"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Will Monday Night Raw lose ratings due to MNF? Will ECW, Impact and SD! lose ratings from NFL or NCAA Football programs? I think they will because football is the best sport in USA and people die to watch it and many people love football.

Yea, a small dip. It happens every year. Hence the increased ratings in jan. Its really isn't a big deal or anything new. I'd assume raw's ratings will float between 2.8 - 3.5 The wwe knows this, and they won't pull out anything drastic the wrestling fans will watch raw, the football fans will watch football.


May 20, 2007
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ok so which company has had the best year yet?In your opinion. and why


ok so which company has had the best year yet?In your opinion. and why

I'd say the wwf in like 97 -98. The austin and attitude era was growing, lots of good stuff then. That's #1 overall. Heres the other organizations.

Wcw/nwa i'd probably say 89 from what i hear, what i seen, 96

ECW, i believe 97

Tna : to be announced at a later date

ROH: 2004, or 2007 has been bad ass imo. Best year in almost a decade. Every Show they are putting on at least 1 4 star match. Their belts actually mean something. I think if ROH can keep it up, this year may be better than the wwe's 97-98.

Will Jimmy Rave make any sort of impact in TNA?

I dont really know how they are going to use him yet. I think he would be shuffled around mid card for a while. I think if he hooks up with a faction he will do will. Had a good debut, so i think he will be alright, perhaps even x division gold, or at least get close.

Montana's MotorCity Madness 2007 Review
(Plus Backstage happenings)

Alright, here we go, there were a lot of highs and lows on this show. Overall it delivered, and no one was really dissapointed. I got there a little before 7 and stood in line with a 1-2 hundred people awaiting the doors to be open, less than 10 minutes later the doors opened. I picked up a few newer dvds and bumped into a friend of mine, who was "vip" or helping out setting up the ring. He got there about 1 o clock in the afternoon and help put up the ring. He also got to meet all the wrestlers, and said everyone was extra friendly. He also said Danielson was stretching. He asked if he would wrestle tonight, and he said maybe. I thought that was kinda cool, as my anticipation for a danielson match grew. Now for some big news. Or maybe not, but guess who was there? None other than Detroits Own Motor City Machine Guns. They walked in, talked to Cary Silken for about 5 minutes and dissapeared. Probably just catching up with old friends, but whatever. Cool to see them. Now to the preshow.

Kicked off the preshow with Ernie Osiris vs. Dingo. This was short and sweet. Dingo botched a small move, but none the less it was a good preshow match. Osiris won. 1.5 stars.

Next was Shane Hagadorn vs Kyle Durden. Again short and sweet. Hagadorn pissed off the fans, and defeated Kyle Durden. 1.5 stars again

The lights went off, time for the main show.

The opening match between was between Davey Richards and Silas Young. This match was basically a squash, but Silas put up a little fight. 2 stars

Next up was one of the more "entertaining" parts of the night as the YRR (young rich and ready) Debuted, Kenny King and Chasyn Rance. They fought everyones favorite Alex Sugarfoot Payne, and Mitch Franklin. This was another squash, but YRR looked real good. Solid mic work, and they hit some good moves. After they made short work of Payne and Franklin, they grabbed the mic again, and began to cut a promo, that is until the best wrestler in the world came out. The place was going wild. Danielson has a eye patch, as he was ready to fight. He basically said, if you are ready, im right here. First Kenny tried his luck, and got tangled into submission for 3-5 minutes, than Chasyn tried his luck, and got the shit stomped outta him. So basically 3 squash matches. 1.5's all the way around. When danielson returned, you knew the show was on.

Next up for four corner survival to see who would fight Morishima for the belt on in the show. Good match but was a little clustered / confusing to start. The ending was solid. The fans hated to see Erick stevens win, but he told the fans he'd promise to put on a hell of a show. 3 stars

Chris Hero + Friends vs Jimmie jacobs. A lot of hero antics. I thought this should have been better. I'd give it 3 stars. The opening was a little slow.

Now time for the big one, Marifuji vs El Generico. Awesome match. It lived up to the hype. Generico did a fricking flipping Van Terminator. This match was nuts. I'd say 4.25-4.5 stars. motyc.


Nigel + Claudio vs Whitmere + Albright. This was the let down match of the night. First Whitmore and ALbright come out wrapped in black, looking like terrorist, which leads me to think they are The project 161 people. If that wasn't bad enough they beat Nigel and Cluadio. Slower paced match, but still pretty good 2.75

Next up Rocky Romero vs Jack Evans, evans comes down and is jumped, but Evans regains himself and makes the match a street fight. Very fun match, you were they would out through the crowd, i missed the big spt of the match, but they continued it back in the ring, witha few more high points. 3.5 stars.

NExt up is Morishima vs Stevens, now the fans hated on stevens, but quickly jumped on his side by the end. Erick Stevens hit a handful of power moves as he rocked Morshima. Match was better than i expected. 3.5 stars

Time for the main event. Briscoes vs Aries + Cross. Cross started the match with some good cheers from the crowd. It featured the high flying reselience vs the tag team specialist briscoes (double team specialist) Solid match all around. Briscoes won, what a shocker 3.5 -3.75

Over all thoughts, again i thought the show delivered, i thought a few of the matches could have been longer, but the show went to almost midnight, so it was a good 4 hours of wrestling, if you include pre show. Match of the night was without question Generico vs Marifuji. Followed by about 5-6 3+ star matches. Low point was the Nigel/Cluadio vs Alrbight Whitmore match. I'd reccommand checking the show out. Final crowd looked to be about 6-8 hundred people.

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
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What are your thoughts on Teddy and Kristal's wedding? Do you think there are some crazy twists/stories to it?


What are your thoughts on Teddy and Kristal's wedding? Do you think there are some crazy twists/stories to it?

Yea, i think MVP is going to get involved some way. For the past few weeks the wwe has hinted at Kristal and MVP. I think MVP will do something like saying he saw Teddy cheat at the Bachelor party or something like that. MVP comes off as a bigger heel, Teddy is outta luck, and Kristal goes with MVP, but in reality it was Kristal that was cheating the whole time. It may lead to a storyline where teddy loses his gm spot.


Can you see a ROH/TNA/WWE battle like WCW/ECW/WWF? Not now, maybe not in the next five years, but do you see WWE actually being pushed to the limit again? And do you think they will succumb?

Famou$ 187

Who do you think is the biggest threat in each brand/company at this point is?


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Have you ever had a homosexual experience, including eggs?


These are all really good questions, except pele Rep +

how would you change TNA.

A lot to be honest. I'd be hard to say exactly what all i'd change because they've already dug a pretty big hole as to how i would do things, but a few things i'd do.

- I'd make money, Do whatever you gotta do to turn a profit. Take over the southern market. All the southern states should have about 2 impact shows per year. Im talking Orlando, Atanta, Houston, Dallas, North Carolina, New Orleans, and all other big markets. Also trimming the roster, you if you don't need/use a wrestler, don't hang onto them.

- Kinda contadicts the first statement, but i'd make sure Impact was Live. Maybe not every week to start, but at least once a month. I'd take 1 hour live, opposed to 2 taped.

- Gimmick PPVs, Even more so. Basically define the ppv's more. Like you know Slamiversary is the King of the Mountain. I'd try and have 5 gimmick ppvs, also have 8 ppv's per year. Which is one about every 6 weeks.

- I'd make a good #1 tna home grown talent face. Joe was supposed to fill that role, and well....we know how that went.

- Using the roster better, more wrestling, but better/shorter promos.

- Don't do dumb shit. (Black Reign, Shark Boy, Black Machismo, Sonjay Dutts gimmick)

- Tease the big matchups... Example Angle vs Joe. They really blew their load with that.

- 4 sided ring.

thats all for now.

Can you see a ROH/TNA/WWE battle like WCW/ECW/WWF? Not now, maybe not in the next five years, but do you see WWE actually being pushed to the limit again? And do you think they will succumb

It could happen. I think if TNA went out of business, ROH could become a small threat. If TNA sticks around for another 5 years, i think your going to see them looking like the late wcw years, and ROH is going to be going strong, but staying underground. Focused on making money opposed to ratings. So yea, it could happen, but everything has to fall in place. I wouldn't even rule out the theory of a hogan organization. I think he could upstart a company, and become almost instant competition, almost as if tna never existed. But it would depend how hogan would want to start it up. I dont discredit hogan at all. It seems like in 5 years the wwe will still be in the mtv mode and will still be sucessful, but roh will grab the "wrestling" fans. And the market will be split, the wwe will be bigger, but roh better.

Who do you think is the biggest threat in each brand/company at this point is?

WWE - Themselves and steriods. They are in coast mode now, and are seemingly having a problem building good faces. This could be a problem, although Kennedy and Punk will likely fill that void, but sometimes it fails with guys like Lashley.

TNA- Money/ Themselves. Making bad moves for the company.

ROH- Losing talent to wwe/tna.

Have you ever had a homosexual experience, including eggs?

Noooo, why do you ask?

Famou$ 187

Not a wrestling related question,But i'll still ask it.How do you think The Rock's new movie will do?
Do you think The Rock will ever be known as Dwayne Johnson and not The Rock?



Not a wrestling related question,But i'll still ask it.How do you think The Rock's new movie will do?

I think it will hold its own. Its a disney film so that will help. I dont expect blockbuster #'s though, I'd say probably debut around #3, but it depends how many other movies open that weekend. maybe 30 million first weekend (i forget what the scale is like, although i think thats about right)

Do you think The Rock will ever be known as Dwayne Johnson and not The Rock?

Nope, whos Dwayne JOhnson?!?!

When do you think will The New Generation Hart Foundation be on the main rosters of WWE?

They said Teddy Hart should be debuting on SD soon, although i'd assume Harry SMith is more ready. Not sure what to think about TJ Wilson. I think the Hart Foundation 2.0 idea is on hold right now. I'd imagine they would come in seperate at this point in time. I could see both smith and Hart by years end.

Should ECW bring back the ECW TV and Tag Team Titles????

So everyone in ecw has belts or something? IF they are only going to have a 10 man roster it wouldnt make any sense. I'd like the see the CW title move there. IF not, i think a mid card belt would be good IF they got a bigger roster. Im not big on Tag belts coming to ECW. The wwe has done horrible with tag teams.