"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Aug 16, 2007
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the store where ROH DVDs are sold....thats prolly why our DVDs are different(Australia and USA)....whos on the cover of urs


Nate is right, thats the lineup.

side question here, does Greatest Rivalries have Joe vs Kobashi? That would blow anything TNA's done away, it's great for new fans.

No, Its on Best in the world best of dvds. Im not sure, Joe vs kobashi would be the match i'd show tna fans. Any hardcore matches, any jack evans, dragon gate stuff, i think they would go nuts for. I dont know how well the strong style would go over with core tna audiences.

Do you think Chris Hero will get a serious push soon, and do you think he'll ever be ROH Champ?

I think it will depend on if he resigns a new contract with ROH. i think he's going to be a given a few calls about his options. Its too much of a risk putting the belt on him just yet. Plus he still needs to build up more to a strong contender.

do you think ROH will ever get as big as TNA and then WWE

Well, "big" is the keyword. I think one day it could be bigger than TNA. I dont think it will be bigger than wwe, although i could ROH becoming the more popular yet still unknown product. ROH has the best product now, but do they want to risk it all and jump in the shark tank?

What do you think of Umaga?

Good wrestler, but there is only so much you can do with a wild samoan, that hasn't already been done. I think he's fine where he is now. A little surprised he's lasted this long. I wouldnt mind seeing the belt on him in the future, although i dont think he would be my first choice, unless they are low on talent, like the time khali won the belt

Are you like me and think Mr.Kennedy is EXTREMELY overrated or that he is the future?

Its tough. He may be a little over rated, but i still like him. I think once he matures a bit, he can be world champ. People seem to be jumping on his bandwagon as a face. I don't think he's going to be the next Rock or anything like that, but he could have a very sucessful career, if he stays out of trouble.

Sort of similiar to above, who do you believe truly is the No. 2 Company, RoH or TNA just because they're on TV?

As far as which one is better, i'd say ROH is the #1 company right now, but as far as market share, TNA wins. TNA has more fans, bigger name superstars, and are on t.v. Then again, ROH can put about as many fans in the stands as TNA can, go figure. I like TNA, i just think they are still struggling to figure out what TNA is.

Anyway, how far do you think my man Kendrick can actually get up the card?

Midcard champ. He has some charima. I would have liked to see them use Jeff Hardy as a mentor, THEN have one turn on the other. I think that would be a pretty good storyline.

Do you see Zeke doing anything big in the future

He sure as hell has a the look and size. I've never seen him wrestle or on the mic. But does that really matter anymore? I think he can be good, real good.

Headfirst For Hardcore

Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
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that's the Best in the World I was talking about, I'm surprised I don't have the Milestone Series one.

What do you think about Eddie Kingston?

What should be the Smackdown Main Event for WM25?


Was it you who said you lived in Michigan or am I thinking of someone else?


that's the Best in the World I was talking about, I'm surprised I don't have the Milestone Series one.

That was the one he said. He had the exact same matches.

What do you think about Eddie Kingston?

He's pretty good, not the greatest. He very good and being emotional, and making you think he's real every time in the ring. Good character. Could be a little smoother (alot smoother) I think ROH should bring him in for a bit. He has a good following.

What should be the Smackdown Main Event for WM25?

HHH no longer excits me, SOOO i'll have to say Edge vs Jeff Hardy. I can't see any HHH matchup being WM worthy. HHH vs Taker is the biggest matchup they can put on, but we already saw that. HHH/Kennedy would be alright, but i think the wwe is going to put someone new over this year, im thinking Jeff Hardy finally. Assuming he doesnt get fired.

why is Dan maff blackballed???

Not real sure on that. I know he's back though.

Was it you who said you lived in Michigan or am I thinking of someone else?

Thats me.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Toronto, Ontario
Hey Montana, longtime listener, first time poster.

I see you review albums often in the Hip Hop Discusstion, what are the most recent albums you've bought? Hip Hop or other genre.


do You think ROH will ever open the door for Low Ki?

Yes i think it COULD happen. ALthough i wouldn't bet on it. I think depending how much talent ROH's loses in 09 and how the chips lie. With Low ki back, it could produce some great matches. Im a little surprised he's hasnt returned yet. I know he's injuried but still. ROH generally gives the fans what they want, so never say never.

LAX vs. Cryme Tyme, who would win?

LAX in about 3 minutes no contest. Cryme Tyme will be singing money money yeah yeah...Then Hernandez is going to launch JTG into the crowd and Cide will hit the cop killa on Shad.

I see you review albums often in the Hip Hop Discusstion, what are the most recent albums you've bought? Hip Hop or other genre.

Well...idk about how many i "bought" but really most of the hip hop albums i got i gave reviews. Not much has came out the past month or so. Nas was the last solid album i've heard. I believe i gave that a 8/10. I also got David Banners album which wasn't bad at all. 7/10 It had some good tracks, however it seemed a little overdone. Lots of tracks, when it really didnt need it. I got 36 mafia's album, havent listened to it. I've actually been listening to Weezer's album alot. Good stuff for a rock band. The album i listen to mostly in car is a mix cd with new hip hop. It has Swing ya rag, fast life, stalker song by kanye, Hero cham freestyle, marco polo, Buck and Rza freestyle, T pain & Wayne - cant belive it, Nelly/Usher - a long night, rihanna- distrubia, ace hood ride, ti whatever you want, akon savior tonight, in the ayer remix, hi hater rmx, i put on remix. And my current ringtone is david banner shawty say.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Hey Montana..

why are you racist againest "MainStream" Wrestling?(honest question by the way)

and thanks for the list of ROH-DVDs and stuff...(on some earlier page on this thread).

and well...Do you like Foley more then JBL as color commentator of smackdown?

What do you think of MIke Adamle?


why are you racist againest "MainStream" Wrestling?(honest question by the way)

Excellent question, and im surprised no one else has really called me out on this. No im not racist. But i def. do try and promote roh much more heavily rather than wwe/tna. I guess the easiest way to explain why i like roh more than wwe/tna is a simple pro's con's of roh


- Target their product to my demographic
- Better matches and fueds
- more attitude/emotion
- More original (new events, new style booking, its different to me)
- more interactive (fans can request matches, and suggest dvd names)
- Fresh roster. (new talent always coming and going)
- Belts have more value
- Freedom ( wrestlers can say what they want on the mic)
- surprises ( their shows generally never get spoiled if you go live)
- more live shows in my area
- has a tag division...with some impressive matches

WWE/TNA cons

- lack of value on ppvs
- poor booking at times (3x rematch clause)
- predictable at times ( they've gotten a little better at this)
- shows get stale at times
- geared towards kids (most of the time)

so its not so much i hate wwe/tna. I just think ROH is a superior product. I dont expect wwe to compete with ROH in terms of wrestling. In terms of entertainment wwe and roh can be somewhat even at times. But long story short, i watch wrestling for wrestling. I like promos a lot, but its pointless if it doesnt produce any good matches.

and well...Do you like Foley more then JBL as color commentator of smackdown?

I liked JBL. I thought JBL would have been better in a GM role right now. To me, it sounds like foley is reading off a script. I can't say im a huge fan, however there are brightspots to his. A few years from now i could see him being a lot better.

What do you think of MIke Adamle?

I like him. I forget who made the post "evil genius" but i think thats the character he should portray. I thought he should have been ecw gm 2 months ago, and i believe i posted that on the site. Not so sure Raw gm was the best option, but still i think he could be a great gm. He's naturally hated, and not like vickie. Vickie is just annoying. Adamle has that "im better than you" feel to him. I like how they've used him thus far and will be interested to see how he does. I can't be him getting a real long reign, but you never know. I think its going to either be real long or real short.

What do you think of Batista & Cena as tag champs?

BOOOOOOO. I think i feel like most of us, the tag champs fueding ....AGAIN. I didnt think they would win, due to the fact they JUST did this angle at wm23. Its not cool, its not entertaining anymore. Way overdone, and it makes your tag division look WEAK!

What's next for Rhodes & DiBiase?

I got a feeling they will win the belts back. Fueding with Batista/Cena will help them get over. I can't see the wwe wanting to squash these guys, no way. Rhodes/Dibiase is the best tag team to come along in a LONG time. Rhodes/Dibiase will be fine.

As I've said before. Look for Orton to return ss-ish to screw over Cena/Batista. This is going to create the Orton/Rhodes/Dibiase trio. Which should be pretty entertaining.


Active Member
Jun 20, 2007
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Titletown, Mexico
Ya-Damn Right My Questions were AWESOME!!(tehe!)

Celebration Tonight!!!..C'mon!...Cele-Brate-TONIGHT...C'mon!


I heard a bit about that "CZW"..is that any good?

I mean...I heard its kind've "HARDCORE" and "EXTREME"...but I don't really wanna spend any of my hard-earned Teenage-CASH on it...unless someone that saw it and knows it tells me if its good.

so like...my question is, Would You Recommend CZW-DVDS?

and my other question , Is CZW like ROH?..

and if so/not, then on a level of 1-10(10 being the best), how would you rate CZW in terms of Wrestling?