TLC Discussion

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I only just saw the current card, looks really good tbh, Sheamus Vs Cena should be awesome, Christian Vs Benjamin should be awesome too, the rest could be above average also. Looking good, I actually thought this PPV would suck but well see.


Shamus and Cena I think could be a good match, not necessarily a 5* classic but I see lots of back and forth brawling with a lot of near match ending moves taht are reversed. But the match should be back and forth for 10-15 mins and Cena winning won't necessarily hurt Shamus' push.


This PPV is STACKED, Jesus FUCK.

Cena/Sheamus (Table)
Jerishow/DX (TLC)
Christian/Shelton (Ladder)

And then you got Batista/Taker more than likely being Chairs. They always work well together. Save room for Orton/Kofi, and then Punk/Morrison/Miz whatever they will do and a divas match and holy christ you have an awesome card. I actually want to get this ppv. What has the world come to?

Great One

Yeah, Christian vs. Shelton is enough, gonna be such a ridiculously sick match with Shelton hopefully winning so Christian can just LEAVE!

I don't have any idea what they're gonna be doing with Punk.


Sheamus/Cena for 25 minute epic plz.

This could really be the start of a long, big push for Sheamus.

Oh, and with Kofi/Orton more than likely being on the card, the two RAW main events will have YOUNG GUYS.



Punk is on the poster, that's his role in this PPV...

Shelton/Christian will most likely steal the show, just as they stated. Hopefully as you said, this is Christian passing off the title and moving on from ECW.

Also, I want the Cena/Sheamus match to be BRUTAL... these are two young big fuckin dudes, I'm sure they can do some crazy shit.

It's kind of cool they're breaking down the TLC thing...but then again... all three matches I would assume anything it kind of leaves room for all of the above in any of the 3 matches.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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I want DX to win...moving on to a Hart Dynasty feud, put those guys over. But their match last night on RAW got ZERO crowd reaction. HHH realized it and kept playing the crowd to get a rise out of them. See, thats what happens when new guys are left stagnant.

1ST i cant wait for TLC :)
Yep i noticed that the crowd was dead as fuck and trips tried his hardest to get them to react. I'm hoping that DX wins and goes into a feud with Hart dynasty. If HHH/HBK can do it for legacy and get them over. Then they can do it for Harts. I'm looking forward to this ppv it pretty stacked. And Christian will own IMO. I'm actually excited about Raw and PPVs again. SS was good then we got a awesome Raw then next night. I cant wait for next weeks Raw and TLC i just hope that we get i great booked Raw again. Even though they have the guest host thing if the booking is done right it wont matter if the Guest host sucks arse.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
This PPV is STACKED, Jesus FUCK.

Cena/Sheamus (Table)
Jerishow/DX (TLC)
Christian/Shelton (Ladder)

And then you got Batista/Taker more than likely being Chairs. They always work well together. Save room for Orton/Kofi, and then Punk/Morrison/Miz whatever they will do and a divas match and holy christ you have an awesome card. I actually want to get this ppv. What has the world come to?


That pretty much sums up how I feel. Christian/Shelton for the title in a ladder match is enough for me. As long as Regal doesn't find some type of way to get involved in the match.


What has the world come to?

The Road to 'Mania looms...

Gotta shift up at least 1 gear after the shit they've generally been serving up post-WM25.

noumenon said:
Punk is on the poster, that's his role in this PPV...

Too funny, homez!!!! :lol:

Very much hoping DX spell the split of Jeri-Show... Further more if DX wins the belts we could well get a proper DX v Harts program (The lack of reaction on this weeks Raw may delay it somewhat, but when you figure that they'd still have to have the rematch against Jershow, there's time to build Tyson & DH up to a decent level*)... I just can't see how Vince would let the history on that one go to waste... Not given the amount of times they've tapped back into the whole screwjob thing over the years. Plus, it'd pose the perfect opportunity/role to coax Bret back on TV (in a mentor role).

(*I say seeing as the tag titles are multi-brand then hold a multi-team, multi-brand elimination match for the new #1 contenders spot... Job a few teams to the Harts on SD the weeks before, have them show their metal throughout the qualification match until eventually heeling for the final decision aginst the last team standing, The Ballinest Men, thus gaining the upset win...)

Wrestling Station

WTF is a chair match anyways.... loll

2 guys running around a chair during the music. When the music is off, someone has to sit on the chair. The other guy loses :shifty: basic kids game tbh!

Music played: Christmas tree!


I remember that from my childhood.... Never played it for a world championship tho'. : P

The PPV revoution continues.... Coming soon: WWE PARTY GAMES

Triple Threat Pass The Parcel Match - Traditional rules except the title is the prize under multiple layers of wrapping paper.

No DQ Pin The Tail On The Donkey...
Add the chair match...
Steal Russo's Pinnatta match idea....

...Could be onto something special here.

The Rated R CMStar

I think they have had this concept done before (the chair one). Kane vs Snitsky Taboo Tuesday 2004, in which the fans voted for a weapon to be legal. I reckon a Chair Match should be something like that.