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Ok, yes say it right now. "You unoriginal bastard. Come up with your own damn Ideas. I didnt say you could make one of these. Fuck off bitch".......

Go right ahead. I dont care. I like these threads, and I think that people can get to know you more and its a good way to do that. So with that said, ask me a question. I can be related to wrestling, other sports, life in general, take your pick.......:)

the dark knight

sorry, i hate rip offs.

but ill ask you this, is wwe better than tna or its that tna is just worse than wwe?


Is wwe better than tna or its that tna is just worse than wwe?

I would say neither. But obviously thats just me. I could go on and on, but I dont really want to go over what I havent said before, b/c that would literally take days finding and then writing. But to make a long story short, TNA is a better product right now that the WWE :)

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
St. Louis, Missouri
Hmmmmmm 1. Better world Champion Christian or Edge?
2. Best concept match in TNA History? WWE History?
3. Who do you think will be the WHC on SD in 6 months?
4. When will Cena drop the WWE Title?
5. Your thoughts on Tomko?


1. Better world Champion Christian or Edge?

Well, you make think Im biased, but Id have to say Christian. If Edge were to ever hold it for a longer period of time, he may end up getting my vote, but for now, its Cage just b/c of the length he held it.

2. Best concept match in TNA History? WWE History?

Hmmmmm. Best concept match in TNA IMO, would have to be Elevation X. Now most people would prolly say "What the hell is wrong with you, that Rhino/Styles match was boring as hell". Well to me it wasnt. It just had that "dont get out of your seat" mentality to it, and thats what I like, b/c you never knew what was going to happen.

In WWE, Id have to say the TLC match for obvious reasons. In that match, so many things are possible, and I just love it. Not that other matches dont have that feel, but that my opinion.

3. Who do you think will be the WHC on SD in 6 months?

Good question. Ill prolly say either Edge or Batista. If Taker is back by then, maybe him. But right now, my money is on Batista. Vince just loves him way too much to not let him have it again.

4. When will Cena drop the WWE Title?

Prolly never, LOL. But seriously, prolly at Summerslam or an event after that, and then win it back at WM or even before. As long as Vince and Cena are part of the same company, dont expect to see Cena not be champ for too long of a time.

5. Your thoughts on Tomko?

My thoughts.......Hmmmmm. Well, my thoughts are that he should be given a run for the tag titles. Last night on IMPACT, he was carryin around his Japan tag title. Now IDK if thats forshadowing, but I wouldnt be suprised if TNA went out and got his Japan partner, an old WWE talent, prince Albert. But I could really care less about that, I just want to see Tomko move out on his own. Its time to see Christian get a new guy.



what do you think why tna made a Winner Takes All Match at Hard Justice???

I think you mean, why did TNA make a Winner Takes All match? If thats the case, then I dont really know. Im guessing to just make more viewers interested and get more media attetion since all the belts are on the line. Should be a good match though.


Who do you think is more talented? Samoa Joe or Kurt Angle?

Well IMO, you cant really say this b/c both are at different periods in thier life. Samoa Joe is getting up to his best years, while Kurt is getting to the point where hes almost past his prime. If you aksed me this more than 2 yrs ago, I would have said Angle no doubt, but right now, its gunna be Joe, simply b/c hes in younger, and more refreshed, while Angle doesnt look so good anymore. Dont get me wrong, I still love Angle, and I dont really care for Joe, but right now Ill take Joe


Mar 28, 2007
Reaction score
Do you see any active superstars retiring by this time next year?


What are your opinions on Chuck Taylor do you want to see him ROH if so where would you like to see him (Midcard ME Etc.) (White Machismo)

To be completely honest with you, I have actually never seen Chuck Taylor wrestle. As most of you know, I just started watching ROH not too long ago. The main ones I am famliar with in ROH is Samoa Joe (TNA), CM Punk (WWE), Delirious, Colt Cabana, Austin Aries, Chris Hero, Brian Danielson, and Nigel McGuiness. Those are really the only ones Ive seen in ROH, or seen on videos I have watched. So I can't really answer your question. Im sorry......

Do you see any active superstars retiring by this time next year? (Bradders)

Hmmmmm. Good question. Of those who may be at the end of thier road and may be getting older and stuff like that, you have to look at guys like maybe Finlay, Mark Henry, or The Undertaker. But my safe pick is Ric Flair. He has even said that his last match will prolly be at WM 24, so Ill pick him. I dont really see anyone else retiring before then, but you never know with injuries and other things.......

Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
What are your opinions on Chuck Taylor do you want to see him ROH if so where would you like to see him (Midcard ME Etc.) (White Machismo)

To be completely honest with you, I have actually never seen Chuck Taylor wrestle. As most of you know, I just started watching ROH not too long ago. The main ones I am famliar with in ROH is Samoa Joe (TNA), CM Punk (WWE), Delirious, Colt Cabana, Austin Aries, Chris Hero, Brian Danielson, and Nigel McGuiness. Those are really the only ones Ive seen in ROH, or seen on videos I have watched. So I can't really answer your question. Im sorry......

Ok no problem, heres another question then which match do you think was better this year Nigel McGuinness Vs Joe or McGuinness Vs Morishima and why?


Which match do you think was better this year Nigel McGuinness Vs Joe or McGuinness Vs Morishima and why?

Once again, this question has an impediment on my answer. I havent seen the McGuinness/Morishima match, so by default, I have to say McGuinness/Joe. I loved the match. It wasnt as long as I thought it would be given the star power in the ring, but still a good overall match. I have seen better from ROH though.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Who is your favorite Canadian wrestler and why?