Jeff Hardy arrested!

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I read that a couple days ago, how could you turn down a big money deal and not have to work house shows? This guy must have had some alternative to turn this dream deal down.

Reminds me of UFC trying to sign Fedor lmao


Well, he was counting on that MTV show coming through I think. I'm still not completely sure what it would have been. I get the feeling it was almost going to be a Jackass kind of show. He was probably planning on getting fucked up and doing some stupid stunts and shit. He ruined that for himself as well I'm sure. I'm sure he'll issue some statement where he'll say the drugs were left over pain medication in his house and he wasn't using them and Mysterio planted the steroids...blah blah blah.

This Guy

okay first, screw you SP for beating me to that Youtube Video "Jeff Hardy Goes Down to Georgia" lol

2nd, I'll stop making TNA jokes when TNA stops running itself like a complete joke. Its not my fault that TNA doesn't have any standards of conduct, and that they even go as rewarding bad beahviour.

3rd, I don't think Punk will cut any direct promos against Hardy, only because as someone else said, the WWE will likely want to distance themselves from this at least until its been resolved or whatever. Though he may still make suddle jokes.

4th, I still laugh at anyone that thinks Hardy will goto jail for a year or more even if found guilty. No doubt Hardy will be able to cut a deal that allows him to face a minor scentence if he pleads guilty. He may still goto jail but I bet for 3 months or less.

5th, eventually the WWE will bring him back if they see money in him I can promise you that. Yes the charges are steep, but it means nothing. They brought back other wrestlers who were known drug abusers, spouse abusers, etc. Mike Tyson was found guilty of rap and they still brought him in for Wrestlemania 14. To me this is no different. All will be forgiven in time.


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Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
You guys act as if he pulled a Benoit. Bro had some drugs. Get over it besides drugs aren't that bad now adays.

Well for the simple fact 0 deaths occurred last year from Pot smoking I'm pretty sure it can't be too bad. It's safer then Smoking Ciggs, Drinking, Driving, Hell probably more safe then crossing the road

Yeah, you're right. But Pot wasn't found in Hardy's home.....

262 Vicodin pills, 180 Soma pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, and a residual amount of powder cocaine and items of drug paraphernalia

We aren't talking about Pot here, fact is, all these things can kill you.

Originally Posted By This Guy
Its not my fault that TNA doesn't have any standards of conduct, and that they even go as rewarding bad beahviour.

I didn't say it was your fault, but you're using the same repetative joke that stopped being funny after 24hrs after the Kurt incident. You say TNA rewards guys for "bad behavior", which, the only incident would be Kurt. I asume the other your talking about is Daniels. Maybe I'm wrong but were'nt the iMPACT tapings taped BEFORE his DUI charge? How's he being rewarded when he's done nothing since the charge?


Moore County police officials told the Fayetteville Observer that they searched the home of Jeff Hardy after receiving a tip a few days ago. Chief deputy Neil Godfry stated that the subsequent investigation led to a search warrant

Wonder who ratted him out?

This Guy

^^Well when he wins the X-Division Title at the next PPV, you'll have your answer.


Have any of you guys ever seen the Hardy Show? Look up some of that stuff on youtube, some of those videos Jeff must have been hyped up on something...but they are still funny as hell, I love the hardy show


Yup...they're always drunk as hell and I'm sure sometimes a little more than that. They are pretty funny though.

Great One

Lol at person saying he will go to jail for 5-10 years, so fail.


There's a possibility. He's a fuckin wrestler...not a foreign dignitary or some Criminal drug charges are pretty serious. I asked a friend of mine who's a paralegal what sentencing is for criminal drug trafficking and she told me 5-10 years. We'll see exactly to what extent and exactly what with he's charged with.


Yeah, you're right. But Pot wasn't found in Hardy's home.....

262 Vicodin pills, 180 Soma pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, and a residual amount of powder cocaine and items of drug paraphernalia

We aren't talking about Pot here, fact is, all these things can kill you.

Ohh bro I realize that, I was going off a whole side argument there and the stuff's bad but if you ask me Hardy most likely left the company cuase he know he was having problems and he was not apart of the company when it happened so if you ask me he actually made a good move.


Jeff in reality saved WWE alot of bad publicity by leaving the company before this happened. WWE shouldn't be too disappointed.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Jeff Hardy Update

The Charlotte Observer is reporting that local law enforcement raided Jeff Hardy's Cameron home at about 10:30 a.m. on Friday morning after receiving information developed by the Fayetteville Police Department.

The newspaper says Hardy was at home with "his wife" when the raid took place. Presumably, she is his fiancee Beth. She was not arrested.

Chief Deputy Neil Godfrey of the Moore County Sheriff's Office said the case remains under investigation and further charges are possible. He declined to say whether the additional charges could be against Hardy or others.

He added it's too early to determine whether the drugs found in Hardy's home were for personal use or distribution to others.

The article also noted that opium trafficking, which is one of the charges Hardy faces, carries a mandatory prison sentence of three to fourteen years, even for first-time offenders.