Ys Origin Mafia - Game Thread

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2012
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BC, Canada
Well the good news is, i dont think lethal gets this mad n bombs the thread if he has a team to tell.him.to chill out. So.if anything good came of this its that im gettin town vibes from mr weapon
^this is a good point


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
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Should probably clarify the parameters of his duel - I have reservations over how easily he claimed.
Pretty standard. Parallel to lynch, person with the most votes dies


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
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Town leans (most to least):

Active Suspects:

Offered nothing so far to really analyze:
Big Man
Sexpun T'Come

I need to iso Smark's 200+ posts good god why because I keep switching back and forth on him


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
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I think i'm gonna try to smoke out CP. I have so many town reads scum has to be in the inactives somewhere.

I'll let Odo have the satisfaction of knowing I'm following his wagon to see what shakes loose. Vote CP.
Sounds reasonable if not very arbitrary to me, getting inactives into the game when there's not much else to go on
He's a survivor. He's not the flip we want. Let's see what a CP flip get us. :cudi
This is less reasonable. You'd rather blind lynch me than lynch a survivor or no-lynch or lynch some other inactive? Going by your initial post the decision to vote me in the first place over any of the other inactives was arbitrary and based on who Odo was voting, and the intention was to just "smoke me out". So when did you decide it was for a lynch?

I'm not sure what CP's claim means for him, but he could possibly help us with one of the inactive pool.
First post after my claim. So he didn't really have an opinion on my claim besides maybe I could kill an inactive down the road
Vig/Duelist is a town-sided combo that I reckon would signify a pretty powerful scum team. Either that or the Duelist would be scum
If we have a vig, I'm willing to bet the duelist is scum
Seems like some very foolish set-up spec
Guys, can we leave setup spec that isn’t blatantly obvious out? If we have 2 watchers then sure but until then, it’s worthless.
I was gonna say, but Odo's right.
Cool, reason prevails
I mean if this was my game it's quite likely, but unless Tweet is as role madness as I am, I don't personally see town having two ways to kill scum in a game of this size. Maybe, if there's a serial killer. Then again, that's a lot of kills for a 17-player game.

I suppose if there's a BP SK or Godfather a duelist could be the answer to that and the vig is just for the rest of the scumbois.

Odo's right though about not setup specing. At least night on night 1 I guess. Let's see more flips first.
Wait why did you just do the thing you said Odo was right to say not to do? And then say Odo was right to say not to do the thing you just did anyway?
I updated Magic to yellow. CP not posting at all and then claiming immediately as a duelist doesn't sit well with me.

And then there's setup spec we can save for later. Magic I do think he could be scum. I don't like his jib rn either.
I'm confused why Smark even has me as a scum lean at all at this point lmao

Not liking that I claimed is the newest reason but what else should I have done when you were leading a wagon to blind lynch me, it took off, and I knew I probably wasn't going to be around much to defend myself for a long time? I'm going to claim in that situation 10/10 times as any alignment, who wouldn't? This reason seems kinda hokey just by itself but in the context of his play around me from the beginning it just seems super dang forced
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Dec 16, 2019
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I’ll read through in the morning if I’m still alive :thumbs:


Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
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it's uncanny reading Magic's posts how every time he gives a town read I agree with it's for totally different reasons than mine and not good ones in my opinion. barry and jeff reads. I didn't think there was a reason to town read me AT ALL until Rugrat pointed something out, but magic had me as a town lean at that point somehow anyway lmao


Goes kweh a lot
Aug 21, 2019
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~4.5 hours remaining in Night 1.

Apr 10, 2020
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And how do you not have opinion of Magic yet? Or Hohenheim of Light a.k.a Goku was it? Or is he Doddsy, i still can't tell which one.

I might as well retire right now tbh.

I don’t about lynch, but let’s push him for sure.

push me for what exactly? My super obvious role?

no one finds the strong lethal town read weird? everyone is in agreement with that?

I find it weird, but a lot of town leans seem to be going off of meta rather than anything this-game specific. A majority of lethal's posts have been fluff.

But were you aware of him character claiming, or are just adding that now to bolster the read?

The first point I’m not sure why you’d take that as evidence of good faith - I would expect CP to have a bit more pride than to simply accept he needed to claim

He wouldn’t be concerned about being lynched because by the time he got to claiming, Haza had already jumped on the grenade

I like it.

Don't rep me out, EOD today is a major deadline and I have no plans tonight so I should be pretty free tonight and rest of the week

fayi, big man made this exact post and disappeared (idk if he's reappeared; I'm on page 68 rn). Plus you were supposed to be working from your couch iirc, but ended up "PREOCCUPIED".


edit: that didn't work

I for sure thought I saw the goku/burns pals emote :(

pals.png, it's not on the forum unfortunately

Is it just me who thinks that DV and duelist, if they co-exist, could be on opposite sides?

all sorts of setup spec seems to me like scum trying to contribute without getting too involved in the process.

There have been attempts to link duelist with vigilante and double voter now. I know sky is a strong town lean by proxy, but just something to keep in mind if the pattern persists.

within the context of this game i had one post/timing that lined up with you(outside of this)

you claimed and i posted, i saw you claimed and i asked you your thoughts on lynching skybox. that is only post of yours i read and the only time we overlapped in the game.

so no, i dont see how that can come off as really fake because idk, id probably check the timing of this and see that it in fact lines up. i said you looked genuine and everyone is like 'BUT HOW' and i said how but he also brought up your claim so now suddenly the 'HOW' is scummy. if he wanted to question me on it then he didnt have to bring up the how before i did.

i mean all in all i could have just not gave you a fake town read as scum? he thinks it's correlated to him suggesting you duel me but, like, honestly im still not afraid youd do that. i mean you might, but do you think id be worried about you dueling me based off of rugrat's suggestions?

being spurred into activity by accusations is not a good look, magic.

why does that make him town? He's not Poyser who used to be more amiable as scum, Odo has always been rude and hostile as scum.

but that's just odo :brock2

well no. If you read CP’s post and believed he accidentally claimed character in a game character claiming is verboten, then you must 100% believe that CP is town - not a lean. if you were basing this on the five posts and hadn’t paid notice to the claim, the best you’d have is a lean

best summation of the magic case so far imo.
Apr 10, 2020
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hey HOL, let's figure shit out

I'm here. Catching up.

Jeff, Odo, Rugrat are strong town reads for me, and I suppose skybox must then also be town by proxy (play-wise I don't get anything positive from skybox).

Players more familiar have also given a significant number of town reads from meta. I think if we PoE'd what we have left, we'd have a solid group to pick from for tomorrow's wagon(s).

Big Man, Phenom, Alco - do something.
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Abolish Israel
Jan 7, 2020
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I'm a programmer HOL, no matter how severe the issue is I'm gonna be on my couch
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