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UWF 2012: Past Pay-Per-View Trashtalking

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re: UWF Past Pay-Per-View Trashtalking

Gentlemen, may I beg your indulgence? That's actually a pretty sweet line. *im getting sidetracked*

So that we're not all sitting and waiting for all 6 men to post, I'm letting you all know that the tried and true rule of multi-man matches is rearing its head.

Basically what I'm saying to you right now is that, there is no order. All I ask is that you wait until two of your opponents post before you post again.

If you think that's unfair, the only solution I can offer you is trash talk early and often,

Good luck


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Re: Summerslam UWF Smackdown Money in the Bank


Edge walks out on stage to a thunderous ovation from the crowd.

He walks down towards the middle of the ramp and then does his pose as the pyro goes off.

He then continues his way down the ramp and slides in under the bottom rope. He poses on the rope before getting off and uses his mic.

Rated “R” Superstar Edge:

I come out here as humbly as I can because everyone speaks of respect and everyone speaks so highly of me as if I’m the one with the mystical magical key to winning this match. And I’ll let each and every single one of you know that I indeed do have that mystery key. I do have that mystical knowledge as to how to win this match and that is that I am just that much better than each of you. I mean yeah all of us are vying for that shot, all of us are vying for that opportunity but who amongst you are as opportunistic as I am? Who among you are as daredevil as I am… well besides Jeff… none of you. And when this match comes… right now yeah I’m going to look at each and every one of you and say we have an equal chance but when that bell rings… none of you are going to have a chance because I’m not going to just hand over the opportunity. I’m considered and called the Ultimate Opportunistic for a reason. That is because even when that space of opportunity is so small it is almost microscopic I AM the one that will take that shot. I AM the one that will do whatever it takes to seize that moment and take what is mine. I’m already claiming that match to be mine to lose because none of you are ready. None of you are ready for what this match is going to present. None of you are ready for what I’m going to bring to this match. None of you are even the slightest bit prepared or focused enough to win because each of you either want to bicker or show all of this respect. Respect is NOT going to get you the win. Friendship can help but it won’t help you win because there can only be one.

I look at you Rey and I see a guy that has all kinds of potential but you… I don’t know. You are the superhero that wants to fly around and rid the world of evil and focus on all that is good. Well you know what you keep doing that and we’ll see how far that gets you. You can climb the ladder and give these people a good show which I guarantee you will. I’m am absolutely positive that you will give these people a good show but in the end you aren’t going to win it because you will be too focused on giving all of these people such a good show. And as far as Bray Wyatt goes… honestly I’ma say I don’t care. I don’t care because he has had his shot. He had his shot and he lost. This… this is my shot and I will be damned if someone like him manages to steal it from me. He is nothing like me and he doesn’t deserve this shot. I came to the UWF on a freakin hot streak. I came here and everyone took notice, everyone believed that Edge would be the one to become champion soon enough and the thing is… I know how to live up to the hype. I KNOW how to do what people expect of me and then top that. Their bars that they set for me are too low. I raise the stakes to what I know I can do and with that I achieve greatness and that is how I became who I am. That is how I became the most opportunistic guy in the business. Because I seek out these opportunities and I snatch them. Bray had his and he blew it so chances are is that he is going to flake out once again and when he does… I’ll be here with the briefcase looking at him letting him know… he just blew it again.

Rated “R” Superstar Edge:

Now I’ma need you all to just chill because I have a lot to say. I’ve listened to each of you and it is about time that I say something. And as far as Zach goes… you know it’s good to see what you’ve become but right now you’re still just the student. You are still the student looking up to the teacher. You have the prowess, you have the skills, you have the determination but you don’t have “it” yet. You don’t have what it takes to be at the very top like me yet. You’re on your way and this match will be very good for you. It will expose you to a lot and hopefully I’ll be able to teach you a few things in this match to get you up there but for now I don’t want you to take this the wrong way but you just aren’t ready yet kid. You are going to see why I am the best and why I am going to be the one in the end that holds the briefcase high. I will soon be the face of Smackdown and once that happens I will forever change the way things are done here in the UWF. For I will then be the focal point of the whole federation. And that is the ultimate goal and I’m going to tell you now… it WILL happen and it will happen because I am that good to make it happen and when I set my mind to something you better believe it is going to happen. And it all starts with this match and I’m not going to allow you to stop me… or even Jeff Hardy.

Because Jeff… you even with all of your talents just aren’t up to par with me yet. You aren’t ready to hold that proverbial title of world champion yet. You are good but you just aren’t good enough and the bad part of the whole thing is that you are matched up with me and while you have the kahunas to do what nobody else in this match will do… it is when you take one risk too many… you take that one risk that doesn’t pay off… that will be your downfall and that will be when I will make my move and surpass you on the ladder of success. You see Jeff, I’m already anticipating this. I know this. I know what each of you are going to do and it is because of that I will be the one that overtakes the match and will walk out the winner. I will be the one that walks out with that championship match in my back pocket that I can use at any given moment. And it will be when that time comes you will all realize that Edge was right all along and that even includes you there Batty.

Edge looks directly at Batista.

Rated “R” Superstar Edge:

Oh did I make the big strong man mad? It’s okay. Am I taking up too much of your time? Again that is all okay. It better be okay because I’m not going to stop until you hear what I have to say to you. I mean yeah you want to consider me the only real opponent in this match hoping that showing that little bit of respect will cause me to take it easy on you even just a little bit. And I’m going to tell you that won’t be the case. Instead I look at you the same way I look at each and every single one of them. Beneath me. Yeah the challenge is going to be there but in the end… there will be only one that rises to the top, there will be only one that seals the deal and takes that briefcase and in the end… it is going to be the Rated R Superstar. And if you or any of you have anything to say or do about it… say it now. I want you to say it.

Edge lowers his mic.

Chris Dresdon

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Sep 29, 2010
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re: UWF Past Pay-Per-View Trashtalking

As Austin holds his microphone firmly in his hand, having heard what Jericho and Rhodes have had to say, he looks around the arena at the fans, who are cheering him enthusiastically and showering him with love. Stone Cold continues to face the crowd as he raises his microphone to his mouth and begins to speak again.


Stone Cold:This that I'm lookin' around at is always a pleasant sight, we're live and the arena we're standing in is packed to the brim with fans. And not only is this a sight I like ta' see, it's a sound I love ta' hear, each and every one of you cheerin' or clappin' or chantin' yer hearts out. It's sights and sounds such as those that inspire Stone Cold Steve Austin to ensure that each and every one of you gets yer money's worth. Now it might seem like I've lost my train a' thought or I'm straying off subject, but believe me when I say every one of these words is intended and I will remain well within relevancy as it pertains to the context of this here sitch-i-ation. The reason that I started talkin' about the sight and sound a' you fans warmin' ma' heart and inspirin' me is so that I could open up the Stone Cold Truth I'm about ta' lay down on a light note, because not everything I have ta' get off my chest is flattering, and it certainly isn't going ta' be delivered with a smile plastered on my face, far from it on both accounts, in fact.

The things I gotta get off my chest might make some people at home turn the channel, it could potentially send some of you in the stands fleeing to the facilities or one of the recreational stands to escape the sound, I've got bitterness in my heart and I'm about to unleash it to the airwaves. And for those of you thinkin' or wantin' ta' tell me that I'm makin' an empty threat an' just talkin' tough, my advice ta' you is stuff it. Cuz believe me when I say that I'm more pissed off now than I have been in my entire life. I'm more pissed off than I was when my dad left my family. (What?) When Dutch Mantel ridiculed me at the beginning of my career for wanting ta' wrestle as Steve Williams. (What?) When Jim Duggan beat me at Fall Brawl for the Dubya See Dubya United States Heavyweight Championship in thirty-five seconds. (What?) When Eric Bischoff fired me over the phone. (What?) When I was hit with a damn car by Rikishi.(What?) When Vince wanted me ta' lose ta' Hulk Hogan. (What?) When Vince wanted me ta' lose ta' Brock Lesnar. (What?) You take those events and everything else negative that happened in my life before wrestling. (What?) During my Dubya See Dubya tenure. (What?) Dubya Dubya E tenure. (What?) You See Dubya tenure. (What?) See Dubya Aye tenure. (What?) and See Dubya Eff tenure and put it all together, the rage inspired by all of that palls in comparison to the anger I'm feeling right now in regards to my You Dubya Eff tenure. (What?)

Stone Cold doesn't like a lot of things about this place. Stone Cold doesn't like ta' see other talent get praised for their promo work, especially when not a single solitary thing is said about the promo work that he puts in. Stone Cold doesn't like ta' see other talent get praised for their in-ring work, especially when there's not a sole word spoken about the damn good matches he's been a part of lately. Stone Cold doesn't like feeling like he's walking into a losing situation when his opponent or series of opponents talks some quality trash to him. Stone Cold doesn't like being disrespected, he doesn't like losing, he doesn't like getting beaten down or bloodied. And ya know what, all of those things have happened recently, and regardless of how petty it makes him sound, Stone Cold doesn't give a cock-eyed cow's third stomach, he doesn't like it!

And here's why, because it feeds the belief that there's no conceivable way that Stone Cold can retain his You Dubya Eff Championship at Summerslam. People's promos being praised more than mine must mean I'm not saying anything worth listenining to, right? And because people aren't interested in what I'm saying, that's why they aren't talking about my matches. And even if they were talking about my matches, they'd be praising the opposition, because I've been getting my ass kicked every week since the Bash, both within the rules and regulations of a match and outside of them. And because I've been getting my ass kicked on free television, it's pretty much a guarantee that I'm going to get my ass kicked when there's five opponents and the gold is up for grabs inside a Chamber, right?

Well there's certainly a lot of you that think that, but you're wrong, wrong, wrong. Stone Cold doesn't like when these things happen, but it's not going to deter him for a second. If they aren't talking about Stone Cold's promos, oh well, they're missing out on a damn good promo, one stupid monkey or even a crop of stupid monkeys don't stop a show, Stone Cold's gonna keep puttin' a microphone to his lips and keep cuttin' promos. If they aren't talking about Stone Cold's matches, well, they missed out on the highlight of the night and I hope they leave the show feeling unfulfilled, Stone Cold's gonna keep getting in the ring and stompin' mudholes from bell ta' bell. As for feelin' like I'm walking into a losing situation, hey, there's some damn good trash talkers around here, but me bein' intimidated by that fact is a thing of the past, that weakness has left my body. As for the rest, well, lemme put it to ya like this.

It took three men ta' kick my ass on Raw, and I had just wrestled a hell of a match and was covered in my own blood from head ta' toe. On Smackdown, it took three men ta' kick my ass as well. With these things in mind, I shake my head at you idiots that think I'm guaranteed ta' lose at the pay-per-view, because what's been proven isn't Stone Cold's losing his edge, instead what's been proven is Stone Cold has the greatest edge out of everyone in the company and the bottomfeeders on this roster are intimidated by that. They might not have all been intimidated before, but after I beat the biggest threat I've had to my title yet in Christian, a lot of eyes were opened and that's when they realized it's gonna take everything they can dish out and more ta' beat me.

If that weren't true, I wouldn't be standing here right now. So good job on the beatdown, In Dubya Oh, you should've finished the job instead of leaving my ass for dead. With that said, the ass whoopin' I received, though it was an act of yer cowardice, was my own damn fault. Quite frankly, it's because I've become soft and let my guard down, which brings me to this.

The card for Raw this week poses the question, "Who Can Be Trusted?". Well with the way things have gone down around here lately, I'd say that's an appropriate question ta' ask, and ya know what, it got Stone Cold thinkin'. A couple weeks ago, Stone Cold had an epiphany in regards to the way he was treatin' you fans, he woke up and smelled the beer and realized that the way he was actin' just wasn't right, so he changed his tune. But now that I've been on the receiving end of so many ass kickings, I think it's time ta' change ma' tune again. I'm fine with ya'll cheerin' me and wearin' my merchandise and wavin' signs with ma' likeness on it and chantin' an' all that, so don't think takin' it all away again is the tune change I'm talkin' about. No, the change a' tune I'm talkin' about is a different kind of reverting to the way things used ta' be, back when I had no loyalty to a single effin' soul but the man named Stone Cold Steve Austin. D.T.A., Don't Trust Anybody, that was my moral code and I lived it out to an undisputable tee. So now things can get back to the way I like it, Stone Cold trusts no one and no one trusts Stone Cold.

Stone Cold turns his attention to Cody Rhodes.

Don't ever say anything pertaining ta' Stone Cold is cute, if I could put those words back in yer mouth and make ya eat 'em I would. I'm sick and damn tired of being belittled and disrespected by cartoon characters like you that haven't even begun ta' cut their teeth in this business in comparison to the accolades I've already accomplished, not ta' mention I got a strong hunch there's still a little bit a' "Dashing" Cody Rhodes in there so when you call me cute I take it as a come-on, and Stone Cold doesn't play ball on that team. Oh, Stone Cold's breaking out the homophobic remarks again. Well lemme ask ya this, if you don't want Stone Cold making jokes that suggest you like what you see in the mirror so much that that's now what yer sexually attracted to, why do you make it so damn easy for me? Between the "Dashing" tendencies left in you and the Twilight jacket that Jericho's wearing, there's so much inspiration in this ring for a rapid-fire set of gay jokes, if I said 'em all I'd have every queer listenin' up in arms so fast that the other queers supportin' 'em couldn't get to the phone in time ta' tell Chick Full Aye they've got someone new ta' be mad at.

The fact of the matter is I could stand here and flip everything you said back on you and everything Jericho's said back on him, that's been my style for years and it's won me a lot a' matches, but I'm not going to this time because quite frankly it's a waste of breath. Instead let's look at some statistics. The last time Stone Cold lost on pay-per-view was at Unforgiven ta' Raven, and that's because in the build leading up to the match, Dee Dee Pea did all the talking and I did none of it, that's a no-no for someone who's billed ta' compete. Granted we were just biding our time waiting for Raven ta' say something else and he never did, but no one remembers the details, so I digress. Stone Cold beat John Cena at Wrestlemania, Jericho and Aries and Barrett at Backlash, Barrett at Starrcade, and Christian at the Great American Bash.

As for the two of you standin' in Stone Cold's ring? The last time Cody won on pay-per-view was against Gillberg of all people, and that wasn't even a sanctioned match. As fer Jericho, I don't think you've won a single pay-per-view match since comin' ta' You Dubya Eff kid. Even if I'm wrong about that, it doesn't matter, because the only accolade that's important ta' you is the night you beat me and The Rock. What I'm getting to is pay-per-view is where Stone Cold thrives. You can kick his ass from the opening pyro to the closing credits every Tuesday night starting with the aftermath from the previous pay-per-view and ending with the go-home show to the next pay-per-view if you want to, once that next pay-per-view starts, you can bet yer ass the Texas Rattlesnake's going to put on the best performance of his life and walk out victorious.

And that's exactly what's going to happen at Summerslam, especially if the only ones in this match intending to fight for the strap are standing across from me. I saw an Elimination Chamber Tag Team match get no-shown in See Dubya Eff, it wasn't a pretty sight and as you can probly imagine, the match sucked. So as sick as I am of the voices of Randy Orton, and not the supposed ones in his head, Christian and Em Vee Pea, sometime in the next three weeks I would like ta' hear them as it pertains to this here match.

If it was just a Chamber match being held for the sheer spectacle, I might be among those still kicking back and remaining silent, but this is a grueling challenge with a prize, and not just any prize, the greatest prize. This over my shoulder isn't some belt they recycled from You See Dubya's days like the World Heavyweight Championship. It used ta' be but I put that belt in the trash and replaced it. It's not a belt that anyone can win at any given time like the Hardcore Championship, it's not something handed over from champion ta' challenger like what happened when Cody became the United States Champion or when Sting and Samoa Joe became the Tag Team Champions, or, while I'm at it, when Are Vee Dee became the European Champion. This is the You Dubya Eff Championship, the most prestigious belt in the company, and I am its proud holder, won't you be its proud challengers?

And if you dare step up, bring an all-or-nothing mindset, because the Elimination Chamber isn't about being the winner, it's about being the sole survivor, and I fully intend on being that sole survivor. And that's the bottom line...

Austin stops mid-sentence.

Ya know what, I'm not setting myself up for that this time.

Austin instead lowers his microphone and awaits to see whether Rhodes has more to say, Jericho has more to say, or one of the other three competitors make their voices heard.
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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: James Storm vs Robert Roode


The fan's don't notice it at first when suddenly the wailing guitars of the Orchestral version of "Off the Chain" blasts through the PA System, suddenly after a few moments out from the backstage area, emerges the one and only Robert Roode, holding the NWA World Heavyweight Championship in grasp.


The fans begin to boo Robert Roode as he marches down the entrance ramp, avoiding contact with any of the fans before climbing into the ring, Robert Roode with a smirk on his face takes a microphone from a ring tech before confronting James Storm.


NWA World Heavyweight Champion,
Robert Roode

‘Ya know’ that would have been a fine speech, James, had you of managed to have a single coherent sentence within. In fact, I was listening to it in the back and I was thinking to myself the entire time “I was friends with this guy?†I was friends with a guy, who lacks class, who lacks intelligence, who lacks skill? How times have changed. It really does make me sick to think about our past ‘accomplishments’, our past ‘endeavours’, really it does and now the thought I have to face you at Summerslam, really is the icing on the cake for me. I thought who possibly could have been worse than William Regal, or Austin Aries to face at the second biggest event of them all and your name sprung to mind, and don’t take that as a compliment because it’s not. I carried you, I carried Beer Money and most importantly I won US matches, not you, I did! I am the man that put Beer Money on the map, while you get handed titles, I earned my spot, I earned THIS, the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Yet, here I am stuck against a lower midcarder who thinks he is the main event, who is just as overrated as so many before who have taken up my spotlight, and here I am languishing against another sorry lower midcarder! Theodore Long doesn’t know how to book a man with my ability, my class, my calibre.

Roode pauses and looks at Storm and chuckles, mocking James Storm as Robert Roode glances at the NWA World Heavyweight Championship before looking back at James Storm.

See this James, this championship? This championship is a testament to my ability, what a true main eventer strides for! You think you are a main eventer because Theodore Long foolishly lured you into a false sense of security, made you believe you are talented, made you believe you can get the job done, when in reality, you are only good for dark matches and shining my boots! You are inconsistent and downright shocking on the microphone, but for you, I can make a small exception. English isn’t your first language, whether that is because you’re nothing but a common country boy hick or just the fact you are always inebriated or perhaps it’s just a mixture of both! So you go on and on about how you hate me, how you want to superkick me, the fact of the matter is this, James, you are just simply jealous of me! You can’t handle the fact, I am a true main eventer, I am a CHAMPION! And don’t even start on me accepting your little open challenge, I only did that because I want to put you out of your misery and put you back in reality.

The fans boo the living sh*t out of Robert Roode as he chuckles and smirks.

Once I’ve finished with you, James, you’ll be back where you belong, on the unemployed list, that’s if you make it to Summerslam because hopefully if anything I say makes sense in your head is that, you are NOTHING! I could go on for hours and hours about why you are worthless, overrated and not up to my standard but it would be futile as nothing I say to you, or Theodore Long would sink in, I should be in the main event of Summerslam! I should be representing Raw when Stone Cold Steve Austin battles with Ted DiBiase in a pathetic attempt to find out who the true champion of UWF is, when in reality, he’s staring you & Theodore Long right in face! I am the leader of the next generation, I am that standard bearer, I am the best wrestler in the world today and I am the Champion of Champions! So when everything is all said and done come Summerslam, not only you, but Theodore Long as well will soon learn the true meaning of it really does pay to be ROODE!


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Jun 11, 2010
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Re: Summerslam - The Undertaker vs. John Morrison



The iconic bell tolls and the arena becomes engulfed in darkness. Flames shoot from the stage as the music of only man plays. The lights in the arena turn blue and the stage fills up with smoke. Nothing can be seen through this smoke for quite a few moments until a silouhette is made out; it's a man. This man stands almost seven feet tall, and weighs in at a shade under 300 pounds. The figure stands behind the smoke until the time is right before busting through and revealing himself to the masses.


The Undertaker stands tall on the stage as the fans cheer the return of The Deadman. He slowly begins his descent down the ramp as people reach of the barricade, hoping to touch the icon. Undertaker slowly walks down until reaching the end of the stage and turning a sharp left, heading towards the ring steps. He slowly climbs each step before reaching the final one, raising his arms in the process, bringing the lights back to their original setting.


Undertaker enters the ring through the middle rope before removing his top hat and rolling his eyes into the back of his head. He throws his hat back on not wasting anytime and pulls out a mic from his trench coat pocket before beginning to speak.


The Undertaker:

Darkness. For the past several months this is all I have known and all that existed. Time neither moved nor stood still, instead I was nothing, for all intents and purposes I was gone. And the deadman was to be no more. I had come to know something few people could ever hope to achieve, I found peace. That was until I was awakened, buried under 6 feet of dirt, and returned to a sinful and broken world. And there is no place more broken, more sinful then in this ring. A ring where men fight, bleed, sin, and scream and all for what? Enjoyment, pleasure, truth. It does not matter for I have been called back for one thing and one thing only, I am here to be the judge, jury, and executioner to the men who call themselves UWF Superstars. It is why I have come back once again from my peaceful rest, again to put this mortal body in harm’s way all for one purpose, one reason, to save.

The crowd is confused as to what the Undertaker is talking about. This is indeed not the Undertaker the World has ever seen before. The creepy darkness vibe he normally gives off is still there but it almost appears as if there is light in him as well. The eyes of the Undertaker however are the same, lifeless and unreadable.

I come back to make my intentions known, to begin my work, but before I could I ran into a man who decided they wanted to be the first man to stare me in the eye and hope I blink. It is ironic that the man who called me out was a man who claims to be on the side of good, the side of nobility. And yet he talks about sinning, his vanity knowing no bounds, and his pride shall be his undoing. But even I must admit your sins are less than those who truly deserve it. I had no intention of seeking out confrontation, but when someone interrupts me and thinks me a stepping stool to help achieve their greed I, by the higher power, am forced to give them their wish and beat the sin out of them in an attempt to save the thing most important, the soul.

The fans are clearly behind the Deadman even though what he is talking about is going way over their heads. After ignoring Morrison who has been just as confused as everyone else Undertaker finally turns to him. The stare he gives Morrison is blank yet as deep as the night sky.

You talk about change, about adversity, and I ask you a simple question, what do you truly know about adversity? Looking at you with your expensive clothes and glasses you have never faced adversity a day in your life. You’ve never walked the streets homeless not knowing where or when you are going to eat next. You’ve never been bashed for having a different type of skin color or a deformity from birth. You have only known the meaning of the word adversity by inflicting it upon others. The money you put into those clothes you wear could have fed hundreds and you have the audacity to come out here and complain about material things. Your true sin is NOT your vanity or your pride, you suffer the sin so many else suffer from, the sin of ignorance. You hide from the world behind your material items, the more you have the less you notice the unfortunate who pray to the higher power every day for a piece of bread. When I lay my hands upon you at Summerslam it will not be personal, it will be necessary to wake you from your ignorance.

Undertaker looks almost mournful, as if he’s lost his best friend. But the look is gone in a blink of an eye. The fans are silent now, they still love the Undertaker, but he has drawn in the masses who want to hear what he has to say next. No one more than Morrison who can’t believe what he is hearing, trying to hold back a smile.

You speak of change and how it has come, indeed you are correct, but it is not because of you John Morrison. It is not because of a “deadman”, and has nothing to do with a palace of wisdom. For had you any true wisdom you would not be wasting your time on me hoping to prove a point. The only point that matters is that you are stopping good from returning to this business, this world. I find no pleasure in taking souls, that was an old version of me, however, some are just so far gone they cannot be saved so thus they must be destroyed. I do not see a soul needing destroyed in you John Morrison, instead I see your soul is lost. Lost in an idea that has spiraled beyond your control. I do not expect you to be afraid, but I expect you to embrace the change that I bring, a change for the better. After I defeat you, your soul will be cleansed or destroyed, the choice is yours. But either way, one way or another the demons I see in you will Rest, and it will not be done by Mark Callaway, it will not be done by the Undertaker, but the power of the Higher Being, who’s right hand you now look at. Atonement has come at last and John Morrison you will be the first to awaken or be buried!

The crowd is completely creeped out by what the Undertaker has spoken. No one is sure what to think, before the Undertaker’s words can truly set in with the masses, John Morrison cuts him off and begins to speak.
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Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Re: Summerslam - Bully Ray Vs. Christopher Daniels

In an interview with WrestleZone.com, I was honoured to have Christopher Daniels by my side as we both watched Bully Ray’s interview for UWF.com. After watching the video, we reviewed what Bully had said, and even noted at some points that a slight hint of insecurity plagued Bully’s voice. Christopher Daniels was all smiles throughout the entire video as he didn’t seem too intimidated by the words of his SummerSlam opponent. I took the opportunity to ask him a few questions regarding not only the match itself, but why he wanted it so much. I also asked him a few other questions, most of which pertained to UWF, and its roster.

When asked about the talent of UWF, in how he saw them:

They are a great bunch of superstars. There are a few young guys who have already proven themselves within the company. I know I usually go on about how amazing I am, and how big of a tragedy it is that I am not booked better, but the fact of the matter is, I seriously doubt myself now (he said with a laugh). I mean these guys have shown me that in order to get anywhere in this company, I have to push my boundaries. Go beyond the limits of my body and just kill myself for my shot in the spotlight. Look at Curt Hawkins, he took me down, and I was really under the impression he was just a rookie. As cocky as he is, he can back it up. I really don’t want these punks getting the wrong impression though, I may seem real nice right now, but don’t let that fool you. I’ll take you down in a heartbeat if the opportunity should arise.

On a discussion he had with the current UWF Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin:

Steve really showed me the light. I was in a pretty dark place before he even acknowledged me. After suffering another loss within the company, I was on the brink of just giving up. He said some words that really hit home, and I don’t think I’d ever been so energized by words. I mean come on; it’s not every day you get to speak with a legend like Stone Cold! He basically took me out of that dark place, and showed me that I could be something more than what I am now in the company. I almost felt like I could take on the Big Show and Bully Ray at the same time. Hell, I probably could have taken on both rosters, that’s how great I felt after my chat with Steve. I have vowed not to let him down from that point on. I don’t intend to stop that so quickly heading into SummerSlam.

On why he wanted the match so badly with Bully Ray:

It was more or less a redemption kind of thing, if that makes any sense. I mean, he made a fool out of me, and I wasn’t too fond of it. I’m still not, to be quite honest. This is my way to get some kind of redemption on the fact that I was humiliated by him. I want to show not only Bully, but the entire world that I am not afraid, and that I am not someone to be taken so lightly. I’m pretty much going into this match with that frame of mind. With the thought of me being an intimidating force walking to the ring.

On the words Bully had spoken not too long ago:

It’s your typical bully tactic. All the bullies do this, they try to strike fear into the hearts of their target. He thinks because I was a victim of his thuggish ways that I’m terrified of the fact of facing him again. Fact of the matter is, I asked for this match, Hell I damn near begged for it! He can try and speak all the tough words he wants, he can continue to make a fool of himself. In the end, I will be the one victorious. I will overcome the power of Bully Ray and prove to all that he is nothing more than a miscreant. You know, I’m really thinking of all the movies, and how the bully always got what was coming to him in the end. And that’s exactly what I think is going to happen at SummerSlam. Bully has been running his mouth for a long time, doing any kind of damage he can on anybody who gets in his way. I know people are sick of him, I know I am! He’s been walking around, hurting anybody that invades his vision for far too long now. This feels like high school almost, you know? There is always that on bully who preys on the weak and feeble.

They pounce on those smaller than them; always go for the ones that can’t fully protect themselves. Then there is that one guy who actually stands up to the bully, who fights back. In the end, the bully will run home crying because he got punched back for once, and it’s something he’s not used to. I am that one guy; I am that one guy standing up to the bully. I’m not intimidated by Bully at all. I mean, how can I take someone who absolutely adores their calf’s? It’s sad to think he’s a grown man really.
(We both chuckle at the last comment)

And finally, his final comments to Bully Ray:

You don’t scare me Bully, never have. You caught me with my pants down in our first match; I’m ready for you now. I hope you bring all that you have, because I’m bringing a whole damn arsenal! After SummerSlam, you will be that bully who runs away crying. I can guarantee it!

Thus concludes the interview, if you want the full review in audio, please click the link below.

Posted by Justin LaBar
August 06, 2012


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Re: Summerslam - Bully Ray Vs. Christopher Daniels

A few moments have passed since the interview with Christopher Daniels was posted online, when the Summerslam arena starts to light up and fill with music......


"The Beaten Path" starts to play and the crowd boo already knowing who is about to walk through the curtain. As he comes out on the stage, he has his cell phone in his hand and he's shouting at the crowd.


The Resident Bully makes his way down the bottom of the ramp and looks into the camera saying, "All of you get on Twitter, I have posted on live television, like only I can!" as he walks round and makes his way up the ring steps. He demands a microphone even before he makes it in the ring and when he gets given one he wastes no time.

Bully Ray: Get my damn music off, cut it off!

His music stops, And all that can now be heard are the boos and the "Bully sucks" chants coming from the crowd.


It's always the same around here! I always get exactly the same treatment. And no, I'm not talking about you people, I couldn't give a damn if you were all wearing my T-shirts or if you were all throwing darts at my picture on a dart-board. I'm talking about Christopher Daniels. The little coward claims he's never been afraid of The Bully?! Well if you all check your twitters, you will see a link I have posted of a little dirt-sheet site, that has happened to pick up the latest scoop from one Christopher Daniels. If your not scared in any way shape or form Chris, how come you have come down to the ring and said what you have to say to my face! That was a rhetorical question and I already know the answer... Just like your wrestling career... you're full of crap! You say one thing, you mean the exact opposite. You are scared of me, you are scared of Bully Ray, and you are scared that come Summerslam you made the biggest mistake of your life when you asked for this match in a blind rage after one, I annihilated you, and two, I foiled your plan when you tried to screw me against The Rock. you know what they say Chrissy boy.... Best things always come in threes!

I read your little prima-donna interview in full, and I gotta say Chris, your more of an embarrassment than I ever gave you credit for. You got beat by a rookie that even I thought was under your level, and you take that as a positive. There is nothing positive about being beat Daniels, and anyone that tries to make out any different is playing games with himself, with his own mind. You know the score, you become delusional and if you say something enough times, maybe you will start to believe it yourself! And to top it all off, the sour cream on top.... you literally lick the ass of the UWF champion squeaky clean. You mean to tell me Chris, that the man that has been known in this industry for years as the man that kept all the talking in the ring, the man that only made statements with his fists.... sat you down and had a nice little heart to heart? The Mr Moyagi to your Karate Kid? Are you freakin' kidding me?! If he made you feel like you could take me on by myself, never mind with anyone else, he was simply bare-face lying to you, like he has lied to all these people for years, it's the only reason he is where he is today. And until I'm given the chance to prove that, then I guess you'll have to take my word on it. I'm glad you took one thing off Austin though. The idea that it helps you to drink alcohol whilst on the job. Yeah, prove how your going to beat me while intoxicated idiot! It's only going to make my victory at Summerslam that much more academic even now, weeks before the show comes around.

Christopher Daniels; Count yourself lucky that management even let you have this match at Summerslam, it's a paycheck that in all honesty you don't deserve. Your holding me back, an undefeated superstar from taking on the United States Champion that has no contender as of yet, or even better making my way into the Elimination chamber and proving I am the toughest guy around here. But I'm not. I'm not furthering my career the way I want to. And it's because of you. And now.... You pay because of it!

Bully stands tall in the ring and awaits a response.



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Re: Summerslam UWF Smackdown Money in the Bank

Rey applaud Edge and he begins to speak right after him

Rey Mysterio: Edge what you said right there was pure justice. Talking about the lies that have been spewing out of Dave's mouth, but before I go on to talking about Dave I want to compliment you Edge. We have been in this business for a very long time haven't we Edge? We know each other just like a book, but although you may have done some evil doings in the past you always accept who you are as a human being, and amigo I am glad you want a competitive match from me because I would expect nothing less from you. Edge you are the master of this ladder match, you are a man when you are put in the ladder match. People want to tune in and find out what Edge will do next. Edge I hope you and I bro will have our moment and put on a epic ladder match so you have my respect and I can not wait... but it seems like with every good seed growing here, we have some evil seeds as well. Jeff Hardy

A mix reaction for Jeff Hardy as Rey looks at the empty Titantron and smiles a bit


Rey shakes his head and goes to begin to talk

Rey Mysterio: Now Jeff it seems you put out some good points about some of the villains in this match, how last month you Dave and Wyatt were working your buts off to become the world heavyweight champion, and it does come full circle that you and I are in a opportunity of a lifetime. The thing is though Jeff I see you do not believe I am a super hero, but Jeff just because I do not have powers does not make just an ordinary human. You see Jeff it is what you do in life that makes you into a hero, not what happens or how special you are. Am I smaller than most people? Yeah I am, but that does not hold me back. The children here look at me as an idol, they look at me as a super hero they can call there own and that is why I stand here talking about justice. I am here looking to bring peace and justice back into professional wrestling, and lucha libre. I am here to show people that wrestling is not just filled with crooks, and villains but real genuine people.

You can sit there and ask me how I failed at capturing the European title, but I did not fail at such a task. I let Rob win because it was the right decision, I knew that he would bring nothing but good and justice with that European championship, and he is someone the country of Europe can be proud of. My righteous actions is what made me a contender and a threat in this match. Not because they felt bad but they know Rey Mysterio put is heart on the line in this match, but he knows what is best for the UWF. So Jeff you can plant the seed in your head that I backed down, but that is not the case at all. You might feel I am not the right hero, but Jeff I am more of a hero to these people than you will ever be in your life. So Jeff when you actually decide to get your act together and come down to this ring. You will see in my eyes of truth that this feeling I am having right now is no haux that is the real thing.

Fans cheer for Rey as Rey goes on and turns to Dave Batista and he begins to speak towards Batista


Rey Mysterio: Dave... what happened to you man? Why are you coming out here telling all these lies to these people. This is not you at all, you are coming out here and I can feel and see it this dark aura around you. It is scary man and it is not too late to come back Dave. You see Dave you just don't understand but your breaking my heart of what you just said. The reason why I did not speak up sooner was because I was shock on what you said. Talking about how I tried to steal Eddie's name, and how I am nothing more than just a shameless ass kisser of yours. Dave what you just said is completely lies about not only my name but the Guerrero name as well. Eddie was my best friend, we had been with each other for the longest time. You do not understand that, I was there helping Vickie in her time of need, I was trying to do my best by helping them out. What do you not understand, yet you think I was trying to steal the name... Dave you got it all wrong just like how I won the World heavyweight title. You want to come out here and spew your venomous lies, and talk about how I did not earn my shot at the top, but Dave I did. I earned my shot at the World Heavyweight championship. I became champion not because of you, but because the WWE could trust me. They knew how much star power I brought to the table and that is why. Dave you have changed... and I know I can't change you. It seems like your in your own little universe... but I can do one thing and that is stop you.

Dave I am telling you this now. At summerslam I will, and I mean I will stop you from becoming the money in the bank winner. I don't care what damage my body will go through there is no way in hell I will allow you to climb up that ladder and become Mr. Money in the bank. The way your feeding yourself in this greed, and power only makes me to believe you will just become to be too obsessed and end up leading to your own demise. I will not sit by on the wayside to see you become world champion and lead to that demise... Dave I will stop you at Summerslam mark my words. That is a promise I am looking to keep,and it will happen, so Dave I hope you understand I may not be bigger than you. I may not stand a huge fighting chance or be in "your league", but I will stop you. I will make sure you realize what true justice is once and for all.

Fans cheer when all of a sudden.
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Feb 17, 2011
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Re: UWF Tag Team Championship - Black N' White Machine vs Your Enlighten Saviours

The fans are booing Damien Sandow at the top of their voices when they are suddenly interrupted by the opening riff of Godzilla's theme.


The fans erupt as the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe marches out from the backstage, wearing a suit to even Sting's surprise but that isn't a problem as Samoa Joe manages down the entrance ramp before climbing into the ring with the UWF Tag Team Champion in his hand, he lifts it up and smirks at Damien Sandow before quite literally snatching a microphone away from a ring-tech and prepares his own verbal assault.


One of half of the UWF Tag Team Champions,
Samoa Joe

Fine speech there, Damien Sandow but please allow me to beg your indulgence for one moment! All you done since coming to UWF is drone on and on about being the saviour to all the unwashed masses when in reality, you are nothing but a fraud. A fraud who is a fluke, it seems to be where ever you go, which ever match up you manage to win, you continousily do it by cowardly means, while it doesn't surprise me Damien, you won't catch me out, nor will you catch the Stinger out! While us two are two entirely different people, we both know all the tricks in the book, so you better start preparing because this won't be a wrestling match as you hoped for, this gonna be a fight about respect and these two pieces of gold are an added bonus.

Samoa Joe smirks as he hoists the UWF Championship high above his head before placing it back down on his shoulder.

It doesn't matter to me whether I am part of the Greatest Tag Team in the World, it doesn't matter to me about being a champion, what matters to me is that these fans are seeing what they want to see and that does mean kickin' both of your asses! In fact where is that weasel, Daniel Bryan? If the man isn't willing to show up now, when it's all talk, he's got no chance when it comes down to a fight, he beat our General Manager in a way which can only be summed up as cowardice and then proclaims he's saved the brand, he has saved the brand because now there is nobody to stop me or any of the other boys in the back from kicking your ass harder than I had already planned to do so! Jump me from behind, get some other flunky to do your hard work before the bell, but I will be there when the bell rings backing up the Stinger and delivering some pay back of my own!

The old saying, reap what you sow, and Y.E.S, both of you have been doing a lot of reaping but very little sowing, so considering this match what you been desperately asking for! 'Cause come Summerslam, there's only one line everyone is gonna be saying to you up until the bell rings and that's "JOE'S GONNA KILL YOU!" and they damn right! So Y.E.S, BEAT ME IF YOU CAN! SURVIVE IF I LET YOU!

The fans erupt as Samoa Joe turns to around to look up at the titantron, seeing if Daniel Bryan has the bells to show up.​
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Jun 3, 2010
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Re: Summerslam UWF Smackdown Money in the Bank

The crowd are still cheering the resident superhero when a familiar theme hits the PA system, changing the mood entirely.


'Broken Out In Love' by Mark Crozer and The Rels plays over the sound system and the crowd immediately begin to boo. A small spattering of fans cheer, but it's a really small amount. Bray Wyatt emerges from the back, as always with Eli Cottonwood behind him. He has a microphone in his hand already and immediately begins to speak as he walks down the ramp.


Bray Wyatt: I have arrived. I have come down from my throne up there behind them pearly gates and I have arrived with a message of good will, and love. Real love. Love that you can feel. And y'all gon' be feelin' my love at the end of this month, you better believe that. I have arrived with the good news, the good message that I, 'The Angel In The Dirt', Bray Wyatt am close to becoming Mister Money In The Bank. Now I don't know 'bout all you folks out there in the crowd, and in that ring right there, but that makes my people real happy. Because they know that unlike all of you, all of those who choose not to believe in Bray Wyatt as indeed their lord and saviour... I will not become broken by the man made destroyer of souls that is money. And whether it is indeed this metaphorical money in the bank, or indeed real money... I will not strive for richness, I will not be consumed by the greed of the common man... but I will accept of course donations, and I will be donated this here briefcase by the poor souls that have been placed in this match. Donated not through will... but by their inadequacies and their shortfallings.

Bray Wyatt enters the ring and continues on.

Now lookin' around this here ring I see people I've met before, like Jeff Hardy and Batista. Two men that I know are indeed well equipped to compete in such a high-risk environment against such a high-risk adversary like Bray Wyatt. In fact, last month at The Great American Bash, I felt first hand what these two men are capable of, most obviously when Batista tried to kill me when he tossed me out of the sky to the floor in a pod meant to contain me. Now, only a silly man like Batista would try to kill me... for I cannot be killed, I can not truly feel pain... and ya have to think, what can stop a man who can't feel nothin' but the warmth of his own heart?. Nothin'... that's what, y'see, you tossin' me to the ground from such a high height, should've caused some damage, but it really didn't... and that's because I am something which none of you can understand. I am ascendant. I am divine. I am an Angel in The Dirt. And whilst we all did fail in capturing the World Heavyweight Championship... I will make sure that only two of the three of us do so this time 'round. Believe that.

Bray Wyatt looks at his other opponents who stand in the ring, Edge and Rey Mysterio, who look on at Bray Wyatt with nonchalance and a lack of interest.

Rey Mysterio... you've been very talkative ain't ya... and I thought superheroes were meant to be all about action rather than talkin' tough. But I will give you some props, you are good. But are you good enough to compete with someone who is not human?. Huh?. All the superhero powers in the world can't stop me, man. I am unstoppable. Some might say unstable, some might say unrelenting, and maybe they're both true, but when I say I am unstoppable I mean it. And as much as you will fly about the ring and try and use your powers of good against me, you will not defeat me. Because I can take all of your powers and show you mine return and when I take your soul from you... maybe you'll understand what makes me different from everyone else. And the same goes for you Edge. 'The Rated R Superstar'... you can't stop me. The spear?... hmph... you obviously don't realise that the gun, the canon always beats the spear, and I am firing at all of you at Summerslam, man.

Bray Wyatt turns to the titantron where Zack Ryder last appeared.

And as far as Zack Ryder goes, well I ain't got a whole lot to say 'bout him, he's a wildcard because I do indeed know nothin' about him because I don't go on no internet machines. And while I don't doubt he's a big hit on the twitters, he ain't big among my people, that's for certain, and he will fail like all of you, man. Because that twitter, and that facebook, it ain't for the divine... it ain't for me and my people because it breeds the moral monsters and the decay of the soul and it will be the worlds road to ruin. Zack Ryder is on that road to ruin and he just happened to be at the end of it when he met the pale rider on that pale horse, man... and I will bring about the end of him and his lies about this social media that's rottin' all y'all's minds... I will rid him of his monsters and make him believe...

Bray goes and sits in the corner, the crowd booing him as he does so. He looks very relaxed up on the top rope as he rounds up his speech.

Like I said... I am, un-hurtable and I am unstoppable, and y'all will believe in the name of Bray Wyatt, especially after I show you my true powers, at Summerslam when I become the first truly divine and righteous holder of the Money in The Bank breifcase, and soon all y'all will be recognisin' me as your spiritual leader, your guidance to the next world, and most importantly as the World Heavyweight Champion. So ya best start believin' right now.

Dod Draper

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Jan 23, 2011
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Re: Summerslam - The Undertaker vs. John Morrison


Morrison: Luckily for me, "Deadman", I'm an Atheist. In fact, there's only room for one Deity in my universe, and his name is John Morrison. I'm the only higher being in this reality. Judge, jury, executioner. Divine avenger. You name it, I AM IT. Every day, I live the dreams that men like you can't even begin to imagine. You seek atonement, you seek the refuge of religion and crave the righteousness of the scales of justice. Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but there is no system. There is no such thing as eternal justice. The universe is indifferent. Men such as myself don't conquer all before them and encompass victory in such a crushing manor because we're scared. We aren't running scared from some mythical inevitable demise, we're running forward. Embracing the grind and pushing towards glory, every single day. The scales of justice, sat at the feet of your "higher being", do not intimidate me. I disregard them. I dispel their existence. I walk up to your higher being and kick his scales of justice to the floor. John Morrison is beyond good and evil. That's not a saying I use to assist me in my supposed ignorance of morality, it's a fact. It's a way of life which I embody every single day. When I come to this ring and speak to men like you, to the UWF fans out there. I'm not seeking any particular reaction. If people want to cheer me for what I say, then that's their prerogative. If they don't want to, then that's also their prerogative. I'm savvy enough to know that when I die, there will be no higher being waiting to judge me for my supposed sins. One single day of judgement is a myth. Every day you breathe the air on this planet you are facing your own personal day of reckoning. That's the mantle I live my life by, "Deadman". There's no room for myth at the Palace of Wisdom. Take my word as gospel; my "soul" is not in danger. A greater destiny may await me, but it's certainly not eternal damnation. Accuse me of all the sins you want, but none of it checks out, apart from one; it's a sin to look this good.

Morrison smirks and turns to the crowd...


He catches the eye of a female fan in the front row and shouts "you know it's true!", before turning back to The Undertaker and continuing.

Morrison: You talk all about adversity, Deadman, you ask how I'd know about adversity. You saddle up on your high horse and talk about being homeless, about race issues. Let me ask you, who in the hell has ever racially abused you? Back in Death Valley, did the bus drivers make all the dead people sit at the back of the bus? Or is it society in general? I know, in the movies, the dead are given a bad rap. They're all portrayed as malicious killers. That's racial stereotyping for you. It's lucky they have you, though, Taker. You could be the Martin Luther King of the dead. You could change the way the world sees dead people. Rather than starring as the villain in terrible horror movie, after terrible horror movie, the dead could be the haunted. They could be the headline stars. You could do what Nicole Kidman never could do and make ghosts the victim. Rather than chasing the living through spooky buildings, the living could chase ghosts through the streets of Manhattan.

Morrison keeps a straight face for a moment, before he starts laughing.

Morrison: Give me a break. You're just as sheltered as you accuse me of being. You don't live in a box, and there's nobody out there dressed in white, burning a cross in a field to protest your existence. The reason I wear clothes like these, is the same reason I'm successful; it's because I'm that good. Not only that, I'm extremely driven. I want to win. You think that equates to ignorance? Whatever. I don't have time for your tedious assumptions. Come Summerslam, we'll see who is ignorant. We'll see who is prepared for adversity and who is not. Your delusions of grandeur are rife. You seem to believe that you're the man to awake me from some nonexistent state of ignorance. Knock yourself out. Do what I spoke of and look beyond the veil. See what awaits you. I can't promise you'll like what you see. Mainly because what you'll see is progress. The progress that is John Morrison sweeping the challenge of The Undertaker to one side, and marching towards bigger and better things. Add to that, he'll look damn good whilst doing it.

Morrison moves a step closer to Undertaker and stares into his eyes as he speaks.

Morrison: Be the man you allude to be at Summerslam. Bring your A-game. I want it all. I want the best Undertaker that we've ever seen... because when all is said and done, I want to stand over you, hold my hand up high, and denounce the myth.

Morrison finishes, and lowers his mic as he gauges the reaction of The Undertaker.



Apr 29, 2011
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The Throne
SummerSlam - DiBiase/Show vs. Cena (World Championship)

Fade. The camera’s flashed outside on a dull looking afternoon. It was fairly silent with the only sounds booming were birds chirping, leaves scattering, wind blowing, and distant footsteps. However, the scene had a slight gray hue – it was practically colorless. The camera’s turned to the right and we would see fellow fan favorite John Cena on the screen. The only view we see from Cena is from shoulder up, and looking at the grass behind him, it appeared as if he was sitting down in thought. The signature green wrestling attire was nowhere to be found as Cena appeared to be wearing a gray shirt. Cena took several moments to not mention the camera’s before looking down at the grass in thought. Instead, Cena kept his eyes on the distance as he finally begun to speak.


John Cena: How’s it goin’, U.W.F. Universe? I know you all might be wonderin’ where I am at but the fact of the matter is that’s not the point. The point is what I have to say. I wanna’ come out and basically tell it how it is. I got a lot of things to get off my chest and considerin’ we’re drawin’ near to SummerSlam which will be my opportunity at the World Heavyweight Championship – I feel the need to come out early and tell it straight. No bullshit, no jokes, no crap, no read between the lines, just me, a kid from West Newbury, Massachusetts who had a dream and fulfilled it, John Cena. I’m straight up tellin’ it how it is just in case I don’t make it through the other side with the one thing in my mind, the World Championship. I’ve been hearin’ a lot of talk about me and my strategies lately. A lot of people have been tellin’ me I’ve became a bit too title cautious. A little too obsessed with the title I’m chasin’ after. I’m hearin’ it everywhere. A lot of people seem to believe since we’re on the road we seem to miss the rumors and the internet talk. You’d be surprised what one can pick up on the road. Like I said, there’s a small majority of you that tend to believe I shouldn’t be in the World Championship match at SummerSlam. I understand where you’re comin’ from but I just can’t agree with you. I had my chance and I blew it, I’ve realized that – I should come out and accept it like the rest of the guys, huh? Problem is I’m not the rest of those guys. I’m not Jeff Hardy, I’m not Bray Wyatt, I’m not any of them. Sooner or later people are gon’ have to start realizin’ that they have to live with it. My back’s against the wall, I know it, but if you think for one second that all the talk about me is gon’ stop my desire and drive to become World Champion? You got another thing comin’.

John Cena speaks with confidence, as he ends off that large bulk of words with a promise. Cena eventually turns his head and looks behind him as the wind increases before speaking once again.

John Cena: We’re two weeks away now from SummerSlam. Two weeks until I step into what could be the biggest match of my career so far. This match has the most valuable reward attached to the end of it. A match where great sacrifice can result in ultimate glory. An opportunity to become World Heavyweight Champion is the only thing possible I’m describin’. It’s an honor to be involved in such a match and you better believe after ages of not bein’ on top of a brand and holdin’ the prestigious championship it offers? I’d look on SummerSlam and pencil on the calendar a night I want to make right. Last month at The Great American Bash I’ve failed to become the World Champion and since then I’ve made up for that mistake. So if anything? When I look back upon everything I’ve accomplished, I know that I’ve made some incredible progress. I’m not the same guy I was a couple months ago, I’ve risen above all of my prior efforts and I’m a better man because of it. I’ve worked my entire body to the bone in order to get where I’m at today. This match at SummerSlam will not elude me in the slightest bit. I refuse to be beaten in a match that has one of the richest prizes in this company on the line. A lot of men docked off in the ocean but a majority of them sunk. What I’m sayin’ is men fought to hold the World Title and the same men were defeated. I will not be one of those men, reason being is because all on their mind was the actual championship. For me it’s more than that, for me it’s an opportunity to prove how far I’ve come. It’s a chance to show the entire world that the reason I’m still here is the reason I’ll always be here, is because I love here. I chose to be here, it means more to me than anything else. The fact I’m not World Champion somewhat offends me, I take it out on myself for not being good enough. Rest assured, I’m not quittin’. No matter how unfair it gets, regardless of how much I’m gettin’ screwed over, I will come back, I will not quit. I’ve never quit in my life, so why start now?

John Cena pauses as he looks out and into the distance, speaking of his passion and his goal at SummerSlam. Cena continues.

John Cena: Does it annoy me that I have to face both Ted DiBiase Junior and The Big Show at SummerSlam? That’s the ultimate question I’ve been asked. Everyone wants to know how I feel. They wanna’ know what I think. The fact of the matter is they should already know. They should know I’m not the one to back down from competition especially when the World Heavyweight Championship’s on the line. Show being added to the match is if anything another opportunity in itself. Show isn’t any ordinary competitor; he’s The World’s Largest Athlete. He being in this match isn’t a chance to prove my strength, no – it’s a chance to get in the mind of a giant. Show is the significant factor in this match whether you believe it or not. One World’s Mass of Destruction. One W.M.D. can change the course of a match entirely, and you better bet your ass I’m not gon’ forgot that. It’s brutal and it’s physical, no doubt about it but Show is no stranger to brutality and physicality. I’d be silly to ignore just how great that advantage is and just how much of a chance Ted could walk out still the World Champion. However I’m not gon’ sit around and allow that to happen. Y’see, Ted’s a boy who believes he’s already got the victory in the bag. Why wouldn’t he? He has paid off referees, backstage workers, camera men, giants, everyone. Little does he know I have a couple of tricks up a sleeve. The fact this match is for the World Title – it gives me yet another opportunity to make history. And if anyone knows anything about me, they would know that if John Cena does anything? He makes history and he’ll make you remember the history.

John Cena appeared to be quite confident believing damn well he can and will get the championship at SummerSlam. Cena releases several deep breaths as he briefly looks up in the sky, continuing.


John Cena: Since beginnin’ my career back in WWE, I’ve always told myself I’d achieve no matter what. And, over the journey thus far, I’ve won a fair amount of championships. I’ve won a Royal Rumble match, Mr. Money in the Bank, I’ve clashed with the best, and I’ve beaten the best. So, it’s safe to say I’ve been around for quite some time. I’ve seen them come and I’ve seen them go. I’ve main evented WrestleMania, so the fact I’m in yet another tough situation at SummerSlam in a Handicap match where I can easily be screwed over? It’s nothin’ new to me. I’ve been there, I’ve done it, and I’ve seen it firsthand. However ‘The Champ’ himself? He doesn’t seem to understand that. He underestimates me because of the fact ‘he’s beaten me before’. Congrats to Ted, will someone remind him he hid in a box for half a match and needed a giant to help him secure the win? In two weeks’ time at SummerSlam, the King of the Mountain match won’t mean a damn thing. I lost at The Great American Bash, but at SummerSlam I will emerge victorious. I’d love nothin’ more than to see Ted DiBiase fall. I’d love nothin’ more than to see Ted DiBiase on the back-foot. He talks such a good game based on payin’ off the advantage but if he were to fall in the disadvantage side of things he’d be lost. Face the facts, despite the fact he technically already beaten me before puts him in a good head space. He’s done it before and he can do it again. Or, at least he believes he can. For everything he’s done and said it won’t mean anything at SummerSlam. It’s nothin’ but blank faces and ancient history that no one remembers. Ted’s smart, I’ll give him that but he’s not that smart. At SummerSlam, I’ll prove it. I’ll prove it when I prove havin’ Show as a partner was for nothin’ and when I take away the World Championship. The championship that he claims needed him more than he needed it. Does that make any sense because to me it sounds like a load of bullshit.

John Cena shakes his head for something silly as he looks on in disbelief. Whilst still within a pause between words, there were numerous dark clouds hovering above. Cena looked up at the dark and released several chuckles as he continued.

John Cena: Look up, y’see the dark clouds hoverin’ in the sky? I’d like to see the dark clouds as Ted DiBiase and The Big Show. The dark clouds are for the time bein’ on top of the world. They’re runnin’ the world and disappointin’ thousands and thousands of people with its rain. And then the dark clouds will be defeated by sunlight and the same thousands will be able to go home with smiles on their faces. Heh, in case you haven’t realized, I’m the sunlight and the thousands and thousands of people are my loyal “CeNation†members who’re desperately waitin’ for myself to take away DiBiase’s World Heavyweight Championship. Don’t worry because in two mere weeks what you’ve all been waitin’ for will happen. However, I’m sure he’ll have somethin’ to say about like always. It’s not exactly easy to pin point everythin’ there is to say about Ted DiBiase. Especially when you know damn well he’s gon’ try and twist all my words against me. The most important thing in this situation to counter it is action. And my actions at SummerSlam will be as loud and clear as possible Ted wants to walk around here like he’s some king. At SummerSlam, I’m gon’ make you famous. You’ll forever be a part of history. Written in the books as the man who lost his World Championship to John Cena. I know what the pain feels like. And at SummerSlam, you and Big Show will witness much of the same. Because for everythin’ I’ve experienced I am at least experienced. You haven’t witnessed half of the stuff I’ve witnessed. But, you’re gon’ know what it feels like. Your words will turn to dust, whilst mine will turn to weapons. The same weapons that will fight its way through you, Big Show, and anyone else who attempts to screw me over. You’re an excuse of a World Champion, Ted. A coward at its finest! You think you’re gon’ beat me at SummerSlam, Ted? You have to kill me to beat me! The headline will read; John Cena becomes new World Champion whilst Ted DiBiase sits in the corner as Big Show doesn’t have a care in the world because he’s already been paid off!

John Cena pauses yet again, as he manages to calm down for a short moment. Cena’s intensity has grown to a high point, as veins begun to pop out of his forehead. Cena with a soft tone slowly begins to speak.

John Cena: Talk is cheap, homie. I live in actions and makin’ things happen. So at SummerSlam? I advise you to step back, shut your mouth, and prepare yourself. This is it, I’m done with you and I’m done with The Big Show. I’ll leave you enough to see you cry in pain, but rest assured I’m walking out the World Heavyweight Champion and I’m endin’ your dreams. Just the same as you ended mine at The Great American Bash. GAME OVER… son. Game over.

Concluding his final sentence, John Cena nodded his head at the cameras as he got up from seating down and began walking away. Fade.​


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Re: James Storm vs Robert Roode

The Cowboy is quiet as he stands in the ring and listens to reaction of the crowd. Storm once again raises the mic to his mouth, looks at Roode and begins to speak.


"The Cowboy" James Storm:
'Ya know what is da' problem, Bobby? These people don't know what "It pays to be Roode" means and dat keeps 'ya safe. But I know what it means. When 'ya wake up in da' mornin', look in da' mirror 'ya don't see a man who 'ya say you are when yer in da' ring. 'Ya look in yer eyes and 'ya see a bad husband, bad father, a wannabe of a man and most importantly...a wannabe of a champion. Yer dee En Dubya Ay Champion and yer supposed to represent En Dubya Ay in a good way. 'Ya have ta' be da' reason wha' people pick up their remote controls and change da' channel but yer not. When people see 'ya act da' way 'ya act here in You Dubya Eff, they ain't interested in En Dubya Ay...It pays ta' be Roode...sure it does but yer dee only one who pays fo' it, Bobby.
'Ya have so many deficiencies but I never thought yer stupid. 'Ya said some things dat sound stupid but dat's just 'cause money and fame caused 'ya eclipse of yer brain. When 'ya say dat I belong ta' dee unemployed list, 'ya leave a shit in yer mouth. Let's look at some fact, shall we? Ma' name is James Storm. I carried Tee En Ay on ma' back fo' quite some time. I left dat sinkin' ship and when I did dat, You Dubya Eff contacted me right ahead. You are Bobby Roode. Dee En Dubya Ay Champ. A man who couldn't make it bigin Tee En Ay. And you are da' man who has ta' work in two companies at da' same time ta' ensure himself a livin'. ...TWO COMPANIES! TWO FREAKIN' COMPANIES and 'ya stand here in tell me dat I belong to da' unemployed list?! Dis is wha' yer nothin' mo' then a hypocrite and nobody in dis business respects 'ya sa much as they respected 'ya when 'ya were a part of Beer Money. 'Ya can keep tellin' yer'self dat erry'thin' I said ain't true but it doesn't matter 'cause these people right here, wresslers in da' back and erry'body else knows it is da' truth.

James Storm takes down his sunglasses and gets closer to Bobby Roode. Storm looks at his NWA Championship, than back at him and continues to talk.

Reality.Do 'ya know what reality is? It is what we live in but we live here wit'out 'ya. You lack in bein' realistic. You lack in sensing true greatness. While I see things how they are, 'ya live in yer own fantasy world. In a world where yer da' best wressler in da' world. In a world where yer a main eventer, where yer famous and erry'body likes 'ya. Newsflash, boy...in dis world yer nothin' more than a mediocre wressler, nothin' more than dat. 'Ya come out here each and erry' week and 'ya cry and moan 'bout how Teddy Long betrayed 'ya. Teddy Long did not betray 'ya, Bobby. 'Ya did it ba' yer'self when 'ya braged 'bout how great you are, what a great champion you are. Ba' all of these things you've proven dat yer better at talkin' than in wresslin'. But when da' time comes and the bell rings, 'ya will have ta' cowboy up and perform in yer top level 'cause I ain't no jobber 'ya say I am. When you'll look up after da' match, you'll see me with ma' hands raised ba' da' referee and you'll realize dat dis is reality and in reality I AM DA' MAN!

As Storm screams, people in the arena begin to cheer for The Cowboy who chuckles but then turns serious.

Bobby, when
'ya say I'm jus' a country boy dat does not offend me 'cause dat's da' truth. I am a cowboy. Since I learned ta' walk, I worked wit' ma' father and ma' brothers. I knew how ta' hold a gun befo' I knew how ta' hold a pen. I knew how ta' milk a cow befo' I could read and write. Growin' up on a farm made me a betta' man than you could ever be. If there is one thing ma' father taught me than it's dat I always have ta' live wit' a clear mind, honor and dignity and never be jealous of other people. Bein' jealous makes people bad, bein' jealous makes people foolish. If there is somebody who lives his live bein' jealous than once again...it's you, Bobby. How do 'ya explain dat 'ya nailed me wit' a beer bottle last year. At dat time, I was da' Tee An Ay world champ and you were jealous of me. Then 'ya moved from Tee En Ay 'cause although 'ya held da' world title, erry'body saw da' future in me...erry'body knew I mean money and 'ya were jealous of ma' ability. Jealousy made 'ya how you are right now Bobby and yer not a good person at all! Jus' 'cause I wear a cowboy hat erry'where I go, jus' 'cause I talk like I talk, jus' 'cause I wear cowboy boots I've been looked down ma' entire live ba' people like 'ya, Bobby. People like 'ya always wanted ta' hold me down but erry' single time I made ma' way through all the shit they put in ma' way and I'm gonna go through 'ya at Summerslam.

Storm takes a little break.

Yer turn, oompa loompa.

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Re: Summerslam UWF Smackdown Money in the Bank

Once again the titan tron image lights up to show Zack Ryder. This time he is in his shirt, and wearing his headband. He has a camera he is holding pointing at himself.


Zack Ryder:Hold on there bros! Hold on just a second. Because I believe it is my turn. Well, well, well, look at the people we have now. Everyone's showed up and made this a party. We got "The Preacher" Bray Wyatt, "The Animal" Batista, "Smackdown's Superhero" Rey Mysterio, "The Enigma" Jeff Hardy, and "The Rated R Superstar" Edge! And what kind of party is it without me. Last time I saw all of you I was up here on this screen like before cause I had just won a match bro, but now I got cleaned up I'm ready to go bro! The thing is though, on my way to ring, I couldn't help but over hear all the fun you guys were having out here without me. And Long Island Iced Z! is always where the parties at. So I figured I'd grab my little flip camera here, and give you guys some thoughts on my way to the ring.

The fans start to cheer for Ryder. He doesn't hear them that well however and just carries on.

Zack Ryder: Seems to be a lot of bad blood in that ring. Look at us, most of us has had run ins, or something to do with one or more people in this match. Take Rey and Batista for example. You two used to be broskis man! Now Batista wants to rip your head off, and Rey, you want to be some superhero around here saving Smackdown. Well let me tell you Rey, you're not doing that good of a job at being a super hero. Now don't get me wrong, I have all the respect in the world for you. But where were you when Samoa Joe was taking an ass-kicking from your friend Bortista there? Where are you when something bad happens? That's right. You're already on your way to the next city, the next event, the next big thing. You may claim that you're a hero, but Rey, you're not saving anyone, from anything. And it will be the same thing at SummerSlam. When you step into the ring with all 5 of us, and all those steel ladders, you'll realize that you're not a super hero. You're someone who is in the wrong place, at the worst of times. Reality is finally going to sink in little Rey. And don't say I didn't tell ya so bro!

Surprisingly some boos are heard for Ryder's harsh words of Rey.

Zack Ryder: Don't get any ideas though that I'm defending you Bortista. I think I've said just about everything I wanted to say to you for our match on Friday. And I'll leave it at that. Which means I'm on to Bray Wyatt. Man, you say a lot of interesting things bro! You can work that mic and you know how to speak. But there was this one thing that I overheard and it had to do with someone...it had to do with me. You said that I'm on the road to ruins? Is that what you said bro? The road to ruins because I am a social media icon? Because I trend world wide every night? Because my Youtube videos get more hits then any other wrestling video online? Because I have thousands, and thousands of likes on Facebook? Last time I checked there bro, that was not a road to ruins, but a road to success. A road that has taken me all the way to this match so I can fist pump your face and get the chance of my lift time in that Money in the Bank briefcase.

Zack Ryder: Yo Edge! It's your turn. You said that I'm still just a kid, and I'm not on your level. Fine. That's all good and well, but you haven't been in the ring with me for years. And that ends at SummerSlam. I don't think you quite know the places I've been too, and the things I've done bro! I've won championships. I've beat world champions, and I have shocked millions with my victories. Now, you're no stranger to a match like this. Not at all. You are one of the reasons that the Money in the Bank match even exists. I won't deny that when ladders are thrown in you thrive on them, and you know exactly how to use them to victory. But the thing is there bro, you taught me almost everything you know. And I don't think you're ready for that to blow up in your face. You want to be the face of Smackdown. I want to be the face of Smackdown. Hell, the other 4 men in this match want to be the face of Smackdown as well. But the cold hard truth is bro, that only one can be it. And I can just picture it. I can picture me winning the contract, winning the world title, and making Smackdown, ZACKDOWN! It's only a matter of time bro!

Ryder takes a small pause before addressing the next person.

Zack Ryder: Let's see. I got Bray, I got Edge, I got Bortista, I got Rey Rey, that leads me to one more person. One person who I was able to overcome on Smackdown last week. You know I'm talking about Jeff Hardy. Jeff...I just can't understand you. I mean, I thought you were a bad guy? But now you're a good guy? You're turning a new leaf? Is that it? Or is all a clever trick for people like me to gain your trust, and then you'll just turn it around on me, and stab us in the back. Jeff, you're the one I'm worried about in all honesty bro. I know I can beat you, I proved. But throwing you into a ladder match? That's your home. Weather we like it or not, all 5 of us are stepping into Hardy's House. Theres no telling what you can do. Thats what makes you the biggest threat. I know Wyatt and Batista are going to try to hurt people. I know Edge will use his brain to pick his spots at the right moment. I know that Rey will use his speed and agility to try to win...but what will you do bro? That's the thing that makes you scary. You are completely unpredictable. That could come back to hurt you, or it just might place you on the top of that ladder with a golden contract.

Ryder stops and the crowd in the arena lets out some expressions for him. Mostly cheers, but not as loud as usual.

Zack Ryder: I'll see you out in the ring soon.

Ryder turns to camera off and we are left with a blank titantron again.

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Re: UWF Tag Team Championship - Black N' White Machine vs Your Enlighten Saviours



The self-proclaimed “Best Wrestler In The Worldâ€￾ Daniel Bryan makes his way out to ringside and the crowd starts to boo very loudly. He comes out screaming “YES! YES! YES!â€￾ and hopping down the ramp.


He climbs into the ring and demands a microphone be handed to him. He then begins to speak.


Daniel Bryan: Finer words couldn't have been spoken, Joe but they really sound familiar. “Beat me if you can, survive if I let you.â€￾ Hmm....sounds an awful lot like a certain former ECW Champion I know of. Samoa Joe, or should I say a terrible Tazz knockoff, let me stop you right there because every word out of your mouth is more nonsensical than the last but I know it's not your fault. You're still recuperating from those 4 Batista Bombs you took on SmackDown so all is forgiven. But,I suppose, as easy as it may be, allow me to retort. I defeated Nigel, our former general manager quite in the same way Batista did you: Technical Knockout so it seems to me that the only person in this ring who has any claims of being dangerous is me. Joe, I'm all talk? Your whole career is built on nothing but hype. You've lived out your career based off of a few matches you had years ago with wrestlers much more talented than yourself like CM Punk and....well myself. You should know more than anybody else of how much of a threat I am. You've been in the ring with me before. Oh, and speak of the devil....

Daniel looks over at Joe's partner Sting.

Daniel Bryan: Hi, Stinger! Long time no see. I'm honestly a little shocked to see you out here considering how I left you the other week on SmackDown. Sting, you took me for granted and underestimated me. You thought “Here is a 200 pound vegan. How dangerous could he be?â€￾ The answer, Sting, is VERY dangerous. I took your legend status and I tarnished it. I took your legacy and I kicked dirt all over it. I didn't particularly want to but it had to be done to prove a point and that point is that you don't have what it takes anymore to get the job done in this ring. I told you that I was going to make you suffer, scream and tap out and that's exactly what I did. Sting, do I make you nervous? I know that's a catchphrase of yours but I think it much more suits me than you because I proved that Sting,at least in 2012, sucks.

The crowd is boo-ing Daniel out of the building as Damien and Daniel enjoy it.


Daniel Bryan: Guys, when I guarantee something, it happens. When we faced off before, you had Nigel in your back pocket, keeping you safe and sound. Nigel isn't here anymore. It's just us and I guarantee you this. At SummerSlam, those tag team titles are going to be around our waists and Samoa Joe and Sting are going to be exposed for who they really are: frauds. Hype-machines. Losers. Unfit competition for the likes of Damien and myself. Does that sound familiar? It's the same guarantee I made Nigel and we all saw how that worked out. And,if you think you still have an ace in the hole with Jim Cornette, I have news for you Jim, we can take you out too and you're a hell of a lot easier than Nigel to do so. Sting, Joe, the so-called “Black and White Machineâ€￾, your machine is gonna have a kink thrown in. Your machine, after SummerSlam, will be rendered out of commission. Yes......Yes it will.

Daniel lowers his microphone and glares at his opponents.
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