal hits a Trembling knee on Bourne which sends him off the stage, he falls back awkwardly. Barrett begins beating down on Kofi as he grabs Kofi and hits the Wasteland off the stage as Kofi crashes into the technical table as pyrotechnics explode from the entrance ramp. EMT's rush out to Bourne and Kofi as Emperors of Royalty walks off. We go to commercial.





"Cult of Personality" blasts out from the PA System as CM Punk comes out from behind the curtain.



The crowd immediately starts boo-ing at the sound of Matt Hardy's theme music. As it hits, he emerges from the back and starts walking down the ramp.


Tonight's Matt Fact states “Matt's Favorite Band is Pearl Jam”. Matt is all full of energy tonight as he climbs into the ring. He throws up a big V1 hand sign much to the crowd's disdain.



Matt goes after Punk and bring him to the mat, raining down on him with punches. He gets up and begins delivering kicks to his side and back as well as stomps to his body. The fans in attendance boo as the "Voice of the Voiceless" is pummeled. Punk climbed to his knees as he absorbed the punishment and managed to get to a vertical base. He grabbed Matt around the waist and delivered a belly-to-belly suplex, ending the attack as he exited the ring. Punk flipped up the ring apron and grabbed a kendo stick, to cheers from the crowd as he re-entered by sliding in under the bottom rope. Punk grasps it with both hands like it's a baseball bat and hits the mat a few times, waiting anxiously as Matt climbs to his feet. He swings and connects hard with his stomach, then swings downward catching him in the back of the head, neck, as well as upper spine.

Shannon Moore suddenly entered the ring as Punk swatted him across one side of the face with the kendo stick, then across the other side of the face before swinging downward and bringing him down in the same fashion as Matt. Matt sat up and Punk swung at him but the "Sensei of Mattitude" caught it as he got to his feet, staring down Punk. Punk pulled the stick from Matt's grasp and swung it downward at him but Hardy punched right through it, hooking his arm around him and planting him with a Side Effect!

Michael Cole: Matt Hardy proving to be too cunning for Raven's assault with that weapon!

Booker T: Cunning? That's downright brute strength, dog!

Matt climbs to his feet, looking at CM Punk with evil intentions as he slides out of the ring and flips up the ring apron, looking for a weapon of his own. He finds a barbwire bat and grabs it, looking at it with sinister delight as he enters the ring. Punk is getting up as Matt charged across the ring and hit him right in the face with the bat, taking him to the mat. Punk is lying there bloodied as Matt covers him.





Winner by Pinfall, Matt Hardy!

[Batista vs. Sheamus]

As Sheamus celebrates his victory and makes his way up the ramp, Batista is trying to get to his feet after being put through a table. Just then, flames surround the ring trapping Batista

Cole: What is Kane doing here?!

Booker T: This is gon' be interestin' dawg!

The flames goes off, the lights go off, when they come back on Kane is in the ring as he chokeslams Batista.


Tazz: Hey Kane! Look, I don't know what you're doing but I just can't be having my wrestlers jumpin' each other from behind. So, seeing as how you just got your revenge, I'm making a match for CWF Invasion involving you two. We're goin' to have an Inter-brand match Kane vs. Batista in a Singles Match. This could perhaps show which superstar and brand is better...

Kane looks at the titantron with an intense look on his face as we go backstage...

As WAR is in a full swing, we heads backstage, where we can see Josh Matthews standing alone with microphone in his hand ...

Josh Matthews: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome my guest of this time ... The Celtic Warrior, Sheamus ...

Camera shifts right and we can see both, Sheamus, The Hardcore Champion and Josh Matthews standing next to each other. When Josh Matthews introduced his guest, Sheamus pats on Matthews' shoulder and smiles to the camera and Josh Matthews continues ...


Josh Matthews: Sheamus, what do you think that was the main reason for John Morrison to attack you so viciously last week?

Sheamus: Well, I tell ya Josh. John Morrison thinks, that when he will become a bad guy, that he's gonna take my titel, but he's wrong. Morrison can behave how he wants, but tha result will be always the same, and it is me standin' with titel on my shoulde' and Morrison lyin' down on tha mat. Ye know Josh, nothin' what will Morrison do, won't change tha fact, that I'm bette' than 'im. He's always cryin' that we we'e neve' one on one, but the'e's no reason fer that, because everyone knows how this battle would have ended. Ye know Josh, guys like 'im should get a life and a bette' job, because obviously this is not a job fo' people like John. Oi don't know, why he doesn't get tha fact, that Oi am tha most dominant fo'ce in this company and the'e's not'in' and I mean not'in' that can stop me. Morrison, if ye want me one on one, then ask a general manage' and we can solve this fo'eve'. And believe me, I will beat ya so much, ye won't eve' have a match. And the main reason of attackin' me? Because Josh, Morrison is afraid of meself, it is just that simpel ...

Josh Matthews: Well Sheamus ... ehm ... John Morrison left you a message and I was asked to play it here on this television ...

Camera cuts to backstage where is standing John Morrison with the microphone....


John Morrison: I know this gonna be a little problem for you, my girls... Because I know you all want my body more than my words. I know you never wanted me really to fight for you. I know you never wanted me to hold the now Hardcore championship just because my wrestling and parkour abilities... You wanted me to hold that title, because I'm even more sexy with it. You wanted me to see me in the ring, just and only, because you know that when I'm in action, you girls are feeling something unbelievable. I know why you come out here each and every single week, with my signs and with my photos and wanted me to give you a sign or something and then when I speak something to you, you are cheering like for no one. But that's not because you really listen to what I 'm saying. It's only because you know, that when Guru of Greatness speaks, girls in audience are getting.... well... getting a feeling, that they never feel with no one else... That's magic that Shaman of sexy has... That's magic, that Shaman of sexy radiates around him when he comes down to the ring and girls in audience wants to get a bit of me. But unfourtunetly for you, you can't get any of me. Not anymore. Last week, I changed the world. I changed everything... Last week, I once again proved, why I am the Monday Night Delight, The Honcho of Hotness and why I deserve to be called.... Champion...

Morrison look into camera and then continues...

John Morrison: The thing is... I'm still champion. Last week, I just proved it. I did, what was needed to do long, long time before... When I destroyed Sheamus and showed to world, that Monday Night Delight still shining like never before, I proved, that I didn't lose the Hardcore championship. It was that Kevin Thorn... Kevin Thorn comes out from a dark place with a dark side but remember, I am John Morrison and beyond good and evil.... And because that loser got pinned by that so called „ Celtic Warrior“ should not be my problem. When that dark Kevin Thorn got pinned I lose my title? Seriously? I don't think so.... And last week, I took what should be mine... I took what is mine. I took what now I have in my locker room on my wall and with what I will come out each and every week to the ring.... And what Sheamus did about it? Nothing!... That's how true champion act? That's how champion should fight?... If yes, then HOORAH! Cause we finally found out true champion. Congratulation Sheamus, you became first ever champion of...losers...

Morrison shake his head and again talk...

John Morrison: Sheamus... you're going to have to walk through me. And remember... Guru of Greatness still has his rematch... You will never be the Hardcore Champion after I'm done with you and you will never see that title again unless you beat me. And at Invasion... We gonna met in the ring... You gonna finally feel, true Monday Night Delight and trust me... It will not gonna be nice meeting for you... Because no one can compare with the Shaman of Sexy... Remember... You faced angel, but now.... You have to deal with the devil... Fella.........

The camera fades as Sheamus is looking somewhere for a while than we can see a smirk on his face and he starts to talk again ...

Sheamus: Well Josh, this totally proved what I said a second ago. He should be somet'in' like a model, but not a wrestle'. And he thinks, that he's still a champion? Well Oi am the on who won that Triple Threat match at Sta'cade. As I said befo' Josh, if he's got some problem, well, let's solve it as soon as possible, because Oi don't have much time ta waste it on a guy like 'im ...

Sheamus looks straight to the camera ...

Sheamus: Morrisen, if ye want to face Tha Celtic Warrio' fer a last time, Oi am okay with that. But remembe', I'm givin' ye one ... last ... shot. and if ye won't be succesful, it is not my problem anymo'. Remembe' one last shot, that's all I'm givin' ya. And ye completely changed tha fact, that Oi am tha champion and if YA want it, ya have ta walk through me. Doesn't matte' if yer a bad guy or a good guy, ya will always be ... A LOOSE'!As Sheamus has finished what he said to Josh Mathews the lights flicker... suddenly the lights go off backstage. In the distance we see a dark purple hue as there's writing on the wall but it cannot be read from such a distance. The lights flicker once again as we hear a door slam loudly, the lights come back on as the writing says...

The cameraman goes towards the parking lot, we see 3 people wearing a long black trench-coat jacket who's back are faced away from the camera. They enter the limo except one person, the camera zooms in and we see it's Morrison with a black bag covered over his head, he is also handcuffed and then thrown into a limo.

Booker T: What the hell is going on here?

The limo drives off as a letter is thrown out from the window, the cameraman runs as he grabs the letter and reads what it says. The following words are said;

'There is no more happiness in this world, while it's a clear night out... You've been taken away. We've watched closely and we saw your attitude change but it's got nothing to do with the darkside but jealously. What you're about to experience is the darkside, a big black cloud will hover over the CWF Universe... The rain won't be of water, but blood.'

Michael Cole: This is just disturbing Booker.

Every day I've seen you John, you've been thinking everybody loves you. You're trying to showboat the crowd with your looks, I was never the good looking kid, I was never able to socialize like you have John. What I'm doing here is showing you what it has been like... trapped all alone, with nowhere to go because NOBODY cared at all. John, the days of your Guru of Greatness is over. I'm going to destroy everything the Honcho of Hotness had. These girls in the front row who adore you will have their eyes stitched... They will never see you the same again and that's a promise. Now look at the titantron Mr. Cameraman.'

The titantron comes alive as the lights are off everywhere else in the building.


Booker T: I cannot believe my eyes here!

Michael Cole: Who could this person be that has kidnapped John Morrison?

Booker T: I don't know man but we gotta watch Honor to find out!

Michael Cole: I'm not going to like what's going to happen on Honor...

The show then goes to fade as WAR ends.

Chris Dredson - CM Punk vs. Matt Hardy, Batista vs. Sheamus
Andrew - Edge vs. Morrison
Hoov - Hardy vs. Guerrero,
Tag Match

Matches for Invasion;
Finlay© vs. Edge - CWF Heavyweight Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Chris Jercho - Singles Match
Batista vs. Kane - Singles Match
Sheamus vs. TBD Next week on WAR

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Oh man. Gone for like a day and all this shit.

Honestly, I don't have the time for this. I will say, Andrew has, and does make a lot of mistakes, but he owns up to it, and he cares about this fed probably more then anyone. Andrew loves doing this stuff.

So, for now, I'll leave it at Hoov and Andrew are doing a good job for CWF. They work they're asses off. Who gives a flying fuck if you lost a match. I don't think I've won in CWF EVER. I'm like 0-7. Partly my fault, but still. I just like being able to play.
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People do need to toughen up about losing. Seriously only half the people can win and the other half have to lose. People bitching for no reason pisses me off and they can just get the hell out of CWF if they are starting more shit. I banned EoR for that and I am more than happy to ban more people that bitch and try to start something for no reason. If people can't work on a brand because of a writer then they are pathetic and shouldn't bother with CWF.


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Edited Thread.


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Ellis said:
10/09/2011 00:37:26 ellis laven Andrew but ive won tbh
10/09/2011 00:37:27 Andrew ellis laven ill tell whoever is writing the tag to make u win
10/09/2011 00:37:39 ellis laven Andrew ok

I just saw this and it is ridiculous. Why are you saying that you already won? That just isn't on. Plus Andrew never said that you did a better TT he said that he was willing to tell the writer to let you win. It is sad that you pretty much forced Andrew to get the writer to give you a win you backed him into a corner. I am surprised that you posted this because this does prove match fixing but it proves that you, Ellis, was trying to match fix by getting Andrew to tell a writer that he won rather than letting the writer decide.

Stuff like that is what I don't want in CWF where a TTer tells a writer that they should be winning and try to sweet talk there way into a win. IT IS JUST AN E-FED

The situation with awesome.miz having already written the match and then Hoov being told to write the match needs to be explained to me. Why was there no communication between staff?


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That was my fault Troy, I tried to contact Lukas over the last couple of days (Due to timezone constraints) I asked Hoov to cover the match and forgot to inform Lukas (Awesome.Miz). I spoke to him on Facebook and he said it's fine, I just told him that this week staff will have to be active and talk to each other using Staff Chat.


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I just saw this and it is ridiculous. Why are you saying that you already won? That just isn't on. Plus Andrew never said that you did a better TT he said that he was willing to tell the writer to let you win. It is sad that you pretty much forced Andrew to get the writer to give you a win you backed him into a corner. I am surprised that you posted this because this does prove match fixing but it proves that you, Ellis, was trying to match fix by getting Andrew to tell a writer that he won rather than letting the writer decide.

Stuff like that is what I don't want in CWF where a TTer tells a writer that they should be winning and try to sweet talk there way into a win. IT IS JUST AN E-FED

The situation with awesome.miz having already written the match and then Hoov being told to write the match needs to be explained to me. Why was there no communication between staff?

No, it was obvious I won. If it was 1-1, I won, if you read the TT's its easy.


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Plus, Andrew had dropped Air Boom.


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To happen at Invasion.

Zack Ryder is backstage with Vince McMahon, the camera is panned from a distance so they're inaudible. Once the camera zooms closer, we hear a few words discussed between the two.

Tazz then appears and asks who Ryder is, Ryder responds with 'ARE YOU SERIOUS, BRO?'. Tazz is like, Yes I am... Who are you? Ryder looks peeved off, Vince tells Tazz to follow him into the office.

We go to our next match with Ryder looking disappointed.

After the match is over, we go backstage. Tazz is seen leaving the building as he gets into a limo but is stopped by Josh Mathews. Mathews says where is he going, Tazz responds with... See you on commentary next Monday.

The segment ends there. It will follow on with Monday Night WAR with Ryder becoming the new GM for Monday Night WAR, Tazz & Booker T will become commentators. Cole will rage and feel left out but ends up being fired.


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I read the TTs and they aren't that different. I don't know why you keep saying yours was clearly better. As I said in another thread if you won then you and Andrew would have been guilty on match fixing based on that msn convo. I don't think you understand what match fixing is.

If Andrew had dropped Air Boom then yes the decision probably should have been a win for you but it isn't a big deal and it certainly isn't match fixing. You haven't been booked to lose on purpose you lost because the writer thought you lost.

The Hoov

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The segment stated above by Andrew:

The scene opens on Tazz leaving his office. As he does, a couple of moving guys enter behind him. As he opens the door back up, he sees them lifting furniture and taking it away.

Tazz: What the Hell do you think you're doing?!

Moving Guy 1: Sorry, orders from the boss.

Tazz: Boss? I am the boss!

Moving Guy 2: Umm, no. That guy behind you is....

As Tazz turns around, we see CWF Owner Vince McMahon with a good-looking girl standing behind him. He seems to be in a great mood.


Tazz: Oh, hello Mr. McMahon.

Vince McMahon: How ya' doing Mr. Tazz? Look, A few slight changes have been made to the landscape of Monday Night WAR. Tell you what, Tazz. Just watch my big announcement coming up next and you'll know exactly what's going on.

Vince and the woman leaves the office as moving men continue to move furniture out of Tazz's office.



Cole: What was that about?

Booker T: Yo, I don't know, dogg, but I can't wait till we find out!

Just then, a theme hits we haven't heard in a long time.


The crowd actually kind of pops for Vince McMahon here tonight. He makes his way down the ramp in typical fashion.


He stomps up the ring steps and enters the ring. He is handed a microphone from a ringside employee and begins his announcement.


Vince McMahon: Well, let me first start off by saying I hope everyone is enjoying CWF Invasion thus far. I promise I won't take up too much of your time but I have a few announcements to make regarding Monday Night WAR. You see, I've kept a close eye on the brand and, to be honest, it bores me half to death. I mean, it's so cliché and dated that I think it's time for a change. For far too long, we've been stuck in a perpetual time machine keeping us back from the future and that all ends tonight. Now, many of you are wondering why moving men were moving furniture from Tazz's office. Well, let me say it to you like this: Tazz, I believe never took the time to read the fine print of his contract. It clearly stated that he was only the Interim General Manager until he either proved himself worthy of the position or until a suitable replacement could be found. With all due respect, Tazz, you haven't lived up to your own hype so I hate to say this, but I am relieving you of your General Manager duties.

The crowd boos at Vince's shocking announcement. Vince quickly calms them down.

Vince McMahon: Now now now, calm down. You see, Tazz, your contract is still valid here in CWF so I have came up with an alternative for you. You see, We need to revitalize our commentary team. So, from here on out, Tazz is hereby officially a color commentator for Monday Night WAR.

Cole: I don't like that at all!!

Booker T: I don't think it matters what you like. My man Tazz comin' back to the commentary booth!

The crowd pops for that announcement. Vince then continues on to his other announcements.

Vince McMahon: Now then, that leaves the General Manager position open. But not for long because I personally have went out and found the perfect man to replace Tazz as General Manager of Monday Night WAR. Someone who will lead, not only the WAR brand but also the entire CWF into the next generation. Someone who refers to himself as the “King of all Social Media”. You've liked him on Facebook. You've followed him on Twitter. And now, here he is......

Cole: Who could it be?

Booker T: Yo, dogg, I have no idea.

Just then, the most shocking themes of all hits the PA.


The crowd goes absolutely crazy as “Long Island Iced Z” Zack Ryder comes out from the back fist pumping and checking out all of the ladies in the crowd. He then throws up the “LI” sign.


Cole: ZACK RYDER?! Are you kidding me?!

Booker T: What a bombshell announcement!

He cockily makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. He shakes hands with Vince McMahon as Vince hands him his microphone and leaves the ring. Ryder waits for the crowd to die down a bit before starting his speech.


Zack Ryder: Where are all my broskis at?!

The crowd cheers in excitement and begin to chant “RYDER! RYDER! RYDER! RYDER!” Zack gets a huge smile on his face as he continues.

Zack Ryder: I want to personally thank Vince McMahon for the opportunity to be the General Manager of Monday Night WAR and I promise to each and every one of you that I will do my best to make WAR the premiere brand in the CWF. When Mr. McMahon called me up and offered me the job, the only thing I could say was, "Are You Serious, Bro?" I mean, General Manager of the number one brand in CWF? And Tazz, broski, I hope there are no hard feelings between us for the way things turned out, but hey, look on the brightside: At least your headache is now MY headache. I guarantee that the success of WAR will be like me fist-pumping. It will NEVER stop. The Ryder Revolution is now the Revolutionary WAR here in CWF. So, everyone, enjoy the show and thank you.

Zack Ryder goes to leave but Michael Cole stands up with a microphone.


Cole: Excuse me, Zack, but as your employee, I have a formal complaint. You see, I'm a professional broadcast journalist and as a man who has announced with Tazz before in the past, I can personally say I will not and will never work with that man again. It's either me or him. Make your choice.

Zack tugs on his chin for a few seconds before blurting out an answer.

Zack Ryder: You're Fired, bro!

The crowd pops loud as security guards come out and escort Michael Cole from the building. The entire crowd is singing “NAH NAH NAH NAH, NAH NAH NAH NAH, HEY HEY HEY, GOODBYE!” aimed at Cole. As they do, Zack Ryder adds insult to injury.

Zack Ryder: Hey, Cole. Take Care, Spike Your Hair. WOO WOO WOO! YOU KNOW IT!

Zack drops his microphone and starts heading towards the back. We then fade to the backstage area where Tazz has a few items and is heading towards his car in the parking lot. Just then, PPV backstage correspondent and WAR commentator Josh Mathews approaches for an interview.

Josh Mathews: Tazz, Tazz, sorry to intrude, but hearing Mr. McMahon's latest announcment, we were just wanting your thoughts?

Tazz: My thoughts? My thoughts? Well, Josh, lemme tell you....

Tazz then grabs Josh Mathews and overhead belly-to-belly suplexes him through a table with catering on it. Josh is out cold and like a light. Tazz bends over his mangled and motionless body.

Tazz: See you on commentary......maybe......

Tazz grabs his things and heads toward the parking lot as we fade into our next segment.​
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matches added, could you guys let me know who's writing what?
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