"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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Hornswoggle won the CW title at GAB beating the likes of Noble, Chavo and Yang... Thoughts?


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Ive got another question.... I was just wondering this ....at the GAB if the hardy's matches were switched... would the result be different? Umaga Vs Matt Hardy Intc. MVP vs. Jeff Hardy USA Championship.. and do you see Kane having a feud with Batista , then taking the belt off of Khali?


is Montana your real name?

Nope, heres a kinda funny story i guess. My real name is bill anyway. I guess i always thought a good wrestling character would be a lumberjack called Montana. So basically when i first joined that kinda was the idea, but then Snackz asked if i was talking about Joe Montana, and i told him No Tony Montana. So then i adopted the Tony Montana character.

Hornswoggle won the CW title at GAB beating the likes of Noble, Chavo and Yang... Thoughts?

I actually didnt see it yet, which i plan on watching soon, but lets be honest, im glad the cruiserweights made on the card. I was pretty shocked to hear about them on the show. As far as Hornswoggle goes, he may be the most entertaining person in the wwe right now. Their characters now are very stale, so anyone with any comedic value can make it big. Thats why i waiting for Colt Cabana to come in, because i really think this guy is going to be huge, if they allow him to be himself. SO i dont really mind too much about hornswoggles, its entertainment. Theres only so much you can do with a midget. Plus its not like hes the champ....yet.

After watching it, i do see that Hornswoggle is the new champ, and as i shake my head, this in some strange way may be a good thing. Realistically who looks in the CW division. Chavo, Shannon Moore, Noble, Funkai, Wang and thats about it. Sure, they are all good talents, but none of these guys are really over. Hopefully HOrnswoggle can add some entertainment value to the CW division, they usher in the new cruiserweights, to be considered taken seriously. Guys like Teddy Hart, Matt Sydal, Mystico. So as of now, the division is pretty lame.

at the GAB if the hardy's matches were switched... would the result be different? Umaga Vs Matt Hardy Intc. MVP vs. Jeff Hardy USA Championship.. and do you see Kane having a feud with Batista , then taking the belt off of Khali?

No i don't think the results of the hardys matches would be different, MVP and Umaga are recently crowded champs, the wwe wants to give them solid reigns, and bring back some prestige to the IC belt. THe US belt, is major belt in my opinion.

I didnt really watch the Khali match, but i can see Batista vs Khali at SS. Kane may fued with khali or Batista after. The wwe messed with kane. WHen he went to SD, he should have been inthe title picture, at Royal RUmble 07 it should have been Kane vs Batista, thus helping to set up Taker vs Batista at mania. Kane would still be considered a main eventer. Kennedy wouldnt job out. Serveral reasons why that should have happened. I think Kane won;t be far from the title picture. I guess after SS Kane may be getting another shot at the belt, so we shoudlnt have to wait too long.

Great One

What do you think will be the "biggest" return this year? And how much would it help the WWE?


What do you think will be the "biggest" return this year? And how much would it help the WWE?

well i think it all depends on whos coming back. I'd say Jericho or Brock Lesnar will make the biggest splash, if they return. I dont think i need to explain too much into it. There is a handful of casual fans that will tune back in to see their old favorites. I wouldnt be surprised if both went straight to the title hunt.

As far as HHH he will also make a big splash, as he has a few good years left. I think the fans will kinda get tired of his hogan like antics, but none the less he will be the focal point of Raw.

HBK and Taker, two legends on the downside of their career. I expect big returns, but slowly fade into retirement. They will come back a little older and a little slower. The wwe has to push the young guys, ( im not talking about Lashley)

Rey Mysterio and Mr Kennedy. Rey should be a major part of SD, i dont think he will be champ this year, but you never know injuries and whatnot. Kennedy should make his way through the ranks, and come out a upper card guy, if not champ at the end 07.

Edge will likely move back into his old slot on raw, except on SD. Thewwe may have lost faith in the rated R superstar another yet another injury. Its a liability putting the gold on him. Im not sure if the wwe is willing to take that chance again.

I think thats the major ones...

Great One

Randy Orton vs. John Cena... finally happening, what's your thoughts on this, perhaps the biggest "dream feud" of the current generation of wrestlers now. How will the overall promos and actually wrestling fair between these guys? Feud/matches of the year?


Mar 28, 2007
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What should happen to Cody Rhodes now? Should he beckon to Smackdown for a CW title shot or stay where he is?


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Do you think Goldberg will come back to the wwe? Same with Jericho


Randy Orton vs. John Cena... finally happening, what's your thoughts on this, perhaps the biggest "dream feud" of the current generation of wrestlers now. How will the overall promos and actually wrestling fair between these guys? Feud/matches of the year?

This is big, ill admit. The wwe has been saving this for about 3 years now. THis was supposed to headline WM 22 and 23, but with Orton's backstage antics, he's not as big of a star as he could have been. The promos should be very good. The wrestling matches will be better than average. I dont see any out of this world matches, but i do think they will fued for a while, and have a few great matches. It will likely be fued of the year. Don't see surprised if HHH has the belt back before you know it though. As i stated several times, and it has been rumored, Orton is only being used to get the title from Cena to HHH. Thats the only reason (if he does win) But yeah, this is going to be a great feud. This also means, they are now saving Kennedy vs Cena for a future mania.

619ENRIQUE dont you think Orton should wrestle Cody at SummerSlam instead of going after cena?

Its tough to say. Orton vs Cena is like a dream match as Great one mentioned. Its the 20th year aniversary of SummerSlam so they had to have a blockbuster main event.

What I'd probably do, other than Orton vs Cena. I'd have a eliminatino chamber....With Cena, Lashley, Orton, Cody, Kennedy and a mystery guest. and then HHH vs Booker. The mystery guest would be none other than Rey Mysterio or Batista or CM Punk....whomever. Hell strike a deal with Brock Lesnar. I like mysteries and surprises, the wwe has failed to do that recently.

What should happen to Cody Rhodes now? Should he beckon to Smackdown for a CW title shot or stay where he is?

Im not really sure, i think you have to keep him on raw. I tihnk the best case would be to match him up in a tag team. Find a good vetern to pair him up with, which i cant really think of any right now and have him fued with Cade/murdoch, WGTT, and London Kendrick. Someone like Ric Flair. I guess he could fued with divari a bit to start.

Do you think Goldberg will come back to the wwe? Same with Jericho

No to goldberg, yes to Y2J. The wwe does not want goldberg. He cries and whines backstage, and thinks he's a lot better than he is. Not to mention he's a liability in the ring, just ask bret hart. I know theres lots of Goldbergs fans, but i really dont even see a need for him now as bad as the wwe is right now. Y2J sounds like hes coming back, almost for sure. I have noooo clue how they are goin to use him. I'd assume they'd have to make it RAW IS JERICHO again, BUT they would have to give SD some talent in exchange.


Feb 7, 2007
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Carlitos Way or Scarface?

So a few weeks ago you said Summerslam would be bad. Now have you changed your mind? Especially with the jackass match being scrapped.


Carlitos Way or Scarface?

I still havent watched carlitos way. I've been meaning to.

So a few weeks ago you said Summerslam would be bad. Now have you changed your mind? Especially with the jackass match being scrapped.

AH yes. I knew someone would call me out on this, and ill admit, the card has gotten stronger, but i still think has a little ways to go, before i consider it good. Its a better than average PPV, but its the second biggest PPV of the year lets not forget. I do think this is looking like the worst summerslam in about 8 years. But it looks average, it has a lot of solid matches. The show needs a ladder match. Kennedy needs a fued. Khali needs to go away. I really think 2007 has been a boring year thus far. Theres been a few a highlights, but to be honest 2007 is looking similar to the wwe in 1993-1994. Yeah, a few good matches were produced, but overall the product was bad. I want to see something i wouldnt expect to see. As i mentioned in a earlier post, I want to see a Mystery Partner angle. I'd like to see another Interpromotion MITB personally, since there wont eb a E.C......Guys like Kennedy, Carlito, Lashley, Wang Hardy, Finaly, Punk, Corvon.

All in All, Cena vs Orton is a great main event, and i have no complaints with that. The wwe should be trying ot improve the product though, i think.
Jul 9, 2007
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your thoughts on all of ROH ?( superstars. the matches and how superstars are used, the more wrestling less drama angle on ROH and the TV slots and what they deserve)


your thoughts on all of ROH ?( superstars. the matches and how superstars are used, the more wrestling less drama angle on ROH and the TV slots and what they deserve)

For the longest time, i really just didnt care about ROH, i knew it was there, but i just assumed they were similar to TNA, since they used a lot o fthe same wrestlers. I didnt realize Joe was 2x as good in ROH compared to TNA, i didnt know, Christopher Daniels is a machine in ROH. So a few months back i went to a ROH show, adn i was hooked. Everything they did on that show top to bottom was close to flawless. Every aspect of ROH i like. Honestly, the only change i'd make is putting their shows on live PPVs. There product is too good for free tv. IF they were to get a tv deal, i wouldnt mind a 30 minute recap show. (similar to video wire) I even like the newer ROH stuff, just as much as old 04 - 05 years.

There roster is very strong. Great wrestlers, guys who can cut great promos, interesting stables. One thing i like most about ROH is that i like their characters. Thats one of my major beefs with TNA, is that i dont like their characters. I like the wwe characters, BUT its just gets so repititve after a while. They've been shoving Lashley down our throats, Khali is champ, The wwe is seemingly making the all long term choices, adn could care less about right now.

I also perfer how ROH cuts about 2 shows a month, and EVERY show they do is ppv/dvd worthy. As far as the less entertainment and more wrestling, i really don't notice it that much, They cut about 3-4 promos per show, which is enough to keep me interested per show. The storylines are simple but they work. Wrestling doesnt need to be complicated. Simple easy storylines work.

So anyone tired with wwe and tna, i'd defiently reccomand checking out ROH. Its a breathe of fresh air. I really dont have any changes i'd make. Just live ppvs.
Jul 9, 2007
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thanks for the well suppourted anwser and anwsering it to every aspect. thanks for your time. rep+