Mood Request Thread

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Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Hey man I like what you are doing with this anyway I have a lot of catching up to do.


Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Good show, I liked the tag team of Raven and Rhino, but I'm not so sure about having the team of DDP and Steiner, I just seems to old of team, I would split them up and let them mesh with a younger team. Your Raven & Rhino team going with the Naturals is great.

Christian and Tomko segment in the beginning was good, I was about to be a little disappointed if you turned Tomko face, I like the set up with Christian and Tomko on Angle.

Anyways, keep up the good work


I always love the feedback from you guys because you are always so nice, iMPACT! should be up in about 2 or 3 days, keep the feedback coming and I will always check yours out as well


Official TNA iMPACT! Preview:

Number 1 Contender Over the Top Rope Battle Royal for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at Sacrifice
Raven vs. Rhino vs. DDP vs. Christian Cage vs. Tomko vs. Scott Steiner vs. AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe

Jim Cornette and Monty Brown meet face to face in the iMPACT! Zone for the first time since LockDown!, what's in store for the Alpha Male?

Petey Williams w/ Eric Young vs. Senshi w/ Kevin Nash

Is Konnan alive in LAX? or did he die in LAX?

Team 3D in action!


well Raven fought Angle for the title at Against All Odds, you just might see the rematch

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Impact looks good can't wait i'll be reviewing


Pyros go off as iMPACT! theme plays.

Tenay: iMPACT! gets started off right as we see Jim Cornette in the ring!

West: What does he have to say?

Cornette: Now you see, I am Jim Cornette, head of management of TNA Wrestling. I am the man with the iron fist, I call the shots, I have the power. At LockDown, someone crossed my position. Someone violated my power. That is not going to role with Jim Cornette. Now this man has made his huge return to TNA Wrestling, since he has been gone for the past year. He finally made his way back. I for one can’t be happier he’s here, but you don’t go Pouncing your boss outta his shoes half way across the ring! Ladies and Gentlemen, returing to the iMPACT! Zone…The Alpha Male Monty Brown!

Monty Brown’s music hits as Brown comes out to a huge ovation.

Cornette: Okay, Monty, get in the ring, do your gyrations, because that’s the only fun you’re going to have! Monty where in the head were you when you decided to pounce me halfway…

Brown: Don’t speak unless spoken to Cornette!

Cornette is furious.

Cornette: I am not in the mood for games here Monty, this is serious business. You laid a hand on your boss and that’s not going to be tolerated around TNA. If this is going to happen more and more, than you will have to be the first victim of the Jim Cornette Zero Tolerance system!

Brown: The what….?

Cornette: This is a new addition to the TNA Rules and Regulations, the Jim Cornette Zero Tolerance System prevents anything that I believe is out of place here in TNA. If I don’t like what you’re doing, than you are in violation of the code! And you Pouncing me was in direct violation of my code!

Brown: Alright, I get what you are saying, but that won’t stop me from doin’ what I do best, and that’s fight!

Cornette: Hold on Hold on! Before you Pounce me again, you should think twice, because for Pouncing me at Lockdown, you are hereby suspended without pay for a month! Do it again and make it two!

Brown is pissed.

Brown: You have just awaken the Serengeti Jim, you just awaken the wrong lion.

Brown walks up the ramp.

Tenay: Oh lord Don, Cornette’s Zero Tolerance System?

West: Looks like Mr. Cornette is turning over a new leaf to me!


Team 3D’s music hits as Brother Ray and Brother Devon come down the ramp.

Tenay: This is one of professional wreslting’s most recognizable and most respected teams! I can only be talking about Team 3D, their fued that’s going on with AMW is about only one thing, and that’s respect.

They are about to walk up the steps into the ring, when AMW ambushes them from behind.

West: Harris and Storm are mugging Team 3D!

Harris has a rope in hand. Team 3D was caught off guard and are just getting the beating. Storm superkicks Ray and Harris spears Devon.

Harris: Hey Team 3D, how is this for respect, we are the greatest tag team not only in TNA, but the whole damn world and it’s about time you start realizing it!

Storm grabs the rope and ties it around Ray’s neck. He ties the other end around Devon’s neck. Harris gets the slack and slings it over the top rope. AMW goes outside the ring. Harris and Storm pull the slack hanging Team 3D choking the life out of them.

Tenay: What the hell has gotten into Harris and Storm?

Harris: Alright let it go Storm, they need just a little life in them, because at Sacrifice in Chicago, we are going to have AMW vs Team 3D round 2, a Tennessee Bull Rope Match!

West: A bullrope match? This has danger written all over it Mike!


Senshi and Kevin Nash are standing with JB.

JB: Jeremy Borash here with Kevin Nash ans Senshi, a huge match with Petey Williams coming up, and Eric Young will be in his corner, any thoughts boys?

Nash: Hey, this guy right here Senshi is the greatest X Division superstar in the whole damn world today, this guy has mic skills…

Senshi: Warrior.

Nash: This guy has manly good looks, well not as manly as I…

Senshi: Warrior.

Nash: And hell he is the number one contender for the X Division…

Daniels appears behind Nash.

Daniels: Hey Kev…

Nash: Oh, hey Chris we were just talking about you…

Daniels: Yea right, Senshi? The greatest X Division Star? The number one contender? Nash what about that talk we last week?

Nash: Dude it’s all taken care of, now if you will excuse us we have a match.

Daniels: Oh, of course…go….


PROMO: Hyping the 8 man Over the Top Rope Battle Royal

Petey Williams’ music hits as the X division Champion comes down the ramp with Eric Young.

Senshi’s music hits as Senshi comes down the ramp with Kevin Nash.

Petey Williams w/ Eric Young vs. Senshi w. Kevin Nash
Petey and Senshi meet face to face in the ring. Senshi gives a traditional ethnic bow showing sportsmanship. Petey responds with a bow of his own, and the drop kicks him. Petey goes for the cover, 1..2..kickout. Petey grabs him, but Senshi powers back with a chin drop. Senshi grabs Petey’s ankles and flips over leg dropping him, pops up, and does a mid air backflip landing on Petey. He covers 1..2..kickout! Eric continues to cheer him on. Senshi swings Petey into a corner and does a delayed mid air drop kick into a modified running bulldog. He covers 1..2..kickout! Petey swings his legs and gets Senshi into a role up, 1..2..kickout! Both stars pop up into a fighting stance, the crowd goes insane. They lock up, Petey backs Senshi into a corner and puts him up. He sets him up for a superplex, but Senshi counters and throws Petey up onto the guard rail on the floor. The crowd chants TNA violently. Senshi stands on the top rope and cross bodies onto Petey. Eric cheers Petey on. Nash stroles over to Eric and whispers in his ear.

Nash: You know, word on the street is that TNA has budget cuts, and they are going to fire lack luster stars, heard you were first on the list Eric.

Young: What! No, I gotta talk to Jim!

Eric runs up the ramp, Petey looking at him needing his support. Senshi starts chopping Petey across the chest and whips him into the ring post. Senshi swings him into the ring. Senshi positions him under the turnbuckles, climbs, and does the Senshi stomp right on Petey’s chest, covers 1..2…3!
WINNER: Senshi

Nash goes in the ring and raises Senshi’s arm. He grabs Petey by the hair and JackKnife Powerbombs him. He points to Senshi saying he’s number one.

Christopher Daniels’ music hits.

Daniels stands at the top of the ramp and shakes his head.


Konnan walks into LAX’s locker room.

Homicide: What the hell do you want vato? We got nothing to say to you stop coming here essay!

Konnan: Man I am trying to apologize!

Hernandez: We didn’t take it last week, and this week is no different, how many clues do we have to drop to your ass man? Get the hell out of here!

Konnan: Fine, I hope you know what you just did here, right now, the war is on!

Konnan walks out while Homicide and Hernandez look at each other and laugh.

iMPACT! Zone

Tenay: It is now time for the 8 man over the top rope battle royal, the winner faces NWA World Champion Kurt Angle at Sacrifice in Chicago!

West: Let’s get it started!

Kurt Angle’s music hits as Kurt Angle makes his way over to the announcer’s table.

AJ Styles’ music hits as AJ walks down the ramp all cocky.

Shane Douglas’ music hits as Shane comes down the ramp accompanying Rhino and Raven.

Christian Cage’s music hits as Cage and Tomko walk down the ramp.

DDP’s music hits as Paige makes his way to the ring.

Scott Steiner’s music hits as Scott comes to the ring.

Samoa Joe’s music hits as Joe runs towards the ring.

Number 1 Contender Over the Top Rope Battle Royal for the NWA Championship
AJ Styles vs Raven vs Rhino vs Christian Cage vs Tomko vs DDP vs Scott Steiner vs Samoa Joe

They all start forming alliances. Tomko and Cage start talking. Rhino and Raven back into a corner together. DDP and Steiner high five each other. That leaves Joe and AJ, Joe shakes his head and runs and takes Styles over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: AJ Styles and Samoa Joe

Joe and Styles brawl up the ramp into the backstage area. Rhino collides with Steiner and Raven collides with DDP. Tomko and Cage start laughing and lean on the ropes. Steiner powerslams Rhino. DDP whips Raven against the ropes and spinebusters him. Shane Douglas calls the Naturals down the ramp. They pop out of the tunnel and run down the ramp. Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas rush the ring. Chase Thesz Presses DDP and Andy clotheslines Steiner. Rhino starts stomping down Steiner, but DDP escapes Chase and nails Rhino with a clubbing blow. DDP jacks Andy in the face and throws him out of the ring. Raven comes and takes DDP down. Steiner powers out of the onslaught and picks up Chase Stevens and whips him out to the floor. DDP stops Raven and rakes his eyes and nails the Diamond Cutter. When he turns around he is greeted by a Gore from Rhino. Rhino gets up and gets Boo’d loudly, Steiner blind sides him and throws him out of the ring.


DDP and Steiner now focus on Raven, they get him in the corner. Tomko and Cage are still literally sitting in the corner watch the others beat up Raven. Shane Douglas comes on the apron and is really pissed and tries to talk to the referee.

Lights go out and Sting’s music hits.

Sting lowers from the rafters in the middle of the ring. He takes a swing at Douglas, he ducks off the apron. DDP and Steiner move and Sting delivers a Stinger Splash right to Raven. DDP and Steiner flip Raven over the top rope.


Tomko springs up and double clotheslines DDP and Steiner. Sting gets out of the ring. Tomko starts stomping DDP down in the corner. Steiner does a modified German Suplex to Tomko. DDP springs up and catches Tomko and clotheslines him over the top rope before Cage could help him.


DDP and Steiner point and laugh at Christian Cage.

Angle: Now this is getting interesting!

Tenay: Let’s see is Cage could weasel his way out of this one!

Cage starts punching both of them off. Cage low blows Steiner. DDP ducks from one of Cage’s punches and Diamond Cuts him. DDP does his patented high five, when Rhino appears back in the ring and Gores him.

West: GORE! GORE! GORE! Raven comes back with a kendo stick and begins clocking Steiner on the back. Raven and Rhino throw DDP over the top rope.


Sting rushes back into the ring with is bat and Raven and Rhino clear out. Steiner is motionless after the kendo assault, Cage picks him up and throws him over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Scott Steiner
WINNER: Christian Cage

Angle: Well Mike, DW, I have to go round 2 with the CLB huh?

Tenay: Kurt this is going to be one hell of a rematch!

Angle gets on top of the announcer’s holding up the NWA title as him and Cage lock eyes from the announcer’s table to the ring.

TNA Wrestling Presents TNA Sacrifice LIVE from Chicago, IL!

NWA World Championship
Kurt Angle defends against Christian Cage

NWA World Tag Team Championship
Tennessee Bull Rope Match

AMW defends against Team 3D


Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
First time i've read your show as im a noobie and i agree with the other comments perfect show you truly have captured the perfect picture of tna impact.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Great show no doubt and I agree with the others this may be the best BTB thread except for j/k but seriously this thread is great can def. tell you put alot of effort into it...keep it up...

The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Great show i agree one of the best if not the best btb on this forum
cant wait for future shows