"The Punisher" Kevin Calvaco

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May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
Do you think Kane will have a match at Judgement Day since he's on the poster.

What do you think of Randy Orton turning face?

What do you think of a Benoit-Orton trade?


When do you think Randy Orton will finally get the spotlight he deserves...


-Who all will participate in the KOTM match? (I'm thinking Christian, Angle, Joe, Jarret, AJ; Sting will get screwed out of shot by Daniels setting up match at Slammiversary, not too sure about Jarret, but he'll probably be in it to make it seem like he'll win).

I dont follow tna that closely but I'd say Cage, Angle, Sting, Joe, AJ. Your way sounds good too.

Triple H

-Kind of a gay question, but will he return all ripped again like last time and the old days, or still look out-of-shape like. =p

Yes it is a gay question, and i dont think he will be ripped.

-When will he return and how?

Just something like HHH returns in 2 weeks, then 1 week, and have him show up for a promo, as planned. As far as a Date, End of July/Early Aug.

-Who will his first feud be with?

Orton? Maybe Khali

-Should he get a longish title run again then put another guy over like Batista in some way?

No, I'd like to see him more mid card, Exactly how Jeff Jarrett is in tna now. I thought it was great he let Roode win. Last Year i though it should have been HHH vs Kennedy in a upper card match. HHH could have won, and put kennedy over in the process, but HHH got injured.

Do you think Kane will have a match at Judgement Day since he's on the poster.

No it doesnt look like it, although he could cost Khali the wwe title.

What do you think of Randy Orton turning face?

I think thats over. He never really turned face, people just really hated Edge, and Orton was the lesser of two evils. I wouldnt mind Orton as a face, but i think hes a better heel.

What do you think of a Benoit-Orton trade?

I would have liked it, before Edge moving to SD. Honestly it doesnt matter, if they dont push either one of these guys. Orton is in quicksand, and Beniot just wrestles with no real storylines. So i think they would need a good reason for the switch. I think both of these guys are fine as is, right now.

When do you think Randy Orton will finally get the spotlight he deserves...

Perhaps never, Back in 2004? I dont know if "deserves" and Orton is the right wording. I mean, the guy was handed the world, and he basically screwed it up himself. All he had to do was go out their, do his job, and stay outta trouble, and he couldn't do that. The wwe says they've lost faith in him, but never say never. Randy Orton will get the spotlight, when he matures. I think he may a few more years out. He continuely is messing up, and many people thought he should have been fired a long time ago.

Theres a slight chance, if the wwe is deserate, they could try giving orton a shot, but i doubt it.

Will there ever be another draft lottery

Eventually. They need it, BUT they really dont need it if they were to actually do a trade once in a while. They never do trades, which i dont understand. They let Khali roam from brand to brand, with no reasoning. The creative team is in pretty bad shape right now.

the dark knight

if u could marry a diva, who would it be? ( marry for ur whole life not just fuck once ).

u think if kane hadnt jobbed that often and stayed as the monster we saw with the mask ( beaten triple h for the title, broke HIAC doors and stuff ), would he be considered more of a phenom than taker?

is it true that wwe offered him a chance to break taker's reign at mania but he refused?

do u agree with me that taker can come back with his badass gimmick again and have a title? the only reason he didnt have a title all this time is just cuz he couldnt talk. fuckin deadman lol


if u could marry a diva, who would it be? ( marry for ur whole life not just fuck once ).

Probably Trish, but its hard never meeting any of them.

u think if kane hadnt jobbed that often and stayed as the monster we saw with the mask ( beaten triple h for the title, broke HIAC doors and stuff ), would he be considered more of a phenom than taker?

Never. Kane was a rip off of taker basically. That was the whole concept behind him. The wwe knew the undertaker would not last forever, so they wanted to bring in a young brother. Thats always been my take on kane.

Even if he won a few champinoships, he still wouldnt be close to taker, He's had like 20 years of dominance. 15-0 at Mania, theres no way Kane can ever live up to it.

Although when kane first unmasked, he should have been given his monster status back, and the championship.

is it true that wwe offered him a chance to break taker's reign at mania but he refused?

Yes, that is true. Basically he didnt want to because he was going to retire soon, before he changed his mind. Also they were friends and he didnt want to break his streak.

do u agree with me that taker can come back with his badass gimmick again and have a title? the only reason he didnt have a title all this time is just cuz he couldnt talk. fuckin deadman lol

Disagree 100%. Im assuming you started watching first during the american Badass gimmick? Most people were strongly against the badass gimmick, and demaned the old taker back. He can talk as deadman or badass. He's won the title just now as the deadman, so i dont see any reason to change.

Great One

-So, the top 3 veterans and stars of the company who were meant to carry/put over the yonger guys are now ALL injured (HHH, Taker, HBK). How badly will/has this hurt the WWE? Where to next, who will get pushed and what will happen mainly on RAW?

-Any idea why HHH and Edge hate each other so much backstage?


-So, the top 3 veterans and stars of the company who were meant to carry/put over the yonger guys are now ALL injured (HHH, Taker, HBK). How badly will/has this hurt the WWE? Where to next, who will get pushed and what will happen mainly on RAW?

How badly does it hurt. It depends how you look at it. Personally i think it benefits Tna and ROH. Fans will still be around the wwe though, but now is the time for TNA to steal some fans imo. Ratings wise, and profits, it doesnt hurt too much.

I dont really have the answers for Raw. I think the most logical push is for Carlito. He's Earned it, He deserves it. Great all around talent, and could really be over, if they used him properly.

Randy Orton is another Name, if used properly could save the show.

Johnny Nitro. One of those three guys have got to step up. Hopefully its not bobby lashley vs the world on raw.

-Any idea why HHH and Edge hate each other so much backstage?

Probably he said, she said bullshit. I doubt anyone knows for sure. Probably something like Edge thinks HHH is holding him back, and he think HHH is banging steph to be sucessful. HHH doesnt like Edge's thoughts. Something like that. Theres never been any pyshical actions backstage, but htey are not buddies, lets just put it that way.

Bonus: Judgement Day Predictions

John Cena over Great Khali
Edge over Batista
Lashley over Team Mcmahon
Beniot over MVP (shocker pick)
Burke over PUnk
HBK over Orton (could be a no contest)
Carlito over Flair


May 10, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver, Canada
When will Samoa Joe finally be the TNA Champion?

Which one person in the WWE puts on the best match? HBK, Undertaker, Regal, Finlay, HHH, Benoit, Flair?

What is your opinion of Bobby Lashley and his huge push?


What kind of aspects do you look into when making predictions?

I guess a few aspects. I use my experience of watchin wwe for so long. That kinda give you a good hunch. Then i think of whats best for storylines. Who does the wwe want to push and whatnot. Obvisously they normally throw in one or two matches that are considered upsets.

Thats for PPVs. As far as pushes, i look at who has mic skills, who's over with the fans. Ultimately the wwe used to always listen to the fans, to determine which direction to take the company, but they've gone away from that the past few years.

Why do you have Lashley beating the McMahons?

One night stand is coming up and i think it will be Corvon vs Lashley for the belt. Vince can be in a big match, but i dont think he should be in a headlining match. So to me that fits storylines. I mean, its not like Vince is going to drop the belt to punk or burke.

Why do you have Benoit beating MVP (that would probably end the feud)?

Yes, I said it WM Beniot would win, despite what ppl thought, i said and backlash despite what ppl thought, and ill say it again this time. I really like MVP. But something tells me Beniot is walking away with this one. Generally faces win 2 outta 3 falls matches. Its easy for a heel to steal one cheap win , but two. Especially a "rookie" in mvp, compared to a vetern in Beniot. Beniot also desereves a long title run too.

If MVP were to win, Benito would want a rematch, and yet another match between these two would be too much i think.

Im not saying im always right, but normally i think i do a pretty good job at predicting winners. I normally only get one or two matches wrong.

When will Samoa Joe finally be the TNA Champion?

Slamiversary or Bound for Glory 07, hes a franchise guy, so he should win it at a major event.

Which one person in the WWE puts on the best match? HBK, Undertaker, Regal, Finlay, HHH, Benoit, Flair?

This a trick question? It depends who they are wrestling against. It takes two to tango. But I perfer HBK over those guys. Secondly i pick the old Ric FLair. Then, im not really too big on the other 4 guys matches. I like them, but i cant say Regal, Finlay, HHH, Or Beniot put on my favorite style of matches. Just not my type. I like HBK, RVD, CM Punk, their style.

What is your opinion of Bobby Lashley and his huge push?

I like bobby lashley, i dont like the way they've booked him. I think he's earned his push despite what some people say, the guy has a ton of potential and no one can deny it. In a few years, Bobby Lashley could be the next big think, no pun intended. I think they just pushed him too hard too fast. He's too good for ECW in my opinion, and IS NOT making anyone in ecw better. Despite what people think of Cena and Batista, they the other guys on the roster slightly better. A good Example was Johnny Nitro. A mid card fueding withthe world champ , and Nitro upped his game. The wwe should have ran with it, but didnt. Lashley isnt doing anything to help ECW at all. So i like Lashley, but they should have done it differently.

the dark knight

Disagree 100%. Im assuming you started watching first during the american Badass gimmick? Most people were strongly against the badass gimmick, and demaned the old taker back. He can talk as deadman or badass. He's won the title just now as the deadman, so i dont see any reason to change.

i started watching wwe at 1995 with my brother. became a regular fan at 1998. became a maniac at 2000. when the americanbadass gimmick 1st appeared i thought it sucked. especially the blue jeans days. but i really really liked him the days b4 kane buried him alive and imo, it was waaay better than what he is now. yea i liked the OLD undertaker but the half old/half new shit is bugging me.

btw, when i post a Q like that it doesnt mean thats what i think. i just wanted ur thoughts. i know badass gimmick is gone i just ask for opinions to make sure that its gone.


btw, when i post a Q like that it doesnt mean thats what i think. i just wanted ur thoughts. i know badass gimmick is gone i just ask for opinions to make sure that its gone.

Dark Knight "do u agree with me that taker can come back with his badass gimmick again and have a title? the only reason he didnt have a title all this time is just cuz he couldnt talk. fuckin deadman lol"

Generally when someone says, DO U AGREE, that means you think that.

Its all good, you do bring up a valid point, as he isnt really the real undertaker, nor the american badass. But i guess its just taker getting old. Just be happy, we've got to wrestle him wrestle as much as we have. Big men dont last logn in wrestling.