it matters in the sense of how persuasive your argument is tho, and also from how trustworthy you are, which I guess is academic but it’s still relevant
lmao who's flaming
eh this is just stuff side stuff really
I'd be fine lynching him from play and the claim wasn't great regardless of the spec either
I don’t really want to go directly to lynching him tbh - there’s some holes in his day 1 to be sure tho
I didn’t.He's trying to spin the narrative that I've been my old, trolly, abusive self when I've merely been active lol he done it in a previous game we played but can't remember if he was scum or not
He’s just being a twat. Normally this would be enough to gain a town read but he’s started doing it as scum too so idk
If my scumhunting was this bad, I'd just troll and flame too![]()