WWF 1998 Review

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I never understood the whole show of respect at the end considering Austin punched Taker in the dick


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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IDK maybe because Austin kept telling him he would cheat to keep his belt.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

September 5th, 1998
New Haven, Connecticut

Welcome to Saturday Night RAW.

RIP! The Steel railings, and welcome the black barricades.

Vince McMahon comes down to the ring, he has a huge grin on his face, JR says according to wwf.com he has some sort of master plan. Vince says nobody can spoil the mood he's in, because, on September 27th, a BRILLIANT Machiavellian masterful plan will be unfolded. As a matter of fact, there's going to be a breakdown. An emotional and physical break down experienced by Stone Cold Steve Austin. When this plan is executed, Stone Cold will NO LONGER be the WWF Champion. "I guarantee YOU" He really shouldn't be champion as they speak. The Undertaker had an insurance policy and he sent it back to the locker room. UNDERTAKER IS A DAMNED FOOL. But it was made alright because Austin then goes on Regis and Kathy Lee and says he earned a lot of respect for The Undertaker. Isn't that heartwarming? Doesn't it make you feel good? WOW, AUSTIN HAS RESPECT FOR THE UNDERTAKER. C'Mon Undertaker I know you can hear me, and he knows his Blue brother Kane can hear him too even though he can't talk. They should strike TERRAH in the hearts of every Superstar. You dominate and terrorize the WWF. But instead, WWF superstars are starting to snicker at their sight and they couldn't terrorize a kindergarten. THE UNDERTAKER AND KANE HAVE BEEN REDUCED TO NO MORE THAN TWO PUTRID PUSSIES!!!!! Vince DA GOAT! Taker and Kane storm down to the ring, but Vince bails through the crowd and runs to the back. Taker and Kane also go through the crowd and go after Vince.

The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. Steve Blackman & Ken Shamrock
This happens for a few minutes, Ken and Steve do what they can, but this is meaningless. Taker and Kane come back out as DOA attack Ken on the floor, Kand hits Blackman with a chokeslam in the ring and beat him down, Taker randomly working the leg with elbows and then locks in a kneebar is hilarious. Taker and Kane stalk DOA up the ramp, as Shamrock recovers and checks on Blackman in the ring.

In the back, Val is fucking in the bathroom cubicle.

JR talks about the Tag Team Title match from the PPV, he says nobody has seen or heard from Mick Foley since the PPV.

Val Venis comes down to the ring and gets on the mic, he says the Big Valbowski is a lot like the family dog. He's loyal, obedient, and he comes when he's called.

Val Venis vs. Vader
Dustin is in the crowd with is "HE IS COMING" sign, this is fine VADER BRINGS BACK THE AMAZING STRIKES! Val shows some good flashes as he tries to fight the big man, but can't get him down or even string together a series of offense before Vader pumles him down. Vader is super on here, it's his best showing in some time. It's borderline a Vader showcase until Bradshaw comes down and gets in Vaders' face, but Taker and Kane come down. Bradshaw quickly leaves, and the brother's beatdown the to V's. UGH, IT'S GONNA BE ONE OF THOSE NIGHTS SMH!

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Rock and Mark Henry, Cole asks if they are gonna be able to take the tag title off the Outlaws? Rocky says he's gonna slap the $10 toupee off his head if he keeps asking stupid questions. they talk about revenge and Triple H left him laying a pool of his own blood last week at SummerSlam. Yeah, he got the IC Title, that's okay, Billy Gunn calls himself a badass and suddenly he's tough, but it doesn't work that way. They're the same jabronis he's been laying out all across the country and nothing changes. He's gonna raise his big right hand, the People's Eyebrow, and then lay the smackdown on both their candy asses. Titles or not, The Rock is and will ALWAYS be the People's Champ if you smell what The Rock is cooking.

WWF Tag Team Championships: The Rock & Mark Henry vs. The New Age Outlaws
This is a good time, it goes around 5 to 6 minutes. The Nation isolate, Dogg and it's fun, but sadly it's way too short and felt rushed. Gunn's hot tag also felt rushed, as they go right into the finish with Chyna running out and attack Mark for the DQ. ugh.

Tiger Ali Singh and Baboo are in the ring, he does his terrible Milion Dollar Man impression, BUT FUCK ALL THAT! Taker and Kane come out and chokeslam the both of them for wasting 7 minutes of TV time.

Southen Justice vs. The Headbangers
I'm starting to hit that wall, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THESE TEAM! WHY ARE THEY GETTING 7 MINUTES, OH AND GUESS WHAT THIS GETS A CLEAN FINISH FUCK OFF! Like did the writers go on vacation after that awesome August? Justice win, who cares.

Backstage: Kane holding a sledgehammer is with Taker, they find Vince's locker room and bust open the door, but it's empty.

Dammit IDK where D'Lo is hailing from this week, cause JR and King talk all over Tony Chimmel's intro :sodone

WWF European Championship: D'Lo Brown vs. X-Pac
This is a good time, it's the two best lower-mid carders in the company going at it for 4 minutes, D'Lo uses his weight to power down and keeps Pac grounded, who bumps well and takes a hell of a beating. Pac has some nice mini-comebacks and hits the X-Factor out of nowhere, but Double J runs out in new ring gear and haircut to attack Pac for another DQ.

After the match; Pac and Jeff fight on the floor and into the crowd away, Taker and Kane come out and stalk D'Lo into the corner, but THE ROCK RUNS DOWN TO SAVE HIS DAY #1 D'LO :mark: HE GETS RIGHT IN THEIR FACES, AND SAYS FUCK IT AND PUNCHES TAKER. But, D'Lo bails out of the ring and grabs his Euro title and leaves. The brothers 2-1 Rocky, and Kane drops him with a Chokeslam. IT'S HAPPENING! :mark:

JR says he's spoken to Cole, and Cole said Vince is still here with his entourage.

Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline) vs. Edge
This goes about a minute, Edge hits a plancha to the floor but Gangrel attacks him on the floor for the 5th DQ. After the match; Edge and Gangrel fight some more into the ring, and guess what......................................YEP YOU GUESSED IT! Taker and Kane are back. Shocking I know. Taker clotheslines Mero on the stage, and the brothers boot the boots to him. Refs run out to separate the shit in the ring.

The Oddities & ICP are in the ring, but fuck them. DRUNK HAWK IS BACK! He's still got his helmet on, but now is wear a vest and these ugly/hideous zubaz pants as he accompanies Droz and Animal to the ring.

The Oddities (w/The Oddities & ICP) vs. Droz & Road Warriors
FUCK YEAH! Drunk Hawk snaps and attacks the ICP before the match, because fuck these clown freaks. This is basically a Hawk angle match, he tags himself in and proceeds to fuck everything up. He then tags in Kurgan who enters the ring and drops him with a boot, the match breaks down after that and Sliva drops Hawk with a powerbomb for the win :lmao

In the parking lot, Taker and Kane attack some poor backstage worker and begin wrecking up the set.

Too Much vs. Los Boricuas

I should mention, JR has been on 1 tonight, shitting on King, Vince and everyone with inside jokes. He's been really one of the few highlights on this god awful show.

Scorpio vs. Jeff Jarrett
They do stuff for 4 minutes, all filler and meaningless until Pac runs out and attacks Jeff for the DQ. UGH! They again fight into the crowd, as Scorpio recovers Taker and Kane come down. Undertaker hits him with a chokeslam, as Vince comes onto the stage smiling. They kill him with the Spike Tombstone. BECAUSE?!?!?! Anyway, The brothers leave the ring and go after Vince. who again bails thus end of quite possibly the worse RAW I've watched all year.

Seriously, FUCK THIS SHOW!


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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You definitely peaked with that summerslam build but I don't think the rest is near as bad as that last Raw at least. Mankind, Rock, and HHH bout to be full time main event :mark:


Nov 13, 2010
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Headbangers and Southern Justice get time because they buddied up to Russo.

You popped him backstage he puts you on tv, because he's stupid enough to think that actually.translates on camera.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

WWF Sunday Night Heat
September 6th, 1998
New Haven, Connecticut

Gangrel vs. Dick Togo (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san)
Togo is great, so underrated and is able to drag a watchable match out of Gangrel, he bumps for all his shit and to Gangrel's credit he doesn't fuck anything up and hits a pretty sweet double arm'ed suplex, he hits a series of power moves basically toying with Dick before hitting Edge's Impaler DDT for the win. **

Earlier Today: Marc Mero got Jacque a NEW bikini contest trophy, to replace the one Sable broke.

Bradshaw vs. Ken Shamrock
This is fairly enjoyable for the short time it got, Bradshaw plays bully and manhandles Ken for a bit, Ken is not used to it so he starts busting out a lot of new flying moves, just to try to get Bradshaw off his feet. He eventually does, but Vader comes down and attacks Bradshaw for the DQ. Both men brawl around ringside until refs break it up, Ken just watches on and looks lost the show time. The ring announcer announces Bradshaw the winner, so Ken chasses the ref to the back.

Road Dogg (w/Billy Gunn) vs. Dennis Knight (w/Mark Canterbury)
I honestly don't know what I did to deserve this, but I apologize. This is so bad, like so bad. Dennis controls 90% of this with shitty headlocks with slow and boring head attacks, Mark also gets involved a bunch of times. After like the 4th time Gunn has had enough and goes after him, but the ref is able to stop him. Then from behind Jeff runs out and attacks Dogg for the DQ. UGH! Pac runs out and all 6 brawl.

The Undertaker & Kane vs. Droz & Animal
FUCK YEAH! DRUNK HAWK IS ON THE PHONE, HE SAYS HE'S IN CHICAGO CHECKING INTO REHAB! This is fine and all, Animal and Droz use their speed which is hilarious to say when talking about Animal but he does Take and Kane bump around for him and vice-versa, nothing really memorable happens outside Taker again busting out his new kneebar for the win. MMATAKER IN 1998. Vince comes out and watches on as Taker hits Droz with a Chokeslam, and Taker keeps the kneebar on for a good minute and a half.

In the back, Austin is watching on in his locker room.

TAKA Michinoku (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san) vs. Edge
Much like the Dick opener, TAKA is great in bumping for all of Edge's power moves, and it allows Edge to really shine on offense, it the crispest he's looked so far. He hits a series of power moves but misses the headbutt, TAKA then misses a dropkick and Edge hits a Downward Spiral for the win.

THE UNDERTAKER AND KANE HAVE BRISCO AND PAT BY THE THROAT! And drag them to the ring. Shane refers them to Uncle Pat and Uncle Brisco. Taker grabs a mic and says Vince has to the count of 10 to come out, or his stooges will get dropped. Vince doesn't come out so Taker and Kane destroy the stooges, and it rules.

In the parking lot, Austin is on the phone, the cameraman gets too close so Austin shoves him away.

D'Lo is hailing from, Warsaw Poland

WWF European Championship: Val Venis vs. D'Lo Brown
Val's still pissed from the SSLam fuckery so he attacks D'Lo on the floor, pretty lame this only gets 2 minutes maybe 3 max. Val dominates for the majority, he targets the head and chest but gets too aggressive, so the ref has to drag him off that allows D'Lo to remove the turnbuckle, and avoid a Val charge who crashes into the exposed steel, D'Lo follows with a bridging German for the win. After the match; D'Lo taunts Val, so Val attacks he takes off his chest protector and hits the money shot wearing D'Lo's protector. FUCK YEAH! D'Lo instantly starts grabbing his pec again. **

Vince McMahon is in the ring, he says many are probably wondering why he's hearing black? Well, i'm wearing black because i'm in mourning. And you too will be in mourning, on September 27 Stone Cold's reign as WWF Champion will DIE! But first, Undertaker and Kane i heard you are looking for me, well i'm not too hard to find. Taker and Kane come out now. Vince quickly bails from the ring, he says to just wait and says he wants to publicly apologize for his remarks last night. There's now no question that they are the single most destructive force in the history of the WWF. Vince says he truly believes The Undertaker deserves another opportunity and Kane is equally destructive and he ALSO deserves an opportunity. He challenges Stone Cold to have the guts to come out here and stand before him, Austin comes down to the ring. Vince says he has no idea what these fans see in him, and he's disrespected Vince McMahon for the very last time. He's mocked his authority for the very last time, pally. On September 27th, he's going to defend his championship against KANE......................AND LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING ELSE, YOU WILL ALSO DEFEND AGAINST THE UNDERTAKER. ON SUNDAY NIGHT! YOUR GONNA DEFEND THE TITLE AGAINST BOTH THE UNDERTAKER AND KANE......IN A TRIPLE THREAT MATCH!


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

September 12th, 1998
Lowell, Massachusetts

Another RAW Saturdays, cause WWF shook of Tennis. FUCKING' Tennis.

RAW has a different set tonight.

RAW starting with a match, HOLY FUCKING SHIT!

Jeff Jarrett vs. Edge
Jeff is now wearing his attire that i grew up on him wearing, the biker shorts. He uses his experience to control to begin, but once Edge counters and tries to pick up the pace Southern Justice come out to distract Edge allowing Jeff to take over again. Both men do some nice things, Edge again continues to get better and Jeff which i'm slowly becoming a fan of this mid-card Jeff does a great job at getting his "I'M PISSED OFF, SO DON'T PISS ME OFF MORE" gimmick over, he's super aggressive and isn't showboating like he was. Edge mounts a comeback but Dennis distracts Edge, that allows Jeff to grab the guitar and smash is over Edge's head for the DQ. **1/4

Bradshaw vs. Droz
JR and King hype this up as a grudge match from the Brawl 4 All, and they claim that they though Droz was robbed. So here me are, typical Attitude Era stuff, lots of back and forth brawling, slams and irish whip counters. The match ends when Bradshaws sweeps the legs and puts his feet on the ropes for the win. After the match; Bradshaw hits Droz with the Clothesline from Hell and leaves, LOOOOOL Droz no sells it and chases Bradshaw to the back.

Austin/Taker/Kane video package airs.

Tonight: DX vs. Kai En Tai ~ Eight Man Tag Team Match.

Miguel Perez vs. Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline)
A fucking Mero showcase match, this goes about 2 minutes, it pretty shit tons of botches, Mero hits the TKO for the win.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Oddities and ICP, Luna starts talking but one of the ICP guys shoves her away and cuts his own promo :lmao he says they ain't wrestlers and know nothing about wrestling, but seen how it is around here. He says they and The Oddities are gonna do their thing "Stay down with the clowns"

The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. The Oddities (w/The Oddities & ICP)
KILL ME! KILL ME NOW! Golga breaks the top rope running into it, FAT shit, so thankfully they trim this and cut right to the finish of the ICP attacking DOA for the DQ. DOA beat the shit out of the ICP, but the Oddities make the save so DOA quickly bail and drive off.

The Rock comes down to the ring, he grabs a mic and says the first line of business to talk about is the ladder match at SummerSlam. The Rock went into SummerSlam, beat Triple H's candy ass from pillar to post, and as he watched him climb the People's Ladder rung by damn rung and snatch The Rock's title with the people's blood flowing from his face, he realized that while Triple H became the Intercontinental Champ, The Rock will ALWAYS be the People's Champ. Lately, a whole bunch of guys are having trouble knowing their damn role, and that's friends as well as enemies. Two jabronies in particular just happen to be Kane and The Undertaker. Last week, when The Rock stood before them and looked both the pieces of trash in their eyes, he knew he was gonna have to take that ass whooped. But that's an ass whopping the Rock is just gonna have to take. And If Kane thinks for a second that he'll get away with Chokeslamming The Rock, then somewhere and somehow, The Rock will lay the smackdown on his candy ass, if he smells what The Rock is cooking.

They air the Lion's Den match from SummerSlam in full.

Too Much vs. Southern Justice

Dustin Runnels vs. Vader
FUCK YEAH! Val is in the crowd with a sign that says "I HAVE COME" Cause everytime Val has a match, Dustin is in the crowd with one of his signs. What a build 8D Dustin again tries to bee goody/goody, as he tries to shake Vader's hand after Vader poked him in the eyes twice :lmao They go back and forth, and Vader is back to sucking :( Dustin is still not giving a fuck, anyway Dustin finally notices Val and gets distracted by it allowing Vader to drop him and hit the Vader bomb for the win. FUCK YEAH! VADER WON A MATCH.

Al Snow comes through the crowd and gets into the ring, he asks what everyone wants and needs and loves, and the answer is HEAD. Al says they won't leave until they see one WWF official, preferably one with a pulse. Commissioner Slaughter comes out with Patterson and Brisco. Al says the word for the day is stooge, he welcomes to the Stooge is right. Al says Head is now the commissioner. Sarge says to get his head and butt out of this ring because he's in big trouble. Al says he's not playing The Stooge is Right right, and that answer was wrong. Al says Head has reinstated him and he wants a match tonight. Brisco says to leave, so Al says he's wrong too. Pat also says to get out of there, and Al says he's also wrong. Al hits Pat in the dick with Head and runs into the crowd.

D'Lo Brown & Mark Henry vs. The Headbangers
JR announces, that on HeAT tomorrow D'Lo faces Kane. This gets some time, the Headbangers look better than usual, and D'Lo is D'Lo so he bumps around like crazy to start before tagging in Mark who does some power stuff. The Nation isolate Mosh for a bit, it's really good but too short cause TV is a bitch in 98. Thrasher has a okay hot tag, as the match breaks down and again Chyna runs out to attack Mark for the DQ. **

Chyna keeps beating on Mark, who never lays a finger on her. Refs try to force her off but she's not having any of it and keeps fighting past them getting to Mark. Eventually, the rest of DX come out and pull Chyna off.

Eight Man Tag Team Match: D-Generation X (w/Chyna) vs. Kai En Tai (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san)
This gets around 5 minutes, and is really good, Kaientai are great in these 8 men as they bump around for everything. They whether the Hunter, Dogg and Gunn storm until Togo chopblocks Dogg's knee and isolate him :mark: They do their double, triple and quadruple team spots which all rule. Dogg avoids a charge, and tags Pac in who cleans house, the match breaks down and Pac hits TAKA with the X-Factor for the win. **1/4

After the match; Chyna decks Mr Yamaguchi-San just because.


Nov 13, 2010
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Earthquake was better than just being a fat shit.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
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maybe in the 80's, early 90's but in 1998 fuck all that.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

WWF Sunday Night Heat
September 13th, 1998
Lowell, Massachusetts

Vader vs. Ken Shamrock
DAMN! Vader getting a jobber entrance on this meaningless 45 minute show. Ken has clearly come a long way since their first match, go bless that fight. Ken uses stick and move, moves to knock Vader down so he can follow up with either ground and pound or trying to lock in a submission. Vader uses his brute strength and weight to put a stop to all of that tho. Both guys drill one another with nasty lariats, Vader goes for one too many moves off the middle rope, which allows Ken to swat him away and apply the ankle lock forcing Vader to tap. **1/2

After the match; Ken grabs a mic, he says he's been in the WWF for about a year and a half now and in that time he's had 1 title shot. He says he's beaten everyone they've put in his way, except 1 man. STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! Ken challenges Austin to a title match anywhere, anytime, anyplace :mark:

A video airs from Sable on the set of USA'S PACIFIC BLUE and she challenges Jacqueline to an Evening Gown match.

Val Venis vs. Marc Mero (w/Jacqueline)
Dustin is back in the crowd with his signs again, DIS FEUD! This goes all of 30 seconds before Jaque jumps on Val's back for the DQ.

Val flips her off on instinct, but doesn't follow up and allows her and Mero to leave. Cole meets them on the stage, and Jackie accepts Sable's challenge, BUT DUSTIN ATTACK VAL FROM BEHIND IN THE RING! He takes off his belt and uses it to punch on Val, he also chokes him a bunch until refs pull him away.

TAKA Michinoku (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san) vs. Gangrel
TAKA pear harbors' Gangrel when he enters the ring, he beats him to the floor and hits his awesome asai moonsault but only gets two, the goes all downhill from here as Gangrel takes over with his shit, he hits the impaler DDT for the win.

In the back, Jeff says Pac screwed with his boots and his hair, so now he's gonna screw with him.

D'Lo is residing from Geneva, Switzerland.

D'Lo Brown (w/Mark Henry) vs. Kane (w/The Undertaker)
God bless D'Lo man, his facial expressions are great as he's in fear of Kane, he uses his quickness to avoid Kane cornering him, but once he realizes his punches have no effect he tries to leave but Taker is on the floor and D'Lo "OOOOHHHHHHH DAM" D'Lo gets some stuff in, but ruins it with head bobbles and taunting. So Kane recovers and beats him up. Mark tries a distraction, but The Undertaker attacks him on the floor. BUT THE ROCK RUNS OUT NAILS KANE WITH CHAIR SHOTS TO THE BACK! YEAH! Taker stalks him up the ramp. D'Lo gets in Kane's face, so Kane grabs him by the throat. Mark then gets in, as Taker makes his way back. The brothers drop them both with Chokeslams, and Spike Tombstones.

Lumberjack Match: Jeff Jarrett (w/Southern Justice) vs. X-Pac (w/The New Age Outlaws)
As much as i hate this gimmick it's not all bad, mainly because its Jeff and Pac going at it for 7 minutes, the Lumberjacks don't get involved too much outside the token throw him out to get mugged before throwing him back in spot. Jeff works the back and head, BRUHZ Pac's makes his comeback during the break, I don't think I've ever seen that happen in a match before, the comeback started during the break. Jeff throws Pac to the floor again, and Justice try to smash the guitar over Pac's head, but the Outlaws stop that and Dogg breaks it over Dennis's head. Welp, everyone begins brawling on the floor because why not. Pac hits the X-Factor in the ring, but the ref is distracted with the fuckery on the floor allowing Mark to sneak in and hit the pump handle slam and Jeff crawls to a cover and wins. **1/4

Replay of Ken Shamrock challenging the WWF Champion to a title match.

Stone Cold Steve Austin comes down to the ring, he says at SummerSlam, he beat The Undertaker fair and square in the center of this ring. He'll give The Undertaker credit because he said he wanted him one on one and sent Kane to the back and proved he wasn't lying, so he respects him for that. He came out on TV the next day and said how tough he thought he was, then Vince came out and made it seem like I was kissing his ass, and the last thing he's about to do. If anyone thinks in a triple threat match that it matters, it doesn't, because he will not give Vince McMahon or anyone the satisfaction of seeing someone back there take this belt from him. As far as Ken Shamrock goes, coming out here belly aching, hell son this ain't the UFC. If you want a title shot, say his name like he did tonight, and he'll beat his ass in front of the world. KEN SHAMROCK THEN COMES OUT BUT REFEREES GET IN BETWEEN THEM! Vince and his entourage come down too. Austin tells him to ring the bell, but JR says they're outta time.


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I could’ve bought Shamrock as a transitional champion


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

September 14th, 1998
San Jose, California

Vince, Taker, and Kane are all in the ring when Austin's music hits and he comes down to the ring. Vince yells to cut his music, cause he's damn sick and tired of him walking around with that damn belt. But on September 27th, he won't have to see it again. Cause Austin will lose it in this triple threat match, however, what nobody knows until now is that there's been a little business arrangement. He's granted The Undertaker and Kane a title shot, but they're going to do something for him. Business is business, I will never forgive for forget what Taker has done, but it's real simple they scratch his back too. Or rather, they protect his back. If he lays a finger on him, these two will be all over him, which is what's going to happen on September 27th anyhow. Vince "GUARANTEE" that the title will change hands for a number of reasons. First among them is a new stipulation which states that THE UNDERTAKER AND KANE ARE PROHIBITED FROM PINNING EACH OTHER TO WIN! Vince says this is like 2-1, you see Austin you REFUSES to do business, and he has to do things the hard way, so have it your way. When you are flat on your back, and they announce that you are no longer champion. Just remember this 1 thing, Vince did not screw Austin, AUSTIN SCREWED AUSTIN! Austin punches Vince, but the brothers attack Austin. They put the boots to him, before hitting the Double Chokeslam and VINCE GETS IN HIS FACE!

Vince, Taker, and Kane all leave together, but they stop on the stage. And Taker says it's not personal, just business. Vince then says speaking of business, Austin will have to defend the title against Ken Shamrock :mark:

Road Dogg (w/Billy Gunn & X-Pac) vs. Jeff Jarrett (w/Southern Justice)
This gets a couple of minutes, it's really solid. Not much of a story in the ring, just two guys going back and forth. I do like that JR and King talk up their history a lot during the match. Anyway, late in the match Justice pull Dogg out of the ring and begin attacking him, so Gunn and Pac attack them. Gunn hits Dennis with the guitar. Dogg rolls back in, as Jeff picks up the remains of the broken guitar and hits Dogg in the throat with it, the ref comes back in and counts the three. **

Replay of Shamrock challenging Austin to a title match.


In the parking lot, Dogg is coughing so Gunn helps him into an ambulance. Sarge comes over all concerned but Billy tells him to leave, and he'll take care of this.

Backstage: Michael Cole is with the Nation, The Rock starts giving out orders, he wants D'Lo by the far corner, Mark on the stage. But they begin arguing, so the Rock tells them to keep their candy asses in the back and be ready.

Kane (w/The Undertaker) vs. The Rock
Lots of punches to start. Rocky is slowly starting to develop his punches so that's great. He targets Kane's legs, but it's Kane so he doesn't sell a lick of pain and takes over with a powerslam. He does his usual slow and methodical pace, lots of slams before hitting the flying clothesline for two. FUCK YEAH! The people are starting to get behind the Rock, as small sections of the crowd start chanting "Rocky" or they pop whenever he's on offense. Rocky counters out of like the 7th slam, into a DDT and mounts a comeback. The ref gets bumped, and Rock hits the people's elbow, but Taker comes in and attacks him. FUCK YEAH! MANKIND IS BACK...AND HE HAS A SLEDGEHAMMER WITH HIM. HE NAILS KANE IN THE BACK, SO TAKER FOLLOWS HIM UP THE STAGE ALLOWING ROCKY TO COVER FOR THE WIN. **14


Kane tries to sit up, but can't it takes 3 attempts before he manages to do so. Taker grabs the mic and says this has gone on way too far now, tonight it ends. Me and you, and bring the sledgehammer.

Backstage: Michael Cole is with Mankind, He has a huge bruise on his face and his hand is taped up. He says he was a very very lucky man, because number one, he got his hand in the way of the sledgehammer, and number two because he didn't look all that good, to begin with! He understands big brother has a challenge and he accepts it. He's been working on some scientific moves and he looks forward to a good fair fight, and may the best man win.

Dustin Runnels is in the ring and has the microphone and welcomes everyone to Hell. The WWF is stained with vulgar language, aggression, and yes, SEX. He told Val Venis that he was coming, and when he gets here, Val WILL repent. Val comes onto the stage with the mic and asks for what. Because he works hard? Or because he plays hard? Speaking of work, he wants to introduce him to his latest video entitled, "THE PREACHER'S WIFE"! He then plays a video of him getting blown in a hotel bed. He says he was hurt last night and he needed a little TLC, so after he got to the hotel, he made a phone call to one person who could take his mind off all his aches and pains........MARLENA POPS OUT FROM UNDER THE COVERS AND SAYS HELLO! She then heads back down and starts blowing again. In the ring, Dustin breaks down and Val says he guesses getting on your knees runs in the family.


WWF Intercontinental Championship: Triple H (w/Chyna & X-Pac) vs. Owen Hart (w/Mark Henry)
Owen is back, YEAH! Kinda weird that they work it like they don't have a long history with one another, it's worked as one of those random thrown together title matches. Getting tired of this pairing now, it's not bad but neither man really cares so they go through the motions just to fill up time. Mark gets in Chyna's face, so Pac jumps on his back. Owen gets distracted by this which allows Hunter to recover and hit the pedigree for the win. **

On the stage, Mark says he can play if they want to play, and says X-Pac only weighs like 105, so he'll LET him use his girlfriend Chyna to make this a handicap match.

In the back, Mankind is loading up a Dumpster with weapons while singing "Heigh ho, Heigh ho, it's OFF to work I go"

Mankind vs. The Undertaker (w/Kane)
Mankind only brings out the sledgehammer and a ladder along with the dumpster. Taker also brings out a hammer to counteract Mankind's, but neither is used because the referee stops it UGH! This is the usual awesome brawling, Taker target's Mankind's injured hand, he sandwiches it in between the two steps. He then follows up by throwing Mankind through this cheaply made wooden table, before getting half of it and throwing it back into Mankind's face. Mankind continues to carry 98' Taker in matches and continues to be the best wrestler on TV with his insane bumping. Taker removes the mask exposing the bruise and tries to target it, but Mankind fights out, so Taker kicks him into the Dumpster. FUCK YEAH! TAKER GRABS THE HAMMER AND TRIES TO SWING IT AT HIS FACE BUT MANKIND DUCKS AND HE HITS THE STEPS. Mankind begins to crawl around ringside, but Kane grabs him and Chokeslams him onto the timekeeper's table. FUCK ME! Taker again tries to hit him in the face with the hammer, but he avoids. He grabs a chair now and hits Taker with it as he enters the ring. Taker recovers and hits a chokeslam, and follows up with a tombstone onto the chair. Taker refuses to go for the cover and picks up the hammer again. BUT THE ROCK POPS UP OUT OF THE DUMPSTER AND CHOP BLOCKS TAKER! He pulls Mankind out and throws him to safety, before leaving Taker and Kane how now both have hammer stalk Rock to the back. **3/4


Gangrel vs. Edge
Kept short, Edge continues to look better, Gangrel takes a good bump for him and has a solid heat segment. He dodges Edge's plancha suicida and he hits full on his face and chest on the floor in a great bump too. Gangrel hits the Impaler on the floor as both men are counted out. **

After the match; Gangrel grabs his Cup and spits blood over Edge. He says "THE BLOOD OF GANGREL FLOWS THROUGH HIS VEINS. ETERNITY IS FOREVER, EDGE" And leaves.

Handicap Match: X-Pac & Chyna (w/Triple H) vs. Mark Henry
HOLY SHIT! Hunter motions like a monkey as Mark is trying to make his way into the ring. D'lo makes his way down, to somewhat help the odds, Jeff and Southen Justice then come out too. This is a good time, 90% due to Pac being amazing, and 8% being the crowd being super hot. Pac takes some awesome bumps, and Pac is at his best when he can die at the hands of a bigger man. Chyna/Mark get like the 3rd biggest pop's of the night behind Austin and Rock. D'lo gets involved, so Pac takes him out. Chyna then tries a crossbody, but Mark catches her in mid-air and counters into a scoop slam and covers for the win. **1/4

Evening Gown Match: Jacqueline (w/Marc Mero) vs. Sable
This is what it is. Jacque keeps coming out of her top, so the network pixelates it. Sable then hits the Sable Bomb and pull off her dress for the win.


Sable who looks pretty washed tonight, takes off her dress cause SHE NEEDS THE SPOTLIGHT!

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews Ken Shamrock, He says he keeps defeating everyone in front of him, and tonight's the night. No disrespect to Steve, but this is the calm before the storm, and says to get it on.

WWF World Heavyweight Championship: Ken Shamrock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
So fucking hyped, as I've never seen this before. Or maybe I have but I don't remember it at all. Austin is pissed, so he takes the fight to Ken before the bell. Awesomely, Austin works a little more heelish during this. He goes to the eye rake early, but Ken comes back and outwrestles him, KEN THEN COUNTERS A BACKDROP AND ALMOST GETS THE ANKLE LOCK! But Austin bails to the floor, to take off his t-shirt. Austin continues to work more heelish and uses his experience to cut Shamrock off. he mixes stuff up, by wearing Ken down with different variations of suplexes, before keeping Ken grounded with headlocks, Ken again uses his body as a weapon, with weird looking spinning elbows or leg lariats, they don't connect clean but it looks great. Austin keeps trying to lock in submissions, because this Austin wants to out Ken, Ken. it keeps backfiring tho, and it allows Ken to somewhat get back into the match. Both men brawl on the floor, and in a rare 1998 moment Ken out brawls Austin on the floor, Ken finds a 2nd wind and mounts a comeback, Austin's continues to heel it up in his bumping, selling and antics' it's shades of 2001 Austin which I Love. He fights out of the Boston crab and sneaks in a low blow to take over again. They do a double down off a simultaneous clothesline spot, and then The Undertaker and Kane come out to attack both men. Undertaker hits Shamrock with the Chokeslam, and Kane stomps on Austin. BUT THE ROCK RUNS OUT AND MANKIND LIMPS DOWN TOO. ROCK FIGHTS UNDERTAKER AND MANKIND ATTACKS KANE. AUSTIN COMES BACK IN WITH A CHAIR AND HITS TAKER IN THE BACK AND KANE IN THE HEAD. HE GOES OUT AFTER MCMAHON ON THE STAGE, AND RAW ENDS ***1/4

Way better RAW than the previous 2 weeks.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

WWF Sunday Night Heat
September 20th, 1998
Sacramento, California

No JR, so Jim Cornette is filling in this week.

Mankind comes down to the ring, and has Ken Shamrock and THE ROCK with him.

Mankind (w/The Rock & Ken Shamrock) vs. Dustin Runnels
Dustin refuses to take cheap shots, or even punch Mankind so Mankind attacks him, he's still so broken up that his wife is fucking Val he goes to leave, but Mankind attacks him on the ramp as we cut to Vince talking to Kane and Taker in the back. They brawl back to the ring where Mankind hits the double arm DDT and applies the Mandible Claw for the win. *3/4

Tonight: DX vs. Double J, D'Lo and Owen Hart & Taker/Kane vs. DOA

Dustin is preying in the ring, but Val interrupts. He says Dustin life has him down lately, don't sweat it he's not alone. HIS WIFE HAS BEEN DOWN AS WELL! Val says he's kind, and likes to spread his good cheer, and introduces his latest video "How Terri got her groove" Val and Terri are in a bed, Val asks how tough it must be seeing his wife in bed with another man, he laughs and then they go under the covers again. Dustin again breaks down, and Val says if anyone knows how hard he is, it's his wife.

Backstage: Michael Cole interviews The Undertaker and Kane, he asks them what this business is between them and Vince, but Taker cuts him off asking why do people feel the need to anger him and his brother. No answer, our business is just business, I have no love for Vince, if he was on fire I wouldn't throw water on him. And as Austin, goes, it's not there fault he's angered Vince, he needs to be worried about them and keeping his title. Cole brings up Ken and Rocky, Taker says if they get in their business they will get hurt and hurt badly. Taker says DOA are Dead on arrival when they show up tonight. KANE SAYS AUSTIN...OUR...DESTINY WILL BE YOUR DEMISE! Mankind comes over and attacks Kane, but has back up with Shamrock and Rocky. Everyone brawls with the Stooges, refs, and officials break it up. Ken then takes a cheap shot at Vince.

Backstage: Vince McMahon is talking to Mankind, Vince asks what was he thinking, he has plans and he's ruining them. Mankind says he feels bad, for what happened to him. Vince asks if he got his card, he says he will get hurt, Ken will get hurt, and Rocky too. So what he needs is for Mankind and them to leave the building for him, Mankind says yes, but asks for a ride: lmao he doesn't have a car. Vince says yes, but he has to go now.

Luna vs. Jacqueline


FUCK SAKE! Sable comes out, Jacque challenges her to a "Wrestling" match. Sable says it should be easy enough to pin Jacque cause she gets drilled a lot.

Backstage: Uncle Jerry is seeing Mankind, The Rock, and Ken Shamrock out of the building.

Jeff and Justice vs. Pac and The Outlaws have been added to Break Down

D-Generation X (Triple H, X-Pac & Billy Gunn w/Road Dogg & Chyna) vs. Jeff Jarrett, D'Lo Brown & Owen Hart
Dogg's throat is still fucked up from RAW, so he has Gunn do the intro, but he fucks it all up and just yells to SUCK IT! This gets 6 minutes and is pretty good, D'Lo/Gunn have a good interaction to start, followed by Pac/Owen, Hunter and Owen have a good sequence which pisses me off, cause why can't they do that in their singles matches. For some reason, we get a lot of technical difficulties during the match with camera angles and shit. The heels isolate Hunter for a bit, Hunter takes a weird bump off a neck breaker and it looks like he tweaked his knee during the bump, at first it doesn't seem too bad as he doesn't favor it during the heat, but once he tags Pac in who cleans house and he has to come back, he can barely walk and is hobbling the whole time. Everyone beings brawling now and Mark hits the Pump Handle Slam and D'Lo follows up with the Low Down for the win. **1/4

On the stage, Hunter can barely put any weight on his knee, and Mark attacks him on the ramp.

In the production truck, Al Snow is revealed as the person responsible for all the technical glitches during the broadcast.

Edge vs. TAKA Michinoku (w/Mr. Yamaguchi-san)
This goes all of 30 seconds before Edge hits the downward spiral for the win. Kai En Tai attack Edge, post-match but Gangrel makes the save. He says "EDGE...WILL COME HOME"

Al Snow is handcuffed and taken out of the control room. He is taken to the ring at Sgt. Slaughter request, Slaughter berated Snow and says that he will face Snow on Raw in a Boot Camp match. If Snow wins, he gets reinstated in the WWF. Slaughter then attacks the defenseless Snow.

Vince joins Shane and Cornette on commentary.

The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. The Undertaker & Kane (w/Vince McMahon)
Taker and Kane showcase, it's really bad. Kane hits Skull with a Tombstone for the win.


Nov 13, 2010
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Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
So Foley was the guy to introduce the sledgehammer :hhh5:
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Reactions: Cwalker and Chris


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWF Champion: Stone Cold Steve Austin
WWF Intercontinental Champion: Triple H
WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Age Outlaws
WWF European Champion: D'Lo Brown
WWF Light Heavyweight Champion: TAKA Michinoku

September 21th, 1998
Sacramento, California

Vince McMahon, Ken Shamrock, and Mankind are already in the ring, The Rock then comes out to join them. Vince says f Stone Cold is contemplating rushing this ring and savagely attacking him, he'd better think again, and The Undertaker and Kane come out onto the stage. Vince says everyone knows that this Sunday in the triple threat match for the WWF Title, he has GUARANTEED that Stone Cold Steve Austin will no longer be the WWF Champion. And he's about to guarantee the three of them an opportunity of a lifetime. But first, it will be Austin with any volunteer will face The Undertaker and Kane TONIGHT! Vince says he's called all 3 to the ring, so he can tell them to NOT volunteer as Austin partner tonight. He's not asking for any favors because he doesn't ask for favors. He gives opportunities, and they shouldn't settle for anything less than what Kane and The Undertaker want. They shouldn't be allies against a common enemy. He would be proud of one of the three of them as WWF Champion and he can guarantee that opportunity. "To HELL with Stone Cold Steve Austin" He then announces a triple threat match tonight between all three of them tonight, with the winner getting a title match 1 week from tonight, the night after Break Down. All he'll say is that whoever they face, damn sure WON'T be Stone Cold.

No JR and King this week, so Jim Cornette and Shane McMahon are on commentary again.

X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws come down to the ring, Dogg's throat is still fucked up so Gunn has to do the intros again. BUT HE'S COMPARED! Dogg has the big key cards with the intro written on them. Gunn doesn't fuck it up :lmao Jeff Jarrett and SJustice come out, but everyone gets ejected apart from the guys in the match.

Billy Gunn vs. Jeff Jarrett
Gunn is out for revenge so he hits a bunch of cool power moves, which Jeff bumps around for. He manages to take over with a crossbody, he doesn't work a body part, more of wear Gunn down and make Gunn use his own momentum against him. They go back and forth in a really solid effort, not hitting their big stuff saving it for potential matches down the line. Gunn side bumps the ref, which allows Jeff to grab the guitar, but Timmy White recovers and takes it away from him allowing Gunn to recover and hit a neckbreaker for the win. **1/2

Tonight: Sable vs. Jacque FOR THE WOMAN'S CHAMPIONSHIP!

Backstage: Michael Cole goes over to Mr. McMahon, he asks who he thinks will volunteer to be Austin's partner, Vince says he doesn't know and if he can't find a partner, he still will have to be in the ring with Taker and Kane.

Stone Cold comes out to a monster pop, he says things are starting to look pretty bad for Stone Cold Steve Austin. He's got Taker and Kane back there making deals with Vince McMahon. The Undertaker comes o tells him it's not personal and is strictly business. But if your trying to take the WWF championship from Stone Cold, you're damn right it's personal. Vince makes his stipulations last week and it's the biggest load of crap he's ever said out here. He's not gonna come out here and piss and moan and whine, and cry, but he'll come out and give his opinion, and it's bullshit. So tonight he comes out in this ring and someone's supposed to volunteer to help Stone Cold in a tag match against The Undertaker and Kane. And he knows nobody back there wants to help Steve Austin out because they're afraid they're gonna piss off Vince McMahon. It doesn't matter who shows up. He'll come out and take both their asses on because it doesn't matter how big and bad you are, because there ain't no way to finish off Stone Cold Steve Austin. Going into the pay-per-view six days out, a triple threat match, you can bet your ass that if he goes into Hell against Undertaker and Kane, don't expect Austin 3:16 to show up. Expect Austin 6:66, and that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.

Earlier Today: The Undertaker and Kane arrive at the building, WE GET THE RETURN OF CASUAL TAKER AND EPIC 90'S TRACKSUIT KANE WITH TOWEL OVER HIS HEAD!

The Headbangers, and The Oddities come down to the ring. But before the bell The Headbangers attack the Oddities. They tear up Golga's Cartman doll and beat them down. HEADBANGERS HEEL TURN!

Backstage: Michael Cole is with The Undertaker and Kane, Cole asks them about Taker's warning. Undertaker says Austin spews so much venom that it's starting to infect his own mind. Who is he to warn them about anything? He better take a long hard look at what's in front of him, yes they made a deal and he doesn't care how Austin feels about it, and due to that deal, they get their opportunity. One of them will take it and there's nothing Stone Cold can do about it. If he shows up tonight by himself, there's gonna be a funeral.

WWF Woman's Championship: Sable vs. Jacqueline (w/Marc Mero)
Tori again is in the crowd, this is bad. Like really bad, it's the worse "wrestling" match of the year so far. They do stuff for 3 minutes, Sable mounts a comeback, she goes to suplex Jacque back in but Mero trips her up and holds the legs allowing Jacque to fall on top and cover for the win.

Mero and Jacque quickly leave with Mero yelling "We're going to Disney Land"

Taker, Kane, and Austin all come out.....................BUT................BREAK IT DOWN HITS! AND BILLY GUNN COMES OUT! Good for him man.

Kane & The Undertaker vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin & Billy Gunn
In the back, Vince is PISSED! He blames this on Patterson and Brisco. This gets 8 and a half minutes, all 4 brawl to start with Austin and Taker brawling in the ring, as Kane and Gunn go at it on the floor. Taker and Austin rule, and try to make us forget about the horrid SSlam match. Gunn again puts on a great face showing, as now he can play the slightly smaller man and can use his speed to counteract Taker's stuff. Austin again gets the most out of Kane as he's back to his amazing high energy brawling, and doesn't heel it up like he did last week. The brother briefly isolates Gunn as he's the weaker of the two, plus he's already wrestled tonight. They wear him down, with punches and slams for a bit. Gunn and Kane do the double clothesline spot, before Austin gets the hot tag and cleans house. He stuns Kane, but KANE SITS UP! The refs gets bumped by Taker but recovers and Taker hits a Chokeslam for the win. **3/4

After the Match; Austin grabs a chair and nails Taker and Kane in the head with it out of frustration, due to HIM BEING THE LEGAL MAN! Earl Hebner you IDIOT!

The DOA (w/Paul Ellering) vs. Southen Justice
So this is taking place because earlier Paul Ellering laughed at Jeff for losing, okay. They do some of the shittest stuff all year. Then Jeff runs out and breaks the guitar over Paul's head, and Justice just randomly leave with Jeff. The ref doesn't even count them out or anything. We then just cut to back. WAT THE FUCK! RUSSO YOU IDIOT!

Backstage: Micahel Cole is with Vince McMahon. Cole asks Mr. McMahon if he was surprised at the volunteer to be Austin's partner. He says he doesn't think he's ever surprised exactly, but he's awfully disappointed. The fact that someone DID volunteer has really angered The Undertaker and Kane, so he won't be held personally responsible for what they may or may not do later tonight.


Boot Camp Match: Commissioner Slaughter vs. Al Snow [If Snow wins, he's reinstated by the WWF]
6 minutes, sigh. Sarge takes some comedic old man bumping, as Al is just meh he does nothing for me. They whip one another with a belt. Sarge ducks a chair shit, and hits Al with a Lance Storm level WOAT chair shot. Eventually, Al gives Sarge head, he follows up with another dick kick and hits him with Head. Al covers for the three Sarge makes sure to kick out right after three, because FUCK AL LOOOOOOOOL.

Uncle Pat and Uncle Jerry run out to attack Al, but Scorpio makes the save.

Backstage: Michael Cole is with The Rock, Cole goes to ask a question, but The Rock, tells him to shut his mouth. Rock says if Vince wants to be a big shot and call out The Rock, but nobody dictates anything to The Rock. He accepted this match for one reason, and it's because one day, The Rock will be the best damn WWF Champ there ever was. As far as Mankind, Rock's rubbed elbows with him, but he smells like a piece of trash and IS a piece of trash. On his best day, he couldn't beat The Rock on his worst day. Ken Shamrock is living breathing proof that anyone can act tough, so what The Rock plans on doing is going to the People's Ring, taking his big right hand, lifting the People's Elbow, and laying the smackdown on both their candy ass, if you smell what The Rock is cooking.

Dustin Runnels joins commentary.

Val Venis vs. Owen Hart
Shane and Jim keep trying to get Dustin to comment on what Val has done to his wife, but he refuses cause he's a changed man. Dustin does say Val will burn in hell, and will get his someday. Dustin says his wife doesn't talk to him anymore, and he's trying to turn the other cheek to all of this. The match is fine, Owen seems to care this week so it's a good time. He's super aggressive and leads Val along very nicely. Dustin eventually SNAPS! And attacks Val while Owen was in control for the DQ. It backfires, and Val gets the better he has Dustin tied to the ropes and Val yells at him to "Turn the over cheek" and begins slapping him. He says he stuck his nose in his business and paid the price last week while his wife reaped the benefits. He says he was starting to feel bad for him and was going to let it go, but then he pulled a stupid stunt like this. He then shows his next film "SOMETHING ABOUT TERRI". On the tron, Terri says not to take this so personally and says Val is a much bigger man than him. Val then comes out from under the covers and says that Kitty kat is not under the covers, but will go back to look and goes back under. Back live, Val says he never did find that kitty kat, but his wife's vitals were so tender.

This feud :DEAD:

D'Lo is hailing from Madrid, Spain

WWF European Championship: X-Pac vs. D'Lo Brown
Again this rules, cause you can argue they are the 3 and 4th best wrestlers on the roster right now. 2 and 3 if I had some sort of point system, D'Lo uses his weight to keep Pac grounded who takes some real good bumps, and gets his ass kicked for the majority. D'Lo targets the chest, but he misses the moonsault which allows Pac to make a comeback. He hits the Bronco Buster, but D'Lo hits the Sky High outta nowhere but is too worn down to cover, so when he eventually covers too much time has passed and Pac kicks out. D'LO THEN GOES FOR THE A DIVING HEADBUTT BUT PAC COUNTERS IN MID-AIR INTO THE X-FACTOR FOR THE WIN. FUCK YEAH! **1/2

During the break, Michael Cole interviews Mankind. He says Mr. McMahon has him all fired up. He feels a little bit like the little engine that could because he thinks he can. He thinks he can. As far as The Rock goes, on his best early to mid-afternoon, he could beat him on his worst late evening. Ken Shamrock thinks he can put him in a hold. HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO GET OUT OF A DAMN ONE OF THEM. IT TAKES A GOOD MAN TO BEAT MANKIND. IT JUST DOESN'T TAKE 'EM VERY LONG. HAVE A NICE DAY.

Mankind is the best:proud

Triple Threat #1 Contenders Match: Mankind vs. Ken Shamrock vs. The Rock
This gets 12 minutes and is a total blast, all 3 pretty much just beat on one another, I like that the 3rd man keeps trying to get in but gets taken out, so we get all the combinations a lot instead of 2 guys in and the 3rd takes a shit long time selling on the floor. Mankind/Rock > Mankind/Ken > Rock/Ken, they avoid doing anything big as I'm guessing they know the ending is fuckery. THEY BUST OUT THE TRIPLE SLEEPER! Vince McMahon comes out with the Undertaker and Kane. It goes a 2 more minutes with some near falls before Undertaker and Kane pull Mankind out and beat him up on the floor. Rocky and Kenny, do stuff with VINCE LOOKING PLEASED WHENEVER ROCK ALMOST WINS or KICKS OUT :mark: Ken mounts a comeback, and throws Rock to the floor. He goes out to follow but Kane and Taker attack Shamrock and leave him laid out. The Rock recovers in the ring and attacks the brothers but the numbers catch up to him and hit the Double Chokeslam. Vince signals for them to leave, but Kane and Taker see Mankind getting back up so they attack him some more. THAT ALLOWS AUSTIN TO RUN OUT AND ATTACK VINCE! He puts the boots to him and runs as he sees Taker and Kane come after him. RAW JUST ENDS AFTER THAT! **1/2