tweet or blaine I think. don't think there's reason to town read either.who do you think it is if not barry?
tweet or blaine I think. don't think there's reason to town read either.who do you think it is if not barry?
wasn't that before the brutus posts after he repped in though? I thought he was just sheeping the people who were strongly scum reading brutus.because that giant multiquote i just did showing that barry was focusing on one of the killing roles being non-town. he had a bunch of posts on that and wanting to kill me and then ends it with shooting brutus.
I kinda want Magic dead though because he was really attaching himself to Doddsy hard.
What if both?
So while we're waiting, anyone want some STAR WARS JOKES? Too bad, you're getting them anyways.
What do you call a bounty hunter's dog?
I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. Work and all that.
I'm caught up though, but to me it feels like Brutus is inventing reasons to justify his town read on me atm when the basis of it is entirely with my role. I'm also fine with the Ace direction.
because that giant multiquote i just did showing that barry was focusing on one of the killing roles being non-town. he had a bunch of posts on that and wanting to kill me and then ends it with shooting brutus.
Most people were talking about wanting to kill Brutus that night. Its understandable if Barry decided to follow the consensus of what people wanted. And he wouldn't necessarily want to make it obvious who he would be killing anyway so some intentional misdirection is plausible.
so if he made a post about reading brutus scum I don't think we can say it doesn't make sense for him to killed for brutus. as for when he could have caught up, why not before he made that post in the morning? do you think barry is the type to kill you or doddsy when the thread consensus was you're both town?this is after my ace case.
this is 4 hours later(it would presumably be night for him)
this is the next morning(12 hours later, after he would have slept).
1) i have no idea in what period of time he would have caught up assuming he was gone for those 4 hours between wanting me dead and making his star wars jokes.
2) there is no transition from wanting me and doddsy dead for being scum and being fine with the ace case and being onside for killing brutus
i mean tweet's play has been overwhelming pro-town and blaine seems completely lost and without guidance. i could see blaine, but barry should be dead before tweet.tweet or blaine I think. don't think there's reason to town read either.
that's a good point tbf. @Grimus Augustus was the lethal kill your own read?so most people wanted brutus and he went with the consensus and then with lethal he randomly decides not go with any sort of consensus and just offs him.
Right. It's not like I'm some fucking idiot with my kills.Most people were talking about wanting to kill Brutus that night. Its understandable if Barry decided to follow the consensus of what people wanted. And he wouldn't necessarily want to make it obvious who he would be killing anyway so some intentional misdirection is plausible.
that's a good point tbf. @Grimus Augustus was the lethal kill your own read?
so if he made a post about reading brutus scum I don't think we can say it doesn't make sense for him to killed for brutus. as for when he could have caught up, why not before he made that post in the morning? do you think barry is the type to kill you or doddsy when the thread consensus was you're both town?
i dont buy he caught up in the thread given the timing of his posts.
him going with consensus night 2 and not n3 doesn't make any sense either, big man.
id prefer you guys follow on this rather than go down your own shitty route because this is how town loses. there is nothing confirming barry as vig and going to length's to defend him doesn't make sense. he checked out of the game around the time that the scum team fell apart as well so loss of motivation could easily be attributed to his team suddenly falling apart.
Yes. The lethal kill was my own read as well as considering he was on POE and not particularly contributing well to the game.
I'm a fast reader, Jesus Christ dude.