ye I brought it up lolHad this not been bought up yet?
??? no you didn'tyeah i def. missed that
ye I brought it up lolHad this not been bought up yet?
??? no you didn'tyeah i def. missed that
I already addressed Lethal going back to null. I have no reason to doubt his role, but his recent posts are shit, which inevitably leaves me in doubt.ok few questions on these reads.
brutus: what feels OFF exactly about brutus. i need you to tell why hes one of the two yellows on your list. esp that you have lethal as null. surely you should have an opinion on lethal as he has been discussed ad nauseum.
not to mention lethal ALSO metnioned ACE in his posts. you can see why im starting to be a bit concerned by that pattern...
boy that's convolutedI just thought a little bit more about this actually.
The speed at which he made that comment after the juice flip is pretty concerning.
Like- its almost as if he was like, ope, there goes my shot at being recruited. Remember that post i made where I tried to be recruited? Better bring that up before someone else does.
If his intention wasn't to draw attention to scum in that post, im pretty sure he never brings it back up, or doesn't even think to.
This was an, ope, there goes that idea, better bring my failed attempt at being recruited up before someone else does.
Id say I'm like 90% CP is the traitor after thinking more about this.
What direction are we going today boys?
currently favoring lethal but id like to hear a bit more from everyone. im also still interested in grim, as he hasnt really answered any of my questions regarding his reads.
also welcome back
I also really dont get what hes getting at with his role hint as to me it could really be anything? Unless im missing something obvious
Ehhh. Not particularly comfortable claiming at this particular time. I feel that the pushes on me are not with sufficient enough cause and are not in good faith. Plus I feel if I claim now, I'll still be potentially lynched regardless of everything I've done since D1. Here's my new read list, btw:
1. Haza
2. Jeff
3.RugratKajuh v2
5. Alco
6. CP
9. Sky
10. Barry
11. Doddsy
13. Blaine
14. Brutus
15. Tweet
16. Ace
17. Lethal
Some have changed colors, but I'd be most interested in hearing from Ace, who has been pretty non-existent and I can't exactly remember a single greatly memorable post from him, and Brutus, who has felt off for me from the jump. I really need to do a read back on his posts. Lethal is back on null tbh because his recent posts about Kajuh's death really feel panicky and scummy. A strongman isn't the only way that protections could be bypassed, if he really has protections. Lethal should know this.
WRT, Blaine, I think he's just full town. To claim so casually at the jump means he would have *had* to have known that vanilla townie was a viable claim as scum and that there were multiple vanilla Townies. Which is extremely doubtful. So yeah, I think Blaine is town beyond a shadow of a doubt.