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Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF SmackDown! 9/13/13 CARD

UPDATE: Due to circumstances beyond my control, this week's SmackDown will be posted tomorrow on the 14th. Those of you who haven't had the chance to TT this week, you have another day now. Use it.

OMG I'M GOING TO WORK ON A PROMO! For the longest time I couldn't figure out what to write, now I got something. That is if you'll accept it.

The Hoov

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Re: UWF SmackDown! 9/13/13 CARD

OMG I'M GOING TO WORK ON A PROMO! For the longest time I couldn't figure out what to write, now I got something. That is if you'll accept it.

Go for it. I need as many promos as I can get.

The Hoov

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UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Before Smackdown can officially kick off for the night, the broadcast is hijacked... by Eric Bischoff.


Eric Bischoff: Ladies and Gentlemen, please excuse the delay in the commencement of Friday Night Smackdown. I've been asked to inform the UWF Universe that the show WILL go ahead this evening... but only once one handsome individual says what he has to say. Obviously I'm speaking of myself, but of course you all knew that.

Bischoff grins before quickly moving on.

Eric Bischoff: So last week my little appearance was quite a shock to many of you, but most of you didn't seem to bat an eyelid. Now I'm not here to cast judgement as I'm quite aware that I've never been the most popular figure in this business, but I was expecting a little more... kudos. After all, my appearance WAS the highlight of the show, just as I predicted. Yes the rivalry between our Co-General Managers escalated, and there may or may not have been a couple of matches of some importance, but if it was a battle of ratings... then I win hands down! Yes, I'm afraid Uncle Bischoff's business mind wins the day again, but this is only just the beginning of something much bigger. Much, much... bigger!

Bischoff rubs his hands together, anticipating the future.

Eric Bischoff: But for the meantime, I'm going to partly live up to my word from last week. I'll be kicking back and watching Smackdown with a keen eye, but it won't be from the comfort of my own home. In fact, I've been granted my very own locker room for tonight's show and I'm going to take full advantage of it. I'd prefer a 70 inch flat screen and maybe a la-z-boy chair as well, but I guess this will have to do for the time being. I expect Smackdown to be leaving me at the edge of my seat anyway, what with the star studded line-up that's on display this evening. You've got the Hardcore Champion, Mr Kennedy, competing in a King of the Ring qualifier, the United States Champion, Chris Jericho, facing off with one of his Bound For Glory challengers, and let's not forget the UWF Champion, Edge, taking on the C.O.O himself!

Bischoff looks visibly impressed at the line-up.

Eric Bischoff: It could be quite a night, UWF Universe, and I hope you can join Uncle Bischoff in watching the action unfold. Now I can't promise you'll see my face again tonight, which is a disappointing thought I know, but I want you all to enjoy Smackdown anyway. You just never know what could be around the corner....

Bischoff winks at the camera and then adjusts his chair to face the television. As he turns it on, Smackdown immediately begins.

Ultimate Wrestling Federation Presents.....


UWF Saturday Night SmackDown!



"WELCOME TO THE NEW AGE!" SmackDown! kicks off with it's theme song, "Radioactive" by Imagine Dragons. An impressive pyrotechnics display is seen as SmackDown! gets underway. The crowd is already awestruck at what has gone down already and the show has just begun. We go down to ringside and meet back up with Booker T and new broadcast team member Jerry "The King" Lawler


The King: Hello everybody and welcome to a jam-packed edition of Saturday Night SmackDown! I'm of coruse Jerry "The King" Lawler and with me is the 5-Time, aw you say it!

Booker T: The 5-Time, 5-Time, 5-Time, 5-Time, 5-Time WCW Champion Booker T. NOW CAN YOU DIG THAT.....SUCKAAAA??!!! I still got it, dogg!

The King: You never lost it. Tonight, we have several high-profile contests scheduled. First up, we have two monsters going at it as Ryback goes one-on-one with the debuting Sheamus!

Booker T: Not only that, but we have our final King of the Ring qualifier tonight as UWF Hardcore Champion Mr. Kennedy takes on a pretty banged up Christopher Daniels.

The King: That should be interesting. Seaking of interesting, what about our United States Champion Chris Jericho taking on the mysterious Vampiro, one of SmackDown's newest acquisitions?

Booker T: That one will be brutal, no doubt about it but how can we forget about my man Brother D'Von, a King of the Ring hopeful, taking on number one contender CM Punk?!

The King: We can't! Punk blames D'Von for their loss last week and he looks to prove his point here tonight! But, how about this for a main event? UWF Champion "The Rated R Superstar" Edge going head-to-head with the COO of this company Triple H!

Booker T: Ohh, baby! I can't wait!

As SmackDown's commentary team finish up speaking.....


"Whatever" by Our Lady Peace blasts over the loudspeakers and out comes Co-General Manager Chris Benoit to a massive pop. "The Rabid Wolverine" makes his way down the ramp with purpose on his mind.


Booker T: That boy Chris Benoit don't look to be in a good mood at all here tonight!

The King: You've known Chris just as long as I have. He's never in a good mood but tonight seems different.

Benoit slides into the ring and gets to his feet as the crowd continues to show Benoit respect. He is handed a microphone from a ringside employee and Benoit wastes no time in speaking.


Chris Benoit: Before we get started here tonight, there's a few things I'd like to say. First of all, when Triple H, the COO of this company, first hired me on to come here to SmackDown to save it, I was hesitant to say the least because, the last time I was in this ring as a performer, I took my ball and I went home. I had the World Heavyweight Championship in my grasp but.......shit happens. I left this business in a horrible way. My name was a dirty word around here for a very long time. The name Chris Benoit was only uttered in whispers and hushed voices. That's not the legacy I want to leave. I accepted this job from Triple H to make this business and SmackDown specifically better than it had been before. I can fix all of Zack Ryder's screw-ups and do the right thing but I need something first. I need something from the boys in that locker room. I know I'm not the most liked person around here. I know my name carries a lot of bad memories but all I'm asking from each and every one of you is a clean slate and a fresh start. SmackDown is only as good as its performers and we each have a responsibility to each and every one of these people to come out here every Friday night and entertain them.

The crowd begins to applaud Benoit. Chris, you can tell, is getting a bit teary-eyed as he continues speaking.

Chris Benoit: All I ever wanted to do in this business was to do my best and hope to leave my name in the record books as one of the greats. My last stint didn't turn out so well so pleas-



Booker T: What the hell?!

The King: How disrespectful!

The fans immediately begin to boo as the other Co-General Manager Zack Ryder's music begins to play. After a few bars of music, Ryder is seen on the titantron in an undisclosed location. He's holding the old Internet Championship title on his shoulder. Benoit looks to be furious as Ryder begins speaking.


Zack Ryder: Benoit, broski, what a heartfelt speech that was. I mean, coming out here and basically admitting to being a complete failure wasn't at all what I thought you were going to do but, bravo, bro! Really compelling stuff. But, Chris, let's get some things straight. My decisions here on SmackDown have been tremendous! Look at this Internet Championship. Look at how much cooler it is than that stupid US Championship! It looks just like me! And, what about that Scramble Match at SummerSlam? First time ever in UWF I do believe. And that cash-in afterwards? No one saw that coming! Benoit, you're gonna have to face facts that you were hired to do Triple H's bidding and do what he wants you to do. You aren't your own man. You're a puppet and do you know what happens to puppets sometimes, Chris? Sometimes, they get their strings plucked!

Zack smirks as Benoit looks on angrily. All of a sudden, the UWF Champion Edge slides into the ring behind Benoit.


Booker T: It's Edge!

The King: Oh no! This doesn't look good here!

Ryder continues to smirk at Benoit as Chris turns around. As he does, Edge charges at him and flattens him with a Spear! Edge then gets to his feet and starts laughing at Benoit.

Booker T: Edge and Zack Ryder are out of control, dogg!

The King: Benoit was just out here doing his job!

Edge walks back up the ramp as we head to commercial.


UWF Saturday Night SmackDown is brought to you by......



Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"It's a Shameful Thing!"

"Written In my Face" plays out to the Smackdown crowd to a strong reaction and the Celtic Warrior himself walks out from the back, ready for action. He stops on the stage and beats his fist against his chest three times before extending his arms to his side and letting out a War-like cry.


Sheamus makes his way down the ramp, walking with confidence. He approaches the steps, and enters the ring. Sheamus removes his T-shirt and throws it out in the pumped crowd. He grabs a mic from the ring technicians and begins to speak.

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Tonight, right here, right now on UWF Smackdown I make me debut against someone who has made a name for himself by being a bully. He thinks he can go around and do and say whatever he wants, but he's wrong fella. I'm the one that does the dominating around here, not him. I am the true powerhouse here on Smackdown and I will prove it tonight when I knock Ryback out with this here foot!

Sheamus points down to his boot, signifying the Brough Kick.


He thinks he's more a man then me, well he's gonna be in for a tough night. Yer going to find out the hard way fella that I am not someone you want to mess with in this company. Ya don't want to go one on one with the Great White because there's a 100 percent chance that yer not gonna walk away in one piece. IF I let ya walk away at all.

The camera zooms in on Sheamus' face.


I'm not much of a talker fella, I'm more of fighter. A warrior. A Celtic Warrior so how's about we get this started Ryback! Get yer bald head out here so I can kick yer arse, and leave your mangled body in this ring for tha world to see. Yer gonna regret the day you picked a fight with the Great White!

Sheamus drops the mic and awaits his opponent.



Ryback steps out from the back as boos descend on him. He stands on the stage and poses with dumbbells in both of his hands. He looks around the arena disgusted. After a few moments he turns his head and motions for Maria to come ahead. Maria steps beside him, strokes his arm, then they both make their way to the ring. Ryback swaggers with the usual display of confidence.

The King: This match should be the most physical of the night, wouldn't you agree, Booker?

Booker T: Absiolutely. These two big dudes are gonna beat the holy hell out of each other and we get to watch!

Ryback enters the ring and faces across the ring from Sheamus as the referee sounds the bell.




The referee sounds the bell and this one gets started as both monsters meet in the middle of the ring and lock horns. Both men are trying to demonstrate their strength but neither man will back down. Finally, Ryback gets the upper hand and throws Sheamus across the ring. Sheamus rolls back to his feet and locks right back up with Ryback. This time, after a bit of a struggle, it's Sheamus who throws Ryback this time. Ryback rolls to his knees and looks at Sheamus as he pounds his chest.

The King: Sheamus is practically telling Ryback that he's game tonight!

Booker T: Ryback better get a whole new strategy, dogg!

Ryback stands back up and he locks up with Sheamus again. This time, he backs Sheamus into the corner and starts hammering away at his head. As Sheamus is dazed, Ryback begins hitting Sheamus with shoulder blocks to the midsection in the corner. After a whole series of them, Sheamus falls to the mat. Ryback takes advantage and starts scraping his boot along the face of "The Celtic Warrior". Ryback then pulls Sheamus to the center of the ring by his leg and pins him.




Sheamus gets a shoulder up. Ryback then grabs Sheamus by the skull and continues to hammer away on him. The referee creates some distance between the two so Sheamus can make it back to his feet. As he does, Ryback wastes no time in going on the attack. He grabs Sheamus and overhead belly to belly suplexes him. Ryback gets to his feet and lets out a roar.

The King: Ryback's strength is just frightening!

Ryback then goes back on the attack, stalking Sheamus as he gets to his feet. Ryback then tries to hit Sheamus with that meat hook clothesline but Sheamus ducks. Sheamus runs off the ropes and hits Ryback with a shoulder tackle. Ryback stumbles back. Sheamus bounces off the ropes and hits Ryback with a second shoulder tackle and Ryback again stumbles back but doesn't fall. Sheamus then goes for one more but, as he does, Ryback squats down and catches Sheamus and plants him down with a big spinebuster. Ryback then pins Sheamus again.




Booker T: What resiliency displayed by Sheamus here!

Ryback is beginning to look frustrated as he picks Sheamus back up to a vertical base. He then drives Sheamus into the corner and continues to hit him with shoulder blocks in the midsection. Sheamus, however, begins battling back with right hands to Ryback's cranium. Ryback stumbles back as Sheamus fights his way out of the corner. Sheamus then whips Ryback into that same corner and hits a running shoulder block to Ryback's midsection. Sheamus then follows in Ryback's shoes by driving his shoulder into the abdomen of Ryback repeatedly. Ryback collapses to the mat and Sheamus wastes no time in stomping away at him. Sheamus then drags Ryback by his leg to the center of the ring and pins him.




Booker T: These two mastodons are gonna kill each other!

The King: And we and the UWF Universe get to see it live!

Ryback kicks out with a vengeance and gets to his feet. As Sheamus does as well, Ryback flattens him with the meat hook clothesline. Ryback then covers Sheamus.




Sheamus somehow gets the shoulder up and Ryback is infuriated. He then gets back to his feet and yells "FINISH IT!" to the crowd's dismay. He then grabs Sheamus and puts him up for the Shell Shocked. Before he can connect, however, Sheamus gets free and ends up behind Ryback. He turns Ryback around and then hits him with the Irish Curse! Sheamus then covers Ryback.




The King: How did Ryback kick out of that?!

Sheamus pulls at his red hair and then goes right back on the attack. He stalks Ryback and sets up for the Brogue Kick. He's punding on his chest, waiting for Ryback to get to his feet. As he does, Sheamus goes for it but Ryback falls to the mat and rolls to the outside to avoid it where Maria is waiting to console him. Ryback takes a breather on the outside but its not for longs as Sheamus throws himself over the top rope like a battering ram to the outside and nails Ryback. Sheamus gets to his feet and is met by Maria. Sheamus gets a smile on his face and gets closer to her. Maria attempts to slap Sheamus but he blocks her arm. Instead, he proceeds to stick his tongue down her throat. Maria struggles to break free as the crowd cheers wildly. Sheamus lets her go as she falls to the mat, disgusted. As Sheamus turns around, Ryback hits him with another devastating meat hook clothesline.

The King: I don't blame Sheamus one bit for that but he just paid the price for it!

Booker T: Aww, come on, dogg! She was asking for it!

Ryback grabs Sheamus off the mat and throws him back into the ring. Ryback then pins Sheamus.




Sheamus kicks out as Ryback begins to get really furious. He grabs Sheamus up once again and places him in powerbomb position. As he lifts him up, Sheamus slides out from behind. As Ryback turns around, he is met with a Brogue Kick! Sheamus then covers him.






Ryback rolls out of the ring and he and Maria walk up the ramp in defeat as "The Celtic Warrior" stands tall in his SmackDown debut.

Booker T: Man, what a physical contest that was!

The King: Oh man, you said it. I can't wait for the rest of the night!

Sheamus has his hand raised in victory as we fade into the next segment.

Renee Young: Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Jericho.

We see "Y2J" Chris Jericho, he is standing and smiling.

Renee Young: Chris, you are about to step in the same ring with one of the most dangerous and scary superstar in the entire UWF but you are smiling. Where does this confidence comes from?

Chris Jericho: From where? Let me tell you from where. Right now people in Boston are giving me this confidence. People in New York are giving me this confidence. People in Washington gives me this confidence... I know the next question, "How does that happen?" this is the question that is going through in your mind and let me tell you the reason. You see this title, the title I held in my hand.... This is the belt that represent the each and every single one of the US citizens! It represents the short ones, the talls ones, the skinny ones, the fat ones... No matter what your weight, your height, your race, your belief is... This is the UNITED States of America. I know that I am not American but I have been living here for a long, long time. And I am representing everybody in this lovely country. Every single particle of this belt is a person in this country. I know that they have confidence with me. They believe me, they believe their United States Champion! They know that I can save this title from mediocrity. This title has been treated like rubbish and I assure to all of the citizens of this country that it won't happen again. Because it is in safe hands, it is in the hands of the your savior Y2J! Besides, I have my fellow Canadian's citizens support and confidence. With all Canada and America citizens together I fear no man, I fear nobody. I am not afraid of Vampiro, neither Undertaker. They are two men that hide behind their secret, mysterious second personalities. One pretends like he is a vampire, another pretends like he is a deadman... Let me remind you that this is the land of the human! This is my land and I don't fear any of you! So you can bring on your mind games but I am just saying, it won't work! Vampiro, you will experience this tonight when I trap your fake personality in to Walls of Jericho or I will reveal your real personality when I break your codes!

Renee Young: Chris, do you have any worries that Undertaker will interfere to the match?

Chris Jericho: Renee, you know you are a great person and I don't want to be rude to you but that was a silly question. Didn't you hear what I said? I don't afraid of no man and that includes Undertaker. For many years we all witnessed what he does to manipulate, to scare his opponents. That won't work on me. It won't effect me. All the darkness, al the mist, all the gongs... Hell even he can bring druids, he can break caskets and put me inside of it after he knockcs me off, just like he did a week ago! This thing is not only about this title, it is also personal. Vampiro wants revenge from The Undertaker, I want revenge from The Undertaker and we even don't know what tonight has in store for us. Maybe it would be like a vengeance circle... I am not a guy of systems or possibilities. I am a guy of the facts and the fact is this. Tonight I am going there to get the job done. I am going into that ring with one thing in my minds... Beating Vampiro... And after that, at Bound For Glory, I will beat Vampiro once again, but this time, there will be also The Undertaker. I hope that Undertaker interferes to my match because he is not the only guy who has full of surprises!

Jericho smiles and leaves.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is to determine the final spot in the SmackDown King of the Ring bracket!


As the music plays all over the arena, Daniels comes walking out. The crowd is very quick to boo him but he doesn’t seem to care at the moment. His eyes are transfixed on the ring and the ring alone. He walks around the ring to where the time keeper is grabs a microphone from one of the ring crew’s hands. This sparks another negative reaction from the crowd as Daniels slides into the ring. He looks around before speaking.

“The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels:
I demand silence!

The crowd gets even louder, further defying Daniels of his silence. He stands in the middle of the ring not looking very impressed as he waits for complete silence. Silence finally engulfs the arena after what felt like hours, but was in fact mere moments.

Listen to me when I speak and perhaps you will learn a thing or two. If you are determined to remain a fool, please carry on!

Yet again, the crowd gets loud with a negative reaction to his last statement. Daniels only chuckles as he continues on, even if the crowd attempt to interrupt him.

I find it positively amusing that you think your booing and your heckling is going to stop me from speaking, you really must be fools to think so. Allow me to educate you in a way that Damien Sandow never could. I am not doing this for you anymore. I’m doing this solely for me as I am the only one that matters! Aside from that, you come here to see guys like Edge and CM Punk. None of you buy my merchandise; none of you really have any signs for me. I mean look at this kid right up front here. He’s got a replica Hardcore Championship, but do you think it’s my name that’s engraved on there? No, I can see it plain as day it’s got Ken Kennedy’s name on it! That right there is why I have no faith in our future. The parents of this little brat allow him to disrespect people who have busted their ass in this business to get where they are. I busted my ass off to keep that championship around! If it wasn’t for me, that belt wouldn’t exist today!

But I’m not here to rant about my former glory, because quite frankly that’s a part of my past I’d sooner forget than relive! I can’t remember the last time I was able to sleep easier knowing that I don’t need to give a damn about what you clowns think about me. It does however piss me off that you continue to cheer on Montel after what he did to me. What he did to my pretty face! He got himself suspended, so I should be grateful that management finally did something right. I should, but I’m not. I was stripped of the pleasure of watching Montel suffer, I was stripped of the opportunity of ending Montel’s career! I guess not all is lost however, I mean I am still in the King of the Ring; I still have my chance of becoming the King of UWF! Something I rightfully deserve after continuously being harassed by management. First it was Desmond Wolfe telling me he was going to suspend me after Money in the Bank which caused me to lose the match because quite frankly all I could think about was that stupid suspension! When I return I make a statement, a statement showing management that their actions would not go unpunished! I will not allow these idiots to ruin my career! They stopped our match at SummerSlam because of that fall; I was still prepared to go! They are not prepared to suffer the consequences. I am more than prepared to dish it out! Watch me as I take over Smackdown for the better! Watch me as I do what nobody could ever do! Watch me, as I fly!

Daniels drops the microphone as a familiar theme begins to play.




Airbourne song “Turn Up The Trouble” starts playing on the PA System. Mr. Kennedy walks out from behind the curtain as the lights go down. Mr. Kennedy is wearing a black jacket as he is without his hardcore championship belt. He raises his hand up in the air as the microphone comes down from the ceiling of the arena on stage.


Mr. Kennedy grabs the microphone and looks around at the crowd who are mainly cheering him. He begins to speak.

Mr. Kennedy: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls people of all ages. You should all direct your attention to either the entrance stage or the titantron and give a nice welcome to the man who hails from Green Bay, Wisconsin, the greatest wrestler in sports entertainment history... MISSTEEEEEERRR KENNNNEEEEEDDDDYYY…

Mr. Kennedy pauses as the crowd waits as he finally says his name again.

Mr. Kennedy: ...KENNEDEH!

The King: This is going to be an interesting match to say the least.

Booker T: No question. Kennedy's mind has got to be on La Familia lurking around the corner and Daniels....well......it looks like all of his previous injuries are starting to take their toll.

Kennedy marches down the ramp with his Hardcore Championship on his shoulder. Kennedy slides in and hands his belt over to the referee for safe keepings. The referee then rings the bell.




The bell sounds and this one is under way. Kennedy and Daniels circle the ring but meet in the middle to lock up. Before they can, Daniels kicks Kennedy in the midsection. Daniels then begins beating Kennedy across the back with right hands and clubs. Daniels continues to go stark crazy on the Hardcore Champion, eventually backing him into the corner. The referee creates some separation between the two and Daniels backs up. As Daniels charges the corner, Kennedy gets a boot up and catches Daniels in the face. Daniels stumbles back, allowing Kennedy a chance to plant Daniels to the mat with a clothesline.

The King: Daniels better re-think his strategy. He's dealing with the Hardcore Champion right now!

Booker T: I don't know, King. I mean, Daniels is a former Hardcore Champion himself!

Kennedy picks Daniels back up to his feet and locks him in suplex position. He then plants Daniels with a suplex. Kennedy doesn't let go and instead is attempting to go for Eddie Guerrero's Three Amigos!

The King: Three Amigos by....Mr. Kennedy?!

Kennedy brings Daniels back up and slams him back down with suplex number two. Kennedy then brings both men back to a standing position and plants Daniels once again, this time with a third suplex! Kennedy then pins Daniels.




Daniels gets the shoulder up. Kennedy then picks Daniels back up to a vertical stance but Daniels springs back to life and begins throwing punch after punch to Kennedy, backing him up intothe ropes. Daniels throws Kennedy into the opposite ropes and hits him with a dropkick on the rebound. Daniels then grabs Kennedy's arm and locks him in an armbar.

Booker T: A rare submission hold out of "The Fallen Angel"!

Kennedy writhes in pain as he struggles to find the ropes. He tries with all of his might to reach the ropes and finallygets his foot on the bottom rope, forcing Daniels to release the hold. Kennedy holds his arm in pain as Daniels looks down with evil intention. However, as he proceeds forward, his prior injuries get the better of him and Daniels falls to one knee.

The King: Daniels doesn't look so hot right now.

Booker T: He must still be feeling the effects of that car window, courtesy of my boy Montel Vontavious Porter!

Kennedy begins getting to his feet as Daniels is still on one knee. Kennedy realizes this and takes advantage. He grabs Daniels' head and plants him down with a DDT. Kennedy then covers Daniels again.




Kennedy can't believe it as he picks Daniels' back up to his feet and puts himin a Tiger Bomb position. He then liftsup and suplexes Daniels over his shoulder and to the mat. Kennedy then slaps him in a headlock and really wrenches it in.

The King: Kennedy is relentless! He's going right after Daniels' weak spot at the moment!

Booker T: If you've got an advantage, you take it. Especially when something as important as King of the Ring is concerned.

Daniels is fading fast. The referee decides to check his arms.

1 fall....

2 fall....

As his arm is about to fall for a third time, Daniels springs back to life and begins struggling to get back to his feet. He eventually forces them to make it to a vertical basis, where Daniels begins hitting Kennedy in his midsection. Kennedy releases the hold but, as Daniels tries to escape, Kennedy yanks him by the head down to the mat. Kennedy then begins stomping away on Daniels. The referee separates the two again and Kennedy backs up. As Kennedy walks back over, Daniels catches him in an inside cradle pin.




Booker T: You gotta watch out for Christopher Daniels, man!

Kennedy manages to escape and gets to his feet. Daniels does as well as Kennedy grabs him and hits him with a spinning neckbreaker. Kennedy then pins Daniels.




Kennedy pounds the mat in frustration as he rolls to the outside. Kennedy lifts the apron up and pulls out a singapore cane!

The King: This isn't a hardcore match!

Booker T: Kennedy! Think this through, man!

Kennedy rolls back into the ring and stalks Daniels. The referee notices this and tries to take the cane away from Kennedy. The referee eventually gains possession of the can,which irritates Kennedy.This allows Daniels an opportunity to strike and he dropkicks Kennedy into the corner. Kennedy then crumbles to the mat. Daniels then begins stomping away at the Hardcore Champion until the referee intervenes.

The King: That blunder cost Kennedy!

Daniels then drags Kennedy towards the center and then walks over to the corner. Daniels then hops from the second to the top rope and hits the BME! Daniels then hooks the leg.




Booker T: Kennedy kicked out of the BME!

Daniels gets up and begins arguing with the referee. Daniels then pushes the referee and walks back towards Kennedy. The referee then stops Daniels and starts yelling right back at Daniels. As he's doing this, Kenney rolls Daniels up.




Daniels escapes and gets back to his feet. Kennedy tries to whip Daniels into the corner but Daniels counters and ends up placing Kennedy in the position for the Angel's Wings. Daniels connects with it and pins Kennedy afterwards.






Daniels has his hand raised by the referee and begins to celebrate while walking up the ramp. After the bell has rung, Chavo Guerrero and El Mesias enter through the crowd once more. Kennedy has gotten back to his feet and sees La Familia entering the ring. As both men hop onto the apron, Kennedy picks the singapore cane back up and just starts swinging like a madman. Chavo and Mesias back down and head up the ramp. At the top of the ramp, Eddie Guerrero emerges with a microphone in hand.

Booker T: Yo, it's Eddie Guerrero!

The King: What is the deal with all of this?!

Eddie holds the mic up and speaks.


Eddie Guerrero: See you at Bound For Glory, holmes!

Eddie drops the mic and signals for the belt around his waist. He and La Familia then leave Kennedy in the ring, holding his singapore cane tightly.






Ladies and gentlemen… we are here live with the Rated R UWF Champion, the face of UWF Smackdown, the face of UWF, and the god of wrestling. I present to you Edge.

The god of Wrestling Edge:

Not bad four eyes. Not bad.



Now it is a well known fact that you are one of the most controversial and outspoken people in UWF. And with that said there is so much that people are wondering. What are your thoughts on Smackdown, your match with Triple H, your future match with CM Punk, Raw, the others on Anarchy that got attacked, and how successful do you think you will be as the UWF Champion?


The god of Wrestling Edge:

Well… thanks for the array of questions. Well let me see what do I remember from your barrage. My thoughts on Smackdown? Smackdown was nothing before I got here. Now Smackdown is getting noticed, now people are wanting to be a part of Smackdown, even wanting to take time to watch it. Because I can tell you before that nobody gave Smackdown the time of day unless they happened to be on the show itself. But now… everything has changed and you know why that is? You know why things are going the way of Smackdown now? Because of this guy right here. Because of me Smackdown is becoming the number 1 show in UWF. Because of me Smackdown is becoming the top show for everyone to look at and want to see. Because of Edge… Smackdown is taking its rightful place at the top of the UWF food chain. So in short… yes I am taking each and every single bit of credit for the success of Smackdown because when you are the god of wrestling… you can do that sort of thing. Something that my opponent tonight… Trippy just will never understand.

While he is the COO and is banging the only woman… well the only other thing that would give him a chance is Chyna and well the only way she or he… sheim seems to be able to have sex is in pornos… so Triple H… what does that say about your partner there Stephie? That she is so desperate that she went to the first person that showed her any kind of effection? Cause you know what I’m capable of. I stole the woman of my at one time best friend… so stealing from you would be the easiest thing imaginable. But I don’t like manish looking chicks so you and your manbeast Stephanie are safe. But as far as our match goes… well… if you are anything like your old lady says… you’ll phase out in a couple minutes and since we don’t take breaks during matches… you won’t last. So whatever you think you can do… two minute man… bring it on. And I’ll show you that you aren’t even half the man you think you are. You can’t touch this.


You really are…


The god of Wrestling Edge:

You don’t ever interrupt the god of wrestling. Don’t let it happen again. Now where was I? Oh yeah Bound for Glory. CM Punk thinks… ah it doesn’t even matter what CM Punk thinks. He is nothing. A nobody. Matter of fact I’ve already given him too much air time. Raw? Raw is on the same level as Punk. Nothing. Once I left Raw it became nothing. While I was on Raw it was the hottest thing going but once I left… what they do? They created a Corporation to try to generate interest. They didn’t have to do a thing like that when I was there and why? Because I made sure that we had the best show each and every single week. But now Raw is nothing without the god of wrestling. All they have now are a bunch of rejects. People that I’ve beaten time and time again. Let’s see… they have Ambrose… beat him, HBK? Beat him. Bryan? Pinned him. So yeah their top tier talent have all been beaten by me. Oh and Batty… I ran him out of Smackdown. That was how bad I beat him. So Raw? Not even a blip on my radar. They can keep trying though.

But as far as Anarchy goes… now that was crossing the line. While I am running things here on Smackdown… they attacked Trish and that doesn’t go over well with me. They attacked the family and I may just have to dirty my hands and make an appearance over there myself because nobody lays their hands on Trish like that. But as far as your final question goes… how successful? It is like I said that first night I was on Smackdown… I will make the reigns of Austin and Rhodes look like nothing. They will be like… amateur hour compared to what I will bring and what I will do. I am going to transform Smackdown. I will revolutionize UWF as a whole. I changed the entire landscape of money in the bank cash ins at SummerSlam all in one move. That in itself was a huge impact that will without a doubt be felt for a long time and that was only the beginning.

Smackdown has been without a true leader, without a true champion for far too long and it is time that all of that changes. It is time that Smackdown has someone they can look up to as their definitive champion. UWF needs that one true world champion because that dancing freak with the greasy hair Fandangy or something isn’t championship material. And as I’ve stated before… Bryan has already been pinned by me and lost a belt. I could waltz over to Raw and beat him again and take that belt if I wanted to. Impact? Well… they are nothing as well. But the bottom line here is… you are looking at the man that is changing the way things are being done around here. You are looking at the man that is going to make UWF the shining star it should be. You are looking at the god that will make Smackdown the heaven of UWF. The Utopia of UWF. Nothing else will come close to measuring to what Smackdown will be now that I am in firm control of things. Triple H is going to realize just how little he measures up… to a true man… like Edge.

Edge gives one final smirk before walking off camera.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!



As "Break the Walls Down" plays through the PA System crowd gets on their feet. Lights go out and pyros shoot off. Lights go on and Jericho is there! He has the United States title on his shoulder. Jericho walks down the ramp. He has no reaction on his face. Probably he is frustrated and not happy about what has happened last week. Jericho steps up on the steel steps and enters the ring.

The King: Oh boy here comes the crazy one!

Booker T: I actually agree with you on that one Roddy.

The lights suddenly go out, the bell sounds.

The King: Not this again!

The lights come back on and Vampiro is already standing behind Chris Jericho, Jericho turns around as Vampiro kicks Jericho in the abdomen section as Vampiro then connects with a Lifting Spinning Single-Arm DDT as he goes for the pinfall instantly.




JR: The fact Vampiro and Undertaker have played mind games on Chris Jericho isn't a good thing!

Vampiro then gets up as he goes to the corner turnbuckle as he gets up onto the second ropes as he then prepares to leap off but Jericho gets to his feet quickly as Vampiro leaps off and is met with an Atomic Drop from Jericho. Jericho then punches Vampiro before an irish-whip to the ropes as Vampiro grabs the ropes as he then exits the ring to the outside. Jericho doesn't like this one bit and rushes straight through the middle ropes with a suicide dive landing on Vampiro. Jericho instantly gets to his feet as he grabs Vampiro and tosses him into the steel steps, the referee begins the count on both men.



Jericho walks towards Vampiro who then kicks Jericho but Jericho no-sells it before kicking Vampiro once again and throwing him into the ring. Jericho hops up on the apron but Vampiro with a hot-shot from nowhere as Jericho spins around on the apron, Vampiro catches him in a reverse-suplex hold as Vampiro then takes a few steps back as Jericho's feet are on the top rope. Vampiro then does a rope-hanged Cross-Rhodes as Vampiro is looking to complete this quickly.

Piper: Got to admit, that move looked great!

Vampiro goes to cover.




Vampiro begins arguing with the referee but quickly regains his focus on Jericho. Vampiro begins kneeing Jericho a couple of times towards the rib section as Vampiro then pushes Jericho to the corner turnbuckle. Vampiro then delivers another knee before taking a couple of steps back, Vampiro then charges at Jericho head-first and does a flying headbutt to the chest of Jericho. Jericho then stumbles a few steps as he then drops to the canvas. Vampiro gets to the top rope as he then does Undertaker's cut-throat taunt, Vampiro doesn't realise Jericho is up as he hits the ropes as Vampiro drops into a seated position on the top rope. Jericho then gets onto the second rope as Jericho then jumps onto the top rope and connects with a huge hurricana from the top rope. Jericho is by the corner turnbuckle as he uses it to assist himself, Jericho then waits for Vampiro to get to his feet a Jericho charges looking for a one-handed bulldog but Vampiro has pushed Jericho out of the way before drop-kicking Jericho as Jericho goes towards the ropes. Vampiro charges at Jericho but Jericho turns around and connects with a clothesline that sends Vampiro to the mat.

JR: Jericho is fighting back here!

Jericho then runs to the ropes as he then performs a Lionsault, however Vampiro rolls out of the way as Jericho lands on his feet. Vampiro then does a back-kick to Jericho before placing him in a chokehold, Vampiro then looks for a chokeslam but Jericho escapes and is behind Vampiro. Jericho then connects with the one-handed bulldog. Jericho then grabs Vampiro's hair as he drags him up to his feet. Jericho takes a couple steps back before running for a Codebreaker but Vampiro moves out of the way and catches Jericho with a neckbreaker. Vampiro then gets to his feet before grabbing Jericho in a powerbomb position, Vampiro lifts up Jericho as Jericho begins punching Vampiro repetitively as Vampiro falls back as Jericho is able to roll Vampiro for a roll-up pin.




Suddenly the lights go out once again.

Booker T: What the hell?

The King: I'm getting tired of this... I really am.

A voice is heard...

They lay me down in a grave as if it would be my final resting place.... filling it with the Earth's rotting soil. They tried to destroy me, wishing I would just go away. But what is it? What have they really done? The simple minds of mortal men... they sent me back to the place that is my origin. Destroy me? The more they try, the more powerful I've become. And now, I've risen from my Earthy grave and I will slay the ones I once saved. The reckoning is upon us. The day that the Ministry of Darkness seizes the land, destroys all that you hold dear, make play things our of your heroes and devours your innocence. The plague of Darkness is coming; an all encompassing evil from which there is no escape, no mercy, no hope. Its called the future. And in the future, I will look down upon thee and I will decide whether you are an Agent of Darkness, or are you just mere kindling for my fires. The Power of Darkness shall be offered only to a chosen few. And those that resist the temptations of my Ministry, pain becomes synonymous with punishment. Embrace the Darkness and relish in the unearthly delight that pain has to offer. Resist and there are no limits to the torment you subject yourself to. Don't fight it. It will tear your soul apart. So let my servants be few and secret. They shall rule the many and the known, for I am the Reaper of men, the Chaser of souls, the Weaver of nightmares. I am the Heart of Darkness. I am now and ever will be the Purity of Evil. The Hell you were threatened with as a child is no longer an option. It is a reality, a living, breathing reality and you are all right in the middle of it. Yes, Hell has relocated to Earth. Now you will know why you are afraid of the dark and you will learn why.

Booker T: I've heard this one before, it's the Undertaker!

The lights come back on, Undertaker is in the ring as there is two tables yet to be set up however he has both Jericho and Vampiro in a choke-hold as he delivers a double choke-slam to the both.


Undertaker then sets up a table near one corner turnbuckle before setting another by the opposite. Undertaker grabs Vampiro and drags him as Undertaker gets onto the top rope. Undertaker places Vampiro in a Tombstone Piledriver position as Undertaker leaps off the top-rope crashing Vampiro through the table with the Tombstone Piledriver!

Booker T: BAH GAWD! Undertaker is sending a message once again!

The King: It seems Undertaker definately wants that US Championship.

Undertaker is far from done though, he grabs Jericho and drags him towards the top-rope. However Jericho is trying to fight this one off, he hops down from the top rope as Jericho begins punching the Undertaker, however Undertaker is doing his best to fight it off. Jericho jumps back onto the second ropes as he looks for a codebreaker but Undertaker stays put and grabs the leg of Jericho before being able to lift him up higher for a Last Ride as Undertaker delivers the move as Jericho goes straight through the table. Undertaker then grabs a microphone.


JR: Wait what's this?

Suddenly Chris Benoit walks down from the ramp as he has a microphone.

Chris Benoit: Undertaker, you damn deadman, you want to come out here on my show and interrupt matches? I'll tell you what. At Bound For Glory, when you 3 step in this ring to beat the holy hell out of each other for that United States Championship, let's raise the stakes. My partner Zack Ryder didn't really think this whole match through. This match is no longer just an ordinary Triple Threat Match. No, no, you see this match is now a Three-Way Dance, meaning it's elimination style. but, here's the catch: Once one person is eliminated, a cage will lower from the rafters and the last two of you will face off one-on-one inside of a steel cage!

The King: What a stipulation!

Booker T: No doubt, King! I can't wait!


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We go backstage to see Drew Mcintyre walking with a frustrated look on his face as Josh Matthews tries to get a word from him[/I]


Josh Matthews: Hey Drew, can I get a word?

Drew Mcintyre: Make it quick, I have serious matters to take care off

Josh Matthews: Lately you have been on a losing streak, what do you plan on changing in order to get back in the win column

Drew Mcintyre: Listen up Josh, I know that I need to do something because I just got a phone call from our GM telling me that the next time I lose my JOB. Thats right you heard me correctly, I will be FIRED if I don't win my matches. UWF has told me that they will strip me of my work visa and send me back to Scotland. If that happens, I either need to look for another promotion here in the States or I'm going back to Scotland.

I worked hard to get here. UWF management handpicked me to be their Chosen One but have not done anything to help me achieve my destiny. Last week, they went a tall henchman to attack me while I was nursing an injury. What kind of employer does that to their workers. Maybe I should go back to Scotland, where they value hardworkers and don't attack their employees. I have become a common american citizen who from now on has a job that is on a day to day basis. I don't know if today may be my last day or the next week.

Josh Matthews: Do you any idea on how you are going to approach your matches now that your job and place in this country is at stake

Drew Mcintyre: I don't know Josh, this is all a tough sitaution to handle. How would you feel if our boss came here and told you that you can be fired at any moment. Doesn't feel good does it. Well that is what I'm going to live through from now on. I have lost everything that I have worked for. I lost my US title and i lost the chance to be Thee Drew Mcintyre. And now the next time I lose, I LOSE MY JOB.

Mcintyre turns around and kicks over a nearby table and walks away frustarted. Josh Matthews is left in front of the interview area shocked at the news by Mcintyre.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!



The crowd lights up as "Whiskey in the Jar" by Metallica hits the PA system and out walks Brother D'Von, headbanging and acting like a wild man as he makes his way down the ramp towards the ring.

Booker T: My man Brother D'Von looks ready to go here tonight!

The King: Oh, he better, Booker, because CM Punk is no joke!

As D'Von rolls into the ring, Punk's theme hits.


The crowd continues to cheer as the "Second City Saint" CM Punk emerges from the back. "Cult of Personality" by Living Colour pumps trhough the loudspeakers as Punk drops down to one knee. He taps his imaginary watch before yelling out "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME!" Punk then begins walking toward the ring.

The King: Here he comes, CM Punk. You might be looking at the next UWF Champion.

Booker T: That very well could be a possibility, King. First he's gotta make it through Brother D'Von, though.

Punk hops onto the apron and enters the ring and stands across from D'Von. The referee then rings the bell and this one is underway.




Both men circle the ring before locking up in the center. D'Von gets the upper hand and places Punk in a headlock. D'Von backs up into the ropes and Punk sends him off of him. D'Von, however, catches Punk with a shoulder block on the rebound. D'Von then stomps on Punk a few times before attempting a camel clutch. D'Von gets it sinched in as Punk tries desperately to break it.

The King: D'Von pulling out a submission hold.

D'Von is trying to apply pressure but Punk is starting to get to his feet. Punk eventually does and D'Von is hanging off his back. Punk then throws himself backwards and into the corner. Punk is released from D'Von's grasp as D'Von takes a breather in the corner. It turns out to be a bad idea, however, as Punk charges at him and hits D'Von with a Shining Wizard! Punk then connects with the bulldog that comes afterwards. Punk then signals for the GTS.

Booker T: Punk's already going for the GTS, King!

The King: If he hits it, it's all over!

Punk does the sleep gesture but, as he does, UWF Champion Edge and Co-GM Zack Ryder pop up on the titantron. This immediately gets Punk's attention.


Zack Ryder: Loser! Looooooooser!

Edge: What are you doing?!

Zack Ryder: Look at him, bro! He's a complete loser!

Edge: Zack, he's CM Punk's best friend. Of course he's a loser!

Edge then looks down at the ring and addresses Punk.

Edge: Just like Punk at Bound For Glory!

The camera pans over to see CM Punk's best friend Colt Cabana tied to a chair and gagged.

The King: Oh my God, Booker.

Booker T: That's CM Punk's buddy Colt Cabana!

Punk immediately ditches the match and runs up the ramp and towards the back. The referee is confused, as is D'Von. The referee has no choice but to count the 10-count.





Booker T: Where was that anyway?

The King: Punk's going to lose this match but I don't think he cares!








D'Von is visibly upset and disappointed as he leaves the ring while his music plays. Meanwhile, the camera finally catches up to Punk as he storms into his own dressing room. There he finds Colt still tied up and gagged. Punk begins untying the ropes as Benoit storms into the room.

Chris Benoit: I came as quick as I could!

Punk doesn't say a word and is only focused on freeing his best friend. As Benoit and Punk attempt to free Cabana, Cabana keeps muffling something. Punk and Benoit don't see Ryder and Edge sneaking out from the bathroom door, Ryder with a steel chair in hand and Edge with his UWF Championship.

The King: Look behind you!

Punk finally ungags Colt as Colt screams out.

Colt Cabana: Phil, look out!

As Cabana says this, Edge clocks Punk in the skull with the UWF Championship belt. At the same moment, Ryder slams the steel chair right into the skull of Chris Benoit. Cabana, who is still tied to the chair, is trying to revive Punk by screaming at him but Ryder shuts him up with a chair shot to the skull as well. Ryder and Edge leave the three men laying unconscious.

Booker T: This whole situation is just going too far!

We then fade into commercial.




Booker T: We got our Main Event coming up man, & I'll tell you what; I can't wait. ]

King: That's right Booker. You won't have to wait much longer because that match is NEXT! Let's go to Lillian in the ring. PUPPIES!


Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!


The music of the COO and Smackdown Superstar Triple H hits the PA System and the crowd explode into cheers. The cheers get even louder as the Game makes his way out from the back and onto the staging, Kevin Nash not far behind. He is in ring gear, a water bottle in hand, as he stares down the ramp. He takes a couple swigs of water as he motions to the crowd that he's the man; making his way down the ramp, the fans cheering on the Game & reaching out to touch him.

Lillian Garcia: Standing 6 ft 4, weighing in at 255 lbs. From Greenwich Connecticut. He's the COO of the UWF. The Game..Triple H!

HHH makes his way around the ring, to the apron; as he hops up; back to the ropes. Nash makes his way ringside as HHH takes on last swig of water before tossing the bottle out to the crowd. He points back & forth to the crowd, before bringing both arms up & unleashing a mist of water into the green lasers that accompany his entrance. He blows out one last bit of water before entering the ring. He climbs each turnbuckle & points to himself then out to the crowd as he hops down & his music fades out.

Booker T: HHH brought some backup it seems, which usually is a trusty sledgehammer.

King: With Kevin Nash Booker, I don't think HHH needs a sledgehammer.

Lillian Garcia: And his Opponent!



Booker T: Oh man, here comes the champion!

It's been a long time, been a long time comin
Looks like the death of me now
But you know, there's no turning back now
This is what makes me - this is what I am

Edge walks out and the boos from the crowd almost drown out the music. He blows off the boos as he continues down the ramp embracing the moment. He makes his way down to the ring and walks up the steps and enters through the ropes. Edge hands over his championship belt, as he stares down HHH in the middle of the ring. Edge gives quick notice to Kevin Nash as well; letting him know that the champion is always watching. The bell rings & this one's under way.




Both men circle middle ring, weighing out the other as they go to lock up. They lock up, as they both try to drive each other to the ropes; to no avail. They dislock, as the fans are fully behind the Game in this match up tonight. They go to lock horns again but Edge is slier with a quick foot to the gut of HHH. Edge follows suit with a couple jabs to the skull of the Game, as he looks to go on the offensive early. Edge drives HHH into the corner, as he delivers kicks & punches. HHH counters a punch and turns the tide throwing Edge into the corner and coming across his chest with a knife's edge chop. The crowd reacts with a huge OOOH.

Booker: Man did you hear THAT?

King: I've been on the wrong side of one of those and they're not fun.

Edge is in pain, as he holds his chest. HHH delivers a couple of quick shots to the head as he drags Edge out middle rope. He goes for a irish whip, awaiting Edge's return. Edge counters with a kick to the head of HHH, standing him up and staggering. Edge bounces off the ropes again & connects with a hard clothesline, dropping HHH to the mat. Edge taunts the crowd a little bit, even going as far to scream I'm your champion! As the crowd continues to boo. Edge turns his attention back to HHH, who takes a few more methodical stomps to the chest.

King: Edge is showing just why he's the champion here tonight.

HHH rolls out the ring to catch a breath real quick, and council with Kevin Nash outside. HHH is back in the ring, as the ref brings a count to five; as Edge charges, but charges right into a huge clothesline from the Game. HHH motions for Edge to get to his feet, as he bounces off the ropes and brings a HUGE high knee up into the face of Edge; who drops down to the mat. Edge is back to his feet, and gets yet another clothesline that drops him; but he's quickly back up again. HHH hits with a kick to the gut, as he grabs Edge's arm & irish whips him into the adjacent ropes. Edge returns & falls right into a huge spinebuster by the Game who covers.

Booker: That was powerful! HHH with the cover man, this could be it!



NO! Edge rolls the shoulder to stay alive!

King:Wow, Edge kicks out & our Main Event continues!

HHH motions for a three count towards the ref, but the ref says no. HHH goes to drag Edge up by the hair. Edge counters with a quick thumb to the eye. Edge with a quick drop kick on HHH, which floors him. He runs his hands through his hair, as on his knees Edge scurries over for the cover.



HHH kicks out!

Booker: I've been in the ring with this man, and I know it's going to take alot more then a drop kick to keep him down

A little frustration is showing on Edge's face, as he had hoped to make this a short night. Edge is back on the offensive as he delivers a couple hard lefts to the head of HHH who is still down on the mat. Edge has HHH up, as he goes to throw a right, HHH counters and hits a right of his own followed by a knee to the gut, and then a hard chop to the chest, sending Edge to the mat. HHH comes off the ropes and brings his knee down on the crest of Edge's head in old HHH fashion. Edge rolls in pain, as he uses the ropes to make his way up. HHH from behind with a chop block to the leg, sends Edge back down, holding his knee. HHH with a cross groin chop in Edge's direction, as the fans are eating it up.

King: This may be the end here Booker

Edge is to his feet, as HHH delivers the kick to the gut. HHH sets up for the pedigree, but Edge counters as he comes up & behind of HHH on the jumping motion. Edge nails a reverse STO, sending both men down to the mat. Edge crawls his way over & gets a arm over the Game.



NO! HHH kicks out right before the hand comes down for three.

Edge is furious, as his eyes are almost bulging from his head. He runs his hands through his hair, as he backs up into the corner against the turnbuckle. He motions with his arm for HHH to get up, as he's jumping a little bit. HHH finally makes his way to his feet, and Edge charges in & connects with a HUGE spear! Edge is quick to cover



NO! Somehow HHH rolls the shoulder & survives!

King: How? How did HHH kick out of that?

Edge rolls over on HHH, as he can't believe that he kicked out. Edge rolls out of the ring & makes his way to the time table to grab his championship. He's unable to retrieve it as Kevin Nash comes around the other side, blocking his path. Edge makes it seem like he's going to take a shot at it, but instead retreats back to the other side & slides back into the ring. HHH is back to his feet as Edge goes for a whip, HHH counters with a side head lock takedown; which Edge reverse into a leg guillotine, which is then broken as both men stand on their feet & the crowd cheers in approval. HHH connects with a hard right, and Edge comes back with a elbow. Edge throws HHH into the corner, and brings another hard elbow to the head of HHH, before irish whipping him into the opposite corner. Edge charges in & buries his shoulder into the gut of the Game. Edge whips the Game back into the opposite corner & goes for another hard shoulder but HHH counters, and sends Edge headfirst into the post. Edge staggers out & right into a spinebuster from HHH. HHH covers.



NO Edge rolls the shoulder, & we go on

Booker: Both men want this match King, but who is going to break first? Who wants this more?

Edge rolls out, as HHH gingerly makes his way to his feet. Edge is up on the apron as HHH looks to go for a suplex. Edge counters with a huge right to the gut. He follows it with another shot to the head. HHH tries the suplex to avail, as Edge comes up & over the ropes into a sunset flip small package. The ref counts.



HHH kicks out!

Edge is quick to his feet and delivers a drop kick to the head of HHH then covers again.


HHH kicks out again!

King: Edge is getting vicious now, he's having some heated words with our ref

Edge is arguing with the ref, as the ref points to the UWF logo on his shirt; letting the champion know he's in charge of this match. Edge is holding up three fingers & pointing towards HHH as to say that he needs to count a three count for him now & name him the winner. The ref shakes his head no & Edge delivers a hard right to the head of the ref, bringing him down & out of this match. The crowd roars in disapproval as Edge exits the ring & Nash slides in to check on HHH. Edge retrieves his championship belt from the time keeper table & slides back into the ring. He sizes up Nash as he screams for him to turn around. Nash turns and Edge charges in, right into a HUGE big boot from Kevin Nash.

Booker: I don't think that's who you want to go after King in this situation.

Nash lowers the strap on one of his arms, as he brings his arm high into the air, his fist clenched. Edge staggers to his feet, and turns into a huge kick to the gut from Nash. Nash brings Edge up high & back down hard connecting with a huge jack knife power bomb, that shakes the ring. The ref stirs as HHH is up, who drags Edge up by his hair. HHH is yelling in Edge's face that he will END this, as he drives his foot deep into the gut of Edge, and brings him down with a pedigree. HHH covers. The ref stirs & drags himself over for the count.





King: HHH is victorious with a little help from Nash over the champion here tonight!

Booker:What does this mean for the Rated R Superstar heading into Bound for Glory?

Triple H is helped up to his feet by Nash and both men begin to celebrate. Edge has rolled out of the ring and is handed his UWF Championship. As Edge is walking up the ramp, an enraged CM Punk hops the guardrail and is all over Edge!

Booker T: Aww man! It's CM Punk!

The King: He's doing this for his friend Colt Cabana!

Punk begins hammering away at Edge, forcing Edge up the ramp and to the top of the stage. As this goes on, Triple H and Nash begin pointing and laughing at it, as if amused by Punk's actions. Then, out of the blue, Damien Sandow and Mike Knox run in from behind and begin assaulting The Kliq!

Booker T: All hell's broken loose, King!

The King: I know this isn't Anarchy, but it sure looks like what the definition of the word is! This is chaos!

We go off the air as Punk and Edge brawl at the top of the ramp and The Kliq and Sandow and Knox are brawling in the ring.


Promos - Respective TTers
Vampiro/Jericho - Andrew
HHH/Edge - MrFetter
Everything Else - The Hoov


SmackDown King of the Ring Finals (4-Way Elimination Match):
Ryback vs. Chris Sabin vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Brother D'Von


UWF Championship:
Edge(c) vs. CM Punk

Three-Way Dance (Last fall inside of a Steel Cage)
UWF United States Championship:
Chris Jericho(c) vs. Vampiro vs. The Undertaker

UWF Hardcore Championship:
Mr. Kennedy(c) vs. Eddie Guerrero

2 on 3 Handicap Match:
The Kliq vs. Damien Sandow, Mike Knox and Enzo Amore
Last edited:


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Re: UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Damn well there goes my goal to get iMPACT up first. 8D

Good show Hoov! It was brilliantly well structured and developed. I could've sworn though that Eddie was part of that KOTR tournament still though for some reason... well at least Brother D'Von is getting his rightfully earned shot at it. Expect a promo from me next week featuring Brother D'Von and a surprise guest. ;)

Good to go Blue Crew!

Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Wow, feels pretty good to be advancing in the KOTR tourney! Got a handful next week though, should be fun. I noticed that I missed some coding for my promo, that shit is gonna bug me!

The show as a whole was good. Not a whole lot of promos, but that's all good because the matches were great! Great show Hoov, proving everybody including myself wrong!

Also Sheamus won that match, you put Ryback in the Fatal Fourway.
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Re: UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Nice show overall. I love the addition of Bischoff but didn't really understand what he is doing. Probably because I missed last week's show. Now my match is an elimination match and it will be a cage match afterwards? That is really good. The opening in ring segment was great. Wonder what will happen in the end of this kind of GM war.


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Re: UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Overall solid episode. Some of the layers for the midcard too me at least could have been cleaner, but ehh it happens from time to time. Good work Blue Crew.


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Re: UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Good show overall from everyone. Leading up to some interesting angles for sure.


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Re: UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Well the night didn't go completely like Edge wanted but... we're def gonna step it up from here on out. Gonna be a whole new game. :)

But the blue show is still kickin and its gettin good. Doin good. But we still not done yet Blue Crew. We not stopping until we are the top show. The best show.


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Re: UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Not going to lie I totally thought for sure Slim was going to win. Not that I'm not happy, I'll take a win (especially a cleanish one) over a legend like Slim any day. So that made my day tbh as its been busy as hell for me. As for the rest of the show, I am loving what I am seeing. Hoov is really out to tell the naysayers off and this is a great show and more of these will surely do it. Smackdown doesn't deserve the shit it gets and I'm happy to see Hoov use it to his advantage. The KOTR on the side of SD looks sweet. I'm hoping for a D'von victory tbh. Its time for Natlav to finally get that win that cements him in the Main Event picture. But I can honestly see that match going any which way. The US Title match sounds awesome and has three up and coming tter's who will do the US title justice. Hopefully this is the start of something beautiful this guy here sure thinks it is :)

Sigma Manatee

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Re: UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Sucks that I lost but otherwise, a great read and a great Smackdown!


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Re: UWF Saturday Night SmackDown! 9/14/13 Edition

Great show overall, was a good sesh with RRS!

The Hoov

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UWF SmackDown! 9/19/13 CARD (Thursday Edition)

Ultimate Wrestling Federation Presents.....


UWF Thursday Night SmackDown!

Last week on SmackDown, the feud between current UWF Champion Edge and number one contender CM Punk was taken to a whole new level as Edge and Co-General Manager Zack Ryder used Punk's best friend Colt Cabana as a pawn in their mind games against Punk and Co-General Manager Chris Benoit. Also, the last spot in the SmackDown King of the Ring bracket was decided as an injured Christopher Daniels somehow managed to squeak a victory by. Not to be outdone but The Kliq had a great night last week with UWF COO Triple H defeating UWF Champion Edge.

Sheamus vs. Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre has been given a creedance by Co-GM Chris Benoit that the next time he loses a match, he will be fired on the spot. To put his passion to the test, Benoit has decided to place McIntyre in a match against "The Celtic Warrior" Sheamus, who was victorious last week in his debut bout against Ryback. Who will prevail in what should be a grueling contest, "The Chosen One" or "The Great White" ?

Executive VP of Talent Relations Kevin Nash vs. Damien Sandow

A match scheduled for last week but due to time constraints it was pulled. This week, however, time has been set aside and dedicated to seeing Nash and Sandow go head-to-head weeks before their handicap tag team encounter at Bound For Glory. Last week, Damien Sandow and Mike Knox both attacked Nash and Triple H from behind at the end of the night so you have to wonder if Nash can gain a bit of revenge or will Sandow pull out all the stops?

El Mesias vs. The Undertaker

Two gigantic warriors go at it this week on SmackDown as La Familia's El Mesias takes on one of the participants in the US Championship Three-Way Dance at Bound For Glory in The Undertaker. Last week, "The Deadman" took out both of his opponents Chris Jericho and Vampiro and made an example out of them. El Mesias attempted to do the same thing with Chavo Guerrero but was not as successful. Which Goliath will stand tall at the end of this match?

Main Event:
SmackDown King of the Ring Finals
4-Way Elimination Match

Ryback vs. Chris Sabin vs. Brother D'Von vs. Christopher Daniels

The final match to determine who represents SmackDown in the King of the Ring finals is upon us and it is to be determined in an elimination-style contest. Chris Sabin is the odd man out in this contest as he is now a contracted iMPACT superstar who qualified for the King of the Ring for SmackDown by defeating Drew McIntyre. Brother D'Von qualified over Chris Jericho, who forfeited his match after being assaulted by The Undertaker. Ryback advanced over Co-GM Chris Benoit as per orders of Co-GM Zack Ryder and, just last week, Daniels advanced by defeating UWF Hardcore Champion Mr. Kennedy. This week, who will prove worthy to compete for the coveted crown?


Vampiro - What are his thoughts on last week and Bound For Glory?

The Kliq - They have asked for some airtime to address their opponents at Bound For Glory.

Eric Bischoff - Will he stir up a little controversy as he returns to the announcer's table this week on SmackDown?

La Familia - Will Eddie explain why he has targeted UWF Hardcore Champion Mr. Kennedy?



The Cutting Edge makes its return to the blue brand as UWF Champion Edge returns to host the controversial segment and, with his guest being Co-GM Chris Benoit, you know that only means trouble!​

Rated R Superstar

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Re: UWF SmackDown! 9/19/13 CARD (Thursday Edition)

I'm pretty damn excited for that main event. Gonna be a fun thread! Gonna start it now!
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