WWE vs. ECW extreme meets wrestling

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Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
The show starts with Edge in the ring with The Major Brothers, Kofi Kingston, Carlito, and Elijah Burke and Edge has a microphone.

Edge: I give you the Higher Power’s army of soldiers. All of these men have been baptized by blood and they have paid there dues to the Higher Power. The Major Brothers have paid for their sins and have brought the Higher Power the ECW tag team championship. I have given the Higher Power my life in the ECW World Heavyweight Championship. Kofi Kingston, Carlito and Elijah Burke proved last week that they were on a mission for the Higher Power when they fought in a bloody three way dance match last week. This is the Higher Power’s army, but there are more soldiers to prove their alliance to the Higher Power. Now moving onto a pest that has been in my side, Shelton Benjamin. Shelton, you just need to get up now. There is no way that you will be able to defeat me Shelton. Just give up, because I will stop you.

“Ain’t No Stopping Me Now†plays as Shelton Benjamin comes to the entrance ramp way with a microphone.

Benjamin: Edge, I am not stupid. I am not going to come to that ring and whoop your ass with all your cronies in the ring, but I will challenge you to a match tonight. And if your not a little bitch, then you will accept.

Edge: I am not a little bitch, but I am only required to wrestle you at Wrestle Mania and that is the only place I will wrestle you.

Kofi Kingston grabs the microphone from Edge and speaks.

Kofi: Hey maan, don’t worry about it. Shelton of course Edge will fight you tonight.

Edge then looks at Kofi and gives him a look that says “You will Pay.â€

Kofi rolls out of the ring and so does Carlito and Burke. Edge follows as we go to our first match.

“Brooklyn, Brooklyn†hits as Cryme Tyme comes out to the ring.

Hart Foundation’s music hits and the crowd pops and Bret Hart and Teddy Hart come out to the ring.

Match begins with Bret Hart and JTG in the ring. They lock up in the middle of the ring and Bret locks in a side headlock. JTG sends Bret into the ropes, Bret bounces off the ropes and gets nailed with a dropkick to Bret’s jaw. Bret on the ground and JTG goes down and locks in an arm bar. Bret tries to get to his knee but JTG puts on the pressure. Bret tries to stand up again, this time succeeding. JTG slides his hands down to Bret’s wrists and then twists Bret’s arms. Bret is in pain as JTG hit’s a short arm clothesline. Bret on the ground again and JTG goes and tags in Shad, as to keep the fresh man in. Shad comes into the match and kicks Bret in the shoulder. He then grabs Bret’s arm and wrenches up on it, stretching the shoulder. Bret tries to get out of the hold, trying to get his arm out of the hold. Bret cannot do this so he hit’s a few elbows and Shad loses the hold. Bret back to his feet and lands a few weak right hand punches to Shad. The Big Man of Cryme Tyme shrugs these weak punches off and then lands a big right hand. This punch knocks Bret into his corner and Bret tags in Teddy. Teddy gets into the ring and goes into a tie up with Shad. Shad uses his power and tosses Teddy against the ropes. Teddy falls onto the middle and bottom ropes. Teddy makes his way to his feet and then charges at Shad. Shad tries a clothesline, Teddy ducks behind Shad and then nails a standing dropkick. Shad is rocking and Teddy gets up and nails another standing dropkick, this time knocking Shad to the ground. Teddy then goes to the top turnbuckle and lands a moonsault. Pin attempt by Teddy gets a two count. Shad gets to his feet and locks up with Teddy. Teddy gets a hammerlock. Shad reverses it into a hammerlock. Teddy reverses it into an abdominal stretch. Shad stays in the hold for a few moments and then hip locks his way out of the hold. Shad gets a tag to JTG and JTG comes into the ring,

JTG comes into the ring and tries a leg drop onto Teddy. Teddy rolls out of the way and JTG lands on his tailbone. Teddy crawls over to Bret and gets the tag to his uncle. Bret comes into the ring and lands a knee to JTG’s back. Bret then lands another knee to the small of the back of JTG. Bret locks in a half Boston Crab and JTG is wrenching in pain. Bret holds the move for about thirty seconds before Shad comes into the ring and breaks the hold up. This brings Teddy into the ring, off the top rope, landing a drop kick onto Shad. Shad goes flying into the turnbuckle and Teddy goes after him with some left and rights. JTG is slowly making his way back to his feet. JTG gets all the way up, but Bret hits him with a kick to the gut. Bret with the backbreaker. He tries a cover but JTG kicks out at two. Teddy and Shad are still fighting but it has gone to the outside. Shad grabs a steel chair and knocks Teddy down with it. Shad rolls into the ring and has the chair. He goes to nail Bret but Bret ducks and JTG gets nailed with it. Bret then hits Shad in the stomach and nails a DDT onto the steel chair. He covers JTG and gets the three count

Teddy rolls into the ring to celebrate. Bret gets on the microphone and begins to talk to the crowd.

Bret: Vince, you may have pulled the wool over every one’s eyes last week when you signed Batista from ECW and had him attack me. I can still feel the effects of the Batista Bomb, now. Teddy is still hurting from that spine buster, but Vince were still standing right here Vince. So come and get us man. Where right here.

Bret and Teddy then exit the ring and walk up the ramp. The get to the top of the ramp and out of nowhere Bret gets taken out with a RKO. Randy Orton then runs off the stage with Teddy running after him. Teddy comes back and checks on Bret as we can here him saying. “We’re going to get then, Uncâ€

Jack Evans music hits as he comes out with a worried look on his face again.

Bobby Lashley's music hits as he comes to the ring, looking confident.

Match begins with both men locking up. Lashley throws Evans and he goes through the middle rope onto the floor. Evans rolls into the ring and gets nailed with a kick to the head as he rolls into the ring. Lashley nails him with another kick, this time to the back area. Jack then tries to get to his feet and Bobby helps him up and then power slams him to the ground. Jack is really selling his back as Lashley picks him up and whips him into turnbuckle. Lashley runs into the corner and lands a vicious clothesline to Jack. Evans falls to the canvas in a heap. Lashley picks him up and whips him into the other corner. Lashley charges into the corner, looking for another clothesline. Jack moves out of the way and Bobby crashes hard into the turnbuckle. Evans slides under the bottom rope and then stands up. Lashley come out of the corner, as Jack jumps onto the top rope and bounces off the rope and nails a hurricanranna onto Lashley. Jack tries a pin but Lashley throws Jack off of him at two. Jack gets catapulted over the top rope onto the floor. Jack lands pretty hard on the ground as Lashley goes outside of the ring. He picks Jack up and runs his back into the turn post. Lashley does this another time and then a third. Lashley then rolls Jack into the ring and covers him. Jack gets his foot on the rope at the last second. Lashley picks him up and tries a power bomb. Evans reverses it into another hurricanranna, this time hooking the leg and getting a two count. Both men back up and Lashley nails a clothesline, sending Evans for a loop. Bobby picks Evans up, nails the Dominator and then pins Evans for the three count.

Backstage we see Chris Jericho getting interviewed by Josh Mathews.

Josh: Last week, you defeated Rey Mysterio in a singles match. Now, this week you are in a tag team with the man you defeated last week, Rey Mysterio. What do you think about this.

Jericho: I think you need to shut the hell up. See Josh, you are just trying to be like any other reporter and get Rey and me upset at each other. I respect Mysterio and last week when I beat him, we put on one hell of a match. Now this week, we are going to go out there and beat the hell out of our opponents. The Puny One and The Dead Angel, so if you would never eveeer interview me again.

Jericho leaves as Josh looks on highly upset.

Petty Williams, Shane Helms and John Morrison are in the ring as Kofi Kingston, Carlito and Elijah Burke make their way to the ring.

Match begins with Kofi and Morrison. Kofi locks up with Morrison and then gives him a high knee. Kofi with another knee and Morrison falls to the ground. Kofi comes over to John and picks him up. He whips him into the ropes and Morrison takes the low road and slides out the ring. Kofi slides out of the ring and goes after Morrison with some hard right hands. Morrison is rocked and then goes around to the other side of the ring. Kofi follows him and then gets leveled with a clothesline. Morrison rolls Kofi back into the ring and tries a pin attempt but Kingston kicks out at two. Morrison gets up and gets a cheap shot on Burke and Carlito. Burke and Carlito comes into the ring as Petty and Helms come in for Morrison. All hell breaks lose as all six competitors are brawling. The referee tries to get order back but he is unsuccessful. Carlito is paired off with Petty and he hits some hard left hands. Kofi and Morrison are going at it outside. Kofi grabs a steel chair and creams Morrison. Shane Helms and Burke are going at it and Burke nails a clothesline knocking Shane Helms over the top rope. Petty rolls out of the ring and he organizes with his partners. Burke and Carlito go to the apron as Morrison rolls into the ring and tags in Shane Helms. Shane comes into the ring and ties up with Kofi. Kofi sends Helms into the ropes and Shane comes off the ropes into a clothesline. Kofi goes over to his corner and tags in Elijah Burke.

Burke comes into the ring and attacks Shane. He nails a side slam onto Shane. He hooks the leg but only gets a two count. Elijah picks Helms up and lands a few right hand jabs. Helms blocks one of the right hands and lands one of his own. He then blocks another right hand and lands a clothesline. Helms locks in a arm bar on Burke. Burke gets out of the hold, and breaks apart from Helms, backing into his corner. He tags in Carlito and Carlito enters the ring. Shane charges at Carlito but Carlito moves out of the way and sends Shane chest first into the turnbuckle. Carlito grabs Shane’s back and nails the backcracker. Carlito pins Shane but Helms’ foot is under the bottom rope. Carlito gets up and picks up Shane Helms’ sluggish body. Shane is standing with help from the ropes. Carlito clotheslines Shane and sends him over the top rope. Kofi and Elijah drop off the apron, and begin to jump Shane. Kofi hits some hard right hands and Burke sends Shane into the steel steps. Morrison and Petty Williams come over and attack Kofi Kingston and Elijah Burke. They nail some right hands as Carlito comes to the outside. He springboards off the middle rope from the outside apron, landing a splash onto all the competitors in the match except Shane, who is still on the ground from the crash into the steel steps. Carlito then gets to his feet and goes and picks Shane up and rolls him into the ring. He pins Helms and gets a two count as Shane kicks out at two. Carlito picks Shane up and sends him into the ropes. Carlito then nails a perfectly timed dropkick onto Shane. Pin attempt but Petty flies from the top rope and breaks the cover up. Carlito is knocked out, shoulders on the mat and Shane gets a hand over him. Shane only gets two as Kofi comes into the ring and breaks up the pin attempt.

Carlito is on the ground and Elijah comes back into the ring. He sees Shane and Carlito on the ground. He instructs Kofi to take out Petty and Kingston goes over and takes on Petty. He hits some rights hands and then clotheslines Petty over the top rope. Kofi’s momentum takes him over as well. John Morrison gets into the ring, but Elijah takes him out with a hard right hand. Burke then nails the Elijah Experience onto Morrison. Elijah then picks Carlito up and goes to the outside. Burke grabs a steel chair, tosses it to Carlito and then goes over to Kofi. He tells Kingston to get in the ring. Burke then slides into the ring and picks Shane up. He whips Shane into the ropes, Shane bounces off the ropes as Carlito puts the chair right into Shane’s face and Kofi nails his 540 degrees spinning kick, known as the Cool Runnings, all in perfect timing. Carlito with the cover on Shane, Burke stops Williams from getting in the ring and Carlito gets the three count.

Jeff Hardy’s music blares through the speakers as Jeff makes his way to the ring. He gets into the ring and requests a microphone. He receives the microphone and then begins to speak.

Jeff: Last week in the main event six-man tag team match, my brother Matt had his knee seriously injured as you can see.
On the titantron, we see what happened last week to Matt.

After the match, Carlito comes back into the ring. All the members of the group gang up on Matt’s knee. Kofi puts a steel chair onto Matt’s knee and Elijah comes off the top rope, dropping onto the steel chair and you can hear a pop in the ring. Matt grabs at his knee as the referee gets all the members out of the ring. Matt is grabbing at his knee and Jeff gets back up and goes to his brother’s aid. The EMT’s come out to the ring with the stretcher. The last image we see is Matt being put on the stretcher, his knee wrapped in a brace and him writhing in pain.

Jeff: So, now that Matt is out for 3-5 months, I have to keep the name of the Hardy Boys name alive. I will do whatever I have to do to make you proud Matt. All you need to do is get better. And to all the people that hurt Matt, Matt will not die.

Jeff goes to leave but “Kennedy†hits as Mr. Kennedy comes to the entrance ramp. He has a microphone in his hand as he begins to speak.

Kennedy: I am Mr. Kennedy….Kenneddddy. Now Jeff, you say that Matt will not die, but what about you. See last week on WWE, I quit and said I was coming to ECW to rule the Land of the Extreme. And to do that, I needed to come after the Extreme one, The Rainbow-Haired Warrior, Jeff Hardy. What is up with that Jeff, the Rainbow-Haired Warrior. Are you gay or something?

Jeff: First of all, I am not gay at all, but what the hell are you doing out here. I had nothing to say about you and now you come out here and talk shit about my brother and me. Well if you want to take the Extreme One out, then next week, Me versus You. What you say about that, Kennedy.

Kennedy: Your on Jeff, just trust in the High sounds.

When Kennedy says this, Kennedy’s microphone comes down and knocks Jeff in the head.

Kennedy: Mr. Kennedy…

Jeff grabs the microphone and then throws. As soon as he lets it go, blood pours onto Jeff Hardy.

Kennedy: Kenneddddddy

Backstage we see MVP, CM Punk, and Samoa Joe fighting. Road agents then come into the screen and try to break it up. They eventually get all three superstars apart and then Taz steps into the screen to a massive pop.

Taz(speaking to the road agents): Guys, why are you breaking this fight over. If you were here a few minutes ago you would know why these men were fighting. See, I just told these men that I have talked to Paul Heyman and he has decided to bring back a title that I brought into ECW. The title that doesn’t give a shit about anything, the title that says Fuck the World. Yes, the FTW belt is back in ECW. I just got through telling these men that they have to prove themselves to get into the qualifying matches for the Elimination Chamber match to determine the first FTW champion. So, let them go.

The road agents don’t listen and Taz gets pissed and starts yelling as we go to our next match.

“I Am†plays as AJ Styles comes out to the ring and then gets into the ring.

Christopher Daniels music hit’s as he comes to the ring. He gets a moderate pop and then he gets into the ring.

“Boyakka 619†plays as Rey Mysterio comes out to a massive pop.

“Break the Walls Down†plays as Jericho comes out to a massive pop as big as Mysterio’s pop.

Match starts with Christopher Daniels and Rey Mysterio. Mysterio ties up with Daniels, and Christopher sends Rey into the ropes. “The Fallen Angel†tries a clothesline but Mysterio ducks underneath Daniels arm and bounces off the ropes. Rey comes off the ropes and nails a quick dropkick to Christopher’s knee. Dainels falls to the ground as Mysterio locks in an arm bar. Daniels then powers his way out of the hold and gets to one knee. An amazing show of strength and Daniels lifts Mysterio up on his arm and then slams him down on his back. Mysterio is out on the ground and Daniels pins him. Kick out by Mysterio at two and Daniels picks him back up. He slings him into the corner and nails the clothesline he was looking for earlier. Daniels then drags Mysterio into Daniel’s corner and “The Fallen Angel†tags in his partner AJ Styles. AJ comes into the ring and nails Rey with a few quick, hard right hands. Rey blocks on of the rights and tries one of his own, but Styles gets a quick knee to Rey’s mid-section. Rey falls to the ground and AJ gets in a few boots to Mysterio. AJ then locks in a arm bar but Mysterio gets to the ropes. AJ lets go of the hold at four, and then stands up and tags in Daniels. Daniels comes in and picks Mysterio up and whips him into the corner. He charges into Rey and lands a clothesline. Daniels picks Mysterio up and whips him into the other corner. Daniels charges into the corner, but Mysterio ducks out of the ring to the outside. He is on the outside apron. Mysterio bounces off the top rope and lands a hurricanranna onto Daniels. He hooks the leg and gets a two count after AJ Styles came in and broke the pin up. This brings Jericho into the ring and takes out AJ. Jericho gets in a clothesline that sends Jericho and Styles over the top rope.

Mysterio and Daniels are in the ring, both men on their feet. Mysterio lands some right hands and Daniels falls to the ground. Rey quickly locks in a head scissors. Daniels tries to get out of the hold but is unsuccessful. He then knips out of the hold and gets back to his feet. Mysterio charges at Daniels, but Christopher side steps him and sends Mysterio shoulder-first into the turn post. Meanwhile on the outside, Jericho and Styles are going at it on the outside. Jericho sends Styles into the turn post and then goes and gets a steel chair. Styles turns around and gets clobbered with the steel chair. Jericho goes and gets back onto the apron as Mysterio gets away from Daniels. Mysterio with the tag to Jericho and Y2J comes in with a flurry of offense. He nails a right hand followed by another right hand. Jericho with a kick to the gut and Jericho sets up a power bomb. He nails it and keeps his arms locked. Jericho then picks Daniels up and nails another power bomb. He then lets go off his arms and flips Daniels over into the Walls of Jericho. Daniels is about to tap out but AJ Styles comes off the top rope with a steel chair and knocks Jericho in the head with a steel chair. Jericho falls to the ground like dead weight and Daniels pins Jericho. Rey Mysterio makes the save just in time. AJ Styles stays in the ring and takes out Rey over the top rope. Rey lands on his feet, and grabs AJ Styles leg. AJ falls directly to the ground and Mysterio pulls AJ out of the ring. Daniels gets up and picks Jericho up. Daniels tries his Angel’s Wings, but Jericho slips out and hooks Daniels legs. He puts Daniels on his back and flips him over for the Walls of Jericho. Daniels taps out as Rey Mysterio prevents Styles from making the save.

Backstage Edge is with Kofi Kingston, Burke, and Carlito. Edge begins to yell at Kofi as Burke and Carlito back off.

Edge: What the hell do you think you were doing earlier when you accepted that match for me against Shelton Benjamin.

Kofi: I thought that you would want to prove to everyone that you can beat him before your match at Wrestle mania.

Edge: Why would I want to do that, you are lucky that the Higher Power has came up with a plan for tonight. But next week, you must prove yourself to the Higher Power to stay in the army of blood. Remember that Kofi. Just remember that.

“Ain’t no Stoppin Me Now†plays as Shelton Benjamin comes to the ring to a massive pop.

“Metallagius†plays as Edge comes to the ring to a massive amount of heat. Edge slides into the ring.

Match starts with Benjamin and Edge in a lock up. Edge sends Benjamin into the ropes and Shelton comes off the ropes with a clothesline. Edge falls to the mat and then gets back up. Shelton with another clothesline onto Edge and Edge falls to the mat. He gets back up and Shelton with a third clothesline. Edge falls to the mat, but this time he does not get up. Edge backs up into the corner and then goes out of the ring. Edge then starts to walk around the ring. Edge then gets to the entrance ramp and begins to walk up the ramp. Benjamin stops the referee’s count. Shelton calls for Edge to get back into the ring, but Edge does not come back. Shelton then hops out of the ring and chases Edge down. Shelton lands some hard right hands and grabs Edge by the tights and throws him back into the ring. Shelton gets on the apron and then climbs the turnbuckle. Benjamin comes off the top rope and nails a beautiful dropkick. He covers Edge but only gets a two count. Benjamin then picks Edge up and lands a bridging Northern Lights suplex. The pin attempt by Benjamin only gets him a two count. Edge is back up and Benjamin comes at Edge, but Edge sides steps him and Benjamin goes into the turnbuckle. Edge sets up for the spear, but Benjamin sees it coming and throws Edge into the turn post. Edge comes out of the corner and Benjamin kicks Edge in the gut. Edge bends over and Benjamin lands a power bomb into the turnbuckle. Edge rolls out of the ring and goes grabs his title. Edge then goes up the entrance ramp as the referee counts to ten. The ref gets to nine and Edge is gone. Edge gets counted out as Benjamin gets a microphone.

Benjamin: Edge, you want to get counted out. You Don’t want to give me the time I need to beat you. Well at Wrestle Mania, it’s you and me for that title you hold in your hands right now. But since you want to get counted out and not give me the time I need, I say we make our match a sixty minute Iron Man Match for your title.

We can then see Edge on the screen and he has a shocked look on his face as we end the show.


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
BM: I'm actually gonna go for Cryme Tyme/Hart Foundation. The match really had a lot of flow and seemed to have a nice combination of wrestling styles in there.
WM: ME, it served the purpose of making the match an iron man match but still, you could've had more before Edge got himself counted out
BP: Opener. Wasn't fully in character but it was probably the best overall.
WP: Bret Hart's but it was good for the fact it set up a possible feud.
Add. comments: Great show but you gotta stop making the show revolve around Edge. Edge had around 3 or 4 promo's on there and it's like TNA and the Angle's. Other than that good work!


Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
BM: Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Foundation. The match flowed nicely and had overall nice wrestling in it. Nice job because this wasnt even the main event.

WM: ME, It was really short, but it seemed like something Edge would do

BP: Opener promo

WP: N/A Brett's wasn't that great but it wasnt bad

AC: Great show. Seemed like the show revolved around Edge, but it was a nice show. Promos and matches were great. Nice job


BM - Well I'd have to say the six man tag match.

WM - Well The ME was short, but i guess it was for a purpose so N/A

BP - Opener

WP - If I'd pick one it would be Brett's

AC - Great Show keep up the good work.

Rate - 8.5/10

Reveiw for a Reveiw!


BM: Styles and Daniels vs. Mysterio and Jericho, really great match really in character, maneuver wise, and just a solid match

WM: Lashley vs. Evans, I saw where you were going with this, but just lost interest, but I was surprised how much offense the little Jack Evans got on the enormous Lashley

BP: Edge's Opener, I love Edge promos


AC: Not really to familiar with your work, I got to improve on that, but anyways really enjoyed reading your matches, short and sweet, just how I like it.

check out the lastest Raw: Real American Wrestling, posted the lastest show on Monday


Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
BM:: The six man tag
Worst Match:: I didn't really like the count out in the main event.
Best Promo:: Edge's opening promo
Worst Promo:: Shelton's after the main event


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Cryme Tyme vs. The Hart Foundation. The match flowed nicely and these two seem to work together very well.

Worst Match:Lashley vs. Jack Evans. Not very fond of squash matches or powerhouses and such.

Best Promo: Your Edge promo was great. One of the best guys on the stick and he was in character.

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Comments: I thought you could have done a lot more with your main event. Overall a very good show and I hope to see next week have a decent main event lol

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Cryme Tyme/ Hart Foundation, it's really quite interesting to write tag matches and this match is really good.

Worst Match: Jack Evans/Bobby Lashley, squash match! I wish Evans can beat Lashley in the near future, lol...

Best Promo: The Opening one, lol... Edge is like having his own religion...

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedbacks: Nice show but I better agree 'bout the main event, I think eventhough it ended in a count out, it should be a little longer especially Edge and Benjamin is on it. As for the Edge one, I think it's okay to me to see him all over the show but it's way better to add more promos for Benjamin to show their fued.


Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: I liked the tag team match between Daniels/Styles and Mysterio/Jericho the best. I thought it was a pretty good match, and it was really well written out. The other 6 man tag team match was really good.

Worst Match: There weren't any bad matches, but the tag match was going to have to be the obvious one. Still that match was pretty good.

Best Promo: I really didn't like any of the promos on this show to be honest. Most of the promos were way to short, and they didn't nearly have enough time to be developed in to something. The Kennedy and Hardy promo was probably the best, but still was not very good.

Worst Promo: Most of the promos were pretty bad. All of them were to short in my opinion, and a lot of them were pretty out of character as well. Jericho and Bret's promos were about 3 lines, and were to short.

AC: Decent show here good matches bad promos. Once you improve your promos you will be in good shape. I'm not trying to be harsh here, just trying to give some constructive criticism here.

The Rated R CMStar

Bismarck Civic Center
Bismarck, North Dakota


JR: Welcome Ladies and gentleman to a brand new show and what a night we have ahead of us.

King: And remember JR, with Eric Bischoff now in charge, we don’t know what to expect.

“I walk Alone” plays to a lot of cheers from the crowd as the debuting Batista makes his way out. He enters the ring with a mic on his hands.

Batista: Yeah! Yeah! Let me tell you something, it’s good to be back!

Crowd pops

Batista: To be honest, I never doubted that the day would come in which I would return to the WWE.

Crowd continues cheering.

Batista: But, I am not back to make friends, I am not back to socialize, I am back to win the WWE Title, and I want a title match right here, right now!

Crowd pops even louder, Batista is about to continue speaking when out of a sudden, “The Game” breaks through the speakers.

Triple H: Whoa, whoa, Batista, slow down. How long have you been here? 10 minutes? The fact is, there is a long line you have to make before stepping into the ring with The Game!

The fans of Triple H pop.

Batista: Ok, I understand. You’re scared. You don’t want to put that title on the line because you know you’ll lose it, because you know you can’t defeat me.

Triple H: You want a match! You got your match! It’s on! Get a referee out here!

“I’m Back” plays as Eric Bischoff comes out, instead of the referee.

Bischoff: Stop it! Stop it! Triple H, you are not putting that title on the line here tonight!

Crowd boos.

Bischoff: However, since you want each other so badly, you will enter the ring against one another, but in a Triple Threat Match.

Triple H: And who would be the third opponent?

Bischoff: Well Triple H, you apparently are determined on making me blow all my announcement ass General Manager here tonight. See, another man requested a match with you, and that’s why tonight, it will be sort of an Evolution Reunion, because it will be Triple H vs Batista vs Randy Orton in a non-title match, with Triple Threat Rules, that means no countouts and no disqualifications!

Crowd pops largely.

Bischoff: Oh, and Triple H, don’t think I have forgotten about No Way Out. You will be defending your belt.

Triple H: And against whom? I have no Number One Contender!

Bischoff: Well, that is changing as well in this show, as the man you faced last week, Kurt Angle will face, man filled of hatred for him. It will be Kurt Angle facing Goldberg, and the winner of that match will challenge you at No Way Out!

Crowd pops

Bischoff: And mark my words, you don’t want to miss my next announcement!

Eric Bischoff walks out to the back.


JR: We are back and what two huge match our GM has booked for tonight, an Evolution face off with Triple H facing Randy Orton and Batista in a no count-outs, no DQ match, and also Kurt Angle will face Goldberg with the winner of the match challenging The Game for his title at No Way Out.

King: And don’t forget JR, Eric Bischoff promised another announcement, even bigger than those two!

“No Chance” plays as Vince Mcmahon comes out, staying in the stage.

Vince: Well, I am seeing Eric has made already his marked in the show. But don’t forget I am still the Boss, and I do what I want, when I want.

Crowd boos.

Vince: And that’s why I am making the next match. You see, Rob Van Dam failed in the mission I gave him. And if he did so, I said I would fire him.

Crowd boos.

Vince: So Van Dam, please come out here.

“One of a Kind” plays after a while of waiting as Rob Van Dam makes his way out.

Vince: Rob, see, I am not firing you like that. I am a man of the fans, and I think the fans don’t want that.

Crowd pops confirming they don’t want it.

Vince: So you’re not fired. But, you do have a match against this man!

Christian Cage comes running down the ramp and surprises Van Dam, catching him off guard. He starts beating him off and he then drags him to the ring.

Vince: Oh and Rob, the loser of the match, gets fired!!!

Loser gets Fired Match
Christian Cage vs Rob Van Dam(credit to Nate757)

Match starts with Christian and RVD in a lock up. RVD sends Christian into the ropes and nails him with a clothesline when he comes back from the ropes. Christian falls to the ground and RVD lands a few quick kicks to the gut of “Captain Charisma.” Christian makes his way to his feet and lands a few punches to RVD. Christian throws a right hand but Rob Van Dam blocks it and nails a quick kick to Christian. RVD then lands a kick to the head followed by a spinning heel kick, knocking Christian down to the ground. Rob then calls for Rolling Thunder and bounces off the ropes. He gets to Christian and launches into the air. Christian moves out of the way just at the last moment and RVD lands hard on his back. Christian gets up and picks Rob up. Christian then whips RVD hard into the corner and charges at him nailing a clothesline. Christian plays to the crowd as they chant “CLB, CLB” to him. Christian gets upset and goes to the outside, arguing with some fans. This gives Rob Van Dam time to get up and climb the top turnbuckle. Rob is perched on the top turnbuckle, waiting for Christian to turn around. Christian finally does and Rob nails him with a heel kick right in the mush. Both men are on the ground, but Rob gets up first. RVD picks Christian up and tosses him into the ring. He tries a cover but only gets a two count.

RVD gets up frustrated and picks Christian up. He sends him into the corner and comes back at him with a monkey flip. Christian is in position and RVD bounces onto the top rope landing the splits and then a moonsault onto Christian. RVD hooks the leg but only gets a two count. Christian rolls out of the ring for a breather as Rob bounces off of the far ropes. He then runs to the near ropes and bounces over them. Christian, however side steps this aerial attack and RVD crashes and burns onto the thin layer of mat outside the ring. Christian slowly gets back to his feet and picks RVD up. He gets Rob back into the ring and gets a arm over him. Rob kicks out at two and Christian cannot believe it. He picks Rob up and nails an suplex. He then picks him up and sets him up for the Umprettier. He goes to cover him but picks Rob’s shoulder up at two. The fans boo and Christian again plays to the crowd. Christian then sets up the Umprettier again, but this time as Christian has his back turned, in position to drop Rob Van Dam, RVD gets free and school boys Christian for the surprising three count.

Result: Rob Van Dam defeats Christian

King: What! Does this mean Christian is fired?

Vince: Rob, Rob, you are going to pay it! You know what, at No Way Out, it will be you going one on one with, with UMAGA!

Crowd boos. Christian looks shocked to Mcmahon in a state of despair.

Vince: Oh, and Christian, YOU’RE FIRED!

King: What! I can’t believe it! Christian Cage fired!

JR: Well, he was part of that big plot from Vince and he got backfired.


We return and see Ric Flair lacing up his boots. Out of a sudden, John Cena enters the locker room.

John: How you doing Ric?

Ric: How am doing? I am doing great, Wooo! And I am getting ready for our match at No Way Out.

John: You better be, because this time it will not end like last time. Hey, but I gotta go know, I have a match against, oh, look, there he is.

HBK enters the room to a big pop from the crowd.

John: How you doing Shawn?

HBK: C’mon John, what are you doing here? You’d have to be making right now your entrance to go one on one with The Showstopper!

Crowd pops.

John: Yeah, I am going now. See you later Ric. And you too Shawn, I’ll see you out there.

John Cena leaves the room.

HBK: You really like the kid don’t you Ric?

Ric: He’s the future Shawn, he’s the very future of the business, and you have to support future. In fact, I remember years ago a young guy making his debut, breaking hearts and kicking the teeth out of his opponents also being called the future of this business, Woooo!

Ric Flair leaves the room leaving HBK behind with a grin on his face.

“My Time is Now” plays as John Cena makes his way out to a chorus of cheers and chants from the crowd. He enters the ring and waits for his opponent.

“Sexy Boy” plays to a huge ovation from the crowd as HBK makes his way out, playing to the crowd. He enters the ring and greets Cena. The referee rings the bell.

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels

John Cena and Shawn Michaels stare at each other, and they finally begin circling each other. Cena stops and walks to the center of the ring, where he then extends his hand to HBK so that they can give a handshake. Michaels smiles and shakes John Cena’s hand. They both separate from each other and then go back from to jumping and circling each other. They approach each other and enter in a test of strengths, Cena gets the upperhand and locks in a headlock. Michaels is still fresh in the match and is able to lift John Cena up in the air and he sideslams him. HBK is still on his feet and he dashes toward the ropes, then bouncing back and knocking John Cena down to the canvas with a shoulder block. HBK dashes to the other set of ring ropes and knocks Cena down to the floor once again, just when he has gotten back to a standing position, hitting him with a tackle. HBK continues the same pattern as he once again dashes to the ropes, after waiting for a while for Cena to get back to his feet. John this time tries to cover himself avoiding the shoulder block, but HBK stops just before connecting Cena. John discovers shocked as not being connected by any shoulder block, but Shawn Michaels is still on the upperhand and he connects the now unprotected John Cena with a chop right to the chest, that gets the usual Wooo chant from the live audience, shades of the Nature Boy Ric Flair, Cena’s lately mentor. Shawn Michaels continues his attack and plants John with another chop right to the chest, that this time makes Cena back down to the corner. Now with John cornered, HBK’s attack is even easier to land and he increases the speed on the hard chops right to the chest of John Cena. HBK steps back taking impulse and he then storms toward the cornered John Cena and tries to shoulder tackle him, but John Cena is able to get out of the way making HBK crash and burn going though the ropes and crashing his shoulder right to the ring post.

Cena grabs his head waiting for HBK to incorporate and get away from the ring post. Shawn Michaels gets back up, but he is still turning his back to the leader of the Chain Gang. HBK finally turns around and John Cena starts unloading his attack, planting straight right hands bombs right to the head of his opponent. John Cena then goes to connect his Fisherman Suplex., shades of the Perfect Plex from the late Mr. Perfect, but Shawn Michaels is able to reverse the maneuver in mid-air as he slides down the grab of Cena while applying the hold and lands right on his feet. Then grabbing John Cena by the head and planting John Cena with a Reverse DDT. Shawn Michaels feels the momentum going on his favor. Cena rushes and gets back to his feet, HBK grabs him and hits the Manhattan Drop, then sends him down to the canvas with a straight right hand. John Cena gets back to his feet and once again HBK grabs him and plants him with the Manhattan Drop. Shawn Michaels swings for another straight right hand looking to send him down to the canvas, but this time John Cena is able to block the attack of HBK, he then lands a straight right hand of his own and he then finally plants him with the Fisherman Suplex. John Cena makes the cover: 1…2…, HBK is able to kick out. John Cena gets back to his feet and he measures the slowly recovering HBK, Michaels gets back to his feet and Cena knocks him down with a clothesline, that sends him right down to the canvas. Cena then bounces to the ropes and lands HBK with his classic flying tackle. HBK gets back to his feet and Cena once again plants him with a second clothesline. John Cena once again gets back to his feet and waits for HBK to do his part. HBK gets back up and tries to plant John with a clothesline, but John ducks and instead hits his trademark spinning sideslam.

John Cena raises his hand taunting to the crowd receiving a mixed reaction from the live audience. He then bends and makes the “You can’t see me” taunt to the knocked Shawn Michaels. John Cena gets back to his feet and pumps up his Reebok, taunting for the end of the match, taunting for the FU. HBK slowly gets back to his feet, he finally recovers a standing position but he is still groggy. He finally turns around and walks right into the grab of John Cena, that gets him up over his shoulders and walks to the middle of the ring looking to connect the FU. John Cena finally throws HBK to the canvas looking to connect it but right in mid air Shawn Michaels is able to counter-attack reversing the FU into a DDT. Both competitors remain knocked down on the canvas. Shawn Michaels is the first to get back to his feet and he waits for John Cena to get back to his feet. Cena gets up and Michaels plant him with a straight right hand to the canvas. Cena gets back up and HBK plants him with a Manhattan Drop and another straight right hand. Cena gets up to his feet and walks right into a Manhattab Drop followed by a slam by HBK. Shawn Michaels feels the momentum going and walks to the corner. He climbs to the top rope and after taunting to the crowd, getting a huge pop from the audience in the way, he finally leaps through the air and plants John Cena right on the chest with his classic elbow drop. Both John Cena and Shawn Michaels twirl in pain on the canvas, but obviously the leader of the Chain Gang having suffered the worst part. Shawn Michaels is able to get back to his feet and he walks toward the corner, making the announcement of the end of the match of his own.

Shawn Michaels in on the corner and to a big pop from the audience he starts tuning up the band. The crowd counts with him as long as he puts his boot down to the canvas: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…, John Cena finally gets back to his feet and turns around toward where Shawn Michaels is standing, 9…10, Shawn Michaels finally advances to connect John Cena with some Sweet Chin Music, but John Cena is able to duck the attempt, HBK turns around and Cena gets him up over his shoulders, then planting him with the FU: 1…2…3.

Result: John Cena defeats Shawn Michaels

JR: Oh my God! What a match, and in the end, John Cena is able to get the win.

Cena stares at Michaels and then gets the crowd going for him, clapping and pointing at him. Cena then leaves the ring between a lot of cheers from the audience. HBK is battling to get back to his feet, but out of a sudden JBL comes running down the ramp.

King: Wait a minute, what is JBL doing out here?

JBL starts beating up the already damaged HBK, with a lot of stomps. He finally gets him up and plants him with his classic Powerbomb. The camera then shows the stage and shows John Cena standing there, looking at HBK getting beat, doing nothing.

JR: I can’t understand this, Cena appeared to show respect to HBK, but then he just stands there doing nothing!

King: Well, maybe he is saving himself up, he has a match against the Nature Boy at No Way Out you know!


We return and see Todd Grisham backstage.

Grisham: We are back and please welcome my guests here tonight, they are the Dudley Boyz!

Crowd gives a mixed reaction.

Grisham: Gentleman, please…

Bubbah Ray: Shut up! Let the real men talk around here! You see, me and my brother are tired of getting overlooked by everyone. We are the best tag team around…

Crowd gives mixed reaction.

Bubbah Ray: We are the best tag team around and for some reason we don’t have the belrs around our waists. They are around the waists of a pair of rednecks nobodies.

Crowd boos even louder.

Bubbah Ray: So, that’s why we are demanding a Tag Team Title match at No Way Out for the tag team titles, so, if Lance and Trevor have any balls, you will accept our challenge!

D-Von: Oh my brother, testify!

Both men leave leaving Todd Grisham behind.

We go to Eric Bischoff’s office, he’s talking with Brock Lesnar.

Bischoff: You know what, I am too busy getting all the details ready for my announcement, so if you can just leave.

Lesnar: C’mon, I am just asking you a match with The Rock right here right now!

Crowd pops.

Bischoff: You know what, I understand where you are going, you want to get revenge on The Rock for your defeat at Royal Rumble, but I am not giving you the match tonight.

Crowd boos and Lesnar is about to complain.

Bischoff: But, if you really want to give The Rock a message, there are other ways to make it, if you know what I mean.

Eric Bischoff palms Brock on the back and guides him to the outside of the office. Brock leaves with a smile on his face.

King: Well, I don’t like that advice Eric just gave Brock Lesnar.

JR: The Rock certainly must be watching his back right now, but next is a match with so much on the line, as Kurt Angle and Goldberg battle for a title match at No Way Out.

King: And don’t forget JR, Kurt Angle took Goldberg out for 3 weeks, and now that he is back, he definitively wants revenge.

“Medal” breaks to a mixed reaction from the audience as Kurt Angle makes his way out. Still, the “You Suck” chants start. Angle enters the ring and stares at the stage waiting for his opponent.

“Goldberg’s March” breaks to a big pop from the audience as we see Goldberg walk all the way from his locker room to the stage. He then walks to the ring. The referee rings the bell

Kurt Angle vs Goldberg

Match quickly starts and they approach each other, locking in a test of strength. Kurt Angle gets the advantage and floats over the shoulder of Goldberg, then connects a German Suplex. Angle doesn’t release his opponent and incorporates once again, planting Goldberg with a second consecutive German Suplex. That isn’t the final offensive move by Kurt Angle as for the third time he returns to his feet and completes the trifecta hitting the third consecutive German Suplex. Kurt Angle immediately goes for the leg of Goldberg and tries to wrap his arms around his ankle, locking in the Angle Lock, but his opponent is able to avoid the punishment, as he uses his free hand to kick Kurt Angle away. Goldberg jumps back to his feet simultaneously as Kurt Angle bounces to the ring ropes. Angle bounces back to Goldberg and Bill tries to arm drag him, but Kurt Angle block the attempt of his opponent, and advancing while blocking, connects a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Kurt Angle makes the cover: 1…2…, Goldberg kicks out. Angle looks up to the referee but doesn’t say a word. He then goes back to work on Goldberg and locks in a headlock. However, the submission maneuver is short-lived as Goldberg immediately starts fighting back his way out of the hold planting clubs straight to the hold of the Olympic Gold Medalist. Angle finally is forced to release the hold, but he doesn’t stop his assault as he gets back and as soon as he does he starts stomping the floored Goldberg. He smiles and taunts to the crowd and then goes to what he considers a final burial as he goes to stomp on the head of Goldberg, however, Goldberg grabs the boot of Angle in mid attack avoiding the attack. Goldberg then looks at Kurt Angle straight to his eyes and then, just by his foot, he pushes him away, sending Kurt Angle out of the ring through the top and second rope.

Kurt Angle looks back to the ring with a surprised look on his face. Goldberg finally returns to a standing position and invites the gold medalist to return the ring. Kurt Angle returns to his feet and climbs to the apron, but do no enters the ring. He hesitates a moment on the apron and Goldberg, taking advantage of the distraction, grabs him by the head and throws him the hard way to the interior of the ring. Goldberg then waits for Angle to return to his feet and when he does he clotheslines him down to the canvas. Kurt returns to his feet only to get knocked once again with a second clothesline. Kurt Angle gets back to a standing position for the third time now and he dashes toward Goldberg, but gets stopped in mid-run as his opponent grabs him by the throat. Goldberg walks in circles for a few seconds grabbing Angle by the throat before he finally gets him up, military pressing him. He finally explodes with his attack powerslamming Kurt Angle down to the mat. Goldberg covers his rival: 1…2…, Kurt kicks out. Goldberg returns to his feet and he continues with his offense pulling his rival back to his feet, then flooring him with a very cheered Northern Lights Suplex, Kurt Angle lands hard over the back of his neck. Goldberg then looks around with a smile on his face and interacting with the crowd he points to the corner, that gets an ovation from the audience. Goldberg walks toward the corner and climbs up to the second rope. Everybody is shocked as Goldberg normally doesn’t climb to the top rope. Kurt Angle uses the ring ropes to return to his feet. He then turns around to where Goldberg is and gets blasted with a shoulder block out of the second rope by his rival. Goldberg makes the cover: 1…2…, Kurt Angle is able to kick out. Goldberg gets up and gets on the face of the referee. Kurt Angle gets slowly up and when he does he tries to surprise Goldberg, but Bill catches the surprise and stops arguing with the referee, turning around and hitting Angle with a straight right hand.

Goldberg immediately goes to the corner and starts taunting Kurt Angle with the Spear. Angle gets up and turns around, getting in front of Goldberg. Goldberg dashes toward his opponent looking for his maneuver but on the last moment Angle is able to leap over his opponent, avoiding the Spear. Goldberg continues his run all the way until crashing with the corner post between the top and second ring ropes. Kurt Angle waits for Goldberg to get out of that precarious situation. Goldberg pulls himself out of between the corner, and immediately when he does, the beaten Angle, still grabbing the back of his neck, grabs him and sets him in the Angle Slam position. He goes for it but on the last moment Goldberg avoids the maneuver sliding down the shoulders of the Olympic Medalist. Angle turns around and his rival immediately tries to clothesline him, but Kurt Angle also avoids the attack and then hits a maneuver of his own as he German Suplexes to the canvas. Kurt Angle feels the momentum going and he removes the straps of his ring attire, firing himself up. He then starts eagerly taunting Goldberg to get back to his feet, jumping on the canvas and yelling at Goldberg while doing it. Bill finally gets back to his standing position. Inmediately when he does, Kurt Angle grabs him, sets and connects the Angle Slam. Kurt Angle makes a confident, arrogant cover, therefore not so well applied: 1…2…, Goldberg kicks out. Angle looks shocked and after looking up to the referee and verifying that indeed it was a two count, he remakes the cover, pulling even further the leg of Goldberg, showing a better technique: 1…2…, Goldberg still is able to kick out, saving the match.

Kurt Angle gets back to his feet and after taunting to the crowd, he badmouths the floored Goldberg and then, for the second occasion in the match, he grabs Goldberg leg and wraps his arms over the ankle of Goldberg, this time successfully applying the Angle Lock. Goldberg screams in pain as Kurt Angle twists the ankle of his rival. Goldberg starts the slow, grueling way to the ring ropes. He is able to reach to a few inches away from salvation, but Kurt is able to pull him back to the center of the ring. Goldberg doesn’t quit, and although in some occasions it is clear he is in pure suffering, at the end he is able to reach to the bottom rope forcing Kurt to release the hold. Still, Kurt Angle stretches all the stomps as he maintains the hold lock in for another extra 4 seconds. At the moment Kurt Angle releases the hold, he immediately screams something and then goes back to lock in the Angle Lock, but this time, Goldberg avoids it by kicking Kurt with his free foot, sending him to the ropes. Goldberg returns to his feet and when Angle bounces back, Goldberg kicks him on the gut and then connects an incredibly cheered Jackhammer. Limping, he makes his way over Kurt Angle: 1…2…3.

Result: Goldberg defeats Kurt Angle

JR: Oh my God! He did it! Goldberg not only came back and got revenge on Kurt Angle, but now he is also the Number One Contender of the WWE Title.


We return and see Todd Grisham backstage again.

Grisham: Well, just moments ago the Dudley Boyz made a challenge to Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch for their belts, now, I am right here with the tag champions.

Murdoch: Damn right! The Dudleys think they can come out here and bash us? Who do they think they are?

Cade: Exactly, if they think they are the best tag team around, then why aren’t they champions? But you know what, we fear nobody, nobody.

Murdoch: Cade said it, we ain’t afraid of nobody, and that’s why we are accepting the challenge of the Dudley Boyz!

Crowd pops.

Cade: But, they better be able to back up their words, because our match will be a Tables Match! And then we will show the world who truly are the best tag team.

Cade and Murdoch walk away.

JR: What a match that will be! But I have just gotten the information that in last minute fashion, a huge match has been booked by our General Manager Eric Bischoff, as Stone Cold will go one on one with The Rock!

King: Oh my God JR! I can’t believe the show Eric Bischoff has put for us here tonight.

The glass breaks as Stone Cold makes his way out. He comes down to the ring and there he makes his classic four corner taunt.

“If you Smell” plays to a big pop from the audience expecting for The Rock, however he doesn’t come out.

King: What’s going on around here? Where is The Rock?

The camera finally shows on the Tron a beaten Rock, turned into a bloodied pulp knocked down on the concrete floor. The camera then shows the rest of the room he is and shows Brock Lesnar is in there. Brock then goes down and continues attacking Rock. He finally gets out of the room leaving behind a badly beaten Rocky. Stone Cold asks for a microphone.

Stone Cold: Well, obviously The Rock can’t wrestle here tonight, but Stone Cold hell cans!

Crowd pops.

Stone Cold: So I don’t care who you want to send me Eric, Vince, but I want a match!

“Here Comes the Money” breaks to the crowd, that receives him with a lot of boos as Shane Mcmahon makes his way out. He enters the ring and the referee rings the bell.

Shane Mcmahon vs Stone Cold

Stone Cold looks anxious and finally storms toward Shane, that without any desire of a fight, kicks him right on the groin, resulting in a quick DQ, that is received to a lot of boos.

Result: Stone Cold wins by DQ

Shane Mcmahon takes advantage of the low blow and he starts unloading a series of straight right hands to the head of Austin, that sends him to the canvas. Shane then goes to the outside and grabs a steel chair, then entering back to the ring and beating Austin with it. Shane continues his brutal assault with the steel chair knocking Stone Cold out of his senses. Vince Mcmahon comes out.

Vince: Austin, as you saw earlier, I don’t take humiliations lightly, hell, you should have remembered by experience.

Crowd boos.

Vince: Rob Van Dam might have saved himself, but you didn’t. In the end, I get what I want. RVD is not fired, but has a match against Umaga, and you, well you are knocked out, and, you have also a match at No Way Out.

Crowd gives a mixed reaction.

Vince: That’s right, you will be going one on one with my son, Shane Mcmahon in a No Holds Barred Match!

Crowd pops.

Vince leaves. Shane gives a final smash with the chair to Austin and finally leaves.


We return and see Randy Orton in his locker room bathroom getting ready. He is washing his face and looks down, but when he lifts his head and looks in the mirror, he sees the reflection of The Undertaker, that gets a big pop from the audience. He then washes his eyes and looks to the mirror again, not seeing anyone. He turns around and Kane is right in front of him, that also gets a big pop from the crowd. Randy Orton closes his eyes and opens them again, seeing nobody in front of him.

Randy: C’mon man, calm down, get it together.

JR: Well, Randy Orton is having hallucinations now and it’s all thanks to his acts toward the Brothers of Destruction.

King: I don’t think they are hallucinations, I think they are Kane’s and Taker’s power entering in effect.

JR: Well, the fact is that nobody has seen Kane or The Undertaker since they disappeared following the beating of Cade, Murdoch and Orton on Kane. But, it’s time for our main event.

King: And what a match it is!

“Burn Inside my Light” plays as a very affected and nervous Randy Orton makes his way out. He enters the ring.

“I Walk Alone” plays as Batista makes his way out to a big pop from the crowd. He plays to the crowd on all corners.

“The Game” plays as Triple H makes his entrance, proudly holding his WWE belt. He enters the ring getting a massive ovation.

No DQ, No Count-Outs
Triple H vs Randy Orton vs Batista

As soon as the referee rings the bell, both Batista and Triple H avalanche against the Randy Orton, and starts nailing him with straight right hands to the head of Orton, making him back down to the corner of the ring. Batista lifts Orton back to his feet and then throws him against the ropes, then him and Triple H plants Orton with a double back body drop. Triple H and Batista look at the floored Randy for a few seconds but then direct their attentions to each other, coming face to face to a huge pop from the audience. Orton takes advantage of this small distraction and uses it to get back to his feet, but it doesn’t take long for their opponents to notice he is back to a standing position and Batista and Hunter go back to the double teaming. They both plant Orton with a chop to the chest, that gets the classic “Wooo” chant from the audience. Triple H then, grabbing Orton’s head, throws him over the top rope and to the outside of the ring. HHH looks at Randy thrown on the concrete floor for a while but Batista instead wastes no time and turns Triple H around and connecting two consecutive right punches to the face of The Game, manages to throw him against the corner, where he starts driving his shoulder repeatedly against the gut of The Game. Batista fires up and gaining momentum them dashes to the opposite ropes and plants Hunter, that has just separated from the corner, with a powerful clothesline. Batista makes the cover: 1…2…, HHH kicks out. The Animal wastes no time and pulls Hunter by the hair back to a standing position, where he then starts planting with straight right hands. Batista then throws him toward the ropes and when bounce back, the Animal plants him with a Modified Belly-toBelly. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Randy Orton interferes from the outside and pulls Batista to the outside, once on the outside, Randy throws Batista against the ring post. The Animal clashes with it head first. He fells knocked down. Randy returns to the ring and helps HHH to finish his way back up. Once both are on their feet, Orton proceeds with his offense planting HHH with an European Uppercut, followed by a straight right hand with the knuckles stretch out to the forehead of his opponent, and then another European Uppercut. Triple H fails on his feet and Randy then dashes toward the ropes behind The Game, and connects him with the classic Ric Flair tackle to the leg. The maneuver is received with a lot of boos from the audience. Randy then continues his attack as he dashes and bounces to the ring ropes then lands a jumping knee drop straight to the head of The Game. Randy then waits for Triple H to return to his feet and when he does, he plants him with a chop to the chest, that his time gets received with “You suck” chants from the crowd. Batista meanwhile manages to return to his feet and forcing Mike Yeaton to get up, Batista grabs the chair he was sitting in and returns to the ring. Orton continues planting The Game with chops to the chest but Batista stops the attack by swinging the steel chair straight to the back of the champion, which gets received to a huge pop from the audience. Batista then directs his attention to Triple H and showing no mercy attacks him as well and drives the chair shot straight to the head of The Game. The force of the clash makes Hunter collapse and fell to the ring ropes. The camera focuses on him and shows that he is busted wide open. The Animal turns around and focuses on his other opponent, Randy Orton.

Batista lifts Orton up and hits him with a suplex. He then makes the cover: 1…2…, Orton kicks out. Batista covers him again pulling the leg of Orton even further: 1…2…, Randy again kicks out. Batista then returns to his feet and pulls Randy Orton one more time to his feet. He then puts him over his right shoulder and goes for a Powerslam, but right on the nick of time Randy Orton saves himself and slides down of the grab of Batista, then hitting a maneuver of his own planting Batista with his patented Inverted Backbreaker. He is about to make the cover on the floored contender but directs his attention on the bleeding champion, that is using the ring ropes to try and return to his feet, he then decides to try and knock Hunter out of the ring and runs toward the Game in attempt of that goal, but out of nowhere The Cerebral Assassin reacts and pulls the top rope down making Randy Orton to run straight to the outside of the ring. The bleeding WWE Champion then manages to walk toward Batista and collapses over him, making the cover: 1…2…, Batista kicks out. HHH pulls his bloodied hair out of his face and pulls his opponent up, then tries to throws him toward the ring ropes, but Batista reverses it and instead himself throws The Game against the ring ropes. He then bends waiting for Triple H to bounce back, but he does so to early and The Game manages to hit his Knee Facebuster, that knocks Batista down to the canvas. HHH sees his opening and grabs the leg of Batista, and to an amazing amount of cheers from the audience, he locks in the Figure Four Leg Lock. After a while of applying the move, he then grabs the ring ropes as leverage to increase the pressure on the move on Batista. The Animal is about to tap out as he is completely in the middle of the ring and the fact of Hunter grabbing the ropes practically stops him from dragging toward the ring ropes, but Randy Orton, saving his title, manages to slid back into the ring and drops his weight over Triple H making him release the hold.

Randy the, appearing to be in a hurry, quickly lifts Triple H back to his feet and lands him with a picture perfect dropkick, whose strength makes HHH go over the top rope and to the exterior. Orton then finds himself alone in the ring with Batista, that grabs his leg in pain. Randy Orton, then throws to the canvas and starts taunting him with the RKO. The Animal slowly pulls himself back to his feet, and as soon as he turns around, Orton leaps trying to hit his RKO, but to a pop from the audience, Batista blocks the maneuver pushing Randy away and against the ring ropes, and when the Randy bounces back, Batista plants him with a Spinebuster. Batista walks toward the ring ropes, still limping from the submission hold The Game applied, but when he sees Randy is trying to return to his feet, Batista directs toward him and lifts him back up, hitting him with a second Spinebuster. The Animal this time does fires completely up and shakes the top ring rope announcing his intentions: Batista Bomb. He turns around but finds Triple H, already back in the ring, crossing the ring running toward him, but Batista manages to attack first, and plants Hunter with the third spinebuster of the evening. Batista then turns around to go for his Batista Bomb on Randy Orton but the champion attacks first and to a lot of boos hits the RKO on Batista. But, Randy takes a while to capitalize on the maneuver as he feels the effects of the match. He eventually manages to drag toward the knocked Batista making the cover: 1…2…, HHH somehow interferes and breaks the pinfall. Randy gets back to his feet very frustrated and stares with anger at the barely standing and bloodied Triple H, then motions that it is just between him and Hunter. Randy proceeds to lifts the unconscious Batista and throws him to the outside of the ring. He then comes face to face with The Game. After a little badmouthing, they start trading blows, after a while of punches, the crowd get even more into the match and cheers when Triple H connects a right hand but boo when the Randy Orton answers back with a straight right hand. Randy after a while takes the advantage and locks in a headlock, but after a while of applying it, Triple H manages to snap out of it pushing Orton away and toward the ring ropes, and when bounce back Triple H hits his version of the spinebuster. HHH gets up and does his classic taunt raising his arms, firing himself and the audience up. The bloodied Triple H drags toward Randy Orton that lying knocked down on the canvas and lifts him up, setting him in the Pedigree position, but out of nowhere Batista reenters the ring climbing to the top rope and before Triple H is able to connect the Pedigree on the champion, Batista dives connecting a Top Rope Shoulder Block knocking Triple H down, but The Animal has also suffer his toll of punishment in the match and is not able to return to his feet. Both wrestlers maintain knocked down on the canvas. The referee seems impotent as no wrestler is moving but he can do nothing about it. Eventually The Animal is the first to return to a standing position and he, lifting Triple H up, digs in within himself searching for strength and manages to powerfully Irish Whips him against the corner, but he puts so more power on the throw that The Cerebral Assassin goes flying over it and lands on the outside of the ring. He then focuses on Randy Orton.

Batista stomps a while on Randy Orton but eventually he, pulling him by the head, is able to lift him back to a standing position. The Animal then connects Randy Orton to an incredibly cheered Jackhammer. Batista makes the cover: 1…2…, the champion manages to kick out. Meanwhile on the outside of the ring, Triple H manages to get out his trusty equalizer from under the ring, although neither Batista and Randy Orton realize. Batista gets back to his feet frustrated after his failed pinfall and announcing once again the end, he pulls Randy Orton back to a standing position and connects a cheered Batista Bomb. He then makes a confident cover: 1…2…, Triple H manages to roll to the interior of the ring and breaks the pinfall planting Batista with a shot of the sledgehammer. Batista, aching on his back thanks to the impact of the sledgehammer, slowly tries to get back to his feet, but when he does and comes face to face with The Game, and Triple H wastes no time and plants The Animal with a straight shot with the sledgehammer to the face, knocking him down, he then turns around and intents to deliver the same doses to Randy Orton, but as soon as he turns around, Randy Orton attacks him first planting The Cerebral Assassin with a low blow, that brings The Game to his knees and then, holding his privates, collapses to the ring mat. Orton gets up and with a grin on his face stares at both knocked down Batista and Triple H. He then mocks them demonstrating to the audience how pathetic his opponents are.

Randy Orton is feeling the momentum and he is about to start taunting for the RKO, when out of a sudden a gong plays, then the lights go out. After a while, we get a fire explosion that is followed by the return of the lights, in a clear message by Kane and Taker. When the lights return Orton is shocked looking to the stage. Triple H moves toward him and rolls him up: 1…2…3.

Result: Triple H pins Randy Orton

JR: Oh my God! What an amazing match! And in the end, just like last week, Triple H comes out on top.

“I’m Back” plays as Eric Bischoff makes his way out.

Bischoff: First of all, congratulations on your victory Triple H.

Crowd pops

Bischoff: Now, at the beginning of the show I promised I would make a huge announcement and that’s why I am out here. You see, with the Rumble being won by an ECW superstar, it doesn’t matter who wins, Triple H or Goldberg, we don’t have a confirmed title match for Wrestlemania.

Crowd pops at the event mention.

Bischoff: And that’s when I thought how could I determine a challenger for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania 24, and then it just hit me. So, at No Way Out, I will bring back my creation, the Elimination Chamber!

Crowd pops massively.

Bischoff: Six men will battle inside the most punishment structure ever devised, and the one that comes out on top will get a WWE Title match at Wrestlemania 24.

Crowd pops.

Bischoff: And the Six men will be:

A video plays on the Tron showing the participants.

Bischoff: The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels!....John Bradshaw Layfield!…., the Big Red Machine, Kane!...., the Animal, Batista!...., the Legend Killer, Randy Orton!...and the Deadman, the Phenom, The Undertaker!

Crowd pops hugely at the announcement.

Bischoff: God have mercy on their souls.

Bischoff leaves and scene fades to the back with the face of the shocked Triple inside the ring.

No Way Out Card(1 show still left)

WWE Championship
Triple H(c) vs Goldberg

Elimination Chamber, winner gets a WWE Title Match at WM 24
HBK vs JBL vs Kane vs Batista vs Randy Orton vs Undertaker

No Holds Barred Match
Shane Mcmahon vs Stone Cold

RVD vs Umaga

World Tag Team Titles Tables Match
Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch vs The Dudley Boyz

John Cena vs Ric Flair


BM - Wow this is hard to choose. I'd have to go with the Triple Threat No DQ match

WM - Shane vs. Austin not really a match more like a Randy Orton/Jeff Hardy thing

BP - Well all were good, but I'd have to go with HBK/Flair/Cena

WP - As stated above all were good

AC - Great show can't wait for NWO

Rate - 9/10

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: I go for the triple threat main event and the HBK/Cena match, but the Goldberg/Angle match is also fantastic! lol...

Worst Match: Shane vs. Austin, but I believe it's part of the angle.

Best Promo: Flair/Cena/HBK

Worst Promo: n/a

Additional Feedback: I am sorry for the late review, tonight's show is great with lots of great matches. Poor Christian he just got fired, I am wondering if he will go to ECW but VKM just shouted him, YOU'RE FIRREEEDD!!! The Cena/Flair match is also quite interesting at NWO, can Flair beat Cena? I am looking forward to your next show and so does NWO!


Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match:: The Triple Threat was excellent

Worst Match:: Austin VS Shane

Best Promo:: John Cena Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels

Worst Promo:: None they were all good

Additional Comment:: Great Show really enjoyed it, You really saved this btb


The Rated R CMStar

Sorry guys, crazy week. I just got back to school and its taking me a while to get back on the rhythm of combining match writting and homeworks. So I decided that if I have to focus on one show, I will do it on No Way Out. Here are the quick results for the last show before NWO

Finlay defeats Chavo Guerrero

End comes after a Celtic Cross by Finlay

Vince and Eric Bischoff backstage. They argue about their plans for Wrestlemania 24. Eric tells Vince that now he is in control


Kurt Angle defeats Booker T

Booker T is clearly on the upperhand and goes to the top rope looking for the Harlem Heat, however Angle snaps back into his senses and goes to the top rope, hitting a Super Angle Slam.

Kurt Angle grabs a microphone and tells he is the most dominant star in WWE. And that people like MVP can run their mouth on the minor leagues like ECW, but it takes more than words to irritate him. MVP appears on the Tron and talks trash to him, showing his arrogance. Kurt Angle says why don’t he backs up his words in the ring. MVP accepts the challenge for a match at No Way Out.

HBK and Ric Flair backstage, Shawn talks to Ric about how last week John Cena let him got beat up by JBL, and how Flair might be wrong about him, and that he is not up to trust. Flair answers that’s not the case, but if it were, it just makes him be more right about the future of John Cena.


Brock Lesnar is seen walking backstage. Some crew workers stare at him quietly reproaching his attack to The Rock last week.

Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair defeat John Cena and JBL

Ending comes when Cena backstabs JBL and FUs him, letting HBK pick up the pinfall. John then leaves the ring in a stare down with Flair and Michaels yelling “It’s that enough!â€

Brock Lesnar comes to the ring and starts bragging about how he dismantled The Rock last week, and he is sorry The Rock isn’t here tonight, but recovering from his injuries. Out of a sudden, The Rock comes out and confronts Lesnar. He has his ribs and taped. He challenges Brock to a First Blood Match, it is accepted. The Rock is about to leave but then turns around and beats down Brock, knocking him down a Rock Bottom.


Randy Orton interview. He says he is a smart man and not only got on the good side of the boss, but has proven he is the Legend Killer thanks to his attack on Bret Hart. He also says he is not scared of Undertaker, and will destroy him once again at No Way Out, winning the Elimination Chamber in the process.

Dudley Boyz and RVD defeat The Redneck Wrecking Crew and Umaga by DQ

The Mcmahons come out and attack RVD. Umaga joins and attacks RVD. He tag champion s take care of the Dudleyz. Out of a sudden, Stone Cold comes out and meakes the save, running Vince, Shane and the Samoan off. RVD and Stone Cold have a staredown.

Kurt Angle is confronted backstage by Vince. Vince threatens that he better defeat MVP at No Way Out showing WWE is better than ECW or else.


Randy Orton defeats Batista

Orton pushes Batista toward a cornered referee, knocking the official out. He then goes for the RKO but is blocked by The Animal, that then sets him for the Batista Bomb, however Orton takes advantage of the lack of a referee as he counter with a double handed low blow, then hitting the RKO.

Following the match, lights go out and Kane comes out, returning. He grabs Randy by the throat and Chokeslams him. He then taunts Batista and gets him back up, planting him as well with a Chokeslam. Kane celebrates but a gong sounds and lights go out again. Then return and we see the also returning Undertaker inside the ring. Brothers trade blows but Taker gets the upperhand knocking him down. He then sets and connects the Tombstone Piledriver, showing its every man for himself in the Elimination Chamber.


Triple H and Goldberg come out for their contract signing. Triple H says he has defeated Goldberg before, he has shown he is better than Goldberg before and that at No Way Out he will do it once again. Goldberg reminds Triple H he has also defeated him, and that he will do it when it hurts the most, on the Road to Wrestlemania, and will therefore take him out of the main event. Triple H answers with a “why don’t you try?â€, Goldberg looks around the crowd with a smile and then unloads a series of punches on Triple H. He then tries to throw him to the ropes but Hunter counters back, throwing him top the ropes instead. However, Goldberg bounces back and attacks first connecting the Spear.

Scene fades to the back with Goldberg celebrating and standing up high over the floored champion.


WWE Title Match
Triple H(c) vs Goldberg

Elimination Chamber
Winner gets a WWE Title Match at Wrestlemania 24
HBK vs JBL vs Kane vs Batista vs Randy Orton vs The Undertaker

First Blood Match
The Rock vs Brock Lesnar

RVD vs Umaga

No Holds Barred
Stone Cold vs Shane Mcmahon

Interpromotional Match
Kurt Angle vs MVP

John Cena vs Ric Flair

World Tag Team Titles Tables Match
Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch(c) vs The Dudley Boyz​


Aug 16, 2007
Reaction score
sorry for the quick results but i have been really busy and i wanted to get Raw posted in full

Promo 1- Edge comes out and talks about Shelton Benjamin and his accusations about their WM match being a Iron Man match. Edge says that Shelton has to win a gauntlet match against the Higher Power’s Army. He turns his attention to Kofi Kingston and precedes to yell at him for his actions last week. Edge tells Kofi that tonight he is the last man in the gauntlet match and he better not lose to Benjamin if even makes it that far.

Match 1- MVP vs. Lashley
MVP loses the match when Kurt Angle comes out and distracts MVP causing Lashley to hit a spear followed by a Dominator and qualifies for the Elimination Chamber.

Promo 2- MVP gets on the mic after he gets back up from the Dominator. He yells at Angle and seeks vengeance on him at No Way Out.

Interview 1- Jack Evans is backstage with Jack Evans and he is wondering who has been making these matches that he has been as of late. Jack says that tonight he will defeat his opponent and will prove to whoever is making these matches that he will prove to them that he can win the match.

Promo 3- Big Show is in the ring and he talks down about Jack Evans. He says that if he loses then he will quit ECW.

Match 2- Jack Evans wins the match after nailing Show in the head with a chair a couple of times and then nails the 630 splash.

Promo 4- Bret Hart comes out and announces that he is the man booking the matches because he believes in Jack and he wants Jack to join him in his war against WWE. Bret also talks about Randy Orton and how he will defeat him at No Way Out.

Promo 5- Backstage Kofi, Carlito, and Burke are backstage and they are chatting. Kofi asks if they have his back and Carlito says yes. Burke is a little hesistant and then walks off the camera.

Interview 2- Kennedy and Jeff. Jeff talks about how he will never die. Kennedy says that blood will pour from heaven and that blood will spew from the head of Hardy.

Match 3- Kennedy defeats Jeff Hardy as Kennedy joins Edge’s stable when the Majors, Kofi, Burke, and Elijah come to the ring and bloody Hardy.

Interview 3- Jericho talks about the last two days. He talks about the qualifiers and how he has respect for Rey but he will beat him tonight.

Match 4- Mysterio defeats Jericho in a hard fought bout. Mysterio wins with the 619 and qualifies for the Elimination Chamber.

Promo 6- Bobby Lashley is laid out and we see the EMTs come and put him on the stretcher.

Interview 4- Benjamin talks about the Gauntlet match is how this will not be a five minute match especially at WM when it is going to be a Iron Man Match when he wins tonight.

Match 5- Benjamin defeats Kofi Kingston after defeating Burke, Brian Major, Brett Major, and Carlito. Edge comes out and beats on Kofi along with the Majors. Carlito steps into the ring and takes out one of the Majors but Edge and the other Major. Burke gets in the ring but only stands in the middle of the ring not making a move as ECW ends.
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