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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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ROH A Fight At The Roxbury - Matt Sydal vs. El Generico

They lock up and Generico puts on a wristlock. Sydal counters to a headlock. Generico gets an armdrag into an armbar. Sydal comes back with a hurricanrana and a dropkick. He hits an enziguiri for 2. He hits two bodyslams and a side slam. He hits an elbowdrop for 2. He puts on the bow and arrow but Generico rolls over for 2. Sydal slips away and hits a legdrop for 2. Generico hits a leg lariat for 2. He hangs Sydal on the second rope and hits a Lionsault for 2. He hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. Sydal dodges the corner Yakuza kick and hits a spinning leg lariat. They trade strikes and Sydal hits a leaping forearm. He hits a clothesline and hits corner combo. He climbs the ropes and drives Generico the mat with his knees. Generico dodges the standing moonsault but can’t hit the brainbuster. Sydal hits the Slice for 2. He sneaks up behind Generico and hits a crossbody to the floor. Great spot there. Sydal tries to roll Generico into the ring but Generico rolls out on the other side and dives through the corner to hit a swinging DDT on the floor. Wow, just wow. Back in the ring Sydal rolls Generico up for 2. Generico flips Sydal around and hits a powerbomb for 2. Sydal catches the Yakuza kick and hits the standing moonsault for 2. He sets Generico up and hits a hurricanrana. Generico comes back with the Yakuza kick for 2. Sydal counters the brainbuster into a hurricanrana for the win. That was all spots with very little selling and if they did sell it wouln't last too long or psychology ***


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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ROH Race to the Top Tournament Night 2 - El Generico vs. Claudio Castagnoli

The match starts with a “Hey” vs. “Olé” battle. Which i enjoyed allot but it went on a bit too long. They finally lock up and Castagnoli powers Generico to the corner. He gets a roll up and puts on a headlock. Generico comes back with an armdrag into an armbar. Castagnoli gets a few roll ups for 1. He hits a backbreaker for 2. Generico hits a leg lariat for 2. Castagnoli hits the giant swing for 2. He hits a European uppercut to the back for 2. He sets Generico up top and hits a climbing enziguiri. Generico fights him off and comes down with a crossbody for 2. Castagnoli hits the Match Killer for 2. He hits a straight jacket suplex for 2. He puts on a stranglehold and then flushes the toilet for 2. They trade forearms and Generico hits a hiptoss to the floor. He springs out onto Castagnoli and then dives through the ropes to hit a DDT on the floor. Back in the ring he hits a splash off the top for 2. Castagnoli blocks the Yakuza kick and hits a bicycle kick. Generico counters the Ricola Bomb to the Yoshi Tonic for 2. Castagnoli blocks the swinging DDT and hits a huge European uppercut for 2. He hits the Alpamare Waterslide for 2. He sets Generico up top but Generico catches him in the Tree of Woe. He climbs an adjacent turnbuckle and hits the flipping corner to corner dropkick for 2. He hits a brainbuster for 2. He hits the Yakuza kick and goes for the BRAINBUSTAH. Castagnoli blocks and hits the Alpamare Waterslide off the second rope for 2. Generico counters the Ricola Bomb to a hurricanrana for 2. Castagnoli counters a sunset flip to the Ricola Bomb for 2. He unloads with European uppercuts until Generico counters one to a backslide for 2. Castagnoli hits another European uppercut but Generico pops up and boots him down. He keeps the pressure on with boots until Castagnoli ducks one and hits a European uppercut off the top and a huge Ricola Bomb for the win. The counter wrestling was fantastic. I also love that Castagnoli frequently goes for multiple pins in a row after he hits a big move and Generico's selling was on top form here. ****


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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ROH Motor City Madness 2007 - Naomichi Marufuji vs. El Generico

Prazak sells this is a "one-time only" dream match. And i can believe that. As well as shaking hands, Generico also gives Marafuji a friendly hug. They feel each other out neither man manages to gain an advantage in the opening minutes, so they go to a speedy exchange. Generico gets the better of it and sends Marafuji to the outside. He fakes him out on a dive and they go at it, slow, in the ring again. Generico pounds on Marafuji in the corner and hits a split-legged moonsault. Marafuji fights back and dropkicks Generico to the outside. Marafuji scolds a fan for helping Generico to his feet. Awesome. He throws Generico around ringside and hits a SICK dropkick on the floor before putting on a fan's baseball cap. Back in the ring. Marafuji is controlling Generico with relative ease. Marafuji wears him down with a lengthy headlock. The fans get behind Generico and he manages to power out and land some chops. Marafuji sends him to the floor, however, and follows with a PLANCHA HEADLOCK! The headlock is very effective and Generico can't muster the strength to power out. Marafuji mocking Generico is pretty funny. Marafuji is taking Generico very lightly. He gives him plenty of time to get back in the ring and then just locks him back in the headlock. Generico's comeback comes a bit late and the fans aren't that into it. He nails a tope con hilo to Marafuji on the outside. Back in the ring, a big splash and Blue Thunder Bomb gets two. Generico's control doesn't last long as a clothesline turns him inside-out and a cross-arm German suplex gets two. They go at it toe-to-toe and Marafuji drives Generico's face into the canvas. Kick to the head gets two. Tiger Driver into an armbar is transitioned into a triangle choke. Generico manages to hang in there after teasing a tap-out for a while. BIG superkick is followed by a Shiranui attempt. Generico blocks. He hits a Yakuza kick in the corner and gets two. Superkick by Marafuji and both men are down. Marafuji gets the fans behind him, but eats the big boot and a brainbuster. TWO-COUNT! Generico takes ages setting up his next move and he eats a kick when he flies off the top rope. He somehow manages to get his feet on the ropes after a Shiranui. Marafuji misses the coast-to-coast springboard dropkick. They battle up top, but Generico hasn't done enough damage to be able to land the BRAINBUSTAH. Marafuji hits a super Shiranui 1.2.3. In a classy move, Marufuji leads the crowd in a round of "Olé." chant ***1/2


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
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ROH Eye of the Storm - Quarterfinals: Austin Aries vs. El Generico
Aries had been teasing a heel turn in the weeks prior to this. He grounds Generico with a headlock early on. Aries knocks him to the floor and works in the suicide dive. Back in, Aries applies a stump-puller. Generico catches him with a sick Michinoku Driver for two. Aries gets two off the Brainbuster and goes up for the 450-splash, but Generico catches him going up. Aries shoves him down and hits a diving headbutt. That sets up the Horns of Aries. They trade forearms, and Generico busts Aries' nose open. Aries punts him right in the face off a backslide attempt, but Generico surprises him with a schoolboy rollup. I think on paper this one has the pedigree to be the best but they didn't deliever this match just did not click. There were moments of this match that are as crisp and smooth as anything you will see. There are others that were much sloppier than wrestlers of this caliber should allow. **1/2

ROH Eye of the Storm - Semi-Finals: El Generico vs. Go Shiozaki
Generico gets cocky and tries to chop Shiozaki in the chest. Even Prazak and Leonard note that chops seem to be Shiozaki's strong suit. Generico doesn't have much luck there, so he tries to take Shiozaki's legs out from under him. That works much better. A flying splash and a DDT get two. Shiozaki catches Generico's boot on a Yakuza Kick and chops his ankle. Cool. Generico hits it on a second try and calls for the Turnbuckle Brainbuster. Shiozaki fights out of it and lariats Generico to the mat. ORANGE CRUSH! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! Generico ducks the Burning Lariat and schoolboys Shiozaki for two. Shiozaki pops up with another lariat and finishes with the Go Flasher. ***

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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ROH Buffalo Stampede: Jimmy Jacobs v.s Jay Lethal.

This match went very well from my point of view from the earlier back work by Lethal with pressing pins after each big move to where Jacobs steals the advantage of the match. He finally gets it some great control and starts to celebrate but Lacey yells at him to stay on him. After some more choking whenever he has the chance Jacobs hits a huge move but doesn't follow up and decides to strut around like Ric Flair. Lacey yells at him again which was damn hilarious this time because at first Jacobs thinks Lacey told him to strut like Michael Hayes instead when she was really just telling him to go for the pin. After the pin Jacobs goes for a headlock but he wasted so much time that Lethal is able to fight back. This leads to a series of upmanship from the two with some their big moves being hit. Jacobs late looks to put away Lethal with a huge senton one of his finishers but Lethal kicks out and within the minute hits one of his favorite moves the Dragonsuplex but Jacobs can't get the shoulder up. Good stuff from both man, both played their roles well.


The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels World Title Raw

This is ONE HELL OF A MATCH. Both gives give it there all and get all their signature spots in, some good mat work also. Triple H interference costs it a 5. ****1/2

The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Steve Austin vs Goldust Ref Gerald Brisco Timekeeper Vince McMahon WWE Title 4/27/98 Raw

All about angle with Dude Love and Vince against Austin. Not much of a match. *

The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
The Rock vs Ken Shamrock IC Title Royal Rumble 1998

Always loved the finish to this match. Good feud continuation and great heel heat for the Rock. ***1/2

The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Chris Jericho vs Rock WWE Title Royal Rumble 2002

Good match. Interference and Ref bumps didn't really hurt. Also Rock's 500 close calls kept him strong. ***3/4.

The New F'n Show

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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Detroit, Michigan, USA
Mr Perfect vs Shawn Michaels Stars and Stripes Forever 91

Decent bout. A lot of chaos at the end with Jannetty, Hennen, Bossman and Andre involved. ***

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Favorite Wrestler
TNA Impact: High Stakes Fatal 4-Way: Mr. Anderson v.s Jeff Hardy v.s RVD v.s Robert Roode.

Didn't mind this main event at all and as far as I'm concerned 4 Way's are RVD's specialty. I like how all the faces started beating down Roode while Anderson kept tossing Hardy away. Hardy not actually attacking him here was hilarious, too. What a pussy. It's all against all. Prove you should win it dammit. So after this beat down continues Roode is actually able to find back against all three men and gain the advantage. It didn't look all too legit but Anderson took a nasty fall getting thrown out of the ring during this. So that added to it, at least. Roode gets control for a little while himself before the other men can recover then all hell goes loose. As everyone is gunning for everyone and the pace picks up quite a bit. They were able to keep things progressively going here and it helped the match a lot. The offense made sense, the counters worked with the transitions from all them getting a little more intense. When this was going on Hardy missed the Whisper In The Wind and dove into guard rails for the pleasure. He actually hits the Whisper In The Wind later, actually. As the match goes on everyone is hitting their signature things trying to find way to win. This leads to exchange of finishers on Roode by Hardy and Anderson. Only for Anderson to attack Hardy to the outside of the ring. This set up RVD to jump to the top rope and hit a Five Star Frog Splash in almost a spring board position. Not the perfect ending but well it was fun to watch up until that point. I hope they can build off this for Sacrifice.
