Sid Vicious speaks of possible WWE return

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Sep 23, 2007
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funny how you totally ignored my point about his match with HBK, not to mention a few others with Kevin Nash, possibly even one with Taker...I guess you remember he could put on a pretty good show back in the early 90's too hey? anyway my point was that him and khali are no comparison, I'm not trying to defend Sid Viocious as being a great wrestler. What I'm trying to say is sid vicious might suck balls, but khali sucks big hairy sweaty punjabi balls...there is a big difference.


Nov 17, 2007
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Christchurch, New Zealand
A wrestler is only looks as good as the guy taking the move makes him look. Sids selling of a move made it look good, not Benoit's application.

Plus, Sid had a killer power bomb. Better than a thumb to neck of whatever Khali uses.

Oh and it was safety scissors that he stabbed Arn with lol.

This Guy

1) Sid's matches with the people you mentioned were great because of the people he was in the ring with...can he sell a move? Yes, that doesn't make you good. The exception to that is...

2) Kevin Nash and Sid matches sucked!!!! Worst main event matches in WWE history.

3) Blitzkrieg don't comment when you don't obviously know what your talking about. I mean if you can't tell the difference between Umaga & Khali you obviously have no clue.

4) Also his power bomb was no better then any other big man that executed it. Sid, Nash, Mike Awesome. All talentless hacks for the most part. All seemed great because they powerbombed people half there size. (And Mike Awesome had the most talent out of the have no idea how much that pains me to say it)

5) safety scissors or not he still attacked a person with a weapon. You got a guy as big as Sid stabbing you with anything, its going to go through you and its going to hurt like a son of a bitch.
Sep 23, 2007
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So if people made Sid look good why can't they make Khali look good? my answer? because khali sucks and is no comparison with Sid. I think I've made my point now. Thanks for the discussion.

This Guy

Um, who has Khali faced that could make him look good? No one. The only good matches Khali ever has had and even they were a struggle is The Undertaker. I'll even say Cena as well. People actually liked the Khali vs. Cena matches...people payed more to see the rematch after the first encounter. That had nothing to do with Khali.
Sep 23, 2007
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Who hasn't khali faced that could make him look good? he's had several encounters with Batista and made him look bad everytime. Shit he even makes the Undetaker look bad. I've never seen a match where the Undertaker actually looks bad until he faced khali. Mark Henry can even make the Undertaker still look awesome. He's made Kane look bad, made Jeff Hardy look like a rag doll. He made Ric Flair look like an idiot, made Rey Mysterio look bad. Seriously what is your problem with admitting you're wrong. Sid Vicious = much greater than khali. Their really is no comparison. Khali is the worst thing to happen to WWE since they lost Brock Lesnar. Sid Vicious, while a loose cannon was a much better performer than Khali. In and out of the ring.

This Guy

I have no problem, my problem is that you are blinded by whats really going on. Batista is not a ring general. Undertaker can only do so much. Batista looks good with Undertaker because Undertaker is good. Batista looked amazing with Triple H because Triple H is good. They are ring leaders, Batista is not. Mark Henry actually has some skills. Limited though they may be he has skills. As does Batista. But Neither enough skill to make Khali look good....I don't beleive anyone has that ability and as I previously stated the closest would be Cena & Taker. Jeff Hardy & Rey Mysterio looked like rag dolls because that was the point. Khali is a monster. He's not suposed to look fancy. What did you expect, Khali's going to charge Rey Mysterio and Mysterio is actually going to take him down with a drop toe hold then hit the 619 for the win? Rey may have more talent, but the match still has to look somewhat believable. This isn't Hornswoggle skits. This is a guy who's suposed to be a monster. So yeah he's going to throw guys half his size or even less, (Hardy, Flair & Mysterio as examples), but to cement that monster gimmick he takes out other monsters (ie Kane) You seem to be forgetting that fact. Thats also Sid's gimmick in a nut shell. He's the big moster who throws guys half his size around. Thats not talent. Thats a gimmick. Khali's gimmick works just as Sid's work, skill or not. Which Sid has little to none. Much better preformer? Please. And losing Brock Lesnar was never a big deal. Though Lesnar was incredibly talented for a guy you would assume would just be a power house only, Lesnar was not the end all and be all of the WWE. You seem to have a very skued view of certain preformers (Lesnar & Sid) and giving them much more credit then they deserve (ie Being a huge loss when he left & being an incredible preformer respectively) Cause last I checked when Lesnar left the WWE didn't even bat an eye lash and just kept on going as if he was never there. The only thing I will say in Sid's defense is this....."I would say if he's so great how come his matches with Scott Stiener in WCW sucked so much, but to be honest its like comparing the early matches between Lesnar & Cena. Neither knew how to carry a match and it was bad. I mean even Triple H couldn't get a good match out of Stiener and he seems to get good matches out of almost everyone. The difference is, Stiener never got better after WCW see the aforementioned matches with Triple H. Sid got injured and has never been the same so will never be able to compete at that same level, which leaves very room for improvement. Cena & Lesnar got better and became ring leaders. So that when Lesnar went on he could have bigger and better matches. As did Cena.

Bottom Line, Sid is a useless old turd who should stay retired....he wasn't good back in the day. He was worse in his final days in WCW before his injury. There is no way Sid Vicious can be good for buisness if it involves him being an active competitor. Sid in a none cometitive role, well who knows.


Active Member
Jul 2, 2007
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Downtown Atlanta
I have no problem, my problem is that you are blinded by whats really going on. Batista is not a ring general. Undertaker can only do so much. Batista looks good with Undertaker because Undertaker is good. Batista looked amazing with Triple H because Triple H is good. They are ring leaders, Batista is not. Mark Henry actually has some skills. Limited though they may be he has skills. As does Batista. But Neither enough skill to make Khali look good....I don't beleive anyone has that ability and as I previously stated the closest would be Cena & Taker. Jeff Hardy & Rey Mysterio looked like rag dolls because that was the point. Khali is a monster. He's not suposed to look fancy. What did you expect, Khali's going to charge Rey Mysterio and Mysterio is actually going to take him down with a drop toe hold then hit the 619 for the win? Rey may have more talent, but the match still has to look somewhat believable. This isn't Hornswoggle skits. This is a guy who's suposed to be a monster. So yeah he's going to throw guys half his size or even less, (Hardy, Flair & Mysterio as examples), but to cement that monster gimmick he takes out other monsters (ie Kane) You seem to be forgetting that fact. Thats also Sid's gimmick in a nut shell. He's the big moster who throws guys half his size around. Thats not talent. Thats a gimmick. Khali's gimmick works just as Sid's work, skill or not. Which Sid has little to none. Much better preformer? Please. And losing Brock Lesnar was never a big deal. Though Lesnar was incredibly talented for a guy you would assume would just be a power house only, Lesnar was not the end all and be all of the WWE. You seem to have a very skued view of certain preformers (Lesnar & Sid) and giving them much more credit then they deserve (ie Being a huge loss when he left & being an incredible preformer respectively) Cause last I checked when Lesnar left the WWE didn't even bat an eye lash and just kept on going as if he was never there. The only thing I will say in Sid's defense is this....."I would say if he's so great how come his matches with Scott Stiener in WCW sucked so much, but to be honest its like comparing the early matches between Lesnar & Cena. Neither knew how to carry a match and it was bad. I mean even Triple H couldn't get a good match out of Stiener and he seems to get good matches out of almost everyone. The difference is, Stiener never got better after WCW see the aforementioned matches with Triple H. Sid got injured and has never been the same so will never be able to compete at that same level, which leaves very room for improvement. Cena & Lesnar got better and became ring leaders. So that when Lesnar went on he could have bigger and better matches. As did Cena.

Bottom Line, Sid is a useless old turd who should stay retired....he wasn't good back in the day. He was worse in his final days in WCW before his injury. There is no way Sid Vicious can be good for buisness if it involves him being an active competitor. Sid in a none cometitive role, well who knows.


The Rated R CMStar

Ok, Sid Vicious might be not the most talented big man around, but to compare him with Khali is just too much. Both have no talent, but when comparing both of them you have to admit Vicious is better than Khali. At least talented performers can get a decent match out of Sid. HBK vs Sid was good, HBK vs Khali was painful. Taker vs Sid was good, Taker vs Khali was a train wreck.

This Guy

I saw nothing but train wrecks. See ultimately, I can't think of one good Sid match. Thats why the comparison. If it smells like crap, and it looks like crap, it must be crap. And thats all I see when I see Sid or Khali. Again, if Sid was to be used in a non wrestling role, then I may not mind having Sid around...and in that retrospect (none wrestling role that is) I will admit Sid has Khali beat....but not by much.
Sep 23, 2007
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lol...for the last damn time listen to me. I never said Sid was a great performer, I never said that, I said he should not be compared to khali. Khali and Big Daddy V now that'd be a much better comparison. You seem to be blinded by the fact that you hate Sid so much that you can't see I'm just trying to make a point about how much khali really sucks. And yes I think Khali could do a better job against smaller rivals like Rey & Jeff. The Big Show always could and he was even bigger than khali, so why the hell can't khali take a fall? As for Lesnar leaving, yeah I think it was a big deal. He was the main reason to watch Smackdown some years back, he put on great matches with anyone. He had great promos, he was young and could've carried the torch as the top heel for a long time. What's your beef with Lesnar?

This Guy

Whats my beef with Lesnar? Nothing. Its just insane to believe that it was a big deal that he left WWE. Yeah he was a top heel, but Eddie Guerrero was already so over with the fans as a face, and JBL as a heel after that, that no one even missed Lesnar. Sure it was big news. It was unheard of that someone who had the potential as you say to carry the company would just want to up and quit, but you have basically implied that the WWE has fallen apart without him, which is not even close to the truth. And even at the time it happened, as big news as it was, it still wasn't a major loss, as his heart had obviously not been in it for quite a few months prior to the announcement.
Sep 23, 2007
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Where did I say the WWE fell apart without him? All I said was that Khali is the worst thing to happen to WWE since Brock left. We lost 1 good main eventer and got this main eventer khali who will never be able to put on a good match. Maybe you misinterpreted what i meant, but it seems to me you're just twisting my words because i stuck up for Sid. Who you obviously seem to hate a hell of a lot. Do you know Arn Anderson personally or something? lol Were you sitting in the crowd as a kid and Sid spat in your face? or were you at a show once and he didn't give you a high 5 on the way to the ring? honestly to compare Sid and Khali is an exaggeration worthy of blasphemy

This Guy

Khali is not the worst thing since Brock left I'm sorry to say. See heres the thing you don't seem to understand. You think my opinion is based on a personal hate for Sid. Nothing could be further from the truth. I don't hate Sid, as bad as his matches were, thats what the fans wanted then. Sid's style doesn't sell shit now a days. The day of the monster is dying, but Vince is convinced its what we still want. Thats why he gave us Khali. You talk about how bad Khali is...but the truth is, Khali had he wrestled back in the 80's and early to mid 90's, he would have been as over as Giant Gonzalas. Because thats what the fans wanted. We don't want that style of wrestling anymore, but thats what Khali gives us, and so does Sid. Oh sure Sid can do moves Khali can't, but ultimately its the monster who just thows small guys around. Its not a talent, its a gift. Theres a difference. Regaurdless of that, assuming your right and Sid had all these great matches you mentioned, all of them you refer to are 10 plus years old. Your very first post defending Sid was comparing Sid from 1994 vs. Khali of today. When I say Sid is useless and no better then Khali I'm talking Khali today vs. Sid of today. You think your going to get Sid of 1994 now in 2007? Please tell me your not that stupid, because your intelegence is in question that you can even defend Sid to begin with.
Sep 23, 2007
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I know all these things you tell me fool. I know Khali would've been a god back in the day. You've twisted your story so many times it's not worth trying to convince you anymore. I guess when someone is a high and mighty Super Moderator they just know better than an unintelligent newb like myself. Good for you son.