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  • Don't forget the fantasy NFL draft is today. 5 pm pacific time I think not sure what time that is for you.
    Oh. Maybe I should've picked up on that. I'm just so far removed from caring about that series at the moment.
    Hey man, i am good thNKS MAN but you know sometimes You can't find time to get here with work and family.

    How about you ? anything awesome lately ? how are gee ? i hope you are still happy together <3
    I don't know if I will or not. As I said, I'm done with the game for now and it has to drop in price quite a bit to be worth it.

    I didn't play them because I unplugged my 360 to put another PS3 in that spot. Each of my PS3's has something wrong with it and I don't have enough to get them repaired, especially because PS4 is probably gonna be released in a year or two, so I'm sticking it out, so I use one for games and one for DVD and Blu Ray discs. Plus, I just didn't think they deserved to be played after what Bioware did to me as a fan. That original feeling of playing the ending of Mass Effect 3 is the single most disappointing experience I've ever had as a gamer, and I wasn't willing to spend the extra time that you have to spend playing the game for it.
    No, and in fact, I'm going to trade in the game on Tuesday to get some money for releases I've got coming in this year. I did watch the extended cuts, though, and they're definately better than the original ending but still don't really make the ending an omg this is great experience. I can live with, I think it was the destroy ending, but I forget. One of them is satisfying enough or not bad, whatever mediocre terminology you want to use, and at least doesn't leave me with a bad taste in my mouth, I think that was the best if my memory is correct. But I'm done with the game, at least for now. They did more damage to this series than they could ever completely repair and pretty much ensured that AC III beats it for GOTY. Maybe I'll buy it on PS3 if the price ever drops a hell of a lot.
    Going to be doing a review from wrestlemania as I was there *bit late I know* want you to read it tbh :D
    Not sure if you're interested, but we've got the Fantasy Football League for the site all set up. Feel free to join. All the info is in the Sports section.
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