WWF/E's Raw, Smackdown & PPV's 2002

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WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
Fact that SS was one of my first ever wrestling DVD's.

Think you are being a bit harsh on the Trish/Victoria hardcore match, thought it was very heated and had some nice spots too. Loved the Mirror, Mirror segment post-match, but felt one thing which let the show down was too many segments for a PPV.

They handled the Heyman switch well and to me it made sense.

Loved the whole Stacy/Testicles thing gave her something a little more interesting to do and she was great value.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
I'm not gonna go nice on them just because they are woman, plus I loved the build up to the blow-off match but they didn't deliver. I just say it how it is.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Smackdown 11/21/2002
Hartford, CT

WWE Champion: The Big Show
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero’s
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman

The show opens and we get a video package of the history between Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman, it shows clips from the debut, KOTR Win, Killing Hogan, WWE Championship win at SummerSlam then the feud with Show and ending with the Heyman SWERVE!

Backstage, Brock is shown pacing back and forth waiting for Big Show & Paul Heyman to arrive.

Rey Mysterio vs. Jamie Noble (w/ Nidia)
3 minutes isn't enough :( But with the 3 minutes they fit in a lot of really good back-and-forth action, they also used the story of Knoble being on a 3 match losing streak so he was trying anything he can to win. From ground and pound, vicious suplexes and forearms, Nidia interference and he even busted out a high flying move. But this also wasn't just all Knoble as Rey was ON! Here, way better than his performance from Survivor Series. All his shit was smooth and fluid with his motions. The finish was cool as ice too, WHAT? So Noble attempts to hit the tiger bomb, but Rey counters and delivers a drop toe hold. He then hits the 619 and is about to hit the west coast pop but Nidia interferes; so he chases her around the ring and back into the ting when he counters a body press into a springboard middle rope west coast pop for the win. AWESOME! **3/4


Backstage, Brock continues to pace around looking for Big Show & Heyman. He goes into a room, I'm guessing it's the heel on because Los Guerrero’s, John Cena & Matt Hardy are in there. As Brock walks in they all cower in their seats :lmao Cena does it hilariously, it's like he tried to act invisible. Matt Hardy congratulates him on his performance at Survivor Series, but says it’s too bad that Heyman screwed him, if he had some of his matt-tributes then maybe he wouldn't have suffered such and unfortunate twist of fate. Brock looks at him, then grabs him up against one wall then throws him through another wall. AWESOME!


After the commercial, the Trainers, Stephanie, and the Guerrero's are all tending to Matt Hardy. Eddie Guerrero says that Brock is a maniac. Stephanie can't believe Brock did this. Eddie says that this place isn't safe. Stephanie says that she will talk to him. Eddie asks if she thinks Brock will listen to a woman. Stephanie says that she runs Smackdown not Brock Lesnar.

Nidia tries to consoles Jamie Noble. And that they have only hits a patch of bad luck. Jamie says he's going to have to call his crazy cousin Nunzio to turn around his luck but Nidia pleads with Jamie not to call that "crazy" cousin.

Stephanie finds Brock backstage and says she will not tolerate Brock's actions. She understands that he is angry but she won't tolerate what he did to Matt, she says he will get his title shot, just not tonight. He must wait until his rib is healed. Brock is so PISSED! That he isn't even listening to her, and she says if Brock lays a hand on Heyman, Big Show or anyone else, he will be suspended. This gets Brock's attention as he stops to stare at Steph before leaving the area.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Tajiri vs. Billy Kidman
Tajiri tries to carry this but Kidman still fuckin' sucks. He still hasn't realized that selling is part of wrestling or he thinks he's Main Eventer because he's bangin' Torrie AHHHHHHHHHH! Anyway, Tajiri's kicks rule here at one point in the match Kidman ducks the Stiff Kick and gets hurricanerana, but during the pin count Tajiri freakin' bridges out of the cover and kicks Kidman in the back of the head. AWESOME! The match would end a minute later when Kidman would counter a Top rope bulldog with a powerbomb and finally finishes it with his shitty version of the Shooting Star Press for the win. **1/2

Marc Lloyd is awaiting the arrival of the Big Show for an interview. Heyman and Show arrive, Paul says he knows what's happened, and if Brock touches either one of them, he will be suspended. Big Show steps in and says make way for the new WWE Champion.

Chris Benoit vs. Chavo Guerrero
Eddie comes out with Chavo but the referee immediately bans him from ringside before they can even get into the ring, as for the match it was 4 minutes but JESUS! It was good. This without a doubt it is one of the better Chavo one-on-one matches that he had in the WWE with someone not named Rey Mysterio. Benoit beating him up Benoit style to open the match was great as he really took it to him for costing him the titles at SSeries. But Benoit makes that one mistake which allows Chavo to start working on the mid-section first by throwing him mid-section first a few times into the middle turnbuckle. Outside the ring Chavo would then hit a Tope Suicida, Chavo then tries a slingshot body splash but Benoit gets the knee up. But Chavo stops all the momentum by hitting this sweet "European uppercut" They trade some moves and Chavo even kicks out of the Triple Germans and Diving Head butt t. The match would end when Chavo attacks again Benoit's mid-section. Benoit counters and throws Chavo on the top rope. Chavo spring boards over the top rope but right into the awaiting Benoit and the crippler cross face and he taps. **3/4 - ***

Backstage, In Steph’s office she asks Brock not to listen to Heyman and Show, who are on their way to the ring, because she doesn’t want him being provoked him. BROCK IS PISSED! She says she has to grant them airtime since he is the champ. She reminds him that his ribs are all busted up and he could injure himself worse. She says also if he doesn't stay back she will suspend him. He says that its bullshit.

Brock's music hits, but Heyman comes out. He's wearing the WWE championship and he even does the BROCK! warm-up :mark: He gets on the mic and says, its only once in a life time that a man comes along who is so special that he can conquer all his fears and has intangible factor that separate him from everyone else. He says let’s give credit where credit is due, since the day after Wrestlemania everyone has had the privilege of experiencing the greatness of Paul Heyman. He says he named Brock Lesnar the next Big Thing, aided him in King Of the Ring, Helped him end Hogan's career, helped him win the title at SummerSlam, he even helped him with at hell in a cell and the Undertaker. But the Brock started to drift from Heyman so Heyman taught Brock a lesson because he wants the credit to go to him. He says he was part of the greatest inside job in Madison Square Garden. He says he helped a client who understands him and will listen to him, Big Show. Heyman introduces his client, the new Undisputed champion, The Big Show! Show says he would like to thank Brock Lesnar for giving him to opportunity to wrestle him at Survivor Series, and for Brock being so hot headed and letting him comes in and take everything Brock had. Show says he took Brock's agent, his title, his whole damn life away, and there wasn't a thing he could do about it. And that he is focused and determined to defend his belt with the help of Heyman. He says Edge has a chance to take the title, but there is no way he is giving it up. Heyman officially DUMPS Brock Lesnar as his client :lmao and his final act as Brock's agent occurred the night before Survivor Series when he negotiated a final clause into the contract, and it's called NO REMATCH! They leave, but Brock comes out of the crowd over the security wall, grabs a chair Show tries to run up the ramp, but Brock nails him in the back as security stop any more damage from happening.

Back from a commercial and officials are holding Brock back. Stephanie confronts Brock Lesnar and says he is going to hurt himself. She says that if he does anything else tonight then he will be suspended.

Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero
Chavo comes to the ring with Eddie, but the referee immediately bans Chavo from ringside. The first 2 or so minutes had neither guy being able of control pace for a long period of time but they did bump extremely well for the other whenever the other would hit something. Eddie would gain control when he sends Angle into the ring steps, then grabs two chairs; he leans one outside the ring and brings the other in the ring. Well the ref sees the chair in the ring and takes it away. While the ref is turned Eddie hits Kurt in the back and begins to work on that. Oh before I talk about Eddie's control Kurt busting out new moves was great, he hit a Flying Forearm, and monkey flipped and evens a spinebuster. Eddie was vicious as always on the back with suplexes and he even put on the "Camel Clutch" Late in the match, Chavo comes out to the stage to watch the match then slowly but creepily begins to walk down the ramp :lmao Angle hits two German suplexes but gets low blowed and tossed. Chavo swoops in from mid-ramp, stomps Angle a bit, then runs back to the ramp where he was as the ref turns around. Benoit appears behind him but Chavo doesn’t see it. Outside, Eddie hits a scoop slammed and goes back in to distract the ref while Chavo attacks again, then returns to his spot mid-ramp. Benoit just watches. Back in, Eddie hits the slingshot Swanton. And goes for the Lasso from El Paso, but that gets countered to the ankle lock, and that gets countered back to the Lasso, countered BACK to the ankle lock. Eddie kicks out. Angle delivers a release German suplex. Angle goes for the Angle slam but Chavo distracts him. Eddie counters a knocks Angle down. Eddie gets on the top rope but Angle knocks him down. Chavo gets on the apron and is knocked down by Angle. Angle gets on the top rope with Eddie and hits the Angle slam and covers for the win. Post-Match: Chavo attacks Angle but that doesn't last long as Kurt puts him in the ankle lock. Benoit is still on the stage and is applauding Angle's efforts, while Angle is yelling at him. ***1/4

Before we go to a commercial we see Funaki, Edge and a Stage worker looking at some notes or a contract, and talking to one another.

Scott Steiner video package that is highlighted with "I’m Big Poppa Pump. Boom Shaka Laka!" at the end :lmaolmao:lmao

SMACKDOWN’s #1 Announcer Funaki interviews Edge, he asks Edge about the Big Show, and Edge talks about how big the Show is. Funaki says Show reminds him of Godzilla. Edge says tonight he is King Kong and everyone knows that King Kong always kicks Godzilla's ass. Edge says that this is one of the biggest nights of his career and this is his first ever title shot, and he knows he’s gonna get messed up, but that’s the price he’s willing to pay to make his lifelong dream come true and become the WWE Champion.

Rikishi vs. John Cena
Cena throwing up the "Word Life" gang signs but still has regular attire is still pretty funny. The match is about to begin when Dawn Marie and Al come out. Dawn says their special day is growing near, and they invite the Smackdown audience to be a part of their wedding. They embrace and kiss and they leave. AL FUCKIN' WILSON!

FUCK THIS MATCH! Rikishi wins the match after a spinebuster. Post-Match: Bull Buchannan AKA B2 or is it B Square attacks Rikishi.

Backstage, In the Big Shows' locker room Heyman says he is afraid of Lesnar and Big Show complains about not being able to compete tonight due to Brock's chair shots. And how says that Heyman needs to get him out of the match with Edge.

Paul goes to Steph's office looking over his shoulder then demanding to know where Brock is. He says the Brock is a ruthless animal hell-bent on revenge and nothing can stop him. Heyman says that Big Show is in no condition to have a match tonight. He says Brock Lesnar is no ordinary man and hits with no ordinary chair shot. She says he needs to get Show ready. Heyman asks what guarantee he has that Lesnar won't attack. She says she guarantees that Brock won't interfere in his match tonight. Heyman says that if Brock attacks him he will sue her, her father and sue Smackdown! Right into the ground, Stephanie yells for him to get out and even throws a pen at him.

WWE Championship: Edge vs. The Big Show (w/ Paul Heyman)
For 6 minutes this was pretty damn good, Edge using his quickness to out-hit and piss off show was fun, but that doesn’t last long as Show kills him with a clothesline. Then Show begins to slow down the match and just throw Edge around like he was a little toy, Edge's bumping was great here. Late in the match, Show hits a suplex and undoes a turnbuckle pad. Edge counters the whip to the exposed corner and hits drop toehold on the Show into the exposed turnbuckle and goes up top with a tornado DDT for two. He then hits Show with one spear, but show is still on his feet so he hits another and Show is still on his feet but this time Edge gathers speed and hits a third which knocks Show off his feet and Edge cover but as it looks like the ref is about to count to three Heyman pulls Edge off and Edge has the same disbelief face that Brock had at Survivor Series. Edge chases Heyman around the ring, but Show stops him by grabbing Edge and picking him up from off the floor onto the apron then from the apron over the top rope and down on the mat with a chokeslam. Heyman tells Show not to pin Edge, but to treat him as if he was Brock Lesnar. So Show chokeslams him again, Heyman again told him not to pin him. Big Show hits a third chokeslam on Edge but Lesnar runs out and f-5's Show as Heyman runs through the crowd. Brock then chases Heyman out of the arena, who escapes in a waiting limo. **3/4


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not gonna go nice on them just because they are woman, plus I loved the build up to the blow-off match but they didn't deliver. I just say it how it is.

So do I and I say your wrong! lol.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Raw 11/25/2002
North Charleston, South Carolina

WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Jericho & Christian
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

WWE World Tag Team Championship: The Dudley Boyz vs. Chris Jericho & Christian
This was a fuckin' mess from the start; they go like 6 minutes with pretty average back-and-forth action and Jericho pushes D-Von into Christian and then rolls up D-Von for the three and the win, but while he has his shoulders on the mat too. As Jericho and Christian walk to the back, Eric Bischoff's music hits and he comes out Val gets on the mic. And says that he has signed on as a member of Eric Bischoff's "administration" and that Bischoff has assigned him the new "chief of staff" Val then says he saw that both Jericho's and D-Vons shoulders were on the mat. His first official ruling will be that this match will continue. So the match gets restarted and a minute later when the Dudleyz hit the 3-D on Christian for the win. But as they celebrate, Val comes out and tells us that he has seen another violation of the rules. Bubba was the illegal man in the ring, so this match is restarted. UGH! Jericho and Bubba go at it with Jericho gaining the advantage. But Bubba ends up with some punches and sets up the Whassup headbutt from the top which D-Von delivers. Bubba then shoves D-Von and calls for the tables. As D-Von tries to bring it in, Christian baseball slides him and inside the ring, Jericho hits a bulldog on Bubba but misses the Lionsault. Bubba spears Jericho and goes for the cover but Jericho gets his shoulder up at two. With the referee distracted, Christian hits Bubba with the title belt and Jericho puts him in the Walls of Jericho and Bubba taps. **1/2

Backstage, Terri interviews Shawn Michaels. She states that it's unfortunate what happened to Triple H but shortly after the injury, Shawn went on to win the title. She asks him how his first title defense in five years feels. Michaels says that it's not only his first title defense in five years; it's his first match on Raw in five years. But as for the match, nobody deserves it more than RVD. He says there are other things he'd like to tell RVD but he'll tell him to his face and he leaves.

Chris Jericho and Christian walk by celebrating their title defense win with champagne. They poor it all over Terri and then walk on :lmao Jericho says that if Scott Steiner didn't interfere in the match last week, Jericho would have the world title shot this week. They both proceed to make fun of Steiner and the way he talks, and then decide to go out to drink some more and have some fun with the women of Charleston.

Bubba & D-Von express their frustration with the outcome of their match, but Bubba says that you don't go into a battle without a game plan.

Steven Richards vs. Test (w/ Stacy Keibler)
Test pretty much dominates the match, Richards got in maybe two shots but Test kills him with a Test Drive.

Backstage, Christian and Chris Jericho walk out of the shower only wearing towels into a dressing room full of other superstars. Christian says they finally got the stink of Charleston off of them. They notice that their luggage is missing, when D-Von pokes his head in with some bags and runs off. Jericho and Christian go after him but they cannot keep up as they are still both in towels. They try to get back in but the door is locked so they start walking away when Bubba opens it and says "whassssup" Jericho & Christian dive back to the door, but Bubba shuts it on their faces and we go to commercial.

Stacy Congratulates Test on his victory, Test says at first he wasn't sure what to think, but now he is proud to say that he loves his Testicles. They kiss and Stacy says she loves the taste of victory; Test goes into his locker room to shower but out of nowhere Victoria to come up from behind and smother her like a NINJA! She says she has a match with Trish tonight, but maybe she'll be thinking of Stacy. The fans love Stacy for her looks, for her legs. But she loves Stacy for another reason. She licks Stacy from her chin to her ear, remarking that she loves the taste of fear.

Chris Nowinski vs. Maven
Chris gets on the mic and says that he wants to savoir this moment, because right here and right now is the last time that anyone can say that Maven is better than he is. We all know the only reason Maven won Tough enough was politics. He played the sympathy card when he told the judges that his mother was sick. Maven leaps out at Nowinski and starts beating him down outside. He smashes Nowinski into the apron, but Chris turns and clocks him with the book. Nowinski backs up the ring as the ref calls for help.

Backstage, Christian and Jericho are still walking around in their towels looking for their bags. Christian leads them into a room where they can get clothes, it’s obviously Three-Minute Warnings bag because Jericho makes fun of a tiger jacket and Christian pulls out some huge shorts. They continue to make fun of the clothes but Rico, Rosie and Jamal come in. Rico tells them they have three seconds to put down their clothes and leave.

WWE Women's Championship: Trish Stratus vs. Victoria
Head and shoulders above the SSeries match, hell it might be the best Woman’s match of the year. Victoria was mad brutal and violent on attack, she really looked unstable at times, and Trish was bumping and selling like a real Canadian champ. Her brief comebacks were almost as good as her selling. Victoria would cut her off at every turn and the cut off spots would get more brutal than the last. The match ends when Victoria lies on Trish and applies a sleeper. Trish fights up and out, but Victoria pokes her in the eye. Trish goes for the Stratusfaction, but Victoria shoves her into the ropes. She flips Trish onto her back and hits the Widow's Peak for the win. Steven Richards comes out on the stage; Victoria licks his neck and face and bites his ear. **3/4

Backstage, Shawn Michaels finds Rob Van Dam. Shawn says that Van Dam has an unbelievable amount of talent. He gives the fans everything they want. He reminds him of a younger HBK, but he's missing one thing. Shawn slaps him and RVD slaps him back.

Christian and Jericho continue looking for clothes while in towels, but Christian stops Jericho and says he's worried about his little general "shrinking" :lmao They walk by a television asking the refs to give then their shirts but they refuse and Regal has this AWESOME WTF look on his face. They look at the TV monitors and see that the Dudleyz have their bags and are in the ring with them.

The Dudley Boyz begin to throw clothing out to the audience, Bubba says "They've got more clothes than the Godfather's got hos". He pulls out one of Jericho's shirts and tosses it into the crowd. D-Von pulls out a pair of Christian's jeans and tosses them into the crowd. Christian and Jericho make their way out, still in their towel. Bubba reaches into the bag and brings out a jar of "ass cream" Bubba asks Jericho what he's doing with a jar of ASS CREAM?? :lmao D-Von says that if they don't come down, then they don't really need the clothes anymore. With that, they throw the entire bags into the crowd. Bubba says that if Jericho & Christian want to steal their tag titles, then they'll steal their dignity. Suddenly, Spike Dudley sneaks up behind Jericho & Christian and rips their towels off. The camera cuts to a long view so nothing can be seen as Christian and Jericho run to the back. Christian runs back the mini-tron twice: lmao

Lance Storm & William Regal vs. Jeff Hardy & Hurricane
This was extremely fun due to Storm and Regal pretty much beating the shit out of these two the whole time and having them bump on everything. Jeff didn't even get tagged into the match, which makes it 2 weeks in a ROW. OH SHIT! HEEL TURN! COMING! The match ends when Helms dives for the tag, but Storm catches him and attempts the Half Crab. Jeff Hardy runs in and knocks Storm away, but Regal gets in a STIFF kick to the jaw. Storm locks Hurricane into the Sharpshooter for the tapout win. Post-Match: Jeff Hardy goes to check on Hurricane but Regal & Storm to beat him up. *1/2

Kane vs. Batista (w/ Ric Flair)
Ric Flair comes out on stage and says he knows Kane wants Batista tonight, but he has something to say. Flair mocks Kane, suggesting he's disappointed to see the Nature Boy and says that he is a sixteen time World champion. Flair continues to talk but Kane gets out of the ring and charges Flair. Suddenly, Batista attacks Kane from behind and throws him into the ring to start the match. This goes at least one minute and the match ends when Batista misses a clothesline, allowing Kane to hit a powerslam but there is no ref to count. Kane goes to check on the ref, allowing Flair to nail him in the head with a chair. Batista then hits the Batista bomb for the win.

Backstage, Bischoff and Chief of Staff are sitting down. And Sean says the trade is official Big Show for Ivory, D-Von, Al Snow & himself. Eric says Speaking of Big Show, his leaving Raw and becoming WWE Champ makes him look bad, and Scott Steiner appearing on Smackdown this week makes him look even worse. Morley says he can guarantee that Steiner will be on Raw next week. We are interrupted for an RNN Randy News Network; Randy wishes everyone a happy Thanksgiving, and says he's thankful for his doctors. But most importantly he’s thankful for his 3rd generation genetics, but please keep sending those emails and get well cards to getwellrandy@wwe.com

WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Shawn Michaels vs. Rob Van Dam
During RVD’s entrance JR says “RVD has been a bridesmaid before, but never a groom” :lmao that makes no sense. But I think he realized he fucked up and say what that means is RVD has come so close before but never won. Shawn has on these awful cheap ring attire on its black and says HBK on the side and on the butt. But at least it’s better than the hideous SSeries attire. The match starts with some basic mat wrestling and it doesn’t look good at all, really slow in truncations and sloppy with counters. RVD then hits a leg drop on Michael’s back but Shawn would cut him off before he can do anymore damage to it. They then do some worthless time filler moves then Shawn begins to work on the knees of RVD with chop blocks, elbows, throwing it into the ring post then the figure four. RVD gets to the ropes but Shawn just kicks away then hits a shin/knee breaker and again goes for the figure four but this time RVD kicks him into the post and he begins the comeback, in which he completely forgets about the knee like he would grab it once or twice but after that he was acting like nothing happen with backflips and jumping. But they do, do this sweet spot when Michaels goes for Sweet Chin Music but RVD ducks down and hits a spin kick of his own. The match ends when RVD hits a roundhouse punch, then a backbreaker. He then climbs the to the top rope and hits a Five Star Frog Splash and covers, but Triple H pulls him out of the ring on 2 and absolutely kills him with a Pedigree on the floor. Triple H gets a steel chair and sets it up inside the ring, but Michaels starts fighting back and the two exchange punches but Triple H picks Shawn up and hits a backbreaker onto the chair and the tape cuts off. **


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Smackdown 11/28/2002
Columbia, SC

WWE Champion: The Big Show
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero's
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman

Tazz is unable to be here so ERNEST THE CAT MILLER it on commentary for the night; I don't remember this at all lol

Smackdown GM Stephanie McMahon comes out to open the show, and she gets on the mic. She says she has a responsibility to all the fans and all the superstars in the back. That's why the decision to suspend Brock Lesnar is so hard. She says bringing Brock to Smackdown was her greatest coop. She says last week Lesnar put her in an awkward place after defying her twice. She says that everyone needs to understand that she is the boss and what she says goes. He didn't leave her with a lot of options. Brock Lesnar comes out and stares her down, He says that because she is out here barking orders about his career he should be out there so she could tell him face to face. Brock gets all up in her face and chases her out of the ring. She says he makes her uncomfortable and she thinks he needs to cool off. She walks up the ramp and has a hoard of cops comes up to the ring. She says the police are here for his protection. Stephanie officially suspends Brock indefinitely! And says "I did not screw Brock Lesnar, Brock Lesnar screwed Brock Lesnar†:lmao

The cops are escorting Brock out of the building. One of the cops says he is sorry about what happened. Brock says if another one of them touches him he will use his night stick as a thermometer. He gets in his car and drives off.

Rey Mysterio and Edge vs. Matt Hardy and John Cena (W/ B2)
Mattitude.com says Matt has been to Plymouth Rock & Matt thinks Thanksgiving is a boring holiday, Cena has this terrible scratching theme song. Cat making white boy jokes towards Cena all match was hilarious. Now as for the match, it was good but real short so as soon as i really started getting into it, it ended :( Edge took the heat-segment on this and Matt was good beating on him while Cena is meh! Still he's trying but it still looks green as fuck. Rey's hot-tag ruled he was smooth and hit everything like Rey should; it appears the knee which was bothering him seems to be a little better. The match ends when Rey dropkicks Matt to the second rope but B-Squared breaks up the 619. Matt tries to take out Edge but ends up on the other rope and takes the 619 but Cena prevents Rey from any more damage. Edge hits a spear on Cena then Plancha dives onto B2, back in the ring Rey attempts a hurricanrana but Matt counters it into a powerbomb pinning combination and uses the ropes for the win. **1/2

Backstage, Stephanie McMahon walks talking to herself. Kurt Angle stops her and asks what is wrong. She says she can't believe the people booed her after she is going to bring them Scott Steiner. Angle says he knows how she feels. He says maybe tonight they will cheer for him and if they don't they suck. Stephanie yells that everything has to be about Kurt. Stephanie says she is getting a visit from "Aunt Flo". Angle doesn't get it :lmao She says that "Aunt Flo" visits monthly, Angle thinks it’s nice that her aunt visits every month, obviously not understanding what she is implying. Finally she says she is suffering from PMS. She leaves and Angle can't figure out what PMS has to do with her aunt visiting. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Mark Lloyd is in the parking lot because apparently Brock Lesnar returned to the parking lot. A limo pulls up and out comes Scott Steiner; Steiner flexes for the camera and walks past Mark Lloyd.

Tajiri vs. Chuck Palumbo
Chuck Palumbo man handles Tajiri for a while. Tajiri locks in the tarantula. Palumbo hits a leg sweep. Palumbo locks in the pad lock his new submission move, but Tajiri gets to the ropes forcing Palumbo to break the hold. Tajiri kicks Palumbo on the side of the head. Tajiri sprays Palumbo with the green mist then hits his martial arts kick and covers for the win. FUCK YEAH!

Backstage, Stephanie is in her office and she hears someone knock on the door. She thinks is Scott Steiner but it's not, instead Moolah comes in and says she is surprised. Stephanie says she has to ask her something. She says that the south is supposed to be full of manners. Stephanie says that Columbia is really horrible. She says it’s the enema of the earth. Moolah gets offended because it is her home town. Stephanie says she is sorry for being nasty it’s just that Brock put her in a bad position. Stephanie says she wants Moolah to be in a match tonight. She accepts. WHAT?

Mark Lloyd asks a scalper if he sold a ticket to Brock and the scalper pretends he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. "Who is Brock Lesnar, never heard of him before I'm waiting for my brother"

Paul Heyman and Big Show are walking backstage, and Matt Hardy runs into them. He says informs them about Brock’s suspension because of Lesnar almost attacking Stephanie. Heyman says they know that already. Matt brags about his win. Heyman says he loves Matt and Show congratulates him and they leave.

Billy Kidman talks to Torrie Wilson, i didn't hear any of it as I was busy looking at her HAWT face and bangin' body which was covered up.

Ernest the Cat Miller introduces Torrie, who is dressed as an American Indian. He then introduces Dawn Marie, who comes out in a mini pilgrim outfit and then some guy in a turkey suit comes down, who turns out to be Al Wilson! FUCK YEAH! Cat hands the mic over to Al he goes on about Thanksgiving bringing family together, Torrie is pissed off and embarrassed at the same time. The Cat finally shuts him up. Torrie removes her jackets and parades around with her outfit and then Dawn dances seductively in her costume. Dawn flaunts her engagement ring. Torrie smacks Dawn. Then Torrie rips off her outfit. Torrie throws pie at Dawn then gets hit with some stuffing and Torrie throws the pumpkin on her. Al helps Dawn and Torrie puts the turkey head back on him.

WWE Tag Team Championships: Los Guerrero's vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit
FUCK YEAH! Smackdown six do it again. Before the match even starts Kurt & Benoit shake hands decide it's gonna be Benoit so Angle hugs Benoit and slaps him on the ass, then Eddie tags out so we get Benoit/Chavo to start :lmao The early portion was all Benoit taking it to Chavo and even taking Eddie out if he tried to get involved, Kurt then tagged himself in so we get Eddie/Kurt, Eddie puts Angle in a head lock. Angle battles out but is clotheslines by Eddie. Angle brags to Benoit and Eddie hits him from behind. Angle hits Eddie with a German suplex. Benoit nails a German on Chavo. Benoit and Angle start arguing in the ring. Which allows the Guerrero's to grab their belts and try to leave with no one seeing them :lmao The ref tells the announcer the match will not end in a count out so the match must continue as we go to a commercial. We come back and Eddie is working on the mid-section and has Benoit tied up in an abdominal stretch. Benoit tries to fight back but Eddie hits a sweet Snapmare suplex. The Guerrero's continue with the heat-segment and it's really AWESOME! Cheating, double team moves and just great cut-off spots. Kurt's babyface hot-tag rules too as he just threw Eddie and Chavo around which allows Benoit to comeback in and German suplex on Chavo then on Eddie. Benoit gets on the top rope and hits the head butt. Benoit covers but Eddie kicks out. The match would end minutes later when Eddie hits a low blow and DDT on Angle Eddie gets on the top rope and attempts a frog splash. Angle hits an Angle slam on Eddie then on Chavo. Benoit locks in the cross face. Angle throws him off and locks in the ankle lock. Benoit puts the cross face on Eddie and Angle locks in the Ankle lock. Eddie tapped but the ref didn't see it. Chavo breaks up Benoit. Chavo hits a frog splash on Benoit. Eddie covers Benoit but Benoit gets his shoulder up. Eddie gets on the top rope but Angle suplexes him down. Chavo hits Benoit with the belt in his face. Eddie covers Benoit for the win. AWESOME FINISHING STRETCH! ***1/2 - ***3/4

Backstage, Jamie Noble and Nidia are talking and Jamie Noble introduces Scott Steiner to Nidia. Steiner doesn’t say anything, just slaps Nidia on the ass and walks off. Noble flips out and heads to the ring.

Jamie Noble and Nidia are in the ring and Noble calls out Steiner. He says when it comes to making love to Nidia he is the only big bad booty daddy. Steiner comes out to the ring. Nidia tries to get Noble to leave. Steiner takes off his shirt, then Noble does. Steiner drops Noble to the mat then drives his elbow through him. Steiner drops down and does some push ups. Then gets up and slams Noble out of the ring. Nidia goes after him and Steiner slaps her ass. Steiner gets on the mic saying that everyone is asking what show he is going to join. He says on RAW Jericho found out, and tonight Noble found out that he is still the genetic freak with the largest arms in the world. Steiner says until he makes his decision to be on RAW or Smackdown! He is going to flex his peaks and please his freaks, he finishes up by saying, “Big Poppa Pump has your hook up, holla if ya hear meâ€.

Steph is on the phone in her office. And Heyman comes in and says that Show is willing to waive the no-rematch clause and defend his title against Brock tonight. Stephanie says that Show will defend his title against a superstar of championship proportions. Heyman says that that is impossible. Stephanie says nothing is impossible and the match is made.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman vs. Crash
Didn’t watch

Backstage, Moolah is walking to the ring for her match and Big Show is on his way to.

WWE Championship: The Fabulous Moolah vs. The Big Show (w/ Paul Heyman)
Moolah hides behind the ref as Show gets in the ring. Heyman tells her she has nothing to be afraid of. Heyman says he’s always been a fan of hers and that she’s a legend. He talks about how big the Big Show is and how much he respects her. Show’s only out there to say “Happy Thanksgiving.†Paul then tells Big Show to pretend that Moolah is Brock Lesnar, Big Show grabs Moolah by the throat and goes to chokeslam her but Brock Lesnar runs in and attacks Big Show from behind Show and Lesnar go at it outside the ring, while Heyman runs away. Brock then F5 Show through the Spanish announce table. Heyman continues to run and Brock chases him, but Steph appears at the top of the ramp with the cops from before.



WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
WWE Smackdown 11/28/2002
Columbia, SC

WWE Champion: The Big Show
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero's
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman

Tazz is unable to be here so ERNEST THE CAT MILLER it on commentary for the night; I don't remember this at all lol

Smackdown GM Stephanie McMahon comes out to open the show, and she gets on the mic. She says she has a responsibility to all the fans and all the superstars in the back. That's why the decision to suspend Brock Lesnar is so hard. She says bringing Brock to Smackdown was her greatest coop. She says last week Lesnar put her in an awkward place after defying her twice. She says that everyone needs to understand that she is the boss and what she says goes. He didn't leave her with a lot of options. Brock Lesnar comes out and stares her down, He says that because she is out here barking orders about his career he should be out there so she could tell him face to face. Brock gets all up in her face and chases her out of the ring. She says he makes her uncomfortable and she thinks he needs to cool off. She walks up the ramp and has a hoard of cops comes up to the ring. She says the police are here for his protection. Stephanie officially suspends Brock indefinitely! And says "I did not screw Brock Lesnar, Brock Lesnar screwed Brock Lesnar” :lmao

The cops are escorting Brock out of the building. One of the cops says he is sorry about what happened. Brock says if another one of them touches him he will use his night stick as a thermometer. He gets in his car and drives off.

Rey Mysterio and Edge vs. Matt Hardy and John Cena (W/ B2)
Mattitude.com says Matt has been to Plymouth Rock & Matt thinks Thanksgiving is a boring holiday, Cena has this terrible scratching theme song. Cat making white boy jokes towards Cena all match was hilarious. Now as for the match, it was good but real short so as soon as i really started getting into it, it ended :( Edge took the heat-segment on this and Matt was good beating on him while Cena is meh! Still he's trying but it still looks green as fuck. Rey's hot-tag ruled he was smooth and hit everything like Rey should; it appears the knee which was bothering him seems to be a little better. The match ends when Rey dropkicks Matt to the second rope but B-Squared breaks up the 619. Matt tries to take out Edge but ends up on the other rope and takes the 619 but Cena prevents Rey from any more damage. Edge hits a spear on Cena then Plancha dives onto B2, back in the ring Rey attempts a hurricanrana but Matt counters it into a powerbomb pinning combination and uses the ropes for the win. **1/2

Backstage, Stephanie McMahon walks talking to herself. Kurt Angle stops her and asks what is wrong. She says she can't believe the people booed her after she is going to bring them Scott Steiner. Angle says he knows how she feels. He says maybe tonight they will cheer for him and if they don't they suck. Stephanie yells that everything has to be about Kurt. Stephanie says she is getting a visit from "Aunt Flo". Angle doesn't get it :lmao She says that "Aunt Flo" visits monthly, Angle thinks it’s nice that her aunt visits every month, obviously not understanding what she is implying. Finally she says she is suffering from PMS. She leaves and Angle can't figure out what PMS has to do with her aunt visiting. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Mark Lloyd is in the parking lot because apparently Brock Lesnar returned to the parking lot. A limo pulls up and out comes Scott Steiner; Steiner flexes for the camera and walks past Mark Lloyd.

Tajiri vs. Chuck Palumbo
Chuck Palumbo man handles Tajiri for a while. Tajiri locks in the tarantula. Palumbo hits a leg sweep. Palumbo locks in the pad lock his new submission move, but Tajiri gets to the ropes forcing Palumbo to break the hold. Tajiri kicks Palumbo on the side of the head. Tajiri sprays Palumbo with the green mist then hits his martial arts kick and covers for the win. FUCK YEAH!

Backstage, Stephanie is in her office and she hears someone knock on the door. She thinks is Scott Steiner but it's not, instead Moolah comes in and says she is surprised. Stephanie says she has to ask her something. She says that the south is supposed to be full of manners. Stephanie says that Columbia is really horrible. She says it’s the enema of the earth. Moolah gets offended because it is her home town. Stephanie says she is sorry for being nasty it’s just that Brock put her in a bad position. Stephanie says she wants Moolah to be in a match tonight. She accepts. WHAT?

Mark Lloyd asks a scalper if he sold a ticket to Brock and the scalper pretends he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. "Who is Brock Lesnar, never heard of him before I'm waiting for my brother"

Paul Heyman and Big Show are walking backstage, and Matt Hardy runs into them. He says informs them about Brock’s suspension because of Lesnar almost attacking Stephanie. Heyman says they know that already. Matt brags about his win. Heyman says he loves Matt and Show congratulates him and they leave.

Billy Kidman talks to Torrie Wilson, i didn't hear any of it as I was busy looking at her HAWT face and bangin' body which was covered up.

Ernest the Cat Miller introduces Torrie, who is dressed as an American Indian. He then introduces Dawn Marie, who comes out in a mini pilgrim outfit and then some guy in a turkey suit comes down, who turns out to be Al Wilson! FUCK YEAH! Cat hands the mic over to Al he goes on about Thanksgiving bringing family together, Torrie is pissed off and embarrassed at the same time. The Cat finally shuts him up. Torrie removes her jackets and parades around with her outfit and then Dawn dances seductively in her costume. Dawn flaunts her engagement ring. Torrie smacks Dawn. Then Torrie rips off her outfit. Torrie throws pie at Dawn then gets hit with some stuffing and Torrie throws the pumpkin on her. Al helps Dawn and Torrie puts the turkey head back on him.

WWE Tag Team Championships: Los Guerrero's vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit
FUCK YEAH! Smackdown six do it again. Before the match even starts Kurt & Benoit shake hands decide it's gonna be Benoit so Angle hugs Benoit and slaps him on the ass, then Eddie tags out so we get Benoit/Chavo to start :lmao The early portion was all Benoit taking it to Chavo and even taking Eddie out if he tried to get involved, Kurt then tagged himself in so we get Eddie/Kurt, Eddie puts Angle in a head lock. Angle battles out but is clotheslines by Eddie. Angle brags to Benoit and Eddie hits him from behind. Angle hits Eddie with a German suplex. Benoit nails a German on Chavo. Benoit and Angle start arguing in the ring. Which allows the Guerrero's to grab their belts and try to leave with no one seeing them :lmao The ref tells the announcer the match will not end in a count out so the match must continue as we go to a commercial. We come back and Eddie is working on the mid-section and has Benoit tied up in an abdominal stretch. Benoit tries to fight back but Eddie hits a sweet Snapmare suplex. The Guerrero's continue with the heat-segment and it's really AWESOME! Cheating, double team moves and just great cut-off spots. Kurt's babyface hot-tag rules too as he just threw Eddie and Chavo around which allows Benoit to comeback in and German suplex on Chavo then on Eddie. Benoit gets on the top rope and hits the head butt. Benoit covers but Eddie kicks out. The match would end minutes later when Eddie hits a low blow and DDT on Angle Eddie gets on the top rope and attempts a frog splash. Angle hits an Angle slam on Eddie then on Chavo. Benoit locks in the cross face. Angle throws him off and locks in the ankle lock. Benoit puts the cross face on Eddie and Angle locks in the Ankle lock. Eddie tapped but the ref didn't see it. Chavo breaks up Benoit. Chavo hits a frog splash on Benoit. Eddie covers Benoit but Benoit gets his shoulder up. Eddie gets on the top rope but Angle suplexes him down. Chavo hits Benoit with the belt in his face. Eddie covers Benoit for the win. AWESOME FINISHING STRETCH! ***1/2 - ***3/4

Backstage, Jamie Noble and Nidia are talking and Jamie Noble introduces Scott Steiner to Nidia. Steiner doesn’t say anything, just slaps Nidia on the ass and walks off. Noble flips out and heads to the ring.

Jamie Noble and Nidia are in the ring and Noble calls out Steiner. He says when it comes to making love to Nidia he is the only big bad booty daddy. Steiner comes out to the ring. Nidia tries to get Noble to leave. Steiner takes off his shirt, then Noble does. Steiner drops Noble to the mat then drives his elbow through him. Steiner drops down and does some push ups. Then gets up and slams Noble out of the ring. Nidia goes after him and Steiner slaps her ass. Steiner gets on the mic saying that everyone is asking what show he is going to join. He says on RAW Jericho found out, and tonight Noble found out that he is still the genetic freak with the largest arms in the world. Steiner says until he makes his decision to be on RAW or Smackdown! He is going to flex his peaks and please his freaks, he finishes up by saying, “Big Poppa Pump has your hook up, holla if ya hear me”.

Steph is on the phone in her office. And Heyman comes in and says that Show is willing to waive the no-rematch clause and defend his title against Brock tonight. Stephanie says that Show will defend his title against a superstar of championship proportions. Heyman says that that is impossible. Stephanie says nothing is impossible and the match is made.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman vs. Crash
Didn’t watch

Backstage, Moolah is walking to the ring for her match and Big Show is on his way to.

WWE Championship: The Fabulous Moolah vs. The Big Show (w/ Paul Heyman)
Moolah hides behind the ref as Show gets in the ring. Heyman tells her she has nothing to be afraid of. Heyman says he’s always been a fan of hers and that she’s a legend. He talks about how big the Big Show is and how much he respects her. Show’s only out there to say “Happy Thanksgiving.” Paul then tells Big Show to pretend that Moolah is Brock Lesnar, Big Show grabs Moolah by the throat and goes to chokeslam her but Brock Lesnar runs in and attacks Big Show from behind Show and Lesnar go at it outside the ring, while Heyman runs away. Brock then F5 Show through the Spanish announce table. Heyman continues to run and Brock chases him, but Steph appears at the top of the ramp with the cops from before.


The Cat on commentary, that dumb Steiner/Noble/Nidia segment and Show VS. Moolah in the MAIN EVENT!? Are you sure you didn't dream up that SD?

Found the Jericho/Christian team entertaining but the stuff with their clothes being stolen is just lame.

Feuding with HBK did slightly more for Van Dam than the Triple H feud, it still felt a bit like WWE saying "this kid might be a star one day, but for now is just a plucky rookie" you know like he was never "Mr Monday Night".


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
The Cat on commentary, that dumb Steiner/Noble/Nidia segment and Show VS. Moolah in the MAIN EVENT!? Are you sure you didn't dream up that SD?

Found the Jericho/Christian team entertaining but the stuff with their clothes being stolen is just lame.

Feuding with HBK did slightly more for Van Dam than the Triple H feud, it still felt a bit like WWE saying "this kid might be a star one day, but for now is just a plucky rookie" you know like he was never "Mr Monday Night".

I would take that SD over anything Raw was doing, I love the Jericho/Christian due too comedy at it's finest and as for the towel stuff i found it funny. It's two idiots in a towel all night making fun of everyone else even though they are wearing towels looking like the real idiots. HBK/RVD i wouldn't call that a feud as it was only a two week deal to pass the time until HHH came back, but i agree it came off as "this kid might be a star one day, but for now is just a rookie who reminds everyone as a young Shawn"


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Raw 12/02/2002
Austin, Texas

WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Jericho & Christian
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

The Dudley Boyz vs. Three Minute Warning (w/ Rico)
I didn't care for this at all, Jamal was good as usual but I hate to say it but the Dudleyz are getting up in age and look really sloppy at moments. The match ends when behind the refs back Rico gets in the ring and hits a nice spin kick on Bubba, which leads to a near-fall. This would lead to a Spike run down and attack Rico and then push Jamal off of the top rope. Before they can call for the tables, Rosey beats up both Dudleys and then heads to the top but is pushed off by D-Von. Finally, the Dudleys set up for the 3-D but Rico interferes and so they miss the move. Rico gets chucked out and they finally do hit the 3-D on Rosey to get the win. **

During the break, Christian and Jericho came down and attacked all three Dudleyz. They throw Spike Dudley off the stage onto the announce table, while inside the ring, the Three Minute Warning beat up the Dudleys, after which Jericho and Christian gave the two a Conchairto.

Eric Bischoff says that things are getting out of hand so Sean Morely assures him that he'll take care of it. He also tells Bischoff that from now on, he'd like to be known as Chief Morely. Triple H enters the room and asks Bischoff what the deal is? His career was nearly ended in the Elimination Champion; he then complains about his match tonight against Rob Van Dam and asks him why he should wrestle RVD. Because the fans like him? He doesn't give a crap. Bischoff says he respects Triple H for wrestling injured, and that he's been more than fair towards Triple H. If he wants the world title back, he wants great TV in return. That's why he has to face RVD in a #1 contender's match tonight. Triple H says if he wants great TV, he will give him a friggin' train wreck. Morely says that you talk about things getting out of hand; this #1 contender match is getting out of hand. Bischoff agrees and says there will be a special guest referee.

Trish Stratus vs. Ivory
Trish i really coming into her own here and looked great during the beat down and the comeback, Ivory had her moments too. Most of the match saw Victoria backstage watching on a TV, frowning then smiling and putting a hat similar to one of Trish's on. The match ends when Trish hit the Stratusfaction. *1/2

Backstage, Victoria is going through someone's bag when Jacqueline comes from behind and says that it's her stuff. Victoria says if it's her bags, she's sure she'll find something battery operated. :lmao Jacqueline then challenges her to a match and calls her a psycho bitch. Victoria throws Jackie into the locker and says she'll show her psycho but Jackie reverses it. Victoria is left with a frustrated look on her face.

Chris Jericho and Christian have their bags chained to the lockers :lmao and Jericho says they have a message for the RAW locker room. if anybody messes with them, they will end up like the Dudleyz, Christian says that Jericho will Booker T that he's not a sucker and Jericho says that he'll call me victorious cause he's the undisputed King of the World.

Jeff Hardy & Tommy Dreamer vs. William Regal & Lance Storm
More Regal/Storm beating on Jeff's partner and Jeff never tagging into the match :lmao At one point Dreamer back body drops Storm and tags to Jeff but Regal distracts the ref so he doesn't see it. Behind the ref's back, Regal exposes the turnbuckle and Storm drives Dreamer into it and gets the win. Post-Match: Jeff attacks Regal and Storm. He hits Storm with the Whisper in the Wind on Lance and a jawbreaker on Regal but Storm low blows him. *1/2

Backstage, Ric Flair walks upto Batista and says that he hasn't seen anybody with Batista's potential in a long long time. But he wants Batista to open a bit and he wants to take advantage of his past. Batista says Ric doesn't know about his past but Flair says that he does and specifically mentions how he had to fight since an early age. Flair says that he wants the world to see the REAL Batista.

The Hurricane vs. Batista (w/ Ric Flair)
SQUASH! And Hurricane bumps huge for him. Batista wins with the spinebuster and then the Batistabomb, for the win. Post-Match: Flair tells Batista to power bomb Hurricane again, but out of nowhere. Kane comes running down and makes the save.

Backstage, Terri asks Michaels how his back is after Triple H hit him with the backbreaker last week. Shawn says that he's here so he must be doing okay. It took him a while to get here, but he's getting older so it takes him longer. Michaels then says the reason he is here tonight is because of the #1 Contenders match to see who he will face at Armageddon. As much as he'd like to face RVD again, he needs to get his hands on Triple H. Rob Van Dam interrupts and says that Triple H saved his title last week. He had him beat and would have been the world champion but surprise, surprise Triple H shows up and ruins everything. How could be friends with that asshole? Eric comes up and announces that Shawn Michaels will be the special guest referee like no one could see it coming. Bischoff adds that he expects Shawn to call the match straight down the middle and if he shows any favouritism, he will strip Shawn of his title tonight.

Booker T vs. Chris Jericho
During Jericho's entrance Booker gets on the mic and says Jericho always says he's a huge rock star, but after seeing him last week, he isn't huge anywhere. Maybe he should be a movie star, and his first movie would be Stuart Little. And he could see himself starring in 8-Mile. This goes around 6 minutes and it was average but it was just back-and-forth action that went nowhere with no storytelling. I would call this a filler match or angle advancement, Booker hits a Scissors Kick. As the ref begins the count, Chief Morely comes out and tells him to stop. He says that if Christian and Goldust are so inclined to interfere in this match, he will end the Jericho/Booker match and instead make a tag team match featuring all four men for the world titles.

WWE World Tag Team Championship: Goldust & Booker T vs. Christian & Chris Jericho
We come back to see Christian and Goldust in the ring, and the crowd is HYPED! This goes around 7 minutes and it had a ton of great stuff, from Goldust being smooth. Christian & Jericho bumping their asses off when needed then when they took over they did the tag formula off cut the ring in half and use cheap heel tactics. This also had a ridiculously AWESOME! Finishing stretch with the action being go, go, go with near-falls and reversals. The match would end when Booker T is tagged in and he also gets a near fall but he decks Jericho with a reverse kick and gives the fans what they want - the Spinaroonie. Christian tries to clock Booker with the title belt, but it's thwarted as Goldust and Christian brawl to the outside. Inside the ring, Jericho tries to illegally pin Booker but he kicks out and we get a minor ref bump, allowing Jericho to hit Booker T with the title belt for the win. ***1/4

F-View TV; It shows Test and Stacy making out. Stacy says that she has a new marketing idea for his testicles.

Jacqueline vs. Victoria
Alright but too short to mean anything, Jacqueline reverses roundhouse kick to get the win. Post-Match: Steven Richards come down to console Victoria as we go to a commercial. We come back to see Richards and Victoria still in the ring. Victoria calls Jackie back but Scott Steiner instead comes out. He grabs a mic and tells Victoria that instead of hanging around Richards, he can show her how to hang around a real man. Scott tells Victoria that Eric Bischoff has a special surprise for tonight but that later he'll show Victoria why he's called the Big Bad Booty Daddy. Victoria responds by saying that she doesn't feel he has what it takes and from behind Richards nails Steiner but it of course nowhere. Steven attacks Steiner from behind, but Scott ends up beating up Steven and Victoria in the middle of the ring and yells in Steven's face! Eric Bischoff's music hits and he welcomes Steiner back to Raw and says that he realizes that Steiner is the most coveted free agent on the market. Bischoff says that to show his feelings, he has a very special gift for Steiner and invites him to the back to see it. Steiner goes up the ramp and leaves with Bischoff. Cameras follow them to the back where about ten of Texas' finest are gathered. Steiner says they are very nice but he never has a problem finding his own freak - in fact, he has one inside his limo. Bischoff gets excited and says he's going to go see. He opens the door and Stephanie gets out. She says that she can offer Steiner something which he simply can't and she leaves with Steiner.

Randy Orton is @ WWF NEW YORK, And while he’s giving his update on his rehab progress. JR interrupts Randy and informs him that they will cut him off for some late breaking news.

Backstage, Triple H is looking for Shawn Michaels and first he asks Shawn how his back is after last week. Triple H then says that that was just the beginning, and he's is going to become #1 Contender and take back what is his. Shawn says that he beaten Triple H at Summerslam and at Survivor Series. And tonight, he doesn't have to submit, he doesn't have to get pinned, he just has to cross the ref once for the Game to be over.

#1 Contenders Match: Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam (Special Referee: Shawn Michaels)
Shawn Michaels immediately bans Ric Flair from ringside. This was just a complete "Angle Advancement" match the main focus was all about HHH/HBK. These two just don't have chemistry and while it looks like they both kinda try it’s just mad sloppy and unenjoyably. The match ends when, RVD tries for a high cross body but Triple H ducks and he hits Shawn instead for a ref bump. Meanwhile, Triple H hits a facebuster on RVD and then goes and grabs a chair but as he's about to use it, Shawn gets up and takes it away from him. As HHH and Shawn stare at each other, RVD tries for a heel kick but Triple H ducks again and Van Dam hits Shawn again. RVD with a Rolling Thunder on Triple H and as he goes to wake up Shawn, Triple H hits him with the chair which Shawn did not see. Michaels gets up and reluctantly counts the three. Post-Match: Shawn attacks Triple H and they brawl around the ring until they are separated, but that doesn't last long and they start beating up all the officials and go at each other again. Shawn and Triple H are separated again but Shawn hits the superkick on Triple H, and Shawn walks away as the show ends. *1/4


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Smackdown 12/05/2002
Dallas, Texas

WWE Champion: The Big Show
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero’s
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman

Rey Mysterio vs. Albert
There is really no one better who works a big-man vs. little-man match more than Rey, I think Shawn is close behind but Rey is just so AWESOME! at it. The way he bumps and looks like he dies on everything Albert throws at him is great, even hit brief comebacks and when he starts quickening the pace just for the bigger guy to kill him and completely kill the crowd is just a joy to watch. The match ends when Mysterio nails the 619, then attempts the West Coast Pop but Albert catches him in mid-air and delivers a shoulder backbreaker for the win. Post-Match: Rey attempts to get up after the match but Albert attacks. He sits Rey upon the turnbuckle then kicks the hell out of his knee. Rey is hanging by his knee on the turnbuckle. Albert brings a chair in and pummels Rey's knee. Edge comes out to the rescue. **1/2

Smackdown #1! Announcer Funaki interviews Bill Demott. Bill complains about being in the business for 11 years and not getting his due on Smackdown, and he deserves more than an interview from a guy who can barely speak English. He grabs Funaki and shoves him down.

Stephanie McMahon out onto the stage and says she is horrified about Mysterio and that every Smackdown! Wrestler sacrifices their body, just like Rey Mysterio did. Just like she made a sacrifice on Monday night. The video of Steph as Steiner’s “Superfreak†rolls. Steph says she sacrificed herself to bring Scott Steiner to Smackdown for all of us :lmao She says she still is keeping Lesnar suspended, but she will allow Brock to explain his side of the story here tonight... live via satellite.

Crash Holly vs. Jamie Noble (w/ Nidia)

They show Benoit sitting in a leather jacket; he says that tonight he is a fatal four way match to be the number one contender for the WWE title. He says this is all he wanted and everything he has gone though, his divorce, his broken neck, leaving his family is to become the WWE champion. Benoit says there is four men standing in his way, he says tonight he will use everything he has to win the championship.

Backstage, Dawn Marie approaches Torrie Wilson and instinctively says “Don’t hit me!†:lmao Dawn says that Torrie's dad is away, but Dawn says that Al is not the only Wilson who she is interested in. Torrie. Dawn’s been watching Torrie for a long time, and talks about how beautiful she is, Dawn tries to cop a feel and Torrie gets angry about her using her dad to get to her. Dawn says she loves Al a great deal, so much so that she’s willing to call of the marriage if Torrie will meet her in her hotel room tonight. FUCK YEAH! Dawn give her the key to her hotel room.

Bill DeMott vs. Funaki
lol @ Bill DeMott, I can see why he didn't last long on TV.

Backstage, Eddie and Chavo talk in Spanish, and then back to English. Eddie says it is a big night, and he will be proud when Chavo becomes the cruiserweight champion. Chavo says that he will be proud when Eddie when the fatal four way. Eddie says he can beat the Big Show, and then asks if Chavo can imagine how impressed the family will be. Chavo says that grandma will be especially proud.

Brock Lesnar Satellite Interview, Cole asks how he feels about what is going on. Brock says that he learns from his mistakes and he's going to take care of Paul Heyman. He says he is going to punish Heyman. And he says Big Show is a puppet for Heyman. Stephanie McMahon said Brock Lesnar screwed Brock Lesnar...he is cut off by Big Show's music. Paul Heyman comes to the ring with the Big Show; Heyman gets on the mic and calls him Brock since they’re so close. Heyman says he wanted to talk to him face to face. Heyman says the title was taken away because Brock is a child, who kept defying the parent, and he needed to be spanked and who better to do it than Big Show. Lesnar asks if Heyman is done. Heyman says he is hardly done, as much as he respects Stephanie, Stephanie was wrong, Lesnar didn't screw Lesnar, they screwed Lesnar with malice and force and they liked it. And if he could turn the clock back to before Survivor Series, they would screw him again. Heyman tells him not to lose his temper again. Heyman says Lesnar can watch the number one contender match. Lesnar says he can't wait for Show to defend his title, and that he can't wait to see it.... IN PERSON!! Heyman & Big Show panic but then Show insists to Heyman that Lesnar can't do anything because he is suspended.

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Billy Kidman vs. Chavo Guerrero
Just when you start to accept Chavo as part of the Smackdown six, he comes out and does this. This was bad, real bad. Both men just went out and did a whole bunch of nothing for 7 minutes. UGH! I don't wanna talk about it.

Backstage, Marc Lloyd interviews Edge. Mark tells Edge that they are waiting for an update on the condition of Rey Mysterio, He also tells Edge that his match tonight is important to his career. Edge says when he woke up his focus was on winning the match, but after Albert attacked Mysterio his focused changed a little bit. Edge notices Albert standing off-screen and charges him, they begin to brawl but WWE Officials and wrestlers break it up.

Tazz is in the ring to tell us tonight is the first ever hip-hop challenge. Cena comes out with B2, Tazz asks if Cena realizes that they are on TV and he is dressed like that. Rikishi comes out next in his rapping gear. Tazz says since Cena is dressed funnier than Rikishi he goes first. So Cena goes first and it was pretty average. Rikishi is next and doesn't do quite as good but WWE pipes the shit out of this cause NO WAY! He would have got huge pops. Rikishi goes after Cena and B squared. They quickly turn it around and double team him. Tazz is still in the ring and he locks in the Tazz-mission on Cena. Tazz puts on B2's hat and they dance.


Kurt Angle tapes his knee and Mark Lloyd asks him his thoughts on the upcoming fatal four way. Angle says his thoughts are on winning the title, proving his superiority to Benoit, showing Guerrero why he won those gold medals, and showing Edge why he is everyone's Olympic hero, and the next WWE Champion.

Edge comes out first, but Albert runs down behind him and attacks his knee with a steel chair. He gets taken to the back, and the other three come out as we go to a commercial. Edge comes back out and insists on competing. And we have another Commercial Break

#1 Contender's Elimination Match: Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. Edge
The first 5 minutes were insane. It was all boom, boom, boom going a 100 miles per hour with Angle and Benoit attacked Edge’s leg for a while and then it would breakdown and Eddie armdrags out of the Angle Slam. Gut wrench suplex by Eddie, but the frog splash only gets two. German suplex by Benoit as Angle rolls out. Benoit would then hits the headbutt on Eddie but Eddie kicks out. Edge gets on the top rope and takes Benoit down. Edge covers but Benoit kicks out. Benoit German suplexes Eddie twice but then Edge spears Eddie. Benoit locks in the cross face on Eddie. Eddie taps out and now he's gone. Three Germans by Angle to Benoit but he gets missile dropkicked by Edge who has completely forgotten about the knee at this point. Anyway, Benoit clips the leg and gets clotheslined by Benoit. Edge counters the Angle Slam with the Edge-O-Matic for two, but Benoit pulls him out of the cover and grabs the Crossface. Angle breaks it up with the ankle lock to Benoit, who fights out. Eddie comes in with his tag belt and hits Benoit in the head with it; this allows Edge to spears Eddie and covers Benoit for 3. So now we're down to Edge vs. Kurt Angle; Angle grabs the ankle lock on Edge straightaway. And they tease Edge grabbing the ropes but instead Edge reverses sending Angle outside. Back from commercial and we see footage of Kurt throwing Edge head first into the steel steps which busted Edge open so Kurt completely forgets to work on the knee and ankle and targets the head for a while. They do this AWESOME! Mini-Edge comeback but Kurt cuts him off with a Belly-to-belly and gets applies a headlock. The match would end minutes later when Edge re-hurting his leg on a Missile Dropkick, Edge hits a spear on Angle and covers, but Angle kicks out at the last second. Edge nails the edge-a-cution, but Angle kicks out of the cover. Edge crawls to the top rope, as Angle lies on the mat. Angle gets up and is knocked off the rope. Edge hits Angle with a missile drop kick. He covers but Angle kicks out. Edge sets up for the spear, he runs towards Angle but Angle kicks him in the face. Angle nails the Angle slam. He covers but Edge kicks out. Angle puts Edge in the ankle lock. Edge counters the ankle lock with a roll up pin. Angle kicks out. Angle drops Edge with a drop toe hold. Angle re-applies the ankle lock. Edge makes it to the ropes. Edge hits an Angle slam on Angle. Edge covers for two. Edge crawls to the top rope, Angle gets up to meet Edge at the top rope. Angle hits the Angle slam from the top rope and covers for the win. Post-Match: Big Show comes out and chokeslams Angle to send a message. ***

At the hotel room, Torrie Wilson knocks on a door. She uses the key card to enter and finds Dawn Marie waiting. Dawn says she was beginning to lose faith in her. Dawn says she guess she loves her father after all. Dawn says if Torrie does everything she wants the wedding will be off. Torrie turns to leave the room, and Dawn says maybe Torrie doesn't love her father after all. Torrie approaches Dawn and Smackdown ends.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Raw 12/09/2002
Knoxville, Tennessee

WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Jericho & Christian
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

Chief Morley & Eric Bischoff are in the ring as Raw opens, and show both Shawn Michaels and then Triple H, in separate rooms on the Tron. Bischoff says that their match at Armageddon can't be a regular match. He has decided that it will be a two out of three falls match but that's just the beginning. Since they have so much history together here's how it will work. The first fall like at Summerslam will be a street fight, the second fall like at Survivor Series will be inside a steel cage and the third fall, if it is needed, will take place in a ladder match, He promises that the end is near for them.

Booker T & Goldust vs. William Regal & Lance Storm
More really good action here, Booker T & Goldust are on with all their face work. I loved Goldust face-in-peril. While Booker was on the heat-segment, Lance and Regal were violent on offense and then bumped like champs during the hot-tag then when the match broke down. The match ends when Storm runs at Goldust but he powerslams him for a very long two count. Thumb to the eye by Storm but he's caught up in the air and Booker kicks him and again Regal interferes to stop the count. Outside, Booker beats up Regal while inside Storm puts on the Sharp Shooter on Goldust, causing him to tap out. Post-Match: Coach interviews Goldust and Booker T on the ramp, saying they still have an opportunity to win the titles. But they have been teaming up for about a year and always fall short. Booker interrupts and yells at him to shut up. And says that he's about two seconds away from getting the mic stuck up his ass. Goldust takes the chance to speak up and says that he's the weak link so he'll talk to Eric Bischoff to see if he can get Booker another partner. ***

Backstage, Trish is reading Hulk Hogan's book, when Chris Jericho comes up and takes it. He pretends to read a chapter in which Jericho makes Hogan submit. He tells Trish that, even though they're opponents tonight, he can tell there is sexual tension between them. No matter the outcome, he's always ready to give her some Vitamin C. Trish begins playing with Jericho, saying that she wants her Vitamin C freshly-squeezed. But, thinking back the past few weeks, maybe it should be Vitamin Wee.

RVD is on the phone in Bischoff's office when Bischoff and Chief Morley come in. Bischoff says he's waiting for Steiner, but RVD plays him off. Morley takes the phone and hangs it up. Van Dam says it was cool when Triple H used a chair on him last week, so he figured it would be fine to come in and chill on Bischoff's chair. Bischoff tells him to get ready for his match with Batista. Oh, and the guy he was on the phone with? It was Steiner, so it might not have been smart to hang up on him.

Terri asks Jeff Hardy about being compared to Shawn Michaels. It's a huge honor, and if he can capture a little HBK... Shawn Michaels comes up and says that he's acting like the Kid was dead, and that's not true. But mostly, he's here to wish Jeff luck. Jeff asks for advice on fighting Triple H. Michaels says that you'll take a beating, but eventually he gets full of himself, and that's when you get him. Jeff thanks him and says that if Shawn's match at Armageddon goes to the third fall, it's a ladder match, so if Michaels needs any help, he can ask. Jeff walks off

Rob Van Dam vs. Batista (w/ Ric Flair)
RVD bumps around like a champ for Dave's moves, the match ends when Kane ran down to attack Batista for a DQ. *3/4


Chris Nowinski & D'Lo Brown vs. Maven & Al Snow


Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H (w/ Ric Flair)
This was really good, I mean really well they do the "High flyer vs. Vet" and it really worked and was quite enjoyable. Triple H pretty much beat him up SQUASH STYLE! Post-Match: Triple H & Ric Flair beat up on Jeff after the match until Shawn Michaels comes out.


Kane vs. Three Minute Warning (w/ Rico)
This was like 2 minutes and Kane wins, WHAT? He Chokeslams Jamal for the win. At least Three-Minute Warning still has the best theme in the WWE right now. Post-Match: Rico comes in after the bell, allowing Rosie to attack from behind. They beat him in the corner, then whip him into the push-up Samoan Drop. RVD runs down and makes some headway against Rico and Jamal, then Van Daminators Rosie. Jamal tosses RVD from the ring, but Kane picks up the chair and smacks Jamal in the head. RVD tells Kane to hold the chair over Jamal in the corner, and hits the Van Terminator! *

Backstage, Test tries to look up Stacy Claus' skirt as she decorates the tree. Stacy says she has a new marketing plan. She takes out two ornaments with Test's face on them. She thinks they look good whether on the tree or right there in her hands. She sings Test a version of "Test's Nuts Roasting on an Open Fire" Suddenly; we are interrupted by RNN Randy News Network; showing Randy's trip to the New York Stock Exchange and greeting people. But keep sending those emails and get well cards to getwellrandy@wwe.com

Jericho & Christian talk, and Christian gets excited about the prospect of taking out the Dudleyz before Sunday. Jericho is still angry about Trish's words, saying he has a huge dose of Vitamin C. He plots his revenge on her, but Victoria comes up and says that no one is going to get Trish but her.

Table Match: The Dudley Boyz & Trish Stratus vs. Chris Jericho, Christian & Victoria
This was such a clusterfuck that I’m doing you justice but not writing anything about it.

Ric Flair & Triple H exits the building looking for Michaels in the parking lot. Shawn appears from behind a pillar and takes Triple H out with a snow shovel. He tosses Triple H into some garbage, then hits him with trash can. Michaels starts to walk away when he spots a ladder. He climbs it to get on top of a WWE tractor-trailer. He looks down to the dumpster where he left Triple H and leaps off for an elbow drop. The cameraman runs to the dumpster and we see Michaels on top of Triple H. Michaels yells that Trips should not have mistaken his humility for weakness. This Sunday, he will prove that he is once again the Showstopper. He's going to retain his Heavyweight Title, and why? Because he can. He still has it in him, but for Triple H, the end is near.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Smackdown 12/12/2002
Atlanta, Georgia

WWE Champion: The Big Show
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero’s
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman

Rikishi vs. B2 (w/ John Cena)
This is awful as expected they just seemed to waste time until Cena came in and hit Rikishi in the head allowing B2 to get the win. *

Backstage, Torrie arrives at the building and some crew members greet her like total Marks. The make-up girl informs Torrie that Dawn Marie has been spreading some nasty rumours about her, Torrie runs off.

Earlier Lesnar was signing some promotional autographs when he is approached by Kurt Angle. Kurt asks if he can talk to Brock for five minutes. Kurt tells Brock that he can get Brock's suspension lifted if he agrees to help him defeat the Big Show; Brock asks if Angle is saying that Angle can’t beat the Big Show. Angle says that with Heyman, Brock couldn’t beat Show. Kurt brings up Brock's NCAA days and the great feeling that comes with winning championships. Angle says that if he becomes the champion than Lesnar gets the first shot because Angle is impressed by Brock and what he has done so far. Angle asks if Brock would like to face an Olympic champion. Angle says that the greatest match in WWE history is right here Angle vs. Lesnar. Lesnar says that if Kurt gets his suspension lifted then he will think about it.

Paul Heyman, Big Show & Albert are all talking about teaming up tonight against Kurt Angle & Edge. And Heyman calls Albert A Train. So right there and then Albert decides to change his name to “A Train†Josh Mathews comes in and asks a question about the Brock/Kurt interaction, and Heyman looks at him and asks who the hell he is :lmao and has no idea what he’s talking about. So Josh informs him of the Lesnar/Angle deal. Heyman loses his shit and Show asks him to fit it, so they decide to confront Stephanie about it.

Heyman and Show charge into Steph’s office and Heyman goes off about Angle and Lesnar and some punk kid with a microphone who he’s never seen before and so on. Steph is on the phone and asks them to give her a minute. Heyman says sure, then Show starts yelling and Heyman yells at him to leave.

Shannon Moore vs. Bill DeMott
Terrible SQUASH! I hate both guys with a passion.

Stephanie lets Heyman and show back in her office. She says tonight she is signing Scott Steiner. Heyman says he doesn't care. :lmao He complains about rumours of Stephanie lifting Brock's suspension. Steph says that he was talking to Kurt Angle about that and says Brock has abided by the terms of his suspension. And that Brock makes money for Smackdown! So she can't keep him on suspension forever, so as of Sunday night @ Armageddon, Brock Lesnar's suspension is lifted. Paul yells at Stephanie about making such a decision so she kicks them out.

WWE Tag Team Championships: Los Guerrero’s vs. Chris Benoit and Billy Kidman
This was fuckin’ brilliant, from start to finish it got 15 minutes and normally I would hate to see Chavo and Billy have any involvement in a 15 minute match but Eddie/Benoit RULE! The formula was just brilliant as the first couple of minutes was Eddie/Benoit tearing it up and then Chavo/Kidman do some stuff it wasn’t bad. The match begins to breakdown and Chavo nails a spine buster and covers for 2. Chavo tosses Kidman out of the ring. Kidman and Eddie are back in the ring and both are down. Chavo tags in and chokes Kidman on the ropes. Kidman fights back and rams Chavo into the ring post. Kidman nails a back body drop on Eddie. Kidman hits a power bomb and tags in Benoit. Benoit attacks Eddie and locks in the crossface and we go to a commercial. WHAT? C’MON! As we return Kidman is attacking Chavo in the ring. Kidman is sent over the top rope and is attacked by Eddie. Now the match tightens up and the Guerrero’s begin a great heel-segment on Kidman as they use cheap heel “Lie, Cheat moves all behind the refs back. Hell they would even taunt Benoit cause they know he has a short temper so that would allow them to start double teaming Kidman. Benoit charges in to break up the hold and Chavo comes in without a tag and continues working the arm. Kidman gets a headscissors off a whip but Chavo takes control again. Tag to Eddie and Kidman gets a headscissors on Eddie and a dropkick on Chavo, then tag Benoit, but the ref doesn’t see the tag. Eddie and Chavo double team Kidman. Benoit goes into like a MAD MAN full of rage, German suplexes then snap suplexes on the Guerrero’s and then the flying headbutt for two, Benoit grabs the Crossface as Kidman goes for the Shooting Star Press on Eddie, but Eddie rolls and covers with his feet on the ropes. ***1/2

Backstage, Torrie tells Dawn Marie that what happened in the hotel last week was between the two of them. Torrie asks Dawn why she is spreading all the rumours and Dawn says that she can't believe Torrie would talk to her that way after the night they shared. Torrie tells Dawn Marie to stop spreading rumours, and Dawn says that everything she has said happened. Torrie says that what is important is for Dawn to do what she promised she then tells Dawn to get dressed, and go out to the ring and publically call off the wedding.
Dawn Marie comes to the ring. She gets on the mic she calls Al down to the ring and he comes down. Dawn tells Al that the rumours he's heard are true; she did spend the night with Torrie. But every time she looked into Torrie's eyes and every time she kissed her, she felt as if she was looking into Al's eyes and kissing Al's lips. Torrie was her only connection to Al. Before she makes her statement, she needs to know how he feels about her. Al says that he still wants to marry her! Dawn screams with excitement and says that she will marry Al on Smackdown. Dawn says that "that bitch" Torrie wanted her to call off the wedding, but she won't, suddenly. Torrie comes running down and attacks Dawn Marie. They begin to brawl and it’s FUCKIN’ AWESOME! Al tries to get in the way but Torrie shoves him down too. Some refs come down to pull Torrie off. At the top of the ramp, Dawn screams about how she’s going to show footage of the hotel room on Sunday at the Pay-Per-View, and show how much Torrie enjoyed it and how she’s nothing but a sexual predator :mark:

Crash vs. Jamie Noble (w/Nidia)
They do some stuff Noble gets on Crashes shoulders but Crash rolls him down on the mat. Cousin Nunzio comes out to save Noble and Nunzio attacks Crash for the DQ. Noble cheers Nunzio on as he puts a beating on Crash.


We have a recap of the injury to Rey Mysterio. The doctors say that they performed surgery and know Mysterio needs rehab. Rey says he wants to start his rehab and return soon. Then Albert attacks Edge from last week. In an interview Edge says that he had to watch his friend get his knee taken out then he had to focus on his fatal four way match, but then Albert attacked him and seriously hurt his knee. He says that Albert, A train, or big hair ape or whatever he calls himself has not heard the last of him. Kurt Angle pops up. Edge asks if Angle will have his back tonight, Angle says as confident that Lesnar will have his back at Armageddon.

A-Train & The Big Show (w/Paul Heyman) vs. Edge & Kurt Angle
Show pushes Edge to the mat and says he is gonna bust his ass. :lmao This match was a little weird as Kurt & Edge didn’t show any signs of not liking each other and giving their past I would of liked to see some moments of miscommunications. And another thing that really bothered me was the lack of Edge hatred, he should want to get his hand on A-Train from as soon as the bell started but he was pretty much cool and calm like A-Train didn’t take Rey out and make him have surgery. IDK it just a little weird to me. Anyway, I really liked the heel-segment on Edge as A-Train and Show slowed the match down and just took turns beating on Edge, and beating on his injured knee. Angle’s hot tag ruled and really got the crowd going, the match would end when Edge gets on the top rope but A Train knocks him down with a chair. Show chops at Angle in the ring. Show whips A Train into Angle. Angle turns it around and nails an Angle Slam on a Train and then on Big Show. Angle locks in the ankle lock on Show but Heyman pulls him off. Show nails a chokeslam and covers Angle for the win. A Train attacks Angle for good measure after the match. **3/4 - ***


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Armageddon 2002
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

WWE Champion: The Big Show
WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero's
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Jericho & Christian
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

Elimination Match for the WWE World Tag Team Championships: Chris Jericho & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Booker T & Goldust vs. William Regal & Lance Storm
The first 5 and half minutes was a mess, just a total unneeded clusterfuck so I’m glad WWE booked the deadweight of William Regal & Lance Storm & The Dudley Boyz to get eliminated in that time and leave it to Chris Jericho & Christian/Booker T & Goldust AKA the match that people actually wanted to see. Christian and Jericho isolate Goldust and they do some AWESOME! cut off from the hot tag spots at least 5 times you and it got you believing that maybe Goldust was the weak link (That was the story they were telling for the past 2 weeks) Anyway when he finally tag in Booker the crowd goes insane. We get a ton of awesome near falls; the match would end when Jericho nails Booker with the belt and gets a Lionsault for an AWESOME! Near-fall and it was a call back spot from the finish of the Raw 12/2/2002 match :mark: Jericho can't believe it. He picks up the title belt and charges, but Booker catches him with the Bookend for the win. What a feel-good moment when Booker & Goldust won it's a shame WWE ruined it in a few weeks. Post-match: The Coach interviews Booker T & Goldust and Booker tells Goldust how he’s NOT the weak link and they just proved it. ***1/4

Josh Matthews asks Brock Lesnar if he’ll be in Angle’s corner. And Brock says that tonight, he'll make an impact.

Edge vs. A-Train
Edge was here to get revenge for his buddy and former tag partner; Rey Mysterio after A-Train had injured his leg, A-Train also injured Edge's leg too. This was also one of WWE's yearly MONSTER PUSH TO ALBERT, this being the best one he had yet. He changed his name to A-Train and he's gonna have some big matches during 2003. It should be noted that it was supposed to be Matt Hardy receiving this push but it was overruled because WWE likes them big. I guess WWE forgot how great Matt was during the Brock/Taker feud when Matt was cocky and hilarious. As for the match, it wasn't too bad Edge to attempt to carry this match which was weird and as much as I loved 2002 Edge he was being helped in all of his best matches of 2002. To Edge's credit, this ended up being a lot better than I expected. I just really disliked the lame DQ ending A-Train grabs a chair nails Edge in the knee cause he couldn't beat him. Post-Match: A-Train goes to use it again, but Edge dropkicks him down, he then starts DESTROYING him with the chair, then kills him with a chair shot to the head. **1/4

Backstage, Heyman has to calm Big Show down due to Brock Lesnar’s comments. Show wants to go into Stephanie McMahon’s office but convinces him to get ready for Angle, and he'll go reason with Stephanie.

Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero
The mat work early on was some of the best I've ever seen, it was so smooth and just some ridiculously great counters and holds. At one point Benoit counters with the feet of strength in lifting up Eddie while Eddie has a short arm scissors on. IT'S AMAZING! The crowd chants "BORING" So Benoit/Eddie begin to go up-tempo. And Benoit unleashes "Canadian Violence" but Eddie isn't having any of it so he bring the "Mexican Violence" He quickly goes to a headscissors, but Benoit reverses him into a leglock and stomps away. Faceplant and Benoit charges, but gets dumped as a result. Eddie follows him out with a bodypress, looking to have hurt his knee on the fall. Back in, Eddie works on the knee, I loved all of the leg work throughout the match by Guerrero. It was just so violent and good and Benoit’s selling of it was he usual goodness and he made it look like he got shot in the leg with every move E.G Benoit would drop an Elbow or a Kick and Benoit made it look like a bullet just got put into it. I also loved Benoit’s brief comebacks and during one point Benoit goes for the crossface to fake Eddie out, and then hits the rolling German instead. AWESOME! He then hits 5 more and just to show how pissed he was he blew a snot rocket at Eddie before heading up for the Headbutt. But Eddie foils his plan by getting up, so Benoit is like “Fuck this†and heads down to deliver another pair of suplexes instead of trying a dive. Eddie reverses a powerbomb and gets his OWN rolling German, because Eddie indeed rules almost as much as Benoit. Vertical suplex and Eddie goes up for the frog splash, which gets two. I could have done without the Chavo Guerrero interference, but hey the Guerrero's are family so they help each other and do it for the family. Anyway, Chavo nails Benoit in the head with his tag title then rolls him back into the ring where Eddie gets two, but then locks in the El Paso Lasso and Benoit makes the ropes. Eddie goes back to the leg again, but Benoit chops him down then gives him a powerbomb :mark: Benoit goes up, but Chavo tries to interfere, but gets dumped to the floor again, and Eddie chases Benoit up the ropes, only to get dumped off and hit with the flying headbutt. Eddie would somehow recover first and try the El Paso Lasso, but Benoit reverses that to the Crippler Crossface, and as it looks like Eddie is about to reach the ropes Benoit switches arms. I FUCKIN' LOVE THIS GUY! Eddie tries to roll through, but Benoit holds and Eddie is forced to tap. ****

Backstage, Stephanie says “Oh, I LOVE that Chris Benoit†Paul Heyman tries to persuade her to do something about Brock Lesnar possibly being in Angle’s corner. But she interrupts him before he can anything and says Brock isn't suspended and if he wants to be in Kurt Angle's corner, that's his choice and neither of them can legally stop him. Heyman says it's always nice doing business with her, but if Brock gets involved, Big Show will break his neck.

We get a video package hyping the Dawn Marie/Torrie Wilson storyline.


Kane vs. Batista (w/ Ric Flair)
This is Batista's PPV wrestling debut and is so green here that Kane is forced to carry the match by overselling. The match was slow, plodding and was actually boring. Batista over Kane clean again doesn’t do much for Batista anymore and he looked a bit sloppy in the ring as well. 1/4*

John Cena and B2 come out to the stage and Cena drops freestyle. Highlight line being "All you women want me, I’m the envy of all your guys. Thats cuz you rely on flippin burgers and servin fries. Your girls with us, I’m bout to find her bra size"

WWE Women's Championship: Victoria vs. Trish Stratus vs. Jacqueline
This was pretty bad, it got 5 minutes and it was a total mess, with tons of blown spots. *

Backstage, Angle is with Brock Lesnar and a TV set to play a video. He keeps stressing how Brock was screwed by Heyman, reiterates his points from Smackdown and plays the tape from Survivor Series where he lost the title to the Big Show. Angle asks him point blank if he’ll help him...and Brock will only say “you won’t regret itâ€.

WWE Championship: Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show (w/Paul Heyman)
The opening few minutes saw Kurt trying to attack all different parts of Show's body but Show would just overpower Kurt. Show dumps Angle but accidentally tosses him onto Heyman. Angle sneaks in and dumps Show while Show is checking on Heyman. That just pisses Show off, though, and he starts to manhandle Angle. I loved the story of Kurt "small man" man so he started flying like some crazy SOB. At one point Show reverses the Anklelock to a chokeslam attempt, but Angle rolls through that to another Anklelock. Show shoves Angle into the ref. Heyman tosses a chair into the ring. He tosses it closer to Kurt, though. (SURVIVOR SERIES ALL OVER AGAIN) Kurt grabs it and nails Show with it. It only gets two, but Kurt goes back to the Anklelock, but Show uses his strength and shoves Angle off leading to another ref bump. A-Train runs in and attacks Kurt, which allows Show to chokeslams Angle, but Brock comes down and gives a F5 to Show then chases Heyman to the back as Angle crawls over coves Show for the win. Kurt would reveal that he and Heyman were in cahoots, so now you know how Heyman was able to manage the champion for eight months even though there were three of them. **1/2

Rob Van Dam is @ WWF New York, JR asks RVD who he thinks will win and being a face, he picks HBK.

Two out of three falls match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (w/Ric Flair)
The first fall is a Street fight, the second fall is a Steel Cage and if the third needed fall will be a ladder match. Flair gets ejected early on before the match even starts, SWERVE! Okay so this first fall was a borderline mess, as Triple H has his thigh taped up so Shawn works on the back instead and sure I understand that he wants to destroy Triple H's back just like Triple H did to him. But what I don't get is why the fuck Triple H started to work the knees of Shawn? This first fall doesn't even touch the SSlam match and it really lacked HATE! Triple H has tried to cripple Shawn like 5 times yet they start the mat work early. And I know they did the same thing during the HHH/Austin match but if you remember one of the promos, I think it was Austin who said he's "First gonna out-wrestler HHH at his own game, then he's gonna beat him up in the 2nd fall" Also, Shawn is in a Figure Four for like 2 minutes and then completely forgets about it once they really start getting Hardcore, the best part of the match was brawl to the entrance area where Hunter teases smashing Shawn's brains in with a barbed-wire 2x4. Instead, he sets it on fire with the entrance pyro but Shawn kicks him in the gut and steals it and nails Triple H with it, which busts him open. They brawl back to the ring and Triple H drop toeholds Shawn into the chair, drop him with a DDT and goes for the Pedigree. But Shawn low blows him and hits the flying forearm. Nip up by Michaels, but Hunter chops blocks his knee, nails the Pedigree for the pin. 1-0 Triple H. Triple H immediately leaves the ring, setting tables in the ring as well as throwing weapons inside before the cage is lowered. The cage match will be decided by pinfall or escaping the cage. As HBK gets up, Triple H nails him in the head with a trash can and props a table up in the corner. Shawn is busted open, so Triple H rakes his face along the cage mesh. Ric Flair comes back to watch them fight on the top of the cage. Hunter tells him to set up some tables, so Flair does Shawn then gets the better of Triple H and hits a top rope elbow. Flair then shoves the ref aside and lets himself into the cage and grabs a chair, hoping to buy Hunter enough time to escape. It backfires, though, as Shawn fights him off, steals his chair, and NAILS Hunter with it. Flair bleeds, and out bumps both men. Shawn turns around into a Pedigree attempt, but he backdrops out of it and hits Sweet Chin Music on both Flair and Hunter. He sets up a table in the corner, lays HHH on it....and SPLASHES him off the TOP of the cage and covers Triple H to even the match to 1-1. The refs place the World Title on the hoop and lift it up as Flair is helped to the back. The “ladder match†portion was like 4 minutes and sucked balls Shawn sets up a ladder in the corner and whips HHH into it. Shawn suplexes him on the ladder, sets it up, and climbs up. Hunter avoids another splash, though. FUCK IT! I'm just skipping to the end when Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music and makes his way up the ladder and touches the title Triple H recovers and tips over the ladder, sending Shawn crashing through tables on the floor. And now he begins to slowly climb the ladder and he takes down the title. This thing just never clicked. **


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hell's Club
Favorite Wrestler
WWE Raw 12/16/2002
Orlando, Florida

WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Triple H
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Booker T & Goldust
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

Intergender Tag Match: Victoria & Steven Richards vs. Trish Stratus & Test (w/ Stacy Keibler)
Victoria has the "All the things, running through here head" theme here. She debuted it last night; I just forgot to mention it. Steven and Victoria work on knees and back of Trish for a while, but Trish fights back, but Stevie rakes her eyes. Trish floats over his back and rolls him up 1-2-kickout. Stevie hits a running knee and goes up top, but Trish 'buckles him. Hurricanrana to Steven. And Test gets tagged in and pretty much destroys Steven and ends it with a Big Boot. *1/4

Backstage, Bischoff tells Morley that he's trying to mend the bridge with Triple H by having the main event is a Triple H Appreciation Night. Instead of a Main Event Match, we will have a ceremony to honor the new Champion; Morley grimaces and says that he promised the main event slot to Scott Steiner tonight. Bischoff wonders what they can do. Morley says Steiner won't be happy, but Bischoff says he'll be even angrier. He expects Morley to fix the mess.

Goldust is dressed as Santa Clause, so I guess I call him Goldy Claus 8D He asks Booker if he's been a good boy, because if so, he can touch his sack. He opens the sack and gives him a present: the World Tag Team Title belts. He thanks Booker for believing in him, Christian steps in and says that next week on RAW, he and Jericho will win their titles back. And tonight, Christian will beat Goldust, while Jericho will beat Booker. Booker tells him to shut up. Goldy Claus gives him a gift for being a naughty boy: a jar of new-and-improved Ass Cream. Christian yells that he doesn't use Ass Cream, but then pockets the jar and walks off. WIN!

Chris Nowinski vs. Maven

Shawn Michaels comes down and gets on the mic. He says Last week, Ric Flair came out and said Michaels didn't have it anymore, and that his best days were behind him. He said it was time that he passed the torch to Triple H, that guys like Flair and Michaels hated to have to go to their private room and look in the mirror to see the truth. The truth is, the Heartbreak Kid is alive and well. And that last night at Armageddon, HBK stole the show! :lmao Two-out-of-three falls, flaming bats, flying off cages, crashing from ladders through tables. He went down, but it was in a blaze of glory. Shawn then says he feels pretty good tonight, and since they've done two-out-of-three, why not do three-of-five tonight? Michaels calls out Triple H but gets Chris Jericho instead. Jericho comes to the ring and circles Michaels before taking the mic from his hand. He tells Michaels to shut his mouth and listen up. These assclowns didn't come to see HBK; they came to see Chris Jericho. It's because he's more athletic than Shawn, more charismatic and better looking than Shawn ever was. He is the true Sexy Boy. But in all seriousness, no one is more excited for HBK's return than Jericho. What an awesome performance he put on last night. The heart and courage was off the charts. But it was also very sad. The HBK of old would have defied the odds, would have silenced the sceptics, and would have won last night. And walked out of the arena still WWE World Heavyweight title Instead, Shawn Michaels lost. Shawn is a loser, and it's embarrassing. It's embarrassing to Jericho, because Shawn is the reason Jericho became a WWE Superstar. He's the reason Jericho wanted to be a Champion. He was Jericho's hero, and now he's been reduced to this. Face it, he's finished. The show is over. He's so vulnerable it's pathetic. He could kick Michaels' ass if he wanted to, and he should, but he won't even waste. Last night, Shawn proved that HBK really does stand for "Has Been Kid" Out of nowhere Shawn superkicks Jericho and leaves the ring. AWESOME!

Goldust vs. Christian
This got 4 minutes and it was damn enjoyable, it didn't have much of a story but just two guys bumping around for the other and making their offense look good. The match ends when Goldust sets Christian up in the corner for Shattered Dreams, but Christian pulls the ref in front. Big boot by Christian, who looks for the Unprettier. But Goldust counters and rolls up Christian, but Christian rolls through and uses the ropes for the win. **1/2

Backstage, Triple H is getting ready for his Appreciation Ceremony when Bischoff Congratulated Triple H on his performance last night at Armageddon. And he shouldn't have to wait till the end to have his ceremony. After all, whenever Triple H is in the ring, it's the Main Event. Triple H asks if there's something he's not telling him, Bischoff reluctantly says they might put Steiner's contract signing there. Triple H gets PISSED! And says that Steiner is just a jacked-up piece of trash that couldn't hold his JOCK! On his best day. He then tells Bischoff not to think of giving Steiner the spot. If he does, he might just pull a Stone Cold Steve Austin and walk out with the belt around his waist. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Ric Flair tells Three-Minute Warning that when they get out there, Batista is the leader and they will follow his orders.

Coach asks Kane and RVD about facing Three Minute Warning and Batista in a handicap match. Kane gives his feelings, but RVD says Kane has issues about the match. Kane continues ranting, but RVD says Kane is looking forward to working out their problems in the ring. Kane says he doesn't appreciate being mocked. Kane and Rob Van Dam appear to have some tension between them, RVD tells Kane that he's got to calm down and take things slower. Kane rolls his eyes, so Coach tries to explain by singing "It's a Small World After all." Kane chokes him to the ground, saying that it's a painful world, as Batista will find out.

Rob Van Dam & Kane vs. Three-Minute Warning (w/ Ric Flair & Rico)
RVD bumping for everyone shit made this watchable, mid-way through the match Rosie splashes RVD before he can make the tag. And a tag in Jamal, but Batista and Flair was pissed because they called for Batista to tag in. So Flair pulls Batista and the two walk up the ramp and leave. Three-Minute continue to beat on RVD, but Kane would finally get a hot-tag and singlehandedly takes out Three-Minute Warning. The match ends when RVD hits a spin kick that knocks Jamal into a Chokeslam and Kane covers for the win. **

Lance Storm & William Regal vs. The Dudley Boyz
This was actually quite fun to watch, with the heel-segment on Bubba and D-Von getting the hot tag. Storm/Regal win after Regal uses the brass knuckles to knockout D-Von, Regal/Storm are now 8-0 on Raw. *3/4

Jeff Hardy vs. D'Lo Brown

Backstage, Flair tells Steiner that tonight is Triple H's night. Nothing will ruin the ceremony. He is the World Champion. In fact, Steiner isn't half the man Triple H is. Steiner grabs Flair and tells him to tell Triple H that HE'LL be the main event from now on.

The ref finds D'Lo and apologizes for not seeing his foot on the ropes. D'Lo says the same thing happened last night on Heat. The losses don't come off his record and the dollars don't get put in his pocket. It seems these aren't mistakes, but happen because the ref is a "white boy" while D'Lo is a "black man." OH SHIT! OH SHIT! OH SHIT!

Stacy tells Test that she got him a job as a spokesperson for a “bondman deodorant” spray, Stacy sprays a little on Test's stomach and smells it, saying it smells great. Test says that if it smells good on him, it will smell good on his testicles as Test & Stacy walk off as Raven walks out from the shadows with an angry look on his face.

Booker T vs. Chris Jericho
Just like the Christian/Goldust match this didn't have much of a story, just two guys doing a bunch of moves to fill up 5 minutes. It was back-and0forth the whole time with neither guy getting the advantage for long periods of time. The match would end when Jericho walks right into a Bookend for a great near-fall as Jericho got his feet on the bottom rope. Flapjack by Booker, followed with the Spinaroonie. This allows Christian to run down but Booker hits him with a calf kick, then another to Jericho. Goldust runs down and knocks a chair from Jericho's hands. Booker knocks Christian outside, then back body drops Jericho onto him. Referee Earl Hebner raises the hand of Booker T and calls for the DQ. **1/2

Backstage, Chief Morley stops Steiner and says he made a mistake. He promised the Main Event to Steiner and Bischoff promised it to Triple H. Morley says Steiner is a Main Event player, which is why they should hold this off until next week and gives Steiner the contract for safe keeping. Besides, Florida doesn't deserve it; Steiner says that this is Triple H's moment. Morley is happy to hear this and runs off, and Steiner says Triple H will have his moment, a moment he'll never forget.

We are back from a commercial and Bischoff and Chief Morley are in the ring, they even brought out the red-carpeted in the ring. Bischoff introduces a man we owe a tremendous amount of respect, a man who has done more for this business than anyone else alive, "the new World Heavyweight champion," Triple H. Triple H comes out with Ric Flair and Bischoff introduces a video package featuring Triple H's greatest moments. Triple H says thank you, but that the fans should be thanking him, it's hard to be humble when you're The Game, when you're this damn good, when you're the best in the business. He's beaten the best: Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, Kane, Kurt Angle, The Undertaker, Stone Cold, and even The Rock. That's why he's making movies. He even retired Mick Foley. You can line them all up and he will knock them all down. He is the Game, and he is that damn good. Suddenly Scott Steiner's music hits and he comes down to the ring, with his contract in hand. Steiner says that Triple H may have beaten a lot of guys, but he can't beat Big Poppa Pump! He tells Bischoff that the contract needs to give him a World Title shot, or else he won't sign. Triple H says that he knows where Steiner came from and how they did business, but here, you earn your Title shots, and Steiner hasn't earned anything. He tells Bischoff to not give Steiner the Title shot. Steiner says he didn't come here to start at the bottom. And that he is going to be the greatest of all-time, but that is Steiner's position. And now that they're standing face-to-face, he can tell Triple H is scared of the Genetic Freak. "YOU CALLS YOURSELF THE GAME, WELL I SEE YOUR A GAME WITH NO BALLS" Now Triple H sees Steiner up-close and doesn't want to fight him. Triple H says that if Steiner wants it that bad, Bischoff can give Steiner the Title match, but it will be Steiner's funeral. Triple H reminds Steiner that he was a big fish in a small pond for a long time, but now he is jumping into the shark tank with the biggest shark of them all. Steiner looks at him in the eye and signs the contract. Bischoff announces Steiner as the newest member of the Raw brand, and as a special bonus, he will get a Title shot at the Royal Rumble. Steiner says he has the biggest arms in the world, and as long as he's around, he's the top man. But Steiner wants the Title shot tonight, and there's not a damn thing Triple H can do about it. So Triple H can have the first punch, because it will be the only shot he gets. Triple H takes off his jacket and the two go nose-to-nose with Steiner, suddenly Triple H backs up and leaves the ring slowly with a nervous smirk on his face. Steiner says Triple H isn't the man anymore. Steiner is the Big Bad Booty Daddy, and to all the freaks, Big Poppa Pump is your hook-up, and you can holler if you hear me.
Last edited:


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
Reaction score
Re: WWF/E's Raw, Smackdown & PPV's 2002

WWE Armageddon 2002
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

WWE Champion: The Big Show
WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero's
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Jericho & Christian
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

Elimination Match for the WWE World Tag Team Championships: Chris Jericho & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Booker T & Goldust vs. William Regal & Lance Storm
The first 5 and half minutes was a mess, just a total unneeded clusterfuck so I’m glad WWE booked the deadweight of William Regal & Lance Storm & The Dudley Boyz to get eliminated in that time and leave it to Chris Jericho & Christian/Booker T & Goldust AKA the match that people actually wanted to see. Christian and Jericho isolate Goldust and they do some AWESOME! cut off from the hot tag spots at least 5 times you and it got you believing that maybe Goldust was the weak link (That was the story they were telling for the past 2 weeks) Anyway when he finally tag in Booker the crowd goes insane. We get a ton of awesome near falls; the match would end when Jericho nails Booker with the belt and gets a Lionsault for an AWESOME! Near-fall and it was a call back spot from the finish of the Raw 12/2/2002 match :mark: Jericho can't believe it. He picks up the title belt and charges, but Booker catches him with the Bookend for the win. What a feel-good moment when Booker & Goldust won it's a shame WWE ruined it in a few weeks. Post-match: The Coach interviews Booker T & Goldust and Booker tells Goldust how he’s NOT the weak link and they just proved it. ***1/4

Josh Matthews asks Brock Lesnar if he’ll be in Angle’s corner. And Brock says that tonight, he'll make an impact.

Edge vs. A-Train
Edge was here to get revenge for his buddy and former tag partner; Rey Mysterio after A-Train had injured his leg, A-Train also injured Edge's leg too. This was also one of WWE's yearly MONSTER PUSH TO ALBERT, this being the best one he had yet. He changed his name to A-Train and he's gonna have some big matches during 2003. It should be noted that it was supposed to be Matt Hardy receiving this push but it was overruled because WWE likes them big. I guess WWE forgot how great Matt was during the Brock/Taker feud when Matt was cocky and hilarious. As for the match, it wasn't too bad Edge to attempt to carry this match which was weird and as much as I loved 2002 Edge he was being helped in all of his best matches of 2002. To Edge's credit, this ended up being a lot better than I expected. I just really disliked the lame DQ ending A-Train grabs a chair nails Edge in the knee cause he couldn't beat him. Post-Match: A-Train goes to use it again, but Edge dropkicks him down, he then starts DESTROYING him with the chair, then kills him with a chair shot to the head. **1/4

Backstage, Heyman has to calm Big Show down due to Brock Lesnar’s comments. Show wants to go into Stephanie McMahon’s office but convinces him to get ready for Angle, and he'll go reason with Stephanie.

Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero
The mat work early on was some of the best I've ever seen, it was so smooth and just some ridiculously great counters and holds. At one point Benoit counters with the feet of strength in lifting up Eddie while Eddie has a short arm scissors on. IT'S AMAZING! The crowd chants "BORING" So Benoit/Eddie begin to go up-tempo. And Benoit unleashes "Canadian Violence" but Eddie isn't having any of it so he bring the "Mexican Violence" He quickly goes to a headscissors, but Benoit reverses him into a leglock and stomps away. Faceplant and Benoit charges, but gets dumped as a result. Eddie follows him out with a bodypress, looking to have hurt his knee on the fall. Back in, Eddie works on the knee, I loved all of the leg work throughout the match by Guerrero. It was just so violent and good and Benoit’s selling of it was he usual goodness and he made it look like he got shot in the leg with every move E.G Benoit would drop an Elbow or a Kick and Benoit made it look like a bullet just got put into it. I also loved Benoit’s brief comebacks and during one point Benoit goes for the crossface to fake Eddie out, and then hits the rolling German instead. AWESOME! He then hits 5 more and just to show how pissed he was he blew a snot rocket at Eddie before heading up for the Headbutt. But Eddie foils his plan by getting up, so Benoit is like “Fuck this” and heads down to deliver another pair of suplexes instead of trying a dive. Eddie reverses a powerbomb and gets his OWN rolling German, because Eddie indeed rules almost as much as Benoit. Vertical suplex and Eddie goes up for the frog splash, which gets two. I could have done without the Chavo Guerrero interference, but hey the Guerrero's are family so they help each other and do it for the family. Anyway, Chavo nails Benoit in the head with his tag title then rolls him back into the ring where Eddie gets two, but then locks in the El Paso Lasso and Benoit makes the ropes. Eddie goes back to the leg again, but Benoit chops him down then gives him a powerbomb :mark: Benoit goes up, but Chavo tries to interfere, but gets dumped to the floor again, and Eddie chases Benoit up the ropes, only to get dumped off and hit with the flying headbutt. Eddie would somehow recover first and try the El Paso Lasso, but Benoit reverses that to the Crippler Crossface, and as it looks like Eddie is about to reach the ropes Benoit switches arms. I FUCKIN' LOVE THIS GUY! Eddie tries to roll through, but Benoit holds and Eddie is forced to tap. ****

Backstage, Stephanie says “Oh, I LOVE that Chris Benoit” Paul Heyman tries to persuade her to do something about Brock Lesnar possibly being in Angle’s corner. But she interrupts him before he can anything and says Brock isn't suspended and if he wants to be in Kurt Angle's corner, that's his choice and neither of them can legally stop him. Heyman says it's always nice doing business with her, but if Brock gets involved, Big Show will break his neck.

We get a video package hyping the Dawn Marie/Torrie Wilson storyline.


Kane vs. Batista (w/ Ric Flair)
This is Batista's PPV wrestling debut and is so green here that Kane is forced to carry the match by overselling. The match was slow, plodding and was actually boring. Batista over Kane clean again doesn’t do much for Batista anymore and he looked a bit sloppy in the ring as well. 1/4*

John Cena and B2 come out to the stage and Cena drops freestyle. Highlight line being "All you women want me, I’m the envy of all your guys. Thats cuz you rely on flippin burgers and servin fries. Your girls with us, I’m bout to find her bra size"

WWE Women's Championship: Victoria vs. Trish Stratus vs. Jacqueline
This was pretty bad, it got 5 minutes and it was a total mess, with tons of blown spots. *

Backstage, Angle is with Brock Lesnar and a TV set to play a video. He keeps stressing how Brock was screwed by Heyman, reiterates his points from Smackdown and plays the tape from Survivor Series where he lost the title to the Big Show. Angle asks him point blank if he’ll help him...and Brock will only say “you won’t regret it”.

WWE Championship: Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show (w/Paul Heyman)
The opening few minutes saw Kurt trying to attack all different parts of Show's body but Show would just overpower Kurt. Show dumps Angle but accidentally tosses him onto Heyman. Angle sneaks in and dumps Show while Show is checking on Heyman. That just pisses Show off, though, and he starts to manhandle Angle. I loved the story of Kurt "small man" man so he started flying like some crazy SOB. At one point Show reverses the Anklelock to a chokeslam attempt, but Angle rolls through that to another Anklelock. Show shoves Angle into the ref. Heyman tosses a chair into the ring. He tosses it closer to Kurt, though. (SURVIVOR SERIES ALL OVER AGAIN) Kurt grabs it and nails Show with it. It only gets two, but Kurt goes back to the Anklelock, but Show uses his strength and shoves Angle off leading to another ref bump. A-Train runs in and attacks Kurt, which allows Show to chokeslams Angle, but Brock comes down and gives a F5 to Show then chases Heyman to the back as Angle crawls over coves Show for the win. Kurt would reveal that he and Heyman were in cahoots, so now you know how Heyman was able to manage the champion for eight months even though there were three of them. **1/2

Rob Van Dam is @ WWF New York, JR asks RVD who he thinks will win and being a face, he picks HBK.

Two out of three falls match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (w/Ric Flair)
The first fall is a Street fight, the second fall is a Steel Cage and if the third needed fall will be a ladder match. Flair gets ejected early on before the match even starts, SWERVE! Okay so this first fall was a borderline mess, as Triple H has his thigh taped up so Shawn works on the back instead and sure I understand that he wants to destroy Triple H's back just like Triple H did to him. But what I don't get is why the fuck Triple H started to work the knees of Shawn? This first fall doesn't even touch the SSlam match and it really lacked HATE! Triple H has tried to cripple Shawn like 5 times yet they start the mat work early. And I know they did the same thing during the HHH/Austin match but if you remember one of the promos, I think it was Austin who said he's "First gonna out-wrestler HHH at his own game, then he's gonna beat him up in the 2nd fall" Also, Shawn is in a Figure Four for like 2 minutes and then completely forgets about it once they really start getting Hardcore, the best part of the match was brawl to the entrance area where Hunter teases smashing Shawn's brains in with a barbed-wire 2x4. Instead, he sets it on fire with the entrance pyro but Shawn kicks him in the gut and steals it and nails Triple H with it, which busts him open. They brawl back to the ring and Triple H drop toeholds Shawn into the chair, drop him with a DDT and goes for the Pedigree. But Shawn low blows him and hits the flying forearm. Nip up by Michaels, but Hunter chops blocks his knee, nails the Pedigree for the pin. 1-0 Triple H. Triple H immediately leaves the ring, setting tables in the ring as well as throwing weapons inside before the cage is lowered. The cage match will be decided by pinfall or escaping the cage. As HBK gets up, Triple H nails him in the head with a trash can and props a table up in the corner. Shawn is busted open, so Triple H rakes his face along the cage mesh. Ric Flair comes back to watch them fight on the top of the cage. Hunter tells him to set up some tables, so Flair does Shawn then gets the better of Triple H and hits a top rope elbow. Flair then shoves the ref aside and lets himself into the cage and grabs a chair, hoping to buy Hunter enough time to escape. It backfires, though, as Shawn fights him off, steals his chair, and NAILS Hunter with it. Flair bleeds, and out bumps both men. Shawn turns around into a Pedigree attempt, but he backdrops out of it and hits Sweet Chin Music on both Flair and Hunter. He sets up a table in the corner, lays HHH on it....and SPLASHES him off the TOP of the cage and covers Triple H to even the match to 1-1. The refs place the World Title on the hoop and lift it up as Flair is helped to the back. The “ladder match” portion was like 4 minutes and sucked balls Shawn sets up a ladder in the corner and whips HHH into it. Shawn suplexes him on the ladder, sets it up, and climbs up. Hunter avoids another splash, though. FUCK IT! I'm just skipping to the end when Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music and makes his way up the ladder and touches the title Triple H recovers and tips over the ladder, sending Shawn crashing through tables on the floor. And now he begins to slowly climb the ladder and he takes down the title. This thing just never clicked. **

Yeah watched this one the other day like I said I would.

Tag Title match - Sort of agree, it is uneven and felt rushed at the start but there was still some good action and it was a great moment when Booker and Dust went over ***

Edge VS. A-Train - Needless match but like you said better than expected **1/2

Benoit/Guerrero - Pretty awesome for most of the match ***1/2

Kane/Batista - Awful **

Trish VS. Victoria VS. Jackie - A mess **

Show/Angle - Very solid match and enjoyed Lesnar's involvement too. ***

HBK/HHH - Overlong and very patchy. This is at the point where Tripper was at his worse.

Forgettable PPV.

Dawn Marie was the V.I.P. of that terrible saga.

WWE Armageddon 2002
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

WWE Champion: The Big Show
WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Shawn Michaels
WWE Tag Team Champions: Los Guerrero's
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Chris Jericho & Christian
WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman
WWE Women's Champion: Victoria

Elimination Match for the WWE World Tag Team Championships: Chris Jericho & Christian vs. The Dudley Boyz vs. Booker T & Goldust vs. William Regal & Lance Storm
The first 5 and half minutes was a mess, just a total unneeded clusterfuck so I’m glad WWE booked the deadweight of William Regal & Lance Storm & The Dudley Boyz to get eliminated in that time and leave it to Chris Jericho & Christian/Booker T & Goldust AKA the match that people actually wanted to see. Christian and Jericho isolate Goldust and they do some AWESOME! cut off from the hot tag spots at least 5 times you and it got you believing that maybe Goldust was the weak link (That was the story they were telling for the past 2 weeks) Anyway when he finally tag in Booker the crowd goes insane. We get a ton of awesome near falls; the match would end when Jericho nails Booker with the belt and gets a Lionsault for an AWESOME! Near-fall and it was a call back spot from the finish of the Raw 12/2/2002 match :mark: Jericho can't believe it. He picks up the title belt and charges, but Booker catches him with the Bookend for the win. What a feel-good moment when Booker & Goldust won it's a shame WWE ruined it in a few weeks. Post-match: The Coach interviews Booker T & Goldust and Booker tells Goldust how he’s NOT the weak link and they just proved it. ***1/4

Josh Matthews asks Brock Lesnar if he’ll be in Angle’s corner. And Brock says that tonight, he'll make an impact.

Edge vs. A-Train
Edge was here to get revenge for his buddy and former tag partner; Rey Mysterio after A-Train had injured his leg, A-Train also injured Edge's leg too. This was also one of WWE's yearly MONSTER PUSH TO ALBERT, this being the best one he had yet. He changed his name to A-Train and he's gonna have some big matches during 2003. It should be noted that it was supposed to be Matt Hardy receiving this push but it was overruled because WWE likes them big. I guess WWE forgot how great Matt was during the Brock/Taker feud when Matt was cocky and hilarious. As for the match, it wasn't too bad Edge to attempt to carry this match which was weird and as much as I loved 2002 Edge he was being helped in all of his best matches of 2002. To Edge's credit, this ended up being a lot better than I expected. I just really disliked the lame DQ ending A-Train grabs a chair nails Edge in the knee cause he couldn't beat him. Post-Match: A-Train goes to use it again, but Edge dropkicks him down, he then starts DESTROYING him with the chair, then kills him with a chair shot to the head. **1/4

Backstage, Heyman has to calm Big Show down due to Brock Lesnar’s comments. Show wants to go into Stephanie McMahon’s office but convinces him to get ready for Angle, and he'll go reason with Stephanie.

Chris Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero
The mat work early on was some of the best I've ever seen, it was so smooth and just some ridiculously great counters and holds. At one point Benoit counters with the feet of strength in lifting up Eddie while Eddie has a short arm scissors on. IT'S AMAZING! The crowd chants "BORING" So Benoit/Eddie begin to go up-tempo. And Benoit unleashes "Canadian Violence" but Eddie isn't having any of it so he bring the "Mexican Violence" He quickly goes to a headscissors, but Benoit reverses him into a leglock and stomps away. Faceplant and Benoit charges, but gets dumped as a result. Eddie follows him out with a bodypress, looking to have hurt his knee on the fall. Back in, Eddie works on the knee, I loved all of the leg work throughout the match by Guerrero. It was just so violent and good and Benoit’s selling of it was he usual goodness and he made it look like he got shot in the leg with every move E.G Benoit would drop an Elbow or a Kick and Benoit made it look like a bullet just got put into it. I also loved Benoit’s brief comebacks and during one point Benoit goes for the crossface to fake Eddie out, and then hits the rolling German instead. AWESOME! He then hits 5 more and just to show how pissed he was he blew a snot rocket at Eddie before heading up for the Headbutt. But Eddie foils his plan by getting up, so Benoit is like “Fuck this†and heads down to deliver another pair of suplexes instead of trying a dive. Eddie reverses a powerbomb and gets his OWN rolling German, because Eddie indeed rules almost as much as Benoit. Vertical suplex and Eddie goes up for the frog splash, which gets two. I could have done without the Chavo Guerrero interference, but hey the Guerrero's are family so they help each other and do it for the family. Anyway, Chavo nails Benoit in the head with his tag title then rolls him back into the ring where Eddie gets two, but then locks in the El Paso Lasso and Benoit makes the ropes. Eddie goes back to the leg again, but Benoit chops him down then gives him a powerbomb :mark: Benoit goes up, but Chavo tries to interfere, but gets dumped to the floor again, and Eddie chases Benoit up the ropes, only to get dumped off and hit with the flying headbutt. Eddie would somehow recover first and try the El Paso Lasso, but Benoit reverses that to the Crippler Crossface, and as it looks like Eddie is about to reach the ropes Benoit switches arms. I FUCKIN' LOVE THIS GUY! Eddie tries to roll through, but Benoit holds and Eddie is forced to tap. ****

Backstage, Stephanie says “Oh, I LOVE that Chris Benoit†Paul Heyman tries to persuade her to do something about Brock Lesnar possibly being in Angle’s corner. But she interrupts him before he can anything and says Brock isn't suspended and if he wants to be in Kurt Angle's corner, that's his choice and neither of them can legally stop him. Heyman says it's always nice doing business with her, but if Brock gets involved, Big Show will break his neck.

We get a video package hyping the Dawn Marie/Torrie Wilson storyline.


Kane vs. Batista (w/ Ric Flair)
This is Batista's PPV wrestling debut and is so green here that Kane is forced to carry the match by overselling. The match was slow, plodding and was actually boring. Batista over Kane clean again doesn’t do much for Batista anymore and he looked a bit sloppy in the ring as well. 1/4*

John Cena and B2 come out to the stage and Cena drops freestyle. Highlight line being "All you women want me, I’m the envy of all your guys. Thats cuz you rely on flippin burgers and servin fries. Your girls with us, I’m bout to find her bra size"

WWE Women's Championship: Victoria vs. Trish Stratus vs. Jacqueline
This was pretty bad, it got 5 minutes and it was a total mess, with tons of blown spots. *

Backstage, Angle is with Brock Lesnar and a TV set to play a video. He keeps stressing how Brock was screwed by Heyman, reiterates his points from Smackdown and plays the tape from Survivor Series where he lost the title to the Big Show. Angle asks him point blank if he’ll help him...and Brock will only say “you won’t regret itâ€.

WWE Championship: Kurt Angle vs. The Big Show (w/Paul Heyman)
The opening few minutes saw Kurt trying to attack all different parts of Show's body but Show would just overpower Kurt. Show dumps Angle but accidentally tosses him onto Heyman. Angle sneaks in and dumps Show while Show is checking on Heyman. That just pisses Show off, though, and he starts to manhandle Angle. I loved the story of Kurt "small man" man so he started flying like some crazy SOB. At one point Show reverses the Anklelock to a chokeslam attempt, but Angle rolls through that to another Anklelock. Show shoves Angle into the ref. Heyman tosses a chair into the ring. He tosses it closer to Kurt, though. (SURVIVOR SERIES ALL OVER AGAIN) Kurt grabs it and nails Show with it. It only gets two, but Kurt goes back to the Anklelock, but Show uses his strength and shoves Angle off leading to another ref bump. A-Train runs in and attacks Kurt, which allows Show to chokeslams Angle, but Brock comes down and gives a F5 to Show then chases Heyman to the back as Angle crawls over coves Show for the win. Kurt would reveal that he and Heyman were in cahoots, so now you know how Heyman was able to manage the champion for eight months even though there were three of them. **1/2

Rob Van Dam is @ WWF New York, JR asks RVD who he thinks will win and being a face, he picks HBK.

Two out of three falls match for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship: Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H (w/Ric Flair)
The first fall is a Street fight, the second fall is a Steel Cage and if the third needed fall will be a ladder match. Flair gets ejected early on before the match even starts, SWERVE! Okay so this first fall was a borderline mess, as Triple H has his thigh taped up so Shawn works on the back instead and sure I understand that he wants to destroy Triple H's back just like Triple H did to him. But what I don't get is why the fuck Triple H started to work the knees of Shawn? This first fall doesn't even touch the SSlam match and it really lacked HATE! Triple H has tried to cripple Shawn like 5 times yet they start the mat work early. And I know they did the same thing during the HHH/Austin match but if you remember one of the promos, I think it was Austin who said he's "First gonna out-wrestler HHH at his own game, then he's gonna beat him up in the 2nd fall" Also, Shawn is in a Figure Four for like 2 minutes and then completely forgets about it once they really start getting Hardcore, the best part of the match was brawl to the entrance area where Hunter teases smashing Shawn's brains in with a barbed-wire 2x4. Instead, he sets it on fire with the entrance pyro but Shawn kicks him in the gut and steals it and nails Triple H with it, which busts him open. They brawl back to the ring and Triple H drop toeholds Shawn into the chair, drop him with a DDT and goes for the Pedigree. But Shawn low blows him and hits the flying forearm. Nip up by Michaels, but Hunter chops blocks his knee, nails the Pedigree for the pin. 1-0 Triple H. Triple H immediately leaves the ring, setting tables in the ring as well as throwing weapons inside before the cage is lowered. The cage match will be decided by pinfall or escaping the cage. As HBK gets up, Triple H nails him in the head with a trash can and props a table up in the corner. Shawn is busted open, so Triple H rakes his face along the cage mesh. Ric Flair comes back to watch them fight on the top of the cage. Hunter tells him to set up some tables, so Flair does Shawn then gets the better of Triple H and hits a top rope elbow. Flair then shoves the ref aside and lets himself into the cage and grabs a chair, hoping to buy Hunter enough time to escape. It backfires, though, as Shawn fights him off, steals his chair, and NAILS Hunter with it. Flair bleeds, and out bumps both men. Shawn turns around into a Pedigree attempt, but he backdrops out of it and hits Sweet Chin Music on both Flair and Hunter. He sets up a table in the corner, lays HHH on it....and SPLASHES him off the TOP of the cage and covers Triple H to even the match to 1-1. The refs place the World Title on the hoop and lift it up as Flair is helped to the back. The “ladder match†portion was like 4 minutes and sucked balls Shawn sets up a ladder in the corner and whips HHH into it. Shawn suplexes him on the ladder, sets it up, and climbs up. Hunter avoids another splash, though. FUCK IT! I'm just skipping to the end when Michaels hits the Sweet Chin Music and makes his way up the ladder and touches the title Triple H recovers and tips over the ladder, sending Shawn crashing through tables on the floor. And now he begins to slowly climb the ladder and he takes down the title. This thing just never clicked. **

Yeah watched this one the other day like I said I would.

Tag Title match - Sort of agree, it is uneven and felt rushed at the start but there was still some good action and it was a great moment when Booker and Dust went over ***

Edge VS. A-Train - Needless match but like you said better than expected **1/2

Benoit/Guerrero - Pretty awesome for most of the match ***1/2

Kane/Batista - Awful **

Trish VS. Victoria VS. Jackie - A mess **

Show/Angle - Very solid match and enjoyed Lesnar's involvement too. ***

HBK/HHH - Overlong and very patchy. This is at the point where Tripper was at his worse.

Forgettable PPV.

Dawn Marie was the V.I.P. of that terrible saga.