Chris Jericho = Our generations Ric Flair?

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Jan 26, 2010
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Oh, herro California!
The Lionheart, The Ayatollah of Rock-N-Rolla, The man of 1,000 and some holds, Y2J, The first undisputed Champion, and The Best in the World at What He Does.

We have seen Jericho progress through all of these, watched as he developed into the man that is today, the World Heavyweight Champion. He is arguably the best worker and talker the WWE has on it's roster right now.

He is capable of taking the weight of less seasoned (or TOO seasoned) opponents and carrying the match on his back if necessary, and while paired up with an evenly matched opponent, delivering a performance that does not fail to be entertaining.

We have seen how versatile he can to be. As a face, he hooked us with his charisma, the witty insults, the catchphrases. Then he went from being a cocky, arrogant, avoiding confrontation at all costs heel, and we still loved it.

Now he simply comes out and tells us he is better than us.

And makes it work.

He left the business for two years, came back with a complete new image, and while it may have gotten off to a rocky start, he got his bearings and persevered to where he is now. After two years. Two years is a long time in the wrestling business. Returning and making the decision to shake off everything from the past, make a fresh start was risky as hell. Fans may say they want new things, but a lot of them also hold tight to their memories of what they loved. (DX, Hitman, Hogan)

Also, like Flair, he does not consider himself above helping out the new talent, or doing whatever it takes to do the job. Wrestling Daniel Bryan, giving him instant credibility for holding his own with the champion. He also sold the hell out of that Legends/Mickey Rourke angle.

He can capture the belt on either brand, at any time, and be a credible World Champion.

He can drop down into the mid-card, and elevate the status of either the US title or Intercontinental title.

He can be anywhere on the card, and get the job done.

He can take a loss cleanly, to a Main Eventer like Cena, or a "Rookie" like Daniel Bryan, and not lose any credibility.

Years from now, we will all cheer Jericho as the best of his time. Much like we do with The Nature Boy.


Rated RJC

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Feb 7, 2007
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Pittsburgh, PA
I love that you made this topic because even though it seems so simple, I haven't thought of it before. Chris Jericho is definitely of the best of his generation period. He always puts on amazing matches along with promos, he's very versatile with both. The man can't do anything wrong in my eyes and will always be one of the hardest working guys on the card.

Basically I agree with everything you said about Jericho.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Nope. Never. Not. even. close.

The only thing Jericho has in common with Flair is his professionalism. That's it.
For anyone to even deserve to draw a Flair comparison an entire network of promotions would have to be built around that person's presence. And since their isn't a national syndicate like the old NWA, that wont happen again, ever. Flair was the last true World's champ, he took that belt on tour with him all across not only the country but the world. So many people relied on Flair when he was champ, whereas only Vince depended on his Hogans, Rocks and Austins. Flair has no peers in his workload and ability to have hour long matches night in night out in different territories with different types of workers. Back then almost every region had it's own particular style and Ric was having to change his up on a nightly basis to do what he had to succeed.

I can go on and on, but I'll just put it like this, there can be another Austin, Rock or Hogan, but there really will never, ever be another Ric Flair. And if there was, it certainly wouldn't be Chris Jericho, if anyone it's Trips or HBK.


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Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
Chris Jericho will go down as one of the best ever. Period.

But I honestly wouldn't call him the Ric Flair of our generation. There are far too many differences. For example Flairs character didn't really change much through out the years, and his wrestling style was totally different in comparison to Flair. Jericho, on the other hand, has went through many different character change ups through out the years, but he made them all great in his own way. His wrestling abilities are enough alone to make him a star but then when you add on the charisma and mic skills, as well as his ablility to make any role he's given a success, that's what makes him one of the greatest ever.

There's a lot of truth behind what he says over and over, that he is the best in the world at what he does.


Jan 26, 2010
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Oh, herro California!
I love that you made this topic because even though it seems so simple, I haven't thought of it before. Chris Jericho is definitely of the best of his generation period. He always puts on amazing matches along with promos, he's very versatile with both. The man can't do anything wrong in my eyes and will always be one of the hardest working guys on the card.

Basically I agree with everything you said about Jericho.

I think that he is the best of the best that we have at this point in time.

Nope. Never. Not. even. close.

The only thing Jericho has in common with Flair is his professionalism. That's it.

I knew this would be your reaction, I was looking forward to it. :)

Anyway, in a time when professionalism in the business is severely lacking, that in itself can not be disregarded.

For anyone to even deserve to draw a Flair comparison an entire network of promotions would have to be built around that person's presence. And since their isn't a national syndicate like the old NWA, that wont happen again, ever.


Flair was the last true World's champ, he took that belt on tour with him all across not only the country but the world. So many people relied on Flair when he was champ, whereas only Vince depended on his Hogans, Rocks and Austins. Flair has no peers in his workload and ability to have hour long matches night in night out in different territories with different types of workers. Back then almost every region had it's own particular style and Ric was having to change his up on a nightly basis to do what he had to succeed.

I believe Chris Jericho was a champion both in Mexico and Japan, before joining the ranks of ECW, WCW, and later the WWF. Surely you must agree that that alone requires versatility, as the styles in each country are very different.

I can go on and on, but I'll just put it like this, there can be another Austin, Rock or Hogan, but there really will never, ever be another Ric Flair. And if there was, it certainly wouldn't be Chris Jericho, if anyone it's Trips or HBK.

What qualities do Triple H and Shawn Michaels possess, besides longevity, that make them more of a valid comparison beside Ric Flair?

Mister J

Feb 25, 2010
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Chris Jericho reminds me of a modern day Rowdy Roddy Piper. He's always been popular for being a wisecracker and having entertaining matches.


Honestly other than the professionalism the only real Jericho/Flair comparison could possibly be in-ring style. Now, I am by no means saying that he is better than Flair but, I do at times see similarities in the ring style of Flair and Jericho. Some of the things that Jericho does in the ring are imo very Flair-esque. Jericho is easily the best worker of this generation. There is really no debate on that imo.


Jan 26, 2010
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Oh, herro California!
Chris Jericho will go down as one of the best ever. Period.

But I honestly wouldn't call him the Ric Flair of our generation. There are far too many differences. For example Flairs character didn't really change much through out the years, and his wrestling style was totally different in comparison to Flair. Jericho, on the other hand, has went through many different character change ups through out the years, but he made them all great in his own way.

Don't you think that BECAUSE he was able to make several character changes work for him, that that gives testament to how talented he is?

On the other hand, Ric Flair has always been The Nature Boy, and managed for YEARS to roll with it and keep it from going stale, which I believe may be even more difficult then making the changes work.

His wrestling abilities are enough alone to make him a star but then when you add on the charisma and mic skills, as well as his ablility to make any role he's given a success, that's what makes him one of the greatest ever.

There's a lot of truth behind what he says over and over, that he is the best in the world at what he does.

Yes, he is great in the ring. Yes, he is great on the mic. I think that a lot of fans focus on that, which is relevant, but he doesn't get as much credit as he deserves for putting over new talent.

Chris Jericho reminds me of a modern day Rowdy Roddy Piper. He's always been popular for being a wisecracker and having entertaining matches.

Anyone agree that a modern day Piper is a better comparison for Jericho?

Honestly other than the professionalism the only real Jericho/Flair comparison could possibly be in-ring style. Now, I am by no means saying that he is better than Flair but, I do at times see similarities in the ring style of Flair and Jericho. Some of the things that Jericho does in the ring are imo very Flair-esque. Jericho is easily the best worker of this generation. There is really no debate on that imo.

Flair is one of the best in the world in the wrestling business. I am sure a lot of different guys pay homage to him in some way while in the ring.


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Aug 13, 2007
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I agree wiith everything you(Frenchkiss) said about Jericho. He is awesome and i love him But i wouldn't compare him to Ric Flair.

I dont think anyone can be another Ric Flair he is up there on his own level IMO.


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Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
You make a really good point FrenchKiss. Flair has kept the nature boy gimmick going strong for decades now. Something that is rarely ever done. And I agree that it is harder to make one gimmick work for 20 years or so over making several different gimmicks work for 10 years or so.


Chris Jericho is very great and has one of the best attitudes in the business, but he's not a Ric Flair. Ric Flair was very unique because he was (1) outstanding in the ring, (2) pushed very heavily wherever he went, and (3) able to draw wherever he went. Jericho has the first part, Triple H has the second part and MAYBE (a HUGE maybe) the second part, Hogan has the second and third parts. The list goes on of people who had some of the package, but not the whole thing. Today, the closet would be Shawn Michaels, but he has never really been a huge draw, especially not compared to Ric Flair. There is no Ric Flair of this generation, imo. The industry is too different for there to be one again.


I do not think that the buisness will ever see somebody totally like Flair ever again. The buisness has evolved way to much for Flair to be duplicated, often immitated but never duplicated. Flair had that rare gift of being able to have 5 star matches, great promos, drawing power and didn't even have to necessarily be in the main event to be considered THE MAN. Much like Axis said, many guys have some elements that made Flair great but nobody had them all. But the closest to Flair in terms of being the total package is HBK and maybe in some ways CM Punk, but that is a stretch; I am a huge Punk mark but even I can agree in saying that Punk is great in the ring and cuts some masterful promos but he will never have that drawing power that Flair had.


Buddy Rogers = Ric Flair

There can easily be another Ric Flair. They just have to copy him like he copied Buddy.


Jan 26, 2010
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Oh, herro California!
You make a really good point FrenchKiss. Flair has kept the nature boy gimmick going strong for decades now. Something that is rarely ever done. And I agree that it is harder to make one gimmick work for 20 years or so over making several different gimmicks work for 10 years or so.

Hypothetically, if Ric Flair hadn't been the huge star he was back in the old days, and debuted tomorrow, would he have had the same success?

Chris Jericho is very great and has one of the best attitudes in the business, but he's not a Ric Flair. Ric Flair was very unique because he was (1) outstanding in the ring, (2) pushed very heavily wherever he went, and (3) able to draw wherever he went. Jericho has the first part, Triple H has the second part and MAYBE (a HUGE maybe) the second part, Hogan has the second and third parts. The list goes on of people who had some of the package, but not the whole thing. Today, the closet would be Shawn Michaels, but he has never really been a huge draw, especially not compared to Ric Flair. There is no Ric Flair of this generation, imo. The industry is too different for there to be one again.

Seeing as how the bolded can widely be considered the three keys to being the ultimate success, where does Undertaker fit into those?

As a big man, he was somewhat limited in the ring, although in his prime he pulled off some feats nobody else could have. His mic skills were limited by the gimmick to being ominous and cryptical, and he isn't that good on the mic anyway.

He was booked as an unbeatable big man. He had his fair runs with the title and pushes, but anything extreme?

Drawing ability is questionable.

Yet he is one of the most recognizable faces in the business. Why?

I do not think that the buisness will ever see somebody totally like Flair ever again. The buisness has evolved way to much for Flair to be duplicated, often immitated but never duplicated. Flair had that rare gift of being able to have 5 star matches, great promos, drawing power and didn't even have to necessarily be in the main event to be considered THE MAN. Much like Axis said, many guys have some elements that made Flair great but nobody had them all. But the closest to Flair in terms of being the total package is HBK and maybe in some ways CM Punk, but that is a stretch; I am a huge Punk mark but even I can agree in saying that Punk is great in the ring and cuts some masterful promos but he will never have that drawing power that Flair had.

I'm kind of surprised to see people say that Shawn Michaels is more of the total package than Triple H. Is HBK just better than Trips?

Buddy Rogers = Ric Flair

There can easily be another Ric Flair. They just have to copy him like he copied Buddy.

No comment on the Piper thing, Lady?


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Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
Yeah frenchkiss I honestly was going to use that 'if he debuted today' arguement but it would kill me to talk bad about Flair since he is definately one of the greatest ever. But if he debuted today I think he'd be the equivilent of a Dolph Ziggler or so.