UWF 2012: Past Raw Trashtalking

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Chris Dresdon

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As the familiar sound of glass shattering emits from the speakers of the PA system, the arena literally shakes from the bitter reception the fans give. As this goes on, the Texas Rattlesnake himself storms out from behind the curtain and begins to make his way down the ramp towards the ring.


He ignores the fans on both sides of him that are jeering or trying to touch him or get a high five or something, instead keeping his eyes fixated on the ring as he turns and makes his way up the steel steps, stepping onto the apron and walking along it before stepping through the ropes and entering the ring. Austin walks to the other side and motions to a ringside official for a microphone, who grants the Rattlesnake's wishes as Steve pulls it from his hand and flips him off, spitting on him. Austin turns away and walks towards the middle of the ring and stops, getting in Ryder's face.


Stone Cold: You must think yer a fuckin' stand-up comedian, eh kid? I mean outright suggesting Stone Cold Steve Austin's not only a smurf, but a pedophile, an old fossil, and a guy that thinks he's a vampire. Real creative stuff kid, you're on your way to the top with mic skills like that. Normally I would refute your claims, but I'm not going to do that, instead I'm going to tell you how lucky you are that I'm going to wait until Tuesday night to put my hands on you instead of smacking the goofy sunglasses off your face and shovin' up yer ass right now. Trust me, I don't want to wait, because not only did all that disrespectful trash piss me off, but you comparin' me to yer old man pissed me off too. I'm not yer old man, kid, if I was I wouldn't have dressed up in a fur coat and goofed around in those shitty videos with ya, I would've taken my belt off and beat yer ass every day for dressing like a guido. That's what he should've done, but he didn't. He failed you as a parent, this that I'm looking at right now is the fruit of his labor and lemme tell ya, never have I seen a more rotten apple. The fact that Dubya Dubya E, See Dubya Eff, and now You Dubya Eff all kept you on payroll is nauseating. To watch you parade around as a professional wrestler and get paid for making a mockery of this profession is insulting, it's a slap in the damn face and just as disrespectful as the shit you were saying before I came out here. That juicehead you hang out with looks more like a wrestler than you do, too bad the quality of his work is the same. But I guess that's why you two are "broskis", isn't it?

That all comes to an end on Raw, when I do what I said I was going to do and kill the Ryder Revolution. Not because Wade Barrett wants you in a tough match, not so Teddy Long can sleep soundly Tuesday night because he booked the right opponent for you, and not because there are still some people that continue to ignorantly cheer me and want to see me do it. Zach, this is about Wrestlemania. I'm going to kill the Ryder Revolution to send a message to John Cena, to let him know that I am coming for him and his Cenation and terminating it on sight. That, and because it's something I feel like doing. Stepping on your dreams, crushing your spirit, and ensuring you fail to prove to the world that you're a force to be tampered with is going to be the most fun I've had in this business in quite some time. And if you don't think I'm serious, try me.

Austin lowers his microphone and stares a hole through Ryder, waiting on a response.


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Masshole, If you know it the you are from here
The Ultimate Warrior: That is pretty amusing coming from you Regal. Considering you have been around since 1988 as well. And lets see who has been making real strides since then. What exactly have you done in your illustrious career. Oh that's right you were one of the people to get to join the Vince McMahon kiss my ass club. HAHAHA. Well good for you William. You see it is good to know that you have been able to avoid facing me all these years for now in the age of Darkness the time has come for you to see the true power of the Warrior and as you speak of retirement the Nightmare can only think that you hope for the Warrior to put you out of your misery and send you to yours! You speak of becoming World Champion well that ship has sailed for you about 15 years ago and you didn't have what it took then. Welcome William, to your Nightmare! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Warrior drops the mic.


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Raw 3/27/12 Randy Orton vs. Dean Ambrose



The crowd gets to their feet immediately as the Viper comes out from the back. Unlike previous weeks where he has come out in his ring gear Orton is instead dressed in a t-shirt with the trunks. Orton has a look of sheer determination and hate on his face. Orton walks down the ramp as if stalking a predator before hopping into the squared circle and heading to the turnbuckle where he throws his arms out to the massive hate of the crowd. Orton steps down, before taking a mic and beginning to speak.


Randy Orton: I have to admit when I found out my opponent was going to be Dean Ambrose I smiled. CM Punk once again in trying to undermine me, in trying to stop me from becoming Undisputed Championship, he has done me a favor. For putting me up against someone the caliber of Dean Ambrose for me, is like Kobe Bryant playing in the D-League.

The crowd begins erupting into boos and jeers but Orton just loves it. He is eating up the entire thing as he strokes his beard in mock triumph.

Randy Orton:
So what, if Dean Ambrose is the hot new thing. So what if he has some victories here and there over meaningless opponents. He will do exactly what I’ve seen so many others do, and that is burn out. Last week he suffered his first loss, and while he wasn’t part of the decision he better get used to the feeling. Because this week he is going to face the same result. For you see, Dean Ambrose is not in my league, hell Dean Ambrose might as well just give up now. While he holds that trash called a championship here in UWF, come WrestleMania I will become the real champion, the Undisputed Champion

The crowd continues its jeering with an RKO sucks chant. Orton doesn’t care nor does he give a damn as he just continues along in his speech talking over the crowd.

Randy Orton:
In fact, I am so sure of the fact I am head and shoulders above him, I went to Teddy Long and I asked him to make this a hardcore match. Because not only do I want to beat the snot out of this mini punk, I want to beat him at his own game. For you see, I see in Ambrose a lot of CM Punk. The same spirit, the same belief in themselves, and the sheer ego to believe they are better than they are. When I step into this ring on Tuesday Night I am going to look at Dean Ambrose as if he were a mini little CM Punk. I’m going to beat, no, I’m going to destroy him at his own game, just like I am going to do to CM Punk at WrestleMania. Punk claims he is the best in the world, which is merely a rumor. For at WrestleMania, I will be the best in the world, I will prove this to be fact, when I make the hardcore champion look exactly like he really is. A kid picking a fight in the adult world. There is a reason kids are protected until they come of age. Ambrose doesn’t have that luxury come Tuesday. NOTHING, is going to protect him from me. Nothing is going to prevent me abusing him, and owning him at his own game. I don’t give a damn about Dean Ambrose. I don’t give a damn about what he has done, who he’s beaten, or even who he is facing at WrestleMania, because Dean Ambrose is beneath me.

Randy Orton pauses for a moment and turns to the camera before staring right into it. The camera is right in his face showing the crazed eyes that have become synonymous with the Viper. Orton speaks clear.

Randy Orton:
Dean Ambrose is lucky, he should thank CM Punk for even the slightest chance to step in the ring with the greatest superstar in the history of wrestling. But be very careful what you wish for Ambrose. You won’t be thanking CM Punk when you leave Raw a broken boy, when you realize you just can’t hack it in the ring with me. Your rise to stardom will be over faster than Kim Khardasians marriages. Because this Tuesday, in a match you call home, I break you like the little boy you are, and give CM Punk the vision of his very, very, near future come WrestleMania.

Orton is still staring right into the heart of the camera when suddenly...

OOC: Hey man, I have to write most of the show this week so the sooner we can tt the better man. The later in the week the more less likely I'll be able to respond. Good luck bro.


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Raw 3/27: US Semi-Finals: Del Rio vs Bobby Roode

Wrestlemania is coming up soon, and everyone is starting to get hyped. The anticipation of knowing who is going to challenge Wade Barrett for the United States Championship at Wrestlemania. The first potential challenger makes himself known relatively quickly.​

I'm off The Chain!!!...Time to Aganist The Grain!!!​


The crowd pops as the theme music of Bobby Roode starts playing and the titantron reads his name. Soon enough, Roode comes from the back onto the stage, wearing a two-piece with his hair slicked back into a ponytail. Roode raises once arm in the air and his pyro shoots off behind him as the fans continue to cheer. He makes his way down the ramp, moving quickly, and heading towards the steel steps. Roode hops from the ring floor to the top of the steps and look out into the sea of people before entering the ring and grabbing a mic from ringside.


Bobby Roode

It is about damn time!​

The crowd pops huge for Roode's first words. They soon quiet down and continue to listen.​

For the past month, all James Storm and I have been asking for is a chnace. We've been overlooked, under used, and intentionally buried, but tonight I've got a big enough chance for both of us. Teddy Long couldn't keep us off the card forever, and now I've go the chance to bring some Championship Gold to Beer Money's camp. Granted, it's not the Undisputed Championship, but it's a start.All Bobby Roode has to do is win two matches, and he's going to Wrestlemania to challenge Wade Barrett for the United States Championship.​

Once again the crowd pops for Roode's announcement. The fans are behind the Canadian tonight.

Now in order to get to Barrett, it seems as if I've got to go through a little tournament. Alberto Del Rio, Tyson Kidd and Triple H all stand in my way of going to Wrestlemania and beginning Beer Money's takeover of UWF. This entire tournament is merely a formality though, everyone knows out of the four men in this tournament I am the best. I'm the one to build a company around, I have the talent, I have the charisma, I have every single tool necessary to be a Champion in this company. I am the "It" factor of professional wrestling! And my opponents? A man living off what he did ten years ago. A "crown prince" who's only claim is being trained in the famous Hart Dungeon, and a Mexican Astriocrat with an unoriginal gimmick.

Alberto Del Rio, night after night, week after week, month after month, you come out here with the same tired act. The rented cars, the unoriginal act, the Herman Munster looking ring annonucer. It's always the same with you. It's boring. You're boring. Just watching you in this ring, whether it be in a match or on this microphone, makes James and I want to give up on all hope for the future talent of this business. You see Del Rio, you're sadly one of the guys that James and I have been spending the past month fighting for. We've been buried for the past month, so a guy like you gets an oppourtnity like this. How ironinc is it that once you've been given the oppourtunity to go the biggest stage of them all, the guy that takes the oppourtunity from you is the guy who has been fighting so hard for you to get it. But if that's what needs to be done in order for the change that I've been calling for to happen, then so be it. Because you Alberto Del Rio cannot bring that change. Triple H, despite his best attempts, have physically that he can no longer be the catalyst for that change. Tyson Kidd, despite all the talent in the world, cannot bring that change. There are only two people that change the landscape of UWF; Robert Roode and James Storm.​

Roode paces back and forth in the ring, thinking of his next words.

Del Rio, you like to pride yourself on being a submission specalist just because you know one submission. That Cross Armbreaker does not make you dangerous in my eyes. I'm the dangerous one Del Rio, because just like you I can rip someone's arm out of the socket with my Fujiawara Armbar, I can make you pass out with the Crossface, there are numerous ways I can beat you Alberto. And trust me when I tell you that I will be putting each and every one of them into action next Tueday on Raw. I will not stop until I beat you, I will not sop until I'm heading to Wrestlemania, and I will not stop until I am the United States Champion.

Roode looks up at the Wrestlemania sign hanging from the rafters before speaking again.

At Unforgiven, you all were promised change. That change is coming. It starts on Tuesday Night Raw, it starts will you Alberto Del Rio and it will all culminate with me winning the United States Championship. Alberto Del Rio, you are nothing than step number one in the process of fixing this company. And you are also the first person to find out that it "Pays to Be Roode".

Roode lowers his mic and waits for Del Rio to appear.​

The Wrestling Addict

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Raw 3/27: US Title Contendership Semi Finals: Triple H vs. Tyson Kidd




Triple H steps through the curtain with a water bottle in his hand. He pours some in his hand and some in his mouth. Trip sprays the water out his mouth and walks down the entrance ramp.


He walks to his right at ringside and gets up on the apron. The Game looks to his left, then to his right. He throws his water bottle in the crowd and poses, spraying the rest of the water out of his mouth.


The King of Kings demands a microphone and receives one.

I just have one question for all of you... Are you ready?

Fans cheer and Triple H gets on the top rope.


Fans cheer more loudly and Trips steps off the top rope.

Oh who am I kiddin? I don't give a damn if you're ready or not! I am here to talk and that's what I am going to do. As I am sure all of you have come to the realization that I am not one of the youngest guys on the UWF roster, this year could be my last chance. My last oppurtunity to compete on the grandest stage of them all one last time. I have main evented Wrestlemania eight times throughout my career. Most people dream of even being on the card, much less in the main event on eight different ocassions. This year I will not be in the main event. However, that doesn't mean I don't have a chance to make history. One thing I have never accomplished is holding the United States Championship. At Wrestlemania, I may have that oppurtunity. Let's take a look at this video footage from last week.

Triple H points at the titantron as the fans look on and a video is played.


Justin Roberts: Here are your winners, the team of Triple H and Alberto Del Rio!

Cole: I don’t believe it! HHH and Alberto Del Rio have overcome the odds and struck victory here tonight.

Booker: I guess there is a reason they are both former World Champions, Cole. Though you have to wonder what might have happened if Ryan had been able to keep his ego in check.

Teddy is applauding the Game in the ring while nodding his head as the Game celebrates in the ring. Triple H motions for gold around his waist telling Teddy to make it happen. Before Teddy can do anything, Del Rio has snuck up behind him and with a very athletic move gets Triple H into the deadly armbar preparing to snap his arm.

Cole: Oh no! The match is over and now Del Rio is making his case to Teddy Long. If Del Rio breaks Hunter’s arm that would make one less person in his way of challenging for the United States Championship.

Booker: This isn’t earning points in my book. Get off him dawg. You’ve made your damn point.

The official is trying to get Del Rio off of Hunter who is tapping out when Teddy decides to take action.

Teddy Long: Del Rio, you get off Hunter right this second or so help me not only will you not be going to Wrestlemania, you’ll be fired.

Del Rio begrudgingly lets go of Hunter. He gets up and looks right at Teddy. “I just made Triple H tap twice. Make me number one contender!” Teddy just shakes his head.

Teddy Long: Del Rio, you’ve impressed me playa. But unfortunately so has Triple H and a few other guys. So I’ve made a decision regarding what to do about the United States Championship at Wrestlemania.

Del Rio yells, “you better not screw me Long or your arm is next.”

Teddy Long: I’ve decided, since this is a wrestling company, I’m going to determine the number one contender the way it should be, with wrestling. So next week live on Raw, we’re going to have a 4 man tournament. The participants are going to consist of you Alberto, Triple H, Tyson Kidd, and one other person. I haven’t decided who yet, but I’ll give you a hint, turn around playa!

Alberto turns around and is shocked to find both members of Beer money in the ring with him. Before Alberto can do anything Storm drives a Last Call Superkick into his face, Del Rio is out on his feet as Roode goes low and spears the hell out of Del Rio to the delight of the crowd and the biggest pop of the night so far.

Cole: Wow! What news by our general manager of Raw. A tournament to decide the Number One Contender to the United States Championship live next week. I’ve got chills just thinking about it.

Booker: HHH, Del Rio, Kidd, and one of the members of Beer Money, that has the potential for something great next week here on Raw.

Teddy is shown heading back up the ramp to get ready for the contract signing next as the final image before the final commercial is of Beer Money taking turns taunting with the fans.

So tonight I am in a tournament. It starts with me vs. Tyson Kidd and the winner faces the winner of Bobby Roode and Alberto Del Rio. First off, I know Del Rio will be bragging to Bobby Roode about making me tap out twice, so I am going to go ahead and address that. I give Del Rio credit. He made me tap out twice. But I also feel sorry for him because he made me tap out twice. The first time, he gave me a reality check, which I needed. The first time, it was during a match and was fair. The second time, he locked in that armbar.... it was no reality check. In fact it just pissed me off! The second time wasn't a match. He jumped me from behind after the match like a true coward would do. Later tonight, Alberto and Bobby Roode will duke it out. I can already tell you, I don't give a damn who wins. Roode is nothing more than a lower to mid card tag team wrestler. Alberto Del Rio is on the top of his game. However, Alberto Del Rio and Bobby Roode put together cannot match the ability that lies within the King of Kings. Tonight the winner of Alberto Del Rio vs. Bobby Roode will be left laid out in the ring, after they get defeated when they are hit with a Pedigree from the Game! Neither Alberto Del Rio or Bobby Roode will have a Wrestlemania Moment this year. I will be defining Wrestlemania when I win the United States Championship from Wade Barrett!

Now I realize Roode and Del Rio aren't the only men in this tournament as my first opponenet tonight, Tyson Kidd has received a chance as well. How? I have no idea... The man has continued to do absolutely nothing and is being rewarded for it. He is associated with an overated wrestling family, so he gets the oppurtunity, I guess.

Fans boo at Triple H claiming that the Harts are overated.

Boo me if you want but everyone knows it's true. I have to hold my head up from falling asleep when one of those damn Harts gets out a microphone. Tyson, you aren't blood related to the Harts but you have been in a relationship with Natalya for years. Do you not realize what this means? Both Brian Pillman and the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith married into the Harts. What happened to them, Tyson? They are six feet under!

Triple H is receiving an ass load of heat now.

The Harts carry bad luck. Owen died, and two dudes who married into the family died as well. I have to be honest though. The funny thing is, Pillman, Smith, and Owen, are all dead, but yet they have more charisma than Tyson Kidd!

Triple H is laughing but the fans can't believe he is saying these things.

Looks like we have a crowd here tonight that is very...... DEAD!!! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm killing myself up here! Hahahaha! Another thing is, people act like those three were legends. You have to be kidding me! The only reason they are considered legends is because they died! If they were still alive, they would be long forgotten. Hell, Stu was probably happy when Owen died. He was excited Owen finally moved out of his house! Hahahaha!

Fans are now just disgusted. Some have even got up and walked out.

I have a tip for ya, Tyson. Why don't you go die so you can actually get noticed! Isn't that what Owen, Davey Boy, and Pillman did? And why the hell are you in a US Title tournament when you are Canadian? I hate Canadians! Mexicans come up here illegally and people throw a fit but yet Canadians are no better. Canadians are more worthless than Owen Hart is right now! Hahahahaha! Look Tyson, I'm tired of your hair. I'm tired of your smirk of a smile. I'm tired of your manly-ass girlfriend. I'm tired of your lack of charisma. And I am tired of your Canadian ass! I am going to beat your ass tonight. Then I'm going to move on and beat either Del Rio or Roode. And when I go on to Wrestlemania and win the US title, you, Del Rio, and Roode, may as well be dead!

Triple H continues to laugh but is finally cut off....

OOC: RIP Owen Hart, Davey Boy Smith, and Brian Pillman​
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*Tyson Kidds theme begins as Triple H turns towards the stage, Kidd appears on stage with a smug almost disgusted look on his face as he walks down to the ring. As he walks down some people in the front row try to reach out to touch him but he moves his arm away so they can't reach him. Kidd runs up the steps and walks across the ring apron looking at Triple H in the ring. After a moment or too he grips the top rope and suddenly flips his body over the top rope completely landing on his feet in the ring*


*immediately after landing in the ring he walks over to get a microphone, and once he has it he looks around the arena, Instead of directly addressing Triple H he looks out towards the crowd as he speaks*


Tyson Kidd:

I don't know what's sadder, The old man trying desperately to get under my skin. Or the fact that I have to face this old man to get my championship shot, I'm not sure but after seeing that terrible time you had on the microphone right now I say its up in the air as far as which one is sadder. Oh Hunter where has your mind gone? The Cerebral Assassin now reduced to shooting round after round blindly to see what hits only to realize that they were all blanks, I don't know if its your kids or if its your age but whatever it is Your not the Triple H I want to beat. I want to beat the guy who was that damn good, too bad that guy is long gone and in his place stands this. What are you going to do next Hunter? Talk about my "momma"?

*Kidd shakes his head in disgust*

Oh and I can't believe I have to say what Every single old timer and son of an old timer have been telling me my whole career, I am not a Hart. That little tidbit is something a lot of people try to hammer home when I never said I was, and yet it seems I have to tell you because you seem to think talking about the Harts will effect me. You thought talking about Bret Hart would get to me, you know think talking about those who have passed will get to me. And you say your tired of me? well I don't like agreeing with all these people but let me talk for the entire world in saying We are ALL Tired of You. We are tired of your water spot, we're tired of your lines your nicknames your sophomoric jokes your everything. That said you are not the only focus I have this week.

*Kidd looks towards the stage*

Alberto Del Rio, You've proven you know where to pick you spots. You've been on a sort of roll as of late and that is exactly why your in this tournament, as far as I'm concerned given the opportunities or lack there of in my situation, you are the Number one contender to take out of the tournament. And I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up defeating you at the end of the night, showing what happens in a fair match instead of a fatal four way. That said there is a good chance I won't even see you, because of your opponent.

Beer Money is a team that I actually thought I'd like to face when I was carrying Dead Weight Smith, and from what I hear Bobby Roode is the man representing Beer Money in this tournament. And I know either man would of made a formidable opponent, and hell in any other situation I could see one of them with the United States Championship. It is quite obvious why you were given the opportunity to be in this tournament by Teddy.

That said I'm not saying you two don't deserve to be in this tournament because that would be a farce, all I am stating is the fact that while you two are good I'm simply put Better. So good luck to both of you in your match to decide who receives the honor of being known as the man Tyson Kidd defeated before becoming the U.S Champion. Which brings me to the man who will have that distinction no matter what, what was it that you said Hunter? You have no idea why I got this chance? Well you see I have done nothing because I'm left off the card or put in multi man cluster matches. See you like to talk big when what is what you've done? You've tapped out two weeks in a row, and the only time you won a match was because the team turned on each other. See I haven’t been pinned or made to submit unlike you, as far as I see it you the only one of the four of us who doesn’t belong. But you’re still in this tournament, why? because your name is Triple H. Is it not pitiful, that simple fact is still enough for you to get opportunity after opportunity. But guess what Hunter, that all ends in our match.

See like you said you had your moments in the past but that time is long...Long gone. And since you love bringing up irrelevant things, let's remember that people from the dungeon have a tendency to take away your wrestlemania moments just like in this tournament. I haven't been given the chance at my Wrestlemania moment, and I am almost happy I haven't yet because it just means I get to make my first Wrestlemania moment one to remember. By becoming the United States Championship, a title those who trained me held, a title that means your next in line, and a title I will hold and bring prestige too. The Crowd Prince takes his first step towards the crown, and is it not fitting that it happens after winning a tournament which was the stepping ground of some of my fellow graduates. And while you are a senile, pitiful old man now Triple H I'm glad that I get to use your name to add to my soon to be long list of people I've defeated as I prove I am the best there is Period. And one last thing Hunter...

*Kidd gets a smirk on his face as he looks up at Triple H*

After our match, the only thing Dead your going to have to worry about, is your career.

*Kidd lowers his microphone as he smirks a smug smile*


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Dean Ambrose's music hits as the crowd erupts in cheers. He comes walking down the ramp with his Hardcore Championship across his shoulder and instead of his signature black jean jacket, he is wearing a D.A.R.E shirt. He stops at the top of the ramp and yells "It's clobberin time!".He continues walking down the ramp mimicking CM Punk's walk and he climbs up the steps and get to the top rope and poses with his Championship. He leaps down and asks for a mic and his handed one.


So did I get that right? Is that mini CM Punk enough for you? I can do more believe me. If you want I can do some of his moves during our match. I can make you Go To Sleep and than the next day you won't even know what happened. But then again I'm not sure I'm up for that. If I acted like him, I'd be lowering my abilities. Plus I can't bounce off of ropes or anything, I'm a brawler. And as a brawler, It's my duty to just beat the living hell out of anyone who gets in the ring with me. My specialty is a hardcore brash style. You know that, I know that and the entire world knows it. You pretty much had a 10% chance of beating me but to make matters even worse for you, you made this a Hardcore match. Now you have a 1% chance of beating me. The only time I've ever been pinned was via a roll up. Now I'm sure you don't want to seem weak heading into your Wrestlemania match so I assume you're going to try to kick my head off or RKO me but let me tell you something there Randy, You're shit outta luck.

The crowd cheers as Ambrose nods his head fast with a grin on his face.

You can say you’re going to and try to beat me down but everyone knows I'm not right in the head. If you think you can do any more damage to my head well I'm sorry to tell ya' but it just aint gonna happen. You're very predictable in the ring Randy. You try and come off as a sort of loose cannon. No one is as unpredictable as me. Just the way I walk, no one knows what the hell I'm going to do next. I know you've been standing here thinking the exact same thing. You have no idea what I'm capable of. No matter how many times you go back and watch my previous matches, you'll never know what I'm going to do to you in our match. It’s sort of my thing. I could bust your head wide open with a chair, I could hit the Moxicity, the One Hitter, the Midnight Special, really I can do whatever the hell I feel like doing to you in that ring. Maybe I’ll do all three. Maybe I’ll beat you so bad they’ll take you right out of the main event and I'll be put in as a replacement because we all know that’s what everyone really wants to see. The two most dominant champions in this industry going at it at the grandest stage of them all.

The crowd cheers and begins to chant "Ambrose" as Dean smirks and shakes his head before beginning to speak again.

Ya' know, just a couple of months ago these guys hated me. They booed everything I did and I'll be honest I hated them as well. Eventually they saw just how damn good I was and haven't changed a single thing about me. I just go out there every single night and I make an impact. I didn’t lose my match last week, those good for nothing excuse for partners lost my match last week. I had it all won until Joey Ryan decided to attack me. Than Ultramantis Black had to go and get pinned by that old excuse of a man Triple H. I mean he cut a promo on a guy who wasn’t even in that match. The guy has to say lame jokes in order to get a reaction nowadays and my Wrestlemania opponent lost to him. Do you know what that says about me? I’m tired of getting thrown these nobody’s to stall my rise to the top. Luckily some people have taken notice as this will be my third time in the Main Event of RAW despite people thinking the Hardcore Title means nothing.

You can come out here and say it’s a worthless title and it’s ugly and nobody gives a damn but you know damn well you’re wrong. Despite what you may think about my Championship, You know deep down exactly how good I am. You can play up the crowd into thinking your tough but the truth is you’re the D league in that dumb analogy you made earlier. Yes I have victory’s over meaningless opponents but they weren’t meaningless until I made them that way. I’ll be honest, I hope you beat CM Punk. Not only will it cement me as the longest reigning Champion in UWF history, but it will prove that me holding this Hardcore Championship will have much more prestige than the Undisputed Championship because I’m going to beat the living shit out of you next week.

Dean spikes the mic and runs back and forth in the ring while the crowd eats it up. He starts ripping his shirt up over the excitement throws it to the ground in a Hulk Hogan esque fashion. He starts pacing back and forth breathing heavily asking Randy Orton to bring it and telling him he's going to punch his face in.


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Raw 27/03 - CM Punk vs. Wade Barrett



The crowd let out a sigh of disappointment, barring a selection of fans that have taking a liking to the United States champion, as Wade Barrett walks out from the back and smirks at the UWF Universe at the top of the ramp, before forcing the jacket off his back and punching the air. His grin can't be removed as he walks down the ramp.


Wades walks around the ring to get a microphone and then enters the ring via the steps on the far side. He waits inside the ring for his entrance theme to be cut and then he waits a further few moments more, affirming his importance, before lifting the microphone up to his voices proximity and lets the UWF know exactly what he's thinking.

Wade Barrett: It's another week here in the build-up to the UWF's biggest pay-per-view currently to date, the monumental night that is Wrestlemania! And the first of many! But, once again, this huge event has been flawed by being kept under bad management. Teddy Long.... he has a big announcement about the UWF Championship last week on Raw. An announcement that was actually made weeks ago. A huge Pay Per View can not be built on one match... especially when the biggest talent in the company is not in it. And the biggest talent in the company, the United States Champion, well he's going to Wrestlemania, that's a given. But the travesty is in two parts... firstly I don't know who I'm going to be facing yet... and secondly, I'm still not even going to know this time next week! No... Mr. Long decides that I don't need to prepare for the biggest night of my career, and his brand, our business. Instead he wants to talk about fairness, and giving everyone a chance. But, realistically, what chance has been there for me? I proved my dominance since becoming the United States champion... I was the dominant factor on a team comprising of myself and my opponent for next week, but yet my reward has never come. And whilst I get this opportunity to prove myself to all of you this coming Tuesday Night, do I have our General Manager to thank? I'm afraid that is also not the case. The only reason I am getting this chance, is because someone who actually knows a wrestler when they see one and haven't got a brain of a referee clouding their every decision, Randy Orton, feels that a match with me could seal him an easier path to championship glory at Wrestlemania. And I may have had my differences with the Viper in the past but he is absolutely right!

Barrett smirks as the UWF Universe boo. His pause his cut short with his reaction.


If I asked for your opinions on a matter that is actual fact, then I would have asked for it. But it will soon be common knowledge for me, Randy, all of you, and more importantly, CM Punk in just days times. Punk, you have had an impressive run in since coming to the UWF, week after week, win after win, and yet the last few weeks, your involvement has been somewhat jarred in those decisions. When you and I took on Cody Rhodes, it was I, that got the pinfall, and the victory for us, with yourself not being involved in the slightest. And then your last match? You got the pinfall, after being RKO'd onto a prone opponent and you got the pinfall in vain of being embarrassed by your championship threat. Call me old fashioned, but to me, Lady Luck seems to currently be on your side. And while that has not been part of my concern the last few weeks, seems as I don't have a Wrestlemania opponent yet Punk, I'm using this as my Wrestlemania. This is the one chance I have been waiting for, to propel me from the many other championships I have easily brought into my possession, to the actual level of competition I am destined for. The level that is higher than even our current Undisputed Champion. When the Barrett Barrage comes to fruition there is not a human being on the planet that can withstand it. not any of my US Championship tournament competitors..... not Lady Luck.... and this Tuesday.... not CM Punk.

This has been your United States champion.... God Save the Queen!

Barrett grins into one of the ringside cameras but his grin is removed when he hears.....

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UWF Raw 3/27: Antonio Cesaro Vs William Regal

The crowd inside the UWF Raw arena are awaiting the arival of their favourite superstars when suddenly an unfamiliar theme is heard playing over the PA system.



'Amerika' by Rammstein plays over the PA system and as the guitar kicks in, Mister Antonio Cesaro makes his way out from behind the curtain he has his European Championship raised high in the air for the world to see before he drapes it over his shoulder and makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. He stops at the foot of the ramp to look around at the crowd. Cesaro then walks up the ring steps and through the ropes into the ring where he raises his championship title into the air as the crowd berate him with boos and chants of 'USA!'. Cesaro then lays his title down on the mat and admires it for a while before he grabs himself a microphone.


Antonio Cesaro: Two time, Eurpoean Champion. TWO TIME EUROPEAN CHAMPION... I have made history ladies and gentlemen. I have become the first ever two time European Champion in this company's history and I pride myself in that. I also pride myself in being the single greatest European Champion in wrestling history. Through all the incarnations of various European Championship's we've had the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Kurt Angle and Perry Saturn holding the belt... but never has a man so embodied the whole idea of being 'European' like I have. And maybe that's because I truly am, Very European. You see, I was not born in this stinking country you call the United States of America, I am a European native, and already that makes me more equipped to be a better European Champion than anyone who'll ever hold this belt... I am from Switzerland. Ich komme aus dem größten Land der Welt. Nicht ein Höllenloch wie dieser Ort, den Sie nennen Ihr Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Ich bin der letzte. Ich bin der Größte. And for those of you who didn't understand any of that?... too bad, I will not lower myself to your standards here in this country.

The crowd boo Cesaro really quite heavily. Cesaro reaches down and places the European Championship over his shoulder and continues talking.

Speaking of low standards. Last week I had to sit back and wince in disgust at the match I watched between the Ultimate Warrior and William Regal. It was so bad I had to intervene and end the match early and save the whole world the indignitry of watching anything further from these two old, decrepit has-beens. Now, Ultimate Warrior did in fact win that match, not because of me, but because of my opponents own short falls, and thus I will have defeat another poor man's excuse for a legend at Wrestlemania. What I have to do this week however is defeat the man, he already beat last week to make sure that Mr William Regal does not have a place in my match at Wrestlemania. Now, William, two weeks ago you attacked me from behind after I became the two time European Champion, you tried to injure me, there was malice in your eyes... and last week you fell short of beating the Ultimate Warrior of all people... so what makes you think you can beat me this week hmm?. What makes you truly believe that you belong in a match against the greatest European export there has ever been?.

The crowd begin to chant 'USA!, USA!' again as Cesaro begins to smirk.

Who cares?!... it doesn't matter what you think because the result remains the same this week on Raw. You will lose to Mister Antonio Cesaro because you are no longer the man you used to be. And you can try to use the brass knuckles because they won't effect me, I am made of the pure stone of the Swiss Alps and I will crush you. I will defeat you this week William, whether it be with the Very European Uppercut, the Ricola Bomb, the Swiss Stretch or the Swiss Death... it won't matter a thing because I am going into Wrestlemania champion, I will face one so called legend and I will walk out still the UWF European Heavyweight Champion. And I will remain the greatest European Champion of all time.

The Wrestling Addict

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Triple H begins to laugh but quickly stops laughing and gets up in Kidd's face, with a pissed off look on his face.


Tyson, there are a few things in life that you just don't do. One of those things is to never interupt and piss off the serebrial assasin! You don't get it. You just don't get it. You come out here and call me an old man. That isn't helping your case any because that just means you're going to get your ass kicked by an old man. But the thing is, you're wrong. I am not an old man. In fact, I am far from it. I am the Serebrial Assasin, the King of Kings, The Game. I am Triple H and I am an icon in this industry. Instead of prancing out here and talking crap about me, you should respect me, and respect what I have to say. You said my career's going to be dead after our match. Are you sure you aren't talking about yourself? Actually no, you can't be talking about yourself because you actually have to have a career for it to be dead. You act like you are God's gift to professional wrestling. Tyson, you haven't done a damn thing since stepping into the squared circle! You want to talk but you can't back it up! You can talk the talk but quite frankly, you can't walk the walk. You went on about my mic work being bad. Have you not looked in the mirror lately? These people would rather watch paint dry than listen to your boring ass. Whether they love me or hate me, it doesn't matter, but I entertain each and every single one of these fans, every time I pick up the microphone.

Tyson Kidd ignores what Triple H has to say.


Wipe that smirk off your face and listen to me when I'm talking to you, boy! You want to talk about not getting a chance. You had a chance, Kidd. You are lucky to even be contracted by UWF right now after you dropped the ball in WWE. You talk about me only being in this tournament because I'm Triple H. Tyson, save it for someone who actually gives a damn. I am in this tournament because I deserve it and will do whatever it takes to win a match. I would Pedigree my own grandmother if it meant winning this tournament tonight, and going on to win at Wrestlemania. Hell, I will Pedigree your grandmother, and you will smile at me and like it! Speaking of grandmothers, you just come out here claiming you weren't a Hart. I find it funny because you only want to not be associated with the Harts, when someone is talking down on them. Any other time, you are prancing around, claiming to be the last graduate of the Hart Dungeon. If you don't want to be treated like a Hart, don't act as if you are one. You're lucky I don't come to the Hart Dungeon and kick your ass, Bret's ass, and all the other Hart's out there who are still living. You act like it don't bother you when I talk about the Harts, or when I talk about most of them being dead. You know it bothers you, Tyson. Try and deny it all you want, but you are the biggest Hart wannabe walking the face of the earth. You want to come out here and talk about not being a Hart but we all know even though you aren't one, you would give anything for your last name to be Hart.

Tyson Kidd just shakes his head.

Who the hell are you shaking your head at? You know everything I'm saying is true. Call me an old man if you wish, but at least I still have balls. You need to quit talking, and pull your balls off of your girlfriend Natalya, put them back on, and actually back up what you have to say. If you feel like you haven't been given a chance, then prove management wrong. Come out here and bust your ass tonight. Everyone knows you won't beat me but you can at least prove to management that you are actually worth something. I honestly don't want to come out here and squash you because what would I gain from squashing a nobody? You said you want to add my name to a list. Is this some list you had a wet dream about or something? Tyson, you are just the first step in my climb to the top here in UWF. I will beat you, I will go on and beat Roode or Del Rio later, and I will go to Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania will be the begining of the last chapter for the Game. I will do something I've never done before and win the United States Championship from Wade Barrett.

I also want to talk about the Alberto Del Rio situation. Alberto, I know you are in the back, and I want you to listen very carefully to what I have to say.

Triple H looks directly into the camera.


Del Rio, you got me once, you got me twice, but none of that matters. People don't remember what happens the first time around. People don't even remember what happens the second time around. People remember what happens the third and final time. Tonight, after I beat the wannabe, I may have a chance to face you. Which means, the third and final time could come tonight. The third time will be different. A different outcome will take place. The third time will be me standing over you after hitting you with a Pedigree, slamming you face-first on to the canvas.

But after I beat the wannabe, I may not be taking on Alberto Del Rio. Our final encounter may have to take place a different time, because I may be in a match with one half of Beer Money, Bobby Roode. I have no history with Mr. Roode but I know a bit about him. I know he has made a name for himself in that pathetic excuse of a wrestling company, TNA. You may be a huge name in TNA, but when you come to a real wrestling company and face real wrestlers like myself, you aren't nothing more than a curtain jerker.

But at the end of the day none of that matters. It doesn't matter what any of the four of us has done in the past. All that matters is Kidd, Del Rio, and Roode will all fall at the feet of the King of Kings, and I will move on to beat Wade Barrett's European ass, and actually bring some true American spirit to the US Championship.

Triple H is finally interupted when....


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Ricardo steps through the entrance onto the stage wearing a nice armani suit, a mic in hand. This raises a instant boo for him and what's soon to be announced He brings the mic up to speak as the crowd lets him have it.

Ricardo R.: Señoras y señores,
Es para mí un gran honor presentar a ustedes,
Él es un hombre de gran nobleza, con una inteligencia superior
Él es un dios entre los hombres
Él es la esencia de la excelencia
Él es Alberto Del RRRRRRRrrrriiiiiioOOOOoO!


Alberto Del Rio pulls into the arena in a blacked out mercedes benz. He parks it on the side of the ramp and exits. He's wearing his ring gear with a towel wrapped around his neck, his face absent of his usual trademark smirk. He proceeds down the ramp and up the steel steps, entering through the middle rope as his music fades out and someone from the outside the squared circle hands him a mic. He brings it up to speak as the crowd lets out another enormous chorus of boos and you suck chants.

"My Name is Alberto Del Rio...BUT of course you already know that.

The crowd continues to boo

What you also know is that it's a TRAVESTY for Alberto Del Rio to be standing before you here in this ring tonight, and before this canadian who would easily pass as one of your inbred cousins you'd find around your god forsaken country.

More heat for Del Rio

Cause you see the past three weeks Alberto Del Rio has done EXACTLY what he has said he was going to do. I've went against and have BEATEN everyone that has stood in front of my way to Alberto Del Rio's United States Championship match at Wrestlemania. Theodore Long has once again SCREWED Alberto Del Rio out of his number contendership that he has already proven he deserves. He comes out last week, and tells the Essence of Excellence he has to compete in a tournament to gain what is already rightfully his. A tournament? But here's the kicker, a tournament against two guys Alberto Del Rio has already beaten and proved doesn't deserve gold around their waist, and some Bret Hart knockoff infused in with a little inbreeding of redneck.

Tyson Kidd, how many times must you lose before you realize that you're just the mid-card guy that Alberto Del Rio told you that you was two weeks ago? You are hanging out backstage crying and moaning that you're overlooked and how you're better then Alberto Del Rio is. When it came down to our match I was the one standing victorious in the ring. I was the one that had my hand raised as the RIGHTFUL number one contender to the United States Championship at Wrestlemania. You were left off the card last week because no one cares about Tyson Kidd, and no one cares about where you're from and where you've trained. Tyson Kidd you're a parasite to this company trying to sadly make yourself relevant to even have a shot at another chance with Alberto Del Rio. You walk around thinking this business owes you everything when you've done nothing to prove it in your career.

A small Tyson Kidd chant breaks out​

Hunter, I've beaten you once and I'll beat you again if you manage to get past Tyson Kidd. Cause you see Hunter I'm everything you use to be, but even better. Two weeks ago when I almost snapped your arm I proved that the torch was indeed passed. I am the top dog now, I have replaced you once again as the face and life of a company.Last week Alberto Del Rio made you look better then everyone really knows you are now days. The Essence of Excellence was generous enough to allow you Hunter to achieve your first UWF victory because he feels sorry for you and see's the flame burnt out in your eyes. You're nothing anymore Hunter without someone else carrying you in the ring. You know it. I know it. These peasants here tonight know it. I made you tap out twice Hunter, if you make it to the finals I'll make sure to make it three times a charm.

Del Rio turns his attention finally to Roode​

Roode you come to Alberto Del Rio's ring to run your mouth about how you're the face of this company, how you're the one to build on. You grab the mic and run your mouth when you've been nothing more then a sad excuse of a tag team in a disgraced insult to wrestling, that was trying to rip off the company I main evented pay per views for every chance they could. Roode you're the face of no company, especially this one; because you're looking at the DESTINY of this company in the Mexican Aristocrat. You want to come to my ring and talk about how I've been using the same gimmick that's "worn out" as you like to say, when I've only been in main stream for two years and have already accomplished more then you could ever imagine in that pitiful shell you call a career.

"You Suck" chants begin to fill the arena as Del Rio continues

Roode I don't know what you're trying to hide with your Just for Men hair coloring but you're almost as old ,as big of a has been, and lack as much talent as Hunter himself. You come to this ring talking about how you have the It factor, and how Alberto Del Rio is old and tired out, but I think the fact of the matter is, is that you're jealous of Alberto Del Rio. Cause you see, while Alberto Del Rio was winning all the major events and titles over in the WWE cutting promos in front of millions of fans all around the world; Roode was on Spike TV cutting promos for maybe a thousand fans who wasn't even listening to him. It burns you up Bobby Roode that unlike you, when Alberto Del Rio speaks, these peasants listen.

A enormous chorus of boos reigns down from the rafters. Del Rio takes a second to glance over at the Wrestlemania sign then back to Roode​

Roode you are what is between Alberto Del Rio, and Alberto Del Rio's Wrestlemania. I have picked apart and submitted men with far more worth then you in this ring. You can bring as many finishers as you want on RAW, but it's not going to matter. Alberto Del Rio will have his hand raised in victory, and will continue on to the finals of this tournament. For you Roode? You'll be laying in the middle of the ring, with a arm that's snapped in three different places asking yourself deep down just like Hunter did, why are you still here? Cause you see it doesn't matter if it's Tyson Kidd's desprete plea to be at least once in his career relevant, or Hunter trying to stay relevant by bringing himself down to the ring and allowing Alberto Del Rio to make him look good. The results will always be the same, the outcome is not a variable. Alberto Del Rio will be victorious, and he will go on to defeat Wade Barrett for the United States Championship. It is my DESTINY to wear gold once again. Roode I am a step for no one, a lesson you will learn just like so many have already learned in the UWF. Cause you see while you showed your face once at a pay per view a month ago, Alberto Del Rio was winning matches and PROVING not complaining that he is RIGHTFULLY the number one contender to the UWF United States Championship. This week I will prove it once again, time and time again that I am the face of this business. I am the best they have to offer..

Del Rio lowers his mic...
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Many people in the crowd leap to their feet for the UWF Undisputed Champion, while others just boo Punk as he walks through the curtain with the UWF Championship in hand, and a microphone in his other. Punk locks his eyes with Barrett and begins to walk down the ramp not taking his eyes off him for a moment.


Punk reaches the bottom of the ramp, then looks around at all the fans with their signs and turns the corner to the steps. With no hesitation Punk climbs up the steel steps then leaps over the top rope and into the ring with Wade, then walks right up to him and begins talking.


CM Punk: I don't even know where to start with what you just said.. It's true that Teddy Long is nothing more than a liar, because even after I did nothing but speak the truth to Randal.. and he gave me an RKO; I have to face you. But instead of complaining about it I'm coming out here and I'm going to tell you the same thing that I told Randal; and that's that you can't beat me.

The crowd boo Punk getting high on himself once again, and he beings his preaching.

I am everything you're not Wade. You claim to be the dominate force of our team, but let's be honest... If it wasn't for me, you'd be laying face down with Cody Rhodes holding your title as I watched backstage. Wade, you haven't done anything to be the champion that you want so bad to be. I mean you held the European Championship, and lost it in your first defense... And as for the United States Championship, well it seems thanks to getting the good ol' DQ, that your first real defense is going to be at Wrestlemania against either Berto, Hunter, Some Kidd from Calgary, or of course the mouth of Beer Money, Robert Roode... I don't see you walking away with anything but a sore ego, and before you even say it... I hope I lose at Wrestlemania.

Barrett squints at Punk as he admits to wanting to lose against Randy Orton in sixteen days at Wrestlemania.

No, hear me out. I want to lose because for the past year I have been the past, present and future of every company I've been in, and that's got to stop! It's got to stop, because as much as I'd like it to be... I can't be here forever. I know I'm sounding like a broken record but UCW is the perfect example of what will happen if someone doesn't end what I started! I am the best in the world, and because of it you aren't going to beat me this Tuesday.. and honestly I doubt that Randal will be able to beat me at Wrestlemania.

So when I say I want to lose, instead of looking at me like I just kicked you in the head for the second time in under a month... Maybe you should thank me, because I'm giving you the shot of a life time by doing something Dwayne, and Undertaker never could do, and that's stepping back from the business!

Punk drops his arm down and looks at Barrett intensely.​


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Tyson Kidd:

You can't be serious, Do you need to turn up your hearing aid? I ask because it feels like you can't hear what your saying as it would be the only excuse for you to think your ramblings are making any sense. Which is odd since you randomly begin to yell when your talking to me, and as far as me doing nothing since I've stepped into the squared circle. Well You see Hunter unlike you I don't get shots, a lot of people don't get the opportunities people like you got but with what I was given i managed to carry a dead weight tag team partner into becoming the Tag Team Champions, and we or should I say I won those titles by defeating the team you couldn't. And about these fans thinking I'm boring? I couldn't care less, because I don't come out here for them I come out here for one man...Tyson Kidd...and Just so you know you entertain these fans every time you get on the mic just like a cat falling on its face entertains these fans. You deserve to be in this tournament? because you lost and you tapped out two weeks in a row? oh yeah your oh so deserving how could I ever doubt oh king of kings, Newsflash you are the least deserving person in this tournament. And your mentality is just the problem, you'd do anything even Pedigree your own grandmother. But this has absolutely nothing to do with what you would do, it's about what you CAN do. or in your case what you can't do, and that is beat me in a one on one wrestling match.

*Kidd looks around for a moment before he gets a smirk*

See Hunter no matter how badly you want it, you'll never be like Ric Flair, and no matter how hard you work you'll never be remembered like Shawn Michaels. And that eats away at you, because when people talk about the eras of this business they mention names like Hulk hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, John Cena, and so on. And yet one name is never mentioned, Triple H. Sure you were around and you were at the forefront of a time but why is it you aren't talked about like The Rock, or Stone Cold, or hell even Mick Foley. The Reason is because your whole career was about the guys backstage wanting you to be the guy and yet you never made it, hell you've won a lot of titles but how many of them came without a sledgehammer, without outside help, without someone or something winning it for you? You'll do anything to win a match which works when your put in your element, but one on one in a straight wrestling match you don't hold a candle to me.

And please try and follow me on this, I was the last graduate of the Hart Dungeon as in you can't go there since its gone now. Also I am the last graduate, that doesn't mean I want to be a Hart it means I know everything that made the Harts great and have perfected it. I don't call you a Killer Kowalski wannabe because you trained with him now do I Hunter? Your so damn obsessed with the Harts that I'm starting to think your the one who wants to be one so badly, See I hung out with the Harts as to pick at their brains. Just like you did with the Kliq you followed like a little puppy trying to get whatever scraps Shawn gave you, the difference is I wasn't a pathetic tag along like you no they saw me as an equal and they trained me in that dungeon. The Only reason everyone thinks I want to be a hart is because the Harts treated me like family, when it is their training that I wanted and got. Now I can do whatever it is I want in this ring because I am the best by default from what I was thought, I can fly off the ropes or I can twist you into a pretzel on the mat.

*Kidd steps right in front of Triple H looking up at him*

Look at us Hunter, people see this picture and they'd all put money on you to win. Your taller, your bigger, you have more muscles, it's just what anyone would pick. But look at the history books, their is a reason why Shawn Michaels will always be better than you, there is a reason why Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels is talked about to this day while Triple H vs. Scott Steiner is laughed about to this day. Talent, Talent beats size it beats strength, it beats all. Which is why people Like me make a living out of beating people like you, I'm not going to make some specific promise that I'll make you tap out or I'll pin your shoulders to the mat, I won't make any fancy guarantees, I am simply going to do what I was told to do from the day I graduated onwards. And that's look whoever stands in my way in the eyes, and tell them to they're face I...Tyson Kidd...am going to beat you in this ring. Not because I'm bigger because I'm not, not because I'm stronger because I am not, not because I'm more entertaining or any other reason you can come up with, I am going to beat you because I am better than you. So maybe after I win the tournament you won't feel too bad about your loss once you find out your by no means the only person I'm better than.

*Kidd lowers his mic and scoffs as he turns his head towards the crowd*

ooc: just got back from McAllen, really tired but wanted to get a post up before I went to sleep so excuse the mehness.


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OOC: I think we've given hyourinmaru more than enough time to TT. Let's keep this going.

Dean cocks his head to the side staring with a confused look on his face. He looks around the crowd and back Joey Ryan.


You can't be serious can you? Sleazymania? I know that's kind of your shtick but no one in the world gives a crap about what your talking about.

The crowd erupts in cheers chanting "We don't care!".

What these people actually want is to see is us fighting and boy did they get a preview last week. You cost me not only the win for our team, but the opportunity to never worry about beating the likes of Triple H and Alberto Del Rio ever again. If you were trying to prove just how much of a threat you are, you only succeeded in being in this company for over a month and never getting a single victory. You and that coward Ultramantis Black have got to be the worse challengers to my title ever! This is Wrestlemania we're talking about and you guys haven't won a single match since you've been here. I on the other hand have never been beaten down enough to where I actually get pinned. Sure I got rolled up once but that was because Tony knew he had no other choice. You really ought to pray that Ultramantis is as useless as he's been these past couple of weeks because that's your only option if you want to win this Hardcore Championship!

And by the way I don't need a mirror when I can look at my gold reflection any time I want. Sure it's cracked a bit but so am I. Everyone, and I mean everyone, talks about just how damn good they WERE. They bring up being a mutli time champion in WWE or UCW but there is a reason they left and UFW is the top company now. Sure I came in a bragged about my accomplishment at first but you know what I did? I actually accomplished things here. So you can talk about beating me in UCW or how you claim to have chicks wanting you when there are clearly no chicks with you. The truth is, while you've been slacking off, I've been busy becoming the most dominant wrestler in this entire industry. If anyone even tries to hold a candle to me, I'll throw it right in their face and send them to the burn unit.

The crowd cheers as Ambrose gets in the face of Joey Ryan but then immediately backs off and starts shaking his head and rubbing his nose.

Jesus man! I really do know why women faint at the sight of you. It's not your looks it's your smell. What is that a combination of Incense, Axe body spray, baby oil and a dead raccoon. And I know you're listening back there Ultramantis. Ever since you heard you've been given a title shot you've been awfully quiet. I think you realized just what exactly you've gotten yourself into. Hey I don't blame you but since you're so scared of me, I'll give you a reason to be at Wrestlemania. You and the rest of the boys in the back will learn to fear my name!

Dean starts to laugh manically for 5 seconds before he stops and quickly looks at Joey Ryan as he's started to interrupt him.



The opposite of everyone you have ever known
Jan 5, 2012
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All of a sudden the titantron starts to shimmer, and Regal appears on the screen. He is somewhere backstage, and he is seemingly annoyed.


Enough of your nonsence, now listen to me you fondue eating slop! Ever heard of luck? That's what Ultimate Warrior experienced last week. Because of you, I became unfocused and he got the best of me. The Ultimate Warrior is hardly worth my time, and neither are you. I wrestled inside the sqaured circle when you still crawled around in your dirty diapers. I held my first title when you where still in elementary school, and I got Legend status before you even attended high school! I've trained some of the best people in this business; Triple H, Cm Punk, Chris Hero, Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe to mention some. I'm a four time European Champion, and I've beaten better people than you to get those, I can assure you. I'm also a four time Tag Team Champion, four time Television Champion, not to mention two times Intercontinental Champion and King Of The Ring! Nothing good ever came out of Switzerland. I mean, chocolate and Cuckoo clocks. Give me a break! I've fought tougher guys than you at my local pub home in Blackpool. I don't fear your uppercuts, or your big boots or your Ricola Bomb! I've fought with the likes of Chris Benoit and Ric Flair. For me, you are just a bump on the road to greatness! The thin air in the alps must have affected your head somehow, making you a bit cuckoo yourself, cause there is no way in hell you will be able to pin me or make me tap out! Tonight will only be a little taste of what's coming to you at Wrestlemania, but it will nevertheless be another cross in your book in the chapter named Losses! Prepare for a slobberknocker when I wipe the canvas with your hinged body and make you scream in pain, tapping out to my Regal Stretch! Your reign as European Champion will soon be over, and the title can finally be put around a waist, worthy for such a title! You better count the days, and remember them, cause the only thing you will have left when I'm finished with you are the memories!

Regal leaves the camera view, but the connection does not break, leaving Cesaro clueless in the middle of the ring. Regal sneaks into the ring behind him and charges for a sneak attack from behind....
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