UWF 2012: Past Smackdown Shows & Cards

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Jun 11, 2010
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UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012


We open the show with a blank screen on the tron. Then, the voice of so-called “Best Wrestler In The World” Daniel Bryan is heard over the PA System.

Daniel Bryan: After weeks of being led by a tyrannical madman. After weeks of being controlled by a power-drunk failure, Nigel McGuinness.....or “Desmond Wolfe” is no longer in charge of SmackDown. But, who is in charge around here, you ask? The answer is simple. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!



The crowd immediately begins to boo as “Y.E.S.” Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow make their way down to the ring.


JR: Hello Ladies and Gentlemen to a very surreal edition of UWF SmackDown. I'm “Good Ole' JR” Jim Ross sitting alongside my broadcast partner “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Roddy, what'd ya think about this?

Piper: Oh I love it, JR! These two guys, Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow proved at the Great American Bash that they will do anything to win!

JR: No doubt about that but, Roddy, these guys are running SmackDown now? I mean, Desmond Wolfe is gone. What is gonna happen tonight?

Daniel and Damien reach the ring and climb inside. Daniel grabs some microphones and hands one to Sandow. The music fades out as the crowd is still boo-ing these two men right out of the building. This doesn't fade these men as Daniel continues talking.


Daniel Bryan: For weeks, that pathetic excuse for a General Manager made our lives here on SmackDown a living Hell and we've had to just sit here and endure. He stacked decks against us, He screwed me out of another chance at the World Heavyweight Championship by having me eliminated from the Rumble a few weeks ago, He even screwed us out of a chance to be UWF Tag Team Champions. We are constantly labeled as the villains around here when obviously we're the victims. Victims of someone with an inflated ego and some sense of unplaced self-righteousness. So, we did the non-violent thing to do and we protested to get what we wanted and what was best for all of you because, God knows, you people don't have a clue. I got the greatest gift I could have been given. I got to climb into the ring with Nigel McGuinness and force him to retire!

The crowd boos as Daniel brings that fact up. Daniel has a big smile on his face.

Daniel Bryan: And by doing that I proved once again that I am The Best Wrestler In The World and nobody can take that away from me. Nigel, I know you're licking your chops from the other night and still recuperating but I know you can't resist tuning in, so I want you to listen to my words. I'm not a man who says I told you so but.....Oh wait a second yes I am! I told you stepping into the ring with me was career suicide and look where we are. I'm standing in the ring running SmackDown and you're home in England having Chelsea wipe up after you. Nigel McGuinness is no more which means he's no longer an issue around here.

Daniel looks over to Damien as Damien lifts his microphone up to speak.


Damien Sandow: Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment

The crowd immediately respond with boos not allowing Sandow to finish his trademark opening line.

Damien Sandow: My name is Damien Sandow, and I am here to help each and every single one of you. Just as I have for the past month, for in the span of the allotted time I’ve been given in this ring I have accomplished what I set out to do. Of course the former man in charge found ways of soiling my record, however those tainted losses came at the hands of injustice and underhanded tactics which at the end of the day only served to prove how ignorant the miscreant at the helm was. But now he has departed, not by his own accord but by the hands of Mr. Bryan with a slight assistance on my part. And yet that was not our only victory of the night, as we then sought out to Outsmart, outwit, and outmaneuver the so called “Ultimate Opportunist”. The Great American Bash was the event where we establish our reemergence here on Smackdown, where we establish our dominance over the Smackdown serial from here on out. Leading up to this very night there were several rumors over what would occur at this moment.

Sandow pauses, the crowds hatred rising in volume being the cause, Sandow shakes his head

Thank you for your Irrelevant Opinion

The crowd boos even louder after Sandows comment, he looks almost disgusted as he goes on

Damien Sandow: This is precisely the reason behind why we’ve decided to keep matters calm, Tonight we could have arranged an amazing banquet of celebration. Were instead of a marvelous spread of food, we would feast on the adulation and praise of each and every one of you. Confetti, balloons, streamers, even a pyrotechnics display on the stage to celebrate our glorious night. However, what you all need to realize is that Celebration is for simpletons. We choose not to rot our minds with false bravado, we choose not to waste our time pandering to all of you, for while our victory was grand at the aforementioned Bash…we have not even scratched the proverbial surface. For we still have work to do, in saving you all from the sea of ignorance you all have chosen to dive head first into. We are at a level where common celebration is beneath us. Which is why tonight we do not choose to do what is expect, we are here for very simple reasons…mainly answering a few questions lingering after Sundays event, so without further ado it is time once again for query and answer time.

The crowd boos as Sandow straightens his robe before extending one finger up proposing a question

Damien Sandow: Were Daniel Bryan and Damien Sandow, the aggregation of intelligence, and the dyad known as the acronym Y.E.S. Successful in ridding this company of not only the miscreant running Smackdown, but furthermore ridding this company of the illusion known as the hype behind the Rated-R so called “superstar”?

Daniel Bryan: Yes!

Damien Sandow: Has the Smackdown brand finally been liberated from the chains of ignorance holding it down from it’s true potential, Better yet will we finally be able to accomplish what we are truly capable of now that we for all intents and purposes run this serial?

Daniel Bryan: Yes! Yes!

Damien Sandow: Do Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan deserve above everyone else a reward for their efforts in saving this brand and company, in the form of a contendership for championship gold?

Daniel Bryan: YES! YES! YES!

Damien Sandow: Now that we have enlightened you all with our presence, on behalf of Mr. Bryan to each and every one of you that make up the unwashed masses…You’re We-


The fans suddenly erupt as "Immortal" by Adema blasts through the PA system, the fans are chanting "STING! STING! STING!" as the Icon, himself steps out from the backstage with a sinister glare in his eyes at the members of Y.E.S. While Sting isn't sporting any fancy make-up, he is in a Smackdown T-shirt and has a microphone in his hand.


Sting: Woah, woah, WOAH! Hold up there Damien and Daniel, I don't remember receiving any memo announcing you two as the General Managers of UWF Smackdown! Infact, I remember specifically that position of General Manager is going to be down to one, Jim E. Cornette! But till then boys, it is pretty much anarchy rules, and therefore I'm going to air some dirty laundry about your "victories" at the Great American Bash!

The fans pop as the Stinger looks at Damien Sandow & Daniel Bryan, both them looking smug, basically thinking they're indestructible as the Stinger points at the both of them.


Sting: Firstly, you Damien Sandow! You never had Edge on the ropes, far from it, from what I saw of the match, the Rated R superstar was giving you one ride straight to hell and it was by pure chance that the thought Edge had hit you with the chair, rather than you emerging victorious! In short Damien, it was pure fluke! And, as for you Bryan Danielson! You are the dirtiest piece of work in this industry right now, what was it? Exposed Ring post blows, Brass Knuckles, Steel Chairs and a little help from your buddy over there pretty much secure yourself victory over Desmond Wolfe and now you portray yourself as some kind of hero when in reality you are nothing more than a cocky young thug? I think everyone would agree with me if I said, no, no, NO to Y.E.S!?

The fans pop for the Icon Sting as he keeps a serious face and stares down with Y.E.S, but the Icon isn't done as he makes a suggestion.
Sting: Quite frankly, I am appalled by your conduct, Y.E.S but yet, only one person has had the guts to stand up to you two, Desmond Wolfe and look how that ended due to your underhanded tactics but no more, as I'm issuing you two a proposition that you cannot refuse! At Summerslam, Me and the Samoan Killing Machine, Samoa Joe take on the both of you in a Tag Team Championship match! No more relying on each others interference in a two on one situation, a two versus two matchup but the question is, can you two handle the Black & White Machine when it comes to Showtime!?

Sandow and Bryan look at one another for a moment before Sandow lifts back his microphone


Damien Sandow: If it isn't the grand hypocrite of the Ultimate Wrestling Federation, Well Sting as far as running this brand it isn't a matter of whose name be on the door it be a matter of who decides things in the long run. Mr. Bryan and Myself decided we didn't like Desmond Wolfe and we took care of the matter accordingly, however don't let that distract from the fact that you two are the unfit and unjustifiably crowned UWF Tag Team Champions. For during our Match it was your partner who decided not to show up, and yet once the match had occurred and Desmond Wolfe got involved he decided to insert himself back into the match and for some reason this was allowed by UWF Officials. Now as far as your Proposal goes...while we would often pass at the thought of having to soil our extremities of the filth known as the Black and White machine, we have these people to think about and we feel countenance to the opportunity...Therefore we see approbation to the proposal as the only course of action and thus will be doing so as of now.

Sandow turns to Daniel Bryan to steps up

Daniel Bryan: in other words, as far as the answer to your challenge goes...Yes!...Yes!...Yes!

Damien Sandow: Thank you Mr. Bryan for clearing that matter up, and Mr. Sting when you go back there and tell Mr. Joseph of what you've just done please relay my message. For us relieving you of those championships will result in us relieving you of the pressure of you being exposed for the frauds you really are, You're Welcome.

Sting smiles as nods his head as he wraps everything up.

Sting: No, no, no, Sandy! You're welcome, oh by the way... Turn around boys! Ta-tar for now!

Sting walks away as both Damien Sandow & Daniel Bryan turn around into a huge big double clothesline from Samoa Joe! The crowd erupts as Daniel Bryan gets back to his feet first and eats a Samoan Drop from Joe before Sandow tries to intervene and eats a boot to the gut before suffering the Island Driver! The fans go nuts as Joe spits on both men and picks up a microphone.

Samoa Joe: Come Summerslam, y'all gonna be crying for yo momma's 'cause I'm out to get both of your asses. You don't disrespect the 'code'.

The fans erupt into cheers as Samoa Joe hits the deck and rolls out of the ring before marching up the entrance, UWF Smackdown takes it to the backstage.

SmackDown now heads backstage, where we can see the European Champion Rob Van Dam standing with Fonzie, talking to each other ...



Listen to me daddy! You don't owe that guy nothin'! You won this title rightfully! He didn't have chance and he knew it, that's why he walked out daddy and that's why you're the European Champion right now, baby! It was his fault, that he left the ring, he knew, that he hadn't chance against Mr. Friday Night! He ...

RVD suddenly interrupts Fonzie ..


Whoa, hold on Fonz ... I owe that guy somethin'. He helped me, even though I didn't need it. But he made my fight easier and that's what I admire. And hey, I think he would be a great ... you know ... partner. We can't bring back Sabu. He's old and I bet he's out of his form, even The Sheik himself doesn't want to let him compete under his wings, you know what I mean? The thing is that, The Whole Fuckin' Show, could be a double champion again and that feeling to be double champ is awesome dude. And you know, even the coolest man on the planet, Rob Van Dam, could be even cooler, than he is right now. If we can cooperate with him and RVD will get two matches at next PPV, I could retain and become a new champion at one show. Now tell me, how awesome is that, no, I will tell you, it's fuckin' awesome! And dude, how about being a triple champion ... at next PPV, retaining my European title and become new tag team champion, but dude ... at the Pay-Per-View, after this next Pay-Per-View, if the plans will go my way, Rob Van Dam will have the chance to become World Champion. Sounds good to me, RVD, the champion of champions ... then I can give that title as a gift to him and ....

RVD suddenly looks past Fonzie's shoulder ...


Whoa, speaking of the devil ...

Fans cheer when all of a sudden the superhero of the UWF comes out of the corner Rey Mysterio begins to speak

Rey Mysterio: Rob, Fonz... Look I hope your appreciative of what I did this Sunday. I did what I did because I only thought it was in the best of interest, and justice that you stay as the European champion. Rob I did what you did, and now you have to do a favor for me. See Rob there is a huge evil here in the UWF, there is evil everywhere we go here in the halls, and that is why RVD for every great super hero. They need a great sidekick, they need someone they know they can trust, and Rob you are that someone. So RVD I wanna know, will you be interest in joining my justice league, and helping me claim the UWF tag team championship.

When Rey finishes his last sentence Fonzie is about to rush on Rey Mysterio, but RVD just holds him back and speaks ...


Okay Rey, I admire everything you've done so far, but you keep on forgetting, who's the European Champion here, so let me remind you, it's me, RVD. And the thing is that ... I ain't someone's sidekick dude, I may be your partner, but I'm not someone's sidekick, I don't what really is under that mask, but I guess, there's not enough space for a normal human brain. Let's just say, it was just a misunderstoodment or I heard somethin' wrong. But really, if you want to clear UWF ring from all those dirty, so called, criminals, I think I can help you with that. And dude, let's just say, that those UWF Tag Team Championships are just a little cherry on top of the cake. As a matter of fact, when we get together, when put our heads together and fight like a one men, I guess we can take over the whole UWF RAW. I mean, I'm already The Whole Fuckin' show, but I always care about other people and their needs, so it would be all about you, updating your UWF career status to ... "Being the best in the company, of course, after the God himself - Rob Van Dam". That was the funny part, but now in all seriousness man, you wanna fight, I wanna fight, so let's fight for something worthy. You wanna clear UWF, I want another title hanging on my shoulder. So, let me just ask you a question dude ... are you ready, to smoke some asses, with Mr. every day in the fuckin' week, Rob Van Dam?

RVD just positions his hand for a handshake, while Fonzie says his part ...


You should do that daddy! 'Cause without Rob Van Dam you're nothin'! Just a masked mascot, hoping around the ring, but with us, you're gonna become a masked phenom daddy! Shake that hand, before it's too late baby! But not too late for us, but for you!We already have what we want, it's just us helping us you out daddy! You think, you're gonna clear UWF yourself? All alone? Well, you can think that, but you're NOT, gonna do it all by your own! You need help of Rob Van Dam daddy! And you know it!

Fonzie stands behind RVD, Rob is still waiting for the handshake, Rey ultimately shakes RVD hands and he begins to speak

Rey Mysterio: Rob we got ourselves a deal. We will become the best super hero team ever, so with honor of you joining I give you this.

Rey pulls out a button the button seems to have something on it. The reading on the button says "619 Justice League"

Rey Mysterio: This right here shows your honorary membership to the 619 justice league. With this you will have access to the 619 lair... which is not a janitors closet as most people call it but a lair where we can have fun, and make sure the streets of the UWF are clean. RVD and Rey Mysterio.... the super team of the UWF, and soon Rob everyone will see the light, and want to become heroes as well. So Rob here it is your official membership. Now Rob I could sit here all day, and talk about other great things, but I must patrol the streets, and make sure nothing is going wrong here in the UWF. Alas...

Rey gives Rob his button as he jumps away and starts pretending he is flying. Fonz tries to look at the button as Rob just shrugs and smiles ...


Cool ...

SmackDown then moves onto its first match.

Fade. We return to the arena where Lillian Garcia is in the ring, ready to introduce the next match.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first...


'Broken In Out In Love' hits the PA system, the haunting first strums of the guitar mean one thing, and our suspicions are correct as Bray Wyatt walks out from behind the curtain. Not saying a word. Just staring ahead. Bray Wyatt walks down the ramp not making eye contact with anybody. He slowly and stately walks up the ring steps and along the ring apron. As Bray Wyatt goes to climb into the ring, he begins to chuckle before hopping into the ring and preparing for his match.

Lillian Garcia: He is the Reverend Bray Wyatt!

Darkness falls over the arena as the fans cheer, some of them out of anticipation, others out of lack of knowing how to react. Suddenly a young voice begins to recite a familiar poem.

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.
From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the titantron screen lights up with the entrance video of the "Icon".


As the crowd erupts into cheers, "Immortal" by Adema begins to play as the fans are joined by the one and only Sting as he makes his way from the backstage area and enters through the curtain, turning the corner and appearing on the stage before them all. Sting stops and outstretches his arms and leans back, letting out a loud and passionate, "Wooooo!" before making his way down the ramp. He makes his way down the ramp, darting over to the steel steps as he reaches the end of it. He ascends the steps and walks along the apron, stepping through the ropes as he walks to the opposite side of the ring and prepares for his match.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Well, let’s see how Bray Wyatt does without Eli Cottenwood at ringside?

Roddy Piper: Ahhh, Sting now has Bray Wyatt’s number, I think!

Sting chuckles as he stares down at Bray Wyatt, Wyatt does a cross across his chest before steps up to the Icon, Sting. The two men get into eachother’s faces, both arguing with eachother before Bray Wyatt takes a cheap shot at the Icon with a right hook; Sting stumbles backwards as Bray Wyatt unloads with a second one but Sting blocks the third attempt and returns fire with a thunderous chop back, straight across the chest of Bray Wyatt. Wyatt gasps for air as Sting unloads with a second chop across the chest, the fans are going nuts as Sting goes follow up but Bray Wyatt delivers a knee to a gut of Sting before drilling him with a DDT, Bray Wyatt quickly makes the cover.



Sting kicks out!

The fans cheer as the Icon kicks out, Bray Wyatt grabs Sting by the hair and hoists him up before slapping Sting across the face, Sting doesn’t look impressed as Bray Wyatt goes to hoist Sting up for the Urn-age but Sting elbows Bray Wyatt in the side of the head and pushes him away before charging into the ring ropes, Sting rebounds back and delivers a clothesline knocking Wyatt down to the canvas; Wyatt rolls to the outside and looks for Eli Cottonwood for safety but the Big man is suspended from ringside.

Jim Ross: Noone to save you this time, Wyatt!

Roddy Piper: Don’t take Bray Wyatt as a fool JR!

Sting follows Bray Wyatt in hot pursuit but Bray Wyatt quickly rolls back into the ring as Sting climbs up on the ring apron, Bray Wyatt clobbers Sting, sending Sting off the ring apron, straight into the fan barricade. Sting gasps for air as referee Jack Doan tells Bray Wyatt to bring Sting back into the ring, Bray Wyatt chuckles and climbs out of the ring and grabs Sting and hoists him up before dropping him across the barricade once more! Bray Wyatt the tosses Sting into the ring, the ruckus of boos are deafening as Bray Wyatt climbs ontop of the Icon looking for the pin.



Jim Ross: Well Roddy, this match is over!

Roddy Piper: You never know JR!

Sting kicks out once again.

The fans are fully behind Sting as he rolls his shoulder off the canvas, the cheers are deafening as Sting is lifted back to his feet by Bray Wyatt, Bray Wyatt Irish Whips Sting across the ring into the opposite turnbuckle; Bray Wyatt then charges across the ring going to sandwich Sting but the Icon dives out of the way as Wyatt slams straight into the turnbuckles, Sting then pulls himself up onto the second ring rope and dives off nailing Wyatt with a Diving DDT! The fans go nuts as Sting rolls Bray Wyatt onto his back and hooks the leg of Wyatt.



Roddy Piper: Now JR, this match could be over!

Jim Ross: You could be right, Hotrod!


Bray Wyatt gets a shoulder up!

The fans can’t believe it as the Angel in the Dirt gets his shoulder off the canvas, Sting shakes his head and picks himself up and prepares himself to deliver the Scorpion Death Drop to Bray Wyatt when suddenly Y.E.S invade the ring! Sting quickly clotheslines Daniel Bryan but Damien Sandow manages to get a huge big boot to face of the Icon as Jack Doan signals the bell, disqualifying Bray Wyatt.

*Ding Ding Ding*


Winner via disqualification at 07:23:

Wyatt chuckles as he rolls out of the ring and begins to casually walking up the entrance ramp, not phrased by disqualification. Meanwhile, in the ring, Sandow & Bryan begin to stomp away on the Icon Sting, suddenly the fans erupt as Samoa Joe slides into the ring but both members of Y.E.S once again bail once more, Samoa Joe snarls and roars as he checks on his tag partner while both members of Y.E.S look incredibly smug on the entrance ramp.

JR: Well it looks to me Hot Rod that the tag team Championship match is on if that is any indication Hot Rod.

Piper: It would be nice if we had a General Manager to make things official but I guess word of mouth will have to do at the moment.

Joe continues to check out Sting as Y.E.S. continue to look happy on the staging as Smackdown heads to the back.

The camera’s cut backstage in the interview area and the audience cheers – knowing one of their favorite (or not so favorite) superstars would appear shortly. Josh Matthews walks into the view with a neat suit and smile on his face as he raises the microphone up to his lips, beginning the interview.

Josh Matthews: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome – John Cena!

The audience explodes in cheers as John Cena walks into view, dressed in his typical ring gear. Cena has a huge smile on his face, with his hands on his hips as he slowly breaths in pain. Josh Matthews greets Cena, as he asks the first question.


Josh Matthews: John, after a insane performance in U.W.F.’s first ever King of the Mountain, some dubbed it as ‘the best match in U.W.F. history’. What are your thoughts on the performances by yourself and the rest of the men in the match this past Sunday?

John Cena takes a deep breath in pain, as he rubs his chin for a moment before taking a step forward, speaking.

John Cena: To start off Josh, it’s never easy losing a championship match. Especially when you try so hard to achieve somethin’ you know that deep down inside you can do. You just – haven’t done it yet. And y’know, that’s exactly how I feel about this past Sunday at The Great American Bash. I had the biggest advantage goin’ into this match – everyone was on my back because they knew I was goin’ to walk out the World Heavyweight Champion. More importantly, I knew I was going to become World Heavyweight Champion that night. It’s just when something big is on the line, I can’t seem to emerge victorious any more. Last month at Backlash, I had the opportunity of a life time to destroy the New World Order before it can cause any more harm. Randy Orton defeated me, and now I’m on his list of ‘victims’. This month, I lost again and now? Now it’s over. I sit alone at night some times and think, and as corny as it might sound Josh – I think. I think why? Why can’t I get the job done? I have the most momentum headin’ into these things and I can never get the job done. In this case, I couldn’t become the World Heavyweight Champion. Though, I’m blamin’ it on one man and one man only – Ted DiBiase Junior. I’ll get to him and The Big Slow later.

The audience cheers John Cena, as it’s one hundred percent clear his sense of humor is still with him after the insane match he was involved in last Sunday. Cena nods his head as he continues.

John Cena: This past Sunday night Josh, me and five other men put on one hell of a show! We easily without of a doubt stole the show with our performance in the King of the Mountain match and even though I didn’t get the job done – we proved without a shadow of a doubt how passionate we were over the World Heavyweight Championship. We would go to drastic measures to be called ‘the man on SmackDown’ such as moves off of the hangin’ penalty box, ladder spills and much more dangerous measures. Which brings me to my next point, as you all already know, there was a new champion crowned at the Great American Bash. And, as much as it pains me to say this – the man no one believed who was goin’ to win, Ted DiBiase Junior is the new World Heavyweight Champion. I planned on congratulatin’ Ted, but realizin’ the way he won the championship makes me sick to my stomach. Ted didn’t deserve to be in the match in the first place, and to have him hire, hmm, The Big Show to get the job done doesn’t make him a real champion – it makes him a coward! I hope you thanked The Big Show with a fat paycheck, Ted because he’s the only reason you’re the World Heavyweight Champion!

The audience explodes in cheers at John Cena once again, who shook his head in disappointment toward Ted DiBiase Junior and The Big Show’s alliance as Josh Matthews asked his final question.

Josh Matthews: This brings me to my final question, John, what are your goals now that Ted DiBiase Junior is the World Heavyweight Champion and he and The Big Show is ‘running SmackDown now’?

The audience boos at the thought of The Big Show and Ted DiBiase Junior, and John Cena runs his tongue through the top of his teeth, as he raises his eyebrow in interest. Cena takes off his cap and brushes his hair back as he answers the question.

John Cena: Josh, despite the fact Teddy boy is the World Heavyweight Champion and he has The Big Show as his boyfriend doesn’t mean a damn thing. In fact, I still believe and will keep believin’ that the CeNation run SmackDown! The CeNation run this company as a whole!

The audience loudly cheers and releases a ‘Cena! Cena! Cena!’ chant that echoes throughout the arena. John Cena nods his head with a smile on his face, as he continues.

John Cena: To answer your question, Josh, Ted DiBiase Junior is a fraud. He isn’t the World Heavyweight Champion, and The Big Show sold out. Show, you sold out at the wrong time, because John Cena is in need of a fight. Ted, Show, I want some and you better believe I will get some! Then you will all realize that the REAL champ is here!

John Cena exits the view, and Josh Matthews has a surprised expression on his face as the cameras fade to black. Will Cena get some? Tune in, folks!


Edge walks out on stage to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.

He walks down towards the middle of the ramp and then does his pose as the pyro goes off.

Rated “R” Superstar Edge:
So at the Great American Bash, I lost.

The fans immediately start booing after that statement.

Rated “R” Superstar Edge:
I lost due to a trick that I would normally pull off so to Sandow I say congrats but I also say you better watch yourself. Because right now you are walking around with your head held high because you won. You won via DQ but a win is a win. But in that match you also understood that I’m not someone to take lightly. That I am more of a challenge than you ever anticipated. You gave me everything that you had but it wasn’t enough. You wanted to have your friend come out to help and he wasn’t enough. He just didn’t have enough. You didn’t have enough. You had to bring a chair into the ring and with your misstep you hit yourself. But I made a lapse in judgment and that was my mistake and that is what cost me my match. That is what cost me my return match. That is what cost me my return match but guarantee you that this is not the last that you will see of me.

Oh no this is just the beginning. This is just one of those things that I’m going to get over. This works for me because now the pressure of being undefeated has been lifted off of me. Because the loss is already there. Albeit not by pinfall but there is a loss on my record which means from here on out all I have to deal with is a winning streak and the only question now is who is going to be my first victim. I don’t care who it is that is going to be inside of the ring against me. It could be Sandow, it could be anybody from Smackdown, it could be anybody from Raw, anybody from the audience… it doesn’t matter. Because all I’m saying is Edge is back and after getting that match out of the way… I’m ready. I’m ready to take over. I’m ready to dominate, I’m just ready to do what I do best.

Rated “R” Superstar Edge:
I’m going to come down to this ring, I’m going to look my opponent in the eye, and I’m going to let them know that before the match is over they are going to taste the spear… spear… spear. And then in the end… that person will be victim number one of Edge’s new list… Edge’s hit list. I’m going to reign supreme and I’m going to make sure that I will soon become the new world heavyweight champion. So this is the challenge… whoever it is… bring everything you have. Bring everything you got. And know that in the end… you just did not have enough.

Edge drops the mic and puts his shades back on and poses for the crowd as his theme plays.

Commercial Break


Commercial Break

The screen loads up from the arena to the backstage area, where Christy Hemme is standing by with The Antichrist of Professional Wrestling, Jeff Hardy.


Christy Hemme: Jeff, everyone watch this Sunday when you and five other men fought for the World Heavyweight Championship in the first ever six man King of the Mountain match and on the night, it was Ted DiBiase that came out on top. My question to you Jeff, is, what's next?

Jeff Hardy: What's next? What's next for Jeff Hardy, is what has always been for Jeff Hardy. Becoming the World Heavyweight champion was always a plan.... not the plan. It would have helped me reach my goal a lot sooner yes, but if I have to blind-side the title for a moment, and go for my goals the long way round, that's okay. Ted DiBiase, congratulations. Well done for having the brains to know you could not win the match on your won, and you had to pay your way to the championship buy employing The Big Show. That, is another tactic Christy that shows what is wrong with modern professional wrestling. It's not about who is the best anymore, it is all politics. Ted DiBiase never impressed like I did last night. Like when I jumped off the penalty box and clotheslined John Cena. When I moonsaulted Cena, DiBiase and Ambrose all at the same time, there was nothing of the sorts from him. So while I don't find myself in the title hunt right now, where I do find myself is at a shortcut to where I want to be.

I.... I don't understand Jeff.


My goal all along has been to change Smackdown into a place that professional wrestlers from my era can actually be proud of. A place that maybe one day my brother can walk into and feel a sense of nostalgia, instead of the determining factors that make the UWF this overproduced, over planned business environment that it is today. Smackdown currently has no general manager. It has no leader, no.... direction. This is my chance to steer this show into a direction where I can feel at home... and where the hardcore fans of wrestling... can truly appreciate. If you excuse me.....
Jeff Hardy walks off and leaves Christy to thinking about what Jeff has said.

The camera’s open up backstage in the locker room area, and it is immediately revealed whose locker room it is. The camera’s cut to the right and we see John Cena speaking with fellow Diva Maria Kaneillis! Cena nods his head with an un-interested expression on his face, as Maria babbles on about something, as Cena cuts in and begins to speak.


John Cena: C’mon, Maria. Look on the bright side, I don’t think you’re as stupid as everyone thinks. In fact, I find you pretty attractive. You’re better looking than most of the girls in the back, believe me.

Maria Kaneillis has a huge smile on her face, as she jumps up and down in excitement. John Cena has a grin on his face, as he slowly leans in on to Maria and goes for a kiss.


Suddenly, John Cena’s locker room door opens up and the camera’s cut to right immediately. The man who entered Cena’s locker room was The Big Show, Ted DiBiase Junior’s partner in crime. Show slowly walks up to Cena, and stares him down. Maria, in fear quickly makes her way out of the locker room as Cena breaks the silence.

John Cena: What do you want?

Big Show shakes his head as he looks at Maria with a sly look. Before turning his attention to Cena.

The Big Show: Are you playing dumb, so you can be on the same level as your fans now John? I'm pretty sure you know what I'm here for, and that's because I didn't like what you did earlier. Myself, and Ted are taking over and we don't want your stupidity and ignorance ruining our plans.

John Cena stares up at Big Show with a smile on his face. Cena looks down as he soaks in what Show has just said, before speaking.

John Cena: It’s funny you say ‘stupidity and ignorance’, Show because if anyone’s stupid and ignorant, it’s you. Everything I said earlier tonight was the truth! You sold out – you sold your soul to the devil, Show! DiBiase didn’t deserve that win, he’s a prick and you’re just that much of a prick for workin’ with him. Why? Why’d you do it? Man, I used to call you a friend and now I don’t even know what to call you. You took the easy way out! The rest of us who didn’t win busted our asses in that match, while your boyfriend hid in the penalty box until you arrived!

The audience cheers as John Cena continues to stare at Big Show, while Show stands in place unimpressed with his hands on his hips. Cena continues.

John Cena: You and Ted are takin’ over? Is that so? How much money did he pay you, Show? Why would you work with that clown? Tell me, I don’t care how much money he would pay me – I would not sell out to these people! It just ain’t gonna’ happen, and to think you did? It makes me sick to my stomach so whatever plans you two had you best believe I’m gonna’ ruin ‘em!

The audience continues to cheer for John Cena, and Big Show nods his head with a agreeable expression on his face. Show responds to Cena’s statement.

The Big Show: John, you’re right, I don’t know what I was th-…

Bam! The Big Show knocks John Cena out with a W.M.D, and the audience sit in shock as Show stares down at Cena, snarling. The audience begins a “You sold out! You sold out! You sold out!” chant as Show walks off the scene laughing.




Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall ,Introducing first, from the State of Tennessee, Double J Jeff Jarrett.


Jarrett struts his way down the stage before he starts to walk down the rampway, turning towards the crowd and mouthing off to them as the simply answer back with boos. Jarrett runs up the steps and quickly gets in the ring posing in the middle of the ring before turning his attention towards the stage as his music is cut off.

The microphone is handed to Ricardo.



Well known theme of Alberto Del Rio once again hits the PA system of the arena and Alberto rides out from backstage area in shining white limo.


Ricardo Rodriguez: Señoras y señores,
Es para mí un gran honor presentar a ustedes aquí,
Un hombre de gran regalías
Un hombre con una inteligencia superior
haciendo su debut aquí en Smackdown
Él es, Albertoooo Del Rrrrrrrio!

As Ricardo finishes introduction of Alberto Del Rio, Alberto gets before his huge falling firework and fans gives him mixed reaction. Alberto is all smiles as he gets into the ring and prepares for his match.



The bell rings and a hush hits the arena as Jarrett and Del Rio tie up in the center of the ring. This should be interesting as Jarrett is quick to force Del Rio into a headlock, but not for too long as Del Rio uses the ropes to slingshot Jarrett off of the ropes and Jarrett comes back into a big shoulder block from the man craving to become the European Champion. Del Rio is quick to bounces off the ropes as Jarrett rolls onto his stomach as Del Rio leaps over him. Del Rio again continues his momentum and Del Rio goes low forcing Jarrett to jump high into the air and spread his legs sending Del Rio into the ropes one more time. Del Rio shoots off the ropes and Jarrett grabs him looking for a hiptoss, but Del Rio uses the momentum to switch sides before sending Jarrett to the mat with an arm drag takedown. Once on the mat Jarrett is stuck in Del Rio’s world as Del Rio begins wrenching the arm and shoulder of Jarrett, perhaps working up for his finishing move. The ref, Mike Chioda is in a perfect spot to get a good look, but the vet Jarrett doesn’t give up, instead the wily vet uses his momentum to get Del Rio into a pinning predicament.



Del Rio realizing he is in trouble lets go of the hold. He gets to his feet cursing his mistake as Jarrett gets to his knees, Del Rio takes out his frustration by kicking Jarrett square in the face. The impact sends the Founder of TNA outside of the ring to which again Del Rio curses.

Man this match is already a classic JR, and it hasn’t even really started yet, you can almost feel the animosity between the two with every move. It reminds me of Hogan.

Why does it remind you of Hogan, Hot Rod?

Because if I ever see that bald haired bitch I’m gonna kick him in the little hullkamanias.

Del Rio chases Jarrett out of the ring and finds Jarrett taking refuge at the steel steps, Del Rio goes to attack, but Jarrett brings his elbow into El Burrito’s gut before slamming his skull into the steel steps. Jarrett laughs before sending Del Rio’s head into the steps a second time. “When I get done with you Al, you are going to be lucky to be working at Taco Bell hombre.” Jarrett grabs Del Rio and turns him around before rushing and throwing Del Rio head first into the steel ring post on the opposite side. The crowd is strongly behind Jarrett in this match, his trashtalking over the past week has earned him support. Jarrett again, showing how personal the feud is slams Del Rio’s face into the canvas. Realizing he is on the verge of being counted out he tosses Del Rio into the ring before following after him. Del Rio crawls over to the ropes and begins trying to pull himself up. Jarrett sees his disoriented foe and helps him to his feet and turns him around to face Jarrett. Jarrett spends the next moment nailing him with a hard knife edge chop, that is so hard it puts a welt onto Del Rio’s chest.

Oh god! What an impact!

God I love grudge matches.

“You don’t like my style, I’ll show you how we do it in the old US of A!” Jarrett sends Del Rio off the ropes, Del Rio comes back and Jarrett catches Del Rio before putting him up into the air and connecting with a flapjack. The crowd cheers as Jarrett covers his opponent.



Del Rio kicks out!

Jarrett nods his head in mocking respect as he drags Del Rio to his feet and tosses him hard into the corner of the ring. Jarrett begins kicking Del Rio in the abdomen several times as Chioda counts to the traditional five count. At 4 Jarrett backs off giving Del Rio only a moment of reprieve. Jarrett is quick to grab Del Rio and prepares to slingshot him into the opposite corner, but Del Rio counters and using all the strength he can muster after the attack sends Jarrett sailing stomach first into the opposite corner. Jarrett comes out with his back turned towards Del Rio, a mistake Alberto capitalizes as he grabs Jarrett from behind and with the strength he has in the tank hits Jarrett with a german suplex. The crowd boo but some cheer the effort of both men as both men send time on the ground catching their respective breaths.

Oh what a bone jarring suplex that greats like Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, and Kurt Angle all used in their craft and now Alberto Del Rio is the latest in the name of greats to use the move.

Are you calling Del Rio great JR? What crack have you been smoking?

Del Rio has the potential to be great Roddy, but to be truthful it was more about the move then Del Rio.

Jarrett is dazed as Del Rio gets to his feet Del Rio begins to feel it now must to the chagrin of the crowd. “Come on Jack Jacket. I’ve got a lesson to teach you on style!” Jarrett doesn’t like the way Del Rio uses his name and runs after the Mexican Aristocrat, only for Del Rio to catch him and put him into the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! The crowd jeer as Del Rio goes for the cover.



Jarrett gets a shoulder up.

Del Rio, if he is surprised by only a two count doesn’t show it, as he gets up and immediately kicks Jarrett’s arm. Jarrett lets out a scream of pain before Del Rio begins to stand on top of Jarrett’s arm before jumping up into the air and coming down on his right arm. The crowd boos but Del Rio knows what he is doing, as Jarrett’s arm may well be broken. Jarrett screams in agony holding his arm in a seated position before Del Rio gives Jarrett a sharp kick right into the spine of Jarrett. Jarrett’s arm in serious trouble and a sharp pain in his back, the technical Del Rio goes for the cover.



3.. NO!

Jarrett manages to get a shoulder up but it looks painful.

I am worried Hot Rod about Jarrett’s arm, the founder of TNA hasn’t been able to move it since Del Rio jumped on it.

We all know Del Rio’s looking to apply that cross armbreaker of his JR, if he locks it on here I think Double J will tap quicker than JR hits the bathroom after having a burger.

Del Rio stands and throws up his arms and smiles his cocky smile which infuriates the crowd. Del Rio doesn’t care as he mocks the crowd in Spanish before turning back to Jarrett still on the ground holding his right arm close to his chest. Del Rio brings Jarrett to his feet with absolutely no urgency, Del Rio must think he has the match well in hand and by looking at Jarrett who could blame him. Del Rio sets Jarrett’s right arm into position for the double knee armbreaker, but Jarrett seems to have some fight left in him as he tries swinging at Del Rio with his left hand. Jarrett is not a natural lefty and can’t hit Del Rio who brings his left elbow into Jarrett’s temple. Del Rio seems to be insulted by Jarrett’s attempt and brings the same elbow down onto his right arm. Jarrett screams in pain before Del Rio really adds the pressure by coming down on the arm full force with a double knee armbreaker. The crowd boos loudly as Del Rio slowly walks over towards his opponent, again with no urgency. Del Rio shows how personal the match is by pinning his opponent with an elbow on his head.



3.. NO

Jarrett manages to get a shoulder up but just in the nick of time. Del Rio smiles in bewilderment surprised Jarrett just doesn’t call it a day. But Del Rio isn’t going to care as it means all the more punishment onto Jarrett.

I’m getting a sick feeling in my gut Hot Rod that Del Rio is merely playing with Jarrett here. If that’s the case, maybe Jarrett should just lay down and save his career.

Of course Del Rio is playing with him JR. If I could destroy Hogan I would, just because its personal. Sure both these men want to be European Champion, but if Jarrett’s arm is broken Del Rio gets there without any trouble.

Del Rio is indeed toying with Jarrett as he heads into the corner and stands nonchalant waiting for Jarrett to struggle to his feet, Del Rio smiles as Jarrett gets there and Del Rio picks him up into a fireman’s carry. Del Rio has a smile on his face as he is preparing for the gutbuster but Jarrett uses his left arm to begin clobbering the side of Del Rio’s head. Del Rio is forced to drop Jarrett who lunges at Del Rio with everything he has and drops him to the mat with a nasty clothesline. The crowd cheer as Del Rio is down, Jarrett tries desperately to get some feeling but cannot. Seeing as his right arm is useless, at least for now Jarrett goes into his play book and grabs the leg of Del Rio. The crowd begin cheering loudly as Jarrett prepares to go for the Figure Four leglock, but Del Rio kicks him in the ass and Jarrett goes flying arm first into the corner. Del Rio kips up impressively before grabbing Jarrett and his arm one more time before bringing him down to the mat with a single arm DDT.

God dammit! That arm of Jeff Jarrett has got to be broken now, every move Del Rio has made has been in order to destroy the right arm, the good arm, of Jeff Jarrett.

This match is brutal JR, but you got to give credit to both men, Del Rio showing his intelligence, but Jarrett is showing big guts here tonight.

Del Rio’s smile is gone now having realized how close Jarrett came to embarrassing him with one arm at that. Del Rio begins stalking his opponent, it is clear Del Rio has only one thing planned and that is to lock on the armbreaker and break Jarrett’s arm once and for all. Jarrett isn’t moving however and Del Rio is getting impatient he is about to move onto Jarrett when suddenly…


The crowd goes nuts as out of the stage pops the European champion Rob Van Dam and his new partner, Smackdown’s resident superhero, Rey Mysterio. RVD has a mic in his hand. He and Rey high five in the air.

Rob Van Dam:
Dude, that is so awesome, I might have to make it part of my entrance. But hey, Del Rio, brah, what’s your beef? I been hearing backstage that you think you have what it takes to bring down Mr. Friday Night, Mr Fin Europe. Well I had to come out here using my new 619 beeper thing, and tell you, anytime you want shot, you got it because old ROB… VAN… DAM… doesn’t back down.

The crowd is going nuts as Del Rio begins insulting Van Dam and telling him to come down to the ring right now, he wants his European title shot now. Del Rio backs up in the ring to give Van Dam room to get into the ring, but so focused is he on Van Dam he forgets about his opponent. Jarrett comes up on Del Rio’s left side and using his left arm Jarrett hits the Stroke and the crowd goes nuts.

Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! I thought I was going to have one when RVD and Mysterio popped out.

A one armed Stroke. I feel like there is a really joke in there somewhere.

Jarrett with everything he has left in his tank makes the cover.





Here is your winner at 17:56: Double J Jeff Jarrett!

Van Dam and Rey Mysterio share a look.

Van Dam:
Did I do that? Oops!

Van Dam and Mysterio feign innocence knowing they have just stopped an injustice. Jarrett has managed to slide out of the ring where the UWF doctor has rushed out to begin working on him. The last shot we see is of Del Rio looking up the ramp at RVD, Del Rio now wants the European title even more.

Commercial Break


Commercial Break

Dean Ambrose is shown walking around backstage as Josh Matthews quickly runs up to him and begins to speak.

Josh Matthews
Dean, Dean Ambrose excuse me.

Dean stops and angrily looks at Josh

Josh Matthews
I'm sorry Dean but the whole world is wondering what your thoughts are about losing the World Heavyweight Championship this past Sunday, to Ted Dibiase once again.


Dean Ambrose
Well your half right about that claim. Something that has been happening to me for the past month happened again at the Great American Bash…I didn’t win. Notice I didn’t say I lost. Out of all the losses on my record, I’ve only been pinned three times and two of those were via roll up. When it comes to one on one competition, I don’t lose. I did lose the World Heavyweight Championship to Ted, but I'm still the real World Heavyweight Champion. I was never pinned once like that fake excuse for a champion. Instead of making his own path, he's simply following his fathers footsteps. He may think it was the smart thing to do but could he have picked a worse accomplice than the Big Show? Wasn't his last match here in UWF against me when I won the Hardcore Title? How long ago was that? Four months? I took out the world's largest athlete for four months and he decides to comes back with Ted Dibiase. Notice that he didn't do a damn thing to me Sunday. He attacked Batista. It was pretty much the two of them taking on Batista while I was busy with 3 other guys. If it takes two of them to take out a nearly beaten and exhausted Batista, how do they think they'll fare against a 100 percent ready Dean Ambrose?

Josh Matthews
Well speaking of Batista, you have a none other than a Steel Cage match with him tonight. You two just got out of a hellacious King of the Mountain match this past Sunday, how do you expect to put your bodies through more torture?

Dean Ambrose
Ya' know it's that type of mindset why you didn't make it as a wrestler. Me and Batista, Batista and I are two different types of wrestlers. We thrive on competition and pain. Pain hurts him but on the other hand, pain excites me. There is only room for one destructive force on Smackdown and I‘ll be damned if Batista emerges out of this at all! There will be no running, no hiding and no mercy and that‘s just the way I like it.

Josh Matthews
Alright well thank you for your time Dean, back to you guys.


“I come from Money” hits the PA system and the crowd gets to their feet booing as loud as they can for the man who was the King of the Mountain and the brand new UWF World Heavyweight Champion. Ted Dibiase comes out with the title belt on his shoulder and dressed for in ring competition. Next to the man is the 500 pound monster who earlier took out John Cena with one fatal Punch. Dibiase smiles as he is having the time of his life being World Champion. The two men enter the ring as Dibiase heads over to the rope and throws up the World title to jeers from the crowd.

The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing being accompanied to the ring by the World’s Largest Athlete The Big Show, from West Palm Beach Florida, he is the current and reigning UWF World Heavyweight Champion, Ted Dibiase Jr!

I still don’t know how I feel about what transpired at the Great American Bash. We were all set up by the devious actions of one man, and that man is Ted Dibiase JR.

The son has become the Father, and look at the New Megabucks. I totally marked out when I saw these two join forces JR.

One man who wasn’t marking out for this was John Cena, who earlier we witnessed getting knocked out by the big right hand of the Giant. I don’t recall Andre ever doing something like that for Ted Senior.

That’s because the new Megabucks are head and shoulders above the old one JR. Dibiase Senior was never able to win a World Championship, let alone twice.


"Oh Radio" starts to play as Zack Ryder's video lights up the screen. The fans start to cheer for Zack Ryder. He steps out from the back, hands already high in his "L.I" pose. He nods his head a few times before running down the ramp to the ring.


Dibiase doesn't even have time to prepare as like the previous week Ryder slides into the ring and begins unloading on Dibiase.


Ding Ding Ding

Ryder unleashes with big right hands on Dibiase until he gets Dibiase into the ropes, Ryder shoots Dibiase off of the ropes and attempts to take his head off with a clothesline, but the Champion ducks it. The champ goes off of the ropes only to come right back into the forearm of Ryder knocking Dibiase to the ground. Ryder does not stop pressing his advantage hitting Dibiase with a right hand before tossing him into the corner of the ring. Ryder nails Deebs with an uppercut of the European variety before taking a step back and charging nailing Dibiase with a clothesline in the corner. The crowd is pumped for the Zach Attack as Deebs holds his chest in pain and begins crawling for the center of the ring. Everyone’s favorite broski however is not done yet as he begins to climb the top rope and the crowd goes nuts. Dibiase begins getting to his feet as Ryder gets to the top rope. Dibiase turns and Ryder launches himself and the crowd is shocked when they see Dibiase leap up into the air and connect with a dropkick in the air. Ryder collapses as does Deebs and the crowd gives a soft ooh. Dibiase smiles at his cunningness before going for the first cover of the match up.



3.. NO!

Ryder kicks out and the crowd is hot for him tonight and cheer loudly in approval. A Ryder chant begins playing as Dibiase begins to argue with the referee.

The ring awareness of the Worlds Heavyweight Champion on display there and could have easily ended this match right there.

Deebs stop arguing with the official and get back on it.

Dibiase brings Ryder to his feet before smacking him across the face and the crowd gives Dibiase some heat. Ryder doesn’t like it any more than the fans and responses with a big right hand that staggers Dibiase. Ryder again nails another right hand and a third before throwing his arm into the air pumping it as the crowd goes WOO WOO WOO, and unleashing a fourth and final blow that sends Dibiase to the mat. Dibiase falls to his knees and takes sanctuary in the corner, but when he gets to his feet Ryder is there unleashing several hard knife edge chops to the Million Dollar son. Dibiase comes out of the corner holding his chest in clear pain as Ryder unleashes with a dropkick of his own to the delight of the crowd. “Sorry Broski.” Ryder smirks as the crowd pops.

And just like that in a matter of a hiccup Ryder gets right back into the match up.

I told Deebs to go for the cover. Big Show tell your buddy to listen to me dammit!

Ryder picks up Dibiase and smacks Dibiase across the face, Ryder is not going to be bullied around. Dibiase comes back with a swing but Ryder ducks underneath it and comes up back hitting Dibiase in the gut with a sharp kick before grabbing Dibiase around the neck and connecting with a swinging neckbreaker. Ryder goes for the cover.



The World Champion kicks out!

“Are you kidding me bro!” as now it is Ryder who is arguing with the official. Dibiase begins getting to his feet and Ryder quits his ranting to return his attention towards the champion. Dibiase gets to his feet and Ryder is right there to nail Dibiase with a reverse atomic drop. The crowd cheers as Ryder goes off the ropes and brings Dibiase crashing to the mat with a big clothesline. Ryder gets to his feet and looks right at Big Show who is pounding the mat in frustration at how bad his client is performing here tonight. Ryder brings Dibiase to his feet one more time before attempting to send Deebs into the ropes, but the champion reverses it. Ryder goes crashing into the corner and Dibiase is getting mad rushes full on after Ryder, but Ryder is waiting and nails Dibiase with a double high knee. Dibiase grabs his face in pain unable to believe his bad luck. Ryder begins fist pumping in the ring before running right at the Champion, but the Champion proves why he is indeed world champion as he grabs the rushing Ryder and uses his momentum against him and powerslams Ryder to the mat. The Champion goes for the cover.



3. NO!

Again Ryder kicks out forcing Dibiase to curse. Of course this time Dibiase does not make the mistake of wasting time and begins stomping away on Ryder immediately.

And now we are seeing the World Champion starting to build some momentum, if I was Zach Ryder this is one place I would not want to be.

When Dibiase can get into a match and insert his will on his opponent he is the most dangerous man in a Smackdown ring JR.

Deebs sucks begins chanting throughout the arena as the Big Show tries to get them all to shut up to no avail. Dibiase is in the ring not even paying attention yelling for Ryder to get up, Ryder does and Deebs continues to insert his will as he grabs Ryder in a full nelson and brings Ryder down to the mat bringing out his knee and finishing the full nelson backbreaker. The crowd boos and Dibiase does not go for the traditional cover. Instead he stands up and throws his arms out to the sold out Smackdown crowd. The World Champion wants respect, and unfortunately for him he doesn’t get it.

I think Dibiase is trying to impress these people Hot Rod and well the fans don’t much like the World Champion.

They will boo him, but I bet if he each gave them a hundred bucks those jeers would turn into jeers. Dibiase is all about showing the fans they are hyprocrites after all.

Dibiase is frustrated as all get up as he turns back to Ryder who is beginning to stir. Dibiase kicks Ryder in the side of the head forcing him back down to the mat, Deebs than unloads his signature fist drop onto the spike haired Ryder. “This is my show, you get it!” Deebs begins yelling on his knees at the unmoving Ryder before going for the cover.



3. NO!

Ryder kicks out.

“Are you challenged or something? I’ve never seen such a lame ass count.” Dibiase yells at the official Nick Patrick. “What do I have to pay you to count faster?” Deebs reaches into his boot and pulls out a hundred dollar bill. “Here count faster dammit!” The ref shrugs his shoulders before taking the hundred dollar bill and putting it into his shirt pocket.

Is that legal Hot Rod? Dibiase is bribing the referee.

Whatever it takes to get a victory JR, everyone has a price. I just can’t believe the ref would give up his integrity for a hundred, what a whore.

Dibiase gets down and covers Dibiase again this time the ref counts much faster.



3 NO!

At the last possible second of the extremely fast count Ryder kicks out! The official tells Deebs he can’t count any faster than that and Deebs nods his head knowing it to be true. Deebs slams his fists into the mat before getting to his feet and beginning to stalk Ryder.

How unprofessional, that count was the fastest thing I’ve ever seen, does Nick Patrick have absolutely no integrity.

Well in Patrick’s defense, there is no boss here tonight. He can do whatever the hell he wants with Wolfe on the shelf.

Ryder is slow to get to his feet and Deebs continues to stalk him from behind. Once Ryder gets to his feet Dibiase grabs Ryder from behind looking for Dream Street, but before Dibiase can bring him down Ryder uses all his strength to send Deebs back first into the turnbuckle. The crowd goes nuts as Ryder begins to fight back. Dibiase comes out and Ryder is waiting for him and from out of nowhere hits the World champion with the Rough Ryder. The crowd goes crazy as we are about to see an upset here. Ryder makes the cover.


What an upset! Zach Ryder is going to defeat the World Champion and go 2-1 in there series.

I never expected this JR.

3… NO!

The Big Show throws Dibiase’s leg onto the bottom rope. The official sees it clearly and ends the count and begins to holler at the Big Show. Big Show merely puts his hand into his pocket and pulls out a couple bills and hands them to Nick Patrick. Patrick immediately forgets about the situation. Ryder looks at Patrick with sheer disdain. “Are you kidding me bro!?”

Did Big Show just pay Patrick so he didn’t disqualify Dibiase there Hot Rod?

I’m not going to lie, this is great. Patrick must be on the Gotham City payroll, cause he is crooked JR.

Ryder begins yelling at the official and even shoves him to the delight of the crowd who are clearly booing Nick Patrick. Seeing the official being attacked by Ryder the Big Show gets up on the apron to major heat. Ryder sees the Big Show coming into the ring and grins. As the Big Show is straddling the ropes Ryder rushes him, but the Big Show’s massive hand catches him by the throat. The crowd boo loudly as they know the Chokeslam is coming, but Ryder quickly kicks the Big Show in his weakest spot, the genitals and the crowd goes crazy.

Yes! Yes! Yes! That is what I call justice Hot Rod. The Big Show has no business being in this match up here, I only wish it had been Nick Patrick taking it in the boys if you know what I mean Piper.

God you are like Rey Mysterio, always justice this, justice that.

Ryder begins fist pumping as he prepares to nail the Big Show with the Rough Ryder, but before he can Dibiase comes back and grabs him from behind before sending Ryder to dream street! The crowd boo as the distraction from Show has given him enough time to recuperate. Dibiase goes for the cover, and with the crooked Nick Patrick it is all but a formality.





Winner of the match at 16:21 The World Heavyweight Champion: Ted Dibiase Jr.

This is bull shit. Absolute highway robbery, I am so ashamed to have called this match. This was disgusting!

Pipe down JR, before the Megabucks pay someone to come after you!

Dibiase is handed his title back from Nick Patrick as Deebs holds it up high for the world to see. He turns his attention quickly to his partner who is still on a knee in the corner. Deebs checks Show who looks extremely pissed off now. “Get his ass up!” Show tells Deebs who gets a huge smile on his face. Dibiase puts his belt down in the corner before beginning to pick up the now helpless Zach Ryder. The crowd begin jeering as Dibiase holds Ryder as Show takes his big fist and begins to set up for the WMD!

No! Come on you already stole the match, there is absolutely no reason for this.

What match were you watching JR? Big Show has every right to take Ryder’s head off here and put him back on the shelf where he belongs.

Before Show can do anything however the crowd gets to their feet and are going nuts as the one and only JOHN CENA slides into the ring. The crowd lets off the biggest pop of the night as Cena spins the Big Show around and begins attacking the World’s Largest Sell Out! Big Show is staggered from the brunt of Cena’s shots and the surprise of them as Cena bounces off the ropes and nails the Big Show with a shoulder block. Show doesn’t go down however and Cena goes off the ropes again and hits a second shoulder block that has the Big Show tipping off of his feet. The crowd is going nuts as Cena screams, “To hell with this!” And with only the strength a man like John Cena possesses lifts Big Show up onto his shoulders and slams him down to the mat with a massive Attitude Adjustment!

John Cena! John Cena! John Cena! Attempting to adjust the attitude of the Big Show and while it might not work, it sure as hell makes me feel good.

God damn that John Cena, does he even know what he has done?!

Cena begins looking for Dibiase and is mighty unhappy when he sees Dibiase slinking away up the ramp. Cena shakes his head and points at Dibiase. “I told you I wanted some, so I’m coming to get some you little bitch!” Dibiase shakes his head in disgust at Cena as Cena throws up his hands into the air as UWF Smackdown heads to commercial break.

Commercial Break


Commercial Break

Fade. We return to the ring where the arena goes dark and a spotlight appears on the Steel Cage lowering from the ceiling. The audience cheers as they know the main event is coming up next. The steel cage lands and Lillian Garcia stands up, as she introduces the competitors.

Lillian Garcia: This contest is a Steel Cage match! The only way to win is by pinfall, submission, or escaping the cage! Introducing first...


The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up and walks to ring side as he stares up at the Steel Cage.


Batista walks up to the Cage, as he grips his fingers around the steel. Batista walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, as he hops up and down, preparing for the match.

Lillian Garcia: From Washington D.C., 'The Animal' Batista!


The crowd goes absolutely nuts for the former World Heavyweight Champion as he comes out prepared for his match. Once again the former champion shows he is not afraid of pain as he slaps himself across the face before he makes his way down to the ring exchanging high fives with the crowd. He walks up to the Steel Cage and looks up and down at it, before rubbing his face against the Steel, proving he isn't afraid. Ambrose walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, locking eyes with Batista.

Lillian Garcia: From Cincinnati Ohio, weighing in at 243 lbs, he is the former U.W.F. World Heavyweight Champion, DEAN AMBROSE!!!

*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Well Folks, it’s time for the main event of the evening, Batista versus Dean Ambrose in a steel cage match!

Roddy Piper: Ambrose is locked inside the cage with the Animal and we all know what a caged Animal is like!

Jim Ross: If there’s anyone that can take the punishment by the Animal, it is Dean Ambrose.

Dean Ambrose tugs on the steel cage meshing as Batista stares straight at Dean Ambrose; after a few moments the Animal grows impatient and taunts Ambrose to hurry up, the bizarre Ambrose chuckles back and screams “Alright then!” and launches himself up onto the top rope and begins to hall himself up and over the side of the cage. Batista rushes over and grabs the foot of Ambrose, but Ambrose delivers a boot to the face of Batista, Batista stumbles backwards as Dean Ambrose leaps off the side of the cage and delivers a huge dropkick to Batista knocking Batista down to the canvas. Batista seems dazed as he stands back up to his feet and gathers his thoughts as Ambrose dives into the ring ropes and rebounds off and delivers a shoulder block to Batista but that doesn’t knock the Animal down, instead Batista stands their in defiance as growls at Ambrose as Ambrose goes off another rope but this time Batista drills Ambrose with a huge clothesline.

Roddy Piper: JR, I’m telling ya, Batista is an absolute Animal! A monster!

Jim Ross: Hotrod, sometimes I wonder will anyone actually pin the Animal?

Ambrose desperately struggles back to his feet as the monster Batista just lurks in the background as Ambrose turns around, Batista hoists Ambrose up onto his shoulder and charges with Ambrose before tossing Ambrose head first into the steel cage meshing. Ambrose smashes into meshing before falling down the side of the cage behind the ring ropes, Batista assault is relentless as he charges into Ambrose, sandwiching Ambrose between Batista and the meshing. The fans “ooh” as Batista then grabs the head of Ambrose and begins to grate it across the meshing like a cheese grater; Ambrose roars in absolute agony as blood begins to pour down the face of Ambrose, Batista finally lets go of Ambrose as Ambrose collapses into a heap.

Jim Ross: Batista is absolutely destroying the former World Heavyweight Champion here Roddy!

Roddy Piper: Ambrose could be in a lot of trouble he can’t get any offense on Batista.

Ambrose slowly picks himself up as Batista watches Ambrose stumble through the middle rope, Batista scoops up Ambrose onto his shoulder once again and rams Ambrose straight into the Steel Meshing once more but Batista doesn’t let go of Ambrose as he backs up and delivers another sickening run with Ambrose, driving Ambrose’s bloodied cranium into meshing. Ambrose blood is dripping onto the canvas Batista goes to deliver a third and final blow to Ambrose but Ambrose manages to wiggle off the shoulders of Batista and lands on his feet behind Batista and grabs Batista into a waistlock; Ambrose charges forwards smashing Batista into the side of steel cage, Batista bounces back as Ambrose Batista back onto the canvas, Ambrose rolls through into a bridging pin on Batista.



Jim Ross: Ambrose might actually steal a Pinfall victory on the Animal Batista!

Roddy Piper: I wouldn’t put it past Dean Ambrose!

Batista manages to kick out!
The fans boo as Batista uses all his strength to force Ambrose off him, Batista gets back to his feet as the bloodied Ambrose delivers a thunderous right hook to Batista. Batista doesn’t take too kindly to his feet, driving his knee into the gut of Ambrose. Knocking the wind out of Ambrose, Batista delivers a second knee to the gut, Ambrose is gasping for air as Batista clubs Ambrose across back, Ambrose goes down to one knee as Batista then places Ambrose into powerbomb position but Ambrose manages to escape out of it and takes Batista’s legs from underneath and flips over ontop of Batista in a Sunset Flip pin attempt.



Roddy Piper: JR, is it me or is Ambrose looking for the quick pinfall victory on Batista?

Jim Ross: You could be right there Hotrod!


Batista manages to bridge upwards for the first time in his career and turns Dean Ambrose inside out straight into another Powerbomb position, this time Batista manages to lift Dean Ambrose up for the Powerbomb but Dean Ambrose unloads on Batista, pummelling with closed right hooks; Batista finally releases his grip as Ambrose lands on his feet and delivers a bloodied headbutt to the head of Batista. Batista stumbles backwards before Ambrose charges across and delivers a European Uppercut to the Animal Batista but it doesn’t knock Batista off his feet. Ambrose shakes his head as grabs Batista by the arm and sends Batista across the ring; Ambrose quickly leaps up onto the top rope as Batista charges back, Ambrose leaps off the top rope and delivers a diving clothesline to finally get the Animal off his feet, the fans go nuts as Ambrose rolls Batista onto his back and seemingly is going for the Regal Stretch.

Jim Ross: No way, will Ambrose get the Regal Stretch on Batista.

Roddy Piper: Don’t discredit it!

Ambrose goes for the STF, Ambrose successfully completes the Step over but Batista gets his arms in the way to block Ambrose going for the Crossface, Ambrose tries to lock it in, Batista uses all his strength to force Ambrose off him. Batista gets back to his feet as Ambrose charges at Batista, Batista hoists Ambrose up into a devastating Spinebuster, the canvas shakes underneath Batista’s raw strength, Batista hooks the leg of Ambrose, knowing the match is over.



Jim Ross: Goodnight Dean Ambrose!

Roddy Piper: Man JR, Dean Ambrose might be joining Desmond Wolfe in hospital after that brutal Spinebuster!


The crowd is set ablaze as Dean Ambrose gets his shoulder up and off the canvas, Batista can’t believe it as he yells at referee Charles Robinson, yelling it was a three count, pushing him, Batista gets right in the face of Charles Robinson; backing him into a corner, but this is giving Dean Ambrose to crawl over to the turnbuckle by the door and slowly begins scale the side of the cage!

Jim Ross: Look at Dean Ambrose go folks!

Roddy Piper: Ambrose still has the wits of a champion, JR!

Ambrose begins to crawl his way up as Batista turns around and quickly pursues Ambrose, grabbing Ambrose by the trunks but Ambrose slams Batista against the side of the cage, Batista lands on the turnbuckle as Ambrose continues climbs up, Ambrose grabs a hold of a steel chain supporting the cage but Batista isn’t willing to give it up yet. Batista delivers a brutal low-blow to Ambrose, Ambrose crumbles slightly, sending the steel chain down onto shoulder of Batista, Batista wraps it around his fist and nails Ambrose in the face, Ambrose is a goner as Batista grabs bloodied Dean Ambrose into a Powerbomb position from the top rope and drills him off the top rope with Batista Bomb, Dean Ambrose falls from grace straight through the canvas of the ring, the crowd erupts into “HOLY FUCKING SHIT” Chants!


Roddy Piper: Shit JR, Ambrose is done for.

Batista begins to laugh at the top of his voice as he climbs down from the top turnbuckle, avoiding the massive crater in the canvas, Dean Ambrose is somewhere amongst the wreckage. But Charles Robinson notices the body of Dean Ambrose has rolled to outside of the ring, he calls for the bell; Dean Ambrose has won the match!

Jim Ross: Blah! Dean Ambrose has won this match but hasn’t won the war!

Roddy Piper: Too right JR!

*Ding Ding Ding*


Winner via escaping the cage at 12:34: Dean Ambrose

Batista is livid as he grabs Charles Robinson and with raw strength he tosses Charles Robinson across the ring, slamming into the side of the steel cage! Batista is seeing red as he grabs the top rope and tugs at it with such force the entire top rope collapses from the strength of Batista. The steel cage is being lifted up so Paramedics can get to Charles Robinson but that is also freeing Animal Batista, who climbs out of the ring and picks up the lifeless Dean Ambrose and charges across ring side with him before him straight into a corner of the barricade with unbelievable strength, causing the barricade to collapse!

Jim Ross: Where need security out here to stop Batista!

Roddy Piper: I don’t think security could handle Batista!

Batista isn’t done with Ambrose as he drags the lifeless corpse of Dean Ambrose into the ring before grabbing a microphone from Lillian Gracia; Batista climbs into the ring and nails the bloodied Ambrose in the head with the microphone before yelling into it.

Batista: This is freakin’ bullcrap! I should be the number one contender, I just put Dean Ambrose on the shelve and I won’t leave this ring till I get that championship shot! Do you hear me, I want a title shot!

Batista then grabs the broke ring ropes and wraps it around the neck of Ambrose and begins to pull on it, choking Ambrose out cold, Batista roars in frustration at the two cheap loses on the trout.



And with that, Rey Mysterio rushes down to ringside and slides into the ring, Batista releases his hold on Ambrose as he goes for a clothesline on Rey Mysterio but the resident superhero ducks underneath rebounds off the ring rope but goes straight into a huge Big Boot from the Animal, Batista then grabs Mysterio by the throat and is seemingly going for a spinebuster or Powerbomb but Edge has slid into the ring behind Batista and nails Batista in the back with a steel chair! Batista hits the canvas as Edge takes the microphone.

Edge: You think you deserve a title shot gave? Not a chance! If anyone deserve a World Heavyweight Championship match, it’s the longest reigning champion in UCW history, ME! THE RATED R…

But before Edge can finish his nickname, Jeff Hardy is in the ring with a eight foot ladder! The fans have no clue what’s going on as Jeff Hardy drills Edge in the gut with the ladder before slamming it down ontop of the Rated R Superstar, Jeff Hardy doesn’t have a moment to say anything as Zack Ryder throws himself into the mixer!

Jim Ross: It’s chaos out here folks!

Zack Ryder slides into the ring as Jeff Hardy turns around into a huge Rough Ryder from Zack Ryder! The fans go nuts as the Long-Island Iced-Z stands defiant in the middle of the ring, he flicks his hair and chuckles for a moment before picking up the microphone.

Zack Ryder: Woo, woo, woo! If these broski’s are throwing their names into the hat, then I’m gonna too, bro! You know it!

But not everyone is interested in Zack Ryder being number one contender as Bray Wyatt slides into the ring and begins to nail Zack Ryder with right hooks as Cousin Eli on the outside sets up a table! The fans don’t know what to think as Bray Wyatt nails Ryder with another right hook, forcing himself towards the ring ropes where Eli Cottenwood is and without warning, Bray Wyatt hoists up Zack Ryder and Urn-ages him over the top rope to the table below! Wyatt chuckles as he turns around straight into a Batista Spinebuster from the Animal himself! Eli Cottenwood climbs up onto the ring apron but Batista sends him flying off onto the barricade! Batista is the only man standing as the lights are dimmed and then after a moment, the titantron lights up with a titantron saying “NEW SMACKDOWN GENERAL MANAGER!”

Jim Ross: Who could it be, Hotrod?

Roddy Piper: I don’t know JR, we’ll have to wait and find out!

Suddenly Jim Cornette emerges on the titantron video! The fans go nuts as Jim Cornette comes out onto the staging with both members of the Black & White Machine besides him, Jim Cornette has a microphone in his hand and looks like he’s ready to address Smackdown.


Jim Cornette: Just hold up on frickin’ second there, Dave! I've had enough of the inmates running the damn asylum! As Executive Producer of Smackdown, it's about *beep*ing time some takes control of the damn place! So I am stepping away from my duties of managing the Black & White Machine until further notice, so I can manage this mad house! So Dave, you ain't getting a World Heavyweight Championship match because that is the role of John Cena!

The fans erupt as Batista cannot believe it, he’s incredibly aggregated by this decision but Jim Cornette continues regardless.

Jim Cornette: As for the UWF European Championship, that too has already booked by me personally and that will see Rob Van Dam defend against both Alberto Del Rio & Jeff Jarrett after the controversial finish to their match finish! And obviously The Black & White Machine are going to focus on kicking the asses of Y.E.S, so where does that leave you guys in the ring so desperate for a title shot!?

Batista is livid, roaring at Batista to give him a title shot, Cornette snaps back as he makes a major announcement.

Jim Cornette: Oh, shut the *BEEP* up, Dave! Yer gonna get your chance, because at the moment, I see Six guys all wanting a shot at the gold, and I see a broken table, a steel chair and a ladder in the ring and it’s given me a great idea! ‘Cause headlining Smackdown’s Summerslam and whoopin’ Raw’s perfect elimination will be…

Jim Cornette pauses a moment.

Jim Cornette: Jeff Hardy versus Edge versus Rey Mysterio versus Zack Ryder versus Bray Wyatt versus Batista in a…

The fans are on the edge of their seats as Jim Cornette clears his voice before continuing.


The fans suddenly erupt as Batista looks at the carnage in the ring as Jim Cornette chuckles feeling incredibly smug about his booking decision. This is how Smackdown ends with this bombshell of an announcement.

End of Show


Promos: Respective TTer's.
Coding EOR's Matches: Blizzard
Steel Cage/Sting Wyatt/ending segement: EOR
Everything else: SBS

Confirmed for Summerslam

UWF Smackdown Money in the Bank TLC Match

Edge v. Wyatt v. Ryder v. Hardy v. Mysterio v. Batista

UWF European Championship

Rob Van Dam (c) v. Jeff Jarrett v. Alberto Del Rio

UWF Tag Team Championship

The Black and White Machine (Sting and Joe) (c) v. Y.E.S. (Damien Sandow and D-Bry)
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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

OH SNAP! It is on... IT IS ON! Oh it is on man... we goin hardcore now. We goin show what Rated R is really all about. We cuttin loose. Heh

this was an awesome show. :D This was. Lots of promos but it helped the show. This is just gonna be the goods. Cannot wait for SummerSlam :D

The Hoov

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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

Samoa Joe....Sting....WE COMIN' FOR YOU, SUCKAS!

Great show guys! UWF SmackDown gets better every week! SummerSlam is gonna be awesome!


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Morris, Oklahoma
Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

Are you kidding?! WOW!

Ok, Al...Robbie...lets burn this thing to the ground! BOOYAH!!

OH>...and great show! Full of awesomeness!


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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

Is it possible to mark the fuck out in E-Feds?

That main event was sick, you pulled a close one on me Ambrose. I'll get ya one day :p

MITB TLC.. Oh yeah! Another multi-man match and Batista is well prepared. At first I thought I was going to face Chase's Rey in a one-on-one, would have marked but MITB, even better!


Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

Ah, man. SBS told me it was gonna be one hell of a show and he didn't lie. This show was fucking awesome! I dig Y.E.S. getting a shot at the Tag Team Championships, the U.W.F. Smackdown T.L.C. MITB match will be another epic thread, Euro Championship match between three up and coming superstars will be really interesting, and Cornette becoming G.M. And, I definitely dig Cena as the number one contender to the World Title. I'm coming for that title soon Prod!

SummerSlam is gonna be a blast. :)


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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

I got physically destroyed. I love it! Awesome show with awesome matches and a lot of good promos throughout. I really enjoyed Y.E.S's promo but I feel Daniel Bryan could be used more rather than just a YES. Also idk why but the show seemed kind of short. Maybe that's because I was just having so much fun reading it though. The way Jarrett and Del Rio TT'd earlier this week, their Summerslam TTs should be amazing when you also throw Lubaninho in the mix. Huge MITB ladder match happening also which is amazing. I assume it's an actual MITB so they can cash in whenever right? Also I won! Lol


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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

Time to earn my second career MITB. Loved loved loved this show, so many good promos. Ryder and Edge both looking great and are going to be a big challenge come this MITB The main event was fucking boss fair play. Good show guys!

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

RVD... You just made the biggest mistake of your career! Nah just kiddin' Lub, once again, we're gonna face off! Oh man I'm lookin' forward for this!
Oh and JJ... This is not over yet. At SummerSlam, everything's gonna end! Just kiddin' dudes, let's show'em all how European title steals the SHOW!
Btw. BDC, congrats for the win, you deserved it!
And for the show, there's only one word to describe it! AWESOME...


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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

This was one hell of a show! SmackDown's Summerslam card is looking great. The MITB TLC match will be awesome so as the European Championship.


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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

Well it looks like the justice league will be busy come to Summerslam. Lubanhino we got to represent! Really good episode of SD this week. The Money in the bank spot surprised the hell out of me but I am definitely going to do my best to win it. Anyways the ending was epic and did enjoy it. Match of the night had to be the cage match, but JJ and ADR was good as well.


Apr 23, 2011
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Re: UWF Friday Night Smackdown 7/27/2012

Awesome_Miz, bro ... Rob Van Dam always steals the show ... haha, Justice League forever Chase, I hope we're gonna win our matches and make us look stronger, so then we can go after Tag Team Championships :p

The show was awesome, I loved it! The main event was great, I can't wait for SummerSlam!


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UWF Presents Friday Night Three Hour EPIC Edition of Smackdown 08/03/12


"Every battle has a price..."


August 3rd, 2012
Live from the Houston Reliant Stadium
Attendance:- 72,019



The Pyros go off and UWF Smackdown is underway live from The Reliant Stadium, Houston, Texas. The crowd is hot as they are real excited to be attending history. Signs of superstars parade the audience as a UWF chant is heard flowing throughout the arena. The set is as usual the Fist popping out of the stage ith the lights as always blue and white signaling the difference between its tuesday counterpart. The fans reach a fever pitch as we are taken to the announcer's table to begin the show, at the table are two legends of the Wrestling Businees, Jim "JR" Ross and The Hot Rod Roddy Rowdy Piper.


JR: Good evening folks and welcome to another exciting edition of Friday Night Smackdown. We're coming live from a sold out Reliant Stadium, breaking not only Reliant Stadium attendance record but UWF attendance record and my god, what an edition of Smackdown we have lined up for you! The World Heavyweight Championship contract signing, Six matches, this is going to be one hell of a night, Roddy!

Roddy Piper: JR, Smackdown has sold out this week completely, beating Raw in ticket sales and quality and not only that proving, that CM Punk's reign of terror from UCW to UWF was bad for both federations and the new era has truly begun! And I cannot wait to see Samoa Joe versus Batista, that JR is gonna be an old fashion asskicking contest!

Jim Ross: Indeed it is Roddy, but we also have Justice League in action taking on Reyes De La Montana in tag team action and Edge versus Damien Sandow. But we're going to kick off this week's Smackdown with UWF Contract Signing as John Cena versus Bray Wyatt is now the main event!

Lillian Garcia

Ladies and gentleman, the following is a contract signing for the World Heavyweight Championship match at Summerslam. Please allow me to introduce to you the NEW UWF World Heavyweight Champion, TED DIBIASE JUNIOR!


"I come from money" hits the PA system and Ted walks out from the back with the World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder. Big Show isn't far behind him and the two calmly walk down to the ring as the crow throw abuse at them. Big Show lifts himself to the turnbuckle, as Ted climbs the steps. Show opens the ropes for DiBiase to climb through, before he climbs over the top rope and into the ring himself. The two look at the contract, before Ted picks up one of the microphones on the table and begins to speak.

Ted DiBiase Jr

Ladies and Gentleman, as you all know by now, at Summerslam I will go one on one with that loser John Cena, in what many are describing as my toughest task to date here in UWF... However for me, it's just another walk in the park, and personally I can't wait to beat the living daylights out of him and prove to everyone that he's a washed up has been who's time in this company is up. That's right, I am the future of this company, John Cena is the past and I want to send a clear message out to everyone in the locker room that I am the biggest star in this company, and if you play mind games with me and make a fool out of me you will eventually pay your price! It's no secret what Mr. Cena did to me leading up to the King of The Mountain match, week in week out he made a fool out of me and made me lose matches that I had in the bag. He thought that using these tactics would give him the advantage in the match, and knowing I was the biggest threat he constantly targeted me with cheap shots and interferences. However, in the end none of these actions helped him and at the end of the day Cena was made to look a fool as I did what he's known for doing best, and that's overcome the odds to become your NEW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!

DiBiase smiles as Big Show takes the mic from him and begins to speak.

The Big Show

Do you think it's funny hitting me with an unnecessary Attitude Adjustment, John? Because to myself and Ted, it wasn't funny at all.... In fact, by hitting me with an Attitude Adjustment, you have given me more and more reason to hate you John, you've unleashed a giant, a PISSED off giant, and at Summerslam I'm going to do all I can to ensure my client retains his World Title, and you end the night on a Hospital b....


John Cena’s entrance music hits, and the audience explodes in cheers! With the fans locking eyes on the stage, prepared to scream their lungs out for their hero, it appears Cena is takin’ a few moments later to make his way out on the stage. Cena’s entrance music continues to blare out of the speakers, and the audience are shocked, as Cena usually comes out almost immediately. Ted DiBiase Junior and The Big Show are laughing, as they believe Cena has no showed this event. Suddenly, Cena slowly makes his way out on the stage! Cena is sporting something new that dangles from his neck and that’s his chain!


Cena stands dead on the stage, as he looks at the audience, left to right, and slowly raises his palm up to his face as he salutes the ring. Cena springs forward and makes his way down the entrance ramp, no smile, all serious business. Cena makes his way to the steel steps, walks up them and enters the ring, showing no fear. Cena grabs a microphone from the camera man and slowly raises it to his lips, as he begins speaking.


John Cena

Oh, shut up!

The audience explodes in cheers, and John Cena paces around the ring, as he raises up the microphone, continuing.

John Cena

Look, I ain’t stupid. As much as these people believe I can take both of you in, two against one never ends up well. And in this case, I’m the one. These contract signin’s always end the same way! And believe me, I’ve been in plenty of them to know what’s gonna’ happen. We’re gon’ fight and I’m gon’ fight even harder to prove a point. I’m provin’ a point that I ain’t gonna’ back down from nothin’ Ted! Especially from a scrawny lil’ guy like you! C’mon, Ted – I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. I’ve eaten steaks bigger than you man! And, it got to you, it got in your mind there was no way in hell you could’ve survived that King of the Mountain match on your own. So, what did y’do? You camped inside the penalty box for what – half the match? And, then when you finally showed your face who came to help you? The Big Show! Show, how many times have you sold out in your career? I can’t even count anymore. It’s been a lot of times, I can tell you that! We might as well call you The Big Sellout! Look, Show – you sold out at The Great American Bash, we already went over that. You screwed multiple men over in your career, but this crossed the line. We busted our asses off for the World Heavyweight Championship. We bled, we sweat, and we cried to hold that championship belt high in the air and stand tall as the rightful owner. And to have you? Ted DiBiase as the World Champ? Hell, I’d have Batista as the champ over you – at least he did somethin’ in that match! You claim you don’t want your father brought up every time you come out. Tough claim, because you did somethin’ only your father would do. You lived by the motto – ‘everyone has a price’. And clearly, everyone does have a price. Big Show has a price, and now Big Show has to pay for that price. I’m sure the rest of the guys in the back are eventually gon’ deal with you Show but for now you got me to deal with. Same with you Ted, because at SummerSlam you’re lookin’ at the next World Heavyweight Champion and I will go to all costs to win that baby! So, without a further of ado, let’s get this contract signed because we all know what’s gon’ happen afterwards.

John Cena lowers the microphone to his side and walks over to the table as he sits down in the chair and grabs the pen. Cena slowly looks up to The Big Show and Ted DiBiase Junior who stare at him like a hawk. Cena shakes his head and flips to the page, where he quickly signs his name. Cena shoves the contract toward to DiBiase Junior who stares at it for a moment. DiBiase then takes the mic and smiles as he picks up a pen with his free hand.

Ted DiBiase Jr

John, if I were you I wouldn't be smiling right now, because your stupidity and cockiness has just meant you signed the contract without reading the terms. That's not a wise idea at all, I expected an experienced man such as yourself to at least skim read the contract, yet because your head is so far up your backside you jumped the gun and quite possibly made the biggest mistake of your career. Of course, I'm not complaining because the terms of the contract, which I will explain in more detail after I've signed, suit me extremely well, and the chances of you beating me at Summerslam really are next to none.

DiBiase smiles as he places the mic on the table. He sits down on the chair as Big Show stares at Cena. The crowd boo as DiBiase withdraws a pair of glasses from his pocket, puts them on, and begins to read the contract as slow as possible to piss the fans off. Finally DiBiase gets to the final page of the contract looks at Show with a smirk before he signs his name and removes the glasses off his face. DiBiase then gets up off his feet and motions at Show to sit down on the chair....

Ted DiBiase Jr

Come on Show, your turn to sign the contract.

Cena looks totally baffled, and as the crowd boo, Cena interupts as Show takes his seat.

John Cena

Woah, woah, woah! Hold up there Show, why the hell do you need to sign that contract? I mean, Ted and his entire army of lawyers put in a clause that if you help him win, you get fired!

Show smiles as he ushers Ted to give him the mic. Ted passes Show the mic and smiles as he starts speaking.

The Big Show

You want help do you John? You want me and Ted to tell you why I'm signing the contract?.... Well unfortunately in your case at Summerslam, help won't be forthcoming at all. However, in the case of Ted DiBiase Junior he'll be getting a lot of help thanks to the contract which his lawyers managed to convince management to accept.

Show quickly skims through the contract, unlike Ted he doesn't really care about pissing the fans off, he just wants to see Cena's nerves tested and get under his skin as much as possible. The crowd boo as Show signs the contract and hands the mic back to Ted who stands proudly with the World Heavyweight Title over his shoulder glistening in the arena lights.

Ted DiBiase Jr

John, my father had a saying and that saying went, EVERYONE has a price! Now I hate my father, but I have to give the old man credit, because he was right. Think about it John, that is if your melon size head can handle it after being knocked out last week. You had lawyers go over the contract FOR you. Do you know something that deadbeat dad showed me as a boy. There is no one more crooked then a lawyer. For you see John, when I handed them a very substancial amount of cash yesterday, they changed the clauses of the contract. Now I know you couldn’t understand half the words on that piece of paper so I am going to explain it to you as the child you are. The contract states, at Summerslam it will not be if the Big Show helps me he’s fired, but instead the Big Show is in the match!
The crowd gasp as Cena’s face turns from one of surprise to anger.

The Big Show

John you just got screwed, because as at Summerslam, not only are you going to face off against the soon be greatest World Champion in the history of UWF, not only is Nick Patrick, the best official in the business refereeing the contest, but… This is the kicker Cena, its going to be a Handicap match! I’m signing because it is going to be you John taking on The World Champion and the World’s Largest Athlete!

Cena quickly grabs the contract and quickly begins reading it. Realizing the contract is indeed ironclad and Cena cannot overturn it. He takes off his cap and rubs his forehead realizing he truly has gotten screwed here. Cena picks up the mic and speaks, a hint of fear in his voice.

John Cena

So let me get this straight, you rigged my lawyers, your lawyers, management, an official, Dumbo, yes you Big Show, all to make it a handicap match at Summerslam. Well all I can say is… Thank you! Thank you for proving to the whole world what a little snivering coward you really are and why you will go down in history as not only the shortest champ in history of all five minutes, but being a champion with no balls! This paper might well read it’s a handicap match at Summerslam, but I read this contract here a different way. You two butt buddies are a lot more afraid of me then I’m afraid of you. And if you think for one second that I’m afraid, well… you guys remember that part where I said how this was gonna end? Well that time is now!

And with that Cena nails Show in the head with the microphone staggering the World’s Largest Athlete into the ropes. Cena turns quickly on Dibiase where he begins to unload monster right hands on the champion. Dibiase is in the corner now and Cena is just unloading to the delight of the crowd. Cena backs off and gets down getting ready for the AA when the Big Show turns Cena around and grabs Cena’s throat looking for the chokeslam. The crowd begins to boo, but those jeers are quickly turned to cheers as Cena, with his inhuman strength begins fighting off the Big Show’s hand from his throat. . The crowd is going nuts until Dibiase returns and sends the World Heavyweight Championship belt into the back of Cena’s head. Cena goes almost weightless as the Big Show grabs him by the throat. Dibiase gives him an order to finish him. Big Show with a sick look of anger on his face lifts Cena up into the air and Chokeslams him through the contract signing table.

No! No! No! Damn it to hell! What have we just witnessed?

We have just witnessed what greed and a lot of money can buy you JR. John Cena is definitely in a lot of trouble now come Summerslam.

Dibiase and Big Show look over the prone and lifeless Cena as UWF Smackdown heads elsewhere.

The following is brought to you by UWF.com


Jeff Hardy: I.... I don't know man. I got out of The American Bash unscathed pretty much. I didn't win the match but I was never really hurt. And now, at Summerslam I find myself being in a very similar position. Ever since I moved to the UWF and came over to Smackdown, I've been unhappy. I've been so asphyxiated on the fact that the politics and the political side of wrestling was one that was taking over around here too. I've tried so hard to distance myself away from that side, and also tried to steer a show that seems almost dependent on the exposure of mainstream television, and turn it to a more pure wrestling environment. I have felt that the reason people get into wrestling these days have changed. When I was young it was about the wrestling and the wrestling only.

You wanted to be the next Shawn Michaels, you wanted to be the next Marty Janetty or the next Bret Hart. Nowadays it seems like kids look up to people like John Cena and think man, look what happens when you become a wrestler. You become a movie star, you become a style icon, you get "The Life". It's hard for kids to look past the success that Cena has grabbed for himself, look around at the rest of a wrestling roster and wonder, why aren't the rest in movies? Why aren't the rest getting publicity everywhere they go, everything they do. And I'm not saying this because I'm jealous of John Cena, it's the opposite, personally I wouldn't want that lifestyle. But, when you bring things back to the wrestling, Cena had a good showing at the Great American Bash sure, but no better than the rest of us that never became champion. So why is it that he gets given a championship shot, when the last time I faced him one on one I beat him? It's stuff like that, that's the kind of political BS that I want to take the company away from man. I'm not saying it should be me going one on one for the gold, but there were five of us in the same boat you know? And one gets plucked out of thin air and it's the face you see everywhere you look.

This.... This is what I think Zack Ryder has to realize. He's going down the same road as Cena, anything to please the fans, anything to get over when he walks out on the stage. But it's a very thin line of people that fit the niche to get as successful as John Cena. You got Hogan, you got The Rock And Ryder doesn't cut it. Now tonight, Zack Ryder will be learning first hand that like John Cena, he cannot beat me in one on one competition. And then at Summerslam, he's going to learn that not eveyrbody wins in a money in the bank match. More specifically there will be five losers.... And I will not... be one of them.


Ryder comes out to a very strong pop as he has a big smile on his face. He is looking alot more serious than Dibiase does as he gets into the ring and gets the crowd behind him. Ryder begins mocking Dibiase to the delight of the crowd as he takes off his shirt and glasses preparing for the match.

Lillian Garcia:
The following contest is scheduled for one fall. From Long Island New York, Zach Ryder!



The tron shows Jeff Hardy, and sure enough, the Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling stands atop of the ramp, not his once usual self of pandering to the adoring fans, but instead with a purpose, cold and still. After pausing a moment, he walks down the ramp towards the ring. This clearly is not your everyday Jeff Hardy as instead of pandering to the crowd he merely crotches down in the corner and waits for the bell to sound.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from Cameron, North Carolina. The Anti-Christ of Professional Wrestling Jeff Hardy.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: And folks, our opening match is what to be an interesting encounter between Jeff Hardy & Zack Ryder!

Roddy Piper: I hope that annoying Zack Ryder gets the Twist of Hate and learns to shut the hell up!

Jeff Hardy is cool & calm as Zack Ryder is soaking up the amazing atmosphere, Jeff Hardy snarls as both men circle each other in the centre of the ring, both locking it up in the first of many collar and elbow tie ups of the evening; Hardy quickly turns on the spot and locks Zack Ryder into a side headlock, but Ryder quickly escapes it, by pushing Jeff Hardy off into the ring ropes, Hardy rebounds off the ring ropes as Zack Ryder side steps Hardy and grabs Hardy to waist lock; Hardy quickly glances around before grabbing Zack Ryder by the head and hip-tosses Ryder down on the canvas; Ryder quickly counters again, grabbing Hardy’s head with his leg, putting Hardy in a headscissors but Hardy isn’t ready to give up yet as Hardy flips over ontop of Ryder putting him in a Jackknife pin. Referee Rudy Charles slides across to make the count on Ryder.



Jim Ross: What a nice exchange to start off the show, eh Roddy?

Roddy Piper: Yes JR, but it’s too fancy for my liking!

Ryder manages to bridge upwards, escaping the pinning situation and turns Hardy around into a powerbomb position but Hardy quickly escapes that and backs off as the crowd erupts into applauds for the thrilling exchange. Jeff Hardy nods his head, almost respecting the Long Island Iced-Z. Jeff Hardy is all go, he begins to circle around the ring again, this time Jeff Hardy slides across and goes to take out the leg of Zack Ryder but Ryder manages to dive over Jeff Hardy and gets back up to his feet but Jeff Hardy has return gotten back to his feet and goes for a drop kick on Zack Ryder but Ryder has had the same idea and both crash on the canvas at the same time.

Jim Ross: Neither man can get an upper hand here!

Roddy Piper: JR, it’s only a matter of time before one man does.

Both men get back to their feet and Hardy has opportunity to take a cheap shot but decides against it which ultimately gives Zack Ryder a moment to deliver a clothesline, sending Hardy down to the canvas; Ryder then leaps into the ring ropes and rebounds back and takes Hardy down once again with a huge flying forearm smash. With Hardy down on the canvas, Zack Ryder finishes off the flurry of attacks with a leg drop straight into a cover.



Jim Ross: Well, you was right about it being a matter of time! And Zack Ryder has a chance to win the match.

Roddy Piper: Jim, I am ALWAYS right.

Jeff Hardy kicks out!
The fans sort of cheer for Hardy quickly out but this is a Ryder crowd, Zack Ryder hoists up Jeff Hardy up onto his, Ryder sends Hardy across the ring into the opposite ring ropes, Zack Ryder bends over getting ready for a Flapjack but Jeff Hardy leap frogs over Zack Ryder and lands on his feet; Ryder turns around straight into a Sitout Jawbreaker from Jeff Hardy. Ryder manages to stay on his feet but he’s clearly staggered and dazed as Jeff Hardy gets back to his feet and then delivers a sitout inverted suplex slam, Ryder kneels over onto his back as Jeff Hardy hooks the leg of Zack Ryder.



Jim Ross: What a series of moves now from Jeff Hardy!

Roddy Piper: And impressive move to boot.

Zack Ryder kicks out.
Jeff Hardy shakes his head but Zack Ryder is already recover, Hardy grabs Zack Ryder from behind and is looking for the Reserve of Fate but Zack Ryder manages to turn around and pushes Jeff Hardy back into the ring ropes, this time Jeff Hardy doesn’t have anytime to react as Zack Ryder delivers a huge Flapjack to Jeff Hardy, who crashes and burns; folded up, Zack Ryder takes the moment to catch his breathe before grabbing the leg of Jeff Hardy, looking him to pull him to a submission hold but Jeff Hardy hops up to his feet and hopping on one leg, Jeff Hardy flips inside out, delivering a boot to chest of Zack Ryder sending Zack Ryder through the middle rope and top rope to the padding on the outside. Jeff Hardy gets back to his feet as Zack Ryder gathers himself on the outside, Jeff Hardy takes little time going back on the outside, grabbing the top rope, Jeff Hardy pulls himself over the top rope and delivers crossbody to Zack Ryder taking down to the padding below.

Jim Ross: Now this match is coming to the ringside area, folks!

Roddy Piper: ahhh, JR this is a great start to this special three hour addition of Smackdown!

Jeff Hardy gets back to his feet and straight away walks towards the timekeeper section before leaping up onto the barricade, as Zack Ryder gets to his feet; Jeff Hardy charges along the barricade, running along it before leaping off delivering a flying clothesline to Zack Ryder; the fans around ringside go nuts as Jeff Hardy gets to his feet and in the moment, he high fives a fan to everybody’s disbelief.

Jim Ross: Did the Anti-Christ of Professional wrestling just high five a fan?

Roddy Piper: I think he did JR!

Jeff Hardy quickly snaps out of it and taunts a little child, making the little cry, Hardy gathers some heat back but that doesn’t make a difference as he tosses Zack Ryder back into the ring. Jeff Hardy then leaps up onto the ring apron before charging along to the corner, Jeff Hardy climbs up the turnbuckle and waits for Zack Ryder to get back to his feet, but Ryder explodes from out of nowhere and rushes up the turnbuckle and leaps up, grabbing Jeff Hardy into a Super Frankensteiner! The fans are going nuts, chanting wildly “THIS IS AWESOME!” as Zack Ryder makes another cover on Jeff Hardy.



Jim Ross: WHAT A MOVE!

Roddy Piper: You might be right, JR!


Jeff Hardy kicks out!
The fans erupt and leap out of their seats as Jeff Hardy’s eyes glaze over, Zack Ryder shakes his head and yells at Rudy Charles “You can’t be serious bro!” Ryder almost begs with the referee to give him the three count but Hardy is back to his feet, Hardy smashes into the back of Zack Ryder, but it always flattens Rudy Charles! With Rudy Charles is down on the canvas as Ryder turns around straight into a Twist of Hate from Jeff Hardy but Jeff notices the referee is down and he cannot do a thing about it. Jeff Hardy looks around the ring and considers possibly going out for a weapon but instead Hardy leaps up over Rudy Charles and turns on the turnbuckle; Jeff Hardy snarls before leaping off to deliver the a huge Swanton Bomb! The fans go nuts as Jeff Hardy just casually leans across Zack Ryder as Rudy Charles slowly begins to stir but Zack Ryder suddenly leans across and puts Hardy in a crucifix pin!



Jim Ross: Has Hardy attempt at possibly turning a new a leaf cost him dear!?

Roddy Piper: it looks that way JR!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via pinfall at 10:08: ‘The Long Island Iced-Z’ Zack Ryder


Jeff Hardy manages to kick out just after but it’s too late, as Zack Ryder leaps to his feet, absolutely ecstatic from the victory, he hugs the ropes before having his arm raised by Rudy Charles; Jeff Hardy gets to his feet, it’s obvious he could attack Zack Ryder from behind, instead he claps Zack Ryder for a few moments before rolling out of the ring and walking up the entrance ramp.


I dunno if these legs are better than Stacey's? MARIA BRINK IS BACK!

The Smackdown action that's happened tonight has so far been fast and furious and has fired on every cylinder. As there's a break in the action, suddenly the blue brand gets an unexpected surprise.



The crowd absolutely erupts in disbelief of the fact that the UWF Champion, the Raw brand's Rattlesnake, is showing up on Friday nights.

Jim Ross: It can't be!

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: The NWO must've really done a number on him, he thinks he's in UCW!

It is no ruse and no prank, as the man himself walks onto the stage, sending the already ecstatic crowd into a more passionate uproar. Austin raises the microphone he's carrying to his mouth as his music fades out to silence.


Stone Cold: As much as yer around people in this line of work, even if you don't go looking ta' find out what everyone's talking about, you still manage ta' get a whiff of the hot topics going on, whether it's some You Dubya Eff fans ya pass on the way to yer car or ya overhear the boys in the back when yer tryna' pack it all in and get ready ta' head to the next town. Now, there's a few highly discussed topics like the new talent acquisitions and the upcoming pay-per-view, but what Stone Cold's heard people buzzing the most about is which brand is better, Raw or Smackdown? Every arena I go to, the fans at a Raw show say Raw is better, and every Smackdown show I went to when I was in You See Dubya, the fans there say Smackdown is better, which I'm imagining hasn't changed.

Even Desmond Wolfe, from his hospital bed mind you, is trying to goad Teddy Long into a Smackdown versus Raw match ta' prove which brand is truly superior. Who has the better talkers, the better workers, the better performers? Who has the better general manager? Who can book better, construct better matches? Well it got to the point that Stone Cold had ta' come ta' Smackdown ta' see if it stacks up ta' Raw well enough to prove a worthy adversary, or if it's the bullshit sandwich Stone Cold's referred to it as in the past. Well let's start with the general managers. I may not agree with all of Teddy Long's decisions, but one thing I can say for him that I can't say for Desmond Wolfe, is Teddy's not an egomaniac. Desmond couldn't help but step back in the ring with his old Are Oh Aitch adversary, ta' prove that he's still got it, to keep this imaginary winning streak of his going. And what happened? You got yer ass whipped, embarassing yourself, your entire brand, and every person that's a fan of either. Point for Raw.

Next up is the commentary team. Raw's commentary team, for those of you unaware, used to consist of Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole, but I stomped a mudhole in the King's ass and now he's been relegated to calling matches between pocket monsters, whatever the hell those are. Anyone, now we've got Booker T and Michael Cole over on Raw while here on Smackdown you've got "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and my best friend, the greatest wrestling commentator of all time, "Good Ol' J.R." Jim Ross. Well, Michael Cole's the most obnoxious, arrogant, pencil necked, brown nosing piece a' trash I've ever had the misfortune of working with and Booker T can't be understood, so I'm going to give Smackdown credit for having the better announce team.

Now for my favorite part, let's get down to the talent.

Austin pulls out a piece of paper from his pocket and unfolds it. He reads the name then looks up and talks about them before looking down, reading the next name, and repeating the process.

Alberto Del Rio. Personally I like to call him the Mexi-Melt of other wrestling personalities. A pinch of Eddie Guerrero, a dab of Christian, a hint of Jay Bee Ell, a dollop of Dee Dee Pea, and a couple teaspoons a' Psicosis. I heard a rumor that you were already on yer way out of the company kid, is wrestling in an abandoned Taco Bell for a hundred of your friends for a peso a ticket really that more rewarding to you?

Batista. My new nickname for you is the "Freakin' Deacon", I want you ta' think about why. I'm glad that you have up yer aspirations ta' be an Em Em Aye fighter and an actor ta' come back to professional wrestling, mainly because when you fail at your goals here, I'll make it a point to watch it. The last time you and Stone Cold paths crossed, you were the Television Champion and then the World Heavyweight Champion, and I couldn't take either from ya. Now the Television Championship no longer exists, you can't capture the World Heavyweight Championship, and I'm so much higher on the ladder than you that if I spit downward, it'd evaporate before it hit ya in the face.

Bray Wyatt. I think You Dubya Eff should instill a stricter Wellness Policy, because whatever it is yer smokin' clearly isn't showing up on their radar. One minute yer Husky Harris, the sub-terrain vehicle with a cherry scented air freshener hangin' from the rearview mirror, or whatever it was. Then you put on a straw hat and a Hawaiian shirt and all of a sudden, you're the Messiah. Stone Cold's not the most brushed up Bible reader yer gonna come across, but I'm one-hundred percent positive there's nothin' in there about Bray Wyatt or Jesus comin' back with a Hawaiian shirt on that isn't buttoned in the front. You must've cleaned Wal-Mart out, son.

Ya know what, I've made my point clear by now. I have something that I could say ta' ridicule all of you, which isn't surprising since talking trash is my forte', but it's also proof that none of you on this roster deserve ta' be taken seriously. Your Tag Team Champions are a Juggalo and a Taz wannabe, your European Champion is a pothead, and your World Champion used to be a garbage wrestler, now it's Ted DiBiase carrying around a bunch of garbage, five hundred pounds of it in fact.

Let's look at Raw's roster. Stone Cold Steve Austin. That's all the proof I need, ladies and gentlemen, because the star power I have in my name alone trumps all four of your champions, their contenders, and the rest of the roster from top ta' bottom and back up again. Raw is superior because it has my star shining at the top of it, and not only that, but I carry on my shoulder the richest prize in You Dubya Eff. That's why Stone Cold was bloodied and beaten half to death, because here is where the prestige lies, here is the title that represents this company, a championship you can take pride in, and that's why everyone wants it. Because of its legitimacy, and because of the man holding it.

Well unless there's a draft or the Money in the Bank winner can cash in on either champion, you will never get the chance, you'll have ta' settle for You See Dubya's old belt. Now, after knowing all this, if Smackdown still wants a war, I'll be happy ta' give 'em one. And that's the bottom line...

Austin is suddenly interrupted by one of the Smackdown superstars.


The crowd immediately turn around their response, booing loudly as Austin almost seems puzzled as to what is interrupting him. Damien Sandow appears on the stage with a microphone in hand*


Damien Sandow: Allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment, my name is Damien Sandow and I am here to help all of you.

Sandow turns his attention to Austin

Steven Austin, I believe the term is “Delusional”…for the very word it refers to, delusion, is defined as an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary. And this is a prime example of such instance, for Mr. Austin seems to hold the belief that not only is his brand the greater of the two, but gives off the idea that it is because of him. Now Mr. Austin I would like to make one thing abundantly clear, I am not here to defend my brand for in my eyes neither can lay claim to being better. As both serials rosters consist of simpletons, ignoramuses, and buffoons of which Mr. Austin you are one. However, the Smackdown brand is being pulled out of the sea of iniquity by my hand as we speak and soon the unwashed masses will finally be liberated from the chains of ignorance that have plagued them since their earliest years on this earth.

The crowd react negatively to Sandows claim, interrupting him from going on for a moment.

While your Raw brand continually features the scum that helps to send the lambs of the UWF audience into the slaughter of their own ineptitude. For far too long, common barbaric dunces such as yourself have been erroneously elevated to cult like status in this business, making your crude conduct be revered by these simple minded people. Therefore while both programs lack much to be proud of, Raw is the enormity of the two, Enormity Mr. Austin meaning the great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong. For I am saving Smackdown from drowning in that aforementioned sea of ineptitude, while Raw is being forced to expand its lungs with the filth of its own inadequacies and as a result will need its own breath of fresh air soon enough. The Fact that Mr. Theodore Long allows what happens on Raw to go on is simply a testament to his abysmal decision making, the difference between him and our miscreant of a general manager is that Daniel Bryan and I rid Smackdown of that virus before it spread. If an archetype is needed to prove my point, look no further than Summerslams abhorrent main event, the Elimination Chamber. A bout in which traditional wrestling is tossed aside for a barbaric showing of animalistic fighting, of which I will not in good conscious refer to as a match. If not only for the setting, but the pedestrians involved in said match.

The likes of the imbecilic Montel Vontavious Porter, who falls into the lowest common category of doltishness in the fact that he surrounds himself with satiny and gleaming objects. Christopher Jericho a man who continually must depart from this business only to return shortly after so as to regain the attention he garnered when he first appeared. The pack of hyenas not only in action but intellectually known as the new world order, Randall Orton whose words I cannot begin to decipher without receiving a migraine, Cody Rhodes whose constant complaining only helps to reveal the simple minded man yelling them out, and Christian who is the polar opposite of his former cohort known as the Ultimate Opportunist, for being the poster boy of missed opportunity throughout his entire career. And of course, there is the falsely appointed idol of Monday Night Raw...Mr. Austin. You are for all intents and purposes the personification of what I am trying to rid this company of: a rude, crass, beer swiveling, cuss word spewing ignoramus who is the biggest cause of the descent into the doldrums of ignorance in this company…First and foremost Mr. Austin, what language are you speaking?

Sandow pauses as if expecting a real answer before going on

It is “You’re” or You Are, and your annunciation leaves so much to be desired for you must learn how to properly end your words with the letter G Mr. Austin. Do you even have the vaguest idea what an Ignoramus is? Let alone how to pronounce the word? Here follow along, let me try and help you, remember this is Queens English not southern dribble; we will syllable and divide, after me.

Ig-no-ra-mus, come along Mr. Austin Ig…

The crowd let out a loud "What?" After the ig, Sandow simply turns towards them for a moment before moving his attention back to Austin

Mr. Austin if you would be so kind as to set a good example to the impressionable minds of the unwashed masses by simply allowing yourself to be taught, it would be in all of our best interest. Now please repeat after me, ig…

The crowd responds again, What?

Stone Cold" Actually I agree with them, what? You wanna teach Stone Cold ta' talk like you? (What?) Walk like you? (What?) Dress like you? (What?) Because while the entrance attire looks comfortable, the hot pink and purple ring gear doesn't, in fact you suggestin' I be more like you when you wear that makes me wanna punch ya in the face, and I would but I'm convinced that if I did whatever woodland creature you got livin' in that beard would pop out and bite me. I'm going to pass on yer English lesson, and instead offer you some schooling of my own, a course I call Hard Knocks One-Oh-One. If you'll turn in your textbooks ta' page three-hundred and sixteen, you'll find this bit of sign language.

Stone Cold flips off Damien Sandow, who looks appalled while the crowd eats it up.

Listen ta' me right now, ya hypocritical scruffy sumbitch. If either one of us is delusional, it's you, you're delusional in the same way that Bray Wyatt is delusional, you undergo a slight appearance change and all of a sudden yer out to save the world. Except while he got a Hawaiian shirt, you got a bath robe. He wears a hat while you choose not ta' wear anything on yer head. He already had a beard, you had ta' grow one. He's the "Angel in the Dirt" and yer the "Self-Professed Savior of the Unwashed Masses." You don't understand my Southern drawl? Maybe you'll understand this. Are you "The Genius" Lanny Poffo, circa two-thousand twelve? Yes. Are you a jackass? Yes. Is Stone Cold about ta' open a can of whoopass on ya? Hell Yes, Yes, Yes.

The crowd cheers as Austin drops his microphone and goes after Sandow, but suddenly...


Ted DiBiase Jr's theme hits and the crowd erupt into a chorus of boo's as the World Heavyweight Champion comes out from the back, stopping Austin at the bottom of the ramp. DiBiase Jr acknowledges his fellow superstar before rubbing his World Heavyweight Title in the air and putting the mic to his mouth.

Ted DiBiase Jr
Steve, please do us all a favour and shut your mouth, before myself and Damien charge down that ramp and give you the beating of your life.... I've never heard someone speak so much drivel in my entire life, and I was seriously contemplating coming out to the ring and giving you a royal beat-down, until Mr. Sandow kindly decided to make his way out here and do what all the Smackdown roster were dieing to do, which was SHUT YOU UP. Of course for a man with a low up-bringing like yourself, I can imagine it was a little difficult for you to understand the words that came out of the intellectually gifted Damien Sandow's mouth. So, to put it into simple terms for you, I am better than YOU, and Smackdown is better than RAW!

Another 'what' chant as DiBiase shakes his head and he and Sandow look at the crowd in disgust.

You can go ahead and deny it all you like Steve, an honest suck up like yourself would never trash his own brand, and you will do anything to protect RAW because at the end of the day when . However, at the end of the day everyone knows you're denying denying something which is the truth. Everyone knows that Smackdown is the better brand, and everyone knows that I am the better World Champion here in UWF. We have guys like Damien Sandow, Jeff Hardy and Dean Ambrose, who are all top notch performers, representing us, whilst RAW has awful talent such as Kofi Kingston and Randy Orton as their representives. Of course, on top of all that, RAW has an overrated bumbling drunk as it's main attraction and top-tier Champion which in my eyes is a complete and utter disgrace and shambles. I've heard and seen enough from you Steve to come to the conclusion that there's no way you are the better Champion than I am, whilst I'm worth a million dollars, you're not even worth a dime, these people don't pay to see you, they pay to see me, hence the reason Smackdown has main evented consecutive Pay Per Views for as long as I can remember. That's right Steve, as you would so grossly put it, I put 'asses' on seats, whilst you Wrestle in front of what may as well be described as a desert. I don't know why I'm saying all this Steve, because no doubt it will fall on death ears.

Austin looks pissed off as the crowd continue to boo DiBiase's words.

Boo all you want, but Steve knows that RAW is way behind Smackdown in terms of quality, and talking of being behind Steve, I suggest you look behind you right now...

Steve hesitates to look behind him, but the crowd boo as they know what's about to happen. BAM! Big Show has come from out of nowhere and as soon as Steve turns around he is hit with a huge WMD! Sandow and DiBiase smile as they stroll down to Austin's lifeless body. DiBiase holds the mic close to his mouth as he speaks again.

Steve, I hope you learned a valuable lesson here tonight, you don't show up to the competition brand, talk trash and get away scot free. Though you were knocked out this evening, this is nothing compared to what's going to happen to you next Friday, because I have recieved news that next weeks main event will be Ted DiBiase Junior vs Stone Cold Steve Austin, in a Champion versus Champion match! You might laugh and think that it's an easy victory for you Steve, but you've already been put on your backside once and next week will be no difference, because everyone has a price!

DiBiase drops the mic as the crowd boo. As we fade to commercial we are left with a shot of DiBiase holding the World Heavyweight Title over Steve's lifeless body as Damien and Show laugh...

As the show progresses, we see Jeff and Karen Jarrett chilling in the back resting before getting ready for their match. Jeff is still in his grey suit with a blue shirt and Karen is decked out in a hot, red dress.


Jeff Jarrett smiles: Ya know, honey, tonight we begin the road to Summer Slam and the path to Jeff Jarrett being taken seriously in the UWF! I mean, we will go in there an take care of business with this crazy tag team and, then, at the Pay Per View, ole Double J will take his first gold of many here in this second hand show called Smackdown!

Karen looks lovingly at him: Well, of course, you will sweety. I mean, that spot monkey, RVD, doesn't stand a chance tonight and neither does his slightly mental partner, Rey Rey, the wonder Mex! They definitely have NO idea what their in for!


Jeff Jarrett: No they don't! Those two have obviously bit off more than they could ever chew!

Karen puts her hand on her husband's shoulder: Well, that goes without saying. BUT what about Del Rio? If you ask me, he's your main competition at Summer Slam! AND, you're tagged up with him tonight! I just...

Jeff Jarrett interrupts: Now, don't worry your pretty little head, dear. I got this. I mean, I gotta admit that Alberto's my main concern but...


Suddenly, a unseen voice interrupts: But what, Jeff Jarrett?

The camera pans to show Alberto Del Rio standing in the door way in full ring gear.

Alberto Del Rio: I can see you haven't gotten prepared for our tag team match tonight. Is it that you are not taking the contest with the two self-proclaimed super heroes seriously?


Jeff never bothered to get up, but only grinned: Oh, I'm takin' it seriously Del Rio! I just prepare in my own way. You just make damn sure you're on your toes tonight! I personally don't wanna lose to a couple of circus clowns!

Alberto Del Rio: Ha! Of course, not! I will be, as you say, ON MY TOES. But I did not come here to argue with Jeffery Jarrett! Oh, no.

Jeff Jarrett: Well, what in the hell did you come here for?

Alberto Del Rio: I come with, how you put it...an olive branch...a gentleman's agreement.

Jeff Jarrett: Well, Al, if ole Double J is anything, he's a country gentleman. But what kinda agreement are we talkin' about here?


Alberto smiles: A truce of sorts that will begin tonight and carry through SummerSlam!


Jeff Jarrett: Ok, you got my attention.

Alberto Del Rio: I say we come into the tag team match tonight and show these peasants what wrestling royalty MEANS. That we destroy these ingrates and put the UWF on notice that we are both forces to be reconned with!


Jeff Jarrett: And SummerSlam?

Alberto Del Rio: Well, of course, it's MAY THE BEST MAN WIN. But I say that we work together to keep the, how did you put it, SPOT MONKEY off the top rope and the chairs to remain for sitting.

Jeff Jarrett smiles: Ya know, Al...Alberto, you've got yourself a deal!


Jarrett jumps off the couch and shakes Del Rios hand as everyone smiles and the camera fades to black.

*Time To Play The Game*


Triple H takes his usual time coming to the ring. He spits on some fans in the aisle way before making his way to the side of the ring. You known the side of the ring that faces the most important camera. Trips gets up on the apron and spits again this time widely on the entire first few rows in the crowd. He ignores the people thinking it's disgusting and heads to the upper right corner to pose for all his adoring fans. He waits for the crowd to die down before going for ringside mic threatening crew nearside to give it to him. Trips walks back towards the center and looks around at the arena before speaking.


Triple H: Soak it all in... Yes, soak it all in. I've been waiting for this for weeks... I've been waiting to make myself known to the public. I don't sit in the background for anyone. So the last few weeks I've been pondering... I've been pondering about when I THE GAME would make himself known. I see a lot of new superstars trying to grasp the spotlight from Dean Ambrose to Ted Dibiase Jr.... Yeah you should all said Junior with emphasis like I do and will. I'm not trying to make enemies from the start but with my ego I know it's going to happen. I've walked in here before without the same aggression and walked out empty handed. You see when fans look up to the ol' so great Triple H they expect that same ruthless aggression yet lately it hasn't been the same here in the UWF.

Triple H thinks for a bit before continuing.

Triple H: So I took my time away like any good veteran knows to do... Because I know when I take over again everyone will be at my feet. Man, I can't remember how many forgotten WCW stars that were at my feet when WWE bought them out. Do you think anything different is for you when I emerge here now? Everyone knows my specialty is burying unneeded talent. I've had my share of titles... And to be fair I wouldn't mind have a share more but I have always had much more pleasure putting young talent in their place. If that is what needs to happen before I go onto bigger goals so be it. I am THE GAME, I am the Cerebral Assassin... I am The KING OF KINGS... I don't sit around at home. If Stephanie tries to nag me once about running to the store for milk, I just kick some lonely guy's ass out on the street in front of everyone. Don't believe me try me...

Hunter chuckles to himself wondering where all the fans humor has gone.

Triple H:[ I made Stephanie McMahon, she didn't make ME! Let's get that one thing straight. I was a World Champion before I fooled her ass into marrying me. If you wan't to mess with me just try me... I use anyone and everyone for my personal advantage and everyone should know that by now. I'm not here to trick anyone else... I'm here for myself. I'm here for championship gold... Hell... What else is there? Friends... Don't make me laugh. Evolution and DX were stepping stones or place holders for me as I accomplished what I wanted... I wonder what Y.E.S. knows about stables, I don't see any clear leader that will be a fun downfall in the end... It always is. You can either mess with me... You know the upcoming train to derail the entire UCW or you can try to fix the crumbling mess I leave behind? What is it going to be? Hybrid H is here and there is no one, not you or anybody else can do about it...

Triple H drops the mic and leaves before the fans can fully take in what he has said for the spectacular SmackDown that is still going on.

Matthews: Well it looks like we are back again. Back in the same area backstage.

Edge: Yeah it is. Are you stalking me or following me around or something? I mean what’s the deal? How is it that we are trapped in this exact same moment of time once again? I mean it is almost as if someone took a picture of this and is choosing to show it to us over and over again.

The two pause for a second and look directly at the camera eerily before looking back at each other.

Matthews: Nahhh couldn’t be. But I am here for an interview if you have the time.

Edge: Well I do hope one day my interviewers will look nicer but I guess I can suffice this. So what questions do you have for me this go around?

Matthews: Well first I want to know what you think about your Money in the Bank match and all the guys in it.

Edge: Really?

Matthews: Yes.

Edge: Really? I mean of all the things you could ask me you want to ask the most stereotypical question of them all? Mannnn I thought you would be much better at this job than this. But fine. I beg your indulgence on this question. I think all the other guys are very swell and we are going to have a very happy go lucky match and may the best man win. How is that?

Matthews: Sounds like sarcasm.

Edge: Good ear. Because it is sarcasm. I mean come on. Yeah they are all good competitors but you think I’m going to just say hey we all are going to have a good match and may the best man win. No. Because in the end there can only be one and I don’t care if Batista gets a cramp climbing up the ladder, Jeff climbs the ladder and then slips up trying to pose, Ryder fist pumps and knocks himself out, or whatever else crazy thing happens. Whatever happens in that match… the end result is I’m going to climb that ladder and I will reach that prize. And with that prize I will challenge the champion when I’m good and ready to and they will feel the spear… spear…

Matthews: Dropkick. See I remembered.

Edge: Dropkick? What in the world are you thinking? Its clothesline. Come on now. Clothesline. Heh whoever heard of dropkick.

Matthews: But that’s what you…

Edge: Well hey you hold that thought. I see something over there that I’m going to aimlessly walk towards while the camera focuses on your goofy expression as I have just left you puzzled.

Edge then walks off camera as it now focuses on Matthews with a puzzled look on his face.


Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a tag team match ,Introducing first, from the State of Tennessee, Double J Jeff Jarrett.


Jarrett struts his way down the stage before he starts to walk down the rampway, turning towards the crowd and mouthing off to them as the simply answer back with boos. Jarrett runs up the steps and quickly gets in the ring posing in the middle of the ring before turning his attention towards the stage as his music is cut off.

The microphone is handed to Ricardo.


Well known theme of Alberto Del Rio once again hits the PA system of the arena and Alberto rides out from backstage area in shining white limo.


Ricardo Rodriguez: Señoras y señores,
Es para mí un gran honor presentar a ustedes aquí,
Un hombre de gran regalías
Un hombre con una inteligencia superior
haciendo su debut aquí en Smackdown
Él es, Albertoooo Del Rrrrrrrio!

As Ricardo finishes introduction of Alberto Del Rio, Alberto gets before his huge falling firework and fans gives him mixed reaction. Alberto is all smiles as he gets into the ring and prepares for his match.


The crowd goes nuts as "One of a Kind" hits the PA system as Mr. Friday Night comes out to huge a decent pop. Rey Mysterio comes out behind him and Rob motions to him as he extends his arms out

Lillian Garcia: Introducing their opponents, the UWF European Champion Rob...Van...dam and his partner Rey Mysterio, the Justice League!

Van Dam is clearly excited as he motions for Mysterio to join him as he does his traditional R... V... D... at the top of the ramp. Rob tells Mysterio to get a move and Rey begins shaking hands with the fans as RVD sprints down to the ring. Rey runs to the steel steps and gets in the ring as Rob meets him there having slid in himself. Rob holds out both his hands opening them as Mysterio puts his fist up punching each hand with rights and lefts warming up.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Folks, it is ‘The Justice League’ as Van Dam & Mysterio want to be known as taking on the unit now calling themselves the Reyes de la Montana!

Roddy Piper: JR, that is a mouthful for a start but also, can Jarrett & Del Rio truly co-exist?

As the bell is sounded, Rey Mysterio and Jeff Jarrett start off the match, centring each other around the ring, Jeff Jarrett acts all smug, thinking he can throw Rey Mysterio around. Jarrett taunts Mysterio to lock it up with him, the two lock it out and straight away, Jarrett tosses Mysterio across the ring like a rag doll, Mysterio gets straight back to his feet and readjusts his mask hastily as Jarrett charges for Rey Mysterio but Mysterio delivers a drop toe hold before leaping on top of Jarrett and quickly paintbrushes the hair of Jeff Jarrett, the fans chuckle as Mysterio gets off his feet and laughs as RVD chuckles as on the outside.

Roddy Piper: Ah-ha-ha the king just his crown cleaned!

Jim Ross: You can’t say Jeff Jarrett didn’t have that coming.

Jeff Jarrett gets back to his feet and yells at Rey Mysterio “You gone and done it now Boy!” Mysterio tells Jarrett to bring it, Jarrett charges at Mysterio and goes for a clothesline but Rey Mysterio ducks underneath and goes into the adjacent ring ropes and springs back and leaps up into the air to deliver a hurricanara to Jeff Jarrett, flipping him over in the centre of the ring, Rey Mysterio lunges on top of Jarrett for an early pin attempt.



Jeff Jarrett pushes Mysterio off him.

Jeff Jarrett gets back to his feet as does Rey Mysterio and Jeff Jarrett slaps Mysterio across the face as a return for the paintbrush earlier on. Rey Mysterio looks up at Jeff Jarrett, not entirely impressed, the superhero stamps on the right foot of Jeff Jarrett, Jarrett hops up and down on the spot as Rey Mysterio tags in his bigger partner, Rob Van Dam. RVD climbs into the ring as Jeff Jarrett turns around into a high half crescent kick, knocking the King of the Mountain down to the canvas. Annoyingly Karen Jarrett begins to shriek at ringside for Jeff Jarrett to get back to his feet as RVD continues the attack, pulling Jeff Jarrett to the centre of the ring before delivering a spinning leg drop across the face of Jeff Jarrett. The fans pop as RVD gets back to his feet and his cocky attitude looks across at Alberto Del Rio and licks his thumbs and points to himself as he mouths “Rob… Van… Dam!!!”

Jim Ross: Even though, apparently Rob Van Dam now represents justice, he hasn’t lost his cocky attitude.

Roddy Piper: Ah JR, you expect RVD to change his attitude?

Rob Van Dam turns back around as Jeff Jarrett gets back to his feet, Jeff Jarrett quickly leaps up and delivers an Enzuiguri to the head of Rob Van Dam. RVD hits the canvas as Jeff Jarrett tags in his fellow king, Alberto Del Rio; Del Rio storms into the ring and straight away drops down top of Rob Van Dam’s right arm and shoulder with an elbow drop. Del Rio then proceeds to drag Rob Van Dam to the centre of the ring by the right arm before delivering another elbow drop across the right arm and shoulder of Rob Van Dam, Del Rio then twists and turns RVD arm around into an huge armbar.

Jim Ross: And now, the methodical beatdown on Rob Van Dam begins.

Roddy Piper: It’s Van Dam’s own fault for being cocky.

Del Rio leans back on the arm of Rob Van Dam, wrenching on the right arm, Rob Van Dam screams in agony as Del Rio as much pressure as possible on Van Dam’s arm. Van Dam looks around the ring and begins to thud his feet on the canvas trying to gauge where the ring ropes arm; Van Dam begins to pull himself across the ring looking for the ring ropes with his feet but Del Rio continues to wrench on the arm of Rob Van Dam, Van Dam finally gets near the ring ropes and begins to reach out for them with his feet but both Karen Jarrett and Ricardo Rodigruez lurk on the outside near Rob Van Dam, ready to interefe. Rob Van Dam gets his foot on the bottom rope as the plan is quickly set in motion before Jack Doan can spot RVD’s foot on the bottom, Ricardo leaps up onto the ring rope and creates a distraction as Karen Jarrett pushes Rob Van Dam’s foot off the bottom rope. Del Rio quickly gets to his feet and tosses RVD into his teams corner, Jeff Jarrett begins to choke out RVD with the tag rope as Ricardo keeps up the distraction.

Jim Ross: This is disgusting tactics from Reyes de la Montana

Roddy Piper: Or good team work by Jeff Jarrett & Alberto Del Rio.

Jeff Jarrett quickly stops choking Rob Van Dam out as Ricardo’s distraction comes to an end, Mysterio and Fonzie appear frustrated on their side of the ring but there’s nothing they can do as Alberto Del Rio tags Jeff Jarrett back in. Jarrett pulls Van Dam out of the corner and takes him over with snapmare, taking RVD down to the canvas, RVD in a seated position as RVD delivers a massive boot to the back of Rob Van Dam. Jarrett then delivers a dropkick to the back of Van Dam’s head, knocking him down to the canvas on his back, Jeff Jarrett quickly makes a cover on Rob Van Dam.



Rob Van Dam kicks out.

Jeff Jarrett quickly pounces back onto RVD right arm and twists it around behind RVD’s back and pulls it upperwards, RVD snarls and slams his feet on the canvas once more as Jeff Jarrett continues manipulate the right arm of Rob Van Dam. RVD looks around the ring before trying to flip Jeff Jarrett over on to his back but Jeff Jarrett manages to stand firm and continues to keep the armlock in tight. Jeff Jarrett then shouts at Rey Mysterio “You haven’t got a chance!” Mysterio tries to keep his patience but Jeff Jarrett continues to push it, slapping the hand tied Rob Van Dam across the back of the head. Mysterio leans over the top rope and yells at Rob to stick it out, Rob Van Dam looks behind both shoulders and makes the mistake of booting Jeff Jarrett across the back of the head. Jeff Jarrett releases the hold as RVD rolls back to his feet but before he can scramble across the ring to tag in Rey Mysterio, Del Rio dives into the ring and steamrolls straight through RVD, sending him flying across to near the ring ropes, Jack Doan begins to push Del Rio away but this is giving Ricardo Rodriguez a chance to choke RVD out with his tie, but Mysterio has had enough and leaps off the ring apron and delivers a hurricanara, sending Ricardo Rodriquez into the barricade which the fans give a huge pop for but at the same time, Jeff Jarrett pulls RVD to the centre of the ring and gets Jack Doan to make a count on Rob Van Dam.



Jim Ross: Well the Reyes de la Montana might just have stolen this.

Roddy Piper: To think, this is what Rob Van Dam will be facing at Summerslam.


Rey Mysterio dropkicks Jarrett in the face!

The fans erupt as Rey Mysterio makes the save, but Jack Doan is hot on Mysterio’s heels, forcing him back into his corner, Alberto Del Rio fakes the tag before climbing into the ring himself and drags Rob Van Dam back to the centre of the ring as Jeff Jarrett rolls to the outside, the fans are livid as Alberto Del Rio grabs the foot of Rob Van Dam and begins to drag him towards the centre of the ring but RVD turns comes too and boots Del Rio in the face. The fans go wild as Rob Van Dam gets back up to his feet, and leaps across to Mysterio as both Del Rio and Jeff Jarrett both scramble into the ring to stop RVD making the tag but it’s too late as RVD makes the tag!

Jim Ross: And Rey Mysterio is finally back in this match!

Roddy Piper: here comes the superhero.

Mysterio leaps up from the ring apron to the top rope before springboarding off the top rope delivering a double Clothesline to both Jeff Jarrett and Alberto Del Rio. The fans are on their feet as Jeff Jarrett gets to his feet but eats dropkick from Mysterio, Mysterio gets back to his feet as Alberto Del Rio leaps up onto the middle rope before springboarding off to deliver his own version of Beautiful Disaster but Rey Mysterio ducks underneath and leaps onto the middle rope and springboards off and manages to take Alberto Del Rio down into a pin with Moonsault take down, Jack Doan slides across and makes the count.



Jim Ross:
Mysterio might have this won!

Roddy Piper: Not a chance JR, look at Jeff Jarrett.

Jeff Jarrett goes to drop an elbow onto Mysterio to break up the pin but Mysterio moves out of the way and Jarrett elbow drops Del Rio. Jarrett gets back up to a vertical base and is in absolute shock at elbowing his own partner but this has already given Rey Mysterio a chance to recover, Mysterio boots Jarrett from behind, sending him into the middle rope, Mysterio charges across the ring and delivers the 619 to Jarrett sending him down to the centre of the ring but Ricardo is trying to get involved but this time RVD delivers a diving thrust kick off the top rope, putting Ricardo down on his ass as Mysterio delivers Droppin’ the Dime to Jarrett as Del Rio gets back to his feet, completely obivious to being surrounded by Van Dam and Rey Mysterio.

Jim Ross: This cannot be good for Alberto Del Rio.

Roddy Piper: Only one way to find out.

Del Rio stumbles straight into Rob Van Dam who leaps up into the air to deliver a spinning thrust kick to the face of Del Rio as Rey Mysterio does a spinning legsweep to Alberto Del Rio. The Justice League has performed their own version of Total Elimination; the fans are going nuts as Rey Mysterio hooks the leg of Alberto Del Rio as Rob Van Dam keeps guard.



Jim Ross: Well, Rey Mysterio and Rob Van Dam proved they can work as a team even if their mentalities differ.

Roddy Piper: It’s not over till the fat ladies sings.


Roddy Piper: Okay, the fat Mexican maid has just sung.

*Ding Ding Ding*


Winners via pinfall at 14:09: Rey Mysterio & The UWF European Champion, Rob Van Dam

Jim Ross:
Well folks, Rey Mysterio & Rob Van Dam have walked out the victors but you have to wonder, can RVD handle both members of Reyes de la Montana on his own come Summerslam or will the numbers game catch up with him?

Roddy Piper: You’re right JR, but RVD’s attitude and cockiness won’t get in the way and I’m sure Rey Mysterio will assist RVD if things get out of hand.

Rey Mysterio and RVD high five each other as Rob Van Dam poses with the UWF European Championship, Rey Mysterio poses on the opposite turnbuckle as Jeff Jarrett rolls out of the ring, dragging his fallen comrade, yelling at him “We’ll get Robbie V at Summerslam!” Rob Van Dam yells at both Reyes de la Montana they can bring it at Summerslam because they can’t beat him. Smackdown then goes elsewhere in the world.


Actually.... Maybe I'm wrong...

Still hotter than Raw's divas...


Edge walks out on stage to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.

He walks down towards the middle of the ramp and then does his pose as the pyro goes off.

He then continues his way down the ramp and slides in under the bottom rope. He poses on the rope before getting off and uses his mic.

Edge: So finally I get to cleanse myself of that loss that I suffered at the hands of Sandow and what makes it better is that it is this soon which means I’m still very much pissed off in how the match ended. And when that bell rings… I’ll be sure to unleash that fury. And I don’t think my level of upsetness is really clicking yet so let me fulfill your intellectual mind Sandow when I say this.

Edge: I AM going to drag your sorry ass from corner to corer of the ring, both inside and out, I’m going to mash your head in with a chair until the ring is covered in your intellectual blood. I am going to put you through so much pain, through so much hell that you will wish that you never have to see my face opposite of yours inside the ring again. I am going to show you what true pain feels like. I’m going to display a level of violence rarely seen. I AM going to spear you in half and make sure you stay down. I AM going to beat you black and blue and leave you a writhing mess. I AM going to dismantle you, destroy you, annihilate you, maim you, it is going to be a form of destruction truly rated R because this is not going to be pretty. This is going to be nasty. This is going to be bad for you Sandow. I want you to remember this match, remember this fight for the rest of your career. Remember that on this night… you thought you knew me but in the end you only realized that there was a hidden beast that you awoken and that beast is going to unleash a fury on you unlike another.

Edge: I WILL leave you a broken man inside of this ring. Be prepared Sandow. Be prepared.

Edge drops his mic as he exits the ring to his music.

Backstage the camera zooms to Batista who looks remarkably calm as Josh Mathews addresses him.


Josh Mathews: Batista, tonight you have Samoa Joe. You've been dominate as of late, even to the point where you severely hurt Dean Ambrose...

Batista: Dean Ambrose was a target from the very beginning, regardless that last week he had the Championship or not, I said I'd hurt him and I back my words up. This week, I have Samoa Joe, do you think I'm freakin' worried about him? Because I'm not! Samoa Joe is just another Jeff Jarrett in my eyes, everyone who's stepped in my path haven't walked away the same.

Josh Mathews: At King of the Mountain you didn't do all..

Batista: Do you want me to really break your skull?! At King of the freakin' Mountain, I did everything in my path. Big Show thought it'd be nice to help Ted DiBiase Jr and assist him, Ted is a weak Champion and a weak man. Just like his father, they have nothing to showcase where as I, I've been hurting people and making an impact! I'm the hottest talk of the town here, when these people come watch... They're here for me nobody else. Every week, it's "What will Batista do"? The same question every freakin' week and Josh... This week is just going to be the same! Nobody and I mean nobody is going to want to step into the ring with me at all. Not even that superhero Rey Mysterio!

Josh Mathews: You and Rey sure have a lot of history...

Batista doesn't even say anything but grabs Josh Mathews before kicking him in the abdomen section before lifting him up and delivering a Batista Bomb towards the wall. Josh Mathews is knocked out cold as Batista kneels down on his right leg, his left leg positioned as he spits into the face of Josh Mathews before whispering...

Batista: Don't let me recreate history.... It's a dangerous matter...

Batista walks off as we go back to the commentary desk.


The fans begin to get on their feet, booing the hell out of the arrival of Batista. He walks through the curtains, a few seconds afterwards. Batista walks to the ramp as he stops half way before crouching down as the pyrotechnics goes off.


Batista gets back up, slapping himself on the chest a couple times as he makes his way to the ring. He gets into the ring and looks at his partners with a sneer.

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Washington DC, Batista!


The music of one half of the Tag Team Champions hits the arena and the crowd loves it as Joe comes out to the ring looking ready for a fight. The look on Joe's face could scare children as he stands on the staging looking down at his opponent in the ring.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, he is one half of the UCW Tag Team Champions, Samoa Joe!

Joe throws off his towel on his head and undoes his jacket and title belt, before sprinting into the ring and getting right into Batista's face.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Folks, this gonna be one hell of a brawl, hard-hitting, knock ‘em out slobberknocker and this is not going to be for the faint of heart!

Roddy Piper: This is gonna be hell on earth JR and look at the two bulls going nose to nose.

Samoa Joe & Batista are already nose to nose, talking trash to each other, there is no-way senior official Mike Chioda is going to get between these two as they completely square each other up; the tension is high but Batista breaks it with a clobbering blow to Samoa Joe but Joe returns with a right of his own, the fans go wild as the two begin to trade blows, neither man flinching or moving an inch as they continue to delivers hard hitting right hooks on each other; Joe has had enough as he drills Batista in the gut, Batista bends over as Samoa Joe grabs his head and begins to boot upwards, continuously boot Batista in the face about five times before Batista roars and gets out of it and delivers a thunderous elbow smash to the face of Joe, Batista then delivers three or four more elbows to the face of Joe before delivering a huge clothesline but Joe gets straight back up to his feet and squares up to Batista once more and roars “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!?” as the fans go nuts.

Jim Ross: Hotrod, this is truly gonna be a brawl of brawls.

Roddy Piper: JR, you maybe wrong, this will be the biggest brawl of all time! It’s gonna be all power, smash and grab and neither man will back down!

Batista snarls back at Samoa Joe as Joe is all up in the Animal’s face, Batista shoves Joe back and goes for another right hook but Joe blocks it and delivers a huge elbow smash back! Batista seemingly dazed, Joe delivers a second one, then a third one and the Animal is slightly warily on his feet as Joe bends him over again and delivers another brutal series of boots to the face of Batista, at least six more times before the Animal drops down to one knee as Joe follows up with a thunderous boot to chest and face of Batista knocking him down to the canvas! The fans are set ablaze, chanting “JOE! JOE! JOE!” as Samoa Joe then rushes across into the ring ropes and lunges up into the air delivering a brutal running senton to Batista, Joe hooks the leg of Batista in an early count.



Jim Ross: Joe is looking to put Batista away here early!

Batista kicks out!

Batista manages to push Samoa Joe off, Joe quickly gets back to his feet as does Batista and got straight back to delivering lefts and rights! Both men quite literally knocking ten shades out of each other with brutal lefts and rights, Batista gets the upper hand grabs Joe by the head and tosses him over the top rope but Joe lands on the ring apron. Batista goes for a clothesline but Joe ducks and thrusts his shoulder into the stomach of Batista before grabbing the Animal’s head and drops down with a cutter, delivering a hangman to Batista across the top rope. Batista is flung backwards by the four straight into the centre of the ring, but the Animal is straight back to feet. Joe isn’t entirely shocked by this as he slides back into the ring and charges at Batista but Batista delivers a clothesline which shakes the ring, Joe hits the canvas but is straight back to his feet but eats a big boot from the Animal Batista, who now hooks the leg of Samoa Joe.



Roddy Piper: Ah man, this is hard hittin’!

Samoa Joe powers out this time!

The fans are going nuts in the early going of this encounter as Joe shoves Batista off him, the UWF Tag Team Champion roars and delivers the loudest slap to the face of Batista you’ll ever here; Batista delivers one back which is twice as hard, quite literally spinning Joe on the spot but Joe turns around and begins unload a flurry of slaps across Batista’s face, lefts and rights incredibly face, quite literally sweat is flying off Batista face from the impact! Batista holds his jaw as he gets some space but Joe doesn’t give him a moment rest as Joe delivers a discus clothesline to Batista, taking Batista down to the canvas! The fans are cheering wildly as both men get back to their feet at the same time and still stare eachother down, clearly eventually matched entirely.

Jim Ross: My god, Roddy! These men won’t stay down for anything!

Roddy Piper: Tell me about it JR! But I’m lovin’ every moment of it!

Batista has had enough of Joe taking everything as he literally hoists up Joe and roars and carries Joe full speed into the corner, smashing Joe against the turnbuckle! The fans begin to boo Batista as Batista gets down on one knee and begins to drive his shoulder into the gut of Samoa Joe, Batista drives his shoulder into the gut of Samoa Joe atleast five times before backing out of the corner; Joe is wincing in discomfort as Batista charges at Joe and delivers a spear to gut of Joe in the corner. Joe flops over onto Batista who carries him out of the corner and drives him down with a modified Alabama Slam, Joe’s head whiplashes off the canvas as Batista makes a cover, putting his forearm across the fore head of Joe for added pressure.



Jim Ross: Now Batista shows his physical dominance!

Roddy Piper: Or his roid rage!

Samoa Joe kicks out!

The fans go nuts as Joe kicks out with authority, Batista gets back to his feet and roars and shakes the ring ropes, showing some frustration as Samoa Joe slowly picks himself up as Batista roars and charges at him; Samoa Joe manages to duck the attempt and with one arm, Samoa Joe hoists Batista up and delivers a Side Slam known as the STJOE! Batista hits the canvas with a thud as Joe mocks him and as the Animal sits back up, Samoa Joe delivers a brutal kick to the back of Batista and his kidneys. Batista winces in pain as Samoa Joe storms across the ring and rebounds off the ropes, Joe leaps up into the air and delivers the single leg diving dropkick to the face of Batista!

Roddy Piper: JR! There’s the move which put down Damien Sandow & Jeff Jarrett in those tag team matches!

Jim Ross: But the question is, is the lacking of the Stinger Splash and the Snapemare driver gonna effect the effectiveness of this move!

Batista has his back on the canvas as Samoa Joe sits up and dives on top of Batista and pulls up Batista’s leg, hooking as Mike Choida makes the count.



Roddy Piper: You’re about to find out JR!

Jim Ross: Indeed, Hotrod!

Batista kicks out!
Joe shakes his head in frustration as he pulls up his knee pad, Batista is already gathering his thoughts as Joe glances behind him, Batista is using the ring ropes as away to pull himself up. Joe launches himself into the opposite ring ropes and rebounds back, steamrolling to Batista sending him out through the middle rope, as Mike Choida goes to begin counting Batista out, Joe roars at him “Don’t make the count, let this continue!” Mike Choida yells at him, he’s the referee in his match, Joe threatens to back hand Mike Choida, which quickly shuts up the referee. Samoa Joe climbs out of the ring and goes after Batista.

Jim Ross: Well, this isn’t a no countout match but I think Mike Choida is gonna have to relax the rules if this match is gonna continue.

Roddy Piper: I think he will JR, especially if Jim Cornette is yelling in his ear piece.

Samoa Joe grabs Batista and goes shove him into the barricade but Batista gets his foot up to block it and returns the favour, slamming Samoa Joe’s side into the ring barricade; Joe collides with the barricade with a thud as Batista grabs Joe by the arm and does it a second time, slamming Samoa Joe into the barricade! Joe seemingly winded, Batista checks behind to see where he’s position before grabbing Joe by the arm and Irish Whipping Samoa Joe straight into the ring steps, the steps go flying and crash into the announcement tables, as Samoa Joe winces in pain once more but he isn’t given a moments rest as Batista grabs Samoa Joe by the head and slams him into the ring steps, Mike Choida thinks about disqualifying the Animal but allows the match to continue.

Roddy Piper: JR, I can’t tell if Mike Choida is doing a good job or not here with this officiating?

Jim Ross: When you got two bulls like Batista and Samoa Joe going at it, I wouldn’t like to anger either one with a cheap finish!

Batista grabs the head again of Samoa Joe and slams it into the ring steps for a second time, completely knocking everything out of Samoa Joe, who is now sprawled across the lower half of the ring steps. Batista grabs Samoa Joe and drags himself to the corner of the barricade and lines him up with the ring post, grabbing the arm of Samoa Joe; he goes to Irish Whip the Samoan into the ring post but Joe manages to regain some composure and halts the attempt half way and manages to reserve it, sending Batista straight into the ring post. Batista stumbles back into Joe, who Irish Whips Batista with some much force, Joe slams on the ground, sending Batista straight into the corner of the barricade, but the Barricade collapses and Batista lands with as thud, Mike Choida leaps out of the ring and yells at Samoa Joe to bring it back into the ring now.

Jim Ross: Batista could be in real trouble after he dismantled the barricade.

Roddy Piper: JR, don’t count Batista out.

Samoa Joe strolls over to Batista and hoists up the Animal and begins to drag him across the ring but before Joe can toss him into the ring, Batista grabs Joe by the waist and charges with him and slams Joe against the ring apron before driving his shoulder into the gut of Joe atleast five more times, knocking the wind out of Samoa Joe. Batista takes a step back and yells at Joe “You think that’s gonna keep me down, huh?” before slapping Joe across the face, Joe erupts his time himself and grabs Batista and hoists him up and over with an Exploder Suplex onto the ring apron!

Jim Ross: Good god almighty! What a Suplex by Joe!

Roddy Piper: Did you see Batista’s head collide with the ring apron?

Batista head cracks on the ring apron as he crumbles into a heap on the padding below but Joe quickly grabs Batista by the head and rolls the Animal back into the ring and slides in after him and straight away dives on top of him making a cover.



Jim Ross: The end of the monstrous run of the Animal, Batista could be over.

Roddy Piper:
One way to find out JR!


Batista kicks out!

The fans cannot believe it as Batista gets his shoulder off the canvas! Joe glances back down at Batista and roars as he begins to hoist up the Animal Batista and Irish Whips him across the ring before hoisting up into an Inverted Atomic Drop, Batista holds his crotch as Joe goes into the ropes this time and delivers another single leg dropkick to the face of Batista knocking down onto the canvas; Joe then gets back to his feet and rushes into the ring ropes a final time and delivers the running senton, Joe remains ontop of Batista as Mike Choida continues to make the count.



Roddy Piper: Can another Sick Kick followed up by the Senton do it, do you think JR?

Jim Ross: I think so Roddy! Like we said before, the Sick Kick has put away the likes of Sandow & Jarrett.


No! Batista kicks out again!


Roddy Piper:
I dunno JR but the same could be said for Samoa Joe!?

Batista gets his shoulder off the canvas as Samoa Joe slams his fist down onto the canvas and snarls, before hauling himself up off the canvas, Batista slowly begins to rise back up to his feet as well. Both men are back to their feet at roughly the same pace, Joe and Batista turn to each other and begin to talk trash to each other again, Batista strikes Joe with a closed fist, Joe returns with an elbow smash, and Batista returns with another closed right, Joe with the elbow smash; the exchange is out of sight or so it seems but Batista suddenly has a burst of rage and goes to hoist Joe up into a Spinebuster but Joe leaps up out of it and charges into the ropes but Batista hoists him into a devastating Spinebuster which shakes the ring, Batista hooks the leg of Joe.



Jim Ross: This match is over, Roddy!

Roddy Piper: That Spinebuster shook the ring JR, it’ll be a miracle if Joe kicks out.


Samoa Joe kicks out!

The fans erupt and the noise level in the arena reaches breaking point, but Batista is livid as he hoists Samoa Joe up and boots him in the gut, Batista then lifts Samoa Joe up into the Batista Bomb but Joe begins to fight out of it with all his will, smashing Batista in the face! Batista staggers backwards as Joe leaps off and pushes Batista into the corner, Joe quickly follows up with a Big Boot to the face of Batista, Joe takes a deep breathe as he hoists Batista up onto the top rope, and hoists him up into his shoulders, the fans are going nuts as Samoa Joe delivers the Muscle Buster! The fans are chanting “JOE! JOE! JOE!” as Samoa Joe crawls himself over ontop of Batista, Mike Choida makes the count on Batista as the crowd chants along.



Roddy Piper: Batista is done for now!

Jim Ross: Finally someone may pin Batista!



The fans cannot believe it, their heads in their hands as Samoa Joe cannot believe it, Batista is kicking out of everything Joe has brought to the table as Joe stands back up to a vertical base and growls, stalking Batista as the Animal for the first time in UWF Career is on the back foot gets up and turns straight around into Samoa Joe; Joe boots Batista in the gut and seemingly is ready to deliver Batista Bomb to Batista but Batista gets out of it and nails Joe in the gut with an elbow smash, Batista then hoists Samoa Joe up and delivers brutal Batista Bomb, staying in the sitout position making a pin on Joe.



Jim Ross: What a Batista Bomb!


Joe grabs the bottom rope!

Batista in a fit of rage doesn’t let go of Joe as he stands back up to his feet and delivers a second Batista Bomb! Batista this time keeps the grip locked in tight as he pulls Joe to the centre of the ring as Mike Choida makes the count.



Roddy Piper: Goodnight Samoa Joe, great fight!

Batista lifts Joe up again!

Batista dead-lifts Joe for a third and final time, drilling Joe with a brutal third and final Batista Bomb, Joe is clearly knocked out but Batista is preparing to go for a fourth but Mike Choida realises Samoa Joe is out of it and signals for the bell.

Jim Ross: That Brutal Trifecta of Batista Bomb has knocked Joe clearly out on his feet.

Roddy Piper: JR, you said it yourself, this was gonna be a match where it would take a KO to end it.

*Ding Ding Ding*


Winner via Technical Knockout at 21:39: The Animal, Batista

Batista isn’t done as he finishes off the battle with a fourth and final Batista Bomb, adding insult to injury. Batista chuckles as he looks down at the broken Samoa Joe, whose completely out of it; Batista puts his boot across the chest of Samoa Joe and roars as Daniel Bryan & Damien Sandow emerge on the titantron applauding the Animal Batista; realising the monstrous Batista has given Y.E.S the edge going into Summerslam.


E-Rock is a motherfuckin' beast at making stuff into Metal - Just like me whoopin' Cwalker's ass.

The feed goes backstage showing the door outside the general manager’s office, as the camera pans out Damien Sandow comes into frame as he seems to be pondering how to word what he wants to say before entering. He knocks on the door but gets no answer.

Damien Sandow: Pardon me; I need to speak with you about the ruling of my match later this evening.

Sandow again knocks on the door

Damien Sandow: I apologize for the rude interruption however this is a serious matter and I cannot waste much time as I have meditation to get to prior to my bout, therefore I shall be letting myself in.

Damien grabs the handle but stops dead in his tracks has he moves forward to go into the office, as he shakes the handle realizing the door is locked.

Damien Sandow: Excuse…Excuse me your door seems to be locked, I believe we have an open door policy on Smackdown…hello? I need to speak with whoever is in charge I must have the decision made on my match changed to a normal bout instead of the abysmal no disqualification ruling set at the current moment... This is very rude; answer me I know you are in your office…

Sandow turns looking around with a frustrated look on his face, before pointing to someone.


Damien Sandow: Sir, sir if you would allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment I need to ask of you a favor. My name is Damien Sandow

Crew Member: oh…ummm My name is Ju-

Damien Sandow: Fine and good but I did not come to you for idle chit chat; I need you to do something for your intellectual savior. You see the man in that office has rudely tried to evade my attempts with speaking with him, you are an employee of our crew is that correct?

Crew Member: ye-

Damien Sandow: Excellent, so he must pay attention to you for anything you have to say may be important to the goings on with the backstage area. Now please do try to follow along and not be addled by my vernacular, I shall try to keep it rather simple for you. I need you to go into his office and tell him that I need him to change the ruling to my match for this evening, as I cannot compete in a no-disqualification match as it is beneath me to compete in such an abhorrent contest. Do you think you can accomplish this simple task?

As the crew member nods his head yes Sandow shoos him off, Sandow takes a step back away from the door as the crew member knocks yelling into the room who he is. The door is opened and he steps inside, Sandow sneaks up to the door trying to put his ear to the door before very quickly the door opens and he stands up straight. Sandow looks at the crew member coming out for a moment almost confused before looking at the door he came out of and then back again.

Damien Sandow: Well?

Crew Member: I don’t think I can repeat exactly what he said, but I think what he meant was No.

Damien Sandow: This was a complete waste of my time

Sandow knocks on the door once again

Damien Sandow: You shall regret having disregarded my request, not as much as Mr. Edge will but you will see that soon enough.

Sandow turns back to the crew member

Damien Sandow: If you wish to make yourself useful, fetch me a beverage: Half Goats milk, a little vinegar, and a little mineral water, with a twist of lime, easy on the ice please.

The crew member seems dumbfounded as Sandow takes a step to the side but stops thinking for a moment and turning back

Damien Sandow: Make that heavy on the ice, now run along

Sandow walks off screen.


“Final Countdown” by Europe plays as the crowd turn their attention towards the stage. Then, after a few moments, Daniel Bryan, emerges through the curtain looking out to the crowd pausing before raising his hands up and shouting Yes!

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing First: From Aberdeen, Washington...Daniel Bryan.

Bryan comes down the ramp, his Yes! shouts at full swing with seemingly every step until he reaches ringside. Turning to the steel steps and climbing up the turnbuckle putting one foot on the top rope and the other on the side raising both hands up once more with a resounding Yes! Bryan steps up on the top rope dropping down into the ring with both feet as the music of his opponent grabs his attention.

Darkness falls over the arena as the fans cheer, some of them out of anticipation, others out of lack of knowing how to react. Suddenly a young voice begins to recite a familiar poem.

When a man's heart is full of deceit
it burns up, dies, and a dark shadow
falls over his soul.
From the ashes of a once great man has risen a curse,
a wrong that must be righted.
We look to the skies for a vindicator,
someone to strike fear into the black heart of the same man who created him.

The battle between good and evil has begun.
Against an army of shadows comes the dark warrior,
the purveyor of good, with a voice of silence,
and a mission of justice.

This. Is. Sting.

After a brief moment of silence and darkness, the titantron screen lights up with the entrance video of the "Icon".


As the crowd erupts into cheers, "Immortal" by Adema begins to play as the fans are joined by the one and only Sting as he makes his way from the backstage area and enters through the curtain, turning the corner and appearing on the stage before them all. Sting stops and outstretches his arms and leans back, letting out a loud and passionate, "Wooooo!" before making his way down the ramp. He makes his way down the ramp, darting over to the steel steps as he reaches the end of it. He ascends the steps and walks along the apron, stepping through the ropes as he walks to the opposite side of the ring and prepares for his match.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent. He is one half of the UWF World Tag Team Champions, the Icon, Sting!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Well Folks, it’s the Icon Sting, taking on the American Dragon, Daniel Bryan where everyone is banned from ringside and this is true a battle of wits.

Roddy Piper: This is gonna be a classic JR!

Sting chuckles realising this match is going be equal match as Daniel Bryan begins to circle around the ring, with Sting following his every move, after a few moments the two lock horns in the middle of the ring in a collar and elbow tie up! Both men jockey for position, Stinger being the taller of the two uses his size advantage to slowly forcing Daniel Bryan on the backfoot but the American Dragon attempts to stay strong, and slowly begins to force the Icon backwards but it seems to be that two are evenly matched but not for long as Sting first time forces Daniel Bryan across the ring into the turnbuckle. Sting breaks clearly when Charles Robinson tells him to but Daniel Bryan takes the chance to slap Sting across the cheek.

Jim Ross: What a sign of disrespect from Daniel Bryan.

Roddy Piper: Disrespecting the Sting is the last thing you want to do.

Daniel Bryan smirks as Sting holds his jaw before smirking back, Sting nods his head and taunts Daniel Bryan as Bryan storms out of the corner and charges at the Icon but Sting grabs Bryan by the arm and hip-tosses him over! The fans go nuts as Sting let’s out a loud “wooooh!” the fans are going bananas as Daniel Bryan gets back to his feet and turns his attention back to Sting. Sting turns around with a look which would strike fear into anyone, the two lock eyes as Sting chuckles “Want to go for another round?” Daniel Bryan strokes his beard unsurely before nodding in response.

Jim Ross: You can see the cogs going around in Daniel Bryan’s head, looking for a cheap escape route.

Roddy Piper: Quit being so cynical JR, we both know Daniel Bryan is an amazing talent.

As Sting moves in close to grab Daniel Bryan into another Collar and Elbow tie up but Daniel Bryan unloads a brutal kick into the side of Sting’s ribcage, Sting looses his breathe as Bryan delivers another kick across the chest of Sting this time but the Icon is refusing to go down. Daniel Bryan roars as he delivers another vicious kick to Sting, knocking him down to the canvas, Bryan finishes off with a fourth brutal kick to the face of the Icon, but the Sting ducks underneath it as Daniel Bryan spins on the spot as Daniel Bryan, allowing Sting stands back to his feet. Daniel Bryan turns around straight into the Icon, both men staring each other down, Sting yelled “I got your number!” Daniel Bryan screams back “NO YOU DON’T!” before slapping the Stinger across the face once more.

Roddy Piper: That’s two slaps to nil, JR!

Jim Ross: Hotrod, how would you like to be disrespected like that?

Roddy Piper: I’d slap them right back JR, but I don’t see Sting doing the same thing!

Sting glances back at Daniel Bryan and shakes his head, Daniel Bryan chuckles and responds “you ain’t got nothing on me!” Sting finally unloads on Daniel Bryan delivering a brutal chop across the chest; Bryan’s expression changes as Sting delivers a second knife edge chop across the chest of Daniel Bryan; Bryan holds his chest as Sting flicks up Daniel Bryan and delivers a final chop, Bryan’s chest is bright red now as Daniel Bryan flops into a corner. Sting lines up another chop, unloading across the chest of Bryan, Bryan screams in discomfort as Sting delivers another and final chop across the chest of Daniel Bryan.

Jim Ross: Go-on Sting, give it to him!

Roddy Piper: Ahh, JR, it looks like I got to eat my words.

Sting backs off from Daniel Bryan giving him a moment to edge out of a corner; Daniel Bryan walks along side the ring ropes as Sting charges across and delivers a clothesline, sending Daniel Bryan over the top rope to the padding below. Daniel Bryan looks up in shock and shakes his head trying to clear his head. Sting paces up and down the ring, watching Daniel Bryan as he climbs back up onto the ring apron, yelling at referee Charles Robinson to not let Sting near him. Sting compiles willingly as Daniel Bryan climbs back to the ring, Sting slowly backs off. Daniel Bryan taunts Sting to bring it, the Icon smiles as Daniel Bryan strolls to the centre of the ring but Sting answers Daniel Bryan with a massive clothesline knocking Bryan down to the canvas, Sting yells at Daniel Bryan to get back to his feet.

Roddy Piper: Ah, what is the Stinger doing here?

Jim Ross: Trying to trick Daniel Bryan into a false sense of security.

As Sting moves closer to Daniel Bryan, Bryan yells at Charles Robinson that someone is trying to get over the guardrail; causing Charles Robinson to turn around but it doesn’t fool the Icon, allowing Daniel Bryan to get a cheap poke to the eye of Sting. Sting holds his eye in discomfort as Daniel Bryan follows up with a brutal chop block to the left leg of the Stinger; taking him down to the canvas, Daniel Bryan straight away pounces and puts Sting’s left leg into a leg lock. Bryan roars as he leans back and tugs on the left leg of the Icon.

Jim Ross: What a cheap move by Daniel Bryan.

Roddy Piper: But now JR, Daniel Bryan is a prime position to work the Icon down.

Sting reaches out for Daniel Bryan in attempt of grabbing him but there’s just enough distance to allow Daniel Bryan free will of the hold. Daniel Bryan continues to tug and pull on the left leg of Sting, Sting shakes his head in discomfort but Sting reaches out for the ring ropes but they are still a distance away. Sting begins to pull himself and Daniel Bryan towards the ring ropes, Daniel Bryan attempts to put more pressure on the leg lock but Sting’s veteran will shows through as he rolls onto his belly and grabs the bottom rope! The fans go wild as Daniel Bryan releases the hold to stop the pressure going to him.

Jim Ross: What prowess by the Icon Sting.

Roddy Piper: But JR, there’s damage done to that leg, Sting is an old man and how effective can he be on one leg?

Sting pulls himself up by the ring ropes but Daniel Bryan is straight back on the attack, delivering a second chop block to the left leg of the Icon Sting, knocking him back down to the canvas. Bryan grabs the left leg of Sting and pulls him back to the centre of the ring and this time, Daniel Bryan put’s Sting’s left leg into a heel hook. Sting’s leg and body is contorted by submission hold but Sting shakes his head and refuses to give it up as Daniel Bryan puts massive amount of pressure and tort on the heel of the Sting’s left heel.

Roddy Piper: JR, you have to wonder how long Sting can cope with the heel hook?

Jim Ross: If I know anything about the Stinger, he WON’T quit Roddy!

Sting is racked in pain, refusing to quit, no matter how much Charles Robinson asks him to. Daniel Bryan begins to tug and pull more viciously on the heel of the Icon but Sting continues to refuse to say die, as Sting begins to curl himself up into a ball before flipping Daniel Bryan over straight onto his back, releasing the hold but as soon as Sting goes to attempt the Scorpion Death lock, his left leg collapses underneath, allowing Daniel Bryan to grab Sting by the head and rolls him up into a small package!



Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan might steal this!

Roddy Piper: Hardly a steal if Daniel Bryan has worked on the leg of the Icon!

Sting escapes the pin!

Sting manages to push Daniel Bryan off of him but Sting is struggling to get back to a vertical base, Daniel Bryan pounces and rushes across the ring before delivering a brutal single leg drop kick to the face of the Icon.

Jim Ross: What an insult by Daniel Bryan, using the Black n’ White Machine’s finisher against the Icon!

Roddy Piper: Leave it out JR! It’s Daniel Bryan, what do you expect?

Sting is on his back, but Daniel Bryan doesn’t go for the pin, instead he goes straight back to the injured left leg of the Icon, this time locking in an Indian Deathlock! Sting’s left leg taking the brute of the submission hold, Sting roars in agony as Charles Robinson slides across to face Sting, asking him if he wants to give it up but the persistent Icon refuses to give it up as he crawls towards the ring ropes, once again dragging the entire weight of himself and Daniel Bryan across the ring towards the ring ropes once more, Sting is clearly in agony here.

Jim Ross: You have to wonder folks how much the Icon can endure here.

Roddy Piper: Or how patient can Daniel Bryan be?

Sting is crawling towards the ring ropes, he’s finger tips away as Daniel Bryan continues to apply the pressure on the left leg of Sting but Sting reaches out and in a final bid to get Daniel Bryan to release the hold, Sting grabs the bottom rope! But Daniel Bryan refuses to release the hold as Charles Robinson begins to count of Daniel Bryan.


Daniel Bryan releases the hold.

Daniel Bryan rolls back to his feet and gets into the face of Charles Robinson and yells at Charles Robinson “I HAVE TILL FIVE!” Daniel Bryan’s aggrogance and cockiness is about to cost him as he strolls over to Sting and grabs the Icon by the hair and begins to pull him up to a vertical base but Sting unleashes with a thunderous chop, lighting up Daniel Bryan’s chest! The fans are going nuts as the one legged Stinger hobbles across to Daniel Bryan and delivers another thunderous chop, the fans are allying behind the Icon as he delivers a third chop which takes Daniel Bryan down to the canvas. The fans erupt as Sting roars and beats his chest as Daniel Bryan gets back to his feet but the Stinger manages to scoop slam Daniel Bryan over into the Scorpion DeathDrop but Sting is struggling to keep his balance allowing Daniel Bryan to counter it. Daniel Bryan drags Sting down to the canvas straight into the LeBell Lock!

Roddy Piper: This is brilliant JR! Daniel Bryan has taken away Sting’s ability to deliver a proper offense, now he can just continue to pick apart the Icon! The veteran has been outsmarted!

Jim Ross: I have to say you cannot discredit Daniel Bryan’s brilliance here tonight!

Daniel Bryan leans back on the crossface, arching Sting’s back over but also wrenching on the neck and shoulders on the Icon, the fans are in a ruckus, chanting Sting’s name and making as much noise as possible, urging the Icon on. Sting is trapped in the centre of the ring with the LeBell Lock in tight. Sting uses what vision he has to look around his situation but the holds been in atleast twenty seconds now, referee Charles Robinson has to ask Sting if he wants to give up but Sting roars “No!” in response which only makes the crowd rally behind even more.

Jim Ross: The determination of the Icon is unreal Roddy!

Roddy Piper: JR, this isn’t about whose ability is better, it’s a matter of Pride and respect and Sting has the barrels full of the both!

Sting reaches out for the ring ropes but they are too far away, leaving Sting no choice but to find a way to counter the move, Sting is agony though as Daniel Bryan continues to wrench back on the hold; but Sting pushes backwards with his back hand, forcing Daniel Bryan back on his shoulders for a pinfall!



Jim Ross: My god, Sting might just win this match.

Roddy Piper: The brains of Sting is about to show through!


Daniel Bryan counters the pinfall, rolling Sting back onto his belly but this time, Daniel Bryan rolls round the back of Sting and grabs his Ankle and straight away locks in the Ankle Lock, the fans cannot believe it as Daniel Bryan pulls Sting to the centre of the ring by the ankle and applies a grapevine in the centre of the ring as Daniel Bryan roars! Sting is trapped in the centre of the ring as Daniel Bryan twists the ankle around, Sting tries to pull himself backwards the ring ropes but it’s futile as the pain on his ankle is incredible.

Jim Ross: Daniel Bryan has worked on that left leg of Sting the entire match.

Roddy Piper: Has the youthful wrestler outsmarted the wise old veteran?

Sting makes one last gasp attempt to get to the ring ropes, Sting begins to pull himself towards the ring ropes, reaching out but Daniel Bryan roars once more and twists the ankle once more but Sting refuses to call it a day as he makes one more big push and grabs a hold of bottom rope! But Daniel Bryan releases the grapevine but doesn’t release the hold as he pulls Sting back to the centre of the ring and locks in another Ankle Lock! The fans go absolute ballistic for Sting, trying to urge him to grab the ring ropes again.

Jim Ross: The of Sting to continue is unbelievable, the Reliant Stadium is going nuts to urge on the Icon!

Roddy Piper: But how much Sting take before either his ankle snaps or he has to submit because Daniel Bryan is like a pitbull.

Sting roars and begins to pull himself towards the ring ropes once more but Daniel Bryan is persistent as he gets back up to his feet and drags Sting back to the centre of the ring and applies the grapevine, Sting roars in agony, his left ankle is being destroyed by The American Dragon but Sting slowly raises his right hand in the air as Charles Robinson asks Sting he wants to give up. Sting looks in absolute agony but also disgusted as he nods his head and taps out.

Jim Ross: My god, the American Dragon has made The Icon tapout… Unbelievable!

Roddy Piper: JR, Sting should not be ashamed in this, he got beat by the better wrestler on the outside and he held on for atleast three minutes in that Ankle Lock.

*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via submission at 23:58: ‘The American Dragon’ Daniel Bryan


The fans erupt into boos as Daniel Bryan rolls back to his feet and begins yell “YES! YES! YES!” before looking down at the fallen Icon Sting, as Sting holds his ankle, Daniel Bryan does a slit throat taunt. Suddenly, Damien Sandow rushes down the entrance ramp holding a steel chair before sliding into the ring, holding the steel chair, Damien Sandow roars and drives the chair down across the injured left leg of Sting, the icon roars in agony as Daniel Bryan joins in the beat down, both men absolutely destroying the left ankle of the Icon Sting.

Jim Ross: this is a disgusting attack and Samoa Joe has been rushed to hospital after his brutal fight with Batista, the Icon has nobody who could save him!

Roddy Piper: JR, this is YES taking advantage of a situation which is in their favour.

Suddenly Edge slides into the ring, wearing black work boots and grey cargo jeans, he leans in the corner as both members of Y.E.S stand their celebrating over the fallen Icon, but they haven’t noticed Edge. Daniel Bryan turns to go celebrate when Edge pounces and delivers a huge spear to Daniel Bryan. Damien Sandow then turns around and swings for Edge but Edge ducks underneath and kicks Sandow in the gut before drilling him across the back with the steel chair as Jim Cornette quickly shows up on the titantron.

Jim Cornette: Referee Charles Robinson, signal for the bell, this No-DQ match is happening right now!


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: And this match is off, Edge just saved Sting from a brutal beat down and now it’s time for Damien Sandow to pay the price!

Roddy Piper: But this is a No Disqualification match and Daniel Bryan is still at ringside, this match could get very interesting incredibly quickly.

Edge holding the steel chair waits for Daniel Bryan to slowly get back to his feet, Daniel Bryan staggers upwards straight into a brutal chair shot from Edge, putting Daniel Bryan down to the canvas. Damien Sandow also gets back to his feet as Edge drives the chair across the back of Damien Sandow once again, Sandow holds his back in discomfort as Edge drops the steel chair down on the canvas and grabs Damien Sandow from behind and delivers the Edge-o-matic to Damien Sandow on the steel chair.



Jim Ross: Go on Edge, cripple Damien Sandow!


Damien Sandow kicks out.
Sandow gets his shoulder up off the canvas to the dismay of Reliant fans but Edge isn’t dishearten but he is cautious of Daniel Bryan whose holding his head in agony. Edge drops to the canvas and rolls out of the ring and hunts underneath the ring and pulls out a steel chair and tosses it into the ring, but Edge isn’t done; he tosses another two steel chairs into the ring before pulling out a ten foot ladder! Edge also slides that into the ring, Edge chuckles as he picks up a steel chair and just watches on waiting for either member of YES to get back to his feet.

Jim Ross: What is Edge planning here!?

Roddy Piper: To do what you wish, take out the ignorant trash of Y.E.S.

Unfortunately for Edge, both members of Y.E.S get back to their feet as once, Edge makes a decision to take both out at once, delivering a chair shot to the gut of Daniel Bryan before delivering one to Damien Sandow. Edge drops the chair and tosses Daniel Bryan out of the ring, but turns straight around into Damien Sandow who has a steel chair of his own and he drills it across the head of Edge. Edge crumbles to the canvas as Damien Sandow smirks and opens up his arms before placing a boot across the chest of Edge, Charles Robinson makes the count on Edge.



Roddy Piper: What cockiness from Damien Sandow, eh, Jim?

Jim Ross: It sickens me, Hotrod.

Edge kicks out!
Damien Sandow looks down in disgust at Edge kicking out of the pinfall attempt. Damien Sandow grabs Edge the hair and pulls him back up to vertical base and delivers a knee to the gut of Edge before pulling him along by the hair literally throws Edge onto the ladder. Edge lands on the cold steel as Damien Sandow smirks and grabs another steel chair and drives it across the back Edge, who is prone across the ladder. Damien Sandow fires off a second chair shot across the back of Edge with a sickening thud as Damien Sandow tosses the mangled chair out of the ring and begins to yell at Daniel Bryan to wake up, in fact Damien Sandow climbs out of the ring and begins to shake Daniel Bryan, attempting to wake him up.

Jim Ross: Damien Sandow is such a coward, he desperately needs his tag team partner to win this match.

Roddy Piper: JR, YES are bigger opportunities than Edge, what do you expect?

Damien Sandow picks up Daniel Bryan and looks at him before slapping him, Daniel Bryan finally comes to and looks at Damien Sandow in shock, but with YES dithering about on the outside has allowed Edge to pick himself up, visible bruising appearing on his back and front but Edge climbs the turnbuckle as both members turn around slowly begin to walk towards Edge, Edge takes a deep breathe before leaping off the top turnbuckle to the outside taking both men out with a crossbody which has the fans going wild.

Roddy Piper: Then again, nobody takes bigger moments of risk than the Ultimate opportunist, eh JR?

Jim Ross: The question is though Hotrod, how much can Edge do to keep both men at bay?

All three men hit the deck but Edge is the first man to stand back up to a vertical base, both members of YES are sprawl out on the ground but Edge quickly picks up Damien Sandow and tosses him back into the ring before adding a boot to the gut of the laid out Daniel Bryan. Edge slides into the ring and quickly sets up the ladder in the corner, standing it up straight. Edge turns around as Damien Sandow quickly throws his boot up, delivering a brutal low-blow to Edge, Edge drops to his knees, locking in agony and discomfort as Sandow smashes the steel chair across the head of Edge before cover him.



Jim Ross: What a brutal chairshot by Damien Sandow.

Roddy Piper: Tell me about it JR, I felt that over here.


Edge kicks out!
The fans leap out of their seats as Edge gets his shoulder off the canvas, all of them chanting Edge’s name as Damien Sandow yells “MISTER BRYAN! ASSISTANCE PLEASE!” and on cue, Daniel Bryan pulls himself up onto the ring apron and in to the ring, there is nothing Charles Robinson can do about this as Damien Sandow whispers a plan into ear of Daniel Bryan. Bryan smirks as both men pick up Edge and Irish Whip into the ladder, Edge collides with the ladder but continues to lean against it as the only straight steel chair is folded out and place in front of the ladder by Damien Sandow as Daniel Bryan leans against the opposite turnbuckle and prepares a run up on Edge.

Jim Ross: What in the world has Damien Sandow & Daniel Bryan got planned here?

Roddy Piper: Whatever it is JR, it doesn’t look good.

Daniel Bryan screams “YES!” before rushing across the ring, Daniel Bryan leaps up onto the steel chair and with all his momentum leaps off the steel chair and goes for a double big boot to Edge but Edge dives out of the way and both of Daniel Bryan’s feet go through the a rung of the ladder, trapping him upside down! Edge gets back to his feet as Damien Sandow goes for Edge but Edge lifts up Damien Sandow by the feet and flapjack’s Damien Sandow into the crotch of Daniel Bryan and the ladder! The ladder falls forwards and smashes on the canvas, both Sandow and Daniel Bryan are in a 69er position as Edge finishes off the comeback by picking up the steel chair and smashes the chair ontop of the ladder, at least five times before pushing the ladder off of both men.

Roddy Piper: Hey JR, that looks like the position me and Velvet Sky had the other night!

Jim Ross: Bahahahahaha! Roddy, you and Velvet Sky, don’t make me laugh.

Edge doesn’t go for the pin however, instead he takes the opportunity to roll out of the ring and look underneath the ring apron once more, this time, Edge pulls out a table and slides into the ring. Edge has that crazy look on his face as he kicks the ladder of the ring and then disposes of Daniel Bryan, Edge is in complete control of the match right now as he sets up the table in the ring close to the corner but far enough out for him to put Sandow through it from the top rope, so Edge hopes.

Jim Ross: Now Edge has got a table out, is it me or is Edge preparing for the Tables, Ladders and Chairs Money in the Bank ladder match?

Roddy Piper: I think Jim, that’s Edge’s plan entirely.

Sandow finally gets back up to his feet and quickly attempts to get away from Edge but Edge clobbers him from behind before tossing him onto the table, Edge takes a deep breathe before attempting to climb the turnbuckle but as he mounts it, Daniel Bryan leaps back up onto the ring apron and begins to pummel, Edge. But Edge returns fire, both men are brawling allows Damien Sandow to get back off the table; Sandow smashes Edge in the back and preps Edge for a massive powerbomb with help of Daniel Bryan but Jeff Hardy of all people rushes down the long ass entrance ramp and grab the ladder and nails Daniel Bryan in the side of the ribcage with it, the fans suddenly going nuts cheering, and yelling “JEFF! JEFF! JEFF!”

Jim Ross: Blah god! Jeff Hardy has just came here and saved Edge from seemingly eating the wood.

Roddy Piper: If Damien Sandow loses, we will not here the end of it from both members of YES, you do realise that, JR?

Jeff Hardy drops the ladder and leaps up onto the ring apron, and grabs Daniel Bryan by the head and leaps off the ring apron delivering a Twist of Hate off the ring apron onto the ladder! The fans erupt into a “HOLY SHIT!” chant while Edge begins to pummel Sandow in the head; Edge leaps off the ring ropes and delivers a massive uppercut to Sandow, knocking the wind out of him. Edge then proceeds to lift Sandow up onto the top turnbuckle, Edge follows suit and delivers another clubbing blow to the face of Damien Sandow, everyone is on the edge of their seats as Edge grabs the head of Damien Sandow and leaps off to deliver a massive avalanche Edgecution through the table! The fans now erupt into “HOLY FUCKIN’ SHIT!” chants, both men are sprawled out on the canvas but Edge manages to roll onto his belly and puts his arm across Damien Sandow as Charles Robinson makes the count.



Jim Ross: My god, Damien Sandow just got Edgecuted off the top rope through a table, noway can he kick out of that!

Roddy Piper: True JR but YES already have a scapegoat and their opponents are Summerslam may not even be medically cleared to compete.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Winner via pinfall at 16:01: ‘The Rated R Superstar’ Edge


The fans leap to their feet as Charles Robinson signals for the bell, Edge is declared the victor of the match, Edge is incredibly groggy on his feet as he stands triumpth in the middle of the ring but before he can finish his celebrations, Jeff Hardy slides into the ring, slightly bruised from his spot but both men stare each other down in the centre of the ring, the Reliant Stadium are clapping and cheering wildly as Jeff Hardy extends his hand, Edge looks at Jeff Hardy's hand before looking back at Jeff Hardy. After a moment, Edge grabs the hand of Jeff Hardy and the two shake hands in the middle of the ring as Smackdown goes to it's final commercial break before the main event of the evening, John Cena versus Bray Wyatt.

Fade. We return to the backstage area where the cameras are placed in front of U.W.F.’s SmackDown’s new General Manager, Jim Cornette’s office door. The audience cheers as footsteps are heard down the corridor, and the camera’s spin to the right and we see the ‘CeNation Leader’ John Cena entering Cornette’s office! The audience explodes in cheers as Cena knocks on the door and we hear a slight ‘Come in!’ Cena opens the door and Cornette is seen behind his office desk, reading over papers. Cena has a smile on his face as he walks up to the office desk and begins speaking.

John Cena: Yo, Jimmy – first of all I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for givin’ me a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship. I’ll be sure to do us all a favor and rid the disease known as Ted DiBiase.

The audience explodes in cheers and Jim Cornette nods his head, as he responds to John Cena’s promise.

Jim Cornette: Well, I hope you do John. We all don’t need him stinking up SmackDown, especially me so if you aren’t gonna’ do anything about it, I’ll be sure to do so. Is that all you wanted to say?

The audience continues to cheer and John Cena nods his head with a smile on his face, as he speaks.

John Cena: Actually, no. I wanted to let y’know that I know what I did last week got a lot of people angry. I know Ted and Show are comin’ after me, yeah – yeah I heard it all before. So, no matter how tough it gets out there. No matter how unfair it begins to be, I don’t want any help. I don’t want extra refs, security, superstars in the back, none of that. I’m the one who’s in the fight, and I need to battle the odds.

The audience is in shock as John Cena nods his head, and Jim Cornette stands up as he is also in shock. Cornette speaks.

Jim Cornette: J-John, are you sure? C’mon, do y’know what could happen out there?

John Cena takes off his cap and brushes his hair back as he places his cap back on. Cena’s voice turns more serious as he continues.

John Cena: You bet your ass I’m sure. Now, I got a match to win.

The audience explodes in cheers as John Cena makes his way out of the office leaving Jim Cornette in shock. Fade.


Effectsofraven listens to proper music.


Bray Wyatt: Them interviewin' folks came askin' for some of my time a little earlier. And you're probably all wonderin' why I didn't accept their calls for an interview, well let me tell y'all, it's real simple, they didn't believe. And that's my new way of doing my business. I realised very early in my life... that I weren't like other people... and that people didn't take to me much. So now?... I'm returnin' the favour I suppose you could say. From now on, I favour only those who believe in Bray Wyatt, or those who could potentially believe, and be SAVED by Bray Wyatt. Not those who have no belief in what I am, and what I am capable of. Like most of you out there in the crowd. I mean sure, man, maybe there are some true believers in the Angel in The Dirt, maybe there is, but all I hear when I enter the arena is slander, lies and hatred... sin filled words, spittin' at me like some sorta spittin' cobra or somethin'. And I do find it funny that metaphor, because it was indeed the snake that caused that first sin, with the temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden, but I will not rise to the snakes hate. I will not be the victim like the naive Eve was and I am pure of sin and all them evils that all of you are suffering for right now.

And yeah, it ain't obvious that y'all are sufferin' right now... y'all except my believers... 'but in time you might find, you get what you need'... and indeed what y'all need is a cleansin'. Cleansed of all your moral monsters... because them monsters are the real monsters and them monsters plague the modern man. And one of the things that cause these moral monsters is money. A man made creation that causes greed, jealousy and envy. These are problems faced by most but not ones that affect the truly divine, Bray Wyatt. Now, at Summerslam I have been placed amongst five other men in a Tables, Ladders and Chairs Money in The Bank match. And the greed caused by the allure of this 'money in the bank', be indeed the real, man made paper money, gold such as the World Heavyweight Championship or in this case a contract to have a shot at that very gold. And this greed will be the downfall of the other competitors... because they don't have the kinda divinity and sense of righteousness as Bray Wyatt. And as a result they will all fall short of their targets... their sin will be the downfall of their targets, just like sin will be the downfall of all mankind. And again, sin just ain't somethin' that can be said in relation of ol' Bray Wyatt.

Now tonight I'm facin' John Cena. A man, who at first glance may appear as a righteous man, a man with clear conscience and values. But look closer and you'll see a man with as dark a soul as any, man. He's out for himself, not his 'Cenation', and quite frankly he's got y'all brainwashed. Now I don't deny that I'm brainwashin' y'all... but I'm washin' y'all minds from all the sin, dirty thoughts and moral monsters that you suffer from and replacin' them with belief in somethin' real. Cena?, he's washin' yer kids minds... not adults, but vulnreable children without the true guidance of a real father figure... like Bray Wyatt, and he's brainwashin' them into buyin' all his merchandise and followin' him like he's some kinda god or somethin'. Now what I intend to do tonight is not to save Cena, but to save his brainwashed legions. I need to show them all that the path to follow is the path of Bray Wyatt... I need to show them children that John Cena is nothin' but a fraud and a liar that suffers from that same greed for money that most of the men I come into contact in this world do. I need to show them that belief in him will do nothing but break them down with poverty... and that good things come, to those who believe in Bray Wyatt... and the only thing I can do to them is show them love, real love, that you can see, that you can hear, that you can feel... the love of an angel...

All this is waitin' for ya, here and on the other side, I am Bray Wyatt... and I think it's high time, y'all start believin'...

Lillian Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Eli
Cottonwood, Bray Wyatt!


'Broken In Out In Love' hits the PA system, the haunting first strums of the guitar mean one thing, and our suspicions are correct as Bray Wyatt walks out from behind the curtain. Not saying a word. Just staring ahead. Bray Wyatt walks down the ramp not making eye contact with anybody. He slowly and stately walks up the ring steps and along the ring apron. As Bray Wyatt goes to climb into the ring, he begins to chuckle before hopping into the ring and preparing for his match.


John Cena’s entrance music blares out of the speakers, and the crowd bursts in thunderous cheers. All of a sudden, an over hyped John Cena bursts out onto the stage, which is a pleasure from the U.W.F. Universe. John Cena looks into the camera mouthing something that can't be heard over the sound of his music before meeting the end of the stage.

Lillian Garcia: And his opponent, from West Newbury Massachusetts, John Cena!

John Cena takes a bow forward, straightening himself before raising his right arm quickly, saluting the ring. John Cena springs forward and sprints down the entrance ramp. John Cena slides in the ring and hops up and onto his feet, as he throws up his hand sign on the ropes. John Cena bounces off the ropes and throws his cap at the crowd, who fight over it. John Cena walks over to the end of the ring and prepares for his match.


*Ding Ding Ding*

Jim Ross: Well folks, this is our Main Event, Bray Wyatt versus John Cena; and this seems to be a teaser for Summerslam! Bray Wyatt with Eli Cottenwood lurking on the outside, Nick Patrick being the referee, the odds are against Cena and I have the instinct unpleasure of having our World Heavyweight Champion, Ted DiBiase, JR.

Ted DiBiase: Do you realise who you are talking to JR, I am the Million Dollar Son & I am your World Heavyweight Champion and deserve respect!

Roddy Piper: Yeah, show the respect JR!

While the arguing continues on the outside, John Cena and Bray Wyatt stare each other down in the ring, Nick Patrick shirt pocket clearly filled with hundred dollar notes; Eli Cottenwood lurking on the outside, Cena and Bray Wyatt square up in the centre of the ring, Wyatt feeling absolutely cocky just knees Cena in the balls without warning and chuckles and spreads out his arms out and says “There’s no hope for you Cena!” before pushing Cena down to the canvas, Cena his back; Bray Wyatt leans over and smiles as Nick Patrick just casually leans back against the ring ropes as Wyatt just walks around Cena.

Jim Ross: This match is just going to be a traversty and it’s because of you, Ted DiBiase!

Ted DiBiase: Jim, soon you will learn, even John Cena has a breaking point, even he has a price.

Roddy Piper: So does JR, its called a burger with lots of Barbeque sauce!

Cena slowly pulls himself up to a vertical base, wincing in agony as Bray Wyatt slaps Cena across the back of the head, Cena stumbles forward as Bray Wyatt grabs Cena by the arm and Irish Whips him across the ring before delivering a clothesline to Cena knocking him down to the canvas. Bray Wyatt sits on his knees and continues to laugh, he’s absolutely enjoying this as he gets back to his feet and goes to boot Cena but Cena grabs the boot and pushes Wyatt away before getting back to his feet. Wyatt goes to clobber Cena but Cena blocks it and delivers a right hook of his own flooring Bray Wyatt down to the canvas, Wyatt is quickly back to his feet but Cena delivers another right hook taking Wyatt down to canvas but Wyatt rolls out of the ring and seeks cover with Eli Cottenwood.

Jim Ross:
And now Bray Wyatt needs to hid behind his giant, like you do, Ted.

Roddy Piper: Ah will you shut up JR!

Ted DiBiase: If you don’t shut up JR, I will make you!

Wyatt and Cousin Eli confer on the outside as Cena climbs out of the ring and follows hot pursuit, Cena clobbers Eli Cottenwood and grabs Wyatt and tosses him into the barricade, Wyatt collides as Nick Patrick yells at Cena to bring it into the ring or he’ll get disqualified, Cena compiles and tosses Wyatt into the ring but for no apparent reason, Nick Patrick blocks Cena and tells him to back off. Cena shakes his head as Bray Wyatt finally gets back to his feet and chuckles and points at Cena, Nick Patrick finally steps out of the way, allowing Cena to charge at Wyatt, both men begin to pound each other with right hooks which Cena wins the exchange of, Cena Irish Whips Wyatt across the ring, straight back into a huge leaping shoulder tackle, taking Wyatt down to canvas. Cena hooks the leg as Nick Patrick takes his time to get down to make the count.


Jim Ross: This is pathetic.

Roddy Piper: Ah shut the hell up JR!

Ted DiBiase:
Yeah, what Roddy Piper said!

Wyatt kicks out!

Cena looks at Nick Patrick with the disgust on his face as Nick Patrick tells Cena, he’s the referee what he says goes. Cena shakes his head as Bray Wyatt gets back to his feet and nails Cena in the head with an elbow shot, Cena staggers backwards as Wyatt takes a second shot but Cena is refusing to go down to the canvas, Wyatt delivers a third one but Cena isn’t going down as Cena delivers a right fist back, sending Wyatt backwards. Cena begins to mount a comeback, nailing Wyatt again with a right hook, but Wyatt boots Cena in the gut and grabs Cena by the head and drives him down with a DDT. Cena’s head collides with the canvas as Wyatt rolls Cena onto his back and Nick Patrick is almost too hasty to make the count.



Jim Ross: Now Nick Patrick is on his top form!

Cena kicks out!

Wyatt shakes his head in frustration as Cena gets his shoulder off the canvas; Wyatt grabs Cena by the jeans and pulls Cena towards the centre of the ring and grabs a hold of Cena’s head and places him in a grounded chinlock; wrenching Cena’s head tight, but Cena isn’t willing to give anything up as Wyatt chuckles and looks around the ring as keeps the hold tight. Cena winces as Wyatt keeps the chinlock in tight, Nick Patrick asks Cena if he wants to give up but Cena shakes his head and grabs the arm of Wyatt and begins to pull it off, Cena with all his strength manages to break Wyatt grip and twists Wyatt’s arm around; Cena raises up, pulling Wyatt up with him; Cena then does another Irish Whip to Wyatt but Wyatt manages to reverse it and Irish Whips Cena across the ring, but Eli Cottenwood leaps up onto the ring apron and knees Cena in the back, staggering across the ring straight into Wyatt, who locks in a sleeper hold in the centre of the ring. The fans are in a ruckus as Nick Patrick pretends he didn’t see it as he gets into the face of Cena, asking him if he wants to quit, Cena refuses without hesitation.

Ted DiBiase: Look at this good officiating by Nick Patrick, don’t you agree Roddy?

Roddy Piper: Ah, I wish all officials was this good Champ. Don’t blame ya for choosing him to officiate the World Championship match.

Jim Ross: You two make me sick!

Bray Wyatt chuckles as he continues to tighten the sleeper hold on John Cena but Cena is refusing to call it a day as he screams “NO!” at Nick Patrick once more but Cena is slowly fading, Wyatt chuckling is getting loudly as Wyatt begins to swing Cena around on the spot, forcing the sleeper hold in much tighter. The fans are also getting loud urging Cena to continue but he’s fading, Nick Patrick grabs Cena’s arm and lifts it up in the air.

Jim Ross: And here we go, let’s see how biased this is!

Cena’s arm drops for one, as Nick Patrick looks over at the timekeeper and yells at them “ONE!” before going back to John Cena and lifts it up for a second time and prepares to drop it.

Rowdy Piper: Here’s two JR!

The arm drops for a second time as the fans are becoming deafening yelling “LET’S GO CENA!” it’s a crowd which is One Hundred Percent behind John Cena. Nick Patrick yells at timekeeper “TWO!” before strolling back over to Cena as Nick Patrick lifts up Cena’s arm for a third time.

Ted DiBiase: Well, I thought John Cena was going to put up a better fight than this.

Jim Ross: Just you wait, Ted!

Cena’s arm falls but it shoots straight back up before Nick Patrick can even call for the bell, the fans are going bonkers as Cena slowly begins to rise up, the fans are going absolutely nuts as Cena manages to get elbow Bray Wyatt in the gut atleast twice, knocking the wind out of Wyatt and releasing the hold he had on Cena; Cena then Irish Whips Wyatt across the ring, Wyatt comes flying back straight into a sitout hip toss, the fans are going nuts as Cena bends over the flatten Wyatt and the fans yell “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” as Cena goes into the ring ropes and rebounds back straight into the Five Knuckle Shuffle! Cena gets back to his feet, absolutely psyched up as he lurks in a corner and prepares himself to deliver the Attitude Adjustment to Wyatt when he gets back to his feet.

Jim Ross: Go on Cena! Put Wyatt back in his place!

Roddy Piper: JR, the only person who is biased here is you!

Cena waits for Bray Wyatt to get back to his feet but unexpectedly Eli Cottenwood slides into the ring and goes straight for Cena but Cena’s read it and ducks underneath the clothesline attempt, Cena throws Cottenwood into the corner and begins to pummel away from Eli Cottenwood, no sign of a disqualification from Nick Patrick on Cottenwood but that doesn’t bother Cena as Cena then dumps Eli Cottenwood over the top rope, but Cena turns straight around into another low-blow from Bray Wyatt. Cena crumbles down onto his knees as Bray Wyatt boots him in the face and makes another cover, Nick Patrick makes a count.



Jim Ross: Well this is a travesty!

Ted DiBiase:
Will you just shut the hell up JR! Or else I’ll get Big Show to do it for me!


The fans go nuts as Cena’s shoulder shoots off the canvas, Wyatt looks at Nick Patrick almost to say count faster, but as Wyatt goes for another pin, John Cena grabs Wyatt and rolls him over into a pin attempt of his own but once again; Nick Patrick takes his time to make the count.


Roddy Piper: Don’t even say a thing, JR!


Bray Wyatt kicks out!

Cena cannot believe it as he stands back up to his feet, Wyatt takes a moment to recuperate as Cena begins to show signs of frustration, yelling at Nick Patrick to get it sorted out but as Cena looks to take matters into his own hands, Eli Cottenwood jumps Cena from behind, smashing into him. Cena is knocked over from the force as Eli Cottenwood grabs Cena up and tosses him into the corner and begin to pummel him in a corner, the fans cannot believe Nick Patrick ignoring the assault. Nevertheless Bray Wyatt joins in the two on one beat down in the corner, both men putting their boots into the gut of Cena before dragging him out into the centre of the ring. Bray Wyatt then walks over to the ring ropes closest to the announcement table and yells at DiBiase and Big Show “Wanna join in the enlightenment, boys?” Ted DiBiase ushers Big Show to go as he sits back in watches, while getting berated by JR.

Jim Ross: This is shocking, you’d rather win cheaply at Summerslam; wouldn’t you, Ted DiBiase!?

Ted DiBiase: The Million Dollar Son, NEVER comes cheap, how dare you, JR!

Big Show takes off his suit jacket and climbs over the top rope and hands Nick Patrick another one hundred dollar note and walks over to John Cena. Eli Cottenwood and Bray Wyatt both hold Cena down as Big Show unleashes a boxing jab into the ribcage of John Cena! The fans are booing wildly, even some are trying to jump the barricade, a riot is brewing as Big Show delivers another jab into the other side of John Cena’s ribcage.

Jim Ross: This is absolutely disgusting and you don’t even have the nerve to get your hands dirty!


Big Show, Eli Cottenwood and Bray Wyatt all chuckle at each other as Big Show lines up another shot, this time delivering the Weapon of Mass Destruction to the face of John Cena, Cena crumbles in a heap! Bray Wyatt chuckles as he looks down at John Cena before glancing over at the other two and casually puts his boot across the chest of John Cena. Nick Patrick drops down to his knees and makes the count on Cena.



Jim Ross: Blah god! This better be over!



The fans are going absolutely wild as John Cena’s shoulder shoots off the canvas, Big Show, Eli Cottenwood & Bray Wyatt look at each other in absolute shock. Looking down at John Cena, Bray Wyatt slowly hoists John Cena up into his feet, almost cradling him in his arms, Wyatt whispers into ear of John Cena “Soon John, soon…” as he tosses John Cena into giant gasp of the Big Show; Big Show is seemingly preparing John Cena for a Chokeslam but John Cena realises it fight or flight as he delivers a big boot to the gut of Big Show, knocking him down to one knee. Cena takes the moment to deliver a boot to the face of Big Show but Eli Cottenwood and Bray Wyatt quickly pile ontop of John Cena and begin to punch him down to the ground, the fans begin to throw rubbish into the ring as this unequal beat down continues but DiBiase is feeling like getting involved now as he gets off the announcement table and grabs a steel chair on the way over.

Jim Ross: Well ain’t this just great! Everything is against Cena and he made Cornette swear not to get involved.

Roddy Piper: Well then, John Cena is the idiot, JR.

DiBiase slides into the ring and slams the steel chair against the canvas to demonstrate the fact it’s a steel chair, as Bray Wyatt and Eli Cottenwood hold Cena up to a vertical base and lines Cena up for a vicious chair shot to the head. Cena hits the canvas with a thud as blood begins to trickle down his head, Bray Wyatt goes to make a cover but Ted DiBiase stops him and tells them; let’s keep it up for a while. Both men hoist up John Cena as DiBiase drills the chair into the gut of John Cena as Big Show finally gets back up to a vertical base, Big Show snatches the steel chair off Ted DiBiase’s hands and just without warning drill Cena in the head for a second time with the steel chair. Cena crumbles down to the canvas for a second time, completely out cold as the four men loom over Cena and Nick Patrick isn’t thinking of calling it a day any time soon.

Jim Ross: Is noone going to stop this!?

Roddy Piper: John Cena made it clear he didn’t want any help and here he is!

Ted DiBiase begins to direct traffic, telling Wyatt & Eli Cottenwood to hold up Cena for him, Big Show climbs back into the ring and hands him the World Heavyweight Championship as Ted DiBiase JR kneels down in front of John Cena and holds the World Heavyweight Championship up to his face and grabs Cena by the cheeks and Ted DiBiase begins to yell “LOOK AT THIS CENA! LOOK AT THE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP, THIS IS THE CLOSEST YOU’LL EVER GET TO IT!” the fans are booing wildly as DiBiase draws back before slapping Cena across the face before drilling him in the head with the World Heavyweight Championship! The fans are in dismay as the World Heavyweight Championship is covered in Cena’s blood, DiBiase tells Bray Wyatt to now pin John Cena! Wyatt places his boot across the chest of Cena once more.



Jim Ross: C’mon Cena! Fight back!

Roddy Piper: JR, Cena is weak, his record speaks for itself!


John Cena kicks out!

The fans are truly set ablaze as Cena kicks out, Wyatt looks at DiBiase as if to say he doesn’t know what he’s doing but nevertheless, the two pick up Cena for another belt shot; Ted DiBiase is taking his time lining Cena up, Cena is beginning to stir as DiBiase charges at Cena, but Cena manages to throw a boot up, kicking DiBiase in the face; DiBiase staggers backwards as Cottenwood & Wyatt Double Irish Whip forward into Big Show; but Cena ducks underneath the WMD and rebounds off the ropes and leaps up into the air delivers a massive shoulder block to the Big Show down to the canvas and Cena is all fired up!

Jim Ross: C’mon Cena, you can do this!

Roddy Piper: Quit being such a mark, JR!

Eli Cottenwood charges over to Cena but Cena hoists him up into a fireman’s carry, Wyatt quickly attempts to go for the save but Cena turns on the spot, smashing Eli Cottenwood’s boot into the side of Wyatt’s head, sending him down to the canvas. With Eli Cottenwood on John Cena’s shoulders, the fans are going nuts as Cena hoists Eli Cottenwood off his shoulders straight into a hugemonus Attitude Adjustment! The fans are going absolutely nuts as Cena waits for the Big Show to get back to his feet.

Roddy Piper: My my JR, I might be wrong about Cena here!

Jim Ross: You’ve changed your tune since Ted DiBiase has left the announcement table.

Big Show staggers back to his feet as John Cena lines up him, Cena waves his hand in front of his face and waves it as the fans yell “YOU CAN’T SEE ME!” Big Show stumbles straight into John Cena, who lifts Big Show up into the air straight into the fireman’s carry. Cena displaying impulsive strength manages to deliver a second Attitude Adjustment, this time to Big Show! Cena isn’t done yet as he waits for Ted DiBiase to stumble into him, DiBiase turns around straight into John Cena, who hoists him up into the Fireman’s Carry, the fans are yelling “DO IT! DO IT!” Cena looks straight into the camera, conviction in his eyes as he prepares to throw DiBiase over but Bray Wyatt clobbers Cena from behind but Cena’s momentum sends him forward and Ted DiBiase is dumped over the top rope as Bray Wyatt turns Cena around and begins to pummel him in the face.

Jim Ross: Now it’s down to Bray Wyatt and John Cena, just as the match is billed to be!

Roddy Piper: But with all the odds thrown at John Cena can he really withstand a fresh Bray Wyatt?

Bray Wyatt grabs Cena’s arm and Irish Whips him across the ring, Wyatt goes for a Backbody Drop but Cena manages to stop in time and throws his right foot up, delivering a boot to the chest of Bray Wyatt; Wyatt staggers backwards as Cena hoists him and snarls before delivering an Attitude Adjustment to John Cena ontop of The Big Show for good measures! Cena pulls Wyatt off Big Show and makes a cover but Nick Patrick isn’t playing ball yet!



Nick Patrick stares straight at Cena, almost refusing to make the three count on Bray Wyatt.

Jim Ross: Blah gawd! Money really does make the world go around, or at least Nick Patrick’s world.

Roddy Piper: JR, he’s almost been a crooked referee!


Bray Wyatt finally kicks out!

Cena continues to maintain his glaze on Nick Patrick as Cena picks up Bray Wyatt and hoists him up into a second Attitude Adjustment, slamming him onto the canvas for a second time; Wyatt’s body shakes the canvas Cena flips Wyatt onto his belly and pounces straight into the STFU! The blood pouring down his face as roars and wrenches at Bray Wyatt, Wyatt screams in agony as Cena has the move locked in tight, Wyatt’s eyes are searching for Eli Cottonwood, Big Show or Ted DiBiase to save him but it’s looking bleak as DiBiase is crawling back up the entrance ramp, Cena snarls at DiBiase as Wyatt continues to scream in absolute agony.

Jim Ross: Wyatt must be biting his tongue hoping for saviour.

Roddy Piper: Cena has managed to fend off everyone whose been thrown at him but now he’s got to make Wyatt submit in the middle of the ring.

Jim Ross: It’s his only chance as there is no way Nick Patrick make the three count.

Cena glance around the ring, as Nick Patrick finally gets into the face of Bray Wyatt and asks him if he wants to submit, Wyatt shakes his head and attempts to crawl and scratch towards the ring ropes; Wyatt reaches out for them, surprisingly Wyatt is showing great resolve in not submitting yet. Wyatt is inches away from the ring ropes, his finger tips are touching the ropes but Cena gets off Wyatt and pulls him straight back to the centre of the ring, time is of the essence as Eli Cottenwood is begin to stir on the outside, Cena arches backwards and screams at Bray Wyatt “TAP YOU SON OF A BITCH!” the fans roar and continue to chant “Cena! Cena! Cena!” as Bray Wyatt raises his arm up into the air.

Jim Ross: C’mon Wyatt, call it a day! You can’t last much longer!

Roddy Piper: JR! This is make or break for Cena; this is last chance!

Cena spits blood out of his mouth as he screams at Bray Wyatt to tap out but Wyatt is determined not to submit, Eli Cottenwood is completely groggy as he gets back to back to his feet, Cena wrenches back infurther with Wyatt; Wyatt roars in agony as Cottenwood suddenly realises what’s happening but it’s too late… WYATT TAPS OUT! Nick Patrick looks disgusted as he signals for the bell.


Roddy Piper: I can safely say, I have seen a new side of John Cena; one with massive amounts of resolve and determination to overcome the odds tonight and DiBiase must be wondering how much cash he’s got to splash to defeat John Cena at Summerslam!

*Ding Ding Ding*


Winner via Submission at 32:19: John Cena

Cena stands up victorious but it is very clear Cena is spend as he puts his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. The fans are giving him a standing ovation for his effort and cementing he has a chance at Summerslam. Cena nods his appreciation to the fans as the World Champion comes into the ring behind him, attempting one more time to get in a cheap shot. Dibiase goes for Dream Street, but Cena throws him off quickly to the delight of the crowd. Deebs finds himself on the ground looking up at a very pissed off and angry John Cena.

Yes John! For all our shakes, spank that spoiled rich punk!

Who spanks anymore JR, really?

Cena backs off of Dibiase and smiles, before motioning for Dibiase to come get some. Dibiase at first fixes his tie contemplating if this is serious or bravado. Dibiase figures it is bravado and he rushes at Cena who is just that much quicker then Dibiase and before the World Champion knows what has hit him he is on the mat and Cena has the STF locked in. The crowd is going nuts as Cena has truly beaten the odds tonight as Dibiase grabs the ropes but its not a match. Suddenly Nick Patrick comes back into the ring and wanting not to bite the hand that feeds him he begins pulling Cena off of Dibiase.

Now what the hell is Nick Patrick doing? Everytime I think this lowlife cannot go any lower he does something like this.

Nick Patrick is doing his damn job, JR. I’m voting for him, for referee of the year.

Patrick is able to get Cena off of the World Champion, but Cena is now staring bullets into Nick Patrick who looks like a kid with his hand stuck in a cookie jar. The fans start cheering as Cena points at Nick Patrick before looking out at the fans. As Cena does this he sees the Big Show pulling the Champion out of the ring and out of dodge on the Monster’s shoulder. Wyatt and Cottonwood look on from the entrance ramp their job done and a failure, leaving an opponent less Cena in the ring with Patrick. Patrick getting a bad vibe immediately exits the ring, but Cena is quick to give chase, as Patrick rounds the corner by the announcer’s table he trips and the crowd cheers as he falls flat on his face. A Cena chant starts as Cena stands over his prey looking down with a smile that would scare the Big Show.

Do it John! Make this scrooge pay for it!

Don’t you touch him John, he’s an official, you’ll get suspended for this.

Cena isn’t thinking about that however as he grabs Nick Patrick by the shirt and slaps him across the face. The crowd are surprised at what Cena just did, but the Chaingang Commander isn’t done, for as Patrick nurses his face on the ground, Cena takes the announce table and begins throwing off top and the monitors. Once that is done Cena throws up his hand into the sky one more time before looking at Nick Patrick. “You want to screw me! You can’t see me you stupid prick!” Cena says before lifting Patrick up onto his shoulders and the crowd erupts as Cena sends Nick Patrick crashing with an AA through the announcer’s table.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Bah Gawd Yes!

I don’t see them out here JR, why must you make a fool of yourself all the time.

The crowd is psyched out as Cena throws up his hands in a salute before rolling back into the ring. He salutes the crowd for their support tonight before turning to the entrance ramp where we see the pissed off Big Show and a coming back to life Dibiase looking worse for wear. “Big Mistake Cena! It will be your last!” The Big Show is heard saying. “No you are the one who made a mistake! You want some I’ll be here all night!” Cena responds. Big Show does not respond instead the copyright logo appears on the bottom of the screen and Smackdown comes to an end with a fiery staredown from the Challenger and his opponents.​

================================================== ==============

Staff Roll:
The Contract Signing (w/Prodigy), a lot of coding & Ending of the Show - SBS
EVERYTHING ELSE - EffectsofRaven

Effectsofraven Notes: Firstly, this is One Thousandth post on Wrestlingsmarks, which is a mile-stone for me! Also, this show was pretty much written by me, but SBS had a lot of input on the match finishes and everything but Cwalker... You got your asskicked Big TIME.

70 Pages... 36k Words... SUCK ON THAT PEOPLE!
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Re: UWF Presents Friday Night Three Hour EPIC Edition of Smackdown 08/03/12

Dude, there was so much epicness on this match, it froze my computer for a while.

Anyways, I haven't been able to read the full show but I look forward to it when I get the chance to sit down and read it all. Did catch my match, and skim through of the main event and the rest. Did not expect to win honestly, I thought Lewb had me by a good bit. It was a good TT sesh though. Still trying to find my groove as Zack.

EoR, great show, don't burn yourself out though bro.


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Re: UWF Presents Friday Night Three Hour EPIC Edition of Smackdown 08/03/12

Sweeeeeeeeet show. Sweeeeeeet show. Awesome show. Finally got the show out and it was a big show. The three hour special. It delivered... and I finally won... woohoo :D

But this was a very good show :D
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