Why have you suddenly changed your opinion on me.Yeah I’ve seen enough
vote Blaine
i believe i've literally said that a few games ago as town and was sussed for it as wellbesides, why is me saying "executed" over "lynched" sus?
Why have you suddenly changed your opinion on me.
fair enoughI was pretty clear that your earlier joke votes aren’t normally alignment indicative, and I’d no sold a lot of your earlier content as silliness / fluff posting and that you’d resolve yourself.
so far I haven’t seen any form of gamesolving from you and the posts about “I wish I could kill like you” collectively with dropping an execute instead of a lynch lines up with the trolly softing you did in Meme Wars.
I think that’s more than enough to vote and pop some pressure onto ya
But if you had read the game you would have seen me calling out Lethal's entrance and you would have known that it pinged me. So why ask me about Lethal then if you already knew? What did I avoid answering? Lethal, Chris, Blaze, and Tweet have all had wolfy moments.slight passive aggressive response, suggesting I hadn't read the game.
But yo also avoided answering. Fypov if Blaze is scum, then so isI lethal.
But I expect you will deflect and vote chris or tweet instead