"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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did you like tna slammiversary

I had a bad stream, but it was alright. Nothing great about the ppv, i thought it was pretty average for TNA. I liked the Abyss vs Tomko match, mainly bc i wasnt expecting it. Sting vs daniels could have been better. I thought the undercard as a whole could have been better. The main event was solid. I little bit of a cluster, but i think the match was good. Overall i rated the ppv a 6.5/10. A 7 would be considered a good ppv, this was a shade under that i thought.

What do you think of putting Sandman, which is a ECW Original, on Raw?

Good question, i just watched a video where "truthslayer" on youtube where he was all offened and mad Sandman is on Raw. I feel completely opposite from him. He may be the whipping boy for a few weeks, BUT they are giving him one final chance to be over. Sandman is the original stone cold, dont forget. If he can get over on raw, i think he just extended his career a little bit longer, if not they will release him. As many stated they are surprised he's still employed. Ecw really didnt need him anymore. The originals thing is over, and not much for him on ECW. So i think he probably the best fit on raw now.

Rated RJC

Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
Are you a fan of tag team wrestling? If so, how do you like how Raw's tag roster is shaping up?


Are you a fan of tag team wrestling? If so, how do you like how Raw's tag roster is shaping up?

NO am i not. This is one of the areas where i dont agree with a lot of poeple because i htink tag wrestling is boring. I like how ROH utilizes its teams, as they are primarily singles competitors. I've never really liked tag teams. I geuss back when there was Money Inc, Headshrikers, Steiners, natural distasters, LOD, Beverly Bros, and a few otheres, it was alright, but i wouldnt say i was a fan.
The tag divison went even farther downhil after wm 17. You had good tag teams, but i still wasnt entertained. Then when teams debuted and won the belts, it became incredibily bad (ala Duece n Domino)

Raw does have 3 good tag teams, and id like to see L&K vs WGTT, but i wouldnt say im excited. They will get put on the back burner as Lashley will be the star. Plus im curious to see the reaction for london and kendrick on raw, that will be what im looking for. London Kendrick vs Hardys would be sweet too.


Feb 7, 2007
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What was match of the year for 2007 so far?

Do you think John Cena deserves his push that hes been getting?


What was match of the year for 2007 so far?

Great question, you read my mind, as i wondering the same thing myself. Right now i dont think there is a clear cut leader. Theres about 6 matches i've seen that are on that level, from each of the different organizations.


1) Cena vs Umaga

Say what you say, but this was the most entertaining match all year. You were asking your could Umaga really beat cena??? What does Cena have to do to beat Umaga? The match told a story, lots of hard hitting, hardcore action. Great Finish. Probably Match of the Year but there are a few others im considiering

2) Cena vs HBK

The one hour classic, it was good, but it didnt have my interest. No major Impact offense.


1) Texas death match

Ehh, i wouldnt consider it match of the yera, but its been tna's best match of the year.


1) Nigel vs Joe

Awesome, only bad part was that i didnt like who won.

1) Jimmie Jacobs vs BJ Whitmore Cage

You gotta see this one, Many INdy fans Match of the Year

1) Dragon Gate 3 on 3

This was insane, probably the closest match to 5 stars of the year, but i wouldnt call it the best.

All in All, its between Cena vs Umaga, Nigel vs Joe, and The Cage match. Its a toss up now.

Do you think John Cena deserves his push that hes been getting?

Yeah, hes the hardest working man in the wwe right now. He hasnt missed a week in 3 years. Love him or hate him, he's the most over wrestler since Rock and Austin. He's been build up as superman, which in the short term is bad, but long term, it will be good for the wwe. He has even said he didnt want to the belt, and wanted to drop it a few times.

I cant wait to see Cena in 5 -10 years from now. He will be a legend. I dont think he will sell out, ala Rock.

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri
Ok you just brought up a good question for me to ask. 1. Why is The Rock not wanting to wrestle anymore considered selling out? (Everyone has a different opinion on it, I want you hear your's)
2. Why did Victoria get drafted when SD has no Women's Title?
3. How much longer will Teddy be SD's GM?


1. Why is The Rock not wanting to wrestle anymore considered selling out?

Im pretty sure theres is more than one reason. I think he didnt want to end up injuried. I think he got tired of the road schedule.Movies pay well.

The Main reason, why i call him a sell out though:

I think HOllywood looked at him, as a wrestler with looking down on the business and he didnt want to get away and not assicoate himself with wrestling. Instead of standing up for wrestling.

2. Why did Victoria get drafted when SD has no Women's Title?

WWE fucked up. I dont know, not many people really care about her. Victoria got no reaction where as Hall is very unpopular. SO they sent her to the B show. The in ring skills doesnt matter any more.

3. How much longer will Teddy be SD's GM?

Who knows, maybe 4 months? Just a guess, im assuming they will have a step up with Krystal and Vickie or something. Although he could step down as soon as this week.


Can I have rep for those downloads...lol?

But anyway, What has been your favorite moment in wrestling history?


But anyway, What has been your favorite moment in wrestling history?

For some reason at first i was thinking the start of Monday Night Raw, and the Marty Jennety return vs HBK around early 93. Because i was most into wrestling then as a new fan.

But im going to say my favorite moment is when the wwf bought out wcw. I really didnt like wcw, and i was kinda like HA, you suck wcw. I was actually really glad the wwe bought it. I thought it would lead to many dream matches. I thought wcw would continue to run, but like with the wwe touch on it. Then the two sides come together at Wrestlemania for a super show. I thought Shane would run wcw, against his father with them ultimately combining. The Invasion angle was good, but i would have perfer Nitro to be moved to Tuesdays or something. Keep the WCW talent over there (Jarrett, Booker, Mysterio, Sting, Goldberg, Nash, Konnan, and the cruisers.)

To add onto your question my Least favorite moment was when ECW closed down. They were fighting for some time, and the big 2 kept taking their talent. I felt ecw could have started a revolution in the business, and it sucked to see it go.

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri
1. Do you think WWE will try and sign either Konnan, or Ron Killings?
2. Do you think its smart to have Angle as TNA's World Champion?
3. How much longer do you see Angle wrestling?
4. Do you think Angle would EVER return to WWE?
5. Do you think any WWE talent will jump to TNA in the near future?
6. Benoit- Punk for the ECW Title. Who ya got?


1. Do you think WWE will try and sign either Konnan, or Ron Killings?

They might have some talks with these two guys, but i would assume niether would join the wwe. I wouldnt be too surprised if Ron Killings were to show up. He wrestled there in the past, but i dont think he left a good taste in the mouth of management. When he originally was in the wwe, he was very popular though. But then again, im not sure the wwe would want these two problems.

The news site said they would be working in AAA, we may see them pop up in ROH for a few shows. I believe Konnan needs a lot of healing, that which TNA wouldnt pay. SO i dont see him wrestling anytime soon, if not anymore.

2. Do you think its smart to have Angle as TNA's World Champion?

It creates a good long term storyline, but he really hasnt done anything in TNA to deserve it. He's basically living off of his past, and making guys like Somoa Joe look bad. But i think Angle was probably the best choice at the time. Cage had his run with the belt, Jarrett had his, AJ is christians lackey, Joe deserved it, but they are holding out. Sting has his run, Abyss would have been a pretty good choice, because he appears way over now, but i think they gotta build him up just a little bit more.

So all in all, Angle was the most logical, but i wouldnt call it a smart move. As i was saying last year, it will be Joe vs angle...where Joe wins the belt at BOF 07. It makes sense, its a great way to end the fued. The only problem is that it should be 1-1 rather than 2-1 angle.

3. How much longer do you see Angle wrestling?

Until he kills himself, It depends really. I'd assume he has at least 2 years left in the tank. He can probably last about 6 more years. So i'd guess i'd pick somewhere in the middle about 4. But you never know when a major injury might occur. But luckily in TNA, there isnt much of a road schedule, or touring.

4. Do you think Angle would EVER return to WWE?

I wouldnt be too surprised, but i think TNA would have to go out of business first. When they left it was kinda ugly. So as long as TNA is open, i see him saying there.

5. Do you think any WWE talent will jump to TNA in the near future?

Not really, I guess theres a chance of RVD, but he said he wasnt going to TNA. Other than that, no. I think Chavo's contract is up, but it would be foolish for him to leave. Randy Orton too, but same case. Why leave a Billion dollar company for a company whos losing money. IF Tna wants to over pay for guys like steiner, whatever, but there roster can only be so big.

6. Benoit- Punk for the ECW Title. Who ya got?

Im like 60/40 for Beniot. I say this for a few reasons.

1) Punk wasnt brought up properly as a world champ
2) Beniot the vetern, would make a better world champ
3) CM Punk would be used as the 2nd main storyline to appeal to more fans, because Beniot as a secondly storyline may be boring. but when you add the belt to Beniot, it makes things more exciting.

I'd go with Beniot, then after Beniot runs through all of ECW, Punk will challenge him again around Survivor Series to win the belt.

Wats your favorite movie wit a wrestler in it?

Honestly i havent really seen that many. The two that i have seen the hogan one, where he was the nanny, i think thats the name of it too, also Ready to Rumble. I actually liked them both. I havent seen any of the new wwe flicks. I seen one Rocky movie, but forget the name of it, so i wouldnt consider that the best one. So ill say Ready to Rumble.