ECW! This Is Extreme

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THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

sandman vs matt striker
ecw originals vs mystery team
rvd vs kid kash
cm punk vs stevie richards
shelton benjamin vs mystery opponent

CT Styles

sandman vs matt striker
ecw originals vs mystery team
rvd vs kid kash
cm punk vs stevie richards
shelton benjamin vs mystery opponent

Cristian Cage

New Member
Nov 4, 2007
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Hey everyone...I will be once again doing GFX and Promos for this btb.....and yes i will quit my other btb.....thnx guys

altough im part of this btb i dont noe the out come(YET) so here my predictions

sandman def matt striker
ecw originals def mystery team
rvd def kid kash
cm punk def stevie richards
shelton benjamin def mystery opponent


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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*The Camera comes to the Cyber Slam live in the Hammerstein Ballroom*

Fans: ECW! ECW! ECW! (Heavy chants from the fans)

Styles: Welcome to ECW’s first PPV! It’s been a hell of a long time and we’ve got a ton of great action tonight! Tazz cannot be with us today, were told that he had to fly out of the arena due to personal family issues!

*Stephen DeAngelis enters the ring*

Welcome to Cyber Slam live on PPV from the Hammerstein Ballroom!!!

Fans: ECW! ECW! ECW ! ECW!

Stephen: Our first match is a Singapore cane match and it will be custody of Sandman’s son!


Fans: Exit light….. enter night…. .take my hand….. Off to never neva land!


Match 1: Singapore Cane Match
Sandman vs. Matt Striker

Sandman comes in and starts to swipe Striker across the face with the cane. Striker hold his head as Sandman continues to whack him across the face. Striker gets up and Sandman locks in a DDT, he nails it and Striker falls down hard. Fans: one more sandman one more! *Clap* *Clap*

Striker low blows Sandman gets the cane. He than starts to hit Sandman across the back with it. Sandman pulls himself up on the ropes when Striker goes over and swings again! Sandman ducks and Striker hits the ropes which makes the Cane come swinging right back up across his face!
Fans: You F’ed You F’ed up!

Sandman pulls up and grabs the cane. He than grabs Striker who is lying down on the floor and locks in the White Russian leg sweep. He nails it and Striker lays lifeless on the ground… cover…1…2..3!Stephen: Here is your winner.. The Sandman!

*Sandman than grabs a beer and starts to have a beer fest with it, slapping it across his face and drinking it*

*Merchandise intermission*

We come back to see the ECW tag team titles in a glass case…


Fans: Welcome back welcome back! Welcome back!


Styles: So who’s the mystery opponents?


Match 2: Vacant ECW world tag team titles
Dreamer & Sabu vs. Balls Mahoney and ??

Balls and Dreamer shake hands. Dreamer and Balls lock up, Dreamer gets balls in a headlock, balls throws him to the ropes, Dreamer comes back and shoves Balls down. Dreamer runs to the ropes and balls gets up, he grabs Dreamer with close line. Dreamer gets up and starts to punch balls…1….2..3…4..5.. Spins his hands and goes for the big one, Balls ducks and starts his own…
Fans: Balls….Balls….Balls… Balls……Balls…. Ohhhhhhhh Balls!

Dreamer falls down and Balls goes to the top rope. He goes for a huge leg drop, but Dreamer rolls out of the way. Dreamer gets up and does a quick swinging neck breaker. He than tags in Sabu. Sabu jumps off of the top rope and nails a huge knee drop on balls. Balls falls down as Sabu makes the cover…1…2…kick out! Sabu than picks up balls and starts to punch him. Dreamer sets up a chair and Sabu runs over to the chair, jumps off of it onto the top rope and lands right onto Balls . He than makes the cover…1…2…kick out!

Sabu tags in Dreamer. Dreamer grabs balls and sets him up onto the top turnbuckle (Upside down) and Yells …
Fans: E…..C….Dub!!!!

Dreamer than quickly runs and does a huge leg drop right onto Balls face. He than makes the cover…1…2…kick out!

A man in a mask runs into the ring and extends his hand to Balls…. Balls tries to get up… Dreamer looks at the guy as Balls tags him in. Dreamer goes for a close line but the man ducks, he runs over to Sabu and does a big boot across his face…. He than picks up Dreamer and does a huge back breaker. Balls goes up to the top rope and does a huge leg drop onto Dreamer…1…2…3!

Stephen: Here are your winners and new ECW world tag team champions balls Mahoney and……?

Balls: Give that to me! *He pulls off the mans mask* Masato Tanaka!

Fans:OOOOOOOOO! Welcome Back! Welcome Back!

*Video package of the feud between Kid Kash and Rob Van Dam*



Match 3: ECW Television Title: Ladder Match
Rob Van Dam vs. Kid Kash

Rob comes in and Kash works on rob. He starts to punch him on his head over and over. He than starts to kick him in the face. Rob gets up and Kash picks him up and throws him right out of the ring. He Rob is out of the ring as Kash runs from where he is stading to the other side of the ring, back over the ropes with a huge suicide dive.

Fans: Holy **** Holy S****
Fans: EC Dub EC Dub EC dub

Rob and Kash slowly get up. Rob starts to punch Kash… Kash punches back. They both get into the ring. Kash low blows Rob and sets up a Ladder. He climbs to the top and sets up Rob…

Styles: He’s 20 feet in the air….what the hell is he thinking?

Kash points up to the sky and does a huge shooting star press…he nails ring onto rob!

Fans: HOLY S**** HOLY S**** Holy S****
Styles: OH MY GOD!

After about 2min of resting…both men come up. Kash starts to punch Rob…forcing him on the ropes as Kash runs to the other side of the ring and goes for a huge close line, but Rob ducks and Kash goes flying 3 feet above the ring onto the ground! Rob than goes to the other side of the ring, sets up Kash, and jumps over the ropes nailing a huge front flip.
Rob and Kash get up… Rob puts Kash into the ring… He sets up a ladder onto the ground. He than picks up Kash for a power bomb onto the chair… Kash counters it with a DDT and Rob falls face first onto the Ladder! Kash than starts to climb the ladder set under the TV title. He’s about 2 steps from getting it when Rob climbs and starts to punch him…they both exchange punches when Rob gets the better of him and kash falls down… Rob than reash for the TV title but sees Kash lying there on the ground….he looks at the fans… he goes to the top of the ladder and looks down at kash… out of nowhere he does a huge 5 star frog splash!

Styes: OH MY GOD! Do they ever stop?

Rob than gets up after 3 min of resting and climbs the ladder….Kash looks dead… Rob grabes the title and wins!Stephen: Here is your winner and Still TV champion: Rob Van Dam!
Fans: Whole f’n show! Whole f’m show!



Styles: Where is CM Punk?

*His Theme Music plays there is no CM Punk*

Richards: Guess im the number one Contender for the ECW world title?
Styles: What is this! Stevie probally did something to him.. I don’t like the sound of this…

Fans: You sold out! You Sold out! You sold out!

Stevie leaves

Stephen: Ladies and Gentlemen it is now time for the Main Event!

Benjamin waits in the ring

Stephen: And his opponent….



Styles: I thought he was sick! OH MY GOD

Main Event: ECW World title
Shenton Benjamin vs. Tazz

Benjamin locks up with Tazz.Tazz gets behind him and locks in a german Suplex. He than throws Benjamin over his shoulders. Benjamin gets up and locks in a german suplex of his own…Tazz reverses it. Benjamin and Tazz lock eyes….. Benjamin goes for a huge kick across the face….

Tazz grabs his leg and throws him. Tazz than picks up Benjamin with a huge german Suplex. Benjamin gets up and pokes Tazz in the Eyes…. He grabs Tazz with a T-bone suplex… Tazz reverses it with a tazzmission!

He holds him onto the ground……. He’s knocked out….. Benajmin taps!!

Stephen: Here is your winner and New ECW world champion: TAZZ!!!!!

Tazz grabs a mic:


Styles: TAZZ IS THE CHAMPION? Who will replace him as commentary? See you next week folks!!!


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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ECW Confirmed Matches

ECW World tag Team titles
Balls Mahoney & Masato Tanaka (c) vs. Rob Van Dam & Kid Kash

The Impact players in Action

Sandman vs. Elijah Burke w/ Matt Striker


tag titles match looks good and so does Sandman vs Elijah Burke
Cant wait lol, check out T.N.E If you want