Watching NXT from the start (2012 - ???)

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Nov 13, 2010
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Tino Sabbatelli shouldn't be allowed to breath.
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura
NXT World Tag Team Champions: The Revival
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka

NXT Episode 218
October 19th, 2016
Full Sail University: Orlando, Florida

Awesome Joe/Nakamura video package airs, god bless the production truck cause they really do of making this feud seem like it's good.

Tonight: Nakamura talks.

First Round Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: Team "Can you handle this, No Way" Rich Swann & No Way Jose vs. Drew Gulak & Tony Nese
Drew and Rich have a tremendous opening minute, awesome flashy spots but it will always lead to Drew getting the better with some sort of rollup to try to end the match early. Nese/Jose is pretty meh, you can clearly tell they went over all their stuff in the back as it doesn't come off natural and you can clearly see both guys motion for the next spot. Heels entire heat gets edited out so lol, Jose has a fine hot tag, I'm guessing he does all his squash match offense here. I wouldn't know as I skip all his matches. Jose beats Gulak with the Cobra Clutch Slam. *3/4

After the match; No Way Jose tells the AOP that they better not look past them, Rich aks if they can handle this?

In the back, Tye is being checked out by a doctors. He says the issue he has is with Bobby Roode now. Bobby gave him his word, but he's not a man of his. He knows Regal is a man of his though, and he wants Bobby Roode at Takeover: Toronto

Roode/Tye is officially announced for Toronto

Backstage: Another new broad makes her debut, she asks Austin Aries about his partner in the Dusty Classic. Aries says everyone wants to know who it is. Hideo Itami questioned his toughness and heart, and it turns out, he has no spine and won't face him. As far as his partner for tonight, there's one and the only man that he knows deserves to be in the ring with him and will help him win. Cause in the Dusty Classic he only knows that not only the greatest and only the strongest survive :mark:

Bobby Roode vs. Sean Maluta
Roode showcase, Glorious DDT ends it.

Roode says in five weeks, the brightest star in NXT goes international when he takes over Toronto. His opponent that night has been whining and complaining every day on social media, and he doesn't understand why. Dillinger begged him on his hands and knees to be his partner in the Dusty Rhodes Classic. He felt bad for him, so being the good man that he is, he reached down and tried to pull him out of his boring pathetic mediocrity of a life. And bring him to his level, a level that is simply glorious. He has no beef with Tye, but when you live his life, you eliminate the losers. Tye runs out and attacks him, Tye blocks the DDT and runs Roode off. Good stuff.

Backstage: Charly is with Liv, she asks about her failed match last week. Liv says she doesn't run her mouth, she makes moves, not excuses. BUT, Peyton and Billie attack her from behind. They drag her out to the stage and beat her down. Peyton says they are putting the woman of NXT on notice, that includes Asuka. This division belongs to them.

AUSTIN ARIES COMES OUT FOR HIS MATCH..................AND........................HIS TAG TEAM PARTNER IS..................................THE GOD HIMSELF RODERICK STRONG! :mark: NXT just got a whole lot stronger (get it? :mark:)

First Round Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: Tucker Knight & Otis Dozovic GenNXT (Austin Aries & Roderick Strong)
Super short but rules for the time it got, Roddy is Roddy so he hits hard and bumps well as he's arguably been the most consistent wrestler in wrestling since 2005? Aries seems to be focused which he's not usually for this bum ass Full Sail crowd, they bust out some GenNXT double teams, but the good thing about them is they make it seem like everything is a struggle against the two larger men, so they have to do the combo moves, double teams and need illegal help just to knock one off instead of shitting on them and doing it single-handedly. Something, we'll see in 2017. The match breaks down and Roddy hits the Sick Kick for the win. **1/2

Earlier Today; El Idolo sat down with Andrea translating his promo for him. They say in order to be a part of NXT, he had to take off his mask, but the respect has not been reciprocated. He's worked a lifetime to earn this respect that he knows he deserves, and he's received none of it. Almas breaks the Spanish and says now he cares about Andrade "Cien" Almas.

Nikki Cross (w/SAnitY) vs. Danielle Kamela
Nikki squash, it's fine.

After the match; Nikki keeps beating up Kamela so the ref reverses the decision :lmao

Next Week
#DIY vs. HoHo Lun & Tian Bin - Dusty Classic
TJP/Kota vs. Lince Dorado/Mustafa Ali - Dusty Classic

Shinsuke Nakamura comes out to talk, he says he's not done with Samoa Joe, and if he wants his NXT championship at NXT Takeover, he can come get it. He can do whatever he wants, his cheap dirty trick, he don't care. He just beat him with no mercy. BUT PATRICK CLARK COMES OUT AND DEBUTS THIS AMAZING MUSIC!

He says they are gathered here today to get to this thing called NXT Takeover Toronto and claims it will be the first Nakamura/Joe match and says he got that wrong and says they saw that story and Joe nearly ended his career. He challenges Nakamura to a match and dubs himself the "Velveteen Dream" He enters the ring and gets in Nakamura's face, but Naka cheapshots him and knees him in the head. Joe then comes out, but Naka sees it coming so Joe backs up the ramp. Clark slows makes his way up, but Nakamura drops him with Kinshasa to end the show.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura
NXT World Tag Team Champions: The Revival
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka

NXT Episode 219
October 26th, 2016
Full Sail University: Orlando, Florida

First Round Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: #DIY vs. HoHo Lun & Tian
Pointless match really, it's just trips using the CWC guys to fill matches and see if he wants to sign them. DIY do what they can, but it lacks a lot of heat and the Team Asians can't really hang so it's just an extended DIY showcase. They hit the Superkick/Knee combo for the win.


Backstage: New broad #2 is with Kota and TJP, they say they're teaming out of respect (not that Hideo got injured)

Backstage: Charly asks for Joe thoughts on last weeks show ending, Joe says he was just walking out last week to see if what he's done has had an effect. And they've had a profound effect. Shinsuke dislocated his jaw, so he separated his shoulder. He wanted mind games, so he gave him psychological warfare. Shinsuke is not a confident man, he looks over his back, and he knows that he can walk out and put him out for a very very long time. That man is scared of what is coming for him. The next NXT Champion, Samoa Joe.

Aliyah vs. Billie Kay (w/Peyton Royce)
I swear this is Aliyah's like 4th appearance this year, and this is like her 4th new song :lmao Angle match, Kay dominates the entire match but Liv runs down and attacks Peyton which distracts Kay allowing Aliyah to roll her up for the upset. After the match, the two teams brawl with the Team Aussie getting the better.

Noah Pojes vs. Tye Dillinger
Tye showcase, the highlight of this is Tom calling Noah a creep around the PC and Graves calling Tom more creepy than Saxton, to which Tom gets very offended at. Tye Breaker ends it.

After the match; Mike Rome interviews Tye on the stage, Tye says the most glorious thing Roode has done since getting here is run. Roode then runs out and attacks him from behind, he drops him with the Glorious DDT.

Backstage: Dasha asks TM-61 how they are gonna prepare against the team of Aries/Strong, #1 says say Aries and Strong were a great team back then, but they're a great team right now. They've been teaming for a while now and won titles and tournaments, and this is the most important of all of them. #2 says its more about being a team, it is more than being a family. Families don't get to choose one another. But me and Miller chose to be a team :lmao:lmao:lmaoWAT! The thing is 1 mind and knows what the other is about to do. #1 Says they are the team because they are the might and the mighty will not kneel

Thea Trinidad vs. Asuka
FUCK YEAH! Thea is here, I can't remember if she's here full time now or goes for a year before returning as Zelina Vega. Also, double FUCK YEAH! AT THE BEST SINGLES WRESTLER ON THIS ROSTER BEING BACK ON TV. Boy how I missed her. Asuka destroys her in less than 2 minutes, Armbar ends it.

GM Regal comes out post-match; he says he's scouted the world for her opponent at TakeOver: Toronto.........................................MICKIE JAMES! LOL The woman's division is so bad they had to get Thickie.

Next Week
AoP vs. Swann/Jose
SAnitY vs. Winners of tonight's main event.

First Round Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: Mustafa Ali & Lince Dorado vs. Kota Ibushi & TJ Perkins
SIGH! The main event ad break strikes again, and this gets two of them which completely fucks up the facing. First 1 cuts some really good mat wrestling and feeling out. Ali/Lince work the default heel stuff, but it doesn't come off heel like at all. More like they're just the guys that happen to get control. Mustafa had a great showing, he's another guy I'm excited to see his progression post-Enzo 205. Kota has a dope hot tag, he kicks the shit out of the heels and even puts out a double pele. The match breaks down and everyone hits dives, the match ends when TJP catches Ali in the kneebar and Ali taps even though the leg was not targetting once throughout the match. **1/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura
NXT World Tag Team Champions: The Revival
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka

NXT Episode 220
November 2nd, 2016
Orlando, Florida & San Jose, Cali

At the WWE PC, Charly gives an update on the Dusty Classic. She then throws it to a San Jose house show on Friday. It's supposed to be TM61 vs. Aries and Strong, but Aries comes out in street clothes. He has the microphone and says he suffered a freak injury a few nights ago and broke his eye hole. As much as he's lobbied, begged, and pleaded, but Austin Aries is too valuable a commodity to risk permanent injury, so he's not been allowed. He proposes that they forfeit, but GM Regal comes out. He then changes it to a singles match to see who makes the semi-finals.


Second Round Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: Roderick Strong (w/Austin Aries) vs. Shane Thorne (w/Nick Miller)
This is fine I guess, total house show effort by Roddy. But his house show stuff is still better than 90% of the NXT roster today. He targets the back and does Roddy things, Shane doesn't sell the back at all more selling the match length and exhaustion, he also does that awful Indy stumbling around, THAT'S NOT SELLING!!!!! They trade big moves towards the end with Roddy getting distracted by kicking Miller on the floor, and Shane rolls him up for the upset. **1/4

Joe/Nakamura contract signing next week.

The Revival comes out in street clothes, with Dawson on crutches. Dawson says he spoke to one of WWE's world-class doctors, but he's suffered a severe knee injury. He strained his ACL, sprained his MCL, tore his labrum, and broke his meniscus in HALF! And If he was a normal jamoke off the street, like Johnny or Tommaso, it would cripple him. But he told him that since he's 100% grade A Southern beef, he should stay at home, rest, take a couple of Ibuprofen and he'll be fine. He wanted to be here, push through the pain, put on the performance of a lifetime and win this tournament, but he was begged not to do it. At the advice of his doctor, he and Dash, the MVPs of NXT, will, unfortunately, have to pull out of the tournament. Dash says they just handed them a golden ticket to the next round, but they're saving them the embarrassment of once again losing to, and taping out to them like they did in Brooklyn. This is a gift. CLINK ME! TOP GUYS OUT!

Backstage: Dasha asks Cedric how's it going in NXT so far, he says Almas taught him that you can't just be happy to be here. He'd like to thank Andrade Almas for teaching him that you need a mean streak, and he'd like to personally thank him for that, in the ring, anytime, anywhere, and any place.

Backstage: Dasha asks DIY if they're surprised by what just happen, Ciampa says they're going to win the Dusty Classic like they wanted to do when they got here, and then they'll become the next NXT Tag Team Champions. TOP GUYS OUT.

Charly gives another pointless update on the Dusty Classic before throwing it back to the San Jose house show.

Second Round Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: Team "Can You Handle This, No Way" vs. The Authors of Pain (w/Paul Ellering)
Way too long for what the AoP are, it's mostly booking and Jose fault. Like they're trying too hard to make Jose seem like a top act so he has to be his teams everything instead of just having AoP run through them like they've done to every tag team since the Alpha match. Rich bumps his ass off but yeah, way too long and too competitive, Paul interferes for the first time, it's a pointless choke during the heat but it SETS UP DAT GIMMICK MATCH!. Jose has a really shit hot tag. AoP eventually hit the Russian Legsweep/Lariat now named Last Chapter for the win. **

Next week Semi-Finals matches.

NXT is coming to Japan.

THICKIE Mickie James career video package airs.

Second Round Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: TJ Perkins & Kota Ibushi vs. SAnity
Its Gets close to ten, it's alright but just like this whole tournament this year it just doesn't bang. Like all main event matches now it gets that 8-9 minute span, so they can't really blow the roof off the building, and is super edited. Fulton is really bad at everything, he can't bump and he's pathetic at taking Ibushi kicks. I will give credit to the TJP and Kota, they keep this somewhat interesting with spots and fast paced stuff but they seem so intent in making Fulton look strong that he works the majority of this. They work TJ's neck but lol selling, Kota has a great hot tag tho he kicks the shit out of the Sanity guys and hits the golden star powerbomb, but EY distracts the ref to stop the pin. They end up hitting the Powerslam/suplex move for the shitty win. *1/2

NXT is so bad when Asuka and Revival are not on.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura
NXT World Tag Team Champions: The Revival
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka

NXT Episode 221
November 9th, 2016
Orlando, Florida & Los Angeles, Cali

The first half of the show is from a Cali house show.

Semi-Finals Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: #DIY vs. The Authors of Pain (w/Paul Ellering)
This one being competitive makes more sense given DIY are the future of NXT and are currently feuding with the champs, way more than a thrown together over team like Swann/Jose. DIY go to the speed and stick and move approach that worked a little against AoP so far, awesome spot with Gargano attempting a suicide dive to both AoP guys they catch him in mid-air, Ciampa then goes for one of his own but they toss Gargano into Ciampa and that's how they get control. Decent heat on Gargano, its not their brutal squash match offense more of their long match heat, so tons of holds with the occasional power double team. Paul again gets involved this time by slamming Gargano's chest to the mat, and the big guys target it. Ciampa hits hard during the hot tag as he by default has the best hot tag in NXT as they're the only face team. The match breaks down and they slowly start breaking AoP down, they hit the running knee/superkick combo but Ellering distracts the ref. Scott Dawson comes from the crowd and drops Gargano with a DDT on the floor. Ciampa misses it as he's distracted by Ellering, he goes back into the ring but gets hit with the Last Chapter to win. **1/2

Earlier Today; Tye Dillinger says Roode has made a career off breaking his word and at Toronto, there will be no more lies and cheap shots.

Semi-Finals Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic: SAnitY vs. TM-61
Big ugh, they do the deal with SAnitY attacking them pre-bell to give them the "disadvantage" we then get a really, really, really bad and a really, really, really long heat run by Fulton he seems to be getting worse. Wolfe is good, but doesn't get to show it as they're really pushing this Fulton is the beast of the group angle. Miller recovers just in time for the hot tag, and they roll Fulton up for the win. *

AoP/TM in the finals.

In a pre-tape, GM Regal books DIY vs. Revival in a 2 out of 3 falls match :mark:

Earlier Today, Roode says Tye blames him for the loss, but it wasn't his fault. He didn't embarrass Dusty, he embarrassed himself. He's not a perfect 10, even close and will show the world in Toronto.

Full Sail now.

Rachael Evers vs. Ember Moon
Cool Moon showcase, she's really good just a shame she and Asuka have barely gotten any tv time since Brooklyn. Eclipse ends it.

UGH! GM Regal is in the ring for another contract signing, Nakamura comes out first, Joe then comes out but brings his own table and chairs out onto the stage and sits up there. JOE really da MVP when you think about it, he's carried Finn and Nakamura all year in these feuds. If only the matches were better :( Joe says he won't join their circus and says he knows Regal and Nakamura aren't concerned with his safety, so he'll conduct his business right here. It's in their best interest too because if he comes down there, that rabid animal champion of his might act up and he might have to put him down. He gets it, he'd be mad if he was Japan's greatest Ace and came to NXT only to get beaten down and embarrassed. He would be angry too if at time he wants he can have him stretchered out again, but he's a benevolent future champion and he'll give him the opportunity for revenge, but it won't be here tonight. Joe yells at Regal to bring him the contract and he does, Joe signs it and Regal walks back to the ring so Nakamura can sign it. Nakamura then beats up 6 secuirty guys to send a "message"


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura
NXT World Tag Team Champions: The Revival
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka

NXT Episode 222
November 16th, 2016
Full Sail University: Orlando, Florida

Liv Morgan vs. Peyton Royce (w/Billie Kay)
This again, I don't care. Kay attacks for the DQ. They beat her down in a 2on1 until Aliyah comes out to save, but she's shit so they beat her down too until Ember Moon makes the real save.

Almas/Cedric II TONIGHT!

Video package highlighting the Dusty Classic II run so far, oh and it's also announced that Paul Ellering will be in a shark cage :lmao

Nathan Cruz vs. Elias Samson
FUCK YEAH! THE DRIFTER IS BACK! Apparently, he broke his ankle during the summer. He's now playing the guitar and singing, GOAT status almost here. Sadly, he spent more time learning to play the guitar than wrestling as he's still really bad and basic with it. Drift Away ends it after a few minutes.

Backstage: Dasha talks to Ember, Liv, and Aliyah. Thots talk about shit and challenge the Aussies to find a partner and challenge em.

205 debuts in 2 weeks

Revival/DIY video package airs, followed by a Roode/Tye one that fills up 10 minutes.

Andrade "Cien" Almas vs. Cedric Alexander
I really wish they would have kept this for the Toronto, it should have been on the main show. Or at least the dark show that airs post TakeOver. This gets a whopping 13 minutes and again is really good, and better than their first as they now have a heel with Almas, being this flashy cocky GQ Idolo status. Cedric doesn't bring the hate, but he does a great job at "teaching Almas a lesson" Tons of hard chops, and aggression, but Almas finds the opening but he doesn't take him seriously so he keeps taunting and just messing with Cedric e.g. He has Cedric set up for the corner knees in the corner, but he stops mid-run to slap the shit out of him. Almas is super great here, nasty revenge chops, KILLER elbows, and boots. Almas eventually goes after the arm, and the work is good. Cedric selling is tremendous, constantly gripping his arm, yelling in pain even pulling the armpad down so he can try and rub feeling back into the arm. BRUH! He even sells during the mini-comebacks, he doesn't even use the arm, and something as great as doing a real slow and unsteady Handspring rebound enziguri instead just hitting it cleanly. He does kinda forget towards the end, but the work all prior has been amazing so I'll give him a pass. Cedric hits the Lumbar Check, but Almas is close to the ropes so he can hang on as Cedric tries to pull him to the center. The match ends when Cedric goes through the ropes, but Almas whips the middle rope into his dick and hits the hammerlock DDT for the win. This is the best match since Oney/Aries, from September 21st. ***

Joe/Nakamura video package to end the show.
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura
NXT World Tag Team Champions: The Revival
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka


NXT TakeOver: Toronto
November 19th, 2016
Air Canada Centre: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Roode gets a choir to sing "Glorious" for his entrance, must be nice to have Triple H as your brother.

Bobby Roode vs. Tye Dillinger
This gets like 17 minutes which is crazy, but it does deliver for the most part. Roode brings his big main event bumping coward heel act to start, and it also helps that both guys are super over so the crowd is with it the whole time. They do the hockey spot with Tye on the floor up against the barricades, and Roode leaves from one side of the ring and runs all around cross-checking him from behind into the rails <3 Roode's heat is fine, it's more cerebral and taking his time just beating on Tye than it is picking out a body part and softening it up, but when he does attack something to fill time he goes to he neck to set up the DDT, so at least he has logic. Tye's comeback is fine, but Roode does the cool heel thing where he feels Tye trying to end it so he suckers him into thinking he's leaving for Roode to actually attack him first when he rolls him back in, Double-A spinebuster, and a superplex only get two for Roode. Both men get near falls off roll-ups, and Tye hits a superkick for two. Solid near falls towards the end until Roode throws him shoulder first into the post and hits the Glorious DDT for the win. **1/2

In the back, Asuka is warming up.

Video package of the Dusty Classic II airs.

Finals of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic/Shark Cage Fuckery: The Authors of Pain (w/Paul Ellering) vs. TM-61
Them dimming the lights and having music for when the cage lowers to Paul getting in and having is ascend back into the air is such a wrestling thing :lmao This is fine, the Dusty cup seems to be an afterthought here so they can sell the shark cage toy set. One of the TM guys hits a huge sunset flip off it whipping out AoP. But they come right back and do an apron clip with the TM guy taking an upside down bump on his head on the apron. AoP has one of their lengthy segments, it really doesn't do anything, and lacks heat. It also hurts when Miller gets the hot tag and just throws them around with ease like they're the same weight as him. The match breaks down, and TM hit Thunder Vally but that gets broken up. They hit dives and that distracts the ref which allows Paul to drop a chain from the cage. But lol Razar misses the punch and the chain goes into the crowd. But it doesn't matter the big guys recover and hit the last chapter for the win. **1/4


After the match; Dustin, GM Regal, and Triple H present AoP with the cup.

And here you have it, the 2016 Dusty Cup winners, it's probably the most predictable win way more than Finn/Joe last year. To Trips credit at least he booked two legit tag teams this year instead of super teams, but I'm gonna be honest this tournament sucked. There wasn't 1 standout match, per round, shit, this had no standout match at all which is nuts considering how the Tag Division carried NXT all year and will do later tonight. At least last year had some real bangers. And that's on trips' part 3/4 of the teams just seemed thrown together just for him to judge which guys he wants to keep long-term for the CWC.

Video package for the Tag Team Titles airs.

2 out of 3 falls match for the NXT World Tag Team Championships: #DIY vs. The Revival
MAIN EVENT TIME! Top Guys busting out the pink and black attire :mark: Someone in the crowd has a "Hard For Revival" sign, he swears he's me. Real good Dawson/Gargano opening mat sequence, Dawson thinks it's gonna be a breeze but Gargano uses his speed and gets a close near fall off rip so he decides that's too close and goes more to the striking. Pretty even opening 5 minutes, which is shocking for Revival as they usually use this time to do their Tully/Arn bumping, but they use this time to isolate Ciampa for a bit. Gargano has a fun hot tag, but the numbers catch up to him. THEY BLOCK THE SLINGSHOT SPEAR AND HIT THE SHATTER MACHINE TO GO UP 1-0.

Revival iso Gargano now, it's really good as they're now working their style double teams hard hitting and great cutoff spots. Dawson again proves why he's amazing, is during a Mini-comeback Johnny fights off both men but Dawson instead of trying to attack Gargano he dives right in front of his path blocking him from tagging in Ciampa, that allows them to regain control off the heart attack double team. Another piece of good storytelling is Dash goes under the ring to pull Ciampa off the apron like he did in Brooklyn but Ciampa saw is coming and kicks him off, Gargano then blocks a back suplex off the top and Ciampa gets the hot tag. It rules, brutal knee strikes for near falls. The match breaks down, with both teams hitting a bunch of real believable real falls. But the dumbest thing of the match happens Dash distracts the ref, allowing DIY to hit the running knee/superkick combo and they cover to even it up. 1-1.

The third fall is a fucking blast, there are so many callbacks and counters, they all have something of the others scouted. Like Ciampa having Dawsons Arn fake punch into the DDT scouted and Dawson using the escape and roll up out of the Ciampa Armbar that Gargano used in the CWC. The near falls in this are still amazing like Gargano running up and kicking Dash off the apron then small packaging Dawson for two, Dash gets desperate and brings the title in but Ciampa cuts him off before he can use it. DAWSON ALSO HAS GARGANO'S ROLLING KICK SCOUTED AND HITS HIM WITH THE TITLE BELT! He then locks in the reverse Indian deathlock, but this time Gargano makes it to the ropes. THE REVIVAL GET COCKY AND TRY TO DO THE DIY SUPERKICK/KNEE FINISHER BUT Gargano avoids and Dash superkicks Dawson, DIY then comeback and hit Shatter Machine for an awesome near fall. Dash takes Ciampa out on the floor, and Gargano takes Dawson out. BUT DASH THEN FUCKING CHOP BLOCKS THE SHIT OUT OF GARGANO'S KNEE. They then trade roll-ups, which isn't Dash's strong suit and it leads to Gargano locking him in the Gargano Escape. Ciampa cuts off the save and locks Dash in the armbar. The Revival try to hand on, and even grab one another hand to stop from tapping but in the end, they both tap out. WOW! Still holds up, as a fucking classic. ****1/2


Looking forward to the 3rd match :(

Video package for the Woman's title match airs.

NXT Woman's Championship Match: Mickie James vs. Asuka
Tough break here with them having to follow the greatest match in NXT history, but they do their best. They base the match around head games and the vet vs. the present. Mickie wins more of the mat wrestling battles than Asuka, so, Asuka has to resort to her superior striking. She takes over after hitting a German on the floor and gets into her cocky, having fun offense. Mickie has a decent comeback, she goes to holds to stop Asuka from striking her, but nothing sticks so she decides fuck it and goes toe-to-toe with her, I guess she didn't watch the Brooklyn match, as she does the same open hand slap to her. Mickie hits the seated senton for two, then busts out the kick to the knee and have Asuka fall with her face hitting her knee the same move she hit at Mania 22 :mark: MickKick gets two, Asuka then blocks the DDT into Asuka Lock attempt but Mickie has it countered, she does the Bret roll up but Asuka kicks out with her hands still in the hold and switches her hips into locking in the hold and Mickie taps. **1/2

After the match; Mickie offers the hand, BUT ASUKA RAISES THE TITLE IN HER FACE AND LEAVES. FUCK YEAH!

Video package for Joe/Nakamura airs

Nakamura again gets the violin entrance, but this time it's like 10 people and I don't think any of them are even playing, 100% sure those are props. I guess the black guy couldn't get into Canada.

NXT World Champion Championship: Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
This is Nakamura's first TV defense since winning the title back in August, lol this roster. This again starts off really well with both men just laying in the knees, kicks, and punches, good brawling as they just lay into one another, everything looks like it hurts. Joe's heat is pretty much the exact same, from Brooklyn, he works the knee again and again Nakamura sells pretty much none of it. Nakamura makes a comeback, but this just isn't clicking, all the moves, striking and holds are fine but I'm just not feeling it. Naka hits a jumping knee off the middle rope and Joe takes that thing right in the face, he follows up with a German but Joe avoids Kinshasa by clipping the knee. He sets up for the Muscle Buster, but Nakamura slides out and nails Kinshasa for two. Nakamura sets up for it again, but Joe evades and locks in the choke but Nakamura won't stay down so JOE HITS A GERMAN, FOLLOWED BY A DRAGON SUPLEX FOLLOWED BY THE CHIMERAPLEX FOR TWO. Naka blocks a big slap and hits Joe with a Kinshasa to the floor, he goes to the floor and goes charging in, but Joe shoves the ref and low blows him. He then hits the STJoe on the steps again, and rolls him back inside and hits the Muscle Buster for the win. Not only the first two-time NXT Champion, but the only man to beat Demon Finn and the first to beat Nakamura. Oh and he ended Dan Matha. This one is slightly better than Brooklyn as they just beat the shit out of one another for the majority. **1/2
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Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Samoa Joe
NXT World Tag Team Champions: #DIY
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka

NXT Episode 223
November 23rd, 2016
Air Canada Centre: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Rich Swann vs. Kona Reeves
They do stuff for a few minutes until SAnitY's music hits and they hit the ring to attack both for a no contest.

EY then grabs the mic and says this world is hanging on by a thread. Complete chaos. This generation will be remembered and revered, they tried to do it your way and it got them nothing. They're not asking for permission or looking for approval, they're going to take.

Back from break, Jose is in the ring checking on Swann. He then challenges SAnitY to a match, he says he doesn't want the puppets he wants the puppet master. Eric comes back to the ring to accept, lol there's a ref with Rich on the floor and he pretends he didn't just hear the challenge so he just stands on the floor. So, SAnitY jump Jose and beat him down too.

Recap of the Dusty Classic II Finals airs.

In the back, Cameraman asks Paul how he prepared AoP for tonight, he says AoP were brought here for destiny, he runs through chapters with chapter 3 yet to be seen.

Internet Exclusive, Peyton and Billie find Daria warming up and they say they need a partner and ask if she's interested. She asks if she can beat some people up, and says sure.

Backstage: Dasha is with Peyton, Billie, and Daria. Dasha asks why they picked Daria, Peyton says every loser, geek, and nerd wanted to be their partner. But you don't just sit at the cool kids table, you have to be invited. Billie says they invited Daria to sit with them. Peyton says they're not bad people and they gave her an opportunity, and the world will be prettier when she's done rearranging the faces of anyone who tries to step to them.

Recap of Roode/Tye.

In the back, Cameraman asks Tye how disheartening the loss tonight is, he says it's exactly that. He worked so long for this moment, but it seems time after time, he gets close but can't get the job done. But it hurts more tonight because he had family here. Cam asks what's next and he says he had momentum, and won't blow it next time.

Recap of the DIY/Revival match airs.

In the back, Cameraman congratulates DIY on their win, Ciampa says it's everything they've worked for. Every no, every time someone told them no and Johnny says he loves Cimpa, and they did it.

Recap of Asuka/Mickie.

in the back, Cameraman asks Mickie how it feels to be back, Mickie says it was incredible and to hear the crowd was cool. He asks what it's like to face Asuka, she says Asuka is incredible, she thought she did her homework but that wasn't the case. But she lost some respect when she didn't shake her hand at the end.

Recap of Joe/Nakamura.


Next Week
Jose vs. EY & Joe Talks

Team Black, Brown and White ( Liv Morgan, Aliyah & Ember Moon) vs. Billie Kay, Peyton Royce & Daria Berenato
This is a thing, and quite is kept or not really anymore but Daria being a snack is a thing, she's like the best looking woman in this match. This is bad quite a few mishaps, way too much of everyone but Ember who only gets in for the hot tag. She finally ends this nonsense with the Eclipse on Daria after Billie tags her in and Peyton/Kay watch from the floor. *1/2



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Samoa Joe
NXT World Tag Team Champions: #DIY
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka

NXT Episode 224
November 30th, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Nicole Matthews vs. Asuka
Short Asuka squash, Matthews taps to the Asuka lock.

Recap of the whole SAnitY/Jose stuff from last week.

Backstage: Dasha interviews Joe about Joe/Nakamura III. Joe says it's no surprise that he gets his rematch so soon. William Regal wants nothing more than to put this title back in his hands, but he proved something at Takeover Toronto, that Shinsuke Nakamura is not on his level. He's the best in NXT and there is nobody close. Come December 3rd, in Osaka, in front of his countrymen and his family. Tye Dillinger walks on and challenges him tonight. Joe says he's not on his level either, and he's already been humiliated once in his home country. He can't think of a reason he belongs in the ring with him. Tye slaps him and leaves, as Joe yells that Tye will not be walking out tonight.

No Way Jose vs. Eric Young (w/SAniyY)
Jose is really just a gimmick, serious EY is one of the most boring wrestlers ever. His peak was the 04-06 comedy act when he took crazy bumps. This gets a bunch of time, more than what the average length of TV matches has gotten since July. EY works the neck, Jose doesn't sell a lick. EY finally ends it with the wheelbarrow neckbreaker. *

After the match; Cross attacks Jose, cause hoes be crazy.

Backstage: Dasha interviews Asuka, she asks about this change of persona she's been going through. Asuka says no change, she is Asuka and the woman's champ, which means she's the best. She just wants competition.

Samoa Joe vs. Tye Dillinger
A really long angle match, really, it's Tye is still on a losing streak and he's desperately trying to "win the big singles" not even win a title, he's just trying to win a meaningful match lol. Tye comes out hot, but that gets cut due to bills needing to be paid, Joe hurts the knee, but Joe doesn't work it, he goes to the head and only goes to the knee when he feels Tye fighting back. This goes on for a long ass time, around 15 minutes. It suffers the 2 break death, the slow pacing also hurts this a ton. Tye has a solid comeback, but it really shows off that he's a solid hand and nothing more than a lower-card job guy. And prop would have been fired if not for the "10" chants. Joe cuts off the Tye breaker and chokes him out until the ref calls for the bell. *1/2



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Samoa Joe
NXT World Tag Team Champions: #DIY
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka

NXT Episode 225
December 7th, 2016
Orlando, Florida & Osaka, Japan

NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS DIY come out to the ring, they get the smarky "YOU DESERVE IT" chant, BUT A.o.P come out before they can talk. Ellering says the prophecy of AoP have come true, they are undefeated and their celebration is a bit premature and as far as their reign...................THE REVIVAL COME OUT. Dash says there's only room for 1 #contender and it's them, and they only reason AoP won the tournament was because they had to forfeit, and this tag team revolution is because of the Top Guys. AOP come to ringside and shove my kids like some punks who run away :( Ellering says the next chapter is written by the AOP and it reads NXT Tag Team Champions.

GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! Percy Watson is back on commentary.

No Way Jose & Rich Swann vs. SAnitY (w/Nikki Cross)
No Fulton as I think he's injured, so thank god for that. Wolfe has his jacket and throws it to the floor, EY/Wolfe are the team tonight. This is fine but fairly by the book stuff, faces control early with Swann using his speed and Jose doing Jose things until Wolfe blocks a rana and swings him into his corner to take over. Decent bully offense by the whackjobs, it's really what EY is best at is being a tag guy where the focus isn't entirely on him. Jose does Jose things doing the hot tag, Swann takes Wolfe out on a dive but SOME BUG MOTHERFUCKER TAKES JOSE OUT ON THE FLOOR. EY rolls Jose back in and hits the wheelbarrow neckbreaker for the win. **

The big guy leaves on his own with the rest of SAnitY watching on, he picks up Fulton's jacket but them throws is down and walks off.

Backstage: Dash is with GM Regal who announces DIY/Revival rematch on January 11th and the winners will face the Authors of Pain at Takeover: San Antonio. Tye comes in and Regal announces an eight-man #1 Contender's tournament with a four-way final, and Regal says he believes in him.

In the back, SAnitY are walking, but Nikki stops when she sees the NXT Woman's title just laying around, Asuka comes over and gives her this creepy smile and Cross walks off.

Ember Moon vs. Kimber Lee
Another standout Ember showcase, this Kimber girl does well for the minute of offense she got, but she falls victim to the Eclipse.


Cut to Osaka, Japan 12/3

NXT World Championship: Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
This is heavily edited which helps it cut from 19 to around 10, but it's also really dull and for some reason worked like a standard title match, not the hate-filled striking of the previous two, or like two guys that's been feuding since July. They go back and forth exchanging holds an throws until it's time to counters from the others big moves. Nakamura blocks the STJoe onto the steps and hits a knee to the back of Joe's head, with his momentum sending him face first into the steps, Naka rolls him in and hits the Kinshasa to win the belt back. **1/4



Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
NXT World Champion: Shinsuke Nakamura
NXT World Tag Team Champions: #DIY
NXT Woman's Champion: Asuka

NXT Episode 226
December 14th, 2016
Orlando, Florida & Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia 12/8

Steel Cage Match for the NXT World Championship: Samoa Joe vs. Shinsuke Nakamura
Again heavily edited to 10 minutes maybe a little more, it's the worse match of the 4 by a fare distance. Cage hinders them from doing stuff, they barely use it. No hate, no blood, all bad. Nakamura hits 3 Kinshasa in a row to FINALLY ends this match and ends this feud. *3/4

Back to Full Sail

Backstage: Dasha talks to Billie and Peyton. They say they didn't lose, Daria lost. Billie says they have many plans and they're still on track. Peyton says they don't associate with losers. Daria comes over and says she doesn't want to be part of their future plans, but she's going to hurt one of them next week.

#1 Contenders Qualifying Match: Tye Dillinger vs. Eric Young (w/SAnitY)
Goes for about a minute, Tye controls it so Nikki jumps on his back for the DQ. They attack Tye post-match, but he fights back. But the big guy is back and lays him out. He leaves and walks past them giving them the head nod.

#1 Contenders Qualifying Match: No Way Jose vs. Andrade "Cien" Almas
Super short, Jose does Jose things until Almas grabs the afro and begging clubbing Jose on the back, he does 1 headlock for his entire heat segment as Jose makes a comeback, but Almas cuts him off with the hammerlock DDT for the win.

Elias comes out onto the stage to sing a song.

#1 Contenders Qualifying Match: Elias Samson vs. Roderick Strong
MR. Consistency strikes again as he carries Elias to his best match to date, Roddy powers and beats him up early so it forces Elias to get nasty, he works the chest and does some cool things using the ring as a weapon, from handing him in the tree of woa and pulling the neck from the floor, or slamming the chest into the ring apron. Sadly, this is only 3 minutes so Roddy doesn't sell it much, the heat gets cut super quick and Roddy hits the sick kick for the win. RODDY STEAMBOAT ALMOST HERE. **1/4

#1 Contenders Qualifying Match: Oney Lorcan vs. Bobby Roode
FUCK YEAH! Oney back, Roode does his main event stuff, but Oney doesn't give a shit and tries to dragon suplex him off the top. Roode takes overworking the neck and also uses the ring as a weapon, he uses the ring skirt to covers Oney's face so he doesn't see the elbow to the throat coming. This one is also crazy short, so the heat gets cut and they go right into the Oney comeback, but it gets cut off and Roode hits the Glorious DDT for the win. **1/4



Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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Still can't get over el idolo's hat


Nov 13, 2010
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Didn't he have suspenders too?