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The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Wow! Nice first show! The Barbedwire Massacre is one hell of a match and definitely the best match atm. Be sure to receive a full review from me after you posted your full show.


Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Memphis, TN.
I'll review Part 1:

BM: Stretcher Match, because it started off the PPV very well...Barbwire Massacre was phemonnal as well :)
WM: Rhino/Big Show, not a bad match, I'm just not the biggest fan of either of the two
BP: John Cena/John Morrison/Mistico, I loved how Cena was so in character here
AF/C: Nice job dude, you've got a nice roster, and a nice card on this PPV. I enjoyed it, but I think maybe JBL should've talked more. I also thought having a PPV start off w/ Joe and Kennedy in a stretcher match was pretty badass.
My Rating: 8.7/10, nice job, can't wait to see how Burke and Hardy will go.


Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: Barbed wire masacre, once again sabu puts his body on the line and the match as amazing. opener was sweet also.

Worst match M: I don't reaaly have a wost match i think that its a great start to your ppv, rhino big show was the worst so far but it wasn't a bad match.

Best Promo: John Cena was brilliant in his promo, he was written well and i can completely imagine him in this fashion.

Great ppv so far, really digged a few the matches especially barbed wire masacre and stretcher match both awesome.


Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
New Mexico
Hey man, I like ya PPV, but imma start fresh, ya next show I will start reviewing your matches, keep me updated as you review my upcoming shows.

Cheap Plug: Check out NEWA, RAW and IMPACT PREVIEWS are up!

The Rated R CMStar



We go backstage and see MVP close to the curtain that separates the halls from the stage.

MVP: As you can see, I am minutes away from my title match, and as the superstar that I am, I should be focusing on going out there and give you the amazing performance you came to see from your servitor.

Crowd heavily boos.

MVP: But, considering my opponents tonight, I don’t need that, the match is already won, and I have decided to take this time and explain to all of you once again, why I’m better than you, in fact, why I’m better than anyone in this area. Let’s take a look.

MVP starts walking as the camera follows him. He takes at the corridor at his left and sees Abdullah the Butcher that gets a nice pop from the crowd.

MVP: Take for example that guy (pointing at Abdullah). See his face. Scarred for life. Myself, I have the face of a champion, and that’s why I am better than you (pointing at Abdullah).

Montel quickly gets away to avoid Abdullah, he walks to another corridor and this time sees Masato Tanaka, who gets an amazing pop from the Denver audience.

MVP: Do I really need to explain why I’m better than this guy? I have a green card. (He smiles and looks at Tanaka). Wan Chin Chon my brother!

Vontavious also walks away again avoiding Tanaka, he walks to another corridor, the camera turns to the left and we see Terry Funk buying a soda from a machine. He’s about to say something when someone taps his shoulder, the camera shows that is Jeff Hardy and the crowd goes wild.

Jeff: Hey Montel, think you are better than me?

MVP: I don’t think it, I know for a fact that I’m better than you.

Jeff: That’s funny, that’s funny because you have never beaten me before.

MVP: Until now. Tonight, I will be the new Extreme Champion, simply because I’m ballin’!

JBL: You heard it Joey, MVP is ballin’! Ha Ha, I love it!

Styles: Are you serious, he irrespected three of the greatest superstars ever, and he is really cutting Jeff Hardy short.

JBL: And how about Elijah Burke? He is the champion and is getting no respect by any of his adversaries.

“Don’t waste my time†plays to a chorus of boos as Elijah Burke comes acting cocky and staring at his BTW Extreme Title.

“Loaded†plays to a huge pop from the crowd as Jeff Hardy come out making his entrance. He looks at Burke for a second and then continues working the crowd.

“I’m Comin’†plays to boos from the audience as MVP makes his complete entrance. He enters the ring and remains in one corner as the referee rings the bell.

Hardcore Match
Elijah Burke(c) vs MVP vs Jeff Hardy

Elijah Burke invites both MVP and Jeff Hardy to fight each other and battle it out, as he takes a step backwards. Jeff stares confused at Burke and MVP takes advantage and cheaps shot him with a punch, Porter advances toward his rival but Jeff counterattacks and punches him to the gut. Jeff Hardy quickly jumps up and starts brawling with MVP, comparing strengths. MVP rolls and locks in an armbar, but Jeff spins over himself and connects a clothesline. MVP gets up but Jeff floors him again with a clothesline. Porter gets one more time back to his feet but Jeff connects a right fist. Hardy goes for a kick but Montel grabs his foot blocking it, only to get landed by a Reverse Mule Kick. He gives his back to Elijah Burke and taunts to the crowd, only to get attacked from behind by Burke that connects a bulldozer. He rolls out of the ring as Jeff Hardy gets up and tries to get revenge. Hardy continues to stare but MVP is back and rolls him over: 1…2, Jeff kicks out. Burke is still on the outside and grabs a chair, returning to the ring. MVP and Jeff Hardy are in the middle of the ring exchanging blows. Burke dashes to the ropes and tries to swing and connect both opponents, but Hardy and Montel realize about Elijah’s intentions and floor him with a double knee to the gut. MVP and Jeff Hardy look at each other and continue to stare as they both team up and lift Burke up. They slowly set him in position and connect him with a double suplex. MVP immediately throws himself to the mat and makes the cover: 1…2, Hardy pulls him back up. MVP speaks to him and asks him why he interfere with the pin, Hardy answers him back and Montel gets mad, slapping Jeff Hardy. The crowd boos as Jeff looks to his right trying to control himself and touching his cheek. , he finally turns around and explodes connecting a surprising spinning wheel kick. Elijah Burke has already rolled out of the ring, and he is searching for weapons under it. Inside the ring, Jeff Hardy has the chair in hands. MVP pulls himself up and turns around toward the point where Hardy is, and blindly runs toward him, but Jeff out fastens him and lands him with a chair shot to the middle section, followed by a clear shot to MVP’s back. Jeff taunts for the crowd and immediately he builds up the anticipation for the final chair shot, and he finally gives it bending the chair over with MVP’s head.

Elijah Burke sees it and stops searching weapons and immediately rolls back to the ring. Jeff works for the crowd again getting an amazing reaction form the audience, and he turns around to cover MVP, but Jeff Hardy gets surprised and knocked down by the Elijah Experience applied by Burke. Elijah is left the only man standing in the ring and he grins getting a lot of heat from the Pepsi Center. He then makes the cover on the not moving MVP: 1…2…, Porter gets one shoulder up. Burke then changes opponent and makes the cover on his other challenger, Jeff Hardy: 1…2…, Hardy kicks out unleashing Burke’s frustration. Burke stands up and acts like if had just come up with an idea. He rolls out of the ring and grabs the steel steps, bringing them to the inside of the ring. He reenters and stops for a second thinking and deciding which of your opponents will he attack. He chooses Jeff Hardy which gets a lot of boos from the audience.

Elijah Burke drags Jeff Hardy and puts him on top of the steel steps. Burke takes his time to gloat on his accomplishments, and he slowly climbs to the top rope. He measures Jeff but out of a sudden MVP get up, recovering and throws his weight to the rope making Burke leg-opened to the ropes. MVP makes his way to the top rope and puts Burke on a suplex position. The crowd waits in anticipation until MVP suplexes Burke into Jeff Hardy and the steel steps. MVP is soared and breathing heavily, but he still manages to do his ballin’ taunt. Porter rolls to the outside and gets from under the ring a trashcan. He reenters the ring and places the garbage can close to Burke. He then lifts up Burke and sets him in the Playmaker, hitting in into the trashcan. He gets up and goes for Jeff Hardy to end the whole thing. He starts lifting Hardy up, but Jeff comes back to his senses and counterattacks hitting a surprising Twist of Fate. Jeff Hardy collapses after hitting it. Three men are down in the canvas. A few seconds pass until they start recovering. MVP is the first one to get back to his feet and the first thing he do is set the step on the corner. Porter then lifts Burke and throws him to the steps. The crowd gives a little cheer as MVP takes impulse and then runs toward Burke trying to hit the Player’s Boot, but Elijah surprising gets out of the way making MVP crash his feet to the steel steps. Burke immediately runs backward and then toward MVP going for the Elijah Express, but Porter gets out again making him fail. Elijah turns around punished and gets floored by the recovered Jeff Hardy and a Twist of Fate. Hardy turns around but also gets landed by a boot to the side of his head. Jeff Hardy fells out cold but one of his arms ends on top of Burke. MVP covers Elijah Burke: 1…2…3.

JBL: Yes, MVP, new Extreme Champion!

Styles: I am not so sure; Jeff Hardy also was covering Elijah Burke.

JBL: What are you talking about? MVP was the one making the cover!

MVP is in the middle of the ring celebrating. He asks for the belt but the referee refuses. The referee goes for the landed Jeff Hardy and raises his arms, he then goes for MVP raising also his arm. The ref then goes to the outside of the ring to the announcers table leaving MVP confused and Jeff trying to remain standing. He whispers something to Joey Styles ear. Styles grabs a microphone and gets up.

Styles: According to the referee, both Jeff Hardy and MVP pinned Elijah Burke, resulting in both men winning the match. Therefore, the new Extreme Champion are both Jeff Hardy and MVP.

MVP gives an angry look at Jeff Hardy as Hardy, still in pain, taunts mocking him.

(BTW Next PPV hype: Unbreakable)

Styles: And that will be the next time we will be live with you, Unbreakable coming live at PPV from Saint Louis, Missouri.

JBL: Yeah but right now is time for a Samoan Battle!

Styles: This match is of so much respect as for Rikishi counts, and time to destroy for Umaga.

JBL: This both men are great in their own way and it will be a pandemonium in the ring when they both clash in the ring.

“Samoan Cool†plays to a mixed reaction from the ring as Rikishi makes his way out wearing dark glasses. He enters the ring and slowly removes his glasses.

“Virtual Voodoo†plays to a lot of boos from the audience as Umaga comes out acting savage from the stage all the way to the ring. He enters the ring and confronts Rikishi. They come face to face as the referee ring the bell.

Rikishi vs Umaga

Umaga and Rikishi remain still staring at each other. They then start circling slowly still looking at each other trying to send a message. Both competitors out of a sudden stop and start trying to impress each other showing their strength and power. They finally approach each other and start comparing their forces in a brawl. They release the grapple and stare at each other one more time before entering the brawling again. Rikishi gets the advantage this time and locks in a headlock, but Umaga starts fighting out of the hold and starts lifting Rikishi, to finally hit a sideslam. The Samoan Bulldozer raises his arms showing his strength as Rikishi slowly gets up. Rikishi gets up and Umaga immediately goes after him if he tries to connect right punches, but Rikishi grabs Umaga’s fist in mid-air and clotheslines him, but the Bulldozer doesn’t fell. Rikishi dashes to the ropes and goes for another clothesline, but Umaga ducks it letting Rikishi pass and bounce back to the ropes, Umaga tries to hit him with a punch, but the coolest samoan stays on the ropes making Umaga hit the air. He then dashes full speed toward Umaga and tries to connect him with a Big Boot, but he catches him in mid-air and hits a Samoan Drop to reverse it. Umaga immediately dashes to the ropes and tries to connect a jumping headbutt, but Rikishi moves out of the way making Umaga fail. Rikishi gets quickly up and hits a surprising suplex to a pop from the crowd. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Umaga savagely breaks the hold pushing Rikishi away.

Umaga and Rikishi return to his feet and stare at each other one more time. Rikishi wastes no time and starts connecting a series of right punches making Umaga back down, Umaga counterattacks and pushes Tomko away, then flooring him with a sidekick to the jaw, knocking Rikishi fall down cold. Umaga makes the cover: 1…2…, Rikishi gets one shoulder up. Umaga gets up very frustrated. He lifts Rikishi up and Irish Whips him to the corner. The crowd boos as Umaga goes to the opposite corner and prepares for the brutal Hip Splash. Umaga dashes toward Rikishi trying to hit it, but Rikishi gets out of the way making Rikishi clash to the corner, falling sitted. The crowd roars as Rikishi sees it and does the Stinky Face. Umaga gets really mad and pushes Rikishi away; Umaga gets up and knocks him down with the Samoan Spike. The Samoan Bulldozer climbs to the top rope and connects a Splash. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Umaga defeated Rikishi

Umaga stares at the floored Rikishi for a few seconds before finally leaving to the back.

JBL: Well, you can saw that the coming from a mile.

Styles: I don’t know, maybe the Samoan Bulldozer learn something from all of this. He had the chance to attack Rikishi and he didn’t.

JBL: Why attack him? He made his point, he defeated Rikishi, Umaga all he needed got it in that pinfall.

We see backstage Christian Cage in his locker room with Mark Henry.

Christian: Well, now that we have gone through the plan one more time, are you sure you will know what to do out there in the TLC match?

Henry: I am the silverback, out there, is my jungle, and it doesn’t matters if you put out there tables, ladders and chairs, it remains my jungle. I will dismantle Tomko and Triple H.

Christian: No, no, no, leave Hunter to me.

Scene fades to the back as Christian and Mark Henry get up from their chairs and start making their way to the ring.

JBL: Can you feel it Joey? We have seen this two battle through out months and now we have come to what could be the last step in their rivalry: TLC.

Styles: Tables, Ladders and Chairs all in the ring. Just quick reminders, in this TLC match pinfalls are the only way to win. Can Tomko and Triple H survive against Mark Henry and Christian Cage? Let’s take a look at how it all happened.

(Video of HHH/Christian rivalry, with Henry and Tomko being then incorporated)

“Just close your Eyes†plays as Christian Cage comes out with Mark Henry. They both make their way to the ring acting very confident.

“Takeover†plays as Tomko makes his way out, he stops in the middle of the ramp clapping and waiting for his partner.

“The Game†starts playing to a monstrous ovation from the Pepsi Center as Triple H makes his way out. He says something to Tomko and both enter quickly the ring exchanging punches with their opponents.

TLC Match (Pinfalls are allowed, hanging up high is a certificate, you can win either way)
Triple H & Tomko vs Christian Cage and Mark Henry

Both teams continue exchanging blows as the referee rings the bell. Mark Henry fighting with Tomko and long time rivals Christian Cage and Triple H trading blows. The Game pushes Christian Cage and then clotheslines him making both of them go over the top rope and into the outside. Mark Henry and Tomko are left alone in the ring staring at each other. They step forward and start comparing forces. Mark Henry gains the early advantage and locks in a headlock. Tomko manages to fight back and walks toward the ropes, using them to bounce and get out of the hold. He then tries to connect a shoulder block on Henry, but Henry gets out of the way and Tomko is about to bounce with the ropes, Christian Cage pulls down the ropes making Tomko fell to the outside of the ring. Tomko gets up very angry and confronts Cage. Christian tries to avoid him and runs from him, but he runs toward Triple H. The Game stops it and motions no with his finger. He then unfolds a right hand that shakes Cage; he then gets connected by Tomko. Captain Charisma is trapped between both rivals and receiving punch after punch. Mark Henry takes advantage and goes after a ladder. He grabs it and quietly returns to the ring as Triple H and Tomko continue to punish his tag partner. Henry sets the ladder and starts climbing the ladder. Triple H realizes about the potential loss and returns to the ring and merciless pushes the ladder bringing Mark Henry down to the canvas to a pop from the crowd. Triple H goes to the outside and throws to the ring a couple of chairs and a table. Meanwhile Tomko is dominating Cage on the outside. Tomko lifts Christian up and lets him drop on the barricade chest first. Triple H is in the middle of the ring and goes after Mark Henry. He tries to lift him up but Henry block him and clotheslines him bringing HHH down.

Mark Henry continues to dominate The Game dashing to the ropes and hitting on him The World Strongest Splash. Henry gets up and taunts to the crowd getting a lot of boos. On the outside Tomko is still dominating Christian Cage using everything to punish him. Tomko then tries to smash Cage’s head to the barricade one more time, but Cage blocks it and hits and elbow to the gut making his opponent back down, then flooring Tomko by hitting a dropkick. Cage falls on his lower back hurting himself. Mark Henry ends to punish Triple H by smashing him with a brutal chair shot. Henry then lifts The Game by his head and pulls his hair revealing that he is busted open.

JBL: Oh here we go! Triple H is bleeding like a stuffed pig.

Mark then goes to the outside to double team Tomko. Christian instructs Henry to get ready the commentators table. Meanwhile Christian locks in on Tomko a sleeper hold. When Henry sets the table and returns to help Christian, Christian releases the chokehold and pushes Tomko toward his partner, but Tomko ducks Henry passing by and then flooring him with a clothesline. Christian Cage then runs toward him but gets also floored this time by a Big Boot. Tomko realizes he is the only man standing and returns to the ring. He sets the ladder and starts climbing going toward the certificate that would grant him and Triple H the victory. He is a few inches away from it when Christian rolls back into the ring with a chair and smashes it on Tomko’s legs. Tomko stops reaching for the certificate and Christian takes advantage from it, quickly climbing the ladder. He punches Tomko a few times and he sets it on the Unprettier position. The Pepsi Center pops in excitement as Christian hits the Unprettier on Tomko from the top of the ladder. Henry returns to the ring and immediately grabs the table. He sets it close to the corner and goes for Triple H. He lifts the bleeding competitor and places him on top of the table. Henry slowly climbs to the top rope and announces his splash. He measures The Game and he finally lets himself go trying to hit the Splash, but miracously Triple H rolls down from the table making Mark Henry crash and burn going through the table. Triple tries to return to his feet pulling himself up using the ropes. He goes to the outside and searches under the ring, finally finding, for a big ovation from the crowd, his sledgehammer.

Styles: This could be “Game Over†for Christian and Mark Henry.

On the inside of the ring Christian Cage starts making his way up. Triple H rolls back into the ring. Cage fully returns to the standing position coming face to face. Christian looks down and sees the sledgehammer. He immediately rolls out of the ring. Triple H comes close to the ropes confronting him, but gets surprised by a rope guillotine by the opportunist Christian. The Game turns around grabbing his neck and gets lift up on the air by a recovered Mark Henry that hits the World Strongest Slam on HHH. Christian returns to the ring with a big smile on his face, and he points to the slowly recovering Tomko. Christian looks at the sledgehammer thrown on the canvas. He grabs it and dashes toward Tomko connecting him on the back of his neck with it. He then motions Henry to bring the ladder close. Henry does so and Christian sets Tomko in the middle of the two sides of steps. Christian then climbs to the top rope and hits a Frog Splash on Tomko over the ladder. Cage grabs his ribs in pain and orders Henry to make the cover, Mark covers Tomko: 1…2…, Triple H throws himself over Henry breaking the cover. Mark Henry gets up very angry and confronts The Game, but Triple H immediately starts unloading a series of right punches, he then Irish Whips Mark Henry to the ropes and lands a surprising Rolling Spinebuster on Henry to a pop from the crowd.

Triple H grabs back his sledgehammer and taunts for Christian Cage that is getting back to his feet still grabbing his ribs. He gets up and turns around toward where his opponent is. Triple H advances trying to bury his sledgehammer on Christian’s skull, but Cage ducks it and floors Triple H with a quick DDT on the ladder. Triple H lays there motionless as Cage tries to decide whether he makes the cover or climbs the ladder. Cage decides for the ladder on starts making his way up the ladder. He is a few inches way from the certificate when Tomko gets back to his feet and pushes the ladder, making Christian fell all the way to the outside of the ring and through a pile of tables set on the outside. Mark Henry gets up and gets on Tomko’s face. Tomko looks apart for a second and then throws a fist to Henry, Henry punches back and both behemoths continue trading blows, until Triple H drags himself toward Mark Henry and connects a low blow on Henry, letting Tomko connect his Yakuza Kick on Mark Henry. Triple H then sets Mark Henry’s head over a chair and grabs another chair of his own. He lifts the chair up as the crowd cheers in anticipation, finally smashing the chair on The World Strongest Man’s skull set on the chair.

Christian on the outside finally starts moving; he slowly starts dragging up the ramp and away from the ring, looking much punished. Tomko sees it and gets out of the ring going after Christian, he reaches it and stomps Cage on his head. Tomko lifts him up and goes to work on Cage. He gets him up and connects a suplex right on the steel. On the ring Triple H is watching all of this with a smile on his face. He looks back and sees the bleeding and knocked Mark Henry. Triple H turns around and does his arm stretching back taunt toward Henry. He measures him for a moment and then starts lifting Henry up. He lifts Mark up and sets him in the Pedigree position. The Game gives a few steps back until getting on top of a chair, and hits The Pedigree over the Chair. He gets up and taunts again for the crowd. HHH kicks Mark Henry out of the ring and motions Tomko to throw Christian Cage to the ring.

Styles: Mark Henry out, one to go.

JBL: I can’t believe you are enjoying this. C’mon Christian, shake it off!

Tomko lifts Christian Cage up and connects him with a right punch straight to his forehead. He then throws Christian back into the ring, where Triple H is waiting with his sledgehammer in hand. Tomko gets back to the ring to witness the faith of Cage.

Styles: This is the moment we have been waiting up for months, Triple H finally ending with Christian Cage.

JBL: No, it can’t end like this! This is a TLC match! Why is Hunter even holding a sledgehammer?

Triple H looks really mad and focused. He looks at Christian, then down to his sledgehammer. Tomko lifts Christian up and then forces him to get up. Cage can barely stand. Triple gives a few steps back to take impulse. He grabs tightly his sledgehammer and advances, but he surprisingly connects Tomko with it bringing him down. Cage then collapses over Tomko making the cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Christian and Mark Henry defeats Triple H and Tomko

Triple remains alone standing in the ring. He lifts Tomko up and hits the Pedigree on him. He then lifts Christian up and both embrace in a hug. Both men raise their arms celebrating as the Pepsi Center boo them.

JBL: I love it Joey! Triple H and Christian Cage as a team? I never thought that could be possible!

Styles: Neither do I, but apparently The Game has not only betrayed Tomko but also his fans and has joined forces with Cage.

JBL: A hit with the sledgehammer and the Pedigree sealed the deal. Poor Tomko, he never saw it coming.




BP- All were good i guess


Rate- 8.9

AC- How will MVP and Jeff gonna to defend a singles belt together??????????


Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
BM: Elijah Burke(c) vs MVP vs Jeff Hardy
WM: Rakishi/Umaga

Interesting ending to the hardcore match. It leaves the door open for so many possibilities. For example, you can have them fighting over who gets to wear the belt to the ring everytime theres a match untill one day, Mcmahon finally has enough and takes a chainsaw and cuts it in half and says "There! Now you both can wear the belt!" Just an example, it will be interesting to see what develops...


Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Thanks for reccomending, I really enjoyed the results.

BM: Main Event
WM: None

I loved the twist at the end, and the double winner thing. Some good ideas you've got, I'll be keeping an eye on BTW.


Sep 7, 2007
Reaction score

WM: Umaga/ Rikishi

BP: All pretty good.

WP: n/a

I love the hardcore match and the ending for TLC was great. I am looking forward to seeing your next show! visit SWA sometime


Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
New Mexico
BM: Main Event fa sho, even tho it was long as fuk

WM: The Phat Boiz Umaga/Rikishi

BP: I liked them all

WP: None really made me say DAMN!


Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Memphis, TN.
Here's review for just this part since I already reviewed the other:

BM: Extreme Title Three Way.

WM: Umaga/ Rikishi, I skimmed.

BP: MVP backstage.


AF/C: I was looking forward to a great Extreme Title Match, and got just that. BTW is good, I must say as a first time reader. Nice job on this PPV, I really enjoyed reading the matches, but Rikishi matches just aren't my thing LOL. Anyways, good job!

My Rating: 8.5/10, :thumbsup:

Wrestling God

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
BM: TLC match without a doubt.

Worst Match: Umaga vs Rikishi

Best Promo: MVP .

Worst Promo - N/A

Additional Comments:Great job man your btb is really coming along since i last reviewd it the matches are good which hasn't changed. The wrestlers are in character keep up the good work.

The Rated R CMStar


We go backstage to Jeremy Borash, who is running through the corridor in pursuit of Triple H. He finally reaches him.

Borash: Triple H, Triple H, could you explain everyone out there, why did you betray your partner and joined Christian?

HHH: You want answers? See BTW tomorrow, there will be all of your answers.

Triple H slaps softly Borash’s face and then walks away.

Styles: I will be awaiting for that answers, I still can’t believe Triple H did that!

JBL: Oh Joey, get over it, OK! Why should it be any of your business anyway.

(Graphic shows AT&T poll: Who will win: Edge or Randy Orton)

JBL: What? That poll has to be fixed! Edge with 40%?

Styles: Well that is what the fans out there think. Let’s see how this rivalry escalated.

(Video of Edge/Randy Orton rivalry)

“Burn Inside my Light†plays to an enormous pop from the crowd as Randy Orton makes his way out. He does his complete entrance and then stares to the stage doing the title signal.

“Metalingus†plays through the PA system as Edge comes out receiving a lot of boos. He proudly holds the World Title and kisses before giving it to the referee that lifts it up in the air, starting the match.


BTW World Heavyweight Title
Edge(c) vs Randy Orton

Both competitors approach each other and come face to face. They badmouth each other for a while until Edge slaps Randy Orton to a crowd boo. Orton holds his cheek and looks back at the champion, then viciously starts unfolding punches on Edge. He throws Edge toward the ropes and then lands him with a powerslam. Randy makes the cover: 1…2…, Edge kicks out. Randy looks up for a second trying to argue to the referee but then stops. He gets up locking in a headlock to the champion. Randy makes it to his feet still applying the chokehold. Edge fights back and out of the hold driving his elbow to Orton’s gut. Edge then throws Randy to the ropes and floors him connecting a spinning wheel kick. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Randy kicks out, Edge makes the cover again: 1…Orton kicks out once again. Edge lifts Randy back to their feet and throws him to the corner. Edge follows him and connects a series of punches. He then sits Randy Orton on the top rope. Edge climbs also to the top rope and puts the challenger on a suplex position. Edge tries to connect the superplex, but Randy Orton blocks it. Edge goes for it again, but Randy Orton blocks it again, and this time Orton hits a Rolling Neckbreaker from the top rope. Both men remain not moving on the canvas as the referee begins the count for both competitors: 1…2…3…4…Orton gets up and immediately runs to the ropes, bouncing back and driving his knee to Edge’s sternum. Randy then lifts Edge up, measures him and floors him again with a dropkick. Randy makes the cover: 1…2…, Edge kicks out. Randy argues with the referee about a slow count. Edge takes advantage of the distraction rolling Randy Orton up: 1…2…, Edge grabs right, but is seen by the referee and he stops the pinfall.

JBL: The ultimate opportunist and he is truthful to his nickname.

Edge starts his offense and throws a punch to Randy Orton. He then lock in a hammerlock. Randy starts searching for a way out of the hold and finally rolls over Edge locking in a reverse chin lock of his own. Edge starts and tries to fight out of the hold, but Orton doesn’t let go. Randy applies more strength more hold and forces Edge to put down one knee on the canvas, but soon Edge fights back again. The champion returns to the standing position lifting his knee from the mat. He pushes himself and Orton to ropes and makes Randy bounce out of the hold and to the ropes. Orton comes back and Edge tries to clothesline him, but Orton ducks him passing by and bouncing to the opposite ropes again, then connecting his inverted backbreaker. Orton then throws himself to the canvas and starts taunting for the RKO.

Edge pulls himself up using the ropes and turns around. Randy Orton immediately jumps up and goes for the RKO, but the Rated R champion blocks it and pushes Orton to the ropes, Edge then runs toward the bouncing Orton looking for the Spear, but Orton gets out of the way making Edge pass all the way to the outside of the ring. Randy remains in the ring for a few seconds recovering his breath, until he finally rolls out of the ring pursuing the champion. Edge sees him coming and tries to run away, Randy runs following him, Edge continues his run rolling into the ring, but when Randy Orton enters he kicks him in the gut and connects the Edgecution. Edge makes the cover: 1…2…, Orton kicks out. Randy drags himself to the ropes trying to reincorporate. Edge stomps him on the head making him fell back to the canvas. The champion then drags the Legend Killer toward the center of the ring and locks in the Edgecator. Orton screams in pain as Edge punishes his legs.

JBL: He’s going to tap, he’s going to tap!

Randy slowly, fights and drags himself toward the ropes in attempt of breaking the submission hold. He successfully comes close to the ropes but when he is inches way from them Edge pulls him back to the center of the ring. Orton continues to scream in pain and frustration and Pepsi Center start chanting: “Randy, Randy, Randyâ€. Orton once again starts making his long way of reaching the ropes. He stretches in despair his right arm and accomplishes to reach the ropes, and when he reaches the ropes he pulls and pushes his legs making Edge ran toward the referee bringing him down. Edge looks shocked at the knocked down referee and finally turns around, only to get connected by a surprising and unexpected RKO, which is received by a lot of cheers from the entire audience. Orton grabs his previously punished leg and after seconds of agony he drags and covers Edge, but there is no referee.

Styles: One…Two…Three…Four, c’mon Randy, wake up that referee!

Orton gets up whining and complaining. He goes toward where the referee is and shakes him, first quietly but then violent trying to wake up the referee, but with no avail. He gives up and goes toward Edge. He tries to lift him up but Edge fights back and connects a low blow that brings Orton down. Edge then drags himself, really punished, to the opposite corner, and starts taunting the Spear. Orton gets up and turns around, immediately Edge runs toward him searching for the Spear, but Orton jumps over Edge making him fail. Edge continues running until he goes to the outside of the ring, where he grabs a chair. Randy Orton confronts him from the ropes but gets connected by a chair shot. Edge quickly slides to the ring and runs to the ropes bouncing back and hitting the Spear on a groggy Edge. Edge makes the cover as the referee recovers: 1…2…3.

Result: Edge retains against Randy Orton.

JBL: I knew it! The Rated R Era continues, right here in BTW!

Styles: Do you really don’t mind that out champion keeps cheating his way to the top?

JBL: Cheating? He pinned Randy Orton in the middle of the ring.

Styles: Maybe, but he pinned him after a chair shot.

JBL: Ah Bla Bla Bla, say what you want, Edge is still our champion.

(Video of fans entering Pepsi Center before the event)

We go backstage and see Vince Mcmahon sitting talking to Rikishi.

Vince: Think about it, coming back to the WWE.

Rikishi: I don’t know.

Vince: Why not? Here nobody respects you, do you remember how Umaga treated you?

Rikishi: Yes, but…

Vince: I cannot make a better offer. Recovering your good ol’ job at WWE, and all you have to do is guarantee that Team WWE defeats Team BTW.

Crowd loudly boos.

Rikishi: I…

Vince: Think about it, the match is next.

Vince leaves and the scene fades to the back with Rikishi confused and thinking about the proposal.

JBL: That son of a bitch is trying to boycott us. I hope Rikishi has a gram of intelligence and knows what best for him.

Styles: We can only wait and see, as that match, our main event, is next.

(Video of WWE/BTW rivalry since the inception of BTW)

“Here Comes the Money†starts playing to an enormous amount of boos as Shane Mcmahon makes his way out to the ring, making his classic dancing.

“Mistica†starts playing to a chorus of boos as Mistico makes his way out to the ring.

“Rock & Roll†plays as a confident John Morrison comes out wearing his ECW World Title. He enters the ring and salutes Mistico, then hugs Shane.

“Punjab†plays as The Great Khali makes his way out. He then lifts his World Heavyweight Title as he loudly screams. He slowly walks down the ramp receiving a lot of boos and “You suck†chants.

Crowd boos in anticipation to the final Team WWE member.

“My Time is Now†plays to an enormous amount of boos as John Cena comes out very fired up holding up high his WWE Championship. He enters the ring and gets in front of all other 4 members.

JBL: Now it’s time for the real men to come out.

“I am†comes to a nice reaction from the crowd as an arrogant AJ Styles makes his entrance.

“Arabian†plays to a lot of boos from the crowd as Muhammed Hasan makes his way out. He enters the ring without even blinking looking at the members of Team WWE.

“Here Comes the Pain†plays to a nice ovation as Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman come out.

“Break Down the Walls†plays as the lights go out and Chris Jericho comes out after his classic Y2J countdown Tron. He makes his way down and does a title sign passing his hands around his waist.

“Goldberg’s march†plays as we see Goldberg coming out of his locker room and walking all the way to the stage. He finally enters the ring and the referee rings the bell.


10-Man Elimination 5 on 5 Tag Match
Team WWE vs Team BTW (The member of Team BTW making the winning pinfall or submission victory will get a title shot at Unbreakable).

AJ Styles starts for Team BTW and after a moment of discussion between the team, John Morrison is designed to kick off for Team WWE. Both competitors come close to each other and after a moment of staring at each other they unfold, trading blow after blow. John Morrison gets the advantage driving his knee to Styles’s gut. He then slaps his opponent’s chest, connecting. He then slaps it one more time. John Morrison goes for the third one but AJ ducks it. Morrison goes this time for a right handed hook but Styles knocks it again, connecting this time a sidekick of his own. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Morrison kicks out. Styles lifts Morrison up and connects a right hand. He then Irish Whips John to the corner, then running toward him driving his knee to his opponent’s jaw. Styles makes the tag to Muhammed Hassan. Hassan enters and goes on to work on Morrison’s middle section landing a series of punches. He then brutally Irish Whips John Morrison to the opposite corner punishing the ECW champion’s back. Once in the corner and before Muhammed Hassan reaches to continue his attack, Shane Mcmahon auto-taps himself into the match. Shane enters and immediately goes and makes his classic dancing and jumping routine. He then approaches his Hassan and connects a series of jabs, but they have no effect as Hassan clotheslines him to the mat. Shane gets up and immediately knocked again by a second clothesline. Muhammed covers Shane: 1…2…, Mistico enters the ring and breaks up the count. Hassan gets up angry and confronts Mistico, time that McMahon takes advantage of and rolls down Muhammed Hassan: 1…2…, Hassan kicks out. Shane McMahon gets up and starts taunting Muhammed. Hassan gets up and Shane kicks him in the gut, then goes for a DDT, but Hassan reverses it and hits his Modified STO. Hassan gives the cheered tag to Goldberg that sits on the corner taunting on Shane. Mcmahon slowly gets up and turns around, getting landed by a powerful Spear. Goldberg then drags Shane McMahon close to his corner as a measurement that no one in Team WWE is interfering. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Shane Mcmahon gets eliminated via pinfall.

Mistico quickly enters taking Shane’s place. He runs toward Goldberg but he plants him with a Big Boot. He lifts Mistico by the head and floors him back again with a strong punch. Goldberg walks back to his corner taunting again for a Spear. Mistico gets up and Goldberg looks to hit his Spear, but Mistico jumps over him avoiding it, then knocking Goldberg down with the Tiger Feint Kick. Mistico makes the tag to John Morrison that immediately climbs to the top rope and hits Goldberg with a Corkscrew Moonsault. John makes the cover: 1…2…, Goldberg gets one shoulder up. John covers him again: 1…2…, Goldberg kicks off again. John Morrison gets up frustrated and as soon as Goldberg tries to get up Morrison punishes him on the back, then landing a series of punches and throwing him to his team’s corner again. He drives his knee to his opponent’s middle section and then makes the tag to The Great Khali. Khali enters received between a lot of boos from the crowd. Khali starts connecting his elbow to Goldberg’s face. He then grabs the beaten BTW member and pulls him toward him flooring him then with a clothesline. Khali then announces the Khali Vise Grip raising both arms in the air. Goldberg gets up and Khali tries to grab his head, but to the pop of the crowd Goldberg blocks the maneuver grabbing Khali’s hands. Khali finally surrenders on applying the hold and lands a headbutt on Goldberg. He then lifts the groggy Goldberg with brutality to his corner and makes the tag to Mistico. Mistico then uses the ropes and his legs to apply a chokehold. The referee calls for the illegal maneuver and starts the count: 1…2…3…4…, Mistico releases the hold and enters the ring. He waits for Goldberg to get up and then connects him with a kick to the calf, he then goes for a punch but Goldberg surprisingly ducks it and throws Mistico to the ropes trying to start his offense. He goes for a clothesline but Mistico ducks it and passes by bouncing to the opposite ropes, jumping on them and flooring Goldberg with a springboard DDT. Mistico then pushes his luck and goes on to punch the member of Team BTW trying to knocking them down of the canvas, but Muhammed Hassan reacts getting madly and enters the ring in pursuit of revenge to Mistico. He grabs him and Hassan brutally starts punching him and stomping on him. The referee tries to talk him into his senses but Hassan pushes him away, continuing his brutal abuse on Mistico. The referee one more time tries to get Hassan away and once again gets pushes. This time he doesn’t take it and calls for a DQ.

Muhammed Hassan gets eliminated via DQ.

Hassan looks in shocked at the referee but he decides to take out his frustration on the opposite team, he goes on and punches everyone of Team WWE out of the apron and then lands Mistico with the Modified STO. He then locks in a brutal Camel Clutch punishing Mistico until the referee manages to get Hassan out of the ring. Meanwhile Goldberg drags to his corner and gives the hot tag to Chris Jericho, that immediately dashes to the ropes and lands Mistico with the Lionsault: 1…2…3.

Mistico gets eliminated via pinfall.

The Great Khali enters and Chris Jericho yells (I’m the King of the World). Jericho cockily goes and tries to attack Khali, punching him on the gut, but The Great Khali knocks him down with a headbutt. Jericho gets up and goes back again attacking Khali with punches to his middle section, he then steps back and hits a jumping enziguiri, but with no effect to his opponent that barely moves. Jericho gets up and looks up to Khali, then bouncing to the ropes and tries to clothesline Khali, but Khali grabs him and lifts him in mid air, trying to hit the Military Press, but when he releases Jericho, Chris fells standing and when Khali turns around he gets knocked down by a dropkick to the knee. Jericho quickly goes to his corner and makes the tag to AJ Styles. AJ climbs to the top rope and waits for Khali to get up. He eventually returns to his feet and Styles jumps toward him trying to hit a cross body, but Khali catches him in mid air and powerslams him, making him brutally fell over his head. Styles is treated like a doll as he is tossed with one hand to the corner, then squashes by Khali. Styles gets slowly up, and when Khali goes after him, out of nowhere he manages to connect a Pelé Kick, but it doesn’t makes Khali move. He gets up and unfolds on Khali with a flurry of punches, the series of kicks to the legs and calves of him, but with little effect. Styles bounces to the ropes but gets grabbed by his neck with Khali’s two hands, then brutally connected with the Choketoss. Khali puts his right foot on AJ Styles’s chest making the cover as he raises both arms screaming in victory: 1…2…3.

AJ Styles gets eliminated via pinfall.

Lesnar enters the ring with a confident grin in his face, and invites Khali to attack him. Khali approaches him and Lesnar throws a fist at him, Khali answers it hitting a right hand, but Brock also throws a fist, Khali tries to fight back but his blow gets blocked. Brock Lesnar connects another punch and goes for a Belly-to-Belly suplex, but Khali blocks it attacking Lesnar’s back, making him bend over, then Khali knocks Brock with a Big Boot. Khali then hits a standing leg drop. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Brock kicks out. Brock drags himself getting up but Khali lifts him up and hits him with a headbutt. He then throws Lesnar to the ropes and tries to hit him with a clothesline, but Lesnar ducks it passing by and bouncing to the opposite ropes, getting planted by a kick by Khali. Khali goes back to his corner and gives the tag to John Morrison. John enters and goes like a vulture to punch and attack John Morrison. He quickly enters in momentum getting Brock Lesnar back to his feet and planting him with a Superkick. John Morrison lifts his right arm taunting for the crowd. He announces another Superkick and lifts Lesnar up. He takes impulse and goes for the kick, but Lesnar ducks it and lifts Morrison over his shoulder, throwing him head first to the turnbuckle. Brock then dashes to the ropes and gets the pop from the crowd hitting a Spinning Belly to Belly Suplex. Both men collapse to the canvas.

JBL: What a brutal contest this has been Joey! This men smell like smoke because they have been through fire.

The referee starts the count for both competitors: 1…2…3…4…5….6…, both wrestlers come back to their senses and start dragging to their corners. John Morrison arrives first and makes the tag to The Great Khali that quickly grabs Lesnar’s feet avoiding him from making the tag and pulling him back to the center of the ring. Khali announces his Vise Grip. Brock Lesnar gets back to his feet, Khali tries to lock in the Vise Grip, But Brock Lesnar get Khali’s hands out of the way and hits on him a German Suplex. He then makes the tag to Goldberg that sees Khali beaten and taunts for the Spear. Khali gets up and turns around, getting planted by the Spear. Goldberg gets up celebrating and turns around to cover Khali but realizes he is still moving. Goldberg makes the tag to Chris Jericho, that bounces to the ropes and hits the Lionsault on Khali, but he doesn’t covers him as he sees he is still moving. Jericho makes the tag back to Goldberg that taunts once again for the Spear. Khali slowly gets up and gets plastered by a brutal Spear. Goldberg makes the cover: 1…2…3.

The Great Khali gets eliminated via pinfall.

Goldberg remains in the middle of the ring with one knee on the canvas still pretty beaten and tired. Khali gets up in disbelief after his elimination and bounces to the ropes, hitting a Big Boot on Goldberg’s neck, knocking him down completely immobile. Khali is then forced out of the ring receiving a lot of boos and “You suck†chants. Morrison enters pretty confident and tries to get up Goldberg by lifting up his head, but realizes he is dead weight and is not answering. Morrison gets up with a grin on his face and taunts to the crowd. He then goes to canvas again and this time he lifts Goldberg, setting him in his Neckbreaker position. He spends a little more time taunting for the crowd before actually hitting the maneuver. He finally goes for it but Goldberg surprisingly reverses it and hits his Jackhammer. Goldberg manages to get one arm across John Morrison’s chest: 1…2…3.

John Morrison gets eliminated via pinfall.

Styles: Yes, only one left in Team WWE, the WWE Champion John Cena.

JBL: What a great work by Team BTW! And I can’t believe the effort made by that man over there, Goldberg, he is completely beaten but he still manages to continue competing.

John Cena enters slowly into the ring as the Pepsi Center receives him between “You can’t wrestle chantsâ€. He meets Goldberg in the middle of the ring and badmouth each other by a couple of seconds, before they finally start trading blows at each other. Goldberg gets the quick upperhand hits a suplex on Cena. John Cena gets up and gets knocked again by a clothesline. Goldberg explodes and taunts for the Spear. Cena gets up and turns around getting connected by a very cheered Spear. Goldberg gets up and lifts John Cena going for the Jackhammer. He gets him up but John Cena slides right back over Goldberg’s shoulder, then when Goldberg turned around Cena puts him over his shoulder and lands him with the F-U. He makes the cover: 1…2…3.

Goldberg gets eliminated via pinfall.

Brock Lesnar mocks Goldberg as he makes his way up the ramp remembering their competition and rivalry. Goldberg suddenly stops and turns around answering to Lesnar insults, insulting him back. They trade words at each other until John Cena takes advantage of Lesnar’s distraction and rolls him up: 1…2…3.

Brock Lesnar gets eliminated via pinfall.

JBL: What? Cena eliminated two superstars all by himself.

Styles: Yes he has, and now it’s down to Chris Jericho by Team BTW and John Cena by Team WWE.

Chris Jericho enters the ring and both he and Cena circle each other looking for an opportunity. The crowd starts chanting “Go Jericho Goâ€. Chris smile and go right on to fight John Cena. They enter in a brawl comparing their strengths, with John Cena getting the advantage locking in a headlock. Chris Jericho fights back and pushes Cena to the ropes and out of the hold, hitting John Cena with a jumping sidekick. He makes the cover: 1…2…, Cena rolls over his back and makes a cover of his own: 1…2…, Jericho gets one shoulder up. Both get up and get back to exchanging fists, this time Jericho gets the advantage grabbing his arm and locking in an armbar, then modifying it into a hammerlock, until he finally brings Cena down with a facebuster still grabbing his arm. Jericho taunts for the crowd and then goes on to work on Cena’s legs, stomping on them. Jericho then goes for the Walls of Jericho, but John Cena fights trying to avoid him from finally locking in the maneuver. Jericho continues to use all of his strength and he manages to lock in the Walls of the Jericho to a pop from the crowd. John Cena screams in agony as Jericho tries to make him tap out. John starts making his way to reaching the ropes. He is about to grab one but Jericho pulls him back to the center of the ring. Finding himself in a Put Out or Tap Out situation, John Cena starts brutally and despairly looking for a way out of the Walls of Jericho. He pushes his legs making Jericho release the hold but the impulse of that makes Jericho crash with the referee bringing him down. Chris looks at the referee but then turns around and sees the recovering John Cena, Jericho then bounces to the ropes and hits his version of a Bulldog. Chris Jericho moves on the make the cover but realizes there is no referee. He goes and tries to wake up the official, but when he is trying to do it Rikishi starts walking down the ramp carrying a steel chair. Jericho looks at him with a bedazzled look on his face. He tells him not to do it, but he gets turned by John Cena, that has got back to his feet and puts him over his shoulders. He goes to the center of the ring and hits the F-U. John Cena makes the booed cover: 1…2…3.

Result: Team WWE defeats Team BTW.

JBL: What! We lost thanks to that stupid fat-ass Samoan that distracted Chris Jericho.

Styles: I have to agree with you on this one. Rikishi screw all of us, Rikishi screw BTW.

Scene fades to the back with John Cena celebrating in the middle of the ring and Rikishi looking at the chair with a confused look on his face.


Quick Results

Mr. Kennedy defeated Samoa Joe in a Stretcher Match
Big Show pinned Rhino to retain the BTW Continental Title
RVD defeated Sabu in a Barbwired Massacre
MVP and Jeff Hardy won the BTW Extreme Title defeating Elijah Burke
Umaga defeated Rikishi
Christian Cage & Mark Heny win TLC Match to HHH & Tomko
Edge pinned Randy Orton
Team WWE defeated Team BTW thanks to interference of Rikishi