UWF 2012: Past NXT Shows & Cards

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Chris Dresdon

Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2010
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Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

Rhino can be seen in what appears to be a dark room. Nothing much is seen other than his face, and it doesn’t look very happy.



I bet you’re happy right now aren’t ya Sting? I bet you’re real happy to have won that belt over me. Fact of the matter is, you didn’t get what your promised done. I’m still standing, I’m still breathing. That’s what makes me happy, knowing I have defied you yet again. I stand, stronger than ever, and ready to fight. You know exactly what I want to do don’t you? You know I still want to destroy you and everything you hold so dear! You claim you’re not Steve, but deep down, I know you are exactly that. You are Steve hiding behind some mask, cowering away at what people might think of you if you were to show your ugly mug. Let’s face it; you’re still afraid of what I might do to you. That mask you hide behind isn’t simply for our benefit, it’s for yours also. You can play any kind of character you want with it. You can play that big dark monster you always wanted to be. Truth be told, you’re still just a freak. And that’s okay; I’m a bit of a freak myself. I’ve done some pretty horrible stuff. I’ve hurt people to the point where they no longer have careers in this business. It used to be that my name alone instilled fear upon those who heard my music.

So now you are playing interim General Manager, and your first act of business is to ban my Gore from my match with that punk ass Perfect kid? Tell me, where have I seen that before? That kind of ruling has been done countless times, but it won’t stop me from obtaining victory. But enough about my silly match, let’s keep talking about you and me. Ever since I got here, I know you had it out for me. Hell, since I signed that contract, I had a huge target on my back. And when I tried to send a message to R-Truth that I wanted a shot at his belt, you had to get in the way! You took what I did to heart, thinking it was a personal attack. You still won’t listen to the cold hard truth that it was simply bad timing on my part. Now you have turned it into something personal, and I see no other objective in mind than to break you. The instant you responded to my Gore a couple weeks after that incident, you started a war that could end very poorly for you. I intend to make sure it does. This is a war that will see no retreat from me. This war you started could be one of the bloodiest UWF has ever seen! But it’s a war I welcome with open arms.

Rhino takes a moment to collect his thoughts. He continues on with his rant.

When I signed with this company, with this brand, I didn’t know what to expect. I saw that you had also been signed to this brand and I was almost happy. One of the few guys I thought I could work a good match with. It’s unfortunate that you had to get hit in the crossfire, but business is business. You have now taken this a step higher with the claims that you would end my career. You lied to a lot of people, and you continue to lie to yourself if you hopelessly think you have chance of ending my career. My wrath alone will keep my career alive, and why? The people love it; they love it when I get angry. I personally love it when I get angry. And much like the Hulk in the Avengers movie, I am always angry. I know when to unleash my anger upon my unfortunate prey. That unfortunate prey happens to be you right now. You have crossed paths with a deadly force here Sting, probably your most ruthless enemy to date. If you think for a second I will give up, you are sadly mistaken. I will continue to charge even if I’ve been through all kinds of Hell.

I won’t rest until you’ve submitted to any kind of pain I inflict on you. My one and true goal is to make sure you are nothing more than a quivering mess on the floor. I know it won’t take much old man. Do you like it when I call you old man? I know it frustrates you so much. I know deep down inside you are probably questioning yourself as to whether or not to continue at such a frail age. I know it pisses you off when I mention your age, maybe that’s why I do it so much. Back to being serious for another moment here though, you have angered me. I know I’ve said that countless times already, but I want to make sure you understand the consequences of what you have done. I’ll drill it into your head if I have to! When next we meet, there will be nothing stopping me from Goring you in half! Nothing is going to stop me from inflicting such a large amount of pain upon you that you could very well stop breathing! This war has only begun; it’s up to you if you want it to stop. There will be no cease fire, there will be no white flags coming from my end. There will only be nuclear strikes, bombs dropping everywhere. In the end, after it’s all said and done, you will be nothing more than a corpse added to the list of many names I have taken.

You are not my General Manager; you are not superior to me in any way. I will make sure you know what pain feels like when this is over. If it even ends! Who knows, you could have the same resilience I have and this could be a never ending war. People could get hit in the crossfire, but I know you don’t care, and that’s what I like. I like to know that my opponent isn’t a sissy. Survivor Series is coming up; I want to make a challenge to you. You know exactly what kind of challenge I want to make, so I’ll spare the details, but I want you. I want you at Survivor Series. Let’s see if there really will be a survivor between us if we meet in the ring. I’ll give you some time to think about it, and even more time to think about if you want to put that shiny belt of yours on the line. Either way, I expect an answer. Until then, I’ll be seeing you.

Rhino finishes the last sentence with a devilish smile as the camera fades to black.




NXT opens up in a manner different from the norm. There are no pyrotechnics, there is no music, only silence and darkness. This darkness is interrupted by the opening vocals of a very familiar theme.


"No Reflection" by Marilyn Manson is that theme, a song that the fans and talent of UWF alike know is associated with the new NXTreme Champion Sting. As it plays, the members of the audience all simultaneously voice their disdain and erupt into boos. After a few minutes pass and the fans continue to boo as the song continues to play, suddenly the lights come on and there stands Sting in the ring with a microphone in hand. "No Reflection" fades out to silence as the NXTreme Champion and Interim General Manager gets ready to address the crowd.


Sting: About a month ago I made my UWF and NXT debut when I came out at the beginning of the September tenth broadcast and spoke of the prophecy that would come to pass. On that night, I informed you that the Championship Scramble main event Mr. Borden was scheduled to compete in would be his last not only in this company, but on this planet because it is that night that Steve passed away and officially passed the torch to me. Now before you assume that you've already heard what I'm about to say, don't tune out, because you're going to want to listen very carefully. I bring up that particular broadcast because that night, after I revealed that Steve was living his final hours, you all booed me, as if I was the one that lead him down that road, as if I were the one that killed him in that main event performance. You treated me like I was a suspect in a murder trial, sworn under oath and confined to the bench.

Now here we are sixty-three days after the fact and it is not me that's on trial, but rather every superstar on the NXT roster. Tonight every contracted performer has the chance to establish themselves as being worthy of their spot on this roster and continued employment in this company, and if they fail they will, from this night forward be the nameless, faceless group of people I initially accused them all of being upon my arrival. You may be wondering why it isn't Bradshaw in possession of the proverbial gavel and passing judgment on this crop of degenerates and is instead yours truly occupying the honor's chair.

This lingering inquiry irritates me greatly, because I already shed light on the situation and explained to you all why that is, but once again, due to your diminished intelligence and evaporating attention spans, I must pardon you and repeat myself. Before King of the Ring, a personal matter arose in the life of John Bradshaw Layfield. Once he realized that his immediate attention would be required in that area for longer than he originally thought, he knew that he would be unable to participate in tonight's show in any form or fashion. A replacement was needed while he was away, and without considering anyone else, John chose me to be that replacement.

Once I was bestowed with that honor, I took a look at the roster of talent contracted to the NXT brand to see what I could come up with using what I have to work with. Tonight's matches were put together with purpose, because not only are the competitors proving to me exactly who is worth what, they are also proving this to each and every one of you in the arena as well as those watching this via a television. As you can probably imagine, the reception to my rising to power, albeit temporarily, wasn't met warmly by everyone in that locker room. Rhino's so upset that he's laid down a challenge for Survivor Series, but that was to be expected, the comment that caught my attention was Maxine expressing her desire for Steve Borden to return to portraying Sting and sending me on my way. How interesting.

That's the other reason I brought up that September night, to prove a point. Look at what I have accomplished in my short time here and compare it to what Steve did. Steve is the reason that the enlightened saviors are such a presence on Friday nights and have a stranglehold on the Tag Team Championships, Steve is the reason that R-Truth was in possession of the NXTreme Championship in the first place. In other words, Steve did nothing good for this company while he was here. I have rescued you from the embarassment of having a person of lacking intellect like R-Truth representing your brand as one of its titleholders. I have rescued you from an uncontrollable, drooling meathead like Terry Gerin running roughshod as he pleases and making a mockery of the rules and regulations established by management along the way. I gave you a cage match that you will not soon forget, an NXTreme Champion you can be unashamed of, and tonight I give you this quality card. All this, and you want Steve Borden back under the paint?

If Steve Borden was still the man behind the paint, he would not be holding the NXTreme Championship like I am right now. Not only because he was clearly incapable of winning gold, failing to hold onto it when he managed to, but because he wouldn't have made it into that Steel Cage match. He wouldn't have made it into that Steel Cage match because he wouldn't have had a reason to make the match, because Rhino wouldn't have Gored him, because Steve wouldn't have become the number one contender to the NXTreme Championship. You desire mediocrity because all you know is mediocrity, you cheer failures like Steve Borden and put shells of men like Stone Cold Steve Austin on pedastals and worship them as heroes.

Steve Borden will never return, but you will be granted half of your wish, Maxine, because JBL will return next week. But instead of worrying your pampered little head about who holds the distinction of managing NXT or who you feel deserves to wear the face paint and call themselves Sting, you need to focus on tonight's Tornado Elimination Tag match involving your boy toys Johnny and Derrick. As for you Rhino, you will have your answer when I deem it fit for me to respond. Until that happens, take the page I just instructed Maxine to take and focus on your match tonight. When we reach the end of the broadcast, we will see who stands where following the trials, and everyone will know their place at the Survivor Series.

Sting drops his microphone to the mat and exits the ring as the camera pans over to the commentary table, where Tazz and Joey Styles are standing by.


Tazz: So uh, Joe, whaddaya make of Sting runnin' the show tonight?

Joey Styles: With him in a position of power, he's even more unpredictable than usual. He made some great matches though, I'll give him that.

Tazz: You got that right. Four men step into the ring and compete in an Over the Top Rope Battle Royal when Seth Rollins, Zack Ryder, Abyss, and The Miz do battle!

Joey Styles: And in a match clearly designed to stick it to the former NXTreme Champion, R-Truth must take on Bully Ray in a No Disqualification match.

Tazz: Speaking of sticking it to people, our interim General Manager seems out ta' get the "War Machine" too because not only does Rhino gotta wrestle Michael McGillicutty, he's gotta do it without the use of his Gore!

Joey Styles: And coming up next, in their first match as a tag team, Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman take on the monstrous team of Brock Lesnar and Sheamus!

Tazz: But first, I understand that Johnny and Derrick are currently standing by.

We head backstage to see Johnny Curtis standing with a guy ordering flowers.


Johnny Curtis

Alright and just spread them all over the bed and I'll be there in a couple hours with my lady.

The man walks out of the room as Derrick Bateman walks into it.

Derrick Bateman

You ready for tonight?

Please when am I not ready? I mean besides my debut match because I was sick that day but yeah I'm ready. I got everything this evening planned to a tee. I already got my hotel room all set up for the celebration party with Maxine so my mind is now one hundred percent focused on becoming the next Tag Team Champions.

Alright bro. Modern day Double Dragon in this piece and if Sheamus and Brock Lesner want to get in our face, well they best get ta' steppin'! But remember, we're not only doing this for ourselves. This is for chicks and America! I mean those two meat heads can't even get on the same page. We on the other hand have like some sort of ESP going on. We're completely on the same wavelength. Well except for Maxine. I just don't see what you see in her.

I don't know but it's just this sort of animal instinct between us. She demands attention and there's something irresistible about that.

Maxine now walks into the room.


What are you two idiots talking about?

Sup baby. Nothin much just chillin. Congratulations on the Vixen's deal. Looks like we'll both have something to celebrate later tonight.

Yeah about that. After months of all my hard work and deliberation, they put those other four whores on Smackdown to fight for the title while I get nothing. But don't worry, it only proves that I can get anything done here and my next goal is too get you guys tag team gold. Believe me when I say I'll do whatever it takes to get the job done.

Speaking of getting jobs done, I got a little stiffness in my neck, you mind rubbing me down before our match to, you know, improve our chances of winning tonight.

Johnny raises his eyebrows twice as Maxine smiles.

Fine. We'll see you in a bit Derrick.

The two begin to leave as Bateman is left standing there smiling as the cameras head back ringside.

The camera pans over to the ring where announcer Christy Hemme is standing by, ready to do the superstar introductions as the opening bell is heard.



Christy Hemme: The following contest is an Elimination Tornado Tag Team Match! Introducing first...


"I Told You So" by Flatfoot 56, the theme of Johnny Curtis begins to play over the PA system but instead of either he or Derrick appearing through the curtain, instead Maxine is the first of the trio to walk out with an angry scowl on her face. As the rookie tag team walks out onto the stage, she moves out of the way as Johnny makes a suggestive motion towards her, causing her angry scowl to become a look of disgust as the trio begin walking down the ramp.


Christy Hemme: Now being accompanied to the ring by Maxine. From Westbrook, Maine and Cleveland, Ohio respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of four-hundred and sixty-two pounds, the team of "The Thoroughbred" Johnny Curtis and "The USA Guy" Derrick Bateman!

As they arrive at the end of the ramp, both men enter the ring as Maxine remains ringside. They each ascend a turnbuckle and pose for the live crowd, clearly psyched about their upcoming match. They climb down after a moment and look to the stage, anticipating the arrival of their opponents.

Christy Hemme: And the opponents, introducing first...


"Next Big Thing" by Jim Johnston begins to play as the crowd erupts into boos. Paul Heyman walks onto the stage laughing at their voiced disdain, grinning from ear-to-ear as his client Brock Lesnar stomps out through the curtain behind him, stopping and looking down the ramp as he hops back and forth in the manner he's known for.


Christy Hemme: Now being accompanied to the ring by Paul Heyman. From Minneapolis, Minnesota. Weighing in at two-hundred and sixty-six pounds, the "Next Big Thing", Brock Lesnar!

Brock stops at the bottom of the ramp and hops back and forth again and then leaps from the ground to the apron, stepping through the ropes and entering the ring. He looks across the ring at his opposition, hopping back and forth once more as he smiles at the thought of the havoc he's about to wreak.

Christy Hemme: And the partner...


"Read the words that are written in my face.
Why believe them, why believe?"

Right on cue, "Written In My Face" by Flatfoot 56 begins to play, meaning it's time for the one and only "Great White" to make his way to the ring. After a moment passes, Sheamus emerges from the back wearing a crown and cape and stands under the titantron, striking a crucifix pose as he screams out in intensity, hitting his chest with one hand.


Christy Hemme: From Dublin, Ireland. Weighing in at two-hundred and sixty-seven pounds, the "Irish Curse", King Sheamus!

Sheamus makes his way down the ramp, ignoring the fans that he sees along the way. When he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he sees Paul Heyman and shoots him a look of disgust, he then turns to Maxine and smiles, saying, "All dis could be years, sweet'eart" before facing the ring and throwing out his arms into the crucifix pose again, losing his cape in the process. Sheamus removes his crown and sets it at the top of the nearest steel steps and slides into the ring, getting to a vertical base and eyeing his competition.


In the top left corner of the ring stands Derrick Bateman, in the bottom left is Johnny Curtis, in the bottom right is Brock Lesnar, and in the top right is Sheamus. Each man looks at the person across the ring from them as Derrick and Sheamus charge one another, leaving Johnny and Brock to tangle with each other.

Derrick and Sheamus are locked up in a collar-elbow tie-up as Bateman pulls his opponent into a side headlock. Derrick pushes him forward into the ropes, Sheamus riding the momentum back to the point he was thrown from, leaping up and throwing an enziguiri, kicking Bateman in the back of the head with the point of his toes. Derrick is sent towards the mat, catching himself with his hands. Sheamus throws another kick in the direction of Bateman, aiming for the abdomen, but Derrick rolls quickly to the side and onto his back, dodging the kick as he grabs Sheamus' ankle on both sides, rolling to his knees as he flips the Celtic Warrior onto the mat, Sheamus' head rocking from the impact. Sheamus' arms bend backward at the elbows as he holds the back of his head with his hands, his eyes clenched tightly shut and his teeth on display from the pain as he rolls onto his left side.

Derrick grabs him and returns him to his back, leaping into the air and attempting a double leg drop. Sheamus jumps from the mat to avoid it and finds himself behind his opponent as Bateman crashes and burns. Sheamus walks over and leans over his shoulder, throwing his own arm around Derrick's neck and applying a dragon sleeper, wrenching back on the hold.

Tazz: Smart way ta' put himself in the driva's seat.

Joey Styles:This is the last place Bateman wants to find himself.

Now that Sheamus and Derrick are stationary, Johnny has an opening as he walks up to Brock and delivers a knife edge chop to the upper abdomen. Brock looks down at where he was stricken, then looks at Johnny, who winds back and connects in the same location. Brock looks at where he was struck again, then looks at the Premier Player with aggression in his expression. Curtis is ready for the challenge, motioning for Lesnar to bring it on, as the big man rocks back and then forward, connecting with a headbutt on the top of the skull of Johnny Curtis. Curtis is in a daze as Brock throws up his right leg, going for a big boot but Johnny moves his head slightly to the right, causing the move to miss. Lesnar's leg rests on the left shoulder of his opponent as Curtis pulls on the leg and rocks forward, planting the big man on the mat. Johnny throws Brock's leg off of him and walks forward, standing over Lesnar as he leans down, grabbing the hair on the back of the head with his left hand, clenching into a tight fist, and balling up his right hand into a fist as he begins to light into the forehead of Brock.

While this was going on, Sheamus stood up with the dragon sleeper to give himself a larger range of motion with the hold. But as soon as he did, Bateman connected with a punch to the side of Sheamus' head with his free hand. As Sheamus flinched from the attack, Derrick slipped out of the hold and busted him in the face with a stiff right, Sheamus staggering back a bit. Bateman leapt to the side so that Sheamus was in his path again and charged, leaping into the air and connecting with a shoulder block that knocked Sheamus back and put him in the corner.

Tazz: And the rookie turns things around in his favor!

Joey Styles: It's key that he keeps that momentum up.

Brock simultaneously throws a left and right punch into the sides of Curtis, breaking up what was going on as Johnny stopped throwing punches, Brock sitting up and connecting with a headbutt to the abdomen. Curtis staggered backward, winded, as Lesnar got to his feet and grabbed him around the neck with both hands and lifted him into the air, looking to go for a chokebomb. Instead Brock turned around and threw him through the air, causing him to collide with Bateman, knocking both men into the corner as Sheamus leaps out of it. With both men in his sights, Brock took off running and connected with a body splash! Lesnar took a few steps backward and Curtis fell forward to the mat, Brock catching him before he hit the mat with a goozle and returning him to a vertical base.

Bateman tried to get away but Lesnar got a hold of him as well, gripping his head like it was a basketball with his free hand. Derrick was brought to his knees from the pain as Lesnar hoisted up Curtis with a one-handed chokeslam, dumping him over the rope onto the apron, as Johnny hit the edge on the way down, crashing to the floor. With the other hand now free, Brock applies a full Vise Grip, grabbing Johnny's head with both hands.
Derrick sunk lower and lower to the mat as he suffered in the hold. Brock then hoisted him into the air and swung downward, Bateman's body resembling a whip cracking as Lesnar lands in a seated position.

Tazz: Good grief, man!

Joey Styles: Somebody call a chiropractor!

Brock stands up as Derrick slumps lifelessly from the seated position onto his back, his eyes closed. Curtis slides into the ring and comes charging at Lesnar, leaping into the air and connecting with a dropkick. Johnny hit the mat with disturbing impact as the move only caused Brock to take a few steps backward. He grabs Curtis by the hair on the back of his head and throws him into the bottom left turnbuckle, the back of Johnny's head rocking with the impact. Brock turns him so he's facing the turnbuckle and places his large foot between the shoulder blades of the young man, pushing forward as Curtis cries out in pain.

Joey Styles: Get outta there, kid!

Bateman dives at the other leg of Lesnar, clipping the knee and sliding under the bottom rope to avoid being landed on as Brock falls backward to the mat, Johnny falling with him. Derrick grabs Sheamus by the ankle and drags him out of the ring, Sheamus hitting the floor hard as Bateman re-enters the ring. He sizes up Lesnar, adrenaline surging through him, as the Next Big Thing begins to stir. Brock sits up and turns, placing his hands on the mat and beginning to climb to his feet. At this time, Derrick goes for a superkick but it backfires as Lesnar grabs his leg and turns, throwing him through the air and getting him hung up on the ropes. Brock takes to the opposite ropes and runs into them, launching himself at Bateman, who's desperately trying to get his leg free.

Tazz: Brock Lesna' is a bullet train speedin' down the track right now, Joe.

At the last possible second before impact, Derrick gets his leg free and turns, ending up in the bottom left corner as Lesnar goes flying through the ropes, hitting his head on the ring barricade. Sheamus re-enters the ring at this point and looks at Derrick and Johnny both. Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick but Curtis dodges it by hitting the mat and rolling out of the ring, leaving Sheamus and Bateman to wrestle.

Derrick and Sheamus locked up with a traditional collar-elbow tie-up but that didn't last long as Sheamus twisted and pulled Bateman towards him, the side of his knee connecting with Derrick's abdomen. He kneed Bateman again, causing him to hunch enough for Sheamus to connect with an elbow to the back of the neck that brought Derrick to his face on the mat. Sheamus hit an elbow drop in between the shoulder blades of Bateman and went for another, but Derrick rolled out of the way and Sheamus hit nothing but mat. As Sheamus popped back up, Bateman caught him with a running kick square in the mouth that knocked him to his feet and backward into the ropes. Sheamus bounced forward and right into Derrick's grasp, who applied a headlock.

Joey Styles: DBD's comin'!

Sheamus got a knee up and connected with Derrick's abdomen again, breaking the hold and causing Bateman to hunch over again, as Sheamus hooked his arms around his waist and hoisted him through the air onto his shoulder.

Tazz: What strength from The Celtic Warria'!

Sheamus connected with a Dominator into the turnbuckle and let go soon after making impact, leaving Derrick upside down. Sheamus put him into the tree of woe and created a bit of distance between the two of them. He then took off, eliminating the distance, and caught Bateman in the face with a modified version of the Brogue Kick! The back of Derrick's head hit, causing the bottom padding to slide to the side, which means he hit the ring post itself. Bateman looked to be in a daze as Sheamus walked over, turned his back to him hooking his arms, and began to lift him up.

Joey Styles: Oh no, he can't possibly be thinking of following that up with this!

Sheamus throws Derrick up into position and gets ready to deliver his Celtic Cross finisher but he waited a moment too long as Bateman came to and threw a foot back, kicking Sheamus in the kidney. Sheamus thrust back in agony enough for Derrick to push into the corner with his legs, and then spring off, launching both men forward in Sheamus' original path. Sheamus charged across the ring and collided with the opposite turnbuckle, breaking his hold, as Bateman somehow rolled up his back and landed on the turnbuckle nearby.

Derrick looked around at them smiling for a moment, unfortunately that bought Sheamus enough time to get to his feet, as he delivered a Brogue Kick, connecting with his opponent's abdomen, causing Sheamus to get hung up for a moment and sending Bateman flying backwards off the top turnbuckle, hitting the ringside barricade back first! Derrick cried out in pain and seemed to collapse to the ground face first as Curtis re-entered the ring.

Tazz: Yowza, that's some serious hurt.

Sheamus stomped his shoulders and back as soon as he slid in but Johnny dove at his leg, clipping the knee and causing it to buckle as Sheamus fell to the mat. He allowed Sheamus to get up and attempted a discus elbow but it was at that time that the Irish Curse hit him with the Brogue Kick and sent him to the mat, pinning him.





Christy Hemme: Johnny Curtis has been eliminated!

Tazz: That's it, he's outta this thing!

Joey Styles: I definitely don't envy Derrick Bateman right now, Tazz.

Lesnar is still down from hitting his head earlier as Bateman gets to his feet, holding his back in pain. He was now alone in this match with two mountains of men, but that was going to motivate him rather than intimidate him as he re-entered the ring. Sheamus kicks Bateman in the abdomen to gain the advantage and turns as he lifts Derrick off the mat, throwing him into the nearest turnbuckle. Bateman hits back first hard and begins walking out of the corner when Sheamus charges at him with a Brogue Kick attempt. Derrick sidesteps and his opponent gets caught up in the ropes as the USA Guy now goes to the top turnbuckle. Sheamus gets free but is taken to the mat with a cross body as Bateman hooks the leg, the referee rushing over to begin the count in a quick fashion.



Sheamus powers out as he throws Derrick off of him and returns to a vertical basis. Bateman goes after Sheamus who swings at him with a stiff right attempt but Derrick ducks it and comes off of the opposite ropes with a leaping axe handle to the face that brings the Celtic Warrior to the mat, his head and back absorbing much of the punishment as his neck snaps with the impact. Bateman grabs him by the hair and pulls him into a sitting position, delivering a kick to the chest that knocks the wind out of Sheamus briefly as he goes for a Shining Wizard but Sheamus rolls out of the way onto his shoulder, avoiding the move entirely as Derrick hits the mat. Bateman gets up but nearly gets his head taken off with a lariat, his opponent looking at what he'd done with glee as Derrick rolls onto his face.

Joey Styles: Derrick Bateman suffering the effects of a vicious lariat.

In the ring, Sheamus is dropping knee after knee into the back of the Bateman's head, the velocity and impact seeming to increase with each one. The referee looks ready to stop things but just as he goes to, Derrick rolls out of the way of one of the knee drops and Sheamus hits nothing but mat. In the brief moment Sheamus is on his knees in pain, Bateman kips up and delivers a Shining Wizard to the back of the head, knocking his Celtic opposition onto his face as he rolls onto his back. Derrick leaps into the air and comes crashing down across Sheamus' abdomen with a body splash as he hooks the leg and goes for the cover again. The referee was right there as he did.



Sheamus got his shoulder up as Bateman got off of him, creating a bit of distance between himself and his opponent. As the master of the Brogue Kick got up, Derrick goozled him, attempting a chokeslam but Sheamus was slightly off the ground when he threw a stiff elbow into the side of Bateman's head, causing him to lose grip. Sheamus returned to his feet as he threw a dazed and confused Derrick into the ropes. As Bateman came off of them, Sheamus went for the Brogue Kick but Derrick sidestepped the leg slightly so that it rested on his shoulder as he goozled Sheamus and swept the other, bringing both men crashing to the mat.

Joey Styles: I don't think we've ever seen the Brogue Kick countered, especially like that!

Derrick was up first, moving about a little woozily due to the hits he had taken to the head throughout the course of the match. He made his way over to the turnbuckle and began to ascend them before arriving on the top. Bateman stood and posed for the crowd, but before he could follow up on what he was planning, Sheamus ran up into the corner and low blowed him. With his opponent writhing in pain, Sheamus saw an open window for dangerous opportunity as he turned his back to Derrick, putting his hands under the arm pits and hoisting him upward. The crowd gasped as Sheamus leapt from the turnbuckle, leaning forward as he threw Bateman to the mat, both men crashing and burning.

Joey Styles: OH MY GOD!

Tazz: Derrick looks like a Bateman sandwich the way he's folded up.

The referee looks at both men who were definitely worse for the wear, Bateman with his legs over his head and Sheamus lying face down on the mat. After surveying the situation, he begins to count them down.










Bateman rolls onto his side, escaping the situation he was in as he rolls onto his stomach and begins to push off the mat with his arms. Sheamus grabs the ropes and pulls himself to his feet as everyone can see blood running from his nose and mouth due to the earlier Celtic Cross off the top. The referee stops the count as both men are stirring. Derrick gets to his feet but still seems to be a bit loopy as Sheamus touches his hand to his face and looks at it, observing the blood.

Derrick shakes off the daze as he and Sheamus charge one another, Sheamus taking a swing at his opponent who ducks the punch and uses the momentum of the opposite ropes to launch himself back. Just as it looks like curtains for the USA Guy, Derrick connects with a running corkscrew neckbreaker and covers Sheamus.





Christy Hemme: Sheamus has been eliminated!

It's now down to Bateman and Lesnar. As Derrick turns to see where Brock's at, the "Next Big Thing" charges across the ring and clobbers him in the face with the side of the ladder he's carrying, the same one from earlier in the week.


Christy Hemme: Here are your winners by disqualification, Johnny Curtis and Derrick Bateman!

Even though the match is over, the carnage continues as Brock continuously drives the top of the ladder downward into the abdomen of Derrick Bateman. Johnny Curtis comes running down the ramp and slides into the ring, trying to save his partner but he is met by the returning Sheamus, who catches him with a Brogue Kick. Brock grabs the bloody Derrick by the wrist and pulls him to a vertical base, throwing him onto his shoulders and connecting with an F-5.

Brock grabs Bateman again and places his head between his legs, hooking his arms around his waist and lifting him into powerbomb position, connecting with the move onto the ladder! While maintaining hold, Brock hoists Derrick up and delivers two more powerbombs. Brock pulls Bateman to his feet one more time and irish whips him in Sheamus' direction, and nearly gets his head kicked off with a Brogue Kick that sends him backwards into the nearest ropes. Derrick is sent flying off of them as Sheamus catches him and connects with White Noise onto the ladder!

Tazz: The match is ova', guys! Cut it out!

Joey Styles: Poor sportsmanship at its finest.

With Bateman out of commission, Brock and Sheamus turn their attention to Johnny Curtis, but Maxine enters the ring an stands in the way, telling them to leave them all alone. Sheamus and Brock seem to consider it for a moment before Brock throws her onto his shoulders and connects with an F-5! As attention returns to Curtis, suddenly some unexpected cavalry shows up.


Joey Styles: What the?

Tazz: That can't be who I think it is, can it?

Their ears do not deceive them as the "Big Red Monster" appears from the back and hauntingly makes a beeline for the ring. Upon entering it, he levels Brock Lesnar with a big boot when the Next Big Thing tries to attack him. Sheamus tries to attack next but Kane turns and grabs him by the throat, lifting him up and planting him with a chokeslam! Kane helps up Johnny Curtis as Johnny looks confused as to why Kane is there and why he helped. As medical officials come down to tend to Bateman, NXT heads to its first commercial of the night.




The cameras cut backstage and zoom in on The Miz, who’s adopting his trademark pout. We - and he- can hear the boos emanating from the fans at ringside. He listens for moment, smirks, then raises the mic to his mouth and begins to speak.


The Miz: Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt your regular programming to bring you an important message, from me; The Miz. Tonight is MY night; later on loyal viewers you’re going to have the honour of watching me defeat not one, not two, but three opponents. That’s right a three for the price of one. And that’s despite the underhanded machinations of Mr Ryder and Mr Rollins, who have been plotting my downfall for weeks, why? Well it’s a simple case of old fashioned jealousy.

That’s right – jealously. They’re jealous of who I am, where I am, and where I’m going. Who am I? Well I’m the undefeated, UWF ratings boost, NXT saviour, The Miz. Where am I? I’m just out of King of the Ring unscathed and stronger. Where am I going? To the top, to the championship match, to knock on Randy Orton’s door and take his title.

Talking on knocking on doors, around thirty minutes ago I knocked on this door…

The camera pans around to show the entrance to Abyss’ locker room. They hold there for a few seconds before panning back around to The Miz, who is now quietly laughing to himself.

So yeah I had a little word with Abyss and (he throws his head back and laughs out loud) Ho, ho ho hooo! Is he pissed off at you…. (he pauses) well actually, I’m not going to do you the favour of telling you which of you he is really, really pissed at Zack Ryder and Seth Rollins. I’m gonna let you think about it between now and when the bell rings. You think you’re the only ones who can play mind games? I’m smarter than both of your mid-card asses. I’m the smartest guy in that ring tonight and that’s why I’m going to win the fatal-four-way.
All three of my opponents tonight like to run their mouth off about me, about my success out-with UWF, and once again it smacks of jealousy. They envy my fame, and they envy my money. They despise the fact that The Miz is now the number one name on the lips of every casting director in Hollywood, they- (he is interrupted by his phone message alert. He stops for a moment, takes out his phone, reads the message and puts it back and smiles broadly). Whaddaya know, another movie offer. I’ll have my agent call them back later. Anyway, as I was saying all these guys are jealous that I’m a major draw both in the ring and out of the ring. And do you know why? These guys have no ambition! They’re lazy, happy stuck in their little rut, they don’t have the vision, the drive, to make it to the top. That’s why none of them will be the next UWF. That’s why I will be the next UWF Champion.

Am I ashamed of my money? Ashamed to have accumulated wealth, worked for the bills in my pocket? Hell no! I started out with nothing, made a name for myself and now I’m on the way to the top. All I’m doing loyal viewers is livin’ the American Dream. I am the American Dream. If these three guys hate me for that, well that’s just plain un-American! They think I should be ashamed of my success? It’s the eve of election night, they should be ashamed of their own lack of patriotism!

Tonight is the next step towards me attaining my dream, the next three obstacles, and once I’ve hurdled over them like a drug-free athlete, I will be one giant leap closer to being at the top of the mountain. (He pushes his face into the camera so we can see little else aside from his features)


Then, and only then, will I have everyone's attention… This is The Miz signing off. You may now resume your regular programming…

Tazz: Well The Miz is certainly not lacking in the confidence department, eh, Joe?

Joey Styles: Never is, Tazz. Never has, and I'm willing to be he never will.

Tazz: We'll see how well it'll serve him later tonight. As for right now, we've got R-Truth versus Bully Ray comin' up, baby!

Joey Styles: And it's my understanding that Sting has decided taking the rules away isn't enough suffering for R-Truth and has made this an I Quit match instead!


Christy Hemme: The following contest is an I Quit match! Introducing first...



The instrumental version of "What's Up?" by R-Truth himself begins to play as the former NXTreme Champion comes out with an angry expression on his face.


Christy Hemme: From Charlotte, North Carolina. Weighing in at two-hundred and twenty pounds, R-Truth!

R-Truth reveals he's holding a microphone as he raises it to his mouth and begins to rap to his theme as he makes his way down the ramp.

Even though there's a conspiracy, here I am.
Lost my NXTreme title, but I don't give a damn.
Cuz ol' man Stinger best believe gon' get got.
As soon as I get my title shot.
Pilsbury Bully, you losin' ta' me.
Right where all these Little Jimmies can see.
I'm gonna jump up, then I'm plantin' ya face.
Straight into the mat, go 'head get you a taste.
I hear you axe yo'self how come that's so.
It's cuz I'm not playin' GOOD R-Truth no mo'!

As R-Truth reaches the end of the ramp, he enters the ring and throws down his microphone, facing the stage as he anxiously awaits the arrival of the New York native.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...


A familiar whistling sound is heard as "The Beaten Path" bellows out in the arena and the boos ensue, followed by the arrival of the number one contender to Randy Ortons NXT World Heavyweight Championship. He looks at crowd with a rather large grin, obviously smug about his accomplishment at King of the Ring. He makes his way down the ramp.


Christy Hemme: From Hell's Kitchen, New York. Weighing in at three-hundred and twenty-six pounds. He is the number one contender to the NXT World Championship, Bully Ray!

Bully shouts a few brags on the way down to the ring and points at his calves at one instance, before making his way into the ring. Once there, he walks up to R-Truth and pulls the microphone from his hand. Bully's music fades out as the number one contender has something to say.

Bully Ray: That rap was the most pathetic thing I have ever heard, and that's sayin' somethin' considerin' I had ta' listen ta' you try and talk trash ta' me earlia' this week. But don't let that crush ya, because it's only the second worst thing you do, the first one is wrestle. But you shouldn't let that discourage ya eitha', because tonight you don't haff ta' wrestle, Ron, this that we're about ta' have is a FIGHT. Too bad fa' you, we've all seen you fight, and if Sting can hand you your ass on a silva' platta', Bully Ray's gonna give it to ya in a cod board bucket with your choice a' sides.


Bully and Truth each get in a wrestling stance and begin to circle one another, sizing up their opponent. Truth calls for a test of strength as Ray locks up with him. Truth exerts force forward as Bully delivers a kick to the side of the shin as Truth breaks his hold and grabs his shin as Bully leaps from the situation, tapping the side of his head with his pointer finger a few times. Truth looks frustrated as Ray, smiling wickedly at his own cunning, signals for the two to lock up again. Truth goes to lock up but Bully slaps him in the mouth and leaps back again, taunting Truth as he held his arms at his sides, shaking his hands and wrists frantically.

Truth looked slightly more annoyed than before as Ray continued to laugh at what he was doing. He insisted that he was serious this time as he signaled for them to lock up once more. Truth looked to take the bait again as he went for the lock-up, then he planted a stiff right to the forehead of Bully and began teeing off like a boxer, alternating right and left jabs as the two men moved across the ring. Truth headbutted Ray after a moment, knocking him backward. Truth put his arms out in front of him, gesturing for Bully to bring it on as he shouted for him to also. Ray shook the cobwebs off and went after Truth, seemingly stomping across the ring as he hauled off with his right, grabbed the top of Truth's head with his left hand, and punched him in the forehead.

He grabbed Truth's head again and punched him, then repeated the grab once more, this time connecting with Truth's head using the point of his elbow. Truth fired back with a stiff right to the jaw, then a stiff left just to catch Ray off guard, then followed up with a European uppercut before he grabbed Bully by the wrist and whipped him towards the corner but Ray caught himself and whipped Truth towards the corner but Truth caught himself and turned, connecting with another stiff right to the jaw.

Joey Styles: These two men are wrestling a very technically sound match so far.

Tazz: They're throwin' punches, Joe, that doesn't fall under technical wrestling in my book. I will say the way they have each other's offense scouted at this point is very psychologically sound.

Ray fired back with a right of his own as Truth looked to return the favor once more but instead dove at Bully's leg, clipping the knee as Ray fell forward to the mat, catching himself with his hands so he didn't land on his face. Bully turned to face Truth and kicked him right in the face before putting his foot back on the mat and returning to a vertical base. Truth was to his feet as well as he walked toward Ray, who tried to catch Truth off guard by going for a big boot but Truth saw it coming and sidestepped as he ran up to Ray and hooked his arms around his waist, popping his hips as he hurled the number one contender through the air.

Bully used his legs and rolled through over Truth's head, landing on his feet as he staggered all the way across the ring backwards before catching himself in the corner as Truth smacked the mat back first, nobody home. Truth turned and got up, holding his lower back with the back of his hand as Ray charged out of the corner with a leaping lariat, Truth hitting the mat hard, his neck snapping with the impact. Bully stood over Truth as he delivered a stomp to his abdomen, then up his left side before delivering a stomp to the shoulder before focusing on his head.

Tazz: This one could be ova' soon, Joe, a man can only take so many of those kicks to the head before permanent damage gets done.

Truth put his arms up to block the kicks, so Ray turned his attention back to Truth's abdomen. Truth latched onto Bully's leg suddenly and brought him onto his face, beginning to get up and go for an ankle lock, but Ray rolled and kicked Truth in the chest, knocking him backward as he moved quickly to a crouching position. Ray went for a spear but Truth moved and pushed him into the turnbuckle. Bully bounced off and landed in a seated position as Truth went for a kick to the face.

As he did, Ray threw himself into a laying position until Truth's leg had swung around, then he sat up and got to his feet, grabbing Truth by the shoulders and bringing him to the mat head first. Bully dropped into a crouching position then, ready to spear his opponent. Truth got to a complete vertical base, turning to face Ray as Ray charged across the ring at him.

Truth leapt into the air and went split-legged to avoid the spear, landing back on the mat as Bully went towards the corner. Ray put his arms out in front of him and stopped himself from hitting the corner as he turned around, Truth charging him and going for a body splash. Bully dove to the mat and rolled out of the way as Truth hit the corner chest first and popped out of it. Bully slid in behind him, slipping his arm up between his legs and rolling him through for the pin.

Tazz: What's he thinkin'? He can't win the match that way!

Truth kicked out as Ray attacked him immediately, attacking with mounted punches. Truth smacked his arm away and delivered a headbutt to the forehead as he came off the mat with an uppercut. Once he was to a vertical base, Bully took a swing at him but Truth dodged and hooked his arm, executing a T-Bone suplex.

Truth began stomping on the ankle of Ray repeatedly, then delivered an elbow drop to it. Once he returned to his feet, he reached down and grabbed Bully's ankle, dragging him to the far end of the ring, stepping through the ropes and landing on the outside. He grabbed Ray's ankle and dragged him closer to the corner, pulling his ankle away and then slamming it into the ring post as hard as he could. Bully writhed in pain, kicking and punching the mat as Truth went to do it again. Bully got up on his other leg though and spun, falling into a sitting position.

He bent his free leg towards him then released it under the middle rope, hitting Truth in the chest, knocking him backward a few steps. Ray pulled both legs back into the ring then dove through the ropes, hitting Truth with a spear of sorts into the ring barricade. Truth hit back and back of the head first, slumping forward over Bully's arm and shoulder. Ray hit head first, laying there on his face, his arm still around Truth from his delivering of the move.

Joey Styles: What a reckless move! The idiot probably just cost himself the match!

Tazz: A riskless man reaps no reward, Joe.

Joey Styles: An unconscious man reaps no reward either.

Tazz: If Edge is indeed unconscious, then we'll wait for him to come to. This match ends, and can ONLY end, when one of these men utters the words, "I Quit". If one of these men beats the other so badly that he needs wires in his mouth for a time and can't audibly utter the words, "I Quit", then damnit, the match will continue until they can!

Joey Styles: Umm...

Tazz: Sorry, I got a little carried away.

Joey Styles: Clearly.

Truth began to stir as he got up and rolled Ray off of him. Truth signaled to the referee, who exited the ring and grabbed a microphone, running over. Truth pointed to Ray as the official bent over and held the microphone to his mouth. Bully opened his eyes suddenly.

Bully Ray: Get that microphone out of my face!

The official backed off as Ray got to his feet. Truth hauled off to punch him but Bully grabbed the microphone, turning it in his hand and hitting Truth in the top of the forehead with it as if he was stamping him. Truth staggered a bit as Ray swatted him across the face with it, releasing it after making impact and shoving Truth backwards over the steel steps, Truth hitting the back of his head on the ground. Bully kicked the steps, knocking them apart as he taunted Truth from his side of them. Truth got up, reacting angrily to this as he took a wide swing at Ray, but Ray smacked his fist away and grabbed him by the shoulders, driving him downward face first into the steps. Bully pulled Truth forward so that he was leaning over it, his stomach region on the steps themselves while his head and arms and legs hung over their respective sides. Ray grabbed the other part of the steps and ascended the part Truth was on, holding it up before driving it down as hard as he could into his opponent!

Truth held his abdomen as he rolled off the steps to the ground. Ray threw the part he was holding onto the ramp and stepped down onto the ground, standing over his opponent. Bully looked at the referee with intensity, pointing to the microphone and then to Truth shouting, "Ask him!" The referee did as he was instructed by grabbing the microphone but then Truth sat up, still holding his abdomen and muscled to his feet. Truth punched Ray in the eye and grabbed him by the hair, bringing his head forward quickly, slamming him face first into the steps. Truth threw Bully to the bottom of the ramp then flipped up the ring apron, looking for a weapon.

He grabbed a steel pipe and went after Ray. Ray saw this and got up, making a run up the top of the ramp. Truth stayed in hot pursuit as the referee followed, the microphone in hand. Bully went through the curtain, as did Truth and the ref as the camera panned to the backstage to keep following the action. Ray swung at Truth but Truth swung the pipe downward, hitting him in the side of the leg. Bully held his leg as Truth hit the other one with the pipe, before hitting him in the head with it, knocking him to the ground. Truth unloaded furiously, hitting Bully's ankle again and again and again with great force and speed, Ray writhing in pain.

Tazz: This is sick!

Truth threw the pipe down and rolled Ray over, grabbing his ankle, smiling sadistically. Truth lifted his opponent into the air by the ankle before dropping him down towards the ground, but Ray caught himself with his hands, tucking and rolling forward, grabbing Truth's legs and rolling into a pinning position. Ray realized his mistake and threw Truth out of it as he climbed to his feet, them wobbling intensely. Truth got to his feet, holding his midsection as it was beginning to hurt him again. The two gradually made their way towards one another, and stood nose-to-nose once they did.

They mouthed off to one another before Truth slapped the taste out of Bully's mouth, then grabbed him and whipped him down the hallway. Truth followed after Ray with authority, picking up the steel pipe again. Ray was using the wall to climb to his feet. Once he got there, Truth swung the pipe downward, but Bully leapt out of the way so Ron only hit the ground. Truth turned around angrily to swing at Ray again, but Ray charged him, connecting with a spear backward into some double doors, which swung open and sent both men tumbling down a flight of stairs!

Joey Styles: These men will do absolutely anything to win this one!

Both Truth and Bully lay at the bottom of the staircase as the referee came running down with the microphone. Both men tried to stir, but were having great difficulty. Ray rolled over onto his stomach as Truth crawled over to the staircase, leaning up against the bottom one. Bully grabbed the wall and gradually began to get up as Truth continued to crawl up the staircase. Each man got to their feet as Ray looked at Truth and Truth turned around to look at Ray. Truth gestured for Ray to bring it and he did, leaping from the staircase and taking Truth through another set of double doors and to the ground with a shoulder block. The two found themselves in the parking lot of the arena as Truth threw Ray off of him and struggled to his feet again. He and Bully got up, perhaps for the last time. The two had a staredown as they limped towards one another, the crowd red hot for every second.

Joey Styles: It all comes down to this, Tazz!

Tazz: Which one of these men is going to quit?

Ray and Truth stood about two inches from one another and stopped. Ray did a crotch chop gesture and Truth swung at him angrily, but Bully got his fist and grabbed him by the wrist with the other hand, whipping him across the parking lot against a concrete wall. Ray walked over to him, kneeing him in the chest and slamming him against the wall. Truth stood there looking ready to collapse as Bully walked out of the shot. Suddenly a car came rolling into the shot, it was Ray driving! Bully drove up to Truth slowly, and kept going until there was no distance between Truth and the wall and he was being pinned. Bully put the car in park and stuck his head out the window.

Bully Ray: Give it up, Ron! I will press this gas pedal until your intestines explode! Give up!

He turned to the referee and told him to ask Truth. The referee held the microphone out to Ron, who shook his head, refusing. Ray shifted the car into drive and began to let up on the brake, Truth feeling the pressure, becoming short of breath. Ray smiled sadistically, screaming for Truth to give up, but he still refused. It soon became clear that Bully was serious about his threat as Truth pounded on the hood of the car, too short of breath to say the words. Ray threw the car in reverse and parked it, flinging the door open and running over, slamming it behind him. He screamed to the referee, "Make him say it! Make him say it!". The referee held the microphone to Ron's mouth, who was coughing and breathing heavily. Finally, after a moment of struggling to regain his composure...

R-Truth: I quit!


Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, Bully Ray!

Ray's theme music begins to play again as he walks away, raising his arms in victory. The camera zooms in on the fallen Truth as NXT returns to commercial.




The scene begins with Abyss sitting somewhere in the back with his hands together. It seems like The Monster is getting deep inside of his own head, thinking. After a while he raises his head and looks into the camera.



By this time, NXT should have been under my control. By this time I should have been sitting on a throne with my head held high and with my NXT World Heavyweight Championship. But as all of you can see, I am not sitting on a throne and no, I am the NXT World Heavyweight Champion. I might not sit on a throne but I still have my head held high even through I lost at King of The Ring. Randy Orton pinned me there to retain the championship he does not deserve. I said he pinned me because he only pinned me, he never beat me. At King of The Ring we had a little fight and he won that one but the war is not ended yet. IT WILL NOT END UNTIL I SAY SO!

While Abyss is screaming his is pointing at himself with his finger.

Abyss: Do not worry...I do not know how but I will find a my way to you, Randy. I will find my way where I belong...to the top. Who knows...my after tonight, Sting will realise that there is no other man on this roster who deserves a title shot more than me. Yet, he still put me in a match against three other man to see what each and every single one of us has to offer and to see who deserves what around here. There is no needed to make a match such as that. The only thing Sting needs to do is to open his eyes. Sting needs to open his eyes and with his eyes opened, there is no chance he will overlook me. Nobody can overlook a man of my size, my power, my skill. But it is too late for Sting to open his eyes. As he would say...it is showtime and nobody can stop me from going down to the ring and beating Zack Ryder, Seth Rollins and The Miz and by that, I will force Sting to open his eyes.

Abyss makes a short pause and then moves on to the next point of his speech.

Abyss: I am not worried about my match against those three, I already have it won. What I am slightly worried about is that filth, Brooklyn Brawler. Do not get me wrong, I am not intimidated or something else. I know I am going to beat him. When it cames to Monsters Ball, nobody can touch me. What I am worried about is the fact that as of late the superstars that management is putting in front of me...I...I do not understand them, I cannot get inside of their heads. First Zack Ryder, Seth Rollins, The Miz and now Brooklyn Brawler. But I do not care who they put in front of me in attempt to stop me from taking over UWF. I will defeat every single one of them. Brooklyn Brawler will be just another name on the list. I am going to Survior Series for his scalp.


The camera pans back to ringside, where it is time for the next match to begin.

Christy Hemme: The following contest is an Over the Top Rope Battle Royal. Introducing first...


"Flesh It Out" by Blues Saraceno begins playing as Seth Rollins comes out from behind the curtain in a very ecstatic mood as he waves his hands around in the air. Once he arrives at the center of the stage, he begins to slap it furiously to display his excitement.


Christy Hemme: From Davenport, Iowa. Weighing in at two-hundred and five pounds, Seth Rollins!

Rollins takes off down the ramp and slides into the ring, getting up and ascending the nearest turnbuckle as he poses for the crowd. After a moment of soaking up the energy, Seth hops down and prepares himself for the contest ahead of him.

Christy Hemme: Introducing competitor number two...



The crowd ignites as “Radio” by Downstait hits the PA system and the “Long Island Iced Z” Zack Ryder makes his way out from the backstage area. Zack is all smiles after his victory at King of the Ring against Brock Lesnar as he throws up the LI.


Christy Hemme: From The L.I. Weighing in at two-hundred and fourteen pounds. He is the "Long Island Iced Z", Zack Ryder!

Zack makes his way down the ramp, looking out at all of the girls in attendance. He spots one he likes and calls out to her “CALL ME!” He then hops up onto the apron and climbs the turnbuckle and again throws up the LI.


Christy Hemme: Introducing competitor number three...

Just as Christy lowers her microphone, the entrance ramp gets covered in flames and the whole arena is covered in red hue. Many in attendance get scared when flames blow up. After all, darkness covers the whole arena. You can hear two gong hits.



The entire arena gets covered in red hue once again. A guitar riff is still playing when out comes Abyss. Abyss walks through the curtain with a steel chain wrapped around his neck. Abyss is just standing on the stage as he looks into the crowd. He then begins walking down the ramp with his hands extended and flames cover the entrance ramp.


Christy Hemme: From Parts Unknown. Weighing in at three-hundred and fifty pounds. He is the "Monster", Abyss!

When Abyss is in front of the ring he climbs to the apron. He doesn't enter the ring just yet. While he is looking at his opponents, Abyss turns and nods his head to the right side, then to the left side. After a while Abyss steps over the ropes and enters the ring.

Christy Hemme: And last but not least...



“I Came to Play” by Downstait begins to play as the crowd erupts into boos. While this is going on, the ever-cocky Miz makes his way out onto the stage and leans forward, standing up and extending his arms into the air as he does his trademark pose.


Christy Hemme: From Cleveland, Ohio. Weighing in at two-hundred and twenty pounds, The Miz!

The Miz makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, looking smugly at all of his opponents as the match gets underway.


Rollins leapt into the air and hit Abyss in the side of the head with an enziguiri, sending him into the corner as Seth popped up from the mat and went into the ropes. He came off and took Ryder down with a shoulder block. Miz tried to attack but Seth whipped him into a corner and ran into the ropes and sprung off, connecting with a Lionsault on Ryder! Rollins ran to Abyss in the corner and connected with a monkey flip, throwing him onto the Long Island Iced Z.

Rollins got to his feet and charged Miz in the corner, going for a punch but Miz sidestepped and threw an elbow backward, connecting with the back of Seth's head. Miz turned around to face Seth and grabbed him by the hair, beating his face into the turnbuckle pad several times. Miz turned him so that his back was facing the turnbuckle and went for a bulldog but as he leapt, Rollins pushed him and things broke up, Seth catching himself on the mat with his hands and Miz going through the ropes to the outside.

Joey Styles: Miz is out!

Tazz: Actually Joe, he went through the ropes, not over 'em.

Zack threw Abyss off of him and got to his feet, waiting on Seth as he was getting up. Both men got to their feet as they stared one another down. Ryder slapped Rollins across the face, who responded with a kick to the abdomen as Ryder hunched over. Seth hooked his head under his arm, causing the crowd to cheer loudly. Rollins lifted him up for God's Last Gift but before bring Zack down for the brainbuster portion of the move, Abyss came off the ropes with a cross body that sent all three men crashing to the mat. Miz climbed onto the apron and climbed onto the top turnbuckle.

Abyss was getting to a vertical base just then, his back turned as Miz leapt and connected with a missile dropkick that sent both men to the mat. Miz landed and stood up as Abyss hit the mat and rolled, pushing himself up with his arms and leaping to his feet. Miz and Abyss charged one another, Miz swinging with a hard right but Abyss ducked it and hooked his arm around Miz's upper body, reversing into the Black Hole Slam!

Joey Styles: Ooh! Short trip, bad landing!

Tazz: The big man's getting fired up now, Joe, if I was in the ring I'd get rid of 'im as quickly as possible.

Rollins and Zack Ryder had been trading punches in the meantime. As soon as Abyss planted Miz with the Black Hole Slam, Rollins hit the Avada Kedavra on Zack when he least expected it, laying him out next to Miz. Rollins leapt and hit an enziguiri to the side of Abyss' head, causing him to fall flat on his face on the other side of Miz. Rollins ran into the ropes and sprung off, connecting with a Lionsault on Abyss. He then ran to the opposite ropes and did the same, connecting with a Lionsault on Ryder.

With the two seemingly taken care of, Rollins grabbed Miz's legs, looking to apply a submission. Suddenly Miz pushed himself up with his arms and twisted his body, throwing Seth to the mat, landing so that his head was under the rope. Miz suddenly hooked Rollins' leg and applied an STF, holding the back of Seth's head to the outside of the rope, wrenching backward.

Tazz: That's gotta hurt.

Ryder and Abyss got up as Zack went for a clothesline but Abyss thought quickly and returned to the well, reversing it into the Black Hole Slam. Abyss took off running and kicked Miz in the side of the head , breaking the STF as Seth's head slumped so that his face was on the apron and Miz rolled onto his back. Abyss stomped the abdomen and upper body of Miz a few times before grabbing him by the air and pulling him to his feet. Abyss scooped Miz onto his shoulders going for the Shock Treatment but Rollins dove and clipped the knee, stopping the move but sending both Abyss and Miz crashing down on top of him. Abyss was the first up as Ryder kicked him in the abdomen and looked for the Rough Ryder but Abyss put a hand on his abdomen and pushed forward, sending Zack backwards into the ropes.

Zack got hung up as Abyss came off the opposite ropes with a big boot attempt, but Zack threw his leg up, catching Abyss in the lower jaw as the Monster's head snapped back and he hit the mat hard. Rollins grabbed Miz by the ankles and dragged him to the center of the ring. He crossed his ankles, seemingly going for a submission again, then turned and hit Avada Kedavra on Ryder out of nowhere, sending him flying over the top rope and crashing to the outside!

Joey Styles: Oh my God!

Tazz: No friends in this one is right, Joe! Yowza.

Zack can't believe it as Christy Hemme makes the announcement.

Christy Hemme: Zack Ryder has been eliminated!

Rollins mocks Ryder by doing his fist pump gesture as the Long Island Iced Z makes his way back to the locker room. Directing his focus elsewhere proves to be erroneous however as The Miz sneaks up behind him and slaps on the full nelson, sending the crowd into a mixed frenzy. As he goes to sweep the leg, Abyss charges them both and knocks them down, Miz hitting the mat on his back and Rollins staggering into the corner. Abyss charges again and sandwiches him in the corner with a body splash, then scoops him up onto his shoulders and walks towards the center of the ring. Abyss goes for the Shock Treatment but Miz comes up behind him and delivers a low blow, allowing Seth to slide free. Miz slaps on the full nelson and connects with the SCF but as he gets up, Seth spins him around and connects once again with the Avada Kedavra as Miz falls backward and lands on Abyss for a moment before rolling and ending up on his face.

Seth looks at what he's done as he rubs his hands together and smiles from ear-to-ear in excitement, deciding quickly to stay on the offensive as he goes to the nearest turnbuckle and ascends it. Seth faces away from his downed opponents as well as the ring and leaps from the turnbuckle, performing a one-hundred and eighty degree turn in mid-air and then performs a 450 splash on The Miz.

Joey Styles: Phoenix Splash!

Tazz: This kid is impressive!

Rollins pops up soon after making impact and is jacked with adrenaline. Unfortunately his celebration gets cut short as Abyss throws him onto his shoulders, at last successfully connecting with the Shock Treatment! Abyss is on a rampage as he grabs Seth by the hair and pulls him to a vertical base, goozling him and lifting him up, planting him with a chokeslam! Miz is to his feet again but not for long as Abyss levels him with a big boot. Abyss crosses his arms at the wrists and screams out in ferocity as he walks over to Seth again and pulls him to a vertical base, whipping him into the nearest corner. He then grabs Miz and whips him into the same corner. Abyss splashes both men in the corner and backs up, scooping Miz onto his shoulders as he staggers out of the corner. Then, as Rollins comes staggering out of the corner, Abyss bends down and scoops Seth onto his shoulders on top of Miz and connects with a double Shock Treatment!

Abyss stands up and observes the mayhem he's just caused and decides it's time to finish this, going after the man he's been victimizing, Seth Rollins. He picks up Seth and presses him over his head but Rollins slips a hand free and jabs Abyss in the eye with his thumb, causing the Monster to drop him. Seth lands on his feet and then leaps up, catching Abyss around the head with his legs and performs his signature inverted hurracanrana, launching Abyss over the top rope to the outside!

Christy Hemme: Abyss has been eliminated!

Tazz: Oh my God!

Joey Styles: Hey!

Abyss is furious as he climbs back on the apron and climbs into the ring, where Seth has his back turned and has no idea the Monster has even returned. Abyss spins Rollins around and grabs him by the neck with both hands, lifting him up and planting him with a chokebomb! Abyss exits the ring as Miz returns to a vertical base, looking to pick the bones. He stands there, anxiously awaiting as Rollins gets to a vertical base, his back turned to his opponent. Miz runs over and hooks the arms, looking for the SCF, but Seth scouts it as he throws an elbow backward into the abdomen, breaking the hold as he hooks Miz's head in a three-quarter facelock and leaps backward, connecting with the Shiranui! Seth gets up after making impact and looks to end this as he walks over to his downed opponent, when suddenly someone hops the barricade and slides into the ring. It's C.M. Punk! Punk runs over and clubs Seth Rollins in the upper back with a double axe handle, knocking him into the ropes. As he hangs there, Punk grabs Miz and irish whips him into Seth, knocking Rollins over the top rope to the outside, Punk grabbing Miz so he doesn't get eliminated.


Christy Hemme: Here is your winner, The Miz!

"I Came To Play" begins again as The Miz celebrates his victory, Punk raising his arm and pointing to him with his free hand, seemingly endorsing The Miz.

Joey Styles: This is just wrong, why did Punk have to get involved in such a great match, and to help The Miz of all people?

Tazz: I dunno, Joe, Punk never struck me as a Miz guy.

As Miz turns to leave the ring, Punk still has him by the wrist. Miz turns to him with a shocked expression on his face and Punk pulls him towards him and lifts him onto his shoulders, then connects with the Go To Sleep!

Tazz: GTS!

Joey Styles: Well, I guess Punk's agenda isn't entirely clear, but I don't guess that matters. Straight Edge has returned to Monday nights!

Punk poses in the ring to his own music playing as NXT returns to commercial.



Is it worth the wait so far?


We're taken backstage as we're met with the locker room door of Michael McGillicutty. The camera is zoomed in on the nameplate but begins to zoom out as Josh Matthews appears in the camera's view. Matthews holds a microphone in his hand and knocks on the door, evidently wanting an interview with the third generation superstar. After a few moments the door swings open and McGillicutty steps out to speak.


Michael McGillicutty: Josh Matthews! Let me guess... you'd like for me to give you a moment of my time to answer a couple of questions. Right?

Josh Matthews: If that's not too much to ask.

Michael McGillicutty: I guess not. Go on, what do you want to know?

Josh Matthews: Well first of all, what are your thoughts on your defeat two weeks ago to the NXT Champion, Randy Orton?

Michael McGillicutty: No comment. Next question!

Matthews is a little taken back, but moves on with the interview.

Josh Matthews: Uhhh okay. You've spoken throughout the week in regards to your match later tonight and made mention of the fact you watched the NXT Championship match from home. Does the outcome of the match please you or would you prefer that Abyss left victorious?

Michael McGillicutty: Well first of all, Josh, I didn't like the match-up itself, and it's pretty obvious why. I've been fairly outspoken recently with my claims that I was the more deserving contender for the NXT Championship, claims that are further undermined with what happened two weeks ago, but I stand by what I said and I mean every word of it. All along it should have been Randy Orton verses Michael McGillicutty for the NXT Championship, and instead of me standing here speaking about what should have been, I should be in that ring celebrating my first World Championship victory. So to answer your question, Josh, I didn't like the match-up to begin with, but I also don't care about the fact Randy won. It doesn't matter to me who the NXT Champion is because the entire roster is powerless to prevent Michael McGillicutty from being the second man to hold that championship in its history.

Josh Matthews: Fair enough. Now as for your match tonight, what are your final thoughts on your opponent for the night in Rhino?

McGillicutty is shaking his head, clearly showing he's not much of a fan of Rhino.


Michael McGillicutty: I don't give him much of a chance tonight, Josh, and neither should you or anybody else for that matter. I've never been more driven in my life to live up to my moniker of the Personification of Perfection seeing how these past few weeks my good name has been tarnished. I've promised things that have been taken away from underneath me and frankly I'm already done with looking like an idiot. I've said that I would win the Gold Rush tournament and I didn't, I said I would become NXT Champion at King of the Ring and I didn't even get that match, but this is where the disappointment stops. I'm finished with being second best because it's not what I deserve, it's not what the son of perfection deserves, Josh. So tonight I'm going to go out there, tame the Man Beast by outclassing him from bell-to-bell, and forcing myself into that NXT Championship match at Survivor Series.

Josh Matthews: Well my final question to you, Michael, is what are your thoughts regarding the unofficial NXT Championship match between Randy Orton and Bully Ray?

Michael McGillicutty: It's the same as the NXT Championship match at King of the Ring, Josh - I don't like the match-up. Why? It's because I know I should be in it! As far as I'm concerned, Randy got VERY lucky two weeks ago, and Ray is nothing but... well, a bully. He's a punk and nothing more than that. He's in the twilight of his career and is looking to rob talented up-and-comers like myself, who're destined for greatness, their opportunity at glory. When I beat Rhino tonight, Josh, I'm hoping to have forced my way into that match in just under three week’s time, a match that I GUARANTEE I will win. All that's left for my doubters, my critics, and the very people who've labelled me a disgrace to the Hennig name since day one of my career to do... is to just watch. Just... watch... because NXT is only weeks away from becoming perfect!

McGillicutty grins at Matthews before turning away from him, but this time the camera follows him and it manages to get in front of him.


McGillicutty begins to bound down the hallway looking extremely determined, not messing about at all. It's clear that the time for games is over, as we continue to watch McGillicutty stroll down the hallway and heading towards the curtain to emerge to compete.


Sure enough McGillicutty reaches the curtain, which is when the camera moves out of his path. McGillicutty smashes through the curtain and has now disappeared from view, prompting the camera to shut off and for us to be taken back to the ringside area for the upcoming match.


Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...


"And The Horse He Rode In On" by Reluctant Hero bursts through the speakers spread throughout the arena, as the crowd in attendance begin to boo Michael McGillicutty's arrival. McGillicutty takes a moment before he emerges from the back, a smirk accompanying his face, while he gazes out at the filled to capacity arena. McGillicutty stands at the top of the stage, spreads his legs and throws his arms out, followed by a confident roar and a steely glare directly towards the ring. McGillicutty's confidence is evident.


Christy Hemme: From Champlin, Minnesota. Weighing in at two-hundred and twenty-seven pounds, Michael McGillicutty!

McGillicutty takes a few moments to soak in the hostile atmosphere before he proceeds to make his way down the ramp and towards the ring. People can be seen hanging over the barriers and slinging abuse at the cocky third generation superstar, who has made his way to ringside and opts to walk up the steel steps. McGillicutty enters the ring and doesn't pose or anything, just merely awaits his opponent.

Christy Hemme: And the opponent...



The crowd unites into a chorus of cheers as "Stampede" by Dale Oliver roars over the PA system. Jonathan Coachman and the man himself walk out onto the stage as Rhino throws his arms into the air, inciting more cheers from the crowd.


Christy Hemme: From Detroit, Michigan. Weighing in at two-hundred and seventy pounds. He is the "Man Beast", Rhino!

Rhino charges the ring and slides into it upon arrival, standing up and instantly getting into fight mode as the match gets underway.


McGillicutty goes after Rhino immediately as he winds back and nails the Man Beast with a hard right. The impact of the punch was enough to send Rhino into the corner, since it caught him off guard, and McGillicutty is now laying into him with repeated shots to the head, attacking with precision, fury, and speed. Rhino sees an opening as he catches Michael in the jaw with a right of his own, then the two switch places as McGillicutty's in the corner and Rhino is the one throwing the hits.

After being on the receiving end of a few punches, Michael smacked his opponent's arm away and threw a punch of his own but Rhino grabbed his wrist, pulled him in and locked his arms around him, seemingly applying a bearhug. But then he fell back, hitting the mat and launching McGillicutty overhead into the nearest corner with a belly-to-belly suplex.

Michael hit back first and was upside down in the corner as Rhino walks over and positions him into a Tree of Woe. The War Machine begins to unload with a series of stomps to the chest, abdomen, and face when Michael grabs his leg and throws him off of his balance. As Rhino hits the mat, Michael frees himself and gets to his feet.

Tazz: No love lost between these two, Joe.

In the ring, McGillicutty is nearly stomping Rhino into the mat but this doesn't last long as Rhino rolls out of the way of one of the stomps and gets to his feet, charging his opponent and connecting with a lariat. Michael was back to a vertical base quickly as Rhino went to follow up on the earlier lariat. As Rhino attempted an offensive attack, McGillicutty delivered a double dropkick, one foot kicking his opponent in the face and the other in the chest as Rhino was launched backward, managing to catch himself on the ropes as he hung there like a scarecrow in a field.

Michael begins walking towards him as Rhino frees himself from the ropes and charges across the ring with wreckless abandon, going for the banned Gore, but right before he connects the lights go out.

Joey Styles: Oh, come on!

When the lights come back up, Sting is where McGillicutty was with his baseball bat in hand as Rhino is lying on the mat bleeding from his forehead. Sting turns to the ringside official and points as Christy Hemme announces the result of the match.

Christy Hemme: Here is your winner as a result of a disqualification, Michael McGillicutty!

The crowd boos as Sting motions for a microphone and is granted one.

Boo me all you want, ladies and gentlemen, this degenerate was about to break the rules placed on this contest and wrongfully assault his opponent with a forbidden move, and when you break my rules, there are consequences. I wanted to cap off my night as Interim General Manager by setting the stage for Survivor Series, so let's get down to business.

Earlier tonight, you saw Derrick Bateman get assaulted by Sheamus and Brock Lesnar, a cowardly attack that led to the unexpected interference of Kane, just as Johnny Curtis was about to suffer the same fate as his tag team partner. I believe in giving a wronged man the chance to avenge himself so Johnny Curtis will team up with the "Big Red Monster" to take on Sheamus and Brock Lesnar.

Now to the former NXTreme Champion. Truth, you will not be getting your rematch at the pay-per-view, instead you will be putting your rematch on the line against the "Long Island Iced Z" Zack Ryder, Seth Rollins, and NXT's newest signing, C.M. Punk!

Speaking of contenderships, the number one contender to the NXT World Championship will also be crowned when Michael McGillicutty does battle with the undefeated Miz. As for Rhino's challenge...

Sting turns to the fallen Rhino.

You've made it very clear that you feel like you were wronged in that Steel Cage match. I don't agree with that but one thing I know for certain is you are a pest and I want rid of you, so I accept your challenge. At Survivor Series, you have a second chance at the NXTreme Championship, but you'll also get another chance at making your mark inside the confines of wall-by-wall metal. It's going to be you and me in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage match!

But that's not all. You see, I got a call from Bradshaw earlier this evening, and he wanted to make a tweak to the main event and add a Special Enforcer. I believe it's someone Randy Orton knows very well, in fact the man is here this evening.

Sting motions to the ramp as the theme of this man kicks in.



Joey Styles: What the?

Tazz: It's Bobby Roode!

Robert Roode comes out and stands at the top of the stage, staring down the ramp at the ring as NXT goes off the air.


Rhino Promo- Rated R Superstar
Miz Promo- BigGreenApple
Abyss Promo- Chriss
McGillicutty Promo- Aniking
Maxine, Bateman, Curtis Promo- CaptainxBumout
Everything Else- Chris Dresden



Randy Orton(c) vs. Bully Ray w/Special Enforcer Robert Roode


Sting(c) vs. Rhino


Michael McGillicutty vs. The Miz


R-Truth vs. Seth Rollins vs. Zack Ryder vs. C.M. Punk

Kane/Curtis vs. Sheamus/Lesnar
Last edited:


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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

The delay was really worth it. I really enjoyed the way the opening was the RRS' Rhino cutting a promo.

I always liked Dresden's writing so this show was right on the money with every single match being awesome. I enjoyed the R-Truth/Bully Ray match the most.

Abyss really needs to get back on the horse. But eh, congrats to BGA on winning the match.

As for the NXT matches for SS. The nXtreme championship will not only make a good session but the match itself will be pretty damn good as the concept is really interesting. Also, I was a bit shocked when I saw Roode returning. With him as the special enforcer in the NXT Championship match it's a nice adition to the match and after that I can see Roode being in the title picture.


Sep 25, 2012
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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

So, eh wow. Great show. Rhino/Sting thing was excellent. KANE! Love it!

Really happy to win my match. The TTing between the four of us was top class, I couldn't call it. And the arrival of Punk outta nowhere?! Great stuff.

Massive match now at SS. Cant wait!


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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

Damn I just marked so fucking hard knowing I'm in a Fatal Four Way for that nXtreme Championship!

Absolutely loved the show especially the Rhino/Sting promos, I look forward to both TT's come Survivor Series.

Facing Shawn, The Hoov and Blizzard at SS is going to be a killer thread! BRING IT ON!!


Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

I just thought I'd take the time to say a very special thanks to Chris Dresden for this weeks show.

Everything was of excellent quality some things even surprised me such as the arrival of CM Punk!.

Really looking forward to reading everybody's TT's as I think the matches myself and Dresden have got booked have the potential to be nothing short of stellar.


Sep 25, 2012
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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

KOTR was superb, Chris Dresden steps up to the plate to do the show straight after - always a tough ask - and, as they say in the US, knocks it out the park.

The general standard of show writing in this fed is extremely strong. Well done to all who put the time in to do it. It is appreciated.

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

Holy shit, what a show! Wasn't expecting my promo to open the show, but fuck I loved it. I loved writing it. This couldn't be more of an action packed show! Looking forward to Survivor Series considering all the build up, should be excellent. I'm starting a Miz for Champ campaign.
Sep 27, 2011
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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

The Best In The World has arrived!!! Glad to be apart of NXT, special thanks to Dres!! I would rate this show, but to be honest I have only read a few shows, but this was a solid read and looking forward to reading them going ahead. Andrew said he was facing me also, but I don't see my name in a match for SS, so that may have been a mistake on his part or mine for missing it!

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

Sorry about that Shawn, forgot to edit it. The card's been updated. I am glad that you all enjoyed the show, Sam included, especially because of the time it took to write it all. But I had fun with every bit, it's nice to be back on the writing and booking side of things. Hope to see everyone else give the show a comment, NXT's going to keep getting bigger and better with the Sam and Dresden regime and you don't wanna miss it!


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

I'm sort of not sure about the result of my match, technically losing for a third consecutive week. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong considering that's three straight losses yet I'm in a number one contender's match for the NXT Championship. Pretty confused, so some clarification would be nice :/

Anyway, as some people have said, the show was worth the wait. Already a heap of matches put in place for Survivor Series, which is always a good thing. I've personally not read BigGreenApple's Miz so it must be good if he could be the next #1 contender for the NXT Championship. I'm feeling a little deja vu with the Gold Rush tournament though, but I'm looking forward to my first pay-per-view match with McGillicutty.

Nice show, nice matches set in stone, two debuts in Kane and CM Punk, so yeah. Great job, Dres, for filling in for Sam. Much appreciated by all :)

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

I'm sort of not sure about the result of my match, technically losing for a third consecutive week. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong considering that's three straight losses yet I'm in a number one contender's match for the NXT Championship. Pretty confused, so some clarification would be nice :/

Anyway, as some people have said, the show was worth the wait. Already a heap of matches put in place for Survivor Series, which is always a good thing. I've personally not read BigGreenApple's Miz so it must be good if he could be the next #1 contender for the NXT Championship. I'm feeling a little deja vu with the Gold Rush tournament though, but I'm looking forward to my first pay-per-view match with McGillicutty.

Nice show, nice matches set in stone, two debuts in Kane and CM Punk, so yeah. Great job, Dres, for filling in for Sam. Much appreciated by all :)

You're not doing anything wrong, I just noticed I forgot to change Christy's announce of the finish. McGillicutty won by DQ, Sting disqualified Rhino for using the Gore. Sorry for the confusion.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Monday Night NXT November 5th Edition(SORRY FOR THE DELAY!)

You're not doing anything wrong, I just noticed I forgot to change Christy's announce of the finish. McGillicutty won by DQ, Sting disqualified Rhino for using the Gore. Sorry for the confusion.

Oh right, that actually makes it a lot better. I wasn't necessarily complaining about losing this match specifically, just the fact I would've lost three on the trot, which is never a good sign, yet I get given a #1 contender's match. Just confused me, but if I technically won this one then it actually makes me feel alot better and a little relieved haha. Thanks Dres :)

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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Monday Night NXT 11/12/12 Preview


After a night of Sting being in charge, the stage for Survivor Series is now set with every man on the roster knowing their fate at the upcoming pay-per-view. Now JBL is back but the NXTreme Champion has been allowed one more night in power because of the job he did last week. With Sting having the ability to book any match he wants and a new bodyguard, is NXT safe from the darkness?

Episode Nine: Return of the Acolyte


Last week's tag match got out of control after Brock Lesnar and Sheamus put their differences aside and manhandled Derrick Bateman. Johnny Curtis will get another crack at the monstrous duo at Survivor Series but that's too long to wait for the "Thoroughbred", so he's asked that Sting let him get his hands on Sheamus in one-on-one competition. Will the "Royal Celtic" dominate his opponent like he did his tag partner, or will Johnny get a bit of early revenge in Bateman's honor?


Seth Rollins wants a piece of C.M. Punk, while Zack Ryder wants a piece of Seth Rollins. The Miz also wants a piece of C.M. Punk, while Punk is ready to take all comers. Sting has decided to capitalize on this tension and force Rollins to team with Ryder and Miz to team with Punk. Can either side co-exist their way to victory, or is this an implosion waiting to happen?


Last week, McGillicutty broke his losing streak in controversial fashion when Sting disqualified Rhino. This week, the "Heir of Perfection" will have his hands full as he takes on the returning Robert Roode. Can Michael start a winning streak or will Robert prove he hasn't lost a step during his time away?


The hard times continue for Sting's enemies as this week R-Truth and Rhino must team up to take on Bully Ray, fresh off of a victory over Truth in an I Quit match, and the "Monster" Abyss who is fresh off a loss. Can Truth and Rhino work together to knock off the powerhouse opposition set in front of them or will Abyss and Bully Ray prove too strong a threat?

Robert Roode
Anyone else


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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Monday Night NXT 11/12/12 Preview

The "Heir of Perfection"? I think I'm going to steal that one :p

Keen to hopefully establish a winning streak with McGillicutty to build some momentum towards Survivor Series. EoR (not Grimlock) will be a tough challenge obviously, but I'll see what I can do.

Looks like a solid card :)


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Re: Monday Night NXT 11/12/12 Preview

Looking to be a great card.

Will have to get my TT up tonight, looks like I'll be going to bed late. Got an absolutely busy week ahead.
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